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The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-07, Page 5
'x4444 adies' elts and' Blouse Sets Its we have a very larg ' line, all the very latestpatter4 We have some nice ones with bi- cycles on. The prices are 15c up. In Blouse Sets we lead, we have just received a half gross, that were - bought at a very low price. We can give you a beautiful set for lOcte, collar button, three studs and a nice pair of links, all for only 10c. Remem- ber these goods are silver plated. Come and see them. t t pwedo Engraving in our store while you wait. $J1B.Thimball • J®water, Lh lton. LEMONS, ORANGES, OYSTERS Confectionery, We have a very choice stock of the above mentioned 20c Lemons, per dozen lOc and up I $ Oranges vancyCalifornia Navel Oranges,40c, 50c klso a Fine Choice Orange called the , Tangerine or Glove Orange, cs wee t can be loves on withand juicy; out staining them. IN BAKERY We have a complete stock in vari- ous lines always on hand. OUR WEDDING CAKES are still gaining a reputation. James McClacherty, Clinton TUE CLINTON NEW ,SRA Md=Sea$on Di'y . Selling is seen at its beat here now. Every department is or( wded with high-class seasonable Dry Goode, and every counter with (aeons mere. The people would not Dome here if there were. not good that they should. It you Dome, the values yon will find will convince you that this is so. We oan give you au ides, however, before you visit the store, 'of what we are doing to attract trade. Read these prices and draw your ;own conclusions. Every article mentioned is reliable in quality, every price will be found exactly as quoted. Ladies' Spring Capes in Slack, Brown and Fawn shades, correot length, with raffle around neck, worth $1.25, for Ladies' Capes in leading colors, very stylish, braided nicely, and a very pretty Cape, speak' at Black Velvet for making Capes, we have the correct thing, right width, and also the propere, Cream and Helitrope. The pelining 1a Pink, Blue, Lining for above 14e price of the Velvet for Capes is We a yd., Pstexhibition, prices o A beautiful Umbrella -Special , good frame and covering $1 20 Flannelette in Check Patterns, brown,blue, pink shades, very special 4i We opened something interesting in Cottonade, a really wonderful line1 worth 25o, but we sell it at We Sell GROCERIES and SHOES as well as DRY GOODS and MILLINERY. • Have you tried, our Speoial Canned Corn at 50. This is a Cash business run on Cash basis all through. It's better for you to pay Cash for what you buy. You certainly can buy cheaper, Pay day comes som0 time. "It's better to go slow and pay Ch," McKinnon 8z CoBlyth Mr R. W. Jameson, the recently -elected Rev. Dr, Fletcher of Hamilton will cele - member for Winnipeg, was introduced in brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his the House of Commons yesterday. pastorage in McNab Street Presbyterian church, Hamilton, next week. \vb,,,,4164 riusta. . minute Selling Out FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stockiof r Meats ts and Groceries at Cost. Compare with those you have been paying and see what you c an save by ordering from es us. reg. our price price price price CornStaroh, l0c .. 7o Coffee ....400-30r . 30c Laundry.,, 10o., 7c Lamp Glaes,8o,-50 Pearline, 1Co.. 8o GingerSnapslOc..50 Soap, 5c....4° Tea 50o..400 Pickles ..'..15o..10c B1ueStbbon350o . 5 .2o Extracts....100..8o Tea Yeast Cakes.l0o..8c Seeds per pkt.. • . •30 Salmon ....13c..10o 371 lb Ra&eins....25c Canned CornlOo..5o 3,l lb •Currante..25o 31b Sodas -25o ..20c Hams, 'Bacon and Long Clear at wholesalef" 41i0 prices. Fertilizer for flowers, lawns and gar- 114/1611'dens, 3c lb. Call and be convinced JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton we will detain you. We are posted on Watches, and are doing you a kind- ness when we tell you the BRUSH is the best Watch for a Cyclist. We have them, ONLY $z 50 We have also bargains in all Watches, Jewellery, Clocks, Silyerwale,'&e, All work entrusted to our care done by an ex- pert wot•ktnan, and fully guaranteed, f.� Estate 7.8iddlscombeS CLINTON To the Madden Yeast Co., Lonaon, Ont. Gentlemen,—We get quicker and%'batter results from nen. Mrs. Madden's Yeast tha any other we have used, and highly recommend it. DEAN BAOa., Bakers, THE MADDEN YEASTCO., London. PIANO FOR SALE. A first-class Uprig " MahoganyCase Williams Piano, almost new, an rxceileut instrument,NW ale one wry reasonable tel me. Apply at ERA otter. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE, F:r sale, 12 choice Shorthorns, 19 being fe- males and 2 males. They range from one to seven years of age, and are an thorobreds of the best strain—registered and eligible for registra- tion, any of them fit for show purposes. sSNEL1 be sold right. JAMES Baynes-Bartin Stock For, Bullett, Clinton P.O, T FIOROJ3RED STOCK for SALE For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull Calves, ranging from 8 to 11 months old. Also some Heifers and Cows, is ca f. All of these are by'imported stock, are choice animals, and will be sold at reasonable prices. JNO AVERY, Clinton Poet Office, or on the premises, London road, near Clinton. NOTICE To CONTRACTORS. rr rrr rrr rrr rrr rir rrr rrr rrr circ rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr r rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr . rrr SELLINC SOT � m rrr May 7, re are Not Piunger SPLASHERS, Nor World Beat�rs. w• E do not sell all the goods that are sold in Clinton, but publice i want; they seem stuff here. to ap- preciate ; go9ds and prices seem to suit. We try to keep what the our efforts. Let's give lou a few eye openers and try and remember them. h Towelingworth 8c for . - -- 50 A great 18 inch is $1.25, for---- 90e - pairs large, soft,, 22 nappy Blanks g Cie ons, 5 pieces fast colored8c goods for 5c p -and -checks, 5c 28pieces boiling G ingham.s, stripes nl 1 bQullts,heaVY, reg. $1.50, o y$15 11-4 HoneysoYn patterns, 5 . Fast col'd Prints, light and dark, goodcseamless Hose for 25c fast black 2 pairs heavy fast latest style, only 20c Boys' Stylish Tweed Caps, pretty figured -Shot Blouse silks from 35c u. p 36 inch fine U131013.Very p Y g .®Yl. Carpets, ar ®ts, excellent patterns, 80c. Novelties in dou.blelold Cape Cioth from 50c to $1, with Trim- mings and Ribbons' to match Only the verylatest Art Muslins and Cretonnes and Damasks, very select. things, 15 cents 18 specially fine Summer Mantles. worth $9, for $2.50. Not a lady in the County should miss these . 6 only left,llieu's Fine Tweed Suits, only $4.50. These goods are worth easily $S. A special lune of Boys' Suits only $1.50. A very stylish Shirtwaist here for only 60c. 3 ,differei1t shades in roller Window Blinds at 50c. GILROY & WISEIVIA ° 1 wwwwmvcBarlet H. C. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER, Huron St., C (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. Clinton SEALED TENDEnS will be received by`ihe Coun cit of 411111011 up to baturdaY, May 29th, at 1 it - p. m., for the building of a Bridge over theo Maed land on side road 5 and 6, con. 4, to is and ready for use as a highway on or before the 1st day of August, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Township Clerks Office Lon- desboro. The lowest tender not necessarily ac- cepted. JOHN BRIGHAM, Reeve HOUSE and LOT for SALE by TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the first day of Mu.v, 1827. for the pur- chase of the ono -story Dwelling and Lot on Al bert St. north, Clinton, IrooentlY occupied by the late Mrs Wm. Harland. Terms aicat nd condi- tions will be made known n. AM Lp$ND BROS. Clinton, April 5, 1897. • 11! Since commencing to sell out, our sales have been !!! ut a lot of ds rrrvery successful, we have cleared been well pleaoed tit at very low prices, people have r bargains, and we shall continue until 1rr ill with thel gbe art ITT the stock isbusines and bargaall seld. We ins in fullyllineswill to tri rrrI stirs from 1 given. rrt rrr rrt Ready-made Clothing rte Mrtr rrr PI The stock is,well assorted and you can save money itt rrr by buying from us. Come and see a large stock of rrr At prices never heard of before in Clinton. rtr 1r1 Dress Goods, Silks, mr r Staples rirrr Dress Making and- Tailoring Done as usual. r r � Soda Fountain For Sale at a Bargain. Combe's Sarsaparilla. GOOD BLOOD lY�v GOOD HEALTH SIN BOTTLES FOR $5 . COMBE'S DRUG Store„ Hovey's B a ing Powder First Cost $300, 'Will Sell for 875 Cash. Intending purchasers can inapoot the same and learn all particulars gyapplyi at NA1RN'S. General Grocery Store, Godorich, NO 1 ICE Public notice is hereby given tpursuant to Sec. 546 of "The Consolidated Municipal Act 1892;" that it is the intention of the Municipal council of the township of Hallett, at aincoun- cil meeting to be held at Londesbero, said township of Hallett, on Satz rdl( t the tithe the Twenty-ninth day of May, MK,by-law -1 w (;) k in close a©porton of to tlte eriginal al- 1owaw lowanc� for ft highway between lots numbers 15 and 16 in the fourth concession of the said township, such portion so to be closed being described as follows:—Commencing at the atortheasterly angle of lot 16 afore -said; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the said ,art, 16 chains and 131 links' thence easterly inlinewith the nortacross herly limit, said tpproduced, if the deviation road hereinafter described, to its easterly limit; thence northerly along such easterly limit, the same being also the west- erly limit of said lot 15, to the northwesterly angle of said lot 15; thence westerly 1 chain to the place of beginning. And to acquire and open a highway in lieu of the said portion so to he closed as aforesaid, ono chain wide through the said lot 16, de- scribed .as follows; --Commencing at a point in the northerly limit wster1 f the said om the tnoitlh-stant 7 • northeaster - Oe r i IT! r Boots an rrr rr 'iPlumsteei & G1DD1U�, ; CLINTON �yrnnrmmnrm m m ��� mntm�� rr ()hauls h ' 431 25 min o said 25 minutes west magnetically 20 chaeta . links more or 1 d flit point ialy tanee t19 °bahe ilier75 from the northeast( Y e ly o ain 1 f id lot 16• thence south 12 degrees rn 1 ' limit ofto sat r1 angle links southerly of the said lot; thence northerly along said easterly limit 2 chains 611 links more or loss to a point distant 1 chain easterly from the line described; then north 12 degrees 25 minutes east magnetically parallel etot thekmoreine or above (sarichains •t of the said lot 16• less tot a northerlyd northerly limit 1 rrr described, lima h long ea re or then Westerly a t rrrChain 3 1-5 fruits more lest to the place be inning, thesaid part of the said originalR III rid to Aell-ancl convey 11 road allowance to ichard and. John Rait lfo t�• and place aforesaid let all ADAMS' EMPORIUM rrr � Dated at Hallett a Anil at t to ,tine a parties interested attend and they will , be hearrl' aforesaid this tenth +Have yon tried it t If not, why? We assure you that if you once give it a .1 air 'trial you will never be without it. The ever increasing sale of this ar- ticle confirms us beyond a doubt that it possesses all we claim for it. It is always fresh and never lumpy, as we make it several times a week and nee only the highest grade of Cream Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda in its ananvtaoture. If you have never tried. it, get a free sample from us and see if ,it is not the best Baking Powder yon have ever used. Sold in bulk only, at the rate•ef 25 cents per pound. J. E. HONEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Don't Forget us When in need of • vski We will always be pleased to have a call from the people of Clinton and surround country to inspect our large new stock of up-to-date Furniture, which will be sold' MI very smallest living profits. We buy and sell for Cash and defy all competittott'4 We have new styles in Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Citairs, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Mattresses. Butter, Eggs and Goose Feathers taken as Dash for Furniture. LAIR N MOWERS SPADES & SHOVELS RAKES s IIOES POULTRY NETTING" SPRAY PUMPS WINDOW GLASS. BUILDING PAPER WIRE & CUT STEEL NAILS We are in a position to supply at very close figures Stoves, Hardware, &e Clinton HARLND BROSI Parlor Chairs, Sideboards, UNDERTAKING • Our Undertaking Department is complete with the finest outfit in' this part of county. We are becoming well known by the very low prices we charge ;for splendid service we give; don't forget this when it is necessary to consult aft: dertaker. All Sunday and night calls apewered from residence, Huron Street;' H. C . BARLETT, Clint House Cleaning Season The above trying time has arrived, and to aid in the work you need Broome, Brushes, Soap, Whiting, Window Blinds, Carpet, Felt that is moth -proof, Wall Paper, Paint, Tanks and a variety of other artiolee, all of which you can procure from us of the "Best Quality." BOOTS and SFIOES—Our stook has beon replenished with a lot of 'Dandies" GROCERIES—This stook is always supplied with the very best of goods. We would advise our oustumere to bisy lightly of Sugar as prices are every way like- °' ly to get lower, the stooks aro so large in the markets. Comparison and inspection invited. Try us for best value. Highest price for Produce rrrrrrttrr April, 1887 day of JAMLrS CAMPBELL, nsh p Clerk. LONDESBORO R ADAM The Loring TheThOughtftll Man; The aving Man Who has the expense of maintaining a family, :tea the importance of saving on the necessities of,life" right here comes our stronghold with shrewd"pe. Buying and selling for Cash enables us to sell lines of goods at lower prices than we could;, bought and sold on time. • Just now we are selling large quantities of Oa Wall Paper. 'a r. Prices Pretty colorings omance ova a roll, and run up the scale at 5o, c, }e and designs and,the best value at each, price, Ready Mixed Paints in all the desirable colors, applied and warranted to give satisfaction. Ala for wall coating—several tinto. . SEEDS Are yon careful and particular in buying And what will few oente pe oua faf 'sa + difference between what will pro good Drop oi For twenty years we have handled Field and Garden Seeds put up by th'ili one firm, and dnring alt that time they have given entire sattsfaetton. We aro now selling the beat Mangold Wortzel Seed at 12o -- certainly a low pride, There are cheaper seeds in the y ; market, but beware of them. ka W. L. Oubliette, toilitesb