HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-04-16, Page 8N +W ERA Otre uu o11 (! a r41,Ud,' , APRIL 16, 1897 LOOAL NOTICES, N. WALKER i<iattresses made to er. Orders taken at Broadfoot & Box's 'ittateilt..---Egge and roll butter. Highest price 1d,4OA13TELU1113..1t0s , Olintou. >Redroorn Sryts.—Don't fail to see our6.50 tdroo,n 1¢ptuea—great snap—Broadfoot & Box. aA KOr garitetmencods now, cash onsalmns.- almost loyr%u'and Musto House. T. COTTIM for Roser Carnations, smilax 4igasegtadewup on short�notice..laPrices reason 61e,,'' W ?DDINc --A quiet weddieg took Nee' at t;he home 'of-MeJcnrum- nti;.Londesboro, on Wednesday, when ie olity remaining daughter was mar- ried to Mr J. C. Adams, Rev Mr An- 'sljrews performing the ceremony. T?E'ANaES.—Mr T. C, Edmonds has rented the farm on the 15th con. of l odeiich township, known as the Ng, hitely farm, for one year, at a rent- bl'of $165, and has rented his property 'ititewn to George Flintoff, who will •aJso-help him in farm work. DI ATH.—For some time Lawrence SVottle, aged about I9 years, son of Mr 431eo Cottle, has been an inmate of the .Ohillia Boys' Infirmary, and this week .31r'Cottle received a letter from the uperintendentstating that the boy 'Pas ill and unable to attend to his -chool duties. Mr Cottle had no idea ibe'boy was seriously ill, as the letter did' not so indicate, and ,was shocked On,Tuesday to receive word of his death. Mr Cottle left at once for Orillia sabring the body home for interment. ATTRAOTIVE.—Novel or Unique win - * Misplays add to the attractiveness 'a store, and original ideas are fre- Antently resorted to in order to obtain "AMP end. In the window of Cooper & 'Plc's. grocery is a live hen and brood of 4ehicks, while several plates of colored id. t►t window of prominently win's grocery shy s Aire hen and rooster, while in one *Omer is a very natural looking nest, •ninth a fresh -laid egg therein. These `displays are seasonable, show original- ty, and accomplish what they are in- nded for. '1,A.• CLOSE CALL.—The North Bay Climes thus alludes to a well-known ;d'or'mer resident of this town:—"Mrs C.Detlor had a narrow escape on •iIonday, from what might have been 4titantdeath. Some men were engag- in erecting a scaffold in front of the ';p(�ostoffice block, and a workman at- tempted to throw a small board to the round, but it struck the telegraph •!!lPifee and came back and fell on the .nidewalk, and at the same time struck .!ilJrs Detlor, who happened to be pose- s -Pig. If it had fallen directly on her the result might have been serious. TRIFLE&.—There was quite a small stiksrw shower on Friday. Lives of ,**eat men all remind us that to win FLithe golden prize, we must hustle, keep our eyes skinned, buy the best—and advertise. Don't wait for the corpora- tion cleaners to reach your place; get 'to wvork with your rake and hoe in ,.(front of your residence at your first convenience. In different parts of Aire town may be seen broken-down ' tossingover culverts; these should be *pairefor the looks of the thing, to 'Sway nothing about convenience. y;THE ORCHESTRA.—The Hensal•i Ob - :1 elver says:—"The concert given by be Clinton Orchestra and R.A. Downs ICoxworth's hall on Wednesday ,night, was,a success in every respect •except the attendance. The Orchestra •'plc,Yed classic selections with the taste and a`expression of prosessionals. R. A. ,D.owns more than sustained his envi- f,le reputation as a character vocalist. he; other singers also did well. Where he mistake•was made by them was e not having the entertainment un- e,rqthe auspices of something local." ;;,;.eLATE GLASS BROKEN.—On Sunday afternoon the large pane of plate glass ',:,the south end of Jackson Bros. tore, received a blow of some kind, hick cracked it almost its entire n th, Parties who were on the lfreet heard a sound as if some window struck by a stone, but no one saw . i'S'aet done. A star is formed in the ,stags where the window was struck, ut:the surface does not show the rghtest roughness, and some are of 'pinion that iitA might have been 'sang by the elbow of some one stand - fig there, Unfortunately, the pane Vat not insured. sa;INESCAPE. --The other ortn}ing Mrs McLeod awoke with a ieculiar feeling of illness, and on at- eiipting to make her way to the Mins of some of the boarders, she fell Ikth.oor with weakness. It was ii4lje' a before she recovered, and tse & e found that all the members :One house were suffering likewise. ,edical assistance was procured, when vas+learned that they were suffer- ig from the effects of coal gas, and e minuses more of slumber would ave resulted in the death of everyone Mem. euo.OL BOARD.—Regular meeting 'as held Monday. Principal Lough s l ora showed the attendance tor E rch 391; and visits from Trustees (ariand, Irwin, I. Jackson, T.Jackson, 4 Stevenson, Dr Agnew and W. G. linitis, also from Capt. Combe and In- ector Robb; Miss McKay, the new ache', is 'doing good service. When invenient, and if satisfactory, Miss itylor'will be transferred to the prim- epartment at old salary. In view r. p ,omise of the success of the (Nanking, it wan resolved that an iier'tainment be got up under the spices of the Board to raise a special d fora uniform for the cadets, and committee of the whole Board and Anti . > Lough was appointed. 4...' � o 'hbLin •ACCIDENT.—Dr Turn- •I,lhtt'''s ..easion to go to Toronto last ek In connection with,, a peculiar til barneptable accident, and as a rning,to other's we publish the cir- iinsta.nces of the affair. A neiee of b} rending near Listowel, was sweep - 0406m, and came across a corset side el 1 ii`g on thee floor. Instead of Tuc reeping t out she picked it up. and I Hun a pergori might naturally do, she tit between her thumb and finger thatit a spring from her, but it flew Is and the point slightly cut one of 'eyeballs. Th ..,necessitated a visit Sgarintiliet of ` Toronto, who found it cessary to rernooe the eye entirely, t d iit?� stated that this was the third le he had treated within two months ' noel •m,ekactly the same cause, I in ty Oluottiii'.C,NOTge.--The thicket (Nub will tender a smoking concert in the XX'V. Club rooms on Thursday, April joined The. Clinton Cricket Club pas cine the Canadian Cricket Associa- tion and are organizing matches for various. points in Ontario. Mr 'Terry is as enthusiastic as ever and will have the team in good shape. STATioN NOTES.—Messrs: lex. Lock - ie and John Thompson. Blyth, left for Brandon this week. W. Wallace, Hullett, left forSteveneville, Montana; Jae. Connell, Goderich township, for Grafton; Dakota; H. N. Butterfield for Roseland, B. C.; Alex. Forden, for Flint, Mich. All were ticketed by A. 0. Pattison, G. T: R. Agent. Ours CHICKEN NOTES.—We have to condense our "Chicken Fancier's" report this week, (owing to our crowd- ed columns) as follows:—Lack Kenne- dyshipppped gge to. ttf�11.-and Ber-- iiWalter Coats tilled orders for parties in New York State, Lucknow, Ingersoll and Saleford; and Lorne Todd sent out a number. Quite a number of settings are to hand, but we have not heard of results. MAKE IT A JIIBILEE.—We think it would be well to decide on a celebra- tion in Clinton this year for one of the three festal °days—May 24, June 22 or July let; one preference would be for a big jubilee celebration on June 22nd; we ave communications from several parties on the matter, who favor this date, and then let other towns, who wish to observe either of the other days, do so without friction. CONCERT. -Arrangements are being made to give a benefit 'koncert about Thursday next, for the purpose of,rais- ing funds to purchase scenery for, and otherwise decorate the stage of the town hall. As this is a very worthy object, and much needed, the concert should be well patronized, and at the small admission fee of 10c, the hall should be packed. The intention is to give a first class concert at a nominal admission, for the sole purpose of,pur- chasing scenery. NOTES.—Mrs E. Bingham, Goderich, was -the guest of Mrs T. Cottle for a few days last week. Mrs Butt has given Seale & Hoover, of Clinton Marble Works, an order for a monu- ment to be erected in Clinton ceme- tery to the memory other late hus- band. Miss Eva Smith, of Goderich, was the guest of Miss Whitely on Monday. Mr John Irving left with us an egg from a White Leghorn hen, which measured 0& inches in cilbum- ference. Miss McRardy .is to take part in a" Joubert at Walkerton this week, with such artists as Miss Ram- say and others, Thos. Wigginton is this week looking after machinery at Blyth for the Brantford Company. Mrs G. Doherty has been confined to her room by severe illness for the last two months, and is not yet better. Messrs Jackson Bros., 0. Cooper & Co. and P. Crews have just put up new awnings. _ Miss Ida Boles left on Sat- urday for Toronto, whete she ekpects to take a three months course in the Conservatory of Music. We under- stand that the wife of Mr Ben Cole, who has been in delicate health for some time, will shortly go to Detroit for special treatment; her sister, Mrs Cook, and Dr. Gunn will accompany her. Rev. W. H. Butt, Centralia, vis- ited his mother here on Friday. Mr John Carelake, formerly of Clintoir, who has been in Los Angeles, Cal., during the past several months, is visiting in Seafooth; Mr Carslake ex- pects to locate in Canada, where he finds business as brisk as in the States. Miss Kezia Mills, of Harlock; visited friends in town last week. Mr McTag- gart, who is at present teacher of Blake public school, spent Sunday in town recently. Miss N. Isbister of town, owing to illness is unable to at- tend school. Mr Remington, formerly of the Molsons Bank, is visiting here. Mr W. W. Farran was away on busi- ness this week. Tuesday evening Mr Brewer, manager of the Molsons bank, gave a magic lantern entertainment in Egmondville' Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society; the evening was anything but favorable, still the audience was good and appreciative. To -day (Good Fri- day) will be observed as a general holi- day, so far as business is concerned, and -the postoffice will be opened only the usual holiday hours. Mr A. Mon- teith hrs taken down the verandah in frbnt of his residence arid intends re placing it with a new one and a conser- vatory, having let the contract to S. S. Cooper. The scholars enjoy their mu -- al Easter holidays. We are. glad to see Mr Jas. A. Ford out again after his illness. We notice that Mr Geo. E. Pay, of North Bay, late of Clinton, is president. of the Agricultural Society in that place. Owing to next Friday being a holiday, and the entertain- ments in the churches in the evenings, .the I.O.G.T. open lodge will be'post- poned until the evening of April 23rd. The Clinton XXV Club will have an Easter At -Home in the -town hall on Friday, April 22rd. The team of Car- lyle colts lately bought by Mr Emer- son, have been sold to Mr G. D. Mc- Taggart. Mr. C. A. Holden, represen- ting the Phrenoline Medicine Co. of Ottawa, was here on Wednesday and made an advertising contract with the NEW ERA, expressing the belief that it was one of the few papers that was honest in its circulation statements and had the large circulation it claim- ed; he is a son-in-law of the esteemed Librarian of the Mechanic's Institute, Mr. James Scott. The other day, in' daylight, thieves held up a Mr. McAl- lister of Detroit, in his own store, and robbed the. till right before his eyes; this person is a brother-in-law of Li- brarian Scott; it is a consolation to know.that the thieves were caughtand sent to State Prison. Mrs. W. Muir, of town and Mrs. A. Cantelnn, of Maple Stone Park Farm, have gone to Toron- to to spend the Easter holidays. Mrs. H.B.Chant left yesterday on a month's visit to Toronto. Mr. Albert Seeley has been making some improvements to hie house. Mr. W. McKown is also improving the house occupied by him- self. The Medical Association did not meet here on Tuesday, as intended, but expect to hold a meeting on the 27th. The next meeting of the Herne Circle will be, held on the evening of Tuesday, 20th inat; it is important that all the members should attend, as matters of importance are to be con - red. Mrs. James Patterson, of kersmith, is visiting Mrs. Harr t. Capt. Dancey of the Goderich Customs Office, was in town Monday, Drawn to Clinton last Monday, by business, pleasure and a 2.40 pony was Sid Malcomson, of the county town. Mrs Hoover is visiting friends at Lucan and Exeter. ' Mrs. John Govet has a tea biscuit, baked three years ago to - which is well preserved and shows gnsof moulding yet, Several articles pe unavoidably omitted this week. arpetsana€urfains S.'LENDJD SPRING SHOWING. We do the Carpett business right. Most dry goods stores sell Carpets, but there's no store in Huron makes the specialty of Carpets we do, none that devote as much space to this depart- ment, none that have the facilities for showing them, none that carry the stock and can give you the variety and choice that are to be had here. We sew and lay Carpets bought here; buying from us saves you that laborious work. We are in magnificent shape for the spring business, never had such a stock to show, qualities are good, patterns new and attractive, and prices as low as you will get anywhere. Prices like these will bring Carpet The best quality ext se,pe . o -,__,_I usiness this way. - pTy ail' wool Carpets made in CURTAINS Canadion Union Carpet,fair weight, Atnerica, carried off the gold me - good patterns 30o dal at the World's Fair, made from clean, pure yarns, free from Heavy Union Carpet, reversible, grease, dyes guaranteed, the new - good colors and patterns, A 1 est coloring, in a great range of value 400 patterns $1 Extra heavy Union Carpet, newest Extra quality . Tapestry Carpets, colors and patterns, regular 60c, 5Oc good patterns, reg. 05c qualitySOc Brussels Carpet, good quality SOc Hewool, avyneumon Cerrp onlDnearly ula all Axminster Carpet, richer in appear - 75c quality pay' reg 6 0 encs than Brussels, will wear as well, rich, new designs and color - Wool Carpet with cotton chain. ings, borders to match $1 15 This Carpet has the appearance and wear of an all wool and is of- ten sold as such. Sold all over 50 sample ends of Wool Carpets, all at 75c, special 60c one yard'Square, a new lot just in Heavy All Wool Carpets, good your choice per end 350 ends Axminster Carpets, all range of colorings and pattrns, 25 per regular 85c and 90c 750 yds long, regular price $1.15 per yard, your choice per end 75c SAMPLE ENDS The Compton Cores t CReC. FOR MEN 14 New corset "The Victoria" IM INN One of the most graceful, most comfortable and durable Cor- sets on the market. Extra long waist, perfect in shape and finish, and made from ma- terial that will wear. $1.00 Heavy Tweed Waterproof Coats, double texture, seams gummed and sewn. 24 inch detachable cape, a splendid garment BODGENS BROS We have bought some wonderfully cheap Lace Curtains and can give you better goods for less money than ever before. Lace Curtains, 2t yards long, 89 in. wide, taped edges in white only 45c Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 40 in. wide, taped edges, good patterns, white and cream 75c Lace Curtains 3S yards long, 47 in. wide, taped edges, beautiful de- signs, special value $1 Lace Curtains, 3i} yards long, 00 in wide taped edges,good patterns 1 50 Chenille Curtains in nearly all col- ors, dado top and bottom.... $3 25 For April Showers Three lines of Ladies' Water- proof Circulars They are not the very latest styles, neither are they very far from it. The qualitiesare good, and they come in tweeds and blks. Three prices $1 00 $1 25 $1 90 Buy any one and you get more than your money's worth, for they are all worth double the price marked. 3.50. If you paid six dollars for it you would'nt pay too much. The DRY GOODS PALACE, • t CLINTON r%Sliiii*VSli/WOO• 00410e110Wi%%%% Why Is It ? That every month our business shows an increase there must be a reason - people don't go out of their way unless there is a increase, come for miles around Clinton, they send letter orders troth all over by mail where this paper goes to. We'Il tell you—we have the goods and we buy thrum right, to sell them on pretty small margins. We have Elie whole County for competitors. Our re- putation is at stake when Ave misrepresent anygoods wehave' „ to sell. We can't, afford to humbug the people—we are too well-known—Our ads are read and our ads are true. Specials for Easter Trade. We have some special lines in Ties for the Easter trade. Flowing end Scarfs in choice colorings and patterns.. 5Oc The Lombard graduated Tie club shape, for tying in small four-in-hand or bow, light and dark pattern 25c Made up Knots, extra fine quality, choice colors and patterns latest Englishjshaape 5Oc Satin and Silk, Bows, latest style in:light and dark colors 35c Ascot shape or four-in-hand in fancy and plain colors, polkadots, stripes and checks 35c Men's plain black Cashmere Socks 25c Men's gray and blue cotton Socks, 8 pairs for 25c Men's fast black Cotton Socks,,2 pairs for 25e Children's Sailor Collars with fronts attached 50e Our new American Fedora fur Felt Hats in fill the newest and up-to- date styles, silk band and binding, in brown, black, cuba and tobac colors .. $2 Men's fur Felt Stiff Hats in all the newest blacks, in all the newest colors, good trimming and binding, .. $2 $3 Youth's and Boys' fine Felt Fedora Hats in black and brown shades, Satin Linings.... $1 09 1 50 Big range of Boys' Tweed and Serge Caps, assorted colors 10c 25c Colored Cambric Laundried Shirts, made, in all the very newest Ameri- can patterns, two separate collars and cuffs in blue, brown and pink stripes, open front andback,14 to 17; 75e 1 25 Fine elastic web Susnender. mohair ends and drawer supporters, double stitched leather back, black, light and dark colors, special value ..,,. 25e 35c $3 We carry everything a first-class store should carry, and when more people find out that we keep such a big range of up-to-date goods at pretty 'near the cost of production our big new store won't be any too big for us. J lrso p Bros., The Famous Glgthiers, Coats Block, Clinton, 1 "K1IIRON GNfTm^ The sec>;et of money getting lies in this Greek proverb "KNOW YOUR OPPORTUNITY, We offer you an OPPORTUNITY this week. I• t is in the aoeeptance of which we feel very and reasonably sure you will be so satisfied with. We solfoia; your inspection; feeling assured that4f you will so favor ns you will know it to be YOUR opportunity. Opportunity No 1 r Is a tine China Deoorated Jardiniere either tinted or plain, assorted patterns an colors, the kind you always wanted but the price was always in the way. They have actually made a sensation among buyers. They were made to sell at -- well it would surprise ycu if we told you and it is oar prudence to keep it in re- serve, but you can have them while they last at 35o each. We have only 3 doz. Opportunity No 2 Is a Cup and Saucer at 11 cents, not the sold everywhere cheap kind, but a really good and ornamental article, the beet we have seen for anything near the pride. You will notice among other commendable features the splendid finish of these goods, Our stock oonsiets of 1 gross. Now We Have Them and You Want Them. The W. D. FAIR CO. Clinton, Ont. Spring : Footwear AT W. Taylor & Sons WE ARE SATISFIED From the record of the past year that our efforts to offer the best valves on the market have °been eminently successful OUR CUSTOMERS SATISFIED The stead,increase of our trade be- tokens growing confidence and appreciation of up-to-date goods and methods READY FOR SPRING TRADE i If you want to choose your Spring Footwear from a complete line of thoroughly reliable staples you can do it here. The temptation we spread before you is quality. Come to us for Stylish, Sensible and Seasonable Footwear. Sole Agents for the famous Slater Korrect Shape Shoe • Our Display of Easter Millinerj Is complete and is beyond doubt the prettiest assortthent eder ehov here, you would think so too if you saw it. You'll want a Hat for East let us supply your need. We are sure we could please you. Our Mill ners have the requisite taste and skill to trim to suit you and your pur as well. You'll be surprised at the throng of buyers at our Shuwrooi every afternoon and at the number of orders given; why not leave your You may feel sure of having your wants promptly met. We give a epi vial discount of 5% off to cash purchaehers of Millinery, Easter Gioves. The Great Kid Glave Stor The largest stook and the biggest sales are here. Onr new gid Glov for spring ambers; direct from two of the best Frenoh Glove makere f Grenoble, France; and are, beyond doubt, the best assortment and valnfi, ever offered to the trade here. In the lot we show a range of nine no lines. At 58c we offer you a 4 button Glove in tans and browns, worth 75o. At 65o and 75o a bro. 1 Children Kid Glove, sizes 4 to 6, At 75o a Ladies' 7 hook Lacing loge, worth 900, tans and browns. At 95o is a Glove that has given every satisfaction, 7 hook, new shades in brown at $1.15. At $1 a 4 pearl button Glove intan, black stitohed back and fancy to match. At 01 a 4 button guaranteed Kia Glove in Bleak. We have sold not as good for At $1 a cream washable 8 -button Glove. At $1.25 we show a superb line both in black and oolora. In Black Kids we sho following colored stitched banks and facings with pearl buttons to match: Mauve, Green and Gold. In colored Kids, Browns, Tans, Fawns and Gold, stitched baoks and facings in White, Brown, Black and light Blue, with pearl tons to match. At $1,26 a 1 plain Black or Tan Kid Glove, guaranteed. At 111.85 the new Derby Glove in oolora or Le Chartrease in plain Black or colors, range of sizes, 5i to 8. $1. • H _BEESLEY & CO les Favorite Establishment, Clinton