The Clinton New Era, 1897-04-23, Page 5m•.
Apt 23g
tri perly oared for
wb.nyyou trust it with
ug'q We have every
o1.l:.- eili l TUT
cal 'workman xac man to
do it correctly.
7 4 4i 11..ell
receives the greatest
care here . .
'examined free or
cleaned and regulated
for only $1.
J1B.Rumball :
Jeweler, Clinton.
• Confectionery,
We have a very choice stock
of the above mentioned
Lemons, per dozen 20c
Oranges 10c and up
'ancyCaliforniaNavelOranges,40c, 50c
Also a Fine Choice Orange called the
Tangerine or Wove Orange, sweet and
juicy; can be peeled with your gloves
on without staining them.
We have a complete stock in vari-
ous lines always on hand.
- gaining a reputation.
James McCiacherty; Clinton
Now that house cleaning has commenced
w 11 be required by all who realize that
cleanliness is next to Godliness. We give a
good, strong and serviceable Broom free of cost
to every purchaser of 100 lbs of Flour at $2 and
MEALS at Special Prices
7i lbs Rolled Oatmeal 15o
7 lbs Ferina for 15c
15 jibs Corn Meal one
10 lbs Rolled Wheat only .... ... ., 25c
6 lbs Rice for 25c
lbs Whit Beans 7 e Bea oIIl
y Oe
Laundry Soap, two 3 -lb bars 250
Laundry Soap, 7 bars 250
Laundry Starch, 6c per pound.
Great Bargains. iti Sugars. Oats, Barley, Bran
Chop, Shorts instock at closes. Cash for Eggs.
Stands for BLACKS, of this there's no doubt,--
Theblaek on these faces will never wash out ;
For wool, silk and cotton, Black Diamond Dyes
Are used without fear by the prudent and wise.
The above is taken from it.EaceLsior-Rhyming A B .0 Boob, Illustrated."
Each letter of the Alphabet is 22 inches long; sio t'wo letters of the same color.
Just the Book forte little ones. Sent for 3-ceat :stamp to any address.
HOUSE and LOT for SALE by
Tenders will be received by the undersigned
up to the first day of May., 1897. for the pur-
chase of the one-story Dwelling and Lot on Al-
bert St, north Clinton, !recently occupied by
the late Mrs Wm. Harland. Terms and .pondi-
tiona will be made known on application.
Clinpon, April 5, 1897.
English Red Caps; noted for their great Egg
producing qualities, and having no superior,also
a good table fowl. Some of the above were
vi inners at Now York, London, Toronto Eggs
for setting 13 for $1.50. Cornish Indian game,
king of table fowl, also gond layers. Roosters
weighing 10 to 11 lbs; hens 7 to 8 pounds. Eggs
per setting $2. Wily guar, ntoe a fair hatch.
WALTER COATS. Box 102, Clinton Ont.
$ We do
$ Repair $
Our own
and that we may do so
satisfactorily -to our-
selves and to our cus-
toiners, we have secured
the services of MR.
DOWDING, Loudon,
0 who comes highly re-
commended by -the best
practical watchmakers
of that city.
,Prompt and strict attention will
be given to all repairs, whether
Watches, Clocks or Jewellery en-
trusted to our care.
� E:tito J. igg1icomho
R.etjring. from
Business ,
We have decided to go out of the Dry Goods .business,
having other business to attend to, and we will offer
our large and well selected stock of Dry Goods at
prices -that Should clear them out. This is a chance
seldom met with at this season of the year, when peo-
ple want their spring supply, to get ,
This is no advertising dodge to raise money, but a
genuine Clearing Sale. We are determined to go out
of business, and the whole stock will positively be sold.
Sale to Commence Saturday Morniing, April 3rd
And continue until the goods are sold, when the store
will be for sale or to lease.
Full -lines in all kinds -of "Stapnle Goods,
Full lilies in Dress Goods, Silks„ and Satins,
Full lines of Gloves, Hosiery and Small Wares,
ull ; lines of Mantles, Ulster Clothes, Etc.,
a ' es of Tweeds, Worsteds, Gents Furnishings,
s Readyinade Clothing &til thing made to order
pm lines of Carpets, Curtains, 011 Cloths, &e.
Full limes of Mien's and goys' Hats and Caps,
till lines Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Groceries,,
hop Fixtures, including trio Safes.
We have • not space to give you prices of ours.g ...cods, but
come to the store' and see fol• yourselves:
"A dollar saved is a dollar made."
BROWN -,In Clinton, on April 190b, the wife
of Mr. Thomas Brown, of a eon.
GARNESS—In Wingham, on April 10, the
wife of Mr. David Garness, of a daughter.
ROBINSON—Tri 'East Wawanosh, on April •9,
the wife of Mr. Geo. Robertson, of a daughter.
VAN NORMAN—In Wingham, on April 9,
the wife of Mr. Van Norman, of a daughter.
BRINDLEY—CARD—In Sheppardtoo, at
the residence of the father of the groom, on Ap-
ril 14, by Rev. J, W. Pring of Nile, Jsseph
Brindley to Rosa May Card, daughter of Levi
Card, merchant of Goderiob.
HOLMES—BISHOP—At the manse, Brussels,
on April 13. by Rev. R. Paul. Mr. John Holmes
to Miss Charity A, Bishop, both of Grey.
of Mr. Thomas Whitfield, Grey, on April 14, Mr.
Wm. Robinson, of Tyre, Mich., to Miss Mary
MoKAY—ELLIOTT'—At the residence of th e
bride's parents Ethel, on April 14. by Rev. D.B.
McRae, Mr. .J. P. McKay to Miss Mary A.,
youngest daughter of Mr Wm.Elliott, all of Grey
"HILL—MITCHELL—At the residence of the
bride's father, Colborne, :in April 14, Mr. Lux-
ton Bin to Miss Emily Mitchell, daughter of
Mr. E. Mitchel.
MARSHALL—In Goderioh tp., on April 18,
Mary, wife of John Marshall, aged 82 year-.
MORIES--In Wingham, on April 12, S. B.
Mories, aged 81 years, 4 months.
MCCLINCHY—In Seaforth, on April 14, the
infant son of Mr. J. McClinchy.
McLEOD—In Toronto, on April 11, Mnrdo
McLeod, eldest son of Kenneth McLeod. for-
merly of this town, aged 22 years and 9 months.
DYER—In New, Pa nosville Minn., Mr
Dyer, mother of Mrs, Wm. Sadleir, Seaforth,
aged 72 years.
REID—In Goderich, on April 20, Jas, A.Reid,
aged AO years, 8 months and 15 days.
On Monday there were better reports
from Montreal and the buying for there
was steady, about eight carloads being tak-
en. Buffalo buyers were present in num-
bers, and quite a few butchers' cattle and
atookers were -taken to go across the line.
Export Cattle—Dull. Offerings light
and demand slow. There is not likely to
be much better demand until navigation
opens at Montreal. Those cattle sold
brought from. 3.o to 40 per lb, as high as 4to
being paid for a few .fancy.
Butchers' Cattle—All in sold early, and
more could have been disposed of. The
quality was generallybetter. Nothing was
so poor to sell as low as no per lb, the low.
est figure touched being in the vicinity of
2}o per lb. For .choice to fanny cattle the
prices paid ruled from Sic to 8o per lb,
some picked cattle touching
40 per lb.
Medium cattle sold readily at -from 2io to
So per lb and good butchers' cattle sold at
Sic per lb.
Choice selec'aone Of ba-
con hogs were soon disposed of at 5o per lb,
weighed off the care. Thick fat hogs were
slightly firmer at 4io to 4*o per ib. Sows
bring 30 to 3}o per lb;,stags, 2o. All kinds
except stores are wanted.
London, April 19.—The market was of a
holiday character, and owing to the limit-
ed demand a decided weak feelingprevailed
and prices for cattle declined ,}o to lo per
!b, as compared with this day week; best
States sold at lltc and Argentines at 10sc.
Prices for sheep also show a decline of 1}o
per lb, ohoioe selling at. 12o.
A private cable received from London
quoted choice States cattle at 1lte.
A private cable received from Liverpool
quoted refrigerated beef, hinds at 12c; sides
at 10c, and fores at 80.
Messrs. John Olde & Son, livestock sales-
'msn, of London, England, write W. H.
Seamen, live stook •agent. Board of Tra4e,
under date of April ,9, as follows: At to-
day's Deptford market there were no
cattle from .the United. States; the 528
beasts offered for sale were all -South Amer-
icana, and met a fair demand at 5id to 5/d;.
exceptional, Gid.
William, the fourteen -year-old son of Mr
William Davis of Hamilton ownship, was
killed in a runaway scoiden .
The twenty-first annual meeting of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society .of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada, west-
ern division, opening at Hamilton.
The Stratford police made a raid on the
farmers' butter on the market Saturday
morning. Forty pounds in all were oonfiss-
oated, owing to each of the prints said to
contain one pound being one and a half
ounces short in weight.
A letter has been received by a private
citizen of Woodstock from Mrs Reginald
Birchen. Mrs Birchall is now living in
London, and as her letter states, is in del•
ioate health. Her sister, Mrs Weet•Jones'
is oleo living in London. -
The Secretary of State has prepared a
memorandum for Council ail a basis for a
proclamation making Tuesday, • the 22nd of
June, a national holiday and the day for
the offlolal(oelebratlon throughoutCanada of
the jubilee of her Majeety'ereign.
i evt btutento.
Wanted, g enerai servan for small, familyy•.
Clinton. g fibbing St.,
Apply to MRS. T. C BR CL, i3b.,
Soda. Fountain For Sale at
a Bargain.__ •
First Cost. *3.04. Will Self for
Int endiynginirchaserS cart lnepcet the same and
leartr•a l parficnlarsgy applring n
« General Grocery ,Stere, Goiorioh,
Only Ote '`eek of
ly elliug ,
Left in this month, but the opportunity will be fully taken advantage of.
As a etimuloue, to business generally, and as a special inducement to
close cash buyers, we.eabtuit the following list:
Pins, any size, good quality, le a paper.
Flannelette, good width, feet colors, pretty effects in pink and blue, oheeke
and stripes, big assortment, worth 7c a yard, but the price for the balance
of this month will be 4.10.
S. liieething boryFlannelette in plaids, regular width and perfeotly fast colors, just
for every day waists or 0hi)drnn.'B dresses, 5oldi everywhere at 1,0o
a yd, our prioiq!,.3 7o. Check Salisbury, splendid line of blank and white,lpo
Table Linen, half bleached, a very special line, even better than we bad last
month, patterns are good and the price should' be 40o, but cash buyers
now leave an opportunity to prooure it at 25o.
Lace .Curtains—the range we show is most complete, and prices are consider-
ably lower than et any previous time. One line 2i yards long, will be sold
at 25o. Special numbers at 50o and 75o a pair. `The Curtain 3i yards long
at j11 is extra value.
We have been out of Factory Cotton at 22o for a few days, but have procured
some more, is.35in. wide and @old in a great many stores at 4o, our price 2ic
If you would like a Hat that becomes you try our Millinery Department.
Men's Blue Serge Snits, good Dolor, strongly sewn, worth $4.75, our price $3.50
Special line Boys' two,pia i° Snits, well made, sizes 22 to 28, price $1.50
Women's pebble leather Lace Boots, worth $1.25, special at 98o
Canned Corn, limited quantity, 5o a oan.
Let us show you what we are doing. •
McKinnon & Co., Blyth'11/11,V11,1141A411%1111M11, '44
Combe's SarsaparilIa.
Hard Work Made Easy .
The Sanitary regulations require thorough cleansing at this season of the year.
I have in stook the finedt SOAPS at the lowest, prices; including the noted
Standard Electric. Each purchaser of five; bars, 25c worth, is presented with
a beautiful Chromo free. Pyles Pearline, Gold Dust, Sapolio, Sitico and
Washing Soda; all calculated to economise labor. Pure Sulphur for fumigat-
ing purposes. Brooms, Whisks, Stove, Shoe and Scrub Brushes, Mop Hand -
els, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Pails, &o.
TEAS Remember the place where you can secure the best 25o Tea, and for 40 ots.
you get a Tea that cannot be matched for 50o by any Tea Peddler,.
Cash for good Butter and Eggs at
N.. ROBSON'S, - Clinton.
Hovey's Baking Powder
tried it
?not,why? We assure you that if
once on give it a
fair trialyou will never be without
it. The ever increasing sale of this ar-
ticle confirms us beyond a doubt that it possesses all we claim for it. It is
always fresh and never lumpy, as we make it several times a week and nee
only the highest grade of Cream Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda in its
manufacture. y If you have never tried it, get a free sample from us and see
if it ie nct the best Baking Powder you have ever used. Sold in bulk only,
at the rate of 25 cents per pound.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
War Declared in Europe,,,
But that does not prevent farmers from needing hew fences,
so we have for that purpose laid in a large stook of Wire, in
Barbed, Safety Barb, Blaok and Galvanized, also a stook of
Nails at the lowest possible prioe for Cash.
We would also pall special &ttention to our:spring stook of Hats and Caps,
Ready Made Clothing and New Tweeds, which will be found extra good value.
Oar stook of Field and Garden Seeds will be found complete.
Terms Cash or Produce at highest market value.
Corrected ,very Thursday afternoon
Thursday, April 22nd, 1897.
Wheat spring
Wheat, fall
Flour per owt
Egg per doz
Hay new, $7; old
No. 1 Trimmed Hideo
Clover Seed, retail
Timothy Seed
0,70 a 0 71
070 a 071
O 17 a 018
o 20 a 0 25
037 a 088
2' 00 a 2 1,5
011 a 012
O 8 a 0 9
7 00 a 800
025 a 025
018 a 020
400 a 425
O 25 a 25
550 a 550
250 a 250
For kale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull
Calves,ranging from 11 months old. Mao
some eifers and Cows, io calf. All of these
are by imported stock are choice annuals and
will be sold at reasonable prices. JNO AVERY,
Clinton Poet Officer or on the premises, London
road; near Clinton.
?or Bale 12 choice Shorthorns, 10 being fe-
m one
males to years of aagennaahorob e of registra-
tion,thrloelstioriges anyf them fit for show ie
sold right. JAMES SNELL.
Baynes-Bartin Stook Farm, Hullett, Clinton P.O.
Fuller description.
StolenOnt., Sunday yeeechurch shed, 111th. about 8
o'clock, a large, heavy Bay Mare, a little lightin
odor,10 years old, fair share of hair on legs,two
madefbyJohn Leslie Clinton,Ont Thebrid aid
,nearlbeingysupporteQd by a tied tStragp. There were
two Robes, one grey goat and the other brown
buffalo. Tho whip had been broken near the
top and was repaired with wax twine and goose
quill. There was also an old brown horse blan-
ket, patched with grain bag, and torn oil o'oth,
sewn with black thread The Police are re-
quested to be on the alert for the.thief and pro-
perty. Suitable reward will be given for infor-
mation leading to recovery of same, Address,
OHIIfF OF POLICE, Clinton Ont.
You aro cordially invited to attend
.:ASH SALE Sligh's Dress. Cutting School
Clos ng itBusxness
aft oloding°otit sup htlsite'es in team.
$3,Of0'" •i'iieats Groceries
at Cost. •
Call and See for-yeutoelf.
Good Ender lend Eggs taken at; Clash
JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton
where drafting, cutting and fitting of waists
sleeves, all styles, skirts, capes, olonics, jackets,
collars, and all garniente bolobging to a lady's
tytirdrobe, maybe learned by a now and aelen-
tific method, that 10 in advaboe.Of any meth d
of dress•ctttting yet in`vonted. The easiest sys-
tem to learn -.the most aecurpto rosulte. Bears
uo rosotnoiande to any othersystem, We obal-
lbnge the world for rapid end accurate drafting
of adiOsgdrmen0A, LomoparIsonwithanyother
system invited, Dreesinakore well, knob up with
the timea,and Cahoot afford to be without this
timo-savinginvontlon, as 1ttaavek titan and eiau-
soy each year. Over 000;000 Of thea ggarniont
ottttork havogene into usesince their inVefition
%rusts leeson'8 given at your own ltbme5 With.
out 'extra' oharge, Thb Clititorr ladies Should
•this i'i 0pti tidnitbra nsh of itrk ngOtpen�daily till
9 il.m. at VVAvr1RZ,Y Horrir,,parlora,tor 0, month
�r in
ind. Ladie
This store takes 110 second place in the ,.�.
County, for positively new and. up-to-date Mg
Dress Stuffs. We have Made Jilany very
satisfactory sales of tine Dress Materials we
this spring already, and as the warrnt
weather comes,
Will sell a great many more.
We are going to sell lots of them.
And we've lots to sell,
All pretty, natty fabrics too. -
Th. re's more style in a Dress of our 30e, stuffs 4'
thrill you'll find other places at 50c. SIG
Then too in Wash Goods you will have to
see the variety of coloriugs and patterns lc
and weaves to appreciate these things. --
We think we've nearly all that's made
Wash Goods, certainly nearly all the pret-
ty things that's going.
With dainty edgings and laces to trim them'with
all from 5 cents to 35 cents a yard.
Yon all know the range , there is for. our
Gloves and Hosiery. , We will have just
the same rash this season.
Gilroy & Wisema
We Keep
Things 3VIoving
o By Keeping
Things that Move
We are selling a lot of Furniture this season—and we will sell more whent `
people get to know bow good a stock we keep, and how little we ask for it,.
we give yon our wor8 for it, we are marking our goods on Very small .mar --
gins, which should keep things moving in the Furniture line, This is a.
good thing to know. House cleaning time will remind you that you want a
new Bedroom Set, a Parlor Chair, a Dining Table, or something in our -
line. .Give us a chance to show you our stook.
We are complimented
manyon the way
charge e of all
we are entrusted with, and also our fine turn -out. It don't cost any' more
to have it done right. People tell us when they come to settle their ac-•
counts that we oharge very little for the work we do. That's just what we,
have been saying right bt
aloe —we been charged before. Think of this when you have -to consce with ult an ss nde --
. taker.
C. BARLETT, , Clinton
elothes Make
Half the Man
And no one realizes this so forcibly as those ,
who have invested in our Ready to wear,`,
Tailor Cut, Tailor Made Suits in L- ight and
Dark Tweeds, Halifax and Worsted, which
we are . offering at such ridiculously low
prices that you cannot afford to be without
good Clothes.
You like to see your child well dressed; why
not buy one of our Sailor Suits at $2. They
are trimmed wen with black or white braid,
look well and wear well. Will fit boys from.
4 to 8 years old.
Boys' two piece Suits.... $2 to $4
Boys' three piece Snits.... 4 to -5
Youth's three piece Suits, long pants 4 to d '
Men's Suits, $4.65, $6, $7 $8, $t0'.
Men's White and Colored Shirts, Ties, Collars.
Boys' and Menas- Hats aid Caps in latest syles
and shapes.
FullAssortment Boots & Stine
Always Pleases, Pure and Palata
• hle
w •
Q :��'+ e L
......,_ 0nes..ill`
4 7i1i fri .