HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-07, Page 7Y r 1 11 , ',. , F ,. w `NT9R7T0FVW. ;74JPq9W,FP51W7W­*WA--rWr,Mr "W", `77, .. . ' ATE Lao, a , T p p(� 1xQ'1'libl it 0t4tlka CANCER CAN ed CURED Held,.Up On The Stre ✓t _ - ' �`iii,fl $CiAT�4+ For six years I suffered from oanoer, and o • %0— _ .. v —, _ got no relief until I used Burdock Blood ,1►ilHAT tiH vtr 4. I f)Oi . FNTRAL iIL1'PCIIEIt SHOP Bittern. I need seven bottles faithfully, - ` T The Shag Titai' QVStas ]ji U1tia w BUndrea What shall I do lest,llta in silence peas} ' '" µ FURD MURPZfiY 'paten �, when the cancer gradually dried up and And• tf it do s . F Th hosae boats be4weeu the cities of finally disalipearod. I am now entirely And never prompt the of no1Yy brags, G' dd' 1 Weakness Resulting Fko well and rejoice that by using B.B.B. I Whafueedsb`thou rue? B� Cramps, Ur1Cr Giddiness and ` 11 y� ing business on the cash prinoi' New orllt and Brooltlyn mtr<Y be Qxted have escaped death either froom the snrg- Remember•ayo the ocosn•deepe era°mute. p 1C, wx l supply our customers with A .as early afbempte Igo solve the problem eon's knise or from the cancer itself. mho ehallews roar. DySpBySla. lie boat xneate et Ghe lowest paying Prices Worth is the ocean. Vam0 is but the brink of transport by Art tnikesting Signed Mas'L. J. TIIrls, , Along the Yhoro. • `' " feature of theq4,wriy' owstxuotions was Poria, Ont, , FORD .& MURPHY, CLINTON the use of a +fiata wheel- 1 @ fest, or so in �-- What shall I do to be forever known? , t diameter, with Sia floaiA the latter in. On the 24th of May the Gocterich Thy dory ©oar. Paine S Cclely Compound Lc livers 1I1 IiOSe FPOIIt g Business Challge, ' base ball team will lilay a `picked team This did full many who yet slept nnknodFn- I 10 to 7iu t� clix ed aji htl�� to the roAfaa eco a§ to bh, never, noverl Every Trouble. 11 avoid,the �f, 4n ort .the-'vpa�iei, which is }rum London, and in the evaning the Thinkst thou porchanco that the remain n flerQ. us ton desires to intimate to Ar , 0 so tfOnblgsOMV a feature bf the radial club will give a dramatic performance known ___ t ,_ � ID I In that he has bought float. Those horse torte appear to have in Victoria Ball. whom thou knowet note ` ' r oat Iii .u)o trio business lately conduct- NE�� �LS ►men of throe a. In the Last Friday Alex. Orr, of Fordwich, By angor trumps in heaven their praise to fn was fined $20.00 and costs Por sellin blown. Tho Stor of Mr William V. Rose, of "For a long time was s great suffezel' �, ed by eid Bros., and will continue the g Divine their lot. Y FOR �V��� �E�PLE firt,t a frame, shaped somewhat like the liquor after hours on Saturday night. Montreal, is the experience of thousands of from dyspepsia, and waeoftexlcompelledto: 1. able in the old stand, Huron St., Olinton, a „ „ „ q Y f, P who're by strict attention to the wants of lef%�P A or am ittvortari U, was It. F. White, of Wroxeter, erre assess- What shalt I de to gala eternal lite? men and women who are living a miserable atop on the street antis I could reoovap I s he hopes to merit and receive At all Druggists. Price 6o coots per Boz, mounted to tarn around its vertical ed a similar sutra for havin his bat- Disclrurgo aright life owing to the agonise of dyspepsia. from cramps, pains and attacks of giddi•, his o� eharerof at coags. IIs will sell for . 3 for $i,5o. Sent by Mail on recolpt of g p Mr. Rose's experience with suffering was nese that were brought on by the terrrtlo a fa P i will price. T. MILbUkN C, Co., Toronto. Axis. Four of these frames, dividing the open on Sunday. Inspector Miller wits The aim lo,du, with my which each day is rife, P g cash only, and at the lowest ea circle into eight made a Bort of the prosecutor. _ - Yea, with my Might. along one, From his youth indigestion disease. I hadlittle strength, could not. g parts, Gra portent ep]iemo- of notion thou devise and stomach troubles subjected him to dal' sleep much, and was so run down that I' - skoleton none, and this cone was caused WbI life be tied• thought I would never et better. t Chas. J. Wallis, Clinton. • to revolve by Dight horac�s mooing in a BES'h and CHEAPEST• While he who ever aorta as conscience cries ly tortures, and continued up to his sixty- g g Almost a Miracle hoxi ental circular path about 20 feet �- Shall live, thou dead. fourth year, always increasing in jnteneity "1 nese many kinds of medicine, but -Schiller. and danger. they did me little good. At last I was rp 'CITY BUTCHER SHOP — in diameter. The face gear, 15 feet in After a lifetime of failures with medi• commended to use Paint's Celery Com- DTTAwi, SEPT. 9111, 1896. diameter•, drove a three foot pinion NEVER WAS A GREATER TRUq II cines and doctors, a friend who had used pound. I tried a bottle and it did me more 11, T wish to inform the public that I will not To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. mounted upon the axis on the water THAN WHEN SAID OF DR. AG- PROOF OF SINCERITY. Paint's Celery Compound with great sue; good than anything I had taken before. '.' be undersold by any other person in the wheel shift and the wheels were within NEW'S PILLS, 200. A VIAL. cess, induced Mr Rose to give it a trial, have used four bottles and have completely Ottawa, How An Army 005cer Stood the Supreme be the distressing eine in m atom= Uonainene. I am a practical butcher; and __ _ the frame in an peening between half Teat of 134"Af In FataliYm. The medicine cues used and now Mr Rose g P o Y understand all the branches of the business, GENTLEMEN,—I hardly knew how best to halls. -- joyfully boasts of health and a new lease of ooh, and• I feel well. We keep the very best meats, and a full express m appreciation of your valuable The second lam wrs of a oonieal In the date of the 'bid army" on the life. After having had the dyspepsia for on We always on hand, and will sell at the express m remedy, Phrenoline. My eon p Little prices, little doses, but little terrors 'rontt'er, when l Mlitary posts were Mr Rose, wijh a view of benefitting all moat a lifetime, 1 think the cure ie a won. Prices. Brio along your and hes been a skeleton frc:nle at nn incline of about to drive out impurities and leave you a sometimes hnudrede cd miles from any dyspeptic sufferers writse aa follows; I derful one." Lowest Cash Pr g Gordon, who is 9 years old, a one in two, so that the horses had to money. and get the meat at the cash price. sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism clear brain and bright eye. -1vilized ptueige tbiam wus little to do in We will give credit, but not ati cash prices. for the past two ears; was so bad at times travel tip this indiu+d surface, causing,, the way of smusememt in the winter o , ;a Please Dome and lee what you can do for P y E Do you suffer from constipation or other time when the pest was snowbound, Cash at that be had to be carried about on a mat- it to rotate with their weight and trap- �E TEST OF TIMEr :, trees; was attended by two oily doctors tip- tion. disorder arising from this cause? Dr. Ag• and it was Ulan that the Teptitation the I 1,parently without the slightest benefit; spent In the third plan -a nualler design- new's Liver Pills are a safe and pleasant arm has for acrd la and drinking R. [MONS, 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home the paddle wheels were brought into a cure. At all druggists; 40 doses in a vial. Y p g s with no marked improvment; took three woll between the two h'tilf hulls of the was gained And it is tree that a great bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being boat, catamurxxn fashion, tie in the first Jeal of both wire done at that time. Is the btst test of the merits of an article. Soap is in daily use. Any f3oaP Officials of the Customs De artment It was in these duyls that an event that stands this daily test for years moat be good. FLOUR AND FEED STORES.. extensiyly advertised, which did not relieve arrangement, red the fxalewas mount- p There must be something to it. in the least. 1 was beginning to give up above the v�hesis Yard its rooting at Ottawa were busy on Friday wend• transpired that showed that the prin- g ������ all hope of his recovery, wh9n by chance Ing out instructions to collectors for cipal actor had the -courage of hie con- :, Produce mentioned the case to friend who strongly motion was tranemittedby intermediate their guidance in connection with the victions, and tbathe wasmoste Aainly �oO����� ���� ' U{ C.' C/ advised me to give Phrenoline a trial. idle wheels to the water wheel shaft. importation of goods from Great Brit- born under a IucIIy star. It was after a E' o 11 I did so, with thereaulb that when my 11.11 Beate of L and'gew.bd class seem ain. A declaration will be required few. -,Wet, stag Miramar party, and all is Headgnartere .for all kinds of boy hdd tplien adly bPlZ 11 �Otth 138 YYfle to null bes3n alt�t>tt iK feet long, with each entry that the goods are the Has stood the test for nearly three years; today it's sale is larger ;than ever wn 1 able to get on to his bicycle anis fide like had partaken most frebr'y of the wine, for no ther reason than that it best pleases and satisfies the users of soap, GARDEN SEEDS y is interogtin also to observe tont rowth, produce or manufacture of FIELD any other boy around the block, the swing}ng trxldp for ferryboat eery . reatgritain or Ireland. hence it will and, strange asfpmday�eIDr�hwaebjthe WUOL060AP—Have you ever used Wool Soaplfcr washing flannels ? ;1101 I certainly feel that I cannot say too ice had b�-p > thought out by be necessary on the part of �hippars of thali o�am,e,,��tip �r - °' WA have a choice stock of FEEL CCRN mach in praise of your medicine, end shall Milton ear in this eeaxiu>iy, with its British goods to Canada to attach such �ohammedaia religion. The Mnesul- water, biasing and shrinkage of goods dispensed with. We have it. �, I., OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o do all I can to make known itv value to �% a declax ation to the invoice. It may mans believe in fate. �0 them a man's . others. Yours very sincerely, slwefs(lexweight eipDlitriwtiott and its be made before a mayor, JJust ce of the fate is written move, and the Lime o1 -- ;: '`(Signed,), REUBEN CLARE, wtndlatis far >•widng the boats fait. 'peace or notary public. t)n shipments Highest market price paid for coarse grain, his death is get, and nettling can ad- ` or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Egge13uoh boobs seem fr reeve dYawn a little already en route to Canada the depart- vents it. Well, this trel4ef had been die- ��� C�t�PER CO.� Phone. 23 over two feet of watem and to hays bad went will be disposed to allow collect- cussed long and earnestly. The pros and u BILL & JOYNER I 'WOODpl9 P80f3PHODINML perfectly gat bot-ma,1*080ewa.—•Pro- ors some discretion, and will put glib- eong had been one over at lefigth, till The Up-to-date Cash Grocer '" The Great English Remedy. feesotr F. R. Entice in Cassier's Maga- eral interpretation upon the regulation, g y r HURON ST., CLINTON. BttoPaokagesGuaranteedto but when this requirement is fully ol•^ eMccr wanted to know of what use promptly, and permanently zine• known, of course the rule will have was rea,� r if ever cue was borax with ''_ T� care all forms of Nervous be strictly enforced. a tag of destiny attached. One officer " ,­),� Xj�`�Y ' G1O�K wealnresa.E_i-iona,spe,m- SH ELBY AND THE PR ES I DE NT 1 • ? t y'''' atorrhe¢,Impotenoyandalx finally arose ache m .there was r na0 War Declare. lni:.�urope .il " effects dbuae or Excesses, Of d19CUaaing the matter any inrther. " Feed ` tore �••• He cilncb.ei Iib, Appoiataen• wr - Flour & Mental uwtea Pliates Dmr.rhal. THE RETIRED BURGLAR. The ouly W Y waa for iffial8 a practical of Tobacco, opium or St{mu• test 0 tPtB.. ueation, anfl h� would t ' Before and After. la+rta, +Which soon lead to In „Dib of40'esae fai3Oab71ffsaving traits �. r'��t" & SHORTS i� ?ells of Boma Very Unpleasant Lrzpe- give hixnaclS tie a.aubject. Could a man But that does not prevent farmers from needing new fences, ; , jlrm{ty, Ittean{ty, ooaawnptton and an early grave. wee his ability to ewy easeb3y the right ri¢noea with MSrrora o BRAN Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of thin@ bo the right man in the right willfully dTapo9e UP his iiia when the so we have for that parpose'aid in a large stook of Wire, in t't-' cases; is the only Reliable and Sonat Ned"" "I have bad," said the retired bur- � Barbed Safety Barb, Black end Gtvlvlxpj&d, also a stock of l ,,l'ty place. A heavy Ag111 wawmade on him fatal moment had been, chosen at his i+ In largo or small quantities. Pe birth frons above. Haile at the lowcat yes®ibis price fol Laeli, bttotan. Ask druggist Wood's Phosphodlae; it When• be was a ca>,nd'idete far the mar- glar, "some very unplpaaant ex riencea v + ,' :: MEAL kno m. some uggis tfor medicine in place of this Y He could get no one to try the experi- LL'® would also call special attention to our 'spring stock of $a1 and Gaps, 11 he had told Presi- with mis�ors. I think I have told you Ready Made Clothing and New Tweeds, which will be found eats good value. r!y OIL CAKE and M Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return nhslt�iR •� �� how I O"M fired at my reflection in a went on him. Finals a wager was t 'dl OF, ALL HINDS. mail. Price, one package, el; ata, s5. one taiu dent Olv"and th" Shelity had been Y 8 1 Our stock of Field and Garden Seeds will be found temple e. , p1mae,sixtviueure- Pamphletafreetoanyaddress, coneeznod in the assassination of the of - mirror, mistaking it for another man— made. Textile Cash or Produce at highest market value. i'tf."J ,, * The Wood Company, fiicen of Case �y who had Issued a mistake that I thought I should newer "who will pay you if I loco?" said 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Windsor, enc, Canada • ' Oats. some railway bonds against the wishes make again. But within twoyeare after the subject as he drew his pistol and ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. /� T"� f� /� Y' ` ;.' of the people SDe3by prepared himself that I struck at a man in a mirror, and ,hewed that it was loaded. He placed /��T /�y� ,["] j—J rJ l�j j 1� J D. COOK, CLINTON. Sold in Clinton, and everywhere in Can- with �ttav�f210m leariing.oitizens and smashed the glans and smashed any hand the pistol against his temple and pulled LONDES,SORO. ._ oda by all responsible druggists, went to Wi+trhingtom Disdaining assist- and made myself unoomfortablo goner- the trigger. The pistol missed fire. ante, he obtained a personal interview ally. It isaap seem strange to you that a 'A joke," yelled the crowd. . 'ri ;' ; . BANKS. For Twenty-seven Years with Mr. Cleveland. When he entered man could make such mistakes, but in The fatalist smiled. and, recockintz �s . the esecutivo ` office, Representative a dim light, and where everything is the pistol, aimed it with a atoady hand Y pO�' rat NOtl�e t0 tits �11Ublic +� t, DUNN�� Dockery, the banker at Oallatin, one of strange to him, and he's all sort of keyed at the clock on the wall. He fired, and 1,; �` Tile ��t��A�i� �� �"� bis bitterest opponents, was present. up himself, I I. know as it is after the bullet crashed through the center o1 We have secured the services of MrJ, W. Chidley to take charge of our Furnitpra r°i Pe the dial. �� Warercoms and Undertaking Department, and trust you will call and esamine'6ax,". � _ Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 " `I have been woused of assas6ina- all. Still, after that last experience , �- BAKING tion, Mx. President,' said General Steel did think }L would be some time before "Apologize to me now, he said. I geode before purchasing elsewhere, asiwe show the finest and %cheapest line of All CAPITAL I 11 - $2,000,000Al have won the bet. I always believed in nature in the county. All goods are guaranteed to'give satisfaction and are at roblit+, REST FUND - $1,400,000 by, `and have been informed that the I had any mor© trOtrbla with ;mirrors. .. appointment to the United Staten mar- ` But withiL a year I bad an eiperienoe fate. "—Cincinnati Enquirer, bottom prices, Give us a Trial Order f "? POWDER ahalship for the western district of Mis that was a great deal worse than either � HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.. souri hinges upon that charge. In jun of them. i v iN J. H. R. MOLsoN, President "When out of a room in UNDERTAKING llEPt�RT1IE1VT F. W, THOMAS, Gehl Manager THECOOKS BEST FRIEND ttrie to a DemoorsiL I want yon Lo e:r�..- As MR CHIDLEY has been long ;and favorably known tc the public as an Em,• 1. ine these papers at your leisute-' house I was in one night, on the second balmer and Funeral . Director, we can safely guarantee all orders entrusted to h1' Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts LARGEST SALE IM CANADA. "'Yon have been correctly informed, floor, looking down the hall—tlxis wsa ®��®� �� care shall be attended to in first-class style and satisfaction guaranteed. A fir /"\ issued, Sterling and American exchange General Shelby',' said the president pretty near the front wirers I was --I class Hearse in attendance at all times. Prices right. a MOLEOD'S 'That charge ham been roads. I'Will look saw tits i4gnie of msaelf in a'mi3lor at bought and acid. Interest allowed on de- (� �1 ��" p posits. SAvxxoe BANIt—Interest allowed on at your papers.' the otb,-r end. It wap plain enouglx, For Infants and Children, BR�ADFOC3 i. BO 1� (Xr COV ";, sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to "Con essman Dockery interjected a even in that light, but it startled nae a farmers on their own note, with one or system RE, AOFATOR � Thefao- - Ig of J. W. CHIDLEY, Manager. more endorsers. No mortgage required remark I will bid too good morning, little at fi>rist, and I threw rap my gun at cimils ; re C, BREVtER, Manager, Clinton Mr. President,' eatd thegonerul 'There it. Of oouxw the figure's hand went up signature 62f- Win every Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's -Mill, Clinton.' AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES is nothirig that roan' -pointing bo Dock- and down, jit>Bt the same as mine,did, of /!/. pPe11 JP S -Night sad Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral cry -'can say to me in tlxis 'Moe or in and it made mo -kind of laugh to think Director) residence. G. D. 1hCT ALGA ^ T. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE your presence. There are many places of it, aniT ooakl imagine the shadow — g' For Impure, Weak and Impoverished in which be can meet me if be deal laughing, too, at amen who was afraid<YY�®,y� x BANKER Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata- "There was a distinct challenge�xn of his owxx•ebadorw. ��1 ` �� tion of the Heart, Live. Complaint, Neu- his manner and glance, but it never "Then I weal into this Mxtr0om, and Hub Grocer' � T_ T ralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitfs, Con- came to anytbixag. Within an hour Mr. whey I came Out of that into the hall Break Up a Cold in tiM1EA. v�L: (� ALBER i - �T., CLIl�lTv1V . eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney By usltvo Cleveland canoed Qenerel Shelby to be again tray epee eooght the mirror again. • and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' llance that he would be given the It wasn't very Pleasant to neo yo+araerf �YNY- P����rii t A general Baulcing Business Female irregularities and General Debility. 11' transacted. appointment. The entire business was in the dark in that way, int it world„ Laboratory, Goderieh, Ont. settled in lees than half a day. It was have bees' a mighty eight less pleasant The ouick Cure for Chi (:xlSr Tea was sold in England in the year 1660 for 60 shillings per pound., clil NOTES DISCUUNTED J. M. McLeod, the guiding principle of General Steel- not to. But the I was all right, and I COLDS, CttoUP, liltOti- Today we can give you a dandy for 25c. In 1772 it was denounced as''> j , Pro .and Manufacturer by's life tci go straight for anything that stood and iooIted at it a m trete and CaSTSs, HOARSENESS, etc. a slow poison, but now it is considered tie soothing ri the nerves, and, Drafts leaned. Interest- allowed on P he wanted and straight ht a ainst an thin threw n myl rum at it, same ae baftife, , you will find it eo if you try some of our Ceylon, Darjelling, Ben $ar j' ;i deposits. Sold in Clinton b g g Y g p Mas. Joseen NORw1CK, , or Japan. y that he didn't like. "-Detroit Free just tip tiaQ down, a eoirt of unYteceseery of G� Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: P rx; 4y J, H. CODIBE, and ALLAN cC WILSON teat, but it mdse me feel just a little ^ryold,entof c tens novo" fn,, ,I to yarn L Press. rnY children of croup nl'tcr, Cure d++�•+ It - ' p�ARRAN & TISDALL.easier, and up wen -L Lh0 arm in rho rn1D- $u ,, l yflle ormedT s lou lin:, 1"l. afV r ` ��•T _ also other exmodPes he,i t i 'l ld' , G tens � L' � � • ` �,� �� � 11 •t7i'T; (� 1;<. nl I " r� mr with ffil�, tint this time, when also coved re er it to t cough vurn G:r my ! 7 P$ �i BANKERS, , ��t�� 100 PER CENTBETTER the arm in the mirror family. I prefer 1t tonnv ochry meSlunn ► � ��1,118Opato'N 11 mine cams down, for coughs, croup or hoarsoneae.'Milburn's IIeart and Nerve Pills are our- staid rap H. O. BARaOUR,'- CLINTON, ONT. ing heart and nerve troubles in every city, "'Now, dent raise your handa,' the of Little Rocher,'N.B., writes: --UN— town and tillage in Canada. Mre 1', Ab- man nail, eiavcnoing me with a gtW in the a euro roc coughs Phavoortnrnl is c1 Advances made to farmers on their own the bat aetling medicine I have; n,y one- Clinton Sash,,Door-OlilaffactO notes at low rates of interest. bey, Toronto, says, "Milbnrn's }ieart and hie npxaiacltl taaa#h veins kllxl of 9r^ tomerawtllhaveuoothcr." SHIRTS rl� SHIRT WAISTS. Nerve Pills cured my husband, who hart Ing, but memulis[Fg lattrainesa, you �?' Largo Bottle, , Cts. A general Banking Business transacted. y for fifteen years suffered with w ak nerves You know wbma man means b isili�9; - ) ) ` Interest Bat allowed on deposits. Beginners Tall,�,ht'• caused by heart trouble. Ho was subject DAMS &LAWRENCE CO., LTa. S COOPER >.. PROPRIETOR, Sale Notes bought to pains in his head, dizziness, fainting and thia�bGn'did naeari it, and IS'Jeepb proprietors, MONTREAL V 1 spells, sleeplessness, etc. He is no v free my hands •dd`9vat e r _ Gener ll Builder and Contractor. ` { 1 Apply at once from these troubles, and feels 100 per cent " `Oh, I§irw be says, not x a Q� J. P, TISDALL, Manager. 1,,IE WILLIAMS, GREENS Bz ROME CO batter than when he began using the pills." muscle a]x7d-xxmY ehanting'itoati. (7klt jlattt _ _ _ 'This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved mtt� ', BERLIN, ONT. kind of drawYmg'ii out litre this oCDfsltr — chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice.$We carry an extensiNq ; „ ANTED — SE`'EP.AL FAITHFUL MEN Tbeaa wan appeared beyond the w and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for;and build all cl>Lebf THE TOWN HALL `— edhow , to Huron, for ary $ 80, pa able ' man thai was Bolding ane rap,, erg fished house, in Huron. Salary 87So, payable es of buildings,on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is anporvls+"•r i toward him and me, Be wal)WA right 815 weekly and expenses. Position permanent ed in a mechanical.,way and satisfaotion'iguaranteed, We esti all kinds of xx1K.11 through the >o•irlro seL the o Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped on- terior and exterior material. ' a `BOOT AND SHOE p 6>b►1, velope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. v T STREWN, ane kept �> g. It was all pll�nisl Lwnber Lath, Sliiil;les, Lisle, Sash, Doors, Blin. S , ,; 11 J L V, . enough than. In fact, I'd gueeeed4A it Wanted Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESS, manuldo fiREPAIRSHOP. ® , , ' before, to may be you have. The�ietrrx wasn't a mirrtrr aL all, int a d Men and Women who can work hard talking at Waterloo. Call andiget prices and estimates before placing your orders""'. �, and writing six hours daily, for six day a week, l r, an opening midway of a long halls � and will be content with ton dollars weoltly. -THE LEADING-- the frame was the frame of Address, JamesYoung . NEW IDEAS CO., Dranttord, Out. Young, • way. Thane vifese comma bey ^^y _ UNDERT� KER ® the same • e Wow. Ola the side wheee I Yeti aro cordially invited to attend A fibre bath, followed by 01 The well k8own Boot and Shoo Magor. has was, nand iL wasrtba-doors of •those l 114 O sued a Repair Shop in the Clinton Town _AND- %� Hall and will exec to all orders entrusted to I had aetiD in thte mir#oi andnOkJl�et�e- , ro on short notice and at satisfactory THE BEST SPRINIii MED161WE flection of those onasy side. And it Sligll S Dress Cutting School honest frictional brilliance. Ordered work a specialty. Give him B a eau. �jM,. Cures all Stood Diseases, from a common wile ay of seas of tbEiAl1 doors hast where drafting cutting and fittingg of. waists 01 I , Plmple to the worst Scrofulous sore. Oame. The `man witbi4he gnat hadtbeelr slooves, all styles, skirts, capes, cloalta, jackets, The life and glory of leather. ,' I • ready f me the fird ti]Oa0 .11 : coliars, and all garments belonging to a lady's a ]I�cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE wardrobe, ma be lanyard by a now and sclera• 1. "' " A FULL L NE OF but iL me hese tbaL Bi7S''Vi tick method, that is In advance of any mothr•d INSURANCE CO. ! 1 of dress -cutting tot invented. The caaioat sys- i • • ® • Aa • ® • 0 then. But Bill was ready now, An tem to learn -the most accurate results. Bears _'EIR I came' past the other -man, oArefbl no resomblanoo to any other system- We chal- � �S H`' FARM & ISOLATDD TOWN PROPERTY GOODS KEPT in STOCK ® ii �� MEh1 L11 ® keep out of . bds range,,. of course, m� longs the world for ra,,, id and accurate drafting ONLY INSURED of allies garments. Comparison with any other _ O ® ing for xne,,and lie wise around betiApKi ayyatom invited. Dressmaltors will scoop up with OFFICERS.ON&PLASTER me and toolr LSV4OrtbrOffturn�Of e,>ro}� tiro timos,and cannot afford to be without this Geo. Watt, Prosidant, Harlock P, 0.; James ® S ® around m bad an$ wrens. Then the tSme-saving invention is it saves time and mo•_ Broad(oot, Vice-Pree., Soaforth P. O.; W. J. ThebestEmbalming Fluid used y y nay 0aoh year. Over 1500,000 of those garment W Black Or colored Ica .herr Shannon,Secy.Treas.,Soaforth P.O.; M. Murdto 4D xhnvnprcvrr(brdMyrn.,tr,imtPrt„annn,lxr ® man With the gun.00," up,and be- cutters have gone Intousesincetheirinvention w Inspector oflosacs, Soaforth P. O. of ce (i rf i,: +,wglc and th u,mnnc Paine, and twoen Thom th tied ifCO U good and Private lessons given at your own home with- p outEcrons 1m vrriv ma.h 11,11,11,11 win, Inn dr-ta and Qy p. g out extra charge, The Clinton ]adios should m Jaa. Broadfoot, SeaforUl; M. Murdto, gee• Pt,msnntnoka of Iry appltnnWt4t,-t✓. xt. coarse- 0 strop And that was re matter of some not miss this chau000f perfecting thoms0lvos i❑ For Ladies,laentlernens Gil rt'.r., tt v„ tial d uvfmd, Rom,m. Cdr g' „ tbis important branch of work. Open daily Lill t forth; cloo. Dale, Scutath; GOD. Watt, Harlock; Sljlend id Hearse a 1 have nal.I t ,_,t, 1',nrdw„ in aeyarnl cna,a tour years. -New York Sun,. 9 p.m, At WAVERLY HOTEL parlors, for a month ChildrenS Shoes. k T•E.Haysr Seaforth; Alex. Gard nor, Lead- p `� rfnmarulnr,h. a:nntism, nnd,I kid in(v-ry11n 0 J�^� lh,t;Arnvotin,,atintnutond crnlrnrntro,lef. - bury; Chas. Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, - s. n jlo,+ur. %i n . wayhinamn xt.o. ----- - - Icippon. f� It Curer, Selatic•a, Lumiiaµo, Non- 0 " The Best Popular Life of Her ; ___ '� AGENTS. rs.ima, Pains in Slack or :aide, or ' AGENTS. Thos, N°ilana, Harlock' Rolit, McMillan, Sea- Residence over store c"8 any i.sctrla,r Paine. ® C1.A6JS' C:))3 X.4L. Majesty I have over soon;' orth, and J. 0uminge, Eginondville. -- writes Lord Lorna ahem -Queen e Victoria. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Iran- ® Pri,-e I Davis is Lawronee Co., Ltd, ® Tho ta0• Sales ail.. od°ut0.l. Easy to Outil live dol- netoedrbueln'esawtllb0 eomclyattdndodto UPPOSITF TOWN HALL simile !e 0!f tars daily. Ilig eommisaion, Outftt frau to n a tlicatibn t0 day o Ilio above oIllcors 1 st c. Solo Proprietors, MoN raenr,r sooty canvassers. i pl �p signature mfapp6t. THIil IIRADLEY,GARRETSON CO,, Toronto, 1{r.TAYLOR ..�� SONS, SOLI AGENTS FOIi C i Aged to tbidUC xoagodtivo olltcos,amolb, (G® • ® ®• •• • • tl ® tilA� of ,1. +, , �, . . 'rb. ,i I I• 1. �J . r i.11111111111111111 i,.J ';I 1 '. I Aft- __ -L ad - - , AA!, )_ I ,,�, I , __. -- 111 . `(,.,'!­ '' �. , ,