HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-03-26, Page 4?: jf ••�ll T' .. . I 1 e: t, , , M 'rte' "� '�!"7 " .° 1+• � � I'I I" - I t' -PPI' - .' ♦• `Y ,I . 1 I I � I I. 11 11 . I, I II I .1 . ��._, 1. , I ­ I _ I1. I I . " �. Ir, • ..- . I . ­ � , . � �I .... 1. Ci '{ t \., . • .:ep .T . . rah 26, 1897 THE CLINTON NEW ERA ' . , q. ✓xis, _ • PASSED AWAY.' re and to school books, The text Chureh chi mef3 Y g NEWS NOTES. U f10l�.IirESPON.I?ENUE 'yi cies + books for algebra for instance, cost 75 Owing to the illness of Rev A Stew- a I DEATH A ME88ENQiili OF 1 FACE. cents; of this the authors ata ro al act, bis ul pit was aup lied on bunds Mr George Mercer, jailer at Guelph, is The NEw Ess is not in. any way responsible Bi• I g Q P Y dead. or opinions expressed under this head dsvic +� w -- ty of 114 cents, Ne contended that by Rev r Grigg, of {.Carotito. V HARLAND'-- The death of Mrs Har- after a book was accepted by the de- Rev Mr Walwin has been invited to MrSPoakar Edgar and 0Y -Speaker White THE FAAMER'B PQ$ITION land, or., relict of the late W. Harland, ' artuient, the cop right should he remain another year at Lucknow, and have been made Priyy Councillors, on Moeda morning, was nota aur rise 1 �, `� 4 Ranging in prices from Y g P ought outright, an any publisher in has accepted, subject to the will of ( Clarence Martin a farm laborer, eom- to our townspeople, however regret- ;the laud, provided his paper and bind Conference. witted suicide by hanging atl3inbronk, !'o the Editor of the New Bra. 4 fally they heard the announcement,- ill were u the standard , o. for Children's 'Wheels g . P , should be On our inside pagge will be found a , Mrs Monteith., an old lad of . Stratford, SIR: -In yoar•laat lease, Subscriber has �'Q BE • w. because it was generally uown that allowed to publish it. couple of the excellent addresses in full Y apparently misconstrued my remarks on she was in such delicate health, and at i was run over by a runaway bores and kill- --TO— Mr Harcourt asked how else were given at the recent League convention, ed the sabjeob of depression. $e says the -4 ; ' such eta advanced rra�gge that her recovery the authors to get properly paid for Next week we shall publish several low price of farm products is the cause of STRICTLY $150 for a Tandem at was almost impos�ibla. She had been their work under any other than the others, aswe consider Chemo# sufficient Mr John Beattie, County Clerk of Will• the present depression, But we may ask a resident of the town for over 40 years, present system. The text books (two) interest to warrant their publication dead n and a private banker at Fergus, is what is Cha Dense of low prices, It iia the UP-TO-DATE MERSUi ! BICYCLE & MUSIC and was, therefore, one of its earliest, ou algge1Qra were cheaper than any pub- in Yull, opening tip of ootentries, as I stated in a N S HOUSE, OLINTON as well as one of its most highly res- liehed in England and America, and A parlor concert in aid of the W, C, A severe earthquake shook was felt at former communication, possessing greater IN NEW SPRING . ;., -- — --- pp��cted residents, Born in Yorkshire, the pupils were getting the advantage. A. of Ontario St, Methodist chyrch, Montreal and at many other points in agricultural advantages than we enjoy, elv S_( her Engiaad, she came to this country with Mr Roes defended the present eye- will be held at the residence of Mie F. Quebec, thereby enabling them to undersell no, b her arents, when 13 years of age, and tem. He said that the statement fur. W. Watts this Friday evening, 28th. rl Mrs Louis O r of Ironsides at a lest PP Y g Y DRESSES B p ea 1 in the markets of the world with rXecl grain -W G,Perr[n resided for sometime in Montreal, and nished him showed that the public fine liters and musical programme Y P a rronitural products at a smaller cost ouse toront-A Cook afterwards in Toronto, where she was school children of Toronto paid on the is being prepared, and everything will of tobaoao on a out hand and died of blood- than we havbeen loin in the gond-R Carter poisoning. g past. I tfiaga for sale -Miss Gtorrell married to her late husband in I838.- average only 18 cents last year for text be done to make the evening an enjoy- o should, perhaps, have made my remarks Plrino for sale -G F Emerson In 18M they removed to Clinton, where books. able one, Mr, John Patterson, a Grand Trunk em• plainer, but it would take up too much of gl st•-T Jackson, it for some years Mr Harland carried on When Mr James Conmee, the mem- An executive meeting of Huron Dfo- Ployee at St. Thomas, was ran over by a your spade, Mr Editor, to discuss every room sults-Broadfoot & Box a boot and shoe business, he dying in train and killed. lino of detail that bears on this wide sub- l `" ch sale.-MoSinnon & Co Y her for West Algoma, decided to be- case was held in London last week, Mr ulteriG , Bar� ins -J W Irwin 1881. For many years Mrs Harland has come a candidate, for the re r esenta• J. Ransford being among those present, . Willie Little, a Weston boy, slipped off . ject. As for the point raised about farm ` ,. 1VgClae-Broadfoot & Box been a member of the Rattenbury St. P Several laces appealed against their a brill Aou'tagrae-A C Barlett Methodist church, her husband Dein tion of Nipissing in the House of Com- P PP ge over the Humber River, .Coronto, era dealing with one another, I say by all "I" .Drees gooda-W L Ouimette ( g mono he tendered the resignation of assessment, Belgrave among the num- and was carried away. means the more the better if It is for their 1. ;iifrie-Gilroy &Wiseman an official member, thereof,) and in her K her, but no action was taken. Clinton mutual benefit not from the stand �' r$umau ,eye -Allen &. Wilson younger days was active in church hie seat in the Legislature to his solici• London Truth says the Dake of Leeds + standpoint (;cuts' furnishings—A, J Holloway Y g Y for, Mr J. K. Kerr, Q. C., to be for- vestry asked leave to consolidate its will succeed the Earl of Aberdeen as Gov- that your oironmstanoes is my opportunity, ^i, %l5perntora wanted—Williams, Green &Borne work, her 1f4e exemplifying the princi' [yarded to the Speaker. Mr Conmee debt, which was granted. ernar- General of Canada 'n 1838. g P + 4 les eho loved. The mother of a lar e d or to the victor Delon the oils but from Price iter -O Olson g was defeated in Ni iaein b Mr Klock. Rev W , Rigsby, who has been at the moral basineee prinoip e, gide for an •: Announcement -Mrs J Biddlecombe anvily, only four- survive, these being g Y Clifton Sanitarium returned home on Charge of heresy will be brought against artiole what you would be wilting to tape t `wheeling -.Onward Bike Ca Mrs 1 Dot vie, of town, William and Then he discovers that he was still a ' Ian MacLaren at the English Presbyterian y j , "Xortgage sale -Cameron, Holt & Holmes member of the Legislature, as his so- Saturday lest; he ib considerably fm- B 3' in support of our views f e have seen in• atterns , r ' John, the well known husiness men, ]icitor had failed o transmit the resig- roved in health, but is still far from Synod next month, based on one of hie g Y �rerseys for sale D Deadman dividnale who would prefer to oto buy of 17g;nns�iery-Beesley & Cc and George,of Detroit. Natwithstaod- nation to the Speaker. Several months being well, and does not expect to take books. those who were behind with the payment ; - 7flltnirgopenlng-Hodgons Bros ing the unpleasantness of the weather his own ulpit work for a few weeks Nothing i A sure way -W D Fair & Co on Wednesday, nits a number attend- afterward Mr Dowse offered to re- pulpit g e known of the fate o! the 100, of interest on a heavy mortgage or atrng- ;No guess work -W Cooper & Co y' q sign, but the Attorney -General General advised yet. Rev r Oaten, of Bayfield, sup- 000 poor people in the flooded lowlands of ling ander similar circumstances. The April issus now ', Weare full -Jackson Bros ed her funeral, the gathering of early g Y" lied for hi last Sunda the White Arkansas and Black Rivers in obnoxious custom of beating down below p him that it was neither necessary_ nor P m y 'Wear the latest -Jackson & Jackson residents being quite noticeable. The The Clinton Young -People's Local Arkansas. the actual value has become very common Ori sale ,,,,. ;_,,JPA Cooper & i10 rill bearers were Messrs James Fair advisable then for him to do so. This g " P ' Cgmbe'a Sarsaparilla -J H Combe pp ' Union will hold -its next meeting in with the averse buyer, null it is ;':.06mbe pSar ar-J E Hovey H, tlunt, F. Rumbali, S. Plummer, D. incident was made the subject of a the Presbyterian .church on Friday Rev. Dr. Sims, late pastor of Bond Street genteel wa of Y just a clear skin- Cooper Co Ti lad and W, CaateIon, religious brief discussion in the House on Fri- Y Congregational Church Turonto,bas accept- g YI appropriating other people's /� ;' P • Y g evening, pill 9th, when addresses ed a Deli to Melrose Congregational Church Property or wealth• April DeliileatorY services being conducted h Rev. Mr. day. It was admittedly a mistake ,' lu g Y which should not be allowed to occur will be given by Mayor Holmes and G. Boston, Mass. Y ROBT. B. MCLuAN, Kippen, ; 1,- fIt a � Ford, in the absence of Mr Milliard. ze silty, an the a Prete "Good Citi- _ I5C J HANLEX.-A illghly respected rind again zanship," and "The )resent Aspect of A mandement frcmArahbishopBigia was 9 ' old resident passed away on Friday in attawa Matters. the Temperance Question. A good read in all Catholic^tihurchee at Quebec, THE BOYti' BRIGADE April Fashion Sheets Free. O FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1897 the person of Mr George Hanle who program of music is being prepared. dealing particularly with the coming Prov- 4 ,s,;°;' ' has been ailing for some time. y' Born In,the course of his address to the Sunday, March 21st was the day ap- inoial elections. To the editor of the New Era. , There certainly is a weak spot in the in Enniskillen, Ireland, in 1816, he em- electors of Wright at AvImer on Sat- painted by the General Assembly of Mr Champagne, Liberal, was elected to DEAR Stir. -The public school osrd of � 1 �� �, igrated to Canada when 20 years. old, urday evening Hon. L.H. Davies said the Presbyterian church for the au the Commons for Wright County by as this place bave under their eoneicc�e.�ration ,.%' ,law that allowed MF Conmee to retain and settled on lot 40, 8th con, of Gode- that the budget would be introduced nual collection for• foreign missionag majority of shoat 800. 1n Jane last the the advisability of forming a Boye'!Brigade p , R , •. his seat in the Local House after run- rich township where he underwent ear1Y in the session, and a tariff bill al- As the foreign missionaryfund is in a majority was 300. in connection with our Behool. This is one � � ping f �r the Dominion, even i£ the all the hardshipR of pioneer life. Those so, that would redeem every pledge very utteatiifactory conition (there A cyclone wrecked the High School of the best moves that has ever taken place, i were trying in da a so far ria h physical given by the Liberal party. They .w,ill be a debt of $30.500 on A Til 30 and should meet with the encoura ement • fault of his resignation not being ten- endurance was days, and he nev. won)d deal nestl and loyally with P +) building at Arlington, Georgia. Nine of g CLINTON. Y Y the week beginning March 14 was set the children were killed and a large num- and hearty co-operation of the public. The x tiered was not his ur the government e. er flinched from the task he had set be- the country that had placed them apart Far special prayer and special ef,. 'seriously wounded, advantages of a physical and manual drill 8 k P I �, And the Globe, in asking for an g p y Y fort on behalf of forei n missions. 41 I Y'^;- � and the eat of the Ina, is Join what f°re him5e14 of heroin out a .home in there. the Liberal art had always g Says the Canadian Gaaette of London are self-evident. The form of drill sag- '""""'Y•""'`"'•, �"'""......""........ • '•'•""Y""Y"""•' g the Canadian wilderness. When the professed sympathy and promised re- Seated includes not only the manual of 1+ ' Ala lic sentiment demands. troubles of 1837 arose, he went into lief to the woe kin classes. This pro- A union meeting of the Ontario and England: "Ontario is the pattern province Y d , n i i I " g P Rnttenbur 5t Leagues was herd in of Canada in the economy and efficiency of arms and marching, but a ,thorough 'cot- r S " active service in defense of the conn- mise had not been i nored to the form- Y g Y Y tin n exercise which makes boys erect ! Y tr An Orangeman before corrin to in of the tariff bill. At the same Ontario tat church Tuesday evening its Administration, g P Y d i 4 r �. It w s,. incidentally mentioned the y, g $ g (dative and alert, a free, graceful carriage of , 3 i i•;, .,,, ether da that the government intend- this couatr be rose to hi h comm- time they had not lost sight of the to hear reports concerning the recent Thirty new companies,with over 20,000- the boll the $ y, proper position of the arms 3 Y g ence in the order, and was e ac- fart that there were great manufac- convention. Rev Mr Ford, Mise Gra- 000 of capital, were incorpated last month and shoulders and the use of the limbs in ) i Z d" - o-,,__ ,ed to dispose of the present Govern- Y turin industries whose rights must be barn, Miss Flora Cunningham, Master to en a e in •old mining in the Al oma. aid motion and repose are 'among the things ? ,Z five in its proceedings; in politics; all fl !� engage f; g g I l „°`: "Ment Horse at Toronto, and nae +t art Gailowa and R Holmes each took u ........,..,N,YY,,,......„Y....,,„„ D p' unflinching Conservative. He was respected, and they must be fairly y+ P Hastings of Ontario, that are thoroughly taught. Instead of i 'I twice married, and besides his widow, derClt with. There was no proposition a separate phase of the convention, Slouching carriage, ' of the ppoceeds for the erection of an- P P null the lar a audience seemed to a .�1IIIra Thomas F. Selly, wife of a carpenter g ,awkward Balt dull acre- t P in the west end of 'Toronto, dropped dead lase appearance, the drill inculatea neatness i N o Guess Work i a5 leaves six dttunhters and three sons; of intention to make one fell swop > P other house. It had better consider h reciate ver much addresses rven. +-i the matter carefully before deciding the daughters are Mrs Thos. Walker, upon the policy of protection. The P y g during vespers in St. Mary's Roman Cath- in person and clothing, a firm step and a ` ( �” ,_�, ; town; Mrs John Miller, of Harriston; Liberal party would proceed with cau• The regular monthly meeting of the -clic Church last evening. Heart failure straight and graceful figure. The slow and ; The Glasses we fit are guaranteed to glue - I A,_,, on such a coarse of action, for many tion and common senr;e and honest B.Y.P.U. will be held in the Ba tist beedlea are taught quickness of eye and entiresatisfactior,, we are fou are favorable to the entire abolition of Mrs Arthur and Mrs Albert Elliott, Y• P was the casae of her death. ,9 g q Y = y prepared , l rel the house. Dakota; Mrs Green, Bayfield; Mrs R. They would also proceed with courage, church next Monday evening, March ear, head and foot, and in atter life will be 3 to test your eyes no matter what trouble -'�� H.Elliott, Goderich township, song determination and without fear. Some 29. The subject, why I am a Baptist, A Calgary despatch says the Galacian brighter and stronger, Still more impor- i you n:ay have had with them. TEST ,r' `i<?`' p j y p ' settlers sent north to Edmonton reoHntl FREE. Moderate charge for Glasses �t'; '. The London Free Press expresses are Charles, of Dakota;and George rind years ago he hand moved in the House will be ably dealt with by Mr J. B. Y tent are mental and moral lessons; the boys d `e 1,�,: Robert of Goderich town:+bi He was of Commons that the duties on goods Hoover, after which an excellent pro- from Winnipeg are starving. They have are taught to be brave, honorable and - 'the belief that the Local Election will a man who was held in high esteem, coming frorn Great Britain to Canada gramme consisting of vocal and in- no food and nomoney, and are absolutely manly, courteous and respectful, helptal to ; W. Cooper tt Co., Clinton 5 ,,,i`:`,i. not be held this year. Seein that Mr a member of Ontario St. Methodist should he reduced. He ventured to atr tions, l music and readings and,ttea dependent on the charity of their neighbors „ g their comrades, and above all truthful and . ” ----- ^/^/^• • ,`n ^./••N,.n,",/Y...NY,m.nw Y g predict that this idea would be em citations will he rendeted some of he in the north for subsistence. patriotic. Sbould not this commend itself ',: church and leaves a wide circle of old P + P Hardy has already expressed the spin friends who mourn his demise. The ieri in the new tariff bill. best local talent taking part therein. Jas. J. Corbett and Robert Fitzsimmons to all parents? I think it should; the cost PIANO FOR SALE. '" Welcome all. will never meet in the ripe ring for anoth• will be trifling, wooden �..",, ion that the elections will not come oil funeral took place to Bayfield Tuesday Recent statements in the Opposition P •' g g, suns to cost ten . this year, and not likely until the ex= under the auspices of the Orange or- rens of a ointments dull dismissals The Huron Anglican La Workers' er championship battle. This question was each will be used, and the committee a A first-olass Upright mahoganyCase 'Williams Y Y PP g Y practically decided w P Piano, almost new, an tkoeueut instrument, for t it of the present Legislature next der. The pall heaters were Wm• have no foundation in fact, Within a Association having attained the sev- P Y when the two poglista pointed by the board at the last meeting to ale on very reaeonablu terms. Apply at NEW p Y P g Murphy, Thos, Kearns, Thos. Beacom, week two high Judges have been coin- enth year of its existence, will cele- met in the bar -room -of the 'Baldwin hotel consult Capt. Combe and Lieat. McTag- ERA office. June, the conclusion reached by the Win Ford, D. Cantelon and A. M. San Francisco on Tuesday, and talked over ! art on the matter,have - , palled to hand in their resignations orate its septennial by holding a Y• g ave most willingly pro- """'� Free Press is evidently a a safe one. Tadd. Among those from outside and two Ciarris:ers have been raised to church conference or congress in the +heir plane gnietty and dispassionately, (offered their services free, sad along with 1. . g`' , who attended the funeral were Mr their places; a gentleman has been. ap. see city of London during' the last week Sir Donald A. Smith, who has jast come I Principal bough's assistance, I am confi- SPRING TERM, APRIL ISt ; -,• L a; . �In selecting Mr Henry Eilber cis Chas. McGuire, Wfnghath"; Adam MC- painted a Commissioner of Immigra- int October. The proceedings will take to Canada from London, England, says:- i tent of a brigade of thiakind being brought ' "" ,Their candidate for the Local, in the Guire, London; Jno. Yliller, Harriston; tion to Scotland, and an assistant the form of a Huron re -union, and it is "I can assure you that should Mr Laurier the boo a os and issue, if the parents of �STRATFORD, �^�, t ,g:{. W. Wadsworth, Toronto, and David chief engineer has been dismissed from intended, in addition to other speakers go to London he will be given a magnifi- I Y rid the public generally give this 4 South Riding, the :conservatives have Welsh, Michigan. a public department. The only valid- to invite eminent movement on the art of our school board C r . ;,, p Y n persons who have pent reception. He will be the guest of the P L the encouragement it deserves. In the �/ undoubtedly put a strong man in the Lroxs-The Dundas True Banner of this Ity to the: a and similar acts consists formerly been connected with the div- Crown, and the peoplA also of the country a 11 r� _.._ in their announcement by same news- case, to take part. The. names of Bish aril do all in their power to show that too States it is becoming part of the education O)\T T field; he bas tu'clean •record, fs- a .good, Week thus refers to the death of Mra Horace papers. ops Sullivan, Sweatman, Dumoutia, welcome comes from them also." fn nearly every city and town. it has been' r s esker with a strong following, and Foster a mother: ' Mrs �Edwaxd Lyons, Thomas Heriff Hi espec- taken up in Toronto and why not here; Canada's Leading Commercial School. P ' g g' whose maiden name was Nancey Binkley, Higginson, Crown and Dean.Cartnichael `have been •Mr, Nicolas Ranked, the R. saran func. this le ubilee also be ' #•: his friends will doubtless put up a big died at Hillside Home, Monday morning. timber agent, British Columbia has re- rally mentioned in this connection." A tionary who has been in the capital ainca attiaction for aeuelebrat Duar and ra-The boas ail Now is the best time to enter. sk signed. Some time age, a commisaio❑ committee, of which Principal Dy- Y ;;,., , fight fn his behalf. At the same time She was the relict of the tato Edward was appointed to inquire into the of mond, of Brantford, is Chairman, and last week, had an interview with Sir Riob- like it and the'parente will be delighted; an Five of our recent students secured We think he can be defeated if the Lyons, was 77 years cid, and had been ail- faire of Mr Hfgginson's office. The consisting of members of the Buren dill Cartwright regarding the development entertainment later on would raise funds good situations in one week. i Td�ssrals put forth in behalf of Mr Mc- ing all winter, so that her demise was not commission has not yet reported. Mr Lay workers' and Sunday school cow- 04 trade between Canada and Roselli, He for an ineaperieive uniform. I am Yours, ` , Lean, as they no doubt will, just ria unexpected. She was born at Binkley a Hi Higginson was a ointed in 1884. His mittees, and the officers of the London was certain that there is an opening in Taos, JACKSON, JR. -- Corniers in 1819. and was one of a family figs PP Russia for some of our Canadian roducts, . I .strong a contest. There is no reason Y salary was $1,800. Lay Workers' Association, has charge P W. J. Elliott, Principal r•. of 13, all of whom grew up to manhood or such as farm inplementa. The trade re• why South Huron should go back on It is understood that the Govern- of the arrangements. womanhood, hitt there is only one living, turns Show that our business with Russia '?., .its record, and we do not think it will ment has under cnnstderation a prop- Clinton Horticultural SOC Y her brother George. Edward Lynne died is exceedingly small. r if the Liberals.only do their duty. 7 years ago; there are th.ee of a family, osition from W. Patterson. an English The annual report of the Confedera- Mrs Matthew Snowden, of Mitchell, bad rt chi owner, far a fast Atiant c cervico, tion LifeAesuranceCompany,of which WheelingW. E. L ons Mrs Footer, Clinton and J. P the misfortnele to break her left arm at the'°r The elections which have taken place Y torun20 knots an hour -with good. Mr Israel Taylor is the representative,', J. Lyons, Hamilton road. Mrs •Lvous wrist on Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrs. Membership Fee i$1.00 i, r ` since the general elections � In any,con- spent her whole life in this peighborhood;- cold storage equipment, and to carry will appear next week, It shows a Snowden intended to go to hear Sergt.•Ma. ' stituency where there is a Roman y, was respected by freightfora Government bonusof$500,- prosperous society. jor Boboof in the Methodist Church, and elle was a fine old lad On payment of membership fee, each member •- > all who knew her, and beloved for men 000. The matter has been discussed in IS a •success when it benefits of the Clinton Horticultural Society for lss7 is r ' :, -Catholic.element,.bave_aerttainly shower„ y Council, and then a is some likelihood of S?ocs NoTEs.-W. J, Biggins of Elm- Mrs Snowden being about ready started for both mind. and body. entitled to a choice of an one of the following w' ;; virtues. The funeral took place on Wed- haret Farm has recently sold, as fol• the barn to see what was keeping liar nae. CollsctionN of seeds Bntvbs or Plants, in the most conclusive manner that. a Contract being entered into. Y Our SileCess aS r { the ser afternoon o the Grove cemetery, lows: -Mr. Alex. Anderson of Bailiebora band when she fell, breaking bar arm. Dr Collection No. I -Seeds -1 Pkt. each. Tall vx;. Ghe rank and file of the• people ate sat- the cervices befog conducted by Rev. John When Premier Laurier goes across to Peterboro Co,, has got "Royal Maicher," a Wood was catledend set the facture. • Mixed Asters, Mixed Balsams, Mixed Diantbus, fsfied'with the settlement of the Mani- Wakefield, in the of a large num the old country in June to participate in the Lawrence Wall,who died in St Michael's Mignonette Machet, International Pansies, Phlox w,,: good, blooky calf of substance and quality. Dealers In $1CyC1eS Drummondii shireley Poppies, Stooks wbite ber of relatives and friends, Diamond i abilee celebration he will also be $e is aired b Inv t Royal Don end from liospital,Toronto,o# coal gas asphyxiation, Mined Verbenas, film rasa Cand tuft, Mined• ' toba School question, no matter Y Impt. Y Depends to a p Candy tuft, Morden Chronicle thus al'lildea charged with other business in which the Isabella Broughton etc. William Wallace fa now known to leave a fortune of over$45, p great extent on the snapdragon, Joe. Dwf. Nasturtium, }oz. sliced What the attitude of the liisho s -and Imperial authorities must co -o erato with 000: He lived in a filth hovel, dressed al. merits of the wheel we are selling. sweet Peas. P P P, of Snmmerhfil, Ont„ bought the twenty Y g. to a former resident of the London Canada. The fast Atlantic steamer ser. :, most in rage, and wed generally some of them have taken Stron months old. 'Dignity, a good large ball of li + g y supposed Coileetton No. 2-7BUlbs-21cannas, 2 Dahlias fu- g road:—"On Thursday. last there passed vice is a gae9tion which has been atanding lane Sty a, good quality and iromeatragood to be in destitute circumstances. No relat• The MasseyHarr1S I Single Tuberous Begonia, 12 Gladioli, lAmaryl- ground against the Liberal candidates. away at her home near Nelson, Mary now ever since the present Government milkin shook, ua is sired b Inv t Gene- Ives leave yet pat .in their appearance to lis Belladous, I spotted Calla, 2 Tuberoses, I ' ' The most recent event o£ this nature Grummett, wife of Mr J. H. Pearen, took office. There is ever reason to be- g Y Impt' Sells on its merits; easy, running,Japan Iris. Y ral Booth and from Matchless of Elmhurst claim big property, but he is said to have strong, durable, large aprocket,pe- Coileetten No. 3 -Plants -15 Hyacinths, for ` , was in Bonaventure, where a deter+ Mrs Pearen came to this country with lieye that the Government will not go out 10th connections both in England and the etc. Mr. William Pollan of Lead- g winter blooming, her husband some eighteen years ago .of their wa to close the bargain which Sir ^ ry ohains-the Columbia built in mined but. unsuccessful effort was Y bury, purchased Romeo. He has United States, and the news of his wealth and dined the est -em of all with Y Canada. The reputation of the Collection No. 4—Plants-1 Abutilon, 1 Be- i;; , .h g Charles Tupper has made with the All great substance and will doubtless cense them to take more in- P g ,,,;�- made to get the Liberal candidate whom she came In contact and a wide g quality. He is also makers guarantee its excellence. onia Argentea Guttata, 1 Borronla ,VpXnnu,.1-.. ' Already the old country interests are in sired by Impt. General Booth and from tercet in the old man's death. g Cbryeant emum 1 Apachia, I Hydrangea-13ani- `""1"'-• #q .t-t'� Roman Catholic -to si n a declaration circle of ft fends and acquaintances will the field for the service if tenders are to be Inv t. Red Rose. There are two more et A change is coming over the spirit of the A call on us gets one of their Data- culata, 4 Geraniums 1 single, 1 Gen. Grant, l ivy , , g learn with regret of her decease. The P Y logues. leaved, 1 variegated. s repudiating the settlement, but he de- funeral on Saturdaywas largely at. called, and possibly others will also make for male about months old, "Rufus" and dreams of civil servants at Ottawa. The '''•' "' tended. g Y offers when the First Minister goes to the "Monaco", both sired by Imported "Royal. Palmy days when a man could reach his Neat week we will tell you somethingCollection No, b -Plants -2o Geraniums. :1 alined to do so, and the bishops then old country. No bargain will be completed Don." office at 10 o'clock in the morning, and bold Collection No. a—Plalits-20 Colons. 1.1idown a chair until 4 o'clock, with a brief about Brant#Dills. Evervthif offered in the at ova collections is- used all their influence to defeat him, there, for Sir Richard Cartwright is the g intermission of two hours for lunch, will etriatly flrFr-class. Anyone wishing to become a ONWARD BICYCLE CO' ' r but here again they were unsuccessful, The Legislature man who has a Cargo say in the matter as The Toronto World saga:— Mgr. Mary member of the Society oan hand their name and his majority being increased from three -- Minister of Trade and Commerce, but Mr. Del Val ie an route for Canada, and not soon be no more. From this tiros out, meml•ership leo to Mr Coats or any member of meati "`" The short sfttin of the Legislature Laurier will oertainl have a oonvereatton one of the on the principle tbat "Business is basi- ppyyIte the society. . tr3�eight. hundred. It is not a satiefac- S Y Quebec bishops receiving the noes," the service will haus to put in longer PL+RRIiV S Market the Clinton W J. FORri President ;' tory explanation of this increase to as Mondaq was not particularly m- with Hon. Joe. Chamberlin on the subject, slightest official notice of the ablegate S say that the electors were bribed b teresting, but it materially advanced as well as on others in which the Dominion de departure it is not surprising that a des hours, so the fiat has gone forth. During J. C. GILftO'Y, let vice Pres, P P g P H. FOSTER, 2nd Vice Pres ' y Y the bu9iness upon the order paper. A is interested, including the promoting of feeling of unrest, if not distrust, should the winter months the office hours will be W, COATS, seo.-Treasurer. promises i s'e of railroads, etc., ,because P P P from 9 to 6 with one boar intermission for that isaquivalent to saying the would few bills were put through their final trade between Canada and the mother reign in the episcopal heart of French y g Y lunch; in summer the hours will be some- , ' tliare dill the warnin of their Super- er- ata ee so far as the Houde has to do conntrp, now that the United States mar- Canada. Thig, however, is not the worst ' 11 l , g g P what shorter, probably from 9 to b. This T . • lora for a bribe. The only logical con wit ' them, and several were read a hats are being closed against many of. our -trouble the majority of the bishops have to change, coupled with the decision not to ' chrsio is that the people are satisfied second time. Mr Davis introduced a products. contend with,'aa a most disturbing rumor " p p granb'the usual statutory inoreaeea, mast ` •r .*Ith the settlement, and prefer to be 'bill respecting the solemnization of In Government circles here there is not has been afloat in metropolitan episcopal demonstrate to the civle aervice that things :Y? ]!eft to their .own ud went So Par as marriage: It renders it necessary that a doubt but the elections of Champagne circles for the last few days, and, although g j g • are not as they need to be . titotingas concerned. parsons solemnizing marriages must he county, untrammelled by any clerical in- it is impossible to confirm the Story, the British subjects, and provides that only timidation, will send a supporter of flon. rumor will not down. Someone has whis- Rev, Dr, Carman, superintendent of the PQIitiOal and Pergonal one of the parties is required to make Wilfrid Laurier to Parliament. It is pered in ecclesiastical ears that Sir Metho3ist Church in Canada, lectured to Wear �I !' an affidavit before the issuer of mar- agreed on all hands that not even Bishop Adolphe Chapleau, Lieut. -Gov. of Quebea; a large audience in the Hamilton Road I' !il ;a ;.;, ; ' The Nova Scotia Provincial elections take ridge licenses, as at present. One sec- Lagleche dare issue anotber mandemant. Mgr. Emard, Bishop of'VAlleyfield, and the Church, London, Monday night, on "Trade •,:.'Place on April 20. tion allows a license to be issued for It is this confidence that is the secret of the Vicar -General of Ottawa have forwarded and Get Rich." Inoidentally he condemn. a The writ for the bye-eleotion in Cham- the marriage of persons under fourteen sudden issuing 8f the writ. The Liberals separate memorandums to Rome, justifq- ad the liquor traffic and said tbat those liiaixi has been issued. Polling,takes place years to prevent the illegitimacy of are prepared to put up a big' fight, as one ing the school settlement entire as between who paid money over the bar got no equi- on April, 7. children, upon the production of a more evidence of their positron before the III the Laurier Goval^.nment end the anthori- valent for it. But the liquor men bad a It is in medical certificate. The supplying of Papal ablegate of the unpopularity of the ties of Manitoba, anis, seeing the episcopacy right to be beard, and no doubt they would 1, Quebec that Mgr. Begin h i marriage registers is transferred from stand taken by the Quebec ierareby. divided and the Governor of the Province present their arguments in a entleman- T0 , . w�ill return to Canada without visiting the county to the local municipality, of g I , ,o,brile, Parliament wag opened yesterday. The Quebec eapoagingtheoaneeottheOttawa like way, ae they did before the Govern I 11 - in order that clergymen ma be s each from the Throne refers to the n r Ministry, rho Roman court Dae decided to ment recently, when their conduct eompar• t i,: Mr WatsonOrosby, Patron member of P 1 $ 1 the Manitoba Legislature for Dennis,if brought into direct relation aft the lee year in loyal and appropriate terms, send Mgr. Mery Del Val to Canada. It is ed very favorably with that of the temperatest - t, dbed, divisional registrar or recorder of vital and Parliament will be invited to adopt a needless to say that this last rumor has had shoe deputation. The latter, he said, , , statistics. joint address of congratulation to ber A Paralyzing effect upon both high and low noted like scolding women. In such mat - 'The Supreme Court has dismissed three Mr Garrow's bill to amend the As- Majesty, to be handed to the Queen in per- clergy, and, to make matters still more em- tere ho believed in quiet dignity. In great { $. rileetfoxi-appeals, the effect of which is to sessment Act has for its object the son by the First Minister of the Crown in barraging, there in no way of ascertaining movements of reform, Dr. Carman said, it . 4 hi"i'seat three Conservatives for toe Domin- Placing of electric light works upon Canada when he pays his respects at Book- just now if the rumor be true or (alae. As was better policy to fix attention on two or '�' iron house, $ngh John MoDonald, in Win- the same footing as gas works, fo far ingham Palace on Jqne 21, The bill for a matter of fact,• the French clergy fear three ese entiat points at time and adhere ;1�1 F, Oryx !�n�i�peg; Boyd, in Marquette; and Haoket, 04 as the exemption of their personalty the revision of the ohatoms tariff, a bill re• that the elicits being made by. Hon. Mr. bo them. Many platforms fell with a crash We're got t/L a//1 A �. Wegt Prince, P. E. I. dY p g g• Laurier and hie friends in Paris and Rome because the were too big. Y j/ is concerns ealin the Franchise Act and ado tin Y R• Another bill introduced b the provincial franchises, a, bill rovrdin to have Mgr. Renard appointed the Arob- �� ' ' lion. L. H. Davies, speaking at Aylmer, y Mt Gar. ' g bish o Canadian Fruit Wanted Quo., said the budget would be introduced row, to amend the Division Courts for a prohibition plebiscite, a civrt service P f Montreal might mean a great deal. - g bill, a bill respecting guperanuatiott, a ill towards bringing about the acceptance by - eivtly In the session, and a tariff bill also Act, provides for notice of motion for this diocese the Laurier-Greenwa settle• A communication from Sir Donald �• aurnyWar ud ment in the Division restoring tli: Customs and Inland Revenue Y - t&Ab would redeem every pledge given by Y j g De artments to their original position and ment. On the other hand, the French Smith, Canadian High ,Commissioner, the Liberals, ,He intimated a reduetian of Court in suits far the recovery of >825 P Conservative laic are shocked be says there is an opening in London for Some more of the very. nobby Shoes came in last week and upwards, brought for the recov- octtlerrfng on the controllers the dignity of Y gond avin blocks P t -, Th Ehe duties on goods from Great Britain. P g measure because of the never -ossein flir- P & , for which the Domin- '` " er on debt or move demanded. At Cabinet Mfnirltere, a hitt respecting the g tan has suitable woods. He advises [118 spring Woather should make you think about Our new 136 far nine contested elections• for the y y Northwest Territories, a bill providing for tation going on between Bir Adolphe Chap, present the right to move for judg lean and Han. Mr. Tarte. Hio .Honor and that samples be sent - to London for "Shoes: We,want y0i1 t0 see Ours. We k08p� a big assOrtlnexit .pminion Hoaad of Commons have taken ment in this way is limited to cases certain departmental changes, and other showing to the vestries now cabin + 1'�ide since the general election on Jund 28 y bills are promised. The Government will the present deadly enemy of the Conoerva- d g at low prices for the Boys and Girls• Where the amount in volvedexePPds $40. tive art have had conferences time and fon ten ere in several places. dti" The Liberals have carried eight seats, in the debate on the address annnannao a party11 'i by hioreased majorities and the only With Mr dharlfon in the chair, the ` vi cions olio of develo went and im- I again, either at the Windsor, the $t, Law. John W. Downy Canadian Cummer- Give lis a Chance, t0 flt them ,011t. s ! y Y House went into ;ommittee of Su provement, believing that if it is in the xenon Hall or at Mr. Tarte's residence, St, cial Agent at Bristol, in his report to !r kma o cleated held his seat b are- PP1Y the Trade and Commerce 'itttieti majority. In Colchester, B, on the item of'$i'�,804 for high schools right direotfon it is the dirty of the Govern. Denis street, and those who are fighting Department �T JACKSON' ' 11. lipilare ills Oonservabfvem. P. waouneeaQ and collegiate injf + tea; I the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa for February, sage there is mono in JACKSON. �.]r, eJ AC SCS N $ went to be active in that direction. The f Y i�ot:bolrrupt praobiges, the election will tike Mr Matheson i,, that he�thou ht fast Atlantic service is not mentioned in , and supporting Hon. Mr. Ply oaaee at fruit shipments rata the Dominion, if jPt6 0e till April 20. much better tei't[i • rtli ht Ire made in the speech lrbm the throne. l Quebec cannot mako out what it all means, only proper care la taken in packing. . . Fine Shoe Dealers, Clinton. g P ' , . I -1> ' . I . �._,.__ I 11. , __� ' . . �__ I . : . , , , - . . �. I .e - ... . . . R . I � ''i, . I I . 11 '' . 1. ... , ',� - , . . 1; .11 , �, ,,, .1• , A 11 I .11 I I I , , .. , ,. 1,1 I , I I I I. I I - I I r A� . I.. ,4 1 ,�, ": I �,, 1 I I I ., . 6 , ". .,:. I .1." I �11 I ­ I ­ I I . i T• Y . , 1�p I. I -L. I . , . _ ", • - „'� ,� ., , ., x: "I 1 . 1, - �­! ill ­1 1 IL I , 11 ' T. ,- ­ . -. _ ,,,+.(i';`Y',Fi•,Yi� r..i... �.ss_ t � A ��tl, A..l.f.'.sa ,1'.,� - •.�r....,_.y..4 .,.... 1. _....W,� .� , ,., �' i.••4 .�.,.. t�YM�