HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-07, Page 3TUE CLINTON. ''s. It is Surprising. I r There le not • ' a;'o or los. No Agri) Bower, qe Sae pone. [pow little the majorityapec- O white,eP►weue, wife hast pie knovu as to the range of To tr race, �,,` a.., work. which can be neatly.and ti mechanically executed in a This printing /office. 1e 1 tD country pt g �.'. is also true in some extent in There "�' all lines of business. We meet Nd people nearly every day who seem sur- toO. prised on learning that we can do this Ot 1 k r that we keep osel, the wix4'e hstb peas& atw�ppd or lea, 111111149 she. y 11�s r'wilh the blue In its ipN�{tw e�jtts���� ties or that class of work, oHow this, that or the other in stock. Hoes The heevtne' ere gnelittes lmbnw suggestive this should be. It bac is up dowse of woos or lea, eeessary to continually ukeepand eso and ated- d people that y and that it will be a No JanedoVir w e e. R ore t st ply their needs, This ipleass true I1ilti+a Ntauctrest, ore �t�withthe printer as well as the mer- o1et chant or any other business, so we e- u- Is irea with tate dreamy of love merate some plat should you desire 14144160-1 Cava/brim New York Leaner In the first place, Hes into a to eat many, the es in this CERA ounty. It great many south, east and west, andits weekly north, ulvisits are. anxiously and kinked for by its readers. Then there's depe artment. foe of ci n- ork stone the job size and color, or in- stance : Posters, any colors, dodgers, sale blls, circulars, fol - dere, programs, envelopes, private post cards, letter heads, note heads, state- ments, invoices, and bill heads,shipping five sizes, neatly put up in padspP g tags, notes loose or bound, lien in noted, counter checks, church reports ers or pamphlets, topic cards, businesor s ccards calling cards printed wedding cards with envelopes to match, all kinds of municipal and bank print- ing, stock cards and folders, and many other things not here enumerated, they no one need go to the citybecause can't get these things done at home. 11 we want anything we first try at home for it. If what we want is not kept in stock by home business men we always find them willing to send for it, ndin t a nine. cases out of ten they geti less cost to ushe to do undwe o pay all we ask our people not s bacd in our own coin. Is that do it r and square ? And they generally too. (ane good turn deserves another, d 'f this reciprocity in business was LONDON IN 1772. It Was Considered a Joke to Turn Cottle Into a 16fsilroom. Can any one f�'me anything of they city assembly roue and the assembly rooms on the Surrey aide– i. e-, South. wark—abort the year 1772? The Social side of the city sbent that time is envi- ously di r'i cult to get et ,satisfaoto?f. For instance, when Catherine RuThln 178 went to Loudon in 8, being then e,7 years of age, she went with a certain Mr. J. Woodhouse and his mother. They called for her at 7%90 in the everting, the gentleman being dressed iln a suit of pale bine French silk, spotted with pink and green, the coat lined with pink silk, his hair in a beg, a whhite feather in his hat, a sword by hts side and his ruffle and frill of flnepoint leas. This seems very splendid. At the as- sembly the men were Chiefly in ' `dress coats"—meaning probably of blue or pink silk, like that of Mr. Woodhouse. Those who were,•not wore "cloth ooeia trimmed with narrow gold lace. with waistcoats of silver tissue," and the hair "in a ono, with curls flying out on each side of the head." The Circuit Rider. _— CHRISTIANITY OWES MUCH TO HIS ZEAL AND ENDURANCE. His Life During the Early Days of Metho- of G re at a,am u Uwe ids Was often one Hardship—The Story of One Now En- joying a Ripe Old Age. From the Simooe Reformer. In the early ls we of ed oabrcad in the Can- ada the gosh spread by the active exertions of the circuit rider. It required a man of no ordinary health and strength; an iron uonetitation and unflagging determination to fulfil the arduous duties incumbent on one who un- dertook to preach salvation to his fellow - task n men. It themselves to, was no but thevthat these were strong in the faith and hope of ultimate reward. Many fell by the wayside, while others struggled on and prospered, and a few are tre to -day enjoying a ripe old age happy knowledge that a lasting reward will soon be theirs. Most of these old timers are not now engaged in active ohuroh work, but have been placed on the superannuated list, and are now living a quiet life in town or on a farm free from the cares of the world, they await the pall to come up higher. Rev. David Williams, who lives two miles southwest of Nixon, Ont., in the township of Wipdham, Norfolk County, was one of these early days circuit riders. He was a man of vigorous health and al- though without many advantages in the wayof early education he succeeded by din of ard and constant study in being ado f ted to the ministry. He was the first born in the first house built in Glen Williams near Georgetown, Mr. Geo. Kennedy, the founder of Georgetown, being a brother of his mother. To -day he is 70 year old and for the past 26 years has lived In this coun- ty. For many years he had been a suffer- er from kidney and kindred diseases. He tried all kinds of remedies, and although sometimes temporarily relieved he gradu- ally grew worse until in October 1895 he was sally en withlly recovered and )recove ed his powsis. From this - ers speech of epeeoh bac his mind was badly wreck ed, and his memory was so poor that he could not remember the name of the person to whom he wished to speak without think- ing intently for several minutes. One day driving to church he wished to speak of a neighbor ivbolived next to him for twenty yeare, but he could not recall the name for an hour or mote. In addition to his men- tal trouble, he had intense bodily suffering; pains in the head, across the forehead, in the temples and bebind the ears, across the lower part of the skull and in the joint of the neck. He had groat weakness and pains in the back, hips and legs, In fact, so much did he suffer that sleep was almost an impossibility, and he fell away in weight until he weighed only 145 pound. By this time, Dec. 1895, he became despondent and felt that if he did not coon obtain relief, he would soon bid alien to the things of this world. On the 20th of Dec. he road of a cure in the Reformer by Dr.William's Pink Pills, and being seized with a sudden in- spiration at once wrote to Brockville for a supply of that marvelous remedy. lin • mediate good results followed their use and he has the past year. He hasty recovered his during bdily health and streugth, is comparatively free from pain arid his memory is nearly as good as it ever was and as the improvement con- tinues the prospects are very bright for a complete recovery. He has gained 20 tbs. in weight since beginning the use of Dr. 'William's Pink Pills. Mr. Williams soy* 'I can heartily endorse the menu 6 things said of these pills in the papers. and strongly recommend them to anyone suffer- ing as I was." Dr. ,William's Pink Pills are a blood builder and nerve restorer. They supply the blood nd propenes, thus ith rdriving ts life adisease lfrom vthhe red c colored system. There are numerous pink imitations, against which the public is warned. The genuine Pink Pills can be had only in boxes; the wrapper around which bears the full trademark, "Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills for Pale People." Refuse all others. SEA.FORTII, No DU-A1A,ND 1'n BARL'BY'. —The To. i fronto grain ' dealers have sent out a rs against the F circular advising farms g LONG Itb'ilikarnliniM TI.Or1hLLB, NOW A 'rum) of bowleg of barley title spring owing to Fe 'inti', YAS'I, A Seaforth lady gives on account. of her rescue':from a lifelong ailment: "Iver since I oan remember I have suf- fered heart. For Pored from weak notion ofAhe sometime past it grew oopstantly worse, reducing m health to a very low state. I frequently had such sharp pains under my heart that I was fearful if I drew a long breath it would cause death. In going up- stairs I had to stop to rest and regain breath. When my ohildren made a noise while playing I would be so overcome with nervousness and weakness that I could not do anything and had to sit down to awgain in oomppenre, Ofttimee my seem to swell, and give me great pain. My limbs were unnaturally cold, and I was subMy ylect to nervous memory became headachesand and. sleep deserted me. "1 have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pilis, whioh I got at Mr Fear's drag store, and as a result am very much better. I have improved in health and strength rapidly since commencing this treatment. The blessing of sleep is restored to me. etisM yy heart is much stronger and the opp sensation in it has vanished. I can now go upstairs without stopping avid with the greatest of ease, and I no longer Buffer from dizziness or headache. It seems to Me the oiroulation of tris e healthy and normal, thereby removing the coldness from my limbs. I oan truly say at Milburn's Heart and Nerve, Pills have e me a world of good." (Signed) .drs s Constable, Seaforth, Ont. oustable .is the wife of Mr James ,le who has been a resident for over 25 years, and both he and his estimable wife ere well known in Seaforth and the surrounding country. Laxa Liver Pills cure constipation, bil- liousness, and sick headache. 25o. Obsersers in the fruit region assert that there is a bright outlook ora hi drop oil apples, peaches, pears, plums, and ill hope fruit, This is reassuring. the promises will be fulfilled The farming' community are extremely well pleased with the provisions of the tariff making binder twine and barbed wire fencing free of tax and reducing tariff on scythes, forks and other agricultu- ral implements. A child was cured of croup by a dpse or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A neigh- bor's child died of the same i ready to disease, while the father was getting ll the doctor. This shows the necessity of having Ayor"s Cherry Pectoral always at hand. The Pittsburg Commercial Gazette says:—"M. F. Derrick, of Montreal, Canada, has been in Pittsburg several days, studying the steel mills in this vicinity and looking up statist.ice on the work and methods employed. Mr Derrick said that a number „f English and Canadian capitalists, together with two Chicago millionaires, are going to erect a steel mill outside of Montreal, on the St. Lawrence River, to rival the largest steel mills in the world. This time, a withtsabapitalganized stock torbegin with of 51,000,000, and several millions in sight. It, will take praelical steel .nen from Pittsburgh to superintend the berslof the company on pany are of the Ssatisfiedas 1 he tthlt Pittsburg turns out the hest steel and practical workers in the world. Sever ral .nen will also he brought. from Erin - land. The company btwill n expect,t to ery - ect steel and wire, an armor plate mill in connection with.its enterprise, to rival the best in the world. an I 11 ractised the benefits i The other ladies were covered with more genera y p _a ", party helpful. would be mutual diamonds. The subscription to the pity assembly is 8 guineas. There are .20n subscribers and late nights. The sub- scribers are the first people in the city. The rooms are lighted with wax. The branches for the candles, the urns for the tea and coffee and the baskets for the cakes and macaroons are of silver. I want to know more about this assem- bly. As regards the Surrey assembly, all I can tell you about it is that the room was on the ground floor, and that on a certain night—the opening night of the season of 1772 (?)—while the dancing was at its height some wag threw open the front door and gave admission, to a drove of oxen, which begantoto run hme ot in a most terrifying the men drew their swords valiantly, others tumbled down. The ladies faint- ed and fell over the men. Caps, hoops, tippets, handkerchiefs, were lying all about the floor, and the oxen bellowed and ran about, threatening with their horns. What would have happened one knows not. But "the sprightly Mrs. Hanniver"—presumably a lady con- nected with the supper department— "coming from the Lactarium with bub for the gentlemen"—"bub" is defined by Webster as a strong malt drink— snatched from the master of the oere- monies his mopstiek— did the M. �. on o the Surrey side carry a m petick as a wand of office?—and, with se ranch spirit belabored the horny tribe that they fled incontinent. When the company gathered them- selves together and pinked up what they could, being horribly dishevelled, wig the general wreck—hoops gene.a wige pulled to pieces, tae dresses torn—they proceeded, I suspect, to refresh themselves with the sprightly Mrs. Hanniver's stimulating any one will tell me more about this assembly, I. shall be grateful. --E it Wal- ter Besant is Queen. "FELL DEAD." What more "Every -day Heading do you Read in this Paper than that?—They are Legion. Don't dally with heart disorders. There is but one cure. "I had been for a number of years sorely afflicted with heart disease. At times my life was despaired of. Doc- tors had prescribed, and I had taken every known heart remedy made, Ihad supposed, and did not get and benefit. I read of e the wonderful cures wrought by Dr. Ag Cure for the Heart. I procured a bottle, and in less time almost than it takes I followed it, the distress was relieved. the directions closely and today I am a well woman again, and I shall do all in my power to make known to every one suffer- ing asI did the wonderful cure it worked for me. Mrs Wm. Burton, Dartmow, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co. During a thunder -storm on Thursday Willie; the second son of Mrs David Youm- ans of Scarboro was struck by lightning and killed instantly. He was standing near the door of the stable. His father was standing some three feet from him at the time. Thnd also Mr Yournan's eld- este son werehired n 4nthebuilding at be time. None of them seemed to feel any of the ef- fects of the flash. at cattle that of rent i n st shipment The largest ever went from Lucknow in one load left there by a special train last week. There were 438 in the bunch, one and two year olds, and were all purchased within the past seventeen days by Mr Thos. McLean and Jas. Young, of that village for Mr Stewart, a prominent cattle rancher, near Calgary, N.W.T. the large stock on hand, the low pr and decreasing demand from theatates, which will grow worse under the Ding- ley bill. They believe that it is im- possible to grow barley to advantage in Canada over the home requirements at this time. The exports have drop- ped from $5,503,83`3 in 1885 to $316,028 in 1806. Speaking of the Novel Bootie 'elections the Montreal Witness says:—There is one aspect of the Liberal viotory in Nova Sco- tia which can be viewed with unalloyed eatisfaotion by every lover of good goeern- mentin Canada, be be Liberal or Conser- vrtive. It is clear that the province has freed itself from the dominant influence and power of Sir Charles Tupper, which has been steadily exerted for evil. Sir Charles Tupper as leader of the Opposition at Ottawa, and especially as chief of his "own party in his own province, laid down the plan of campaign, appointed the com- mander of the forces, and left Sir Hibbert Tupper to lead the Conservative forces to a viotory which was to be a precursor of a Dominion s met his Waterloo on hie own grouand; he hash been routed and overwhelmed. Even the com- mander of the forces he appointed is among the vanquished, and was buried a little deeper under an adverse vote than one of his colleagues in the same coasti01eB oy, as if to show that Sir Charles Tupp ' PP yak wrs damaging even among the meet loyal of Conservatives. There was a time when Sir Charles Topper's name was one of terror to lovers of good government, who feared that he might euoceed Sir John Md - Donald. That time is past, and there is now little feeling toward hire other than that which the Chief Justice in .:hakes• peare's play felt for Sir John Falstaff after King Henry V. had thrown off his influ- , ence and publicly rebuked hist. tnna111011WPontBetnae1ryW001ren,y,1etneinlWuupi,nn THE WONDER OF THE AGE DEAR Sens,—I must honestly say that I have tried your valuable medicine B.B.B. for the disease called prairie itch, and have fcund this remedy to be the wonder of the age. I took only three bottles and to my great satisfaction was completely cured. I can highly recommend it to all who suffer from any skin disease or impurity ofthe blood. Renew) Dix, Rat Portage, Ont. A member of the late Government at Ottawa, speaking to a friend the other day, said:—"I always expected that the Liberal leaders would embrace the opportunity that we were compel- led by headstrong bosses to let slip by. We were made to bank everything on the possibility of coercing Manitoba, whereas if we had left Manitoba alone, and waved the old flag over a preferen- tial tariff, such as has now been enforc- ed, we would have easily won. It is exasperating." This reasoning is not confined to Conservative M. P. is the candid conclusion of very many of therank and file. They acknowledge that while their leaders talked about their desire to benefit the motherland, the Liberal Government now in power acted, and in a manner to bring praise from patriots in etrerry part of the em- pire. IT STRIKES HOSE ! Chase's Ointment cures Olt Skin Irrita Hons. Of the many skin Mimeses, eczema oma of the wotet and most common. The one effective remedy so far die• covered for it is Dr. Ckane'e Ointment. It bM never been e known to fail. Mr. •rnp„a Andrew Alton, of "Awl' error. Htartland, N.B., says: " My little dasigh er, Grad Ella,eadfulagedSuf- fererthree and a half, was a from eceema for three years. We tried a number of alleged ettres and sev- eral doctors, bort all without effect. Her's was indeed a bad case. Her little body was entirely sovered with rash. One day oar local druggist, Mr. Wm. E. Thistle, recommended mo to try Dr. °baseand fem. boxee� effes cted a completentment. I curd e and saved our child." Dr C&tse's Ointment is jnet ns effec- tive for piles, salt rheum and sores of ail descriptions. For sale by all dealers and,I3dmansob, Bates & Co., manufactur- ers, Toronto ; price 60 cents. A Padlocked ties r t. ih,w ms.,. wort' n their tt„1:1,,, and ,u`rcrin in their o,' hearts anti -i 1% -Maly enciv misery art; pain witicu would caul' strong nten to cry out in agony. The suffer- ings of women are more than half unknown and un- appreciated. The Refined sensitiveness of their or- ganism lays them liable to a thousand exquisite tortures which a coarser nature can never experience or comprehend. The least derangement or disorder of the delicate special organism of their sex over- whelms the whole physical and mental be- ing with weakness and wretchedness. But it is a mistake to suffer these troubles in silence. They may be cured in the per- fect privacy of home, without the repugnant ordeal of examinations and "local treat- ment," which the family doctor is sure to insist upon. No physician in the world has bad awider or more successful experience in the treat- ment of woman's diseases than Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. His " Pavorite Prescription " is a positive cure for the most obstinate and complicated feminine difficulties. It is the only medicine of its kind pre- pared by an educated, skilled physician. Mr. J. F. Sneed, of Omen, Texas, writes: " My wife was badly afflicted with female weakness. We tried three of the best physicians in tate country without benefit, but at great expense. spaiwife r. She cw ould not get we and and out ave poftd000rs without help; was not able to stand on her feet long at a time, complained of dragging down pains in abdomen. Nothing but an untimely death seemed awaiting her: when — happy thought 1— the name of Dr. Pierce came to my ins. g I w rote to Dr. Pierce e r eceivied his advice, m foliowe d it my wife improved perceptibly P h' 1 from ons the first two week's treatment, continued the treatment six mantles, and pronounced the cure complete, at a cost of less than one month's treat- connt sulting Dr. Pierrcthe fast e physician we Dr.l Hier e'sbefore Fa- vorite Prescription and the lotions recommended by him. It has been two years since, and the good effect is permanent" A Calm Thief. ..here was a brief but engrossing in- cident in a woman's life the other day, and she has not realized yet the full de- tails of a situation which stunned her completely for the few minutee itlastsd. She had gone into one of the big depart - input stores up town and was Standing at a cotinter wafting for tbe-•gtr1 to M - tend to her. Then she felt a woman's hand in her pocket. Involuntarily •Aire seized her skirt and was fortunate enough to catch the woman's band. This happened in a second, and none of the women abont her had noticed the inci- dent. The pickpocket struggled to free her hand, while the other woman clung to her wrist not with any desire to ar- rest her or even to retain her, but merely with the feeling' that she was doing something. Neither had epokon a word. The first to act was, the-pickpooket. Her band was still held, and, with a pretense of grasping the other woman's hand, she cried out: "This woman is trying to rob me." Everybody turned to look at the two, and in her astonishment the woman let go the thief's hand. The thief drew her band suddenly ant of the pocket, and while those about them were gaping at the innocent woman she darted }through and escaped. The other woman's head swam, and there was a dark shadow in front of her eyes for a second. But the women about her realized the true estim- ation in a moment and their sympathy was all for her. They helped her to re- cover her composure and get into the open 'air as soon as possible.—New 'ilork $u.n. A GRAND TRUNK $RARFIItAN There is nothing to equal Ohase's Lin- seed and Turpentine for severe colds and lung trouble°. Large bottle 26 Dents. Mr Blair is confined to his bed in Ot- tawa with an attack of fever. Sir Oliver Mowat, Minister of Justice, has been petitioned by the junior county judges to place them on apar with the een- ror judges. At present there is a difference of $400 per annum in the salaries of the judges. Ritlph S, Vail, who was trapped by 'Government detectiveswhile negotiat- ing ing for a supply green goods, as sentenced to three months imprison- ment in . Ile had borne Chatham goodtcharacter, but was led astray by anxiety to get rnoney to marry on. It•has come to be an acknowledged fact that to have large crops and good crops of fruit, spraying most be done. A local deal- er says that his experienced men can go along the road and are far as the eye can conveniently take in, can pick out every orchard that has been sprayed. He advis- es fruit growers to pay particular attention to the instructions as to time and meth- od of spraying and follow them closely. Mrs S. James,Seaforth,suffered for years with what is called old people's rash. She was treated by many physicians without any result. Mr Fear, the local druggist, recommended Dr. Chase's Ointment,whioh relieved the irritation at once and speedily effected a permanent cure of the skin erup- tion. Mrs James also says Dr. Chase's Ointment cured her of Itoh'.ing Piles which she had been troubled with for years. At the meeting of the Presbyterian Synod at Sutherland, England, the committee de- cided to reject the petition containing chargee of heresy, which bad been presented against the Rev. John Watson, D.D. (Ian Maclaren) The only way in which the pe- titioners can now revive the matter is by moving an amendment to the committee report. But such an amendment would have little chance of adoption. Tells the Story of His Exposure -The Fate that befel Vim, and how he was Relieved of his sufferings. W. Lavelle, G.T.R. brakeman, Allen- dale, Ont., says:—"Through exposure I contracted that droade;i disease—catarrh. My case became chronic. I was recom- mended to try Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der. In ten minutes afeer the first appli- cation I bad relief, and in an almost in- credibly short time all symptoms had die- eppeared. 1 feel I can not speak too high- ly in recommending this remedy. It ie a pleasant, safe and quiok pure." Sold by Watts & Co. `^ d Sir Charles E. Howard Vincent, Con- servative and fair trader member of the central division of Sheffield, Eng- land, moved in the House of Commons that in view of the great increase of the imports of foreign manufactured articles, and the consequent loss of em- ployment to working people of that country, such goods should pay a toll of 10 per cent, the proceeds to be de- voted to a fund for providing pensions for deserving helpless'perions over 05 years of. age. Mr A. J. Balfour, the Government leader, said it was dan- gerous to admit a resolution to protect manufacturers without also protecting huebanary. The motion of Sir Chas. E. Howard Vincent was eventually negatived with a division. LOSS I VoCE OF After. Acute Bronchit18 CUBED BY USING AYER'S Cherry Pectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio- lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry The fat- ntmila nlgnature of � oasis �n �G� wrapper. tmootuuu�nuwumtunuannmwummmwmummnnuw,uuiuu 3 apo mnu,111011:1r19aniNmini111lMUNIVIIIII at1n11in,n111n111mt11 AVegetablePreparationfor As- AetS omachs aand.B wets ani` 1N1•ANT5 '(.uiLD1UN THAT FAC—SIMILE s1GNATU Pri;ino�ntesDigestion,Cheerf'u1- d ntains neither m,MorphinetlorIfineral. OT NARCOTIC. '.;)erfect Remedy for constipa- Boit. Sour Stomach,Dlarrhoea, Worths ,Convulsions ,feverish- ness and LOSS OF SUER 3acSimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b months old r? IS ON THB.t. WRAPPER 01' EVERY BOTTLE OF .,. Cft$TOR! dastoria is put tip in ono -size bottles`efeIne:i is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyoereetere you anything else on the plea or prolnlea tat Is "justas good" and "will anaveer evesf,i pose." i4W. See that yon get 0 -A -13-T-4). Tho fat- alistic nignateio of usinessi. yr ►ge - The partnership existinglbetween J. McMurray and H. W iltse has bees,,, dissolved,and the business will be carried on by the uns rsi to d, who' will be pleased to receive the support of all old costo ,. andjir new ones as may find it to their interest toive himtril anyllwg iorlj,0'',j to be found in a first rate Grocery, as good and cheap a kept:in stock. . Bargains for a few Clays in Dinner, tfea and Toilet Sets. Cash for Eggs. Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot- tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from t! coat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."—E. M. BRAWLEY, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WORLD'S FAffi. AYEA'S LEADS AU. OTHER SARSAPARILLAS. DIARRSt1:A, DY5ENTEity, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS. A Sura, Safe, Quick Cure for those troubles is • .iw. ale? (p u1iT DAVIS'.) mod Internally and Txternally. Two Sizes, 25o. and 8Oc. hnttles. A Shapely Foot A Perfect -Fitting Shoe. WILTSE CLINTON, PlionC usi�ass �The Ol�A�DRad for The Clinton Family Gl`dd select stock of Family ter' Are novo ready for business with - a new and sal Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c. We guarantee Carvalues to be ube.the ve�y' the market. TEAS a specialty. Terms is Ontario Street} r SHEPPARD & BRACOM, oppoBiteCombeB1Otlil AI 11U�1J UYouh 0VAND SAVE TIME AND TEMPER We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. •It '. Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will notfk1 or drop ink. Do not allow Dealers to, press upon you lines "just a ,, but get the best. LAPHAM'S RIVAL• If your Stationer does not handle it write us and well our reduced Price List. The Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., Tlt It s a Cinderella Fit. No shoes could give a better fit, nor could there be offered a finer line to select from. No one could aslt for more attractive prices or greater values. It is an open question whether we shall ever be able to dupli- cate the bargains we are now offering. We have also a large line of Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Double and Single Harness. We have just re'ce'ived two cars of WhiteLCedar Shingles and are now ready to supply all de- mands, Give us;a call. JAS. TWITCIIELL, Clinton tt' , ;, 411'; 'Trees, .Plants_, Shrubs. Wily. This old -established and reliable business is being continued as usual, and those who want anything in our line can rely on the very beet of service ..+Pali liIrm Choice Plants ler Spring Bedding. Floral Designs for Weddings or Ftlssera,rt MO Frnit. nsnl OrnaMental Trees • Spruce. Scotch .t Astrachan fine Pr cos of ontiro stock very low.' isne . All orders romptlyy filled. John Stewart, Estate,tou Bemuillcr B�nmill�r �ars�ries en w". MRS. JOHN djet •. . " ..,.�. /ssir riSii ,y ir6 ' tri " CASH. My husband hay troubled with 40 and finds Ripans the only relief{; been troubled wit gestion for the teen years.