HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-04-09, Page 5Your,4-0„—
atch and
•Jewelery •4
Is properly cared forr
en you trust it with
We have every
known facility and a'
practical Workman, to
do it correctly.
4i ell ell
receives the greatest
care here . . .
examined free or
cleaned and regulated
for only $1.
J. B, Rumball
Jeweler, Uli300n.
We have a very choice stock
• of the above mentioned
Lemons, per dozen 20c
Oranges 10c and up
Van cyCali f orn i a Navel Oranges,40c, 50c
Also a Fine Choice Orange called the
Tangerine or Glove Orange, sweet and
juicy; can be peeled with your gloves
on without staining them,
We have a complete stock in vari-
ous lines always on hand.
0171i WEDDING CAKES are still
• gaining a reputation.
James McCiacherty, Clinton
Now that house cleaning has commenced
Brooms will be required by all who realize that
cleanliness is next to Godliness. We give a
good, strong and serviceable Broom free of cost
to every purchaser of 100 I bs of Flour at $2 and
MEALS at Special Prices
ibs Rolled Oatmeal Ole
7 lbs Ferina for 15c
15 lbs Corn Meal only 25e
10 lbs Rolled Wheat only ...„. 25e
6 Ibe Rice for . 25c
7 lbs White Beans only 10c
Laundry Soap, two 3 -lb bars 25c
Laundry Soap, 7 bars 25c
Laundry Starch, 6c per pound.
Great Bargains in Sugars: Oats, Barley, Bran
Chop, Shorts in stock at closes. Cash for hggs.
Rev. James Van Wyok .f Hamilton is
very serionely
The Methodist Obortili nuncio was
destroyed by lire.
There are thee Det inkm bye-eleo-
Hone on April 27.
The Methodist olatiroh a
was destroyed by Arc,
A Sunday street, car vote
in Toronto on May 15.
Mr. Andrew Barry was jj d at Dray-
ton by a tree falling
ill be taken
For sale 12 choice Shektherefi,
males and 2 males !hv r
being to-.
g ore one to
seven years of age, and are alls,thord reds of the
best straira—regietered and eligible or registra-
tion, any of them fit for sharoses. Will be
sold right. A mES SNELL.
Elaynes,Bartin Stook FarIxt, 11 Nett Clinton r.o.
For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull
Calves, ranging from 8 to 11 reelltio OM. Mao
some Heifers and Cows, is Galt. All of these
are by imported stook, are <Melee animals, and
will be sold at reasonable price. JNO AVERY,
Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London
road, near Clinton.
$25 will buy solid color heifer calf.
$32 solid color heifer one year old this spring.
$40 solid color heifer two next August, due
to calve in tall.
850 solid color coming two, fresh calved.
$60 a beautiful sow corning four years old,
last calf last uttober, due to calve next Octo-
ber, very rich milker. Dant tested 7% butter
fa tsand good for 21 ibs butter per week. This
coli is dam of one at $50, and grandam of calf
at $25. All above regietered, also half bred
Jersey wit h three-quarter bred heifer calf a few
days old, both for $30.
G. A. BRADMAN, Druggist, Brussels, Ont
A first-class Ilprigilt Mahogany Case Williams
Piano, almost new, an xcellent instrument, for
ale on very reasonable terms. Apply at NEW
ERA officio.
It is not expected that the new tariff will
be brought in at Ottawa this week.
Mr Laurier will probably be accompani-
ed by Chief Juetice Strong on hie visit to
England. The Chief Justice goes to take
his seat at the Imperial Privy Couhoil„
Three handrect.membere cf the six Nat-
ions Indians have petitioned Parliament to
Donee' their electoral franchiee. Their
objectioa is that it bas made bad friends
among tribes.
Canada last year exported six times as
many eggs to Great Britian as to the Unit-
ed States. The great Canadian hen will
lay more and more for the British market
under new conditions.
Another case is reported from St. Thom.
as in which parents left a sick child to •die -
without medical attendance, so strong was
their faith in the mumeries of "Christian
science," It is hard to say whether the
jail or the lunatic asylum is best fitted for
such .people.
Nooholas Krukoff, Inspecteriof Agricul-
ture of Amoor region, Russia, isat Winnipeg
He is en route to Vancouver, thence to Jap-
an, and from there to Habaronek, on the
Pacific coast to Siberia, where his head-
quarters are. Mr Krukoff is one of seven
or eight advisers of the Goeernor-General
of Siberia and is Inspector of Agriculture
10 Ruesia-in-Asia.
In the short compass of one week there is
a very sad record of la grippe's fatal work
in the Roehleder family, late of Welling-
ton avenue, Toronto. Mr Francis W.
Rohleder succumbed to this malady on
Saturday March 27, Mrs Catharine Roh-
leder, his widow, died On Wednesday.
Their only daughter, Miss Catharine Rob.
leder, died on Saturday last in her 24th
year. Thus within eight days requiem
mass will have been said in St. Mary's
Church, Bathurst street, for father, mother
and daughter.
The Torono World (Con.) save:—"Joseph
Israel Tarte delivered certainly his best
speech in parliament. The occasion will
ever be a memorable one to theee-who were
present. Few men would dare to speak of
the Bishops so boldly as Mr Tarte did.
His manly utterances will commend them-
selves to all reasonable -minded men in this
country and will show to the world what
ROOMS TO RENT strides Quebeo is making these days in pot-
Several comfortable rooms to rent, wen situa-
ted, suitable for scholars or ethers, Reasonable
terms _Apply at Cenemos Nan, ERA OtRee
The undersigned has for sale a quantity of
first•ele,ss Seed Peas, (white)
London It Ad, near Clinton
Seed Peas, Oats and Barley, also feeding
Corn. Sell for cash or exchange any kited
of grain in some cases. One to six months
W. G. Perrin, Clinton.
The property on the London road, immediate-
ly south of the bridge, and consisting of three
acres, with good dwelling, orchard. stable, et,,
is offered to rent. Fur particulars apply to
JOHN 111DOLIT, Huron St., Clinton.
SVasl ed, a Choir Leader, for Willis Presbyte-
rian Church Clioton. Duties to commence on
April 30. Salary 5150, Which includes salary to
Organist. Applications received up to noun on
Wednesday, April 21st, and to be addressed to
the undersigned, from whom all information can
be obtained,
W. COATS, Secy Trustee Board:
From the following Varieties of pure bred and
prize winning stock at a moderate price, viz:—
Black Minorcits, Rack Longshans, White Wyan
doctos, White Leghores, White P. Rocks and
H°edam. Make your selection e and order earl),
Price 750. per setting of 13.
For Sale
at comfortable and well -situated house on
Huron St„ occupied by Mr Dutton, is offered
for sale or to rent. The house contains accom-
modation for a large family, having six np.stair
bedrooms, with all other convenience. Hard and
soft water, cellar, wish stable, etc. A few bear-
ing fruit trees. Possession given lst of May.
Apply to W, W. FARRAN, Clinton.
Retiring from
We have decided to go out of the Dry Goods business,
having other business to attend to, and we will offer
our large and well selected stock of Dry Goods at
prices that should clear them out. This is a chance
seldom met with at this season of the year, when peo-
ple want their spring supply, to get ;
This is no advertising dodge to raise money, but a
genuine Clearing Sale. We are determined to go out
of business, and the whole stock will positively be sold,
Sale to Commence Saturday Morning, April 3rd
And continue until the goods are sold, when the store
will ,be for sale or to lease.
1111111its of Gloves, Hosiery and Small Wares,
1 lines of CarpeIs, Curtains, Oil Cloths, &c.,
1 lines of Tweed. , Worsteds, Gents Furnishings,
1 lines of Men'is and Boys' Hats and Caps,
1 lines Ready made Clothing tit Clothing made to:order
es of Mantlts, Ulster Clothes, Etc.,
Fun lines in all kinds 01 Staple Goods,
ines in Dress Goods, Silks and Satins,
11 lines Boots, ,Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Groceries.
Shop Fixtures, inOuding two Safes.
We have not space to give you prices of, our-gbods, but
come to the ztore and see for yourselves.
/ "A dollr saved is a dollar made."
itical freedom. And there was one of the
moat striking demonstrations seen in Par-
liament for years. The Liberals cheers
were prolonged again and again,
A work of great value to the agricultural
community and the owners of live stock
generally is "The Veterinary Science." It
treats comprehensively and in plain, every-
day language on the anatomy, diseases and
treatment of domestic animals and poultry,
besides containing a complete description
of medicine, recipes, cec„ enabling the farm-
er to be his own veterinary. Competent
authorities regard 'TheVeterinary Seienoe"
as a standard work, and one which no own-
er of animals can afford to be without. The
book is sold at $2, but the London Free
Press Company has made arrangements
whereby they supply their mammoth 16 -
page edition (tne Weekly Free Press and
Farm and Home) for one year, together
with a copy of the book, at the extremely
low price of $2. This is an opportunity of
which everyone should take advantage.
- , BORN.
MORRIS.—At St. Tuoman, on March Oth, the
wife of Air Janice Morris, (ioninerly of Bullet t)
ofa daughter.
TROYER.—In Mullett, on March 27th, the
wife of Mr John G. Troyer, of a daughter.
' STONEMAN.—In Benson, on March 27th,
the wife of Mr J. C. Stoneman, of a daughter.
MILLER—In Goderich township, on the 21st
March, the wife of Mr. Geo. meter, of a son.
BE_A.COM—In Goderich township, , n the 28th
March, the wife of Mr, John Beacom, of a
MOCREETY—CATHERS.—At the residence
of the bride's father, on March 24th, by Rev. C.
R. Gunne, 111. A.,John McCreery to Miss M. J.
Cathers, both of the township of •Howick.
the residence of the bride's mother, on March
31st, by Rev. John Ross, RA , Alr Jas. WI kin
son, of Victoria, B.C.'to Miss Maggie, daughter
of Mrs R., Walker, of Brussels.
LOVE—WILSON_At the residence of the
bride's parents, on March 31st, by Rev. E, A,
Shaw, of BeIgrave. Mr Samuel Love to Miss
Mary, eldest daughter of Mr W. C. Wilson, all
of Morris.
. BILL—TT RNER. —At the residence of Wm.
Turner, Go erich township, on March 31st, by
Rev. F. J. 01 ten, blr James tin of Buliett, to
Bliss Ellen Turner, of Goderich towimhip.
CiMPBELL.—At Grand Bend, on April 4th,
Donald Campbell, aged 87 years.
MI7SOROVV —In Wingham, on April 1st,
Willie, infant had of A. 11, Musgrove, aged 2
years and 1 inth.
BARR.—In flullett, nn March 26th, Jane,
wife of Mr Aleci Baer, aged 69 years.
WHITE.—In Hensel), on March 26th, Eliza-
beth C. White. aged 48 years and 10 months.
HICKS—In Exeter North, on the 2nd April,
Sam'l Nicks, aged 64 years.
HORN—In Usharne, on the 7th April, Grace
Brock, relict of the late Wm, Horn, aged 78
years, 13 days.
MILLER—In Gaderich township, on April
8th, Eliza, relict °Ville late Jacob Miller, aged
71 years. • ;
MOFFAT—At th Winnipeg flospital,on 270h
March, Elizabeth, eloved wife of Mr. Wm.
Moffat, aged 67 year.
Corrected every i'hursday afternoon
Thrtrantily, April 8th, 1897.
Wheat spring 0 70 a 0 72
Wheat,fe.11 0 70 a 0 72
Oats, s... 0 17 a 0 18
Barley 0 22 a 0 25
Peas 0 38 a 0 40
Flour per owt 2 00 a 2 15
Park . 4 75 a 6 00
Ratter 0 11 6,0 13
Eggsper doz 0 8 a 0 9
Hay new, $7; old 7 00 a 8 00
Sbeeepskine 0 25 a 0 25
Wool 0 18 a 0 20
No, 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a 25
Clover Seed, retail 5 50 a 5 50
Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50
Near Aduertiociatnto.
Wanted, a young girl to look after young
child and assist in hOusesverk. Apply to
HOUSE and LOT for SALE by
4'Tendors will be received by the undersigned
up to the first day of May. 1807, for the pur-
chase of the one.story Dweling and Lot on al -
bort St. north, Canton, (recently occupied by
Abe late Mrs Wm, Harland. Terme and condi-
tions will be made }moven on Nephew hoe
Clinton, April 5, 1897.
Engllah Red Caps; noted for thee, groat Egg
producing qualities, and having no superioriilso
a good table &wt. Some of the above wore
winners at Now York, London, Toronto Eggs
for setting 13 for $1.50. °mdal) Iodine genic,
king of table fowl, also good layers, Roosters
Weighing 10 to 11 ihs; hens 7 to 8 pounds. Eggs
per setting $2. Will guarentee a fair hatch.
.WALTER COA 1'S, Box 102, Clinton Ont,
o Some Figuring
And see if we are not worthy of your patronage! We do
not ask your custom on strength of friendship, on account
of our looks or color of our eyes, but solely because we think
we can do you good and save you money. We are told by
competent judges that we have offe of the finest ranges of
Ladies' Blouses or Shirt Waists$
In the County. Prioee are as follows:—
No. 1 —Print Blouse in Black and White, and Blue and White, special at 40c
No. 2—Special line, neat pattern Print in blue and white hair stripee....50o
No. 8—The range is simply magnificent in Print, Chambray, eto., in newest
styles, newest colors, lanndried and well made in every reepeot, 75o
No. prettiest goods imaginable, in delicate ehadeff, but remember
they are fast colors—Lemon, Pink, Blue, etc., with white detachable
collar and cuffs
No. 5—A splendid line at same prioe is linen effect, very neat and very lash.
eider this blouse is good value at... At. $1
ionable. Linen Goode will be greatly worn this season, and we 0013.
No. 6—Dresden or Persian effeota,pretty colorings,perfeotly made all sizes 81
No. 7—Is a Biome. or Shirt Waist in plain 13atiste material, colors, plain
of narrow White Linen, a very neat effect, price
Linen, Black and Navy, with Border around collar and down front $
Carpet Warp.
We have all the leading colore—White, Green,Red, Orange, Blue and Brown
If you would like a Becoming Hat try our Millinery Department.
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
vs,Avsivivkiiiviv& iiivivt/te4
Combe's Sarsaparilla.
Hovefs Baking Powder
Have you tried it If not, why? We assure you that if you once give it a
fair trial you will never be without it. The ever increasing sale of this ar-
ticle confirms us beyond a doubt that it possesses all we claim for it. It is
always fresh and never lumpy, as we make it several tittles a week and use
only the highest grade of Cream Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda in its
manifacture. If yort have never tried it, get.a free ;sample from us and see
if it is nct the best Baking Powder you have ever used. Sold in bulk Only,
at the rate of 25 cents per pound.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
Change "
The partnership existing between J. McMurray and II. Wiltse has been
dissolved, and the busies s will be ca-rried on by the p undersign , who
j, be pleased to receive the support of all old cuutomers, and many
new ones as may find it to their interest to give him a trial. II goods
to be found in a first rate Grocery, as good and cheap ea any, will be
kept in stock.
Bargains for a few days in Dinner,
Tea and Toilet Sets. Cash for Eggs.
CLINTON, Phone 40
Montreal, April 5.— At the oattle market
here to -day there were about 550 cattle, 400
calves, 16 sheep, and 5 spring lambs
Good cattle sold at about the same price as
last market, but in common there was a
large quantity on sale, which caused a de-
cline in prices. Quotations—Best cattle,
31.. to 4fe; fair, Be to 40; 24•0 to 21c; calves,
$1.70 to $6 eaoh; old sheep, 3c to Sic; year.
lingo, 40 to 5c; spring lambs, $3 to $4 each
fot bogs, Bic, to 54o.
Trees, Plants, Shrubs.
This old -established and reliable business is
being continued as usual, and those who want
anything in our line can rely on the very beet
of service
Choice Plants for spring Bedding.
Florid Dealgns for Weddings or Funerals
Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Spruce. Scotch at Astrachan rine
Pr oes of entire stook very tow.
All orders promptly filled.
John Stewart Estate, cianijller
The West Huron License Commissioners will
meet at the Iutipector's Office, Clinton, on
MONDAY, 19th of APRIL,
At 5 o'clock p.m.
to consider applications for licenses during the
license year 1897-98.
The following are the new applicants:—
John Hamilton, Saltford.
Alexander Robinson, Goderloh.
C. C. Rance, Wingham,
Tho number of Hotel Licensee issued during
the license year of 1896-97, was 34; 2 Shop Licen-
ses, arid 2 Brewer's Liconees. Tho number of
applicationfor hotel licenses for the mewing
license year is ono more than last, namely 35,
and there is an increase of one in the number
'of shop licenses applied for.
Any further applications must be sent to the
W. J. PAISLEY, Clinton.
Clinton, -,March 30, 1897.
Mr Charles H. Webster, publisher of The
Mercantile Review, Buffalo, devoted to the
live stook trade, sent the following message
to Lyman Gage. Secretary of the Treasury
relative to the effect on Canadian cattle
shipments; "What effect will the tariff bill
passed by the House have upon shipments
of Canadian cattle before final disposition
of bill?"
Mr Gage promptly replied: "Cattle here-
after imported unless purchased before
April 1, may become subject to provisions
of the new tariff."
This means that unless the Senate re-
moves the date effective provision, the
tariff schedule of the Dingley hill will be in
effect and will affect all receipts after
April 1.
Canadian Butter
Ontario butter is now on top at Manch-
ester, Eng., best creamery from Perth
having recently brought the highest price
yet paid for colonial product, nearly as high
as for beet Danish, and shillings above best
Auatralian. All the faotories—aame ten or
twelve in number—have made a uniform
article as to color, salting and texture, just
what wag demanded by the market to which
it was shipped, and all was put up in the
standard square 56 -pound package. So far
about 80,000 pounds have been shipped and
the cry has ever been for more.
The total value of the live stook exported
from Toronto during Maroh was $110643.
For the same month last year not a dollar's
worth of live stook was exported from here.
The exports were divided between Portland
and Buffalo, the latter point, hoWever, tak-
ing the bulk of the stook. On Saturday
fourteen care of stook were sent over the
Grand Trunk to Iowa, several cars contain-
taiiiing (salves for feeding purposes. They
were bent from Myrtle. There were also
eleven care of stook for Buffalo and five for
Portland. •
Seven Weeks
and it will be
In seven weeks people will wear Summer
Clothes. Think about summer diversions,
and prepare for summer vacation. These
delightful April days between the blizzards
of winter and the heat of summer are instil-
ling into the buying mind an- appreciation
of necessity and a willingness to procure it.
The times have been bad,
The times must be better.
Th's is the kind of weather that makes peo-
ple feel; well, and brings them out into ac-
The house must be cleaned, New Clothes
must 'be, purchased, Everything from the
stable to the attic will be renovated, and
much of the old replaced by new.
These are buying days, these are the days.,
of the beginning of good times.
With the opening of good times comes the
opening days of spring buying. You will
find that all you flout can be supplied from
this big. store in the house furnishing and dry
goods way.
What Can I
Do For Von ?
Every house undergoes a thorough cleaning up and a changing around or •
things about this time of the year. One is reminded of something neces-
sary in the way of FURNITURE. ' What can I do for you? A complete
stock of new and up-to-date Furniture with prices lower than you have,
been used to paying, should induce you to pay us a visit when you are.
thinking ahot,Fnrnitnre.
We Make it a Special Point
When we are entrusted with a Funeral, to give a complete and satis-
factory service. We have also made bigger reduction in :prices than
have been charged before. This should mean a big Undertaking busi-
tress. Think of us when it is your unpleasant duty to call -be an
H. C. HA-RLETTFil; rdn ittjunrdee geareerr
' a
on't Hesitate
You may be losing an opportunity. Some
will be showing you a nice suit they got here
for $4.65, $6 or $8, but it might be too late
to do you any good. First-class Clothing
can't stay here long at the prices we are sell-
ing it. )Don't dilly-dally about it. Remem-
ber this is not a clearing out sale nor a dos-
ing out sale, but new, fresh goods placed in
stock for this season's selling. We would
like you to compare our clothing with what
you see elsewhere, quality for quality, prjce
for price.
!Wall Papers
You will want them—we sell them. Good common linea
at 5o a roll; choice heavy papers at 8o, 10o, 124o.
Borders to match.
Alabastine, Kalsomine, Whiting,
Ready Mixed Paints and all accessories required in bean-
' tifying your homes.
Imperial Tea
Do you use it? The infusion is bright, clear and of extrem
delicacy of flavor, and is guaranteed pure. Price 85o a pound.
W. L. Ouhnette
. • r