The Clinton New Era, 1897-03-26, Page 2i ,... I 14 .. .... . to roferrxig tp: a Xankee paper's threAt AS to what wauldresult If Qana- Sabbath SCIl44l aTIiea,'rle Convention, ., . i sr4rr40A Moe c4n Y d �t 4 c� ,, da dared til. e£aliattl against Nankee 4. ' ' _ . aha. ". tariff re triotioll the W inni(le. to Frio __ Below.ls glue» a summary of the die- r ,i i-1 . Press sayy.$:, ��S?es, but that vt'oiild lqe a "prfrrio cne3sans o>! add> asses :lG Glia. Sunday udfy" . e'veace I poor paI to . i n tin. If inter`. National commerce s to bocorigo test ,,8ebool and League Convention in Sea• . . . a ,I as to which country can best endure f0th loat'week. "+Till( development Of the Sabbath (OL.7919 ST, CLAM RIVER) .tile loss+of trade of another; civilization School Teachers."- . .• e . will be averted 7n its march and Its I Rev. S. Bond, of Seilforth, opened the :•- r `... �`+������ ONT. steps ill b turned backward."a p will a u.That I9 a very clod sentiment and a corset G , dfeCus�.ian giving as his reason, why we have not better S. S. teachers. Teach- ^-^^ . of the facts. Doming from a paper has late era of to -day do not takil enou b k , whiQh of literature in connec:tlon with t o ,Ie ' J college to attend; if you 11 c it a a alai prac- ;riven' an eager support to.the teatric- tiouists it -may fairly be accepted as an church, s ending their time on other weightier and less profitable works, ... ,Hugh "'tfp>E4y�y►orthanci and 13uai-• t�, 4'.�I k7dulCatioza. '" evidence of returning economic sanity. 1'1'each the good doctrine., R� He was followed by Rev. J. Edge, of F' uierich, who suggested that a young (cissa Our•' =Cuwmearcial Course ' LOCI;. THE DOOR be trained dor this, from youth up, so that when they arrive at ma. Eglbraces Book-keep.ing (by •',the bust aetual business Before the•horse is stolen. Parity, eurfoh and vitalize blood Build turer years they will be able to step into the places of those who have gone 7anethod) Commercial Law, your and ap your physical system beford disease attacks you out. Others also took art in the dis- cussian "`Ar'itlitnetfc, Penmanship, and serious sickness comes. Hood's'Bursa- soon them ' g r Tiplady and ll of latter Corr s ondenc „ Vic. e P t' arillwill make ou• strop and vi cross P y g g and will expel from your blood all impurf- threw out several gard, ood. hints Our( Shorthand Course ties and germs of disease, Take Hood's suggested that there be reserve staff of teachers and allow those to teach V, . Coinllrises Shorthand,Type- Sarsaparilla now. occasionally; he urged in putting them writing, Correspondence, Spelling, &c. Hoon'e YtLLs are the favorite family ca- thartio, Easy to take, 26 Ada work, evidently believing in the old adage We learn to play on the tarp I+7�,ch department is under the gentle, mild. Ceuta: by playing on the tar He also said that he found it ofto , supervision of a Specialist ' . Crisp County (,lippings greatbenefit take up the lesson at the Wednesday evening Prayer meeting.' Mr 1✓avfd- s °11ckwalyd u ifs are p p _ son, of Qoderich, followed, suggesting tthught from the prim- - Mrs. Robert Coleman intends, mov- that there'be a frequent exchange of this reabrve staff. Mr A. Courtice, of ',:: WOTl% np; ng to Chicago to reside. Holmesville, then spoke a few Wm Vanetone has leased the Pugh moments on the question, q ,hie method 'Students assisted In estate and, will take up his residence in, a few days. was to give each teacher the privilege of choosing his own assistant, whc was securing positions. Mr William Bawden left on Satur- to take the close, in case of absence, etc. He was not in favor of reserve Wifte for particulars. day for the old country with another large shipment of horses. staff as be. generally, found that if an - `,, emergency arose this reserve supply ''., , Rumors, pimples, boils, are very annoy- seldom had the lesson sufficiently pre - - In . T g They quickly disappear when the pared p to take it ata few minutes A. S. NIMMO blood is purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla. notice. Mr Godwin, of Goderich, 1 ; • A. Strome, of Frederick, has sold his saw -mill, shop and residence to Messrs. thought that the League was supply - ing this deficiency to a great extent; t &; : . Proprietor. P. Brown and Thos. Powell, Wing- he urged the weekly teachers' meeting .. - of tam. On Sunday, March 14, Mrs Nanc y McDclnald, as a great aid, insisting that the re - serve kart should be present. Mr Me - Kenzie, of Goderich, was quite in mother of A. R. McDonald• empathy"with literature work asan f , of Ingham, passed peacefully away aid but after all the best source that a «' %' At a ripe old age. teacher can get for his aid is the Bible. 4 t r lv 0U mew of There is considerable sickness in The President's idea was to put. new Bluevale. Mr James Crawford and converts to work at once %nd that the 4, PRID4Y, MARCH 28, 1897 Mr Edward Leech are both seriously ill responsibility rested with the church, <IL�s' and also Mrs. John Dimeht. Our own literature is the best accord- �„ ;:�G}en. Neal Dow the veteran tem er- Diseased blood, constipation, and kidney ing to his idea although probably nue, ' P liver and Bowel troubles are cured 'by so cheap; the feeling of loyalty, pre- ,,: ­."S... advocate, was entertained to a Karl's Clover Root Tea, old J. H, wades our literature too much to hto� e Combe. it rejected for that of aforeign country. banqquet at Basion last night, in cele - ration of the 92nd. anniversary of his While crossingth street the other The next subject, The Home Deptthe a ment. How it may influence the lbicth. day, Mr. Abe. McMurray, of•Seaforth, schools and homes was taken b the slipped on some ice and struck his y PP Rev, W. Godwin. f shoulder against a post with such force Y 'QUeen Victoria, who is now at as to nearldislocte it. THE HOME DEPARTMENT -HOW IT i .Oij niez, has given her approval to the MAY INFLUENCE THE SCHOOLS AND A couple ignited in marriage in the THE HOMES. .. roposal that June 29, the anniversary vicinity of Turnberry are the happy There is nothing solitus in this oI'her accession to the throne be ob possessors of sixteen children to start g Y ,`s' rved . as a' da of the battle with. It was a widow and world. Every enterprise, thought, u r y general thanks- kawe. tying. ,She has directed that June 22 widower. word and system is related to some- thing else. Each branch of Christian e . served as a holiday. The best cough cure is Shiloh's Cure. A work acts upon every other branch of I`' neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at christian work. A great ninny im a •.• once with Shiloh's Cure. portant discoveries have been made in News directs attention • News to the fact that the school o ulation Little Chester McEwen, son of Peter recent years -discoveries bearing upon P P McEwen, formerly of Bluevale, died the knowledge, science, tooth ler•ce and s r the Province totals 548,988 while last Monday after an illness of about a material welfare of the world. The l lite total of the population between week. The little lad was 3 years of great moral and spiritual leaders of the n . age, -people are making discoveries in rela- � tW ages of five and twenty' is 712,9W, While teaming for Westley Beattie tion to the religious work and possi- ' keknarking that there must be very on Monday last Mr. George McMillan, bilities of the church of God; the age 'fogv of our boys and' girls who are not demands it and in the Providence of of Seaforth was thrown off a load .of school pupils. It is a good showingg wood and crushed between the wood God the way opens. We can manage �rWhat other people can equal it? It and a telegraph pole, the result being our people and the congregations we 5bpeaks well for our system of educe- a sicken leg. have with a fair degree of success -ion, while they are in the church, but when `:.. Messrs. Geo. Sills and Win. Murdie the church service is ended the world, 'i have formed a partnership and intend with its multiplied forihs of evil, gath- �,,,,,,When. When , the Liberals get the tariff .off opening out in a few weeks in the ars around, them and the effects of (heir hands they will find a work cut hardware, stove and tinware business Sabbath teaching are apt to vanish too tit'for them in dealing with the au- in the old Counter stand, Seaforth, quickly away. What we require is `,z erannuation question. There is no . Mr Thomaa McKinney oft Bluevale; some device for projecting our religious who had been•fll with pneumonia for influence through the trying days of ,reason Why the people should be taxed over a week, seemed a gpeat deal better thee�week. We are seeking tel do this to:keepp it up; there will, be no dearth by"1be prayer -meeting, the class-meet- yD'good men for the work if the fund is last Thursday but in the evening took io& and the Epworth League services, a relapse and became gradually worse abolished. But if the system is to be and now the Home Department of the nafn4tahied it should be made self- 'until Sunday evening, when be died. S.S. becomes another method of send- �atistaining. Cut it clear of the federal Karl's Clover Root Tea parifies the blood in the warm gulf stream of Sabbath „: ,,u;easury, or abolish it entirely. and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. in uence through the cold waters of Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton, the week. Like all other religious { ` - movements the idea itself came like a 'The°United States, yvith a popula- The friends of Mr W.' H. Johnston, discovery, while its application has produce dealer of London, and fanner- been a matter of growth. t't>lon of about seventy million, manag- !y of liensall, father of Mre Vv m. Stone- g wth. The home ;,,;,.66 -to wb-rr al with a Cabinet of man of Hensall will he sore to learn class idea germinated the same year y g ' Y , that the Christian Endeavor movement 'eighi ` -Ministers • and the President. of his death from inflammation of the began to assume form in the mind of lungs, which occurred this week. lather Clark, as he is popularly known. l.at ads, with a population of leas than The sad death of Mr, Norman Dun= Dr. W. A. Duncan, of Syracuse, New C millions, requires fourteen Minis- can, of Bluevale, took place on Sunday York, possesses the honer of ori iva- ,, tap$ and the Premier. It was not the last. Deceased has been ill with con- ting this movement in 1881, a move- Lberals who increased the -Cabinet. to sumption since last fall. He was a ment which is designed to promote the 7 this number, but as soon as the neces young man, only 21 yea're and his many seudy-of tht Bible outside the limits of Odi'Iegislation can be introduced the friends in Bluevale and elsewhere will the Sunday School. Already it iv ' Liberals should reduce the number. be grieved to hear of his death. provina itself to be one of the leading -_One of those wonderful even to, which evangelizing agencies of our times. . orne � have been a source of joy in all ages to The HDepartment grew out of Some time ago a lot of dredge hands every home, occurred at the home of the Home Class idea and engrafted it- ,4raployed on the St. Lawrence were Mr Robert Elgin, of Tuckersmith, on self naturally upon the S.S., the same the lith that. After a period of ten many other class in the school. In its laid off, as has been the custom every efforts it seeks to reach the iddividual ,,M,;•.;. years of Wedlock, Mrs Elgin presented , ;�,eitlr at•thi� winter season. , Noyv, when her husband with the drat child,, a the home, the church field, the town, men'are again being put to wog k, corn- daughter. the city, the country. The work out - faint is made becatiae Liberal work- izi ed briny, rules, cards, etc. In organ- Mr. Charles Betts, of Har arta is aldeli:are taking the places of the other. P Y, ng, the first thing is to secure mem- Gtoodnesa, stirely the Oonservatide nursing a very sore arm. He was bers. For this there should be a faith- , papers do not expect a Liberal overn• working at Case & Coe pork packing fol and systematic canvass made of g house last week when he cut a ggash in the district touched by the S -S. or even shotq q 11 to pass over its own sup his left thumb. It was dressed b a ptirtere, all other thin a beth a nal. Y remote from it. A few well instructed It's a 'fees of monstrous g q doctor, and was apparently' healing and a ui p gall to expeet .. meal whop blood poisoning set in, Sped members of the school or =:iii We c'lon't approve oP dfechar ing P g , chnre should do this work- the names trier from office simply because g"1 whit has affected his hand and arm of members obtained should' be enroll- , y as high as the elbow. ed in a book. A superintendent should ire Qonservatives, but we most as- p e64dly do approve of appointing Lib- Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia, be appointed to take charge. of this de- lsto legitimate vam"Cies, " and all Throat'and Lung diseases are. cured partment; it is a branch of the school. by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by J. H. Combe Visitors should be appointed whose 190aking of the demand for pro- Clinton. duty it would be to visit those mem- A very quiet but pretty wedding bers once in three months; or oftener ±I)b#tory temperance,measures, an ex- y if the work required it ceremony was performed at the real- q ,•to receive their +61hab1 Ige says:- "Extremists in any- . dente of Mr James Stewart, Cherry reports and contributions to the work .1h i0$j "it is impossible to satisfy, but Grove, Manitoba, on Wednesday, of the S.S. or other benevolent enter- " ertt1�e441a#sts, for`tunatel ,are bu a, March 8rd, when Miss Mary E, Ur�. Prises. It is said that experiment bas r h tdoden; of tlyt . was joined in wed- shown that the visitor is the most im4 iTpa-6t4Matiottof. tlrrreomtn nifty e'k`laok'tii li VQe'o e i3tebvaC of Ne�e�plo- portant feature. in the Rome Class Coat; rrnasa'o9 the people, while favgr.� �, Manitoba g t. fan. Everjr three months a kind of ;0 " ., nibs' I reform, reoognfxe thflt a+ . , formerly •oP East Wa- ome Do r 4blie�ted habits, Sancti by l w,, " iwanosh, by° the Kiev, S. E. Munroe, of Pa tment rally should beheld %trafiuot bedisppbeed,o by;ptsinggle.stro'e, Olad6tope; Manitoba. Tire usual quotA when the members should come to S, iYit>xbtltcreatingworseevils th 'n those of attend ,tach teas dispensed with; both S' fund the reports should be read, etc. s ti hIch It wag aimed.; iso long. rte the g e unattended. 1 The influence of the .home De - 1 g bride and room were partment on the school (1)Increased sit- hdrlu of legislation Is eiirel$1 and' .. Many w.11l,,hoar with regret the news tendance. E g very person who joints steadily though perhaps to some ft; oi' tlirij dtiath of t. $art, rnpther c•f the Home Do 7Lrtm'ent willhaae baa ';d<Pear slowly, moving 'in the; Johtl'et'r' .Wi ha at t p awBsk- �++ , .. m, he home of ned in i vigirt: diNetion, there ie more cause for h r-dau h r r him an interest in the S. S� . g to , Havid Glrei Hu ts• a g nhe action reflex the school upon the +t'oggr to atie than fqr camp(slut., villa, Mu$kok , In her 81st er. Her p : p y ppO�rson and the person u on the sotlaol. Utiyriise sate and un flat clrtticlsi>l, htlei)a>ad' died 1n 1888'anti in 872 with He bo ins the ata pp . debt ; Tether than hast6n t e aid g dy of tlge lessons; the y It tlriN her children tape cri#no, to Clantliia 'and mind is stimulated,- the instinct of ,niarcliI I t#le de•sfrode goal. If°le diel` eettl6d at Blyth, ,after ten months fellotwehip #e. afbilged and a desire f tioh ,can be moAa to ;fallow w#thln she moved to Wingham, where she re- created to meet with others s h ra who are iireelsivabte distance of advance public sided until about two. i+oars ago when pursuing the same study; a 1, op#iiioh rlpolti any subject, `It .8 goiii slid we' nt to ltva with her dao htmriand believe C Will o a ' y, h says T gg And visit the X1.9, to• he fa't''.aigicl au fast its .prudezice +ovl d#ed there on Saturda3�i,MttroFi >(8. Mrs da .•" from a vreitot e. ae "' al�f , Alyd those who, are-respainaible Kerr oras amember of the l'resb tartan rayk b b p sea into the y is .. f it member. inthe inauguration , tfk the fre4rging' and enaotrnetit of our church, an dketoplary' Christian. of this mo,yement It a8 tiI p6fo', tlrng Ad lflueh: to bring' about Civ feared by soma that it ld h t An interest and in pojver," Hoz:trd, Pa, _ 05, $iJiperintendent of Uome Depart- ' - ment ��ci7th church NeW Britain. Conn., .says "The favitable result of .. Awakenin inferoCan ..I- home� e g q,t in .Bible study at,1* sem t..t- st e o b tab ,.'t, ring to S.S, all VA, whop whop titin come." Hoz. Pa. 00, The TMs is the complaint of Caxlvass on behalf of the Home Depart- 'thousands at this season. AL meat must wunderfuily intensify the Tyle have no apple food In 111 the $, S, Some chnrgbes y pP , have a membership in their Home Qp- doesnotrelish: Thgy need the toning up of partment offroln tvyo to thr@Q htwdrg41, thv 9ti9m4oh swig 9lgestivo or4ans, which (2) Assists the 9. S. in tetaluingg,,to a aourse of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give hold upon the youn eople, 9.t a them. It also purifies and enrIchos the certain er od i n yo lit utg p p h Cher i n •and Y e s a fear- blood, cures that distress atter eats g ful drift. from the S. School. Some internal misery only a dyspeptic can goung people apparently outgrow the know, creates as appetite, overcomes that S. S. and wander away,, losing all in- . terest in the Schoal and Chtare1, work. .tired feeling and builds up and sustains They might be induced toive a half- the whole physical system, It so prompt - hour each week to the study of the S. ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptiosymp- S. lesson if assured tbot attendance toms and cures nervous headaches, that it u on the school was not compulsory. seems to have almost "a magic touch." You would tben have a tie upon them and would prepetuate their interest in ' the„study of the Bible, and also in the assocwhen yours of the school. The period . O O when young people stray from school is perhaps of all others the mosteritical ds and dangerous. It is one of the passes in life where insidious forms of evil Sarsaparilla lurk; temptations are the most power- ful in their influence and resistance the most feeble. Life is opening.' The Is the best- in fact the One True Blood Purifier. world allures. Traps are set, snares -'are the best after-dinner 1 laid. The throb of young manhood is cod's Pills pills, aid digestion. 20c. felt and with it a spirit of independence ' is inspired which guided arightwould Rev: or, of Woodstock. Mr Mc a Make the youth,--, one of the most im- g Woodstock - portant fa.,tors of society, but given to in t•he course o a sermon last Sunda3 evil will, make his life a curse. Now condemned the pledgtngof parliament the church and S. S. should tighten its ary candidates. The party pledget grip upon that youth and the Home ' were, he considered, ver poor t6oh "41tment ie one • of the most im- for freemen to handle. If�tbey wantet`. portant means.free men and free countries they wouk '(3) The Home Department develops have to say to their legislative re workers for the school. A great deal presentative, " Go my friend, we trual is said to -day about over-pruduction, you, we believe that you will represent The S. S. never has a very large aur- us to the best of your ahiliI v." ..How plus of workers; indeed it is often dif- shall I vote?" wits a gqaPStia11 for s ticult to secure teachers sntifcient: to slave to ask another, and the man whc carry on the work, Much more diffl- sought to answ`,er,it was himself a slave, cult is it to-olftain efficient teachers. There is a good deal more common We never hada more intelligent, well- sense in these words than is to be Instructed, devoted class of teachers found in the average pulpit utterance than today, but the work demands in- on politics. creasing efficiency, The specific and spiritual study of the Bible at home A TRIUMPH WON will he uue of the best methods of de- veloping teachers. From the ranks of Before taking Doan's Kidney Pills I fell clays vieftors will conic tip a band of that diabetes was fast tightening its grip helpers trained in the school of practi. upon me. Now I know it has been met cal work. What more natural that a and defeated. I have used the pills stead - youth discovering adaptability and ily for some time, and am now in the fall teaching power at home, should desire enjoyment of health, and shall alway be a larger field for influence. What glad to testify to the merits of-this•+••trium- more natural than that he should phant medicine. gravitate toward the S. S. with which RICHARD LYMAN he is linked in bonds of interest, culture St. Jo•ln, N. B. and spiritual life. We have to chrnni-tP the death of andd ( It extends the operations, power Mrs. H. Volland of Zurich, who wa* usefulness of the S.S. The work one of the aid pioneers. She came tc of the S.S. has previously been confin 1? ed chiefly. Within the limits of the this part, when it was nearly all forest, school; very little was thought of its She was 72 years of age. influence reaching beyond the homes of our peop:e, except perhaps through SUBTLE THIEF. accidental and itregtilar channels. -- Through this movement the operations Kidney Troubles Steal on one Insidfoasly of the school pass into the home, where -A Slight Cold -Then Congestion - age totters on its staff, the sick recline Then Inflammation -Then the Deadly on beds of waisting or of pain, into the shop and the store, into the railway Malady, Bright's Disease -South Ameri' station and the train and all its Stu- can Kidney Cure is a Kidney, Specific -It dente are brought into line and feel the power of the school. It is like a relieves in Six Hours and Curse, Never Chataqua circle. The whole church . Fails. may become a school; it may be liken- Mr James McBrien, of Jamestown, Ont„ ed to a telegraph wire and the stations says: "I believe South American Kidney along the line, or to the stations of a Care saved my life. I was so severely telephone system; every student de- afflicted that my friends had to attend me rives the benefit of being on the line, daily to take the urine from me." a touch from the S.S. cdrftre thrills Mr A. Williamson, Customs Officer, through the life of every student. In Kincardine, Ont., writes; "I can highly Oswego Co., N.Y., an invalid wits a recommend this specific as the greatest of member of a Home Class of five, when boons to suffering humanity for all affect - she recovered her first visit was to the ions of the bladder and kidneys." one who had induced her to join, and . she Baid'•I thank you for helping me WANTED - SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN to study Clod's wot d, I have found or women to travel for responsible estab. Christ and I want to join the church," lished hou,e; in Hurmk. Salary 8780, payable One who has been shut in ten years $15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent said "I seems good to feel that I belong Reference. Ena Nationose al. rBuilding,ressed Chicmped en. g g velope. The National. Stir Building, Chicago, with Christians and am doing some- thing in common with them." No difference how faraway, the individual AUCTION SALE may be they can be a member; one --� 1,' lady was a member of a Home Depart- ment Choice 40 miles from where she resided. 2 The influence 2f the Home De- The undersigned will offer for sale by public partment on the home. (1) By pro- auction, on SATURDAY, MARCH 27, at two rooting Bible study therein. You will p.m., at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Clinton, that choice farm of 75 acres, being Lot 29, 7th all agree' with me hal, there is very concession of Hullett. This farm is well water• great need of this. The majority of ed, has about 60 acres.cleared and fit for culti- parents are, I presume, in possession of vation; balance good hardwood. Good frame the Bible but how few comparatively house, frame stable and barn, plenty of hard P y and soft water, bearing orchard. Soil, clay speaking, read it and still sivaller is loam. Situate about five miles from Clinton. the number who persistently, and Terms made know,i on day of sale. Farther prayerfully study it.. A ctereleas, lead- particulars on application to the auctioneer, to theroprietor, or to W. FARQUHAR, Con, 8th, ing a of book will never produce sa.tis- Hulett. factory results, either in the mind or G. WESTCOTT. Stayner, Proprietor, morals of anyone, but a close systema- D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. tic study of anygood book will stimu- late the mind and prove an instrument In sanctifying the soul; in the same 4b' way, with,much prayer, the Bible is to FARM Lands be studied; each member in the home who joins this movement pr9mises to IN THE study the Bible and to report on the TOWN$H.IP of GODERICH work. The helps furnished,, turn the - light of the best and brightest minds Under and by virtue of the power of sale oon- ot the akge upon the truth, until it be- twined in a certain Mortgage, which will be pro - comes like a new book. Its meaning tinned at the sale, there will be offered for Sale becomes cleat er, its wondrous treasures at public auction, by David Dickinson, Auction - are revealed, it becomes the most eer, at the • charming .book of the home. What a-RATTENBURY House, Clinton, eight it would be if for a few 'minutes Ai 2 o•olook p. m„ on each day` all the families, in the land, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1897 gathered around the Bible to know the The following gropparty, viz: Lot' 28 in the sib "unsearchable riches of Jeslia Christ." Concession of the Township of Goderich, in the (2) Will produce in the home the Count of Huron, containing 80 acres, more or highest type of piety. The sublimest lees, vfihe land under cultivation has been all fall ploVved, and there are several acres sown with characters the world has ever seen falllweat. The soil isfirat-class and well under - have been the,products of the Bible. drained. Bible character 19 not only the high- TpRM9-Ten per Dept of the purchase money down and the balance in thirty days thereafter, est and noblest, but the safest; where- without interest. The. property will be Sold ever you find a defective type of piety, subject to a reserved price, .Further artapulars dwarfed, -.,unreliable, unsteady, you and conditions made known at the sante of upon may know its source is not the Bible. application to the undersigned. Tilie is the tree the leivee Of Which DAVID DICKINSON, JAMES SOOTT ar•e'for the healing of the natives and Auctioneer vendorsolioito for the sett sanctification which of the individual. MORTGAGE SALE The character in Which there are to be found dishonesty. Intemperance, licent- `OF oneness, lyinge 'covetousness and' kin- dred evils Is not of the Bible. We VinaFarm in Goderich Towashl . complain of the Impurity that prevails blQ,. �' In our domestic, social, munfei .al, Commercial and olitical life. The IInder,abil by virtue of the powers of sale con- tetnedy is in the Bible. Men's char- poai o aaothode8 6ithefewiilbe ffetaif ren e Adtera are too' fretluently formed by ut public anotion byy DavidDiokl eon, Auction - public opinion, by the 'public prese-- nor, atthe RATTilNBURY HOUSE, Olinton,on pp era. Current literatut•e may be all Satllydd 3rd da Of April, rig►it fttC news anti politics, but It is yti p t the *rang p4bult>im for the Ill heal l type of character. The more the Bible 7 is studled in the homi'ii the more its It gloPioiie doctrines 'Veill elevate the e charaoteN. General Howard bad charge of the L1. S, atmy on „the Kaci. I coastfic and Was tendered a bmigaot i when he was leavin' San l� rancisco, to � ��• ',�1 ,( '+ .,y /'',`,'} }`� Wou ave a tendency to h h- 1 I .. !YY"N .,a -,.4Y .9 V;.gluvCF"u4tCAlu nl0 iJ1� AWIN CURED. tit 16ssen' tho &tte'i 44 44 . 4, be, obaeotlflbly eitpected. Dear S rsBelaol b . I , I toss troubled with ear oho s y mak#tlg pe i., - f6 is long time, cT could 'et tgo ass i , ed to pitrstte the r� 1�1"t'7t..+ 1-%, CAe� 6 , o tldtit rrev'ersse Iraq bpp'it t I , . ; I tried_ tkn yard Yollow C8i4 ,i: r;ol txttttt , . ftYr� t clic' ,, 0, l fr l y gat i(; h o Ina e s ca ��p of 8 0l. W. M Hall, et d iia l e gnro, •. 110 11 eCtiGt t to _ M' `1t H' ` ' to tt �. A n *'� � tilt �1,.b5.50.R 'itka 'E. '' d A 14. ge tido sYt' ,l • ,' r pe tkiwl Eaon In , �tt' it inva�" itWilld1i of ho S,1 t�. or a r t , accopt t e C urge o the fl,rmy at Netw it1Ae npan the k 1 le foci content- 'Y'or, ; tbe,Itweat banquet was prepared t feel home; ,the at the Palace Hotel; when he received c the i wltatidn he eat at dawn and wrote C result In every a letter declining, aftyIng "It IS fmpas- t irretary of Con' stole for me to attend filar, banquet, I t llhool aAlistJCift• have'a permaalkent' etlga em'ent w tit 1 to tG Y nd of y s t 116 iyo I h ,k g z'i � , � � ty .n.t# Il rlwbe e'hi ., . G ) x , p � I : , )i �y I � p� � 0 � tli' K� , a _ -- 1,140 fag- riallpie oa d t rr of . , � wsaP & IT PAPS To QDT ;. - - The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. Still leads all Shorthand and Business Schools in Canada, in placing pupils in choice positions, and preparing them for such plaoes, Frank Cooper, a pupil from Keewatin, has accepted the position of Book-keeper with C. W. Frazer, of the same plane. W. L. Lewis as Manager of the Ports- mouth Business College, N. H. Mary Hickey a position as Stenographer with a Detroit firm. Ina Milliken a position as Stenographer with the Sydenham Glass Co., Wallaceburg k IT PAYS TO GO TO THE BEST. For catalogue of either department, addro*s D-.McLACHLAN & Co Chatham PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET ROUM TO LET Good large room over Baslett's Furniture store suitable for anything. Apply to J. O, ELLIOTT or B. 0, BARLETT. FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o FOR BALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concedhibn, i9oderich Township. For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton W1 PERRIN BLOCK 2FOR SALE $300 cash and 120D J CAMPBELL eHamh ilton HERE'S A CHANCE. A desirable farm for sale on particularly saey terms. Lot 18, con. 3, Hullett, 100 acres, well fenced and watered, 2 acres of an orchard, 8 acres fall wheat. 30 acres tall ploughing done, over 20 acres sealed down last season Com- fortable frame.house, good barn and stabling, stone basement. Situate, 2IJ miles from the town of Clinton. For further particulars apply to I S. A. BROWN, on tht, premises, or box 37, Clinton, P.O. Farnl for Sale - The undersigned offers for sale the splendid 76 acre farm being lot 2.3, con. 11, Hullett, im- mediately aUjolning the Village of Londeeboro. There are ra the premises a good story and a half frame house, frame barn 36 x 56, and stable 20 x 50. Also a good orchard. There is a a ging c.•eek running through the premises, WM. HIL LOS or Mkd BARKWELL, Londeeboro. * House and Lot for Sale The frame house on Rattenbnry, street, immediately east of Dr. Tomlinson's,, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The house is centrally situated, be'Lg only a minute'a�walk from the business centre, has stone cellar, large dining room, parlor, bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. Good-sized summer kitchen and garden. Very conveniently situated for boarding house. Apply at NEw ERA office. Farm for Sale •• r„ 1 Lot 7, Bayfield Concession, Goderich townAip 84 acres, 44 44 which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation: 40 acres good hardwood bush maple, beech, clkerry, unoulied, with a few acres of good cedar at rear end of lot. Good frame house with outbuildings, .good bearing orchard which yielded about 400 arrels this season,- SpringBcreek crosses the lot, which is two miles . from ayfield and seven from Clinton, No in- cumbrance. Owner must give up farming owing to poor health, Terme $30 per acre. 81500 Cash, . balance to suit purchaser, JOHN EAGLESON Bayfield, Ontarieo - CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for sale the 80 acre farm on the corner of the out lineapd 10tb con., Goderich Township, It is well watered, witb..ggood bearing orchard, frame house and new bank barn, Con- vonient to church and school. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to . MR8 JOS SPARLING, Clinton HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Several houses either for sale or torent. Full particulars on application to JOHN MaGARVA CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Subaoriber offers for sale his excellen farm of .92} acres, bein lot 27, 4th Con of Ilullett. Nearly the whole cleared and under cultivation. Farm has two-story brick house, frame barn and *table, splendid bearingg orchard. plenty of water, 81tuate about 2} miles from the town of Clinton. A lot of fall plowing done and 9 acres of fall wheat sown. Possession given of any time. For particulars apply on the premises or to A. WEIR, Clinton P. O. tf. Two Houses and Stable for 'Sale. These houses have every convenience, one be a furnace. They are situated on Rattenbury St. nearly opposite the Methodist church, Clinton, and will be sold cheap. Apply to NEW ERA cr to J. H. WORSELL, Goderich. • LOT FOR SALE. For sale a choice Building Lot in the Bawden survey, High Street, connieting 4;t three acres. all fenced and the best land in the survey. All - illy at NEW ERA WOOD and COAL YARD WM. WHEATLEY is prepared to fill all or- ders for either Coal or wood on short notfoe, Orders lett" at Hill & Joyner s Feed Store will be promptly atteno ed to. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Com-_ erolal Hotel. This estpblishment is in full os, oration and a order filled in the most eatisfaoto wayOem* tory and granite work' a spoofaliy. il'rices a reasonklile as those of any establishment . 9 EALE & HOOVER,Clinton, m fu - and who the nuts. core serf. lora. AIb Inds tr ntlt 'ON 11 Y . JAX.B5 '§Gp'"",. ,,A ,, .., Barrister' . S611citoa�" �i`�' .: 4. ' OONVRYANOER aa. ( IMI Oommisdionerfor p lrio lid;Alaultobp, Office i>pmedistalyBouth of.0 broka'Wig0tnall r ,i i-1 ,,. Wil BRYDQ1N4 BARRISTER ST ER So I CI T03,, PUBLIC, ETC, . .�r� s Office -Beaver ,8100]]. ' Up -stairs, Oppoolto vE'o�iter',a !3'hoto'(Irytlgfigy OLINTON. �v• � M.: G; CANMERQN (Formerly of Cameron,., ,Unit di Qamerox /n {,;; ' BARRISTER AND $OLIOWO•kt,, ' Oftloe-11am11ton ' at opppposite Colborne Unto GODEitIOH. ONT ! .'1 D. L. . MACPHERSQN. ; FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT,INBURAN.0 E MONEY TO LOAN, � ill offioe, MacKay Block, Clinton. !! JOHN R;DOUT• • �; CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC ?' Fire Insurance, Money to lend. Real estate matters carefully attended to, 11 .,. f= Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON lf' �R: WM. GUNN, L. R. O, P. and L. R. O. S Edinburgh. 4, ', Office -Ontario Sreet,Clinton Night calls at front door of residence "I` on Rattan bury St., opposite Presbyterian church; T, " DR J. L, TURNBU L, M.D. TORONTO University, 1n D. C, Victorls Univeraity M. O. P a '^' ", ' & S., Ontario. Fellow of theObstetrica Society Of Edinburgh, otLondon,gng and Edinburgh Hospital a. Office.•-Dr,Dowsely'sold offioe ,f Rattenbury St, Clinton, Night bel answered at the same place. a r DR, o boW. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON A iaouoheur, eta„ office and residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly o0 espied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont.. AS 13. FREE BORN, M.D.. L.H.&Q,O.P.I., M. d• ,•'- & S• O., Graduate Hfn s and 011ege of Pb eioians, Dublin, Ireland. QLicen ore General Medical Council, Great Britain ober of Collage Physicians and Surgeons, on �Aafo- Formerly esident of Rotunda Hosn. Reeieltal tto bury Sng-iXI and ti� ast�gnext'doorito Ontario St " parsonage. F1xHE L Medical Department of VictoriGRADUAIE a D Unl err sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for h� County of Hnrogt, Bayfield, Out. -..,s r ..,op1;ko. DR AGNEW, Londesboro, duccessor to Dr Young, T. AGNEW. M. B„ Toronto Universii%, M. D. o M., Trinity University, Member of CJdfll k Phy sicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Cillos.' ppoaite Methodist church. Night ealls,apfi at the ed same place, OHlce hours 8 to 10 a,n fed 'to 9 P.M. .. 3p,m ,. DR- T. C. BR•QCE,`l t SURGEON DENTIST, ; Graduate R O D S of Ontario, and Trinity ,: versity Toronto: Special attention given to the Preservation" the natural teeth. Cities, Coats f Idok, over Taylor's oboe store ,1'. ;; N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday and � I'. Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the ,;q summer I,^' JE.BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON College. Treats all diseases Of om st caL a and mals on the most modern and scientific prinof plea Office- immediately south of the Now Era Office, Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Cal night orday attendedto promptly JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 1111,s returnedat the Qut6n s H tel, where a n and may a eod an nsuui4 ell for the treatment of all diseapes of horses,' • ,cattle, &o. All calla, night or day, promptly at- tended to. BTOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON . Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases Domestic Animal . Animals o i n the most modern and. . ,I ^ Scientific Principles. Day apo night,calls promkt ly answered. Reaidence-Rattonbuiy"gtr. ''mea Oliaton. ) i4lili1i. 1�U/� ARRIAGE LICENbE, JAMES SCOTT, Sig,, r and Residence Mary street, Clinton. ClintoLibrary R°oro r JAMESCAMPBELL LOND I EssoRo ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICIMNSES. ;N • No witnesses required ,, 1', W. FARNOOMB, MEMBER OV ASSN OF • P, L. S„ Provincial Land Snrvoyor and ,V Uiyil Engineer, London Ont. -Office at Ooo, t Stewart's Grocery Store, l3lintoa. „ . . . ­ . --11 . �. R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. r: Ont. Honor f GraydulaCollege f TriDental l yBUnivereity1. Toronto. All operations in Dentistsy oarefally performed `' Best local Ansestbet+es for painless eatxaotion Odloe opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store { Will visit Hensall epee Monday, and Zarlo everysecond•Thursday,of each month. ;;, t WIfight bell answered. Hous p A" _ e Pa�ug aid Pa er Han iu ;` The undersigned is preparbd to pro .fly axe onto all orders for 'PAINTING,..,_ ; PAPEV,HANGtWkt',&d't, a,sA•it. Ioiigexperience and ausrBpE In a manner that sh1111'be'd prices will be eaaeedinglymoderetrl,. speotfully solioited. , GEO POTTS, . 404rter's ]louse .Victoria St., C1'intoin t `A" ti ROBERT -:- DO , b . OLIXTOX� Mannfacturor It'd Ptdpiletor for tho beat SAW MILL DOG in flan, . Allbbb lot the sale bud a y pplioMion of the Ar 9X PAttl4x AV rOUAtio noinat CLBAMin. ST1+lAM VITT;INGs furtif6hed . . ,w , and attachod nla sex, notion: Bott,NItg, twomitd, •,AN)5 Amts Kn400 ora' M.k. ', 0111mitaY IttrAlukri Exritill1,X6,6 t -k Ago, IN A• . 8/a16rAoxbl y XA,RNil#; Patin:t 16M6nt .ori +! manueaattlrrtd� and., xapbikl V. WMA an ' ex d wet 'putripsY{YYrni6libd algd put e , ;foaitlalr 13ry •Kilns 'fitt,id uI1 ori '4001106461 - • Cifalgootd'od6it4 jY4' 4 - ,3 W 4 t 'f', ��,�,�y�'. t