The Clinton New Era, 1897-03-19, Page 5- v, 7,., .7rs.,w . , ,
Watch and
Jewelery •
Is properly cared for
hell you trust it with
We have every
known facilityand a
dtactical worman to
o it correctly.
41 41 eg ell 4
receives -the greatest
care here . . .
examined free or
cleaned and regulated
for only $L
J. B. Rumball
Jeweler, Clinton. e j
Plain Sewing and Dressmaking
The undersigned, who is a practical dress-
maker, and competent to perform satisfactory
any work entrusted to her, is prepared to do all
kinds of plain Sewing or Dressmaking, and will
go to the homes of her patrons, Dither in town or
country. ROSY M. RUTLEDGE. Word may
be left at Cooper & Co's Grocery Store.
We have a very choice stock
of the above mentioned
Lemons, per dozen 20c
Oranges 10c and up
FancyCalifornia Navel Or'anges,4tic, 50c
Also a Fine Choice Orange called the
Tangerine or Glove Orange, sweet and
juicy; can be peeled with your gloves
on without staining them.
We have a complete stock in vari-
ous lines always on hand.
OUR WEDDING CAKES-are... still
gaining a reputation.
James McClacherty, Clinton
O. OLSON is giving 241bs. Redpath's
Grannlated Sugar for $1 to every purchas-
er of -$1- worth • of Groceries,inolrtding l,lb
of 25o, 40o or 600. Tea.
.We also have other bargains, 11 lbs choice
Oatmeal for 250.
FLOUR of choice quality $2.15 per cwt.,
on which we give a premium as well as a
low price.
Come to us for your Bran and Shorts.
• Good, clean Grain wanted.
For which the best prices
will be given.
---Also Basswood Heading
• Wanted.
All persons indebted to the
estate of the late Joseph
Biddlegombe are requested
to settle their accounts with
the undersigned before the
15th of April.
Persons having claims against
the estate are also request-
ed to present the same for
convenient two story
ouse on Huron St,, with
table in the roar, and 000u-
ied by the undersigned.
few Aau.extloemen .
Flax Boutobere and Brake Hands. Oats,
• Apply to D. A. FORRESTER, Batley
Clinton Flax Mill. Peas
ULILMTU.t aYldlili t 1'b
Oorrected every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, Maroh 18th, 189.7.
Wheat spring 0 72 a 0 74
Wheat, fall 0 72 a 0 74
0'15 a 017
085 a 040
Flour per cwt 2 40 a 2 50
Pork 4 40 a 6 25
Butter 0 11 a 0 13
Eggeper doz 0 10 e 0 11
Hay new, $7; old 7 00 a 800
Sheeepekina 0 26 a 0 25
Wool 0 18 a 0 20
No. 1 Trimnibd" Hidee 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a (25
On Maroh 6th, on the London Road, near Clin-
ton, an Oilcloth Carriage Rug, with check lining.
The finder will be suitably rewarded on return-
ing ,ame to owner, O. MUNRO, Brumfield.
From the following varieties of pure bred and
prise winning stook at a moderate price, via:—
Black Minoroas, Back Longehans, White Wyau-
dottes, White Leghoras, White P. Rocks, and
HQU bJ Ps. Make your selections and order early.
Price 75o. por setting of 13.
For sale, 12 choice Shorthorns, 10 being fe-
males and 2 males. They range from one to
seven years of age, and are all thorobreds of the
best etrain—registered and eligible for re lstra.
Ron, any of them fit for ehow purposes. Will be
Bold riga. JAMES SNELL.
Haynes-Bartio Stook Farm, Hullett, Clinton P.O.
In the matter ofthe estate of Henry 01Brien,
late of the Township of Tuckeramith, in
the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the ate: ute
In that behalf, that all creditors and others
horsing Mame against the estate of the said
Henry O'Brien, deceased, who died on or about
the 9th day of Maroh, A. D. 1897, are required to
deliver or send by mail,.prepaid, to E. Campion,
Barrister, Goderioh P. 0,, Solicitor for the Exe-
cutors of the last will and testament or the said
deceased, on or before the 12th day of April, A.
D., 1897, a statement in writing containingtheir
names, addressee and descriptions, and ful par-
ticulars of their claims, and the nature of the
securities (if any) held by them. And further,
take notice that after the said date the Execu-
tors of the said estate will proceed to distribute
the assets thereof, having regard only to those
claims of which they shall then have received
notice, and the said Executors will not be liable
for the claims of any person or persons of which
notice shall not then have been received. •'
Dated at Goderich, the 17th day of March, 1897
Solicitor for ss id Execut&rs
HORSE, PH.ETON, Hatless, Etc
James Howson, Auctioneer, has received
instructions to sell by Public Auction, on
The Market Square, Clinton
at 2 o'clock p.m., on
One prime Roadster Horse, one Phieton
Buggy, ode doable -seat Cotter, one set
Single Harness, Terms Cash. •
A. C. DUFTON, Proprietor.
J. HO W SON, Auctioneer,
Small House and Lot for Sale
For sale, a small House and Lot on Cutter St.
Will be sold on very reasonable terms, Apply
The undersigned has for sale a quantity of
first-class Seed Peas, (white)
London &.ad, near Clinton
A Bret -class Upright Mahogany Case'Wil'iams
Piano, almost new, an excel lent instrument, for
ale on very reasonable terms. Apply at NEW
ERA office.
For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Ball
Caves ranging from 8 to 11 menthe old. Also
some -heifers and Cows, is calf. All of these
are by imported stock, are choice animals and
will be Bold at reasonable prices. JNO AVERY,
Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London
road, near Clinton.
Choice Eggs for Hatchings
Subscriber offers for sale some choice Brown
Leghorn Eggs for breeding. At the recent Huron
County.Pouitry Show in Seaforth his pen won
first -prize and the two special prizds offered in
this department, the score standing 1861. T1 e
eggs will be sold at the reasonable price of $1 50
for set ting of 15 JOHN MELVILLE,Londesborc j
Bull Calves Lor Sale.
Two thorobred Durham Bull Calves for sale,
aged 11 and 12 months. Color, bright red. From
the very host stock, and are two exceptionally
fine calves. Will go at reasonable prices. Has
a fine English Berkshire Boar, just purchased
from Jos. Snell, Edmonton, for service.
APPLETON ELCOAT, con. 3, L,R.S., Tucker-.
smith, Brumfield.
Property for Sale or to Rent.
Subscriber offers for sale or to rent that beauti-
fully situated residence occupied by herself on
Prinoess.Street east. The house is comparative-
ly new, with good cellar and furnace, hard and
soft water and half an acre of garden, Will
either be sold or rented on reasonable terms.
MRS. ARAM, Clinton.
The Holmesville Butter and Cheese Manufac-
turing Co. (Ltd.) will let ty public auction, the
drawing 6f the milk on the different routes, to
the Cheese Factory, on SATURDAY. March 20,
1897, at 2 o'clock p.m., in Pickard's Hall,Holmee-
ville. Full particulars regarding eaoh route will
be furnished on the above date.
W. 13. FORSTER. Pres
Hoimesville, Feb 27, 1897.
Cheese Factory Notice.
The Summerhill Cheese Manufacturing Co:
will let by Public Auction the drawing of the
milk on the different routes to the Cheese Fac-
tory, on Monday, 29th Maroh 1897, at one o'clock
p. m. In the Orange Hall, Summerhill. Full
particulars regarding each route will be turn.
(shed on the above date
Summerhill, Maroh 8th, 1897.
Choice Farm to Rent.
Lot 34, let concession Huron road, Tucker.
smith, 100 aoree (less railroad) . all oleered and
fit for cultivation, well watered, excellent soil,
well forded, no buildings. One of the beet graz-
ing farms in Huron. Will be rented for a term
of years on reasonable terms. JOHN RIDOUT,
Huron St., Clinton.
Hides and Sheepskins
The highest, cash price going will
be paid for Hues and Skins
at the
0. S. DOAN (V SON, Clinton
1 -
Toronto Maroh 16.—Receipts, 906 hogs.
Singers 60;' think fat" and light, $4-26,
off oars.
Canadian horses, the - cable infer ms us
are bringing good prides in England. For
the right animals, there is always a demand
in the Motherland.
London,Maroh 15.—Althppgh supplies of
cattle were heavier, and rade slow, the
tone -of the market for ohoioe American
steers was about steady, and prices were
unchanged, at 12o with Argentines quoted
at llo. The market for sheep was weaker
and prices declined }o; best being quoted at
12fo, to 13o. A private cable from Liver-
pool quoted choice Canadian cattle at 110
and American at 11,o
East Buffalo, N. Y., Maroh 16.—The
market of Monday was more liberally sup-
plied than was generally looked for, about
800 head being on sale tit both stables.
The attendance of buyere was good, and
bidding quite free, both from eastern pur-
chasers and buyers for the European mar-
ket, and a liberal proportion of the good
horeee of which there was a fair showing
this week, went to foregin buyers. The
market generally'oan be rated as steady to
firm with a week ago on all grades, and at
the close the horses on sale generally had
changed hands. Good to choice drivers
sold at $85 to $125; fancy drivers, $150;
ohoioe cobs, $125 to $150: good matched
teams, WO to $300; chunks of good quality
$65 to $80; common horses $25 to $40, as
to quality.
afontreal, March 15,—There are about
450 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves, 6
sheep, and two spring lambs offered for
sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The
butchers were out in considerable numbers
and trade was fair with firm prions allronnd.
A few good large steers were bought by
shippers at from 3o to near 4o per pound
the best butchers' cattle sold at from 3io to
no per Ib, pretty good stock 24o to ',lie an d
the common animals at from 2tc to 21
cents per Ib. Calves were soaroe and sold at
from $2 to $7 each. Old sheep sell at
about 4c per lb. and the yearlings at from
4i to 5c per ib. The two spring lambs
were bought for $8.50. Fat hogs ' sell at
from 4io to a little over 5c per lb.
Perhaps there was a slightly firmer tone
in butchers' cattle Tuesday, but otherwise
the market was unchanged. Sixteen car-
loads of cattle went to Montreal and fifteen
to Buffalo. Speaking of the almost ciertain
reimposition of duty on cattle by the Unit-
ed States Government local dealers are of
opinion that it will be if anything good for
Canada, as it may cause our farmers to
to feed their own cattle.
Export cattle—There was a study, al-
though not a brisk demand and prices held
pretty. well,up, ruling, from 4c per lb:
and 4fc for something extra choice.
Stockers—The ruling figures were from
2i to h per lb, the latter for choice cattle
averaging about 1,000 lbs.Four carloads of
mixed among the Montreal stuff brought
2io to Sic.
Sheep—Rams sold slowly at:from 24e to
no per Ib and ewes fetched 3o to 310 per lb.
Not many are wanted, but alt in sold.
Lambe—These sell actively and prices
run all the way from 4ic to 5 -c per lb.
Choioe grain -fed lambs, 100 to 110 lbe aver-
age bring the latter figure.
COLCLOUGH.—In Goderich township, on
Mtrch 15th, the wife of Mr Joseph Colclougb,
of a son.
KENNEDY.—In Clinton, on March 16th, the
wife of Mr Donald Kennedy. of a son.
SQUIRE.—.In Goderich township, on Maroh
10th, the wife of Mr Martin Squire, of a son.
NESBITT.—In Goderiob township on Maroh
9;h, .the wife of. Mr W. Nesbitt, of a daughter.
GRAY.—In Wingham, on'March 7th, Mrs
Thos. Gray, of a daughter,
CURRIE.—In East Wawanoeh, on Maroh
711i, Mrs Wm. Currie of a son.
LINKLATER—In Turnberry, oh March 8th,
Mrs ,Iamee Linklater of a son.
McELROY.—In Blyth, on March 9th, the
wife of Mr Wm. McElroy, of a eon.
MURRAY.—In Seaforth, on March 7th, thee
wife of Mr John Murray, of a son.
GRASBY—CADE.—At the residence of the
bride's parents Hullett, on Maroh' 3rd, by Rev.
T. E, Higley, ]lir Wm. C. Grasby, of .,Morris, to
Mies Marla H., youngest daughter of Mr Martin
LITTLE—ROBINSON.—At the residence of
the bride's father, on March 10th, by Rev P,
Musgrove, Mr George Little to Miss Emma
Robinson,�eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Rob-
inson, of MoKillo
HARRISON—JNNINGS.—At the residence
of the bride's father, 71b don. Goderich town-
ship, on Maroh 17th, by Rev.G.W Andrews 13,
A., Mr Edward Harrison to Miss Alberta fen•
WAY—KNOX.—At the roeidenoe of the
bride's father, Hullett, on March llth, by Rev.
C. C. Couzens, Mr Casey W. Way,of Myrtle,
Man., to Mies Eunice Knox, of Hullett.
WALKER. --In Clinton on March 12th, the
infant eon of Mr Robert Walker, aged 1 month,
2 weeks and 2 days.
JACKSON.—In Fullerton, on March 9th,
Elizabeth, relict of the late James Jackson,
aged 84 years, and mother of Mrs John Mo.
Claehert , of Clinton.
SMITH.—In Morris, on March llth, George
Smith, aged 74 years, 8 months and 5 days.
AINLltY In Brussels, on Maroh 11th
Lillian Laurette, only daughter of William and
Samantha Ainley, aged 20 years, 2 months and
24 days.
POULTON.—In Blyth, on Marpph 7th, Mrs
Selina Poulton, wife cf the late Henry Poul-
ton, formerly of Clinton, aged 74 years and 5
FOWLER.—In Colborne, on March 8th,
Thomas Alexander Fowler, aged 30 years.
OJNN.—Iu Goderich township, on March
11th, T. W. Ginn, eldest son of Thos. Ginn, aged
31 years.
FITLGERALD.—At Niagara Falls, on March
12th, Mrs leabolla Fitzgerald, daughter, t Peter
Cook, Goderich township, aged 26 years,
,WALT31RS.—In Goderich township ' on
Maroh 14th, Dorothy, relict of the late Charles
Walters, aged 83 years and 9 months,
SMITH.—In West Wawanoth, on Maroh 6th,
James Smith, aged 75 years and 9 months.
BARBOUR.—In Egmondvillo, on Maroh 13th
Rdbert Barbour, sr., aged 79 years and 1I0
mon the.
WIIYMOUTH.—In Hallett, on Maroh 18th,
Wm. Weymouth,' aged 81 years and 9 months.
Funeral from the home of his nophew, W. H.
Weymouth, 8th con„ at 2 p. m., on Friday, to
, Clinton Cemetery.
Dress Goocls
Doings .
Here should interest every woman in this vicinity. Where else can
a woman find the assortment or the values which our stock repre-
sents? All this means hard work, capital and experience put into
this stock an our part, to be drawn out by our customers on demand
in the shape of the very best Drees Goods values it has ever been our
ability to offers We want your dress goods trade. If this ad brings
yon to the store, we are certain to get it, if right goods at right prices
have any influence. Here are some of the values which are making
the department famous.
Doable fold Dress Goods in email stripe, light oolors for' spring, 14o a yard.
42 inob (double fold) Dress Goode, good weight, awery special line in spring
shades, 20o.
Brocade Drese Goods in all shades, 42 inches wide, shot effects, very neat
designs and good quality, oloth as good as we have ever shown at 40o for 25o
A epeoial numbs% in a small Tweets effect in fawn, gray and brown colorings.
You will require to see this line to fully appreoiate the value. It is only 25o
The range of Black Goods we are showing in low prices is of exceptional
merit, in plain and fancy weaving. The goods are fast acid proof Blaok,
and the beet values wo have shown at 25o and 30o.
Plaid Drees Goode for waists will be in favor, some lines we have procured
at greatly redaoed prides. They are elegant patterns and beautiful goods, 30o
Particular attention is paid to a line to sell at 50o a yard. If yon would like
,a fanny pattern in pretty weave and good colors, we have them. In plain
goods the range is most complete, This is a most popular pride and very
pretty goods may be procured.
We°ask special attention to our showing of Dress Goode at 50a.
A line we are willing to pin our reputation to is a Boucle effects in three dif-
ferent colorings. No. 1 is one of the newest in shot effects in blue and
green shades. No. 2 is a Blue, bleak and Fawn. No. 3 is a Garnet, Black
and Green. The style and finish of these goods are perfect; price 60o.
In high-class Dress Goods we heve some interesting lines. Never have such
elegant goods been shown at the prices. It's difficult to give you a correct
idea of the beauty of the goods we are showing at 76o, 80o, 90a and $1.—
Trimmings to•matoh all Dress Goods.
McKinnon & Co., Blyth
pp i
tit!.o I. t11 -
I t's Just this way.
We want to bring down the prides,
and build up a big
Furniture Business
in this section, and Good Goods and
Low Prices should do it.
Tbia week we offer some SP.ECI A LS
that should bring new people to ue. They
are the biggest snaps ever offered in this
section of country. We have a limited
number only, but as long as we have them
they are yours at thee° ridiculous prices:—
Our Specials. for cash only.
DINING Ct1AIR. new style
FANCY ROCfi`11S 99c
It's just the same about our UNDER-
TAKING. We give a complete service
in this department, and very low prices,—
and should .nerit a big share of this busi-
ness. Alt night and Sunday calls
answered at residence Huron St.
H. CBA R L E T T Furniture Delaer
• . and Undertaker
!Stearn's Instant
Cough Cure
Has proved to the.a_reliable remedy, and...is_.corMeded- Joy' .all who .bave,.
tried it, to excel any other preparation that they have previously used.
It speaks for itself and you have only to try a bottle to be convinced
that it is one of the hest cures for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c.,
Put up in 2.5c and 50c bottles.
Dispensing Chemist, - - Clinton.
A 'Hub Grocery
Tea was sold in England in the year 1660 for 60 shillings per pound.
To -day we can give you a dandy for 25c. In 1772. it was ,denounced as
a slow poison, but now it is considered as soothing to thnerves, and
you will find it so if you try some of our Ceylon, Darjelling, Ben Hur
or Japan.
▪ Olint0'n
ltHIE LAIT E;/, ® E
Intellectual Feet.
Large feet indicate ability,
Intellect, perseverance and
Scores of distin-
guished men have
been as much noted
4or their big feet as
for their large noses. As your foot should look.
George Eliot, Madame de Stae1 and
other supremely intelligent women had also
very large. feet.
It is not the size but the shape of the foot
which makes it beautiful or ugly, and
the shoe worn decides its shape, as well as
its comfort. ,
There is more care used—more time
spent—in shaping " Slater Shoes," and in
taking the stretch out of the leather so it
will retain that shape, than in the entire
making of ordinary shoes.
The Goodyear Welt process admits of this
fine modelling, and the stamp on the sole
ensures to the wearer these hidden qualities.
A tag on each pair of " Slater Shoes"
tells of the leather in it.
L$3.00, $4•oo anal $5.00 per pair.
• rt
March 19 107
Are 'Y'our Boys.
Going to Need
New Suits ?
That's the question. We're
in the money saving busi-
ness for your special bene-
fit. We are not going to
stock up any more in Cloth-
ing, but are going out of it
as fast as we can, as we
want room for other lines,.
and offer the public all our -
stock of Men's Suits,Youths-
Suits and Boys' Suits at ex-
actly what we paid for them. x
EUTHYMOL CREAM is a perfect emollient, is almost wholly absorbed, thus relaxing,,,
the tisanes and rendering the skin delightfully soft and smooth. jt is adapted to many~
minor ailments euch as chapped hands or lips, rough, dry or irritated skin, sunburn,?,
wrinkles, rashes or eruptions, and will be found efficacus in treating greeds or disoolorea?
skin. Price 25o per tube.
EUTHYMOL FACE POWDER is free from starch, flour or sugar, contains nolbis. .
muth or mineral salts, distroys all odor when the hands or face are heated or moist, lfrv':
will be found cooling and refreshing.
EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE—It cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens thegumw'
and sweetens the breath. 25 Dents per,tube.
'a./.I<Fs. 474,7‘,,,�, ,<i 69..U‘r6+rt,'s,Y ,�., 471.4e3atP1,4e•?,t ,ea ie?iY..7.
A stream of newness runs throughout the
store in every department. Every day is
adding to its freshness—every day means
new shipments of new goods. The store
can be visited with pleasure and interest.
Money can be made to go great lengths in
buying here, and quality is always reli'ab1e.
Dress Goods
Novelties in ^French Goods in lengths of
one dress each—the very newest things on
the market. Imported direct and cannot:
be repeated. See them.
- The\people say our Prints are beautiful.—
' We -say they are the" newest designs, from
the best English makers and the Colors are
the best.
Tweeds at 25e, 40, 50 and 75c, are ex-
cellent value.
WA,LL PAPERS are now in stock and the designs
and colorings are superior to anything shown in
former' seasons.
Do you. use IMPERIAL blend Tea ? For delicacy'
of flavor and cup qualities it has no equal.
Price 35 cents a pound.
,- i ' ke / ;.