The Clinton New Era, 1897-03-19, Page 6)'
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? �T 1 yj; zrl . QRN OF Tari N. A. U. e. A.)
1.c,. , By Robert Reid, Montreal.
ry V.e i,A Kirkbiride,
"W40re the Lord's redeemed anes lie;
d e,,Wd $jikyaird.Pn the grey hillside,
ludei the open sky;
04+Ier the open sky,
O iihe priest o' the brass sae steep,
Axid' side by side wi' the banes that lie
til j� i there in their hinmaiat sleep;
lti door dune body inaun lune be dust,
t la,Ot- t thrills wi' a stoun' o' pride,
q - "I'll may mix wi' the great and just
h , slurnbar'tn thee, I$irkbride,
r; itle sl' peace or rest
d we, that has often studs '
Vik oor face to the foe on the mountain's
0itocidin' oor dear heart's blude ;
h@dn'odear heart's blude
the Covenant claimed,
Ai)4 ready wi' life to mak' language gude
04'Ahis King or his Kirk we blamed ;
4& Mien I thooht in the dismal day
*A'd-never see glosmin' tide, 1Ylelt like the oranreuch's rime that lay
�!'iiixe dawin' abune Kirkbride.
t.,, .
Oloamin, fn's at last
1(lix;the our, dreicb, dinsome day,
AIiv,4:rhe trouble through whisk we besafe.
ly past
visa a us weary and was ;
lea's us weary and was,
44"',fain to be laid, limb -free,
In a dreamless dwawm to be airtit a:*ay
T'a'the shores o' the crystal sea ;
6'r-frae the toil, and the moil, and the
``;4nd the tyraut's oureed' pride,
�¢tr'd in a wreath o' the mists that lurk,
leaven sent, shoot paid Ifirkbride.
_11cisht i did the eaft win' speak 7
r. kir a yariwerin' nicht bird cry Y
Dist I dream that a warm baun, touob't my
,And a winsome face gade by T
nr:Add a winsome face gade by,
W, i' a far aff licht in its "n,
;?".'4-licht that bude come frae the dazzlin'
1,,' sky,
Por, it spak' o' theatarnies' sheen ;
age-itlay be donart, and dazed and bhn',
jBiit•Ise warrant, whate'er betide,
(true heart there made tryst wI' my ain,
'-1 lid the tryst word seemed, Kirkbride.
.a, � .
Karkl frae the far bill -taps,
s Ahd iaieh frae the lanesome glen,
4.ome 9,keet Fsalm tune like a late dew
+w:.. drape •
r1ts wild notes doun the win';
its wild notes doun the win',
iV' .a kent soun' owre my min',
;;For we sang't on the muir, a wheen bun -
tit men,
WT oor lives in car hauil' lang syne ;
3,' never a voice can disturb this sang,
,.Were it Clarer'se in a' his pride,
For its raised by the Lord's ain ransomed
Forgethertd chane Kirkbride.
[';hear May Moril's tongue,
'That I wistna to hear again,
And there='twas the black McMiehael's
• rung
T Olear in the closing strain ;
,�Isar in the closing strain,
OYap bis big heart, bauld and true ;
t 6tii's my soul as in days bygane,
-hen his gude braidsword be drew;
(;ii'eods mann be tiff to the muir ante mair,
"':For he'll miss are by his side;
0the throng o' the battle I aye was there,
"d,e maunit be at Kirkbride.
ajr,mp a staff and plaid,
rg'heit in readiness I may ire,
,knit dmua forget THE Boox be laid
_0p il. cro's@ .trey hnee,... •
'Open across my knee,
And a text close by my thoom,
' And tell me true, for 1 scarce can see,
Mat the words are, "Lo, I come;"
iCh. n carry me through at the Campleford,
A up by the lang hillside,
1$d , ')i wait for the comic' o' God, the
' , Lord,
In ai neuk o' the auld Kirkbride:
[It is related of an old native of this dis.
ilot that the last request he made while
n his death -bed was, "Bury me in Kirk-
triae, for there's much of God's redeemed
list lies there:" and, taking advantage of
tae license which all rhymers are apt to
i'rogate, to themselves, I have put the
eautiful words into the mouth of an old
lovene'nier, who is supposed to have aur-
ived the persecution.—R. R.)
'DEAn Sirts —I can heartily .recommend
:lir ppk Bleed Bitters. For a long time
was troubled with dyspepsia and weak-
gss. The least exertion would tire me
it. I am glad to say, however, that your
B. B. has greatly benefitted me, curing
wdyspepsia and making me strong and
Hespeler, Ont.
Elan. Clifford Sifton, Minister of the
ierior, celebrated the 36th a.nniver- ,
!!y of his birthday on Wednesday, i
is the youngest member of the I
billet. Before Mr Sifton's appoint- i
Mt Mr Fisher had the distinction t
t only of being the only bachelor in i
inet, but of being the youngest
opint of age. He is 47, Mr Tarte 48, i
t' Fielding 49, Mr Borden 50, Mr
dies 52. Mr Blair 53, Mr Muiock 64, t1
Geoflrrion 64, Mr Laurier 56, Mr Do. I
1'60, Sir Richard Cartwright 62, Sir I
1111$,. Joly 68, Mr Paterson 58, Mr I
'Zpatrick 44, Mr Scott 72, Sir Oliver t
l;Wat 76. 1
eek' dared in S to 6 Mights—Itching,
I3urnine Skin Diseases Relieved in One
L11,Agnew's Ointment will cure all oases
Ito 'Ing Miles in from three to six nights.
#1�}ia, lxoation • brings comfort, For
*l;ililld,tli bleeding piles it is peerless. It
yli8A b+ars �etter, salt rheum, eczema, bat•
154rig Jtah,� and ail eruptions of the akin.
$(ol!toves In d .day. 35o.
,••; . - ,
t T,h6 tree -spraying experiments i'nau-
&i!ttWit last yeap by.,the Ontario De -
.•'t Otment of Agriculture, and of the re-
aloft# of which such favorable reports
,,.., 0 rte, received, will be repeated this
11 11 ' Tt is likely that the Glovernment
rot�trllge an even more vigorous tear
ltgdfiil the insects during the coming
.00fisti than during the last one.
EML Wants and Children.
` .
__. f , , •
(� �� �t Your anxiety is far your. �. C�•- w
(Montreal Witness) CHANGE" I DRESS. A threo cornered closet fltted with dark b
delicate child; the child blue backing, against which china and
The Liberals of the Province of Qus `~ 1 glass gleam prettily, is not within the ,
bee are fortunate in their lewder. PETTICOATS AND SUCH LIKE FAST that in spite of all your care— reach of everywoman. Neither aro oup•
There is not another man in, provincial BEING DISCARDED. ful over—watching, keeps boards with leaded, diamond shaped panes
politica In Quebec who is so generallly g� p possible to every little housekeeper. But '
kpown and highly esteemed as Felix thin andp ale. Exercise 'she is lacking in Ingenuity who does not
Uabeiel i)lat'chaud of St. J mins. Thtre Those who See only Picture irate and have her dining room walls adorned with
is no other.proviucial politician who is Long t>kirts Know lipt q! What Is Going Seems to weaken her alld shelves for the display of her prettiest ;
so highly regarded by French andEng- on—rttuomere Have Taken a Place In food fails to nourish. That wares.
iish-speaking alike, lie alone per Any ordinary set of swinging book -
haps among the French leader a of eith Nearly Every Feminine wardrobe, , shelves will serve as a foundation. These + 9 V1 Ca . 'A
er aide com a A th 1 child needs Scotts Emulsioneet ooral
m n s e comp eke eoafl;
dente of the English-speaking people,
If anybody doubts, simply because long
may be had at prices ranging from 60
r 4 ,
!Ili ( c � 1f'r'. 1 ; i'
and there is very good and solid groundPos
with the
dress skirts,icture hats and corsets are yPO P
p hhiteS_
cents for small ones to $8 or $4 for more
purely is the despair of the amateur. A
"woman who knows" sn s an infallible
for the -neral esteem in which bv. is
held. Since Confederation he has been
still the fashion, that dress reform has
failed to muliq .any .real inxpressicn on not riot aS a medicine, but as
' ~�
commodious ones. They aro, however,
made without bucks, and this deficiency
� ��
continuously in public life in this ora-
feminine habit, they should only be al- "
a fOOa contalnln all the
lowed a peep into the well stocked ward- g
must be supplied.. A.thin board out to fit
over the shelves may be screwed If
- i
vines, and although he has served the
people in mote than nue high uf11Ce
robe of a genuinely modern and sensible elements of rowth. It
the maker desires, she may cover this on
m •
during that time, he has ever been
found equal to tl'ie trust reposed in
girl or cistron of the iuoment. A fere
Years ago chiffonier drawers and closet means rich blood, Strong
the exposed side by wall paper of
some deep, rich color, which will bring
T 'ough so continually in Opposition
shelves would have been found high piled, y
like snowdrifts, with amazingly flounced bones, health nerves, sound
out all the delicate tones in the china,
On each shelf, about two inches from
rill V G�, v
per Package
I 0 C
Mr Marchand has securely held the con-
white petticoats, lace trimmed pantaloons, digestion. No child refuses
the back, a very narrow bit of molding.
havefldeiof the electors or a Julius who
have chosen him sometimes by apt ia•
la}ig skirled chemises and gay little flan-
Del petticoats. Scott's Emulsion. It is
should be tacked. This is to prevent the
plates and platters which stand on the
nxatiou and a!rvays by large utajorities
as their representative. The constit-
Beautiful to look at, but so e
expensive to
buy, to have laundered, so clumsy to wear pleasant and palatable.
shelves from eliding forward.
On the board back, about four inches
Standard �f }
the world,
ueucy Was at nue time about evegiy
divided bkween Miglish and French-
and so inadequate as a protection against
the cold, the beat, the mud or the rain it SCOTT & BOWNE, 8euevtlle, Ont
above the shelves and three inchapart,
small brass hooka should be sorewed.
lated anew growth of hair, and kept
speaking people, but so strung was his
is hardly to be wondered at that women no _ _
From these dainty cups and vary, small
Wove, wavy superstructure and make it
hold upon English and French alike
that during alt the agitations of rtiec
longer wear them at all,
The fact is, except for occasions of slab- Whalebone.
orate toilet, the
pitchers may be suspended.
Larger pieces—big pitchers, bowls and
the like—may
and religious questions he never lost
petticoat, all saving the
P g The general rule that the beat is cheap-
stand here and there on the
the coundence of either. 'this fact
speaks volumes for the broad liberal-
one top skirt, has been actually swept out est holds good
g d conspicuously in the case of
of existence, and the knickerbocker Idea whalebone. Several patent "bones" are
shelves. Wise housewives put shot in the
P+sl iahse to prevent
bottom of all ti � p
windedness and immovable stability of
character of Mr. Marchand. '
dono it. No woman who rofesses to
dress with anything ]tku regard for clean in the ;market, all much cheaper than the
Y g g real article, but they can seldom be used a
them from blowing over h a breeze and
to protect them against the overturning
His speeches are sound ar umenls
p 6'
based upr;n solid filets, and moderate,
liners and comfort wears the old style second time. Whalebone will last a long
petticoat any longer. time and may used repeatedly. Whale -
action of the girl's airy feather duster.
When site has made her china cabinet
even reserved, to expression, trod fat
Her one ambition now lag ex regulate bone casing c t
g costa but a small amount and
her costume that everything except her �
the woman who combines both thrift and
an artistic Instinct find littledifficui tY
reason manifestly have weight
with all iutelligeut turd sincere lien,
dress skirt will cling closely to her body. is inuch better than any cases that can be
in filling it. ,She will be apt to make most
respect able syndicate, who will
give security, build and conduct a re
HeHe is such :t leader as the whole pro.
is needs at the pas the
needs critics! liras,
In cold weather, when malting a toilet, prepared from the waist lining. Purchase
she draws down over her shoulders and up it by the piece. One piece will be sufficient
of her purchases at the Japanese shops, for,
cheap American and English china does
When ere beiti wade tour
g gitate
over knees and hips a vest and tights of for lining several bodices. Cut the bones
not compare in daintiness of color or de-
religious and race pi ejudices in thin
silk stockinet ora weavoof mixed silk and the proper length, which depends on the
sign with the oriental. She may purchase
piier one. That n will be chosen pre-
tuier ou the eleventh day of llfay is the
its well
ou of eagle 0olLiberals,
wool. these go her stays, and then figure,
she is ready to get Into her stockings, Most dressmakers soak their whalebones
which are pulled up and held by a slender 24 hours before sewing them in, This is
little coffee and tea cups sprigged with
meandering Japanese blue flowers from 10
cents apiece up. Now and thou she strikes
4� 0 r
��� Cloth]Lng
as of ertives
as of tnrtny Liberals, Uertainly, ,it Lhe
elastic cord, drawn from a single hook in to make them soft and flexible in order to
a blue salad bowl of fine, rich shades for
present tuotxlent the coarse of event,,
seems to be decidedly Unfavorable to
the front of her stays, sew them through to the waist at the top,
If dressing for indoors, her next maneu- in the center,Arid once or twice more. This
is to into
60 or 75 cents. A delicate green vase for
15 cents will give variety to one shelf, and
jug flamin
Having purchased a large, up-to-date stock Of
the H lyun Governuteut and cuetciou'
ver step a pair of large, easy silk prevents the bones from sli in out of
PP g
bloomers. They are made onto u deep place. Cover the seams with a silk and
a of strange, > °
g', b range dolor will
add tong to a second.—}Vow York Journal.
Worsted and Tweed Suitings and Trouserings
yoke, thu,tfits flat over the corset, and hang cotton tape 'that comes for the purpose of
full and slightly depending at the knee. casing. Do not use the double casing. Put
for the spring trade, at a very low price we are
one hip there is a row of buttons and the casings on quite full, so that they have
The teakettle has a story to tell, beside
prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton and
A Large Percentage of Members in the
bands, and buttons hold them at the knees, ra wrinkled appearance when the bones are
and with these few preliminaries she is slipped in and sewed in place afterward.
its singing, which is such a merry sound.
Most folks agree with the poet who
vicinity Orderod Clothing cheaper than has
Commons Suffer From Catarrh —the
ready for her dress. Remember to let the bones and casing
Ob, there's naught else so dreary
ever } et bet'll offered here.
hope of Fifty Found in Dr. Agnew's
If a corset cover is worn at all, that is ) for the darts extend fully to the top of
the merest skeleton bodice, with no skirts these darts, but do not take them higher
In my household found
As a cold kettle
Catarrhal Powder—They Tell Their Own
below the waist lino, and Is just as often than two inches from the top. Cover the
and sullen
That does not make a sound.
Suits to Order from $10 Up.
Story of Successful Recovery Tht•ough
woven of silk or thin lisle thread, like the whalebone at the top, where it is left loose
But the teakettle reveals other secrets.
This Remedy.
undervest. When the hour comes to go , from the waist, with the casing, which
out, the silk bloomers
in the home beside the lack of love. Lift
Oor $13.50. $15 and $16 Sults are Leaders.
are slipped off and should'be looped over.—New York Adver•
the lid and see if there is acoating of slime
Mr W. H. Bennett, Member for East
Simcoe, and forty-nine others of the House
a pair of woolen knickerbockers, made ex- tiser.
actly like a man's golf trousers, but hung
all over the inside. If so, the housewife is
either negligent or ignorant. She cannot
We use nOtlllnb o but first-class trimmings.
of Commons, breve, over their own siAna-
on a yoke, are drawn on. They are not For the Nursery,
know that one of the secrets of good coffee
A perfEct fit and latest style guaranteed.
tures, told of the good effects of Dr. Ag.
very and hook flat at one hip, buttoning An ornament for a nursery window that
bSth knees.
or tea is a clean teakettle, and she does not
new's Catarrhal Powder. What the reme-
d,f has done for these Parliamentarians it
at A pair of high bicycle shoes will be of interest to the children, as they
or soft brown gray or black suede leggings can prepare it and watch its growth, is a
understand that though only water is
cooked in the teakettle this very cooking
is doing for thousands of otll<:rs ur I tlblic
and privat6 life the Dominion over, W i, tt
cold in the head it immediate
are buttoned up over the ettlY of the leg. I turnip or large carrot hollowed out at the
Upon this falls the dress skirt, and for root end and suspended by ribbons in a
the first time a woman walking Is in ac- sunny window. Fill it
of water is a real science and teakettles
must he kept scrupulously clean like other
cooking utensils. Water boiled in
r �t n
ROBT. / 1
gives relief
within half an hour, and a lii;tle
with wet earth and
tual comfort. By exchanging chemise, I sprinkle
a slime
coated kettle will not have the flavor
L1 1 J(T
\�/.LL 11 Ai d �C_ SON
persev, r.
once quickly rids the head of ah troui le,
It is easy and pleasant to use, and produces
with oats or other seeds that
pantaleOns, cotton petticoat and flannol sprout readily. The lower part of the
skirt for tights and knickerbockers neat- vegetable will soon shoot forth green sprays
as in a clean kettle. There is a world of
reason in a small teakettle, for then from
for Bu
no hurtful after results. Sold by Watts &
ness and p6rfectwarmth have been- gained. that will grow up around it. The little
The sae woman might on a cold day owners' task will be to see that the earth
hang a dozen petticoats 'from her waist, is kept wet,
necessity it must be often filled, and there
Is wore chance of obtaining fresh waterRIMay
for cooking purposes than where the tea-
some of them
Mr William Nethercott, farmer,
ponderous, padded ones, A coarse sponge also may be suspended
but she never could be truly warm. She by a cord in a window. Dampen the
kettle is so large it is seldoemptied. TheThe
inside of the teakettlo Is worth consider-
Clinton Family Grocery,
Are now ready for business with a new and
Woodgreen, met with a peculiar, this-
fortune on Monday evening. It seemns
would carry just triple the weight needed sponge and sprinkle with
and be obliged to lift y g P grass, clover,
g yards of beau Ina- mustard or flax seed. Before many days
ation when one stops to think how man
P y
times daily boiling water is needed. There
select stock of Family Groceries,.
Flour, Feed. Provieicna, &c. ave: guarantee our values to be the very beet in
the market. TEAS a specialty. Terms
that Mr Nethercott borrowed a pot
from one of his neighbors, and while
terial over every mud puddle, where now the sponge will be a pretty ball of living
her top dress skirt is her only care. green. The sponge must be kept very wet,
In these days
is danger to health in some teakettles.
On the other hand, boiling water isSH
Cash or Yroduca.
o' PI��� t �p eh� /� Ontario Street,
carrying home, placed it. month
downward upon his dead. in jumping
of petticoat independence and when the grass grows brown in spots
a woinan can pack a dozen changes of un- pull it off and sprinkle the place with fresh
recommended more and mora. A cupful
in the morning isdecl,tred to aid digestion.
�.AC Opposite Combe Slocx, Clinton
a fence the pot was forced entuely ()% -
er hi d b '
dergarxnents in the space one used to oc- seeds. .,
cu She k h }
Sipping hot water is one of the latest rem-
b A
Py. ee is er s roes ust twice as Another way is to cut a pisco of flannel cdies for a cold. Let the res} housewife ,
s card n emg a contest ::hoped then soe to the cleanliness of the kitchen '
one, could ..not... be. removed.. without. ,clean, for there lis nought now to whisk of _rho size of a,taaupe..r or rile Illidlllo part
_ _ . �T
causing great, pain, owing to the rests- mud dr dust over Ehetu. She exchitngea ! of a plate. Sprinkle -the flannel with teakettle as well as to the daintiness of ���..i� r ��
tante of the hair and ears. Failing in her winter wools for summer lisle thread, seeds, place on the window seat and keep that on bar 5 o'clock tuatable.—Brooklyn ��✓
n -my attempt, to reincive the incum- and at the counter where big flounces used dampened with Witter. The flannel will Eagle. I
To '1`ltilh pUI?I,IC—`Vs Desire to thank our numerous customers and the'
branee be endeavored to make his way to tempt her eye she soberly asks to see the quickly become a mat of green. Many geepibg a Sickroom Glean. TnEra] public for their very liberal patronage during the past 30 years. From
homeward. wandering several latest thing in trousers. children will enjoy watching the growth year t l year our business has extended, necessitating n
hours through the woods and fields, he These are for sale in every shade of silk, of these seeds front day to day better than To keep a sickroom clean where the g larger premises, and we
carpeted floor cannot be swept, a prnfes- pnrchaseri the two stores in the cid Brick Block, remodeling and improving
luckily came to Mr J.V. Fauld's,whvre made of the new dark blue, red and green playing with expensive toys.—New York them with plate glass fronts, &e, making one of the best equipped Stove and
Mr Faulds, assisted by Louis `wVatter- ribbon serge that washes and wears like Suit. eional nurse will go over the carpet with a Hardware stores in the county, In consequence, we have removed the whole
worth, succeeded in removing the pot Irish linen, There are sober heaps f - .- cloth wrung out of warm water, in which stock frcm the t1lcAsy Block store to our improved stares in the old BrickiBtock
froth his head. The article had to he tweed trousers,, for cold, rainy days, and has been put a little ammonia. Uphol- where we invite a continuation of your former patrons y
broken arid, unfortunately, the noise some of them made with pockets, where, stored furniture is treatod in the same way Lip
are now hue
when traveling, a woman can store her A few months ago we were told by if that is a. part of the furnishings. In sorting and replacing goods, and when once straightened sto k. C l will offer special
of the ring o th oiit e illy desi dyed rings and money, For women excessively the Opposition leaders that the Lihet - many now houses a sickroom is included inducements in order to reduce our very large stock. (all and see us in the
the hearing of the left ear. al Administration could not, rtand,anti ofd Brick Block,
sensitive to cold one can buy trousers in the architect's plan. This may be used ,
lightly wadded with down. They look like that the Tupper fa -roily combine would for another purpose while the family Is
. EARACKE CURED dainty football breeches, but they are a be on top almost immediately. But, its unafflicted, but in cases of illness it isHARLAND
�DRAR Slse.—I was troubled withearache comfort, as well as the red flannel ones the :Montreal Herald pertinently points found to be invaluable, It has sunny ex• BROSI Stoves, Ilardivare, &c
for a long time, and could,get no ease unti made for rheumatic women. out, the hegira which is taki-ng place posure, an open fireplace and no plumbing Clinton
I'tried Hag,ard's Yellow OiL I can Before this growing pile of bifurcated from the Ottawa 'Opposition to (hr• directly in the. ronin, It opens into an •
truthfully say that it has made a complete things the petticoat counters steadily Prr'vincial legislat ures is good evidence entry in which Is it window and from this
cure. dwindle, and the handsomest silk skirt«, of Conservative confidence in the Lan- into the main hall of the house, thus in -
MISS MARTHA M. RECTOR'are going at a bargain, for, as one woman Her government. suring protection in cases of contagious
Central Ebonomy, N. S, expressed it, wnice pair of trousers ie diseases. The floor of hard wood, with r h Grocenes orth a docen silly skirts." only washable rugs Poo r purposes of silence.
The college girls have taken to them be The walls are painted; so are tho.eeilings;
This IF what Hon, G. E. Foster says cause they save on the washwoman's bill, . there is indeed not an inch of surface that RaiS�I1S Currants Firms, Prunes and reels.
about going to Rossland:—"One know- working girls field them a joy and protec• TURNING GIRAY may not be washed or that can hold germs. f ,
it the ground cannot, too strongly tion against streaming, snowy streets and No upholstered furniture stands in it
rrgP upon the ne�ple of Eastern C11
lan- dusty office floors, while it's no secret that AND THREATENED cushions covered with linen slip covers aff Old 1�a1S1nS, 28 lb, box for yj,, Headquarters for Teas and
tda re weigh their changes carefully every woman on the golf links wears toga ° d�1i 1P14 j1r°�� fording ease in the rattan chairs and
�efure leaving certainties 1n the East. to just like her brother, only the BALDNESS D Jit couches. One such built in a country r�Uga I
ry their fortunes in LhP Western old t y are under- Crockery, China, Glassware and Lama p
g Heath. In the course of time it's clear to house had the pictures let in the wall un- Lamps. �Ve have to make room for our im art.
gelds. There is really uo agricultural see a white cotton or lace trimmed silk The Panger is Averted by Using der glass, similar to a scheme often applied ed Xmas and New Years goods, and have reduced prices considerably. Call and
uriployment there, and very little to -� ` to a nursery. In such a roam a axnaApox see our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and Drierl Apples taken as Cash.
to except for gold ininers, and the Petticoat will become as much of a curios- r, rl
Y it as the boo skirt of 30 oars hack and >. ibn �� � A 6 R patient might be quarantined without risk Cash paid for good Butter and Egga,
gust pe experienced men. The only that women are none the less dress refer ' to family or neighbors.—New York Post. IRW IN
' t Lt� �Pn�® y
tther persons who can gel theme with ere because picture hats, corsets and Jon "" ""° Clinton
mpunity are Igen who have dome con- dress skirts are stili the fashion. --Boston 1 I J. f
tections and know where they are go- Globe. "1t'ar y forty years ago, after
ng, or persons who have capital and sorile WeVhS of sickness, my hair.�.�
an take advantage of the chances Huck Toweling, tanned gray and heg,ul falling' out CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. BRONCHITIS CURED.
vhich clay offer. There is undoubted- so rapidly that I was threatened Miss Maggie Griffin, 37 Metcalfe street WANTED-1-telUgent men, with '
Kuck toweling 1n all the various quail- P Y Chase's Pills haus ai d opularit be- , good a ucation,towhom
V money to be made, but it requites ties in which it appears in the market iQ with Immediate baltlnrss. Heariltg one«e *hey area specific efortha uric acid Toronto, writes: "After having bronchitis $600.00 and expenses for the scat year would-be
n i•lae_main a considerable amount of , perhaps more useful for general house ur- +dyer's Hair `-i or highly spoken of, condition, Y y speak an Inducement, Write with full particulars.
g P g 8 Y P prevent Bright's Disease, cure and cold'so ball that I could hardl p THE MANAGER,) 49 Richmond St, West, TOR -
poses to make it. I have no doubt poses than any other of the crash family. I commenced using this prepara- Rheumatism and all Catarrhal conditions and could not find any remedy to relieve ONTO, Ont.
hat thousands of people will find It is invaluable as a hand and roller towel .-• - of the Kidner sand Bladder. They do this ice, I decided to try Norway Pine Syrup,
hemsel'ves in these districts this slim because they possess remarkable alterative It made a complete cure and I highly re IMPORTANT NOTICE
as an embroidery fabric and for the man- �i.'' `ka ", ,
ner, and be sadly disappointed. Per- ufacture of ladies' and men's scarfs, etc.; _ A Z tonic and diuretic propertieP, exerting a commend it to all.
laps they will experience difficulty in In the flnet' grades. In the ordinary heavy wonderfully soothing influence on irritated to all owners of
caking their way back to the homes malice the price ranges from 8 cents to 18 t or inflamed mucous membranes of the Kid- Mr Kendall, station agent, Brussels, Bic,{,•res, Democrats Or Iron
hey have too hurriedly left. cents per yard, but the kind which is most e. neys or Bladder. One pill a dose., 25c a is seriously ill and is confined to his f+t
in demand for embroidery purposes is 27 „ `�j box, The cheapest medicine in the world bed through blood -poisoning. He had Axle Waw�•ons•
Inches wide and is 'retailed at about 87'�a "' ' been slightly paring his toe nails and g
cents per yard. Of cours6 there are muchittt),rr in doing so slightly cut one of his toes. Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" ,Axle
flner and wider cloths than these which � a� He thought of nothing serious until Cutter, whereby axles are cut and boxing
can be had as high as 75 cents per yard in N& Xf THE SUMMER HOTEL. the member began to pain him when set back to the shoulder, making the same
French and Irish bucks.—Dry Goode ell, k 11-w he bar] it examined and the doctor just as good as new, I will be glad to per-
�, Chronicle. To the Editor of rile New Era. pronounced blood -poisoning, form anywotk in this direction,
o XT of �'_° • 4."
a i , I 11 .a
, ,
I . I . . I- . . . I � � : � � I .
tL � .�, k �- . ' , � I I � I . I I I I , I I - � I
rte' '
. ..
Y,f'a.1 .�.. dsL. �� arra f `.,
tory, or no pay• Those who have bad work
done,speak in the highest terms of it.—
Come and see the machine and get prices -
Blacksmith and General Repalnor,
Carriage Shop, Clinton, •
Tit the Estate of Richard Scott Gagen, de-
co med
Notice Is hereby givon pursuant to the Statate
in that,behalf that all Creditors and others hay.
iIng claims against the Estate of Richard Scott
Gagen, lata of the Town of Clinton,in the County
J of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or
about the l6th(lay of January, A.D., 1897, are
herebyy required to send particulars to,laneGag-
en, Ctipton, Ontario, Sete Executrix cribs will of
lire said deceased, on or before the 80th day of
V,nren, A,D,, 1897, after which date the said Ex-
eentrix will distribute tbeasset9 of the said Es -
tato among t e partlos entitled thereto under
said will, having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been received at the said
Solicitor for the laid Executrix,
Dated this 24th day of Februsrv. 1897. . '
•i .m
Fluffy Hair.
To arrange the hair fluffily and yet se-
r 4 ,
!Ili ( c � 1f'r'. 1 ; i'
DINAR $lR,-1 am glad to see that
Clinton is moving in the direction of a
purely is the despair of the amateur. A
"woman who knows" sn s an infallible
vl, u a rod;'' I°
>'y' F�i '" �,pp'`� �
snmuter hotel sit 13ayticid; title is as it
su ht to be. There is ld lace ins it
g P
, 1
waq of keeping the hair in position !s this:
,,,,,, ••,�,: y `� i,':p''M p, - ,".
r•+ t, �.��!,...:,l,;,,.
,,f ,a "v
tario better suited for n hens +
t. E of this
Take a small strand at the nxidcllo of the
s I .;.r
;1; 'I N
kind than Bayfield, and Clinton people
crown, u trifle higher or lower, according
need an ntiLit2 and offer come over,
g, ,
to the style required; twist this closely
tion and was so well satisfied with
why not. have,a house of their own,
under their
and make it secure with hhirpins; then
brnsh and arrange the hair over this little
the result that I ]taut ntr'r•r tried•
own managenxent, espe-
dally as our 1"'"von' acrnrnmodaticn is
knot. A strand of perhaps two fingers'
should be It furnishes a
any 011ier kind of dressing. It et;Op•
Ped the hair from falling^ out, Stiniu-
nut nearly sulliciew to supply the de-
ninnd for roam, although omm oh,iging
, I
tvlid something upon which to fasten the
lated anew growth of hair, and kept
people do all in their power to accom-
Wove, wavy superstructure and make it
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional npplicntion is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
modate. Seaforth wants more room,
London and Detroit especially want
more room. I have a beautiful proper -
�a 1rt� hCG
natural color. I never hesita,t� to
ty on the lake shore, opposite the
! 13:A $tlRk GURU
In arranging pictures it should be re-
membered that oils, etchings and water
recommtmd tiny of Ayer s medichlFs
tomyfriend5."—MTs, II.M.IlA}c>IIT,
wreck of the Wal'on, seen to �0 r list
giil( r% as "l:sson'g Point, pntnted by
^ !►O�t
colors should not hung together and that
Avoca, Nei).
vont ti•tnnlia strtist, Miss Mountctx.stle.
the drawing room walls are not to he
will give a free site on this park to
�,WOLERA ilirANTtJt+!t
packed with Canvases If ono is fortunateany
enough tb bo able to buq them. 'Coo or
Ayers Hair Vigor
respect able syndicate, who will
give security, build and conduct a re
uKd aft
$taken ''idly
three fine oil paintings are. about all any
summer hotel. The rest of
err OLAtl" T
u. eh•idrit
room can stand, too many giving the effect
property could converted into
6r -Adult*.
of a picture gallant.
OR.I C. AYER Rt CO., LOWELL, MAM, U. S. A. fcm
a park; the beach here is very superior
- .
and easy of access. Yours
AVerPs Sarsaparilla Iteonoves Pimples. truly,
a i , I 11 .a
, ,
I . I . . I- . . . I � � : � � I .
tL � .�, k �- . ' , � I I � I . I I I I , I I - � I
rte' '
. ..
Y,f'a.1 .�.. dsL. �� arra f `.,
tory, or no pay• Those who have bad work
done,speak in the highest terms of it.—
Come and see the machine and get prices -
Blacksmith and General Repalnor,
Carriage Shop, Clinton, •
Tit the Estate of Richard Scott Gagen, de-
co med
Notice Is hereby givon pursuant to the Statate
in that,behalf that all Creditors and others hay.
iIng claims against the Estate of Richard Scott
Gagen, lata of the Town of Clinton,in the County
J of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or
about the l6th(lay of January, A.D., 1897, are
herebyy required to send particulars to,laneGag-
en, Ctipton, Ontario, Sete Executrix cribs will of
lire said deceased, on or before the 80th day of
V,nren, A,D,, 1897, after which date the said Ex-
eentrix will distribute tbeasset9 of the said Es -
tato among t e partlos entitled thereto under
said will, having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been received at the said
Solicitor for the laid Executrix,
Dated this 24th day of Februsrv. 1897. . '
•i .m