HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-07, Page 61-1
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Ju,J� j o
cw xl.adva�zccd stag" ofCotl,,. A
c ,'JS I Clan,
IC.e"I Fctawalty. - a
$Cott'S Emulsion ''the Women are again uwv3 1 1
l�UOtlle$ tl]l� Cough
!tato of Illinois ;collie intexeat aq abs i + CirBt Whf1�,QII �sk F THAT.I'AIi77 NCJFr
checks its befog° the law. bl � or' I
sirs thole.
the night God s e wr,d PCO r . For n rvons
g sweats and re, Ped themin"their, h tiller
>` prostration and analm
Lg tagttfrgtygqtl --- ;era 1Q no medioine that will sopromptly
X'rtllrS extreme p The shame is � and infat,lib) restore vigor, and
emaciation. to load. Let the m a At Clio present tuna, when them to sop
o k—iilu t}to much substituting and deception practiced
as Soott'e Eteulsion,
44 this way it prolon s life mOvemenL that will rnezze foz �1, �
jnstfoe M l�tQrj' OYeI' the 31Ost 0b- by some dealers whode life -object is large r - •-� -.� .
g This sense has lost its now profits it is absolutely necessary to g
M r ,
1 " lt?aakes more comforta- had to pay full price fort oradzt SLlvate It'orniS of Disease y Y say to a Bible Bled. ,
and extravagances that n the ladies, "Get what ou ask for,"
le the last days, gather Unscrupulous dealers are using ever A fbfend or Llle Listener a tnntyq"".. •,
In every every refotzn, bet at the effort to sell inferior and adulterated dee ,lght down in Maine, -�
taSG pf consumption -_from mend ie a rigbt�ns one thaw ~T whenever tho Diamond Dyes are asked �122oh needn't At a place L>loso,
heard 'and 4t const bo III111rOVl d II011ltlf'Oj)ath) tor. be nagged, there liven a '
to first appearance t0 .and ultimately it Inuit tri smalz boy named Jonathan Longtellawr
pP its Let no an@ lase To avoid fraud and deception, the ladies who is a third or fourth
advance Sta es---na la wart and o T will phase see that the name Diamond Foot enc} ho a cousin of the
�r y any legitiluxi eft t Dyes" is on ever gree! boy -too, one da
X•�, P Colorado Utah ��> People le in Y Package they buy. dais friend of the �Y �lJy�j
". medy promises a greater enfranchiIi6T' 1, o� bave in all 'f1�Calks of Life Bear in mind that inferior dee rain Paan Fonng Jona I40tu'er Wa, driv p ,,,,��
"Eastward Qured by His Rernedies Your goods; therefore they are aseoarce of Lho Chance hO and, tio+p6 5M VA�C�r
dope for recovery Or brings --Chicago Now jra tatters kEri tiyay, " loss, "trouble and annoyance: �?$aeed at ri little ditetagas in r
a ' , ore tha d.AY.es pre all warranted, are sliding down hill on the slipper
�aftirt and relief equal tomore than twice the strength of the Dom. on somein 02-40 J
Could"O? beP 8+wan not a clod
A .
,�. CURES WHEN m m dyes, and sold for the same price -sen Dwidentl
. S�ratt's Emulsion, Book on '�°� ►�� N OTHERS °ante• the Y >eoratiny+at ,
fihe--.What i, tJtie ii►}"neral wool one K96:1
for be q rby was observed by Clio bq)94
• subject free for the asp read, m,,oh abontp FAIL MELTED ,,,how P tu$� his °Q"�8' and daaed
= He- Minexal wool? Wh
OWER. Clio z�iDie�l7, m sliding dote h1UTp
J wool they shear from h J+ that's the -- '� - " Aird it was the fact taxa
*�� Mre Ellen ltuthled sem+ Tww� ••
(t ydrauliv rams, ge, 40 Afton Ava., 7Clrat ITtiriae the Moagtata had $sit t3i� asaoath3, lest -
SCOTT & sowNs, 8dl"vete, o,.t r New York Times, Toronto, sa s:-" i] Bib bcrd Attar• ;
Y My son was taken i!1 strum° J 1a, contain
with all attack'of sore throat, which was Besides a all the i ��'�t301p4 of
greaI y inflamed- and we feared it would l lower Installations Switzer. on it+'WIth m i ria orA"AZW
Cape of linen , straw, bark at P �e waternumbeaguiSeent snooes,
wool develo into diptheria. We need Munyou's land ie fell s>tzrell `-+Oaetatt
'Hon. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant- trees and leather were exterrlstrrel bore Throat Cure with splendid results, eFerY town in 41rwt land Power
�pnn eine�r _
Jr trvernorof Ontario, har3 returnedfr,�rn in Egypt andArabia in ear yw Une vial removed the trouble and we feel sad Waterfalls being well supplied _
England, He is in fairlygood health, wore usually of a o � ked that we can recommend Mnnyon's Rem,
TUG $a.norono m
'd%Plte alarmist reports to the con- shape. The variety of head sidles, Power from the "white coal" with Senben a mak'•°`' '�
tfi&Fq. by the E theeetxt►ti►- y0etl,
tll relieve
i s Rheumatic Cure seldom fails melting snow on the mountain sides has The+s a sign tbst aty, "g bevel /
ttithe rerqutlt of Lunenbnrg vote in Egyptian ladies was tory great, to relieve in one to three hours, and cures Well basin called. When there are no loco " Wlsat cele that be -for?
a Nova Scotia election for the Pro- in a few days. Price 250. larP,a streams, teeny small ones aro im- acornttha �~ '� ~
vi'n,cial Asseenbl There are marc than 200 Muns'on's D Rosana Id -051 Wlay,.
y. was finished this the boundaries of Venezuela ane of a Dyspepsia Cure positively Pounded sad oollcotcrd in roservoixs on moat be for folks that have this �'�`•
aftelr000n. Both Liberals are declared largest bein cures all forms of indigestion and stomach the hillsides, and it is rare to bicycle craze that we'vo been �
14r Church Commissioner of oftlresea. The Orinoco khelar t,oubtes Pilee'25e. Place find a
Worka, gains his seat by a majority of g ;'6ri feet above the lgwt ll unyori Cold Cure prevuuts pneumonia lighted 9 sive which is not well %bout•--'BrOOklyn Life. k �
Nis ruan
nning partner, Sperry, Veuueeue)a, is 1,160 miles long, gest 25o breaks up a cold in a few hours, Price stream, by the power of some mountain
6 "'large majority, P Y, has a
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, At Momtrenx the electrics tramway `�"H
PROOF F ATTRACTIVE WOMEN, night sweats, allays soreness and Speeuily
ROM THE PEOPLE Sete rte power in this way, and from the
' 11Ir Georgy Buskin, miSsionar er oh? isone
"lost admirablwoman e and atraot_ ps ns in thenbac Price 2_c. old liEoman town of Vevey
Ipternational Y for the vi unyon's Kidney Cure Speedil diseval Y to the me•>5s ��
Mission in AI o a ive thing about an attractive woman is het Corms of kidney disease. Price 2,s, Y aures castle of Chi7lon one may ride in A W E [ACA Hard
orthwest• He sa e:—" g m and k, lions or groins, and all a trolley tax propelled by the Fowler's Extract of Wijd h to aay that womanliness. Ever hod c. an ins; ni• Power of &le Ilan Ever O y/ Igad
Strawberry Y y admires a wo- 141or you's Nerve C re std s nervousness orma L'11ctntltttlestreanlwhich %„own.''a of praiseII� j k e
pile dY a to me manly woman• She moat have health, of t i bul!ds up the sy tem, p may from a Now York 1 for Easy a wonderful, soothing, course, because wttllout it aha would lose 1lunyon'a IIeadache(lureatopsharrdache Y be noticed when climbing
aPd'edy and effectual remedy Price 2,c, up the billsides just above. l �+
y. It hoe been the Ghee s,aas of her ayes, the fullness of in three minute 9 PILLS The Sanitary reg q
mybompanion for several years during her cheeks, and bar vivacity. Real health 119union's Pile Ointment LS
s. .Price 25. The capabilities of this general ,,til- Y mations require thorough cleans' n
t eiabore and exposures of m must mean that a woman is really a health
all furors of pilar. Price r: iz 1i natural ower are be innin "I would like to
1 have in stook the finest ti
stOry in Algoma. p Y missionary izatian of p SOAPS at the lowest g t tb1S season of the year.
° Well it is for old and man. That she Is Strong P Posrt,veiy cures g add m Standard Electric. Each purchaser of five bare 2 Prices, including the noted
I'Q4ng to have it in store against the time and perfect in a M ar �u� underatalx7 everywhere, and, with that u[ olh�rs who ha`:Q �esttmony to a beautiful Chromo free,
sexual way as welt as in every other. That purities of the blood. u Price
a12 im- 'the apineciation of the psi Washing1 Yles Pearline, °worth, is presented with
oR; need, which eo often cordes without ssibilities of Pills, and to say tlwt 1 Ila,,, t:rhet�tluiu oeoedal all calculated to economise labor
d Duat, Sapolro, Sitico and
{ tva ing, she is capable of performing e e 25c, the bast methods of long ing Pur
duties of maternit g P rfeotly the Olunyon's Female Remedies era a boon ht develc mentofman els, Broome, Whisks, Stove, Pure Sulphur for fumigat-
GEo. Bosru•r, Missionary, what is called "constitutional weakness.” Mun goo's mission• t distance trans. for trans yearn, such always derirctl the Y• looms are bcrn with to all women, p Wash Tubs,
Wash Boards, palls Shoe and Scrub Brushes, Mop Hand -
4 " Toronto, Ont, Those who do not enjoy ymonn- hest resoles 1'ro,u Choir uaa. r'er ctom- TEAS Remember the lace
_ 3 Catarrh twin streams must enrols come.
1 yperfect health need The Catarrh _ Remedies rleverfail. tire innumerable streams P whem
There ach and lig er tronbh•s, ,uui for the rc:re You get 4 Tea that cane
F The Amherstburgh Echo srlyst-•The proOnlper kremedpTOper precautions and the the disease from tile
peyote ,5cn eradicates whish, while e- �arld li ;e aroubi ;, . ,,d for
you can Secure the beat 25c Tea, and fo
ot•cJross-Bun social given b and very small, are Yet very high, and those Monts, Ayer's Pills cannot l e equaled. Cash of be matched for 500 t, r 40 eta.
b' y the strong. Y t° become perfectly well tarrh Tablets and the ("a• can with for good Butter and E Y anyTea keddler,
)J dieb' Aad'pf" 'tjie 141etilodist church, oription w111 Cure plerce'S Favorite Pres- the parts Price ,c. -cleanse and heal �4arratively litt:c difficulty 9 ed. ggs at
I3errow, was held as announced on Y the
of the BZsm.unyou's Asthma Iienladi,s relieve in be dredA f f and curried down many ,Rl� s(�1►TfL,If
rlllondaY evening in the basement of dtSendt131fecents intone cent stamps to Price $1, hundreds of fent, thus making up fol V (V 1.7 C�Znto�]�
three minut,a, and cure permanently, :`
r„ the;
church, and was one of the most World's Dispensary Medica) Association, ice "fi on'a Vitaliser restores loch vigor, the e volume by the rest r
t suCessful given for some time, I+'our sure g prey -
Buffalo N. Y.; and receive DrPierce's 1008 Price $1, read119 obtainable, and, either by
*t�r�ge tables YPere set in Cite y Page c,omrxlou lect-ricity or compressed air,
ty+ bat;emeut of the church and wepeload- I jl g „- Sense Medical Adviser," { STO
d illustratedA separate sere for each disease, At all the Ps of eras be transmitted to man _ CKT� �7
gN>th good things. The program druggists. Mostly 25ca vial, Pointe of application with but IittleI�-
'aWa$ ren eyed in the auditorium and, Premier and Madame Laurier will 18 Albert St
ars t loss.-
"FlIthough wholly given by local talent leaveOttawaforl;nglrtnd,tonarticipate medicaladvicefor any
IlZunyon, 11 and Ca'iEr's 14Iagazino. l
was pronounced excel- I in her Majesty's jubilee t oartic Bq We are now nicely settled in our at in the Old
Mbf;the church, ,to, answered with free pleased to see our old customers as well as new ones. We are
It'n�'bq all. Mr Cooper occupied. the that time it is ex Y disease. Women Read Aavertiaementw Brick Block, and
The chair rendered four splen business will be pretty near a conelus- ituous drinks wi order to clear out,ln a great many lines are salting at reduced prices in
Cbitlr 1 petted pariiamentar y Un Monday next the price of all s it It ie ciasnted, says the Philadolphia now busy
did selections, Misses Lily Br ush and ion. p Press, that the women are the only read -
ay r
iltKna a ll be ,erred in all the ars of adverts;
gKnapp e gave r_ , Miss
i E4,, R• say Brantford hotels. A meeting of the Sements, In a measure this HARL'tlt�tal violin selection, plias E+' Piolel•keepers of that city was held is and nocessarily sofor womeAND
an instrurneotat, which{watirwe,lMEN AND Wednesdu afternoon, when it was eld BROS,
Xve,Miss Lily Best and A. Thorn- That cornS.are painul, nob eaeilE cured Y othe larges• purchasers for the house- ISLOVCS, Iiardi►I'ILrI•animously agreed to mise the price of hold and '�-%+r i)r i fv
ltfi{-sang a deet which was encored, A. and quite useless. Men and women nook e r y, sPc'71d mast of the money that i;ljj., t;, li i !+jl I �.11iIt0I1
1'X`jl . . . a solo, the Sunday school have need Putnam'e Corn Extractor testi Y' Lin, brand runs and ull spit- re osmod by business, Professional and ,� . �t`rl""`'• '• g
fyCla(S r who s liquors to lOc aglass instead of 5c ing men. (,rl Y
{ ,Misses Ella �yrieht, Mina Best, that it is the best, acts without pain, and `ls former 1 work � r �O �"� �-
& Kna �j testify Y• Several be ands of cigars Even ib this larder it will i+ s r \ y1t `' !r O®i J ►�E��{ �{ �T
pp and Mina lied or, gave - curet, Use Putnam's Painless Corn Ex- will also be r aired in �� � T �`�
>x tette and were recalled for anoth- tractor, price' Probably burPriae doalers to learn how When my friends aslr me what is the ES AIZ '•• En
lel While this part of the grogram ITC1gING, BURNING SKIN DISEASE purchase of a To take notice that our S gin
tcl*as iufluontial a voice woman have. The bast remedy for rliaorders of the at targ, 'est stoc(JODfurnitrtr Stock is arriving daily. ■
excellent, the climax of interest WINDObV SHADL+'S g y BABY (•AIiRIAG_
at;'Ie"Ached when Mr Cooper, in the l;iailroade, Dr, Agnew's purchase relieves in one Y the women of the an a in Huron Count SE W1NG MACHINES; and the
Mexican boxes is almost invariably ach, liver, or tx,wels, my invariable wikh glass, $6.50; I encs Bedroom Sets
Ihealisence of W, L, Hughsn,'offered Charles H. Clark of the determined b Y• Wesel] up-to-date sideboards
day and curse Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scaly house- swer is, Ayer's Pills, Taken in sea- Tables, $4.00; Highback Rockers ' 20x"4' Glass, tF8,t1-t Lar
the 'eautiful . autograph quilt for sale. Courant, now trove Hartford Read, k:czoMa, Barbers' Itch information as to the Situation and do• la i
hold and ie nine cases out of ten their son, they will break up a cold, prevent bI.OU, ge Extension
r Gcioper started it at $5, The chief ` in Mexico, blotched and all ernptione of the skin1cd IE sirahility a
tddots were l writes: "One custom prevails on this is soothing and grippe, check fever, and regulate the
$stir, ttnd �• B. AdamsDr. Cau1p- road that The Purchase is gained from digestive organs. They are easy to
Gburu>4t leas long urged magic in the cure of alltbaby$humors; 5ce thAnatvs�parsinitnredeal�r �-�•�• ����-'--a•
G. Wright'. Applause for Connecticut. Wberovor they hill a Y Watte,� to• C2��Z,�� Vv '�
rested each bid for the quilt which be- Sold b take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
e►rYe more and runre demonstrative, mail they Put up a black Dross, dealer, dry goods family medic;,,, I have ever known.„--. � •
ttu to Cooper, knocked the quilt them all aloe You see grooee k-uo and keeper of any. Mrs. May JogNsoN, 3138 hider Avenue, i�erjial TE
8' at one S g the rOadl here i+ there Itis reported in Parliamentary cit sort of a store knows that he must ap- New York City. A i�7•[,1 q c
YI” to the highest bidder Mr W. G, pot are 14. cies that the ,A,17 I
144t, at the handsome Burn of $4O, Take (ounocti- government has decided Peal to the women if be wishes to sell
out, with its 1,100 grade crossingsand not to press the 1' • •
td t tremendous applause from the cion, bt to hold itovernext; yes: his goods. Otte of the 1 AYER'Sa"Cpaits annual butcheries in tlw atgeat elements�0��� CEYZON, ASSAM andJL A.0
dmnCe The proceeds of the social, we would have such an �abeforo long sion. This being the case, the end of one -of thegreatest mer- TAPANS.p
rtY#call expenses, were $18, making that the grade„ ar Y of crosses the session is well within sightkel , Out- that in the world today is the fact ; 8 pounds good Young IIyson Tea for $1.
t the quilt a total of $58. The lad. os"inig would have to k vsirx?w ton Highest Honors at World's Fair. Just to hand I
go, Here, of course, the road is the iinYthing to a prolon ed dito scuss mrd h �` a appeal � eiir"( siTGARF, l SUI,
urs` to be congratulated, and they rant d g 3 dvertAsemealt to the won• I Ayer's SaraauaNlla Cures al; 8i2pd dtsePde j No. 1 Granulated, SUGARS! SUGARS!
tlancl their thanks to all who helped Y' No fence Pana in ta® railroad• prorogattir n will likely t.tke Montreal SUgar , 1 Coffee and Raws in d�rrels one
sion, an 'tn'-�nnr' r Esya` hundred pounds and dollars, at special`1ces.
P re anything is on the track, Place between the IOLh and 15th of
d e,' Cho social one of the most tn- removes it. A train hand told me that, `�Pe keep trlrg ever given in Harrow, and engine June. P the best Droner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fanc t J ,y
tPeerl q to Mr Wright for his hand- one trip' being late, the
assorted Stock of Wecl-
ibl liid on the quilt. The singing of quence killed three ptc,erds' and f Ging Presentr3 is FiuroL. I and Lamps. 25 per cent lasa than regular price. y
in corse NATURE'S MEDICINE The live ,tock exports from Toronto ChRtOn Planing Mill. Call and see our goods and get prices,
ie " q . by Bye and Bye,,, " five burros in cis t
Y , and bens- h hours. All along comature's Medicine fcr constipation, liver wohi h til FRESH SEEDS -Timothy, Red and Alsike Clover, Turnip an
t?ttotl,' by the astor closed the pro- the track are skeie P to are $85,223 in value, of "
tone itri plaint, ,.Sick hoacompl biliousness, $18 I4 to the United cu`tates-a very DRYAHI Cash Paid for good Bettor and Eggs.P d Mengel.
�dings, and a I went home having turkey buzzards and whitened 'b" 081 went to England, and
DP@d by the jaundice and sallow complexion a ti., large; crease over last A
��$ a most en'ogable Easter Maeda Run, Y the Lives Pills. IR
WIN, Mrs �, G. Wright wisheys But cattle j' 1
aa+e as plenty as thio They area perfect laxntive, April's figure, _ !J . Clintonhank the tweet Yrg big dacvn,tbis way, y never griping or caueinThe subs,rrlber, having thry�] eSt;err- WIN, 1/
,'#Otnen from Cllintonnrid Z uekerd- each night for 30 days will 1 pain. reconetipacYon
ff proved machinery and employing the
Illi, 'who sent their names to her. to Quail9ed rweot,ragemeat, I most skilled workmen is able to do work in
ixt on the quilt. These names are "I'oung lean;" Said Senator Sorghum MQd-SING BACK. his line in the in satisfactory manner,
to the HIIN � NOW IS I'
thth 345 others secured at Harrow, Protege who lead been CUl�IE5 at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- OUR CHANCE FOR
the reason why she prizes them so un u Promised Wry as T' pIl-s ECZEMA, tics. A trial solicited,
lq'is because they come from the late youinbut there is cue thing deuitu nWWng Area ill No chane„ SALT RHEUM
�tttl her birth, 1 CTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION to say," �•ei4 CLINTON, Spring
A VOICE What is that?" Iive n t1[re °f Our citizens who Clothin
FROM VIRDEN not. and nothtng• He toils D. S. WANTED - SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN
ktlxiknfnN,-I "1f Yon display anythi neither does he s 1ban, of Cliwon, 3 "OA. CH fsF'� g
have used Ra aid' Br ' lilto the en- and hys f Pari, and yet he>ttr£MT w ll or women, to travel in Huron for respon-
I(Yty Oil or the peat tan ears, and find that you showerlYintt gefti this hvo.ta Comfort that is fi: carr, Salt R Y um "wren all eLse sible established house. Salary $ig0,pay HaVlrl
y posttiaq not bctiare what I say ;rid try it Don't Reforance. Enclose self stern od on g purchased alar (�, u]340-date
rem"edy for collo, neuralgia, help being $i5 weekly and exponsee Position perman,nt, g stock Of
lobitis, Cron a s. you cap
t has sum r*WKWaS ft°rn luxury This g" °" a`r "rig for yrar's as I did," g worsted and T
dud;:i3ore tphroatnssprains, chilblains, rn g a brilliant success. "� d �umvaer to advers® crit clop,. The National. Star Buiidin Ch We@dllltingS and
gtan Star; tiVasli- icisirr, wttiah Paint 1 g, taiga. Trousexings
�' nbOStes his himself A for the spring trade, at a very 10W price, We are
tr .foot we use it for almost every ti Is % We hgrs, fa" h$ lac a '
1, J* 1 know o rehevesquickly. I can MohamruotYe lira.,., to arbw: f °e evening Med himyolf _ IMPORTANT NOTICE prepared to give the gentlemen of Ulinton and
say Z know of no other remedyof The �Oth� ®venin while
tt that can equal it. We alws homh eartheto soh nveyed Mab keepe On t� �Ying• the g� thins he 9ruQ°�MJ �„t„ to all owners�of vicilllty Ordered Clothing ehea.per than has
gagd"stook in the house, Y t►trlW013 kee ever yet been offered here,
the seventh heaven was Buggies Democrats or Iron
named Borak. She was milk White,"T��''s's.aat n laz
Mrs J. 2. MnnaE, Cho wings of an eagle and a human ,gid he y bongs in my body,'.
E Virden, Man. with horse's cbeeks thspleat, a;n��� Y' I'd rather worm Axle Waggons. SuitS to Order from
tecorl ut of the votes cast in the tack teas equal to tho far eth etpaoo acre I had .rt al>vape thought that Mrs F. Pearson, In Inglewood a 1� UI)•
,nage of the Rr,,s heed on rue: But b months old, had eczma ve s, "MY Having bought a " Our $13.�ro, W'
C inion by in buman sight. This was one o1 the ten die against nig. on his resit and head. 'cry badly g LITTLE GEM" Axle 15 and. $16 Suits arc Leaders.
�r Cbiint , Nova Scotia, has been animals admitted to the Mob the > in q MY father eat I procwed two badly Cutter, whereby axles are out and boxing
6clesl. M McClure Paradise, imedan Vphaty I abed a bII� business, and ,� the Ointment a and when they had been used set bank to the shoulder, cookie the same
hy;ei$ majority, ' (Liberal,) is of,a' was n ytrack at the end ` had disapl>Pased." just as good as new, I will be glad to per. We use nothing but first-class trimmings,
make a decoutw assignment,gh left is . form anywork in this direction. A perfi;et fit and latest' style guaranteed.
deatil l his
1 and I I came into a handsome forbttne I GUARANTEE ALL WORK Baliefao.
7 Nought I'd show '°0"naO°+ lJatim tory or no a
' D WQQ[}rS Civea lh my rele, k P Y• Those who have had work
misjudged p� cO done, speak in the highest terms of it.-
' vesting d been a f ged by in• '45LomGarrt g aToronco Come and see the Machine and get price
1t"" land ya moat efully to ALBERT SEELEY, O T. COATS
� p_
h4une• I went down gleefully to & S O N
u y over over my new Purchase and gloat Blac&smith and General Repairer, Les) ie
f ;r r� y Pests• Mott of Carriage Shop, �r ��l tato was at the bottom of a lake, aBe-nd ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ g P+ Clinton.
oa dry land wouldn't raise tt i� {' 7K' or women to travel in $uron for respon - THE ■)EqT
�� hill of corn to Clio sere. J �/ (fir ♦ Bible established honed, Sal r[ $780,
n� "MY brother 7�- 16 weekly and exponsea., Poett¢onPermPayr�abl c
h �A got ma a nice position a, ; �- zz /fir • floference, Encloe° self-addresscd stamped (n
traveling rr�y a out. T• •T• r� tr�O
WATE 1� g salesman, and I ;rad ,old /� volopo. 7i10 National, $tar Ruildtng, Chicago. 1~1 i�../I L .� PHS
R ore oarloatla of gmdsathalf price be. ♦ L %'ouble '
a Coro the hones a7ald head me off. Thos ♦ WOOD and COAL YARD ARE
SNL SWflETEST told me that I const soli to hold my p p
Place, and • �Pw °r�$erCoalorslYoodaondsholt notice r TAKEN El[
RESMNG that way what I was dole
i5 hNCiUIZiNG OF ALL CUi� but they discharged me ,D bar g' ♦ Vrb„ 'Oft at l l & JoynerA Poed Store will d filet I • EXULSION, prom at ed to, 1 bo _
I dl1V1[ES FOR THE � never got rightly over it. Mother boughrue t `�✓1 FOSTER � rT--t - �
a 1GHI Fi TOILET OR BATE, COUCHS, COLD% ish my ollt b again I started to ,,ton- ♦ CLINTONNN MARBLE �W 4Rgs. 1 E R
HoARSEMESS A y Y business shrewd- ♦ COOPEa's OLD STANu, -
RiR} 1r fi't'tt11AA rises• I traded the farm forthe,tate xncoN9UlitYrrtolafnattnuLUNEt ♦ --
' t PERFUMERS AND BRaNCHITIS, AND A�,� �a��$$atantfenao. ♦ D11SEASER,8PI7Zr)tN(iO ll BLOOD,Nox to aommoroiai ttotdL /�n_�►1-t�r_�■1 AND
--�.�..—�,�„�,w�All I gat out Ot ♦ orde afilledin the ni enment is in full o>erasionC ��1 Vi.Ifs/ +gi t ��b� "tle in e ♦ DEIiI are rCho bentregitotth/s ♦ tery r and graniteworIts ati afpaeolalty, ay$rices a° GGONS
LDEALE9s. DISEASES O� THE ni rave Gaye lidiot}, o 18ft , articro gra most roanitext. ♦ reasonable as those of any eat�bliahh,ant
` THROAT what r have nalw,
wi�f%11 a proviso that I By the aid errh
�T AIV13 atUiVCS. should forfeit eery i ♦114 Otahaokio colt,
o 'tD fir,°Emaretm.rhave aaoot SinAr,rn sc ><OavmR,altnton,
�bl� tried•'t0 err a R h which h,ur troubled roofor r.
E 2610.OR $ da t1Rlyldle„ Olt' any Jtflpd u Soar. anA hrtro �n la,d oonMtlornbly In • VY a L� a@p
IF $ I.QI� haaro no aha Tbat , why`I whoahtho Wmooaf. o" rnnhd ttO thko it. t was elan ♦ ^' I1'IAT �TAMP.LN n Stock and make to order
FOR SALE BY ALL 011itu ale 1140nairs.11-_ of make wslaelf a nail• STAMPING Cie
S Dt+troit Free ♦' r, u. wtNeMAM,°.R,Mantr iris eb £tlld
Press. xsa onq.sf nor Etoftto ter' 'pared to dd all kinds g waggollS 0� All kinds.
" ♦ Tho undersigned is pro
♦ 1)pY18 & i AWRENCE OO,, 1T0,, MONTREAL ♦ cles of Asia nature.e.a Fork doneRttrtrom Ciyd and
♦ ♦ o A ti ♦ 0 at reasonable rates, ter, bIItS A.WORTg N( TON RU19BALL',
0®♦♦ ♦ Huron Streot, F1 �, ,r,
r '
P r • � b µti
i, W : is 'a,,.. ys' 1nt�s11tY1.fA