HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-04-30, Page 54%4
sits and
Blouse Sets
In Belts we have a very
large line, all the very
m latest patterns. We have
om: ice ones with bi-
on. The prices are
15c up.
In Blouse Sets we lead,
we have just received a
half gross, that were
bought at a very low
price, We can give you
a beautiful set for'I0ets,
collar button, three studs
and a nice pair of links,
all for only 10c. Remem-
ber these goods are silver
plated. Come and see
P. S. -Don't forget that
we do Engraving in our
store while you wait.
B1, Rumball
Jeweler, Cli lion.
We have a very choice stock
of the above mentioned
Lemons, per dozen 20c
Oranges 10c and up
''ancyCalifornia Navel Oranges,40c, 50c
also a Fine Choice Orange called the
Tangerine or Glove Orange, sweet and
juicy; can be peeled with your gloves
on without staining them.
We have a complete stock in vari-
ous lines always on hand.
gaining a reputation.
-"Jarnes McClacherty, Clinton
Canada's Appeal to Britain,!' T Canada Life Assurance O0mPa y
0, Britain! What has cortto to thee?
0, woes that I should live to see
Thy glory trailing fn the dust I h and rust,
I thought thee great, I deemed thee good;
0, fool 1 With Europe's grasping brood
The unequal stri ehou wateliest afor rlibe tyng idly �yl
Now that house cleaning has commenced
Brooms will be required by all who realize that
cleanliness is next to Godliness. We give a
ee of cost
to every pug strongand
of 100 lbsceableoroom Fl of at $g and
MEALS at Special Prices
We are pleated to record the following
about an institution of which many Cana-
dians are justly proud and in whioli every
confidence is plaoed: "To commemorate its
jubilee year the Canada Life Aeauranee
Company bas recently published in itsi
journal "Lite Echoes," for public distribu-
tion a full account of its 60 years' history
One thought of thine, one word from thee, togetherwith photographic opts of its pre-
And'�'tirkey would have bowed the ke; sidente, officers, buildings, etc.
The. year 1897 ie a memorable one in the
history of Canadian financial institutions,
When Abdul, the accursed, name for it is the semi -centennial of that great
And swept the land with sword and flame, organizationin which so many t�ionaands
of Canadians take a pardonable pride -the
Canada Life Assurance Company,. A. brief
resume of its origin, progress and the sec-
ret of ite present greatneee will therefore at
this time be of general interest to all our
Away bank in 1847 there. was not a single
life assuranoe company in Cnada. In
1850 the assurance in force in the Canada
Life was but $814,903, in 1896 its aesur-
anoe in force was $70,747,557; t,in 1850 itgross annual income was but $27,838, in
1896 it was $2766,783; in 1850 its total as-
sets were but $41,973, in 1896$17,420,526."
Elsewhere in this issue will be found te
annual, report of this Company. From the
report it will be seen that the new applica-
tione for assurance in 1896 were 2,555 in
number, for $5,685,252.42,but 234 for $704,-
270 having been declined, and 205 for $488,-
325.67 not having been,oarriedout, the ac-
tual issue of the year resulted in 2,116 poli-
ties for $4,492,56.75
The year's claims by death were aain
largely under what was looked for, being
for $725,583.70 upon 232 lives; 8101,900 was
also paid to 4icy holders under 58 matur-
ed endowment policies. These payments,
along with prots amounting to 8361,105.-
15 allowed to policy holders, expenses of
management and all other disbursements,
left a baance on the year amounting to
$1,098,812.17, by which sum the assets were
- iMr. J. P. Tisdall,..Clinton, is agent for
this prosperous Company.
menialooked fo
To all -in vain; but little Greece.
Whose warrior blood, from ages past,
Ruhed down in torrente, hot and fast,
Miltiades alt nd Marathonul upott
And bounds her ppule at thought of thee,
Thou glory -dyed Thermopylae,
L nfading luetre fort the'Gree tbes�leak
She saw again the narrow pass,
Where fell her brave Leondas;
And in her Wth fiery focel o meetme s her foeth se
She heard the Cretan's cry for aid;
She faced the powers unthep ayed;
Her war -cry rang from shore to shore,
"And Greece was living Greece" once more.
Alone, oppoed on every handAlone, she made a gglorious stand;
Alone, to stem thedevil'sworkAlone, to face the insatiate Turk.
Alone! Alone? 0, shame to those
Who swell the number of her foes!
Well, Britain! might'st thou blush to see
The climax to thy infamy.
When men in power, with orders fell,
Turned upon Crete their shot and shell,
Howe'er unwillingly, through thee
They hurled their darts'gainst liberty,
Wth drooping head I lowly stand
In shame for thee, the "Motherland."
Bring forth thy.foee by land and sea,
Break from thy trammels and be free!
Rise, freeman, rise! and early doom
The bloody Abdul to the tomb;
Though all the powers cry for peace,
To arms! to arms! for little Greeoe!
7i lbs Rolled Oatmeal ...............15c
7 lbs Ferina for
15 lbs Corn Meal a only . •
10 lbs Rolled Wheal only .25c
, • • • • • • 2c25c
6 lbs Rice for 25c
7 lbs white Beans only
Laundry Soap, two 3 -lb bars 25c
2 c
Laundry Soap, 7 bars
Laundry Starch, ec per pound.
Great Bargains in Sugars. oats Barley, Bran
Chop, Shorts in stock at closes. Gash for Eggs.
Ye men who love her classic lore,
In every land, on every shore,
Raise, raise,your banners! let them fly!
And show, for Greece and chivalry.
r""* -41%
j Just a 4
$ minute
we will detain you. We
are posted on Watches,
and are doing you a kind-
ness when we tell you the
is the best Watch for a
Cyclist. We have them.,
ONLY $2 50
We have also bargains in
all Watches, Jewellery,
Clocks, Silverwai e, &c.
All work entrusted to
our care done by an ex-
pert workman, and fully
Farrow, the escaped prisoner, was near-
ly captured the other night at St. Marys,
but eluded three constables.
SirncnLowryof Hamiltcn was com•
pelled by the Police Magistrate to pay
$5 to Miss Jenny Cohen for tearing her
jacket in a street collision. The young
lady presented him with the remains
of the,garrnent.
A Globs correspondent on the Govern-
ment relief steamer Assinaboine says that
at Morris there is no dry land to be seen,
and the river is filled with pieces of prop-
erty washed away. The farmers are tak-
ing desperate ohanoes in some of the flood-
ed districts, perching with their property
on the little hillooks.
�i�mmntmmitt Ott PIM mnnntnntrn�!
FISHER -At Toronto, on Easter Sunday, the
wife of Mr H. W. Fisher, barber, formerly of
Clinton, of twin boys.
CHURCHILL -In Clinton, on April 24, the
wife of Mr, Nelson Churchill, of a daughter.
LOCKHART-In McKillop, on April 13, the
wile of Mr. Win. Lockhart, of a son.
McNAUGHTON-In Bayfield, on April 22, the
wife of Mr, 'ohn McNaughton of Stanley, of a
DAY -In Goderich township. pn April 27, the
wife of Mr. John Day, of a son.
HODGINS-WIG(iL'JTON.-At the residence
of the bride's father, Goderich township, on
April 18th, by Rev.W,J. Ford, Air S.G. Hodgins.
of McGillivray, to Jessie F., daughter of Mr
Mc1.iAY-MCLEOD-At the manse, Goderich,
on April 22, by Rev, Jas. A. Anderson, 13. :A ,
Duncan MoKay to Annie McLeod, both of Ash-
MOORS-VANSTONE-At Benmiller, on
April23, by Rev E. Olivant, Mr. Richard Moore
to Miss•Ruth Vanstone.
WARRELL-HOWARD-At the residence
of the bride's mother, on April 14, by the Rev.
J. S. Fisher, Mr. George Warren, of Powassou,
Mr. H.1Howa Howard,
l, Hr ow tt.
•MCFARLANE-BOAG-At the Manse, Ford-
wich,on April 14,by Rev. A. B. Dobson Mr.
Johp11 of
John McFarlanto Miss Jessie Boag, a
MURRAY-JONES-At the residence of the
bride's parents Leadbury, on April 20, by Rev.
J•. F. Parke. of Clinton, Mr, P. H. Murray, of
Tuckersmith, to Ruth, only daughter of Mr and
Mrs• Thomas Jones.
WRIGHT-PORTER-At the residence of'Mr
0, A. Griffen. in Guelph, on April 20. by Ven.
Archdeacon Dixon, J. J. Wright, of the Point
Farm, Godorich, to Mrs. J. R. Porte.
•• DEED.
O'DEA-In Goderich, on April 16, Mrs. Mary
O'Dea, aged 79 years.
PRICE -In Goderich on April 13, the infant.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St. George Price.
HODGINS--ln Seaforth. on April 20, infant
daughter of Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins.
WILSON -In Exeter North, on April 15th,
Elizabeth Freahlich, wife of Janice Wilson,
aged 43 years, 29 days.
EMERSON -In Wet Wawanosh, on April 21.
John Emerson, aged 79 years.
McDONALD-In West Wawanosh+on April
22, Mrs. McDonald, relict of the late Donald Ma
Donald, aged 85 years.
HAMBLETON-In Lucknow, April 22, Wat-
Since commencing to sell out, our sales have been 1 rr
very successful, we have cleared out a lot of goods mat very low. prices, people have been well pleased �rl
with their bargains, and we shall continue until !l
the stock is all seld. We have fully decided to mretire from busines and bargains in all lines will be rrr
The stock is well assorted and you.can save money
by buying from us. Come and spe a large stock of t
Ready-made Clothing rrr
Dress Goods, Silks, tri
Staples, tit
Boots and Shoes tit
Dress Making and Tailoring Done as usual. tit
Plurnsteel f &TON
•Gibbiiigs, tit
tit rrr
It! It! tit tttttttttttttttrt!ttr
Never have we been more busy in our Millinery Department than at the
present time. Millinery is a most important detail of a lady's outfit.
Many women who are good looking when their hat is off, look homely
when seen with their hat on. The reason is they are not supplied with
Millinery that becomes them. What is the use of a stylish hat if it is
uubeooming, That's where we steel in, and no lady leaves this store
with a hat that is not suited to her in every respect. It's very annoyirg
for a lady to feel that her bat detraots from her appearance, not only
annoying to herself but also to her friends, It won't cost you any more
to have a hat that suits you than one that is otherwise.
Prices are Lower than ever betore
A line of $lack Sailors just to hand, as good as sold most planes at'25o..12y0
Black and White Sailors; well made, good shapes, regular prioe 40o, goingiC
off very lively at
Lace effects in Black and White Flop Hats, very special at 24e
A new style in Sailors, Rustic Brim, a beautiful hat, should be $1, for Tse
A. Jubilee Sailor is something new and nobby, colors red, white, blue.,. 90c
The La Tour is a very pretty Hat, high crown, in brown, blue and bleak,
price should be $1.25, but marked $1
1 Fancy Ribbons very sFgqppial value in Dresden effeots, five inches wide,
' worth 35o, but boug1S,o sell at 20c
Fanny watered Ribbon, all shades, 5 inches wide, very special at 20
You will find our Millinery and
Dress Goods Departments up-to-date
1VI eK,nn 'n. itc Co., Blyth
Is on Now
Remember this store isjj thle
great depot for all kinds of
House Furnishings.
Everythingwanted to brighten up the home
at this season of the year is here.
An endless variety of Lace and Net Curtains,
Lovely Carpets, handsome Rugs, pretty Floor
Gift Cloths and Linoleums. Cheap Window
At prices never heard of before in Clinton.
Combe's Sarsaparilla.
Hovey's Baking Powder
Have you tried it? If not, why? We assure you that if you once give it a
fair trial you will never be without it. The ever increasing sale of this ar-
ticle confirms us beyond a doubt that it possesses all we claim for it. It is
always fresh and never lumpy, as we make it several times a week and use
only the highest grade of Cream Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda in its
manufacture. If you have never tried it, get a free sample from us and see
if it is net the best Baking.Powder you have ever used. Sold in bulk only,
at the rate of 25 cents per pound.
son Hambleton, aged 73 years and 7 months.
GRAHAM -In Goderich, on April 24, Margar-
et Graham, relict of the late Robert Sanderson,
aged 89 years and 5 months.
HOLMAN-At Dungannon, on April 25, Mrs,
Tbereea Holman, aged 39 years and 6 months.
McKINNON-In Goderich,on April 29, Neil
McKinnon, aged 79 years an9 months.
GR[ERSON-In Goderioh, on April 26, Alex-
4 son of Samuel and
E;izabeth Grioreon
agedyears and 8months.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
tl'ly A•duertionweuto.
$2 reward for Grey Pocket Book containing
money and note's. Was lost Tuesday, April 20.
Person returning the mime to NEW ERA OFFICE
will receive above reward.
London, April 26 -,---There was a firmer feel-
ing in the market for cattle, owing to the
improved demand, and prime advanced
11Jo per lb. since this day week. Choice
States selling at 112e; Canadians at 10 o;
Argentine at 10&o. Argentine sheep Bold at
18o, and American lambs at 16o.
A private cable from' Liverpool quoted
ohoioe States cattle at 120; choice Canad-
ians at 114o, and midiings at 10/c to 110.
A private cable from London quoted
ohoioe American cattle at 111o; refrigerat-
ed beef, hinds, 12o and fores 80.
Another private cable Prom LiverFool
quoted ohoioe Canadian oattle at lh}c to
111o, and sheep at 12-io.
SEALun TENDERS will be received by the Coun
y. May 29th, at 1 p.
cil of Mullett up to
in„ for the building of a Bridge over the Mait-
land on side road 5 and 6, con. 4, to be finished
and ready for use as a highway on or before the
1st day of Aueuet, 1897. Plans and epocitications
can be seen at the Township Clerk's OfficeLon-
desboro. The lowest tender not necessarily ac-
cepted. JOHN BRIOHAM, Reeve
No. 198 C, 8. B. S., will stand for the improve-
ment of stock this season as follows: -Monday,
May 3, will leave his own stable, con. 7, •Mullett,
and proceed east along con. 6-7 to Dale's Corner,
then north to Lu Farham'e for noon; then west
along cons, 89 to Wm. Mair's for the night.
Tuesday., along the base line to Summerhill,
then across to Geo. McCartney's, l6tb con.,
Goderich township, for noon; teen down to the
Huron road. then west to John Ford's for the
night. Wednesdayalong the Cut line to JelinYoungs, 4th con., Goderich township, for noon;
then 2} miles south on the 4th, then east to An-
drew McGuire's for the nieht. '1hureday,along
the 6th con. to the Bayfield line, then to Cole's
Corner, then up 11 miles and east te W. Wise's
for noon; then by way of Bayfield road to Bell's
Hotel, Clinton, for the night. Friday, down
the London road to Granton, then to Geo. Tur-
ner's Tuckersmith, fornoon; then north by wait/
of Alma. then west along 0006.2-3 to Matthew s
for the night. Saturday, then west to the gra-
vel road and to his own etahle, where he wilt re-
main till the following D REYNOLDS, Manager
JAb, BN ELL, Prop.,
Owing to increased receipts and warmer
weather, the tone of the market was easier
and prides show a decline of frilly do to to
er lb. as compared with thio' day week
The demand for butchers' stock was limited
and trade in this line was slow. There
was, however, a fair demand for shippers
for export stook, but at the close a num-
ber were left over. Dealers state that too
many cattle are coming forward for the
season. A few choice butobere' ehttle sold
at 4/a to 40, good 810 to ab}fair at 810 to
3,1c, an4 j ommon at 2T10 to 2 o per lb live
weight. ♦Pring lambs were Blow of sale
at prices -ranging from $2 to $5 each, as to
quality. The demand for good to ohoioe
$4 to $6 each while common and inferior TownshipO
sold slow at $1 to $g eaoh.
to $8 each. The Nnw ?Ban gives more home news than
Lean hogs sold at from $2.
any other meal paper.
elves was fair and sales were made at
No t ICE
Far sale, 12 choice Shorthorns, 10 being fe-
males and 2 males. They range 'from oue to
seven years of age. and are all thorohrede of the
best strain-regittered and eligible for registra-
tion, any of thorn lit for show JSurrpos s..SWill be
sold right.
Baynes-Bartin Stook Farm, Mullett, Clinton P.O.
Public notice is hereby given pursuant to
Sec. 54(1 of -"The Consolidated Municipal Act
18112;" that it is the intention of the Municipal
conned of the township of Mullett, at a coun-
cil meeting to be held at Londesboro, in the
said township of Mullett, onS' Saturday,
Twentynfnth day of !Way, , the
finally pass a
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon to
by-law to close a portion of the original al-
lowance for a highway between lots numbers
15 and 10 in the fourth concession of the said
township, such portion so to be closed being
described as follows:-Commencin8 at the
northeasterly angle of lot 16 iifore-said;
southerly along the easterly limit of 4,he said
lot, 1,i chains and 131 links; thence easterly
diagonally across the said allowance for road
in hue with the northerly limit produced, of
the deviation road hereinafter described, to
its ensterly limit; thence northerly along such
limit of Tsai iilot 15, toe same t theg
erly northwesterly
angle of said lot 15; thence westerly 1 chain to
the place of beginning.
And to acquire and open a highway in lieu
of the said portion so to be closed as aforesaid,
ichain as follow through
:rC mmencingiatlatpointin
the northerly limit of the said lot 16, distant 7
chains 43 links westerly from the northeaster-
ly angle of said lot 16; thence south 12 degrees
25 minutes west magnetically 2e. chains- 10
links more or less to a point iii the easterly
limit of the said lot, distance 18 chains 75
links southerly from the northeasterly angle
of the said lot; thence northerly along said
easterly limit 2 chains 611 links more or less to
a point distant 1 chain easterly from the line
described; then north 12 degrees 25 minutes
oast magnetically parallel to the said line
above described, 17 chains 36 links more or
less to the northerly limit of the said lot 16•
then westerly along said northerly limit 1
chain 6 1-5 links more or less to the place of
And to sell and convey the said part of the
said original road allowance to Richard and
John Ransford.
And at the time and plane aforesedd let all
parties interested attend and they will he
Dated at Mullett aforesaid this tenth day of
For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bu11
Calves, ranging from 8 to 11 months old, Also
some Heifers dna Cows, in calf. ,&11 of these
are by imported stock, are clime animals, and
will be sold at r..asonable prices. JNO AVERY,
Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London
road, near Clinton.
HOUSE and LOT for SALE by
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to the first day of May. 1897. for the pur-
chase of the one-story Dwelling and Lot on Al
bert St. north Clinton, trecently occupied by
the late Mrs *m. Harland. Terms and condi-
tions will be made known on application.
Clinton, April 5, 1897.
Specials fot'
:7. Vic• r- tr �
25 'beautiful, ; heavy. large, white honeycomb
Quilts, regular price $1.50, special
tor Saturday, only 81
Gilroy &Wiseman
]English Red Caps; noted for their great Egg
producing qualities, and having no superior,also
a good table fowl. Some of the above were
winners at New York, London, Toronto Eggs
for setting 13 for $1.50. Cornish Indian game,
king of table fowl, also good layers. Roosters
weighing 10 to 11 lbs;2. Wilt hens 7 to 8 pounds. Eggs
per seWALTIER COATS,lt guarantee 02,E Clinton. Ont.
Soda Fountain For Sale at
a Bargain.
First Cost $300, Will Sell for
$75 Cash.
Intending purchasers can inspect the same and
learn all particularsey applying at
General Grocery Store, Goderich,
I am closing out my businese in town.
$3,0008V Meats .a Groceries
at Cost.
Call and see for yourself.
Good Butter and Eggs taken as Cash
JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton
Corrected rnoon
eveThursday, April a29th,1897.
Wheat spring
Flour per cwt
070 a 072
O 70 a 072
O 16 a 019
O 25 a 086
036 a 038
200 a 216
010 a 012
Eggsper doz .... 0 7 a 0 8
Hay new, $7; old 7 00 a 8 00
Sheeopskina 0 26 a 0 26
Wool 0 18 a 0 20
No, 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a 25
Clover Seed, retail .,... 5 60 a 6 50
Timothy Seed
260 a 260
`ire Want
Von to Come
And see our stock of Furniture, when you are
thinking about adding something new to ,yopr,
house. We have a good deal to do with the comfort,:'
of your home. Our Easy Chairs, Rockers ansa
Parlor Suites are sold At very small prices. We
are doing a big business in these goods, and so we
should for no where can better value be found, 'we
buy right, we sell right. Give us ,a call.,
A well-known man from Goderich Township told•'
us when settling for a relative's funeral, that we ander--
stood -our businessere in this line and our prices wereverr:
low for our work -it is, and we were the first to start'.'
such low prices; and we will give every funeral we r
entrusted with, our very beat attention.
H. C. BARLETT, ClintoM
Startling Boos Sh e
Values in
This store has always been known to carry a 1.. ge
sortlnent of Boots and Shoes This season ' e stock!,
is heavier and the assortment greater than .nal. "W '
have been fortunate in securing some ver desirably:
lines at special cut prices, among them is a Ladies'`:
buff Oxford with patent tip and facing, new last, els
gant appearance, good fitter and the maker's name on
every shoe as a guarantee of wearing quality.
purchasing an irnmense quantity of this shoe we are;
enabled to let you have it for $1.
Our Dongola Oxfords in Tan and Black at $ 1.25 are bet-
ter than you are accustomed to see for the price.
We show a full range in Children's .Black and Tan Oxford
and Button Goods.
Ladies' Balmorals and Buttoned in Buff, Oil Pebble and.
Full lines of men's wear, from a heavy plow Boot at $1 to:
fine Dongolas in Black or Chocolate at $2.50.
SUGAR -We are quoting close prices on Redpath Sugar1
100 pounds or barrel lots. .
EGGS -It will pay you to sell us your Eggs. . Wo want a
thousand dozen every week, and are prepared to do.s'
little better for you than others.
We want your trade and will quote you lowest prices for what
we have to sell and highest prices for what you hattp,-1
to sell.
W. L. Ouimette, Londesborn