HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-04-16, Page 6Aptrii i.01, L89 MUNYON'S cl• Work For Humanity pp1e in every Walk of Life i rk iowledge his Success ORDS FROM THE HEART o11 -i r own Citizens Testify to great benefits received 7I cLINTON NEW ESQ, pii Broad Homoeopathy Menyon's„ Glide to Health and Cure lo`ursolf with a 25 -cent Remedy—Posi- ive and Permanent aures for Catarrh, heumatiem, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kid- i'y`rl"roubles and All Special Blood and .eryptle Diseases. • >fe, M. O'Brien, Bradford, Ontario. says: suffered with lumbago in my back for months. At times I could scarcely n in bed. I dreaded to get up in the ming, the pain was so severe. I se - aid a bottle of Munyon's Rheumatism re and in two days the pain was all gone, 1Lhave not felt any return of it since. I G6 years of age and am now perfeotly iltby," . l,tinyon's Rheumatic Cure seldom fails relieve in one to three hours and cures irfew days. Price 25o. 1tiuyon'e Dyspepsia, Cure positively cures •' forms of indigestion and 'etomaoh Wales. Pries 25o. dnnyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia 1`1iteaks up a cold in a few hours. Pride tfi nyon's Cough Cure stops couehs, lit, sweats, allays soreness and speedily tis: the lungs. Price 25o. 'tinyon's Kidney Care speedily cures 111,sjn the back, loins or groins, and all ;ms of kidney disease. Price 25o. I tlnvon's Nerve Cure stops nervouenese rTgbailds up the system. Price 25o. dnnyon'e Headache Cure stops headache Yep minunes. Price 25c. iunyon's Pile Ointment positively cures fortnis of piles. Price 25c. Iunyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- ities of the blood. Price 250. Xunyon's Female Remedies are e. boon allr?pvomen. of +inyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. ie "Catarrh Cure—price 25c—eradicates ii; disease from the system, and the Ca - 1 i�T,ehlets—price 25c.—cleanse and heal Ftartir lifunyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in Mites and cure permanently. Price 1ppaon's Vitalizer restores • lost vigor. r jieparate cure for each disease. At al eigises, mostly 25o a vial. 15'ierEpnal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 & 13 tient St., Toronto, answered with free isl,teal. advice for any disease. t some time past there has heen A,;" increased mail service to Alf an listapce, but no action was taken in ;>ntttter until a day or two afro, en specifications were issued calling !'tenders for carrying the mail to iStance every day. At 'present e fe is only . a tri-weeklv service and r,gnte goes as far as Harlock. Un - ?the!" laew state of affairs, which es:ihto force after the first of July 'the mail will be carried every from Constance to Seaforth and t'h; and the Harlock mail will he 019- to Leadbury, three times a week `tt>ial, where it will connect with cussels route. e;man who stands idly by and sees the ont of his wife's face, sees her ,.going, sees her becoming old and ,iind`wrinkied when she should be in :enjoyment of vigorous, useful health t' less than a man or else does not otthe one remedy which will bring ;rick to health and strength. Perhaps ;itaband cannot persuade her to go to 4iiior, because she naturall,7 dreads evitable "examinations" and "local Onto," He can pursuade het if she INny persuasion, to take Dr. Pierce's i`te' Prescription. Tbis truly won- ',.medioine has cured hundreds of en:after the best physicians had failed. e'been in constant use and tested `day for thirty years. It isn't an ex- eiat,.there are ne 'chances about it. epptain cure for all derangements, trebles. irregularities and displace - 0,i' of internal organa peculiar to April lst, death removed one of Id`residents of Seaforth, in the 6 of, Mr Patrick Hughes. De - 04,,v70.6 a quiet, inoffensive man, ¢r years was a familiar figure on ifOts5, lie had resided in Seaforth Wity for a great many years, ne time was employed at the 'in' Tuckersmith. He was 77 age, and leaves a widow but iildren. iniall objection which young folks the old-time spring medicines was tliuseoueness. In our day this objec- lrelnoved and Ayer's Sarsaparilla, oat powerful and popular of blood I ie as pleasant to the palate as a ,Toronto Globe, of Wednesday ;.0,13r. Sloan, of Dunn avenue, las been in practice in Parkdale 0' ears, left yesterday to take l -residence again in Seaforth, his Home. On Monday evening a r Of the members of Dunedin ns of Scotland, of which Dr. 'f has been camp physician, met at -r 'e far a few minutes to wish ell and present him with a sou- of`tlieir pleasant relations with Dr, and Mrs Sloan will be gt eat - sed in the west end, where they ad.tlie respect and confidence of 0 iiuinber of friends. `7RPRISED HIS DOCTOR. e aver a year ago I was laid up io>;iehitie," says Stanley C. Bright, Kfflgston, "My doctor's bill came :,and altogether my illness coat nue e Ile fall I had another attack, I �'i. t6agtt;ii.advertis>iment in a news- >tr Chase's Syrup of of Linseed entine for throat troubles. I tyeuld risk a quarter and try it. 0, Atter this 'intend to treat i1 'L" .e 000ryor p7 n � wrapper. U :ER WRONGS IN 1635. A WOMAN'S RIGHTS DOCUMENT UN- EARTHED AT CRACOW. Wanted the Diet to Pass Laws Against Long Courtships and to Compel Men to Marry—Also Wanted Certain Privileges Accorded to Wives. Tho .nldest woman's rights dooument has been unearthed in the university libra- ty of tho city of Crakow, Galiola. It is dated from the year 1686 and is •in the form of an address presented to King Ladislaus IV of Poland by the "women commissioners" of greater Poland and Lithuania. The "women commissioners," it seems, were elected in the same way by the fe- male population as the deputies to the diet were chosen by their male compatri- ots, with the difference, howee r, that the deputies had the right, and, indeed, the duty to make themselves personally heard, while the women could make their wishes known only by petitions addressed to the king or the legislative body. The memorial that slumbered for 260 years or longer in a moth eaten pigeon- hole of 'the ,university building of Poland's ancient capital comprises 25 paragraphs or articles, the.most interesting of which are herewith given. The document opens with a broadside against long courtship, as follows: "Whereas, the young uncn of this coun- try have takenito indulging in almost end- less courtships, which are liable to wear out a maid's patience while at the same time being a `heavy expense to hor parents, who must necessarily entertain and feed the groom while ho pretends to become better acquainted with his future wife; therefore, be it resolved that the diet make it unlawful fear any man to woo a maid longer than a `twelvemonth—that is "to say, no man shall be allowed to defer mar- riage, after proposing to a maid, more than a year's time. In June of every year the parents of a maid shall have tho right to demand of any wooer of long standing either to declare himself as to ,his inten- tions or withdraw his suit." Paragraphs 2 and 3 demand a law which guarantees to every maid the right to choose her own husband, and at the same time thunders against the old time 'praotice of marrying for money. "During carnival man has plenty of op- portunity to become acquainted with the talents and charms of any lady," says the memorial. "A gentleman meeting a maid at that period of the year should therefore be well, able to decide by June 1 whether or not he wants to become her husband. If he refuses to do so, it is clearly from ill will, and the law should fine him 1,000 florins, which money is to be applied to- ward the maintenance of orphan maids. " Paragraph 6 proposes a law providing for the establishment of a marriage mart, to be held in eaoh province every four years. Men and women, having attained the proper age for marriage, shall attend this mart and try to dispose of their heart and hand, unless they are already engaged or hope to he in the near future. The women commissioners seem to as- sume that Polish girls will gladly embrace this opportunity for choosing husbands among great numbers on parade, but are not so sure as to the men. They therefore propose that young men shall be compel- led to attend these fairs on pain of being declared "infamous." Paragraph . 10 speaks rather disrespect- fully of widows in this fashion: "Whereas, the majority of widows, after burying ono or even two husbands, are eo bold as to inenare young men who in point of age might be their sons; there- fore, be it resolved that widows above the age of 40 shall be prohibited from remar- rying, once because they should give maid- ens a chance, and again because at their time of life they ought to think of praying rather than oourtiug." "Inasmuch as itdti'911 woman," says par- agraph 18, "are favored with good looks, we earnestly recommend the diet not to place duty on cosmetics or other ettiffs for beautifying the human face or form, for every woman should be allowed to make herself as pretty as possible so she may se - euro a husband for herself Tbis will be a well nigh impossible task if the strata adds to the cost of cosmetics, eto., by burdening Ibsen with taxation." "Marry your own kind," says paragraph 18 of this curfew document, and aeoord- ingly petitions the dint that a law be,pess- ed providing that a man of bad habits should not be allowed to marry a pure girl, but one of his own character, while girls of evil reputation should be united with rakes, eta Paragraph 19 of the women commission- -s' memorial voices a long folt want in those warlike bines as follows: "Able- bodied men aro wanted in the household, as the' providers of large families, as hus- bands of sturdy maidens able to propa- gate the noble Polish race. Nowadays the authorities appear to regard such persons just good enough to march behind the drum and fife and spend their life's blood on the battlefield. We therefore pray that a law be promulgated snaking it a crime for recruiting officers to engage any man for the army unless he bo a criminal or physically unfit to serve as the husband of some good woman." The document winds up as follows in paragraph- 26: "Whereas, many husbands refuse to let their wives visit balls and other resorts of entertainment, be it or- dained by the diet that married women shall be permitted to enjoy themselves in any fitting style for the period of ten years after marriage, whether the husband likes it or not, they having the right as well as the men to seek pleasure in their own way as long as they do not offend good morals, dishonor their home or neglect their du - t. In Spring Time get Pure Blood by using B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring) the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. - BBB RIM FOR THE Nab BLOOD BBB NINO FOR 7HE SIM BLOOD 441116.1.4't+,aui Was SIowly flying. THE RESULT OF AN ATTACK OF LA GRIPPE AND PNEUMONIA. The Strange Case of Mr. James 'Owen, of Johnville—Dootore Told Him His Lungs Were Affected and He Could Not Recov- er—Now in Good Health. From the Sherbrooke Gazette. When a'man faces what medical authori- ties tell him is certain death, and regains health and strength, he ie naturally grate- ful to the medioine that has restored him. Such a man is Mr. James Owen, one of the best known farmers in the vicinity of John- ville, Que. Mr. Owen tells his story of- ehattered health and renewed strength as followa:—"On the 17th Deo. 1894, I was attacked with la grippe. A week later the trouble developed into pneumonia in its worst form; and 1 did not leave my bed un- til the 1st of March, 1896, and then I was so weak that I was unable to walk alone. All winter my life hung in the balance. Summer came, and I was still weak and feeble, though with the warm weather I gained a, little strength. I had, however, but very little power in my legs, and I !1 n �� ,JAb a �`—_� Iii' I, �il 1il�Lill 1l� I'f I1 � could not ride a mile ih a buy owing to the pain they caused me. My longs also troubled me and I raised a great deal of matter. I then consulted the best doc'or we have in this section of province. He told me candidly that I was past medical help. He said that my left Tung was in a etateof collapse, and that my right lung was also affected. This was in July 1895. For the next three months every day seem- ed to draw me nearer and nearer the end. I was so pressed for breath at times that I could not walk any distance without stop- ping to regain it. In the month of Novem- ber I began to take Dr. William's Pink Pills. It was certainly a forlorn hope and I admit I did not expect mach benefit from them, but took them rather to please a friend who urged me to do so. I believe I was surprised when I• found they, were help- ing me, for IthoughtI was beyond the aid of medicine, but help me they did, and I gladly continued their use. The result. is they have made a well man'of me. I have not a pain about me, my breath comes as freely as it ever did, and I am strong end vigorous. My ease can be briefly summed up in a few words, Dr. William'e Pink I',ils hove given me a new lease of life and I am glad to let everybody know it. Dr. William's Pink Pills create new blood, builds up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all other medi- cines have failed, thus establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical science. The genuine Pink P,ilfs are sold only in boxes bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect your- self from imposition by refusing any pill tbat does not bear the registered ,trade mark around the box. r•or Baby's 13ea. The best bed coverings for a baby are sheets of cambric or linen in summer, and soft blankets of pure California wool, which are as warm and light as down and much more wholesome, in winter. A silk- en comfortable of down is allowable if the mother can afford that silkcnlike down which the eider duck plucks from her breast to lino the nest which she builds for her own ducklings in the Arctic snows. This soft, dun colored down does not float about, but clings together, so that it is safe to use it. The coverlet of the baby's bed may be of any dainty hued wash silk. This coverlet will protect the blankets as well as a heavier counterpane of cotton.— N'ew York Tribune. HAND-IN.IiAND Health and Happinese go Hand -in -Hand With Stomach and Nerves all out of Sorts, Health and Happiness are Un- known. Frank A. Gadbois, Cornwell, Ont.:—"I was for several years a great sufferer from indi estion, dyspepsia and nervousness.I g took many reedis without any relief. I saw South American Nervine advertised. I procured a bottle, and I can truthfully say it is the best medioine I ever used, and I strongly recommend it to anyone suffering asI did. -A few doses wonderful- ly helped me, and two bottles have made a new man of me." It cures by direct ac- tion on the nerve centres. Sold by Watts & Co. Developing 16zerelse. Washing windows is the boat exercise for a woman to develop the upper part of the body. Mies E. Marguerite Lindley, who has made the health of women her life study, says this with all gravity, but ad- mits that there is some difficulty in doing it at all times. There are periods in a woman's existence when she finds all her windows in so spotless, shining a oondt- tion that It would be downright winked to wash them. Then it is that she must seek some other method of improving her phys- ical state. Miss Lindley says that ordinary house- work does not give the right exercise. If a woman sweeps, the pressure is brought an only ono aide of her body, and.the dust stirred up by the broom gets into her lunge. This inhalation of dust would be sufficient to negative the benoflt derived from the exercise, even if it were the best that could be devised. If she bends over the waslitub,•it strains her back and com- presses her lungs, to say 'nothing of its likelihood of inducing an attack of indi- gestion. Then, what is a poor woman to do? That is a question that the woman asks almost in despair, and It is one that Miss Lindley answers in various ways, but particularly in the way of recommend- ing the washing of windows. Tito iso• eerily signatlro tt C14 111°Y'C:)R=.d-. Is an ovary wrapper. DR. CHASE'S Catarrh Cure CMS CATARRH, HAY FEVER, ROSE FEVER, AND ALL ,HEAO COLDS• . LIVE ONE BLOW WITH TIE 'BLOWER AND THE POWDER 18 DIFFUSED, MAKING A SURE AND PERMANENT CURE PRiOE WITH BLOWER 25 DENTS WOMAN'. SUPERIORITY. "low the Wife Proved It and Silenced Heil Husband. Mr. Moekton's wife had been making e few remarks to which her husband listen- ed with a patience which showed that bit disposition is diplomatic rather than belli- cose. The theme of her discourse was tht inferiority of anon and their usurpation o1 power, a topio on which she can be depend- ed to wax eloquent, even if she has to say the same things over several times. "Henrietta," ventured her husband in a gentle tone, "I do not think that you were quite right in saying that the whole scheme of creation shows that women are superior beings." "You—do—not—think—what?" she de- manded In ominous accents. "I do not think—er—that is to say, l admit that you bring some very good ar- • guments to bear on your side of the ques- tion." "You speak as if there were another , side to it, Mr. Moekton. " "Well., I was just trying to make home conversational and pleasant, you knew." "Prooeed." "You offer facts which very strongly support your theory when you refer to the success with which queens have governed and to the brilliancy of the Elizabethan period in particular. It is also worthy o1 note that we intuitively refer to a great government or a great ship as 'she.' But there is one important truth which you cannot controvert." Her eye warned him, and he hastened to add: "That is to say, an important truth which most people would have difficulty in controverting. You cannot deny that after the garden of Eden was prepared Adam was the first to appear on the scene," "Of oourse I cannot," replied his wife, with lofty serenity. Yon are obliged to concede that man was to be found upon the earth before woman was." "Certainly. It is precisely on the same principle that you expect your subordinates to be at work in the office before you get down there in the morning."—Washing- ton ,Star. orning."—Washing- ton„Star. Insanity From Shook. The pathetic recital of the experience o1 an engineer whose reason was shattered by his train running over and killing two mon leads thoughtful persons to the con• templation of tho exceeding frailty of hu- manity and the awful consequences to the sensitive mind of such an accident as that which wa rho real cause of the collision of two trains. Of a highly nervous temperament, the engineer, while he felt himself guiltless of murder, was yet so overcome with the knowledge that he had taken two lives that he was wholly unbalanced, and prob• ably in the most mechanical way, with his hand on the lever, sent his train along the tracks, completely oblivious of the dan- ger that threatened him. The piteous am peal to his follows, asking them if he real. ly was to blame, is one of the most pitiful incidents in the affair. Experts say that an engineer can only pass through a given amount of strain, and that once having passed this point ho is scarcely accountable for what he may do. There is a great difference in people, however, as to the effect which such ca- lamities have upon them. People of stolid and nnimpressihle temperaments may pass through such experiences and be but slightly overcome by them, but it is a dan- gerous thing for the sensitive, highly or- ganized mind to bo placed in such an aw- ful position.—New York Ledger. Consumption of Sugar. According to Mulhall, the consumption of sugar per inhabitant in the various leading countries in the world is as fol- lows: Sixty-nine pounds in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,. 80 pounds in Denmark, 29 in Holland, 23 in France and Switzerland, 18 in Sweden, 10 in Belgium, 15 in Germany, 18 in Aus- tria, 11 in Norway, 8 in Russia, 7 in Italy and 0 in Spain and Portugal. There are some 00,000 oostermonger8 who carry.on business in the streets of Lon- don. Their capital is supposed to be $250,• 000, while they are said to do a trade dur• ing the year of $15,000,000. The profits of this turnover are about 65,000,000. A small teaspoonful of powdered gam arable, with the same amount of glycerin, stirred into atwnblorful of cold water and drunk slowly, will often work wonders in quenching thiset. „ Price so cents per Box, or 6 for $2.5o. At Druggists, or Mailed on Receipt of Price by T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto. Best I$'the World. "Bathing is positively the best oosmeatto In the world,"gays un old physician, who keeps his pattente blooming with the most extraordinary success. "Regular pours for eating and abstinence from rich food is the next best, and the regular hours for sleep- lng will come third. The girl who tries the recipe for three months can throw away powder and rouge pot, and look to be her own granddaughter when she reaches three score and ten." The Carpet. In furnishing a room, 1f the carpet se- lected or obliged to be used is of a mixed pattern and coloring, it is wise to have the furniture covering of a solid or very indistinct color. A negative shade in dull Aniehed goods would produce a mach bet- ter effect than a br•1'paded pattern or lus- trous showy materto1, and the lines of the frames should be simple, with little carv- ing, Any tendency to confusion of style is to be avoided. Steamed,' Coffee. A housekeeper guards against incompe- tency on the part of the maid with the morning coffee by having it steamed—a process advised by some cooks. It is made in a double boiler, the usual proportions being followed. After the boiling water is added the vessel is set in its hot water ket- tle and steamed for 20 minutes. There is no risk that coffee made in this way will be opoiled from standing or overcooking. CANCER CURED —AND A— LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it.”—Mrs. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S The Only Worrld's Fair Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. Pain -Killer. (rcRRY DAMS'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Rowel Complaint is Pain -Killer. This is a true statement and it can't be made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Dlarrhma, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and SOC. 31UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULlS14:L � Reader t►THEA Great Offer • (►OF0 The London Free ?cess. j i + + t t The levee Press, desiring toren•ly- increase its subscription list, make,' the t` following great offer to the farmers and t- stockmen of Canada sell ere ,y sub- M scribers to Weekly Free Press will get One Year's Paper Free. The Froe Prises has made arm nee- ments with the Veterinary S, ii -nee Publishing Co. fora number of mpre-- "( b their book"The Veterinary Serena•-" I, the prion of which 18 82.0. Thi- I,eok treats fully and in plain language 1hr. Anatomy, Diseases and Trestiixnt of 1» Domestic Animals and Poultry. also containing a full description of Medicirc and Receipts, so that every farmer can '- be his own veterinary. $3000 FOR $2,00 g Tho Weekly gree Frees and harm and Home for one year (price :?1,,'01 maie a copy of the Veterinary Science (prig (32.001. Both will be mailed to any rid-�' dress upon the receipt of Two Doltar3. Do not mise this chance. Wo cannot C afford to continue this otter indefinitely. Our object in making it now ie to secure 'an immediate reg ionso which a less liberal offer might. fail to attract. ile• member, by sending 82.00 for the honk you got thn Weekly Free Press and Farm and Rome ONE YEAR FREE. Agents wanted everywhere. Address T all communications to the Free Press Printing Co., E. London, on, Ont. . fl1MTIVTOYTT,T1IIIT►TITITIMITTTI TTTTTTI% STOCKTAgING We are now nicely settled in our stores in the Old Brick Block, and pleased to see our old easterners ae well ae new ones. We are now busy taking stock, and in a great many lines are selling at reduced prices in order to clear out. IIARL &ND BROS, Stoves, Hardware Clinton MILLINERY MRS R. ADAMS wisher to announce to the ladies that next week she will be prepared to show them a fine range of Millinery, and to supply as far as possible all demands. Any wishing to have Feelers Dyed, Cleaned and Curled can have them done wellsby entrusting them to us. We are agents for Stockwell's Dye works, London. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS 500 HOUSEXEEPEI ,S WANTED To take notice thatour$pr la Mock Is arriving -- BABY --GAR-IiFAG-- - ES, ART GOODS, WINDOW SHADES, SEWING MACHINES, and the largest stock of furniture in Huron County. We sell up-to-date sideboards with glass, $6.50; Fancy Bedrpom Sets, 20x24, Glass, 88.00; Large Extension Tables, $4.00; Highback Rodgers, $1.00. I.E, CHB OE E3w . B I,Y TII Special Bargains TEAS I TEAS! CEYLON, ASSAUE and JAPANS. 8 pounds good Young Hyson Tea for $1. Just to hand, 1 ear SUGARS ! SUGARS! SUGARS ! No. 1 `Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one Montreal Sugar . hundred pounds and dollars, at special prices. We keep the best Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sete, Fancy China assorted stock of Wed- 1 and Lamps, 25 per cent less than regular price.- ding rice.ding Presents in Huron. I Call and see our goods and get prices.S FRESH SEEDS—Timothy, Red and'Aleike Clover, Turnip and Mangel. Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs, J. W. IRWIN, - - - - Clinton NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR opting Clothing Having purchased a large, up-to-date stock of Worsted and Tweed Suitings and Trouserings for the spring trade, at a very low price, we are prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton and vicinity Ordered Clothing - ch'eaper than has ever yet been offered here. Suits to Order from $10 up. Our $13.50, $15 and $16 Suits are Leaders. We use nothing but first-class trimmings. A perfect fit and latest style guaranteed. ROBT. COATS & SON THE BEST PHOTOG RAPHS ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER CARRIAGES AND WAGGONS We Keep in Stock and make to order Carriages. and Waggons of all kinds. F. RTJM ALL - - CLINTON la i