HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-03-12, Page 7• ar 1 ' T E CLINTON NEW Eltik Mara, 12, 1897 Business Change, - Tihe nedereigned desires t natiinylie t0 :the people of Clinton that h htia,baught TA thei butoherigg busineea l ely conduct - 0. by Bela Bros., and will ontinne. the Pelee an the old stand, Hero . St., Clinton, w ere, bystrict a tendo n t the Wantsm is of Customers, he hopes to merit and re - e fair share of patf4R 114e, He will ,,t -dash only, and at th . ofi'eat prices "^ Chat~. J. Walj(Is; Clinton, RAL BUTCH ‘11' SHOP RD • & MIIR�,ffPI c, ash principle, and the best /nests at one may rely up - Pining of orders. fBr HT Ip, Ulinton ege g business outhe c eustomere witi ig prices. at lee and prompt 'FORD & 111I Central Bgoer l3h•l `CITY B1.TCf*R SHOP FI wish to inform the ptibliio that I will not De undersold by any other person in the tbusinees. I am a practical butcher, and ,understand all the branches of the business. 'We keep the very beet meats and a full etbelf. always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Caeh Prices. Bring along your money and get the meat at the Dash price. We will give Credit but not at dash prices. PPlease call and see what you eau do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Headquarters for kinds of WIELD a GARDEN SEEDS "Two cars choice Seed'. Corn just ar- leaved from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &C. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., OLTON. COOKp3 FIorurmFeed tore BRAN & SHORTS In large or entail quaint ee. OIL CAKE and MAL OF ALL KINDS. )r.0 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. ,Incorporated by Act of Parliament,1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000. 'REST FUND, . $1,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J.' H. R. MOLSON..... ...President F. Wolforston THOMAS.... General Manager Nates discounted, Collections made, Drafts is - 'sued, Sterling and American exchange bought end sold. Interest allowed on deposits. SAVINGS BANE—Interest allowed on sums of $1 and np. 11'AR.M1 iU Money advanced to farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security • H. C. BREWER, Manager. 6E0. D. MeTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking . Business tl ansacted NOTES 'DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. • IFARRAN & TISDALL 13AleK'ER8, CLINTON. OAT .Adianoea made to farmers on their own notes at low rats of interest. A general Banking Bilsinese transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bcngh J. P TISDALL, Manager. Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The subscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notioe. A trial solicited FACTORY NFAXIG.T%R. STATION, CLINTON THE TOWN HALL BOOT AND SHOE REEPAIRSHOP. es Young, 1 known Boot and Shoe Maker, has open a Re pair Shop in the Clinton Town Hal d will execute all orders entrusted to hie caro bort notice and at satisfactory rates. Or - work aspeeialty. Givohim a Gall. THE TRAIL OF DEATH • .at It begins at the Throat theGraveot How and ends at many a human life is unneces- sarily sacrificed. oc There are many remedies on the market for the cure of consumption, but consumption, once it reaches a certain stage, cannot be cured. In professing, therefore, to do what is impossible, these remedies prove themselves to be simply humbugs. Consumption is a disease which destroys the tissue of the lungs. Once gone, no medicine can replace that tissue. Good medicine may arrest the disease even after one lung is wholly gone, as long as the other remains sound. Once both are attacked, however, the victim is doomed. Just why people should risk their lives to this dread disease and go to great expense afterwards to check it, it is hard to conceive. It is much easier prevented than cured. Throat troubles ani severe colds are its usual forerunners. A s.e ent bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine will drive these away. It is, without doubt, the best medicine for the purpose to be had anywhere. Z♦N.N.,..N...NN.N Give The only food the that will build Baby up a weak cone a titution gradu ' Chance ally but surely is Martin's Card naI'Foo • a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, ®♦ • delicate children and .invalids. KERRY WATSON & CO., Pworn,cvons. 0 MONTREAL. 0 ..0.0.0000000 00000 00 0 0* 'i McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co P'ARM & I S OLATED TOR N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICHRS. Geo. Watt, President, Oarlock P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vlce-Pres.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan non, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Hurdle, In- spector of losses,Seatorth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot ,Seaforth ; M. Mnrdle, Seaforth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt Oarlock; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Watt, Thos Garbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Rippon. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Oarlock; Robt.McMillan Sea - forth and J. Cumings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or Iran snot other business will be promptly attended' to on application to any of the above oMoen adressed to their reepooitve offices Ben miller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will 'be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by par chasing here. BUSINESS CHANGE Davis & McCool. Having bought out the Livery bueiness of . Allan Turnbull. and amalgamated the former business of Davis & Son, subscribers will o n- tinne the same at the Turnbull Livery. The pub io gonorally will receive the best of atten- tion and care in all crders for rigs. Good,careful norses and comfortable lige will bo our motto, at reasonable charges. DAVIS & McOOOL Orders by hfailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER For Twenty -Seven Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and. Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpi- tation of , the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loas of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY,, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— ETU ALMER. AND— EDUALMER. A FULL LINE OP GOODS KEPT iI STOCK Ki ;PT Flnidused• Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST., CLINTON Residence over store! OPPOSITE TOWN HAL A New Reg. A curious relic of the old days et the paper duties which so muoh hampered journalistic enterprise in the first half of the present century is the first number of Berthohl's Political Handkerchief, be - Ing a news sheet printed on cotton fabric instead of paper. It is dated London, Sat- urday, Sept. 13, 1881; price, fourpenoe. And the letterpress, which is fairly legible, is as remarkable as the material on which it is printed. The tone of this news rag is intensely radical, but it rcproducee the order of cere- monial to be observed at the coronation of King William IV and Queen Adelaide on the following Thursday, and it is an- nounced that a proclamation to the people of Europe will appear in our "next cot- ton." It is embellished with a medallion woodcut of Napoleon crossing the Alpe, but the ink in this, pictorial effort was too much for the cotton, and the Alps are in a fog and the emperor on horseback very indistinct. - He Got the Cilaee. A good story is told of one of the new school of Sootoh parsons, who was recently preaching in a strange church in a village. Fearing his hair was not properly parted 1n the middle, or that he had a smudge on his nose, ho quietly and significantly said to the beadle,there being no mirror in the vestry: "John, could ye get me a glees?" John disappeared, and after"a few min- utes returned with a pi}reel underneath bis coat, which, to the astonishment of the parson, he produced, in the form of a lemonade bottle with a gill of whisky, Baying: "Ye manna lat on shoot it, minister, for I got it as a great favor, and I wadna Sae got it ava if I hadna Bald 1t was for ye.,, Tsbleanl—Pcaraon'e Weekly. A Difficult Order. Shopkeeper—What can I show you, sill Absentminded Professor—I wand --le* me see, what do I wantP Dear me, I can't fqr the life of me remember what it !al Well, well, it doesn't matter! Give me the neareet thing you have to it.—LondonTie- Bits. Among the Egyptians engagement dogs were always of •inch, indicating the mutual sacrifice of liberty. One of the eisrlialt reins used .in the engagement 1rtnr was the l.adstone, which symbolized the farce of at- traction whish drew athe maiden From bar own family into another. OVERWORK —INDUCED— Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Ilse of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de- cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and env family have used this medicine when needed, and wo are all in the hest of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren would have been fatherless to -lay had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which 'preparation I cannot say too much."—H. 0. HINSON, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayr's NL Sarsaparfa RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYrrt'S ni!!5 Ba.. ^vim: ;'3 Sills. SYMPTOMS AND CURE OF Heart Nerve Troubles. Have You Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart ? If 90, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will cure you. Have You Shortne$s of Breath, Dis- tress after Exertion, a Smothering Feeling, Spasms, or Pain through Ike Breast and Heart ? If S0, Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will cure or relieve ' you if taken in time. Have You a Feeling of Anxiety that something is going to oc- cur when there is no ne- cessity for it ? If 90, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will remove it. Are You Troubled with Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Forgetful- ness, Brain Fag, or General Debility — the after effect of La Grip ? If SO, You can take no better medicine than Milburn',' Heart and Nerve Pills. They will relieve or cure you. Every dose helps the cure. For sale by all druggists, or by mail on receipt of prtee by T. MILBURN & CO., SORONTO. Price 60c. per box. or 3 boxes for $L50. .. .. se.e. A RELIC OF ROYALTY. I1 Is Found IR Oneof the Principal Churches of New York. Though few env are Iavvuro of the fact, mem- bers of the congregation of old St. Paul's church gaze every`Sunday at the arms of the future king of England. On the canopy of the•old fashionedpulpit, which is one of the pepper box style of a century ago, are the three ostrich feathers and the crown that for many generations have con- stituted the arms of the Prince of Wales, the heir to Britain's thione. The feathers stand out gracefully in the center of the oak canopy. They are all carved wood, handsomely gilded, and form an attractive ornamentation to the pulpit. With these royal arias over his head, the minister who officiates 1n St. Paul's church on Sunday reads the services of the American church. It is argued that theseaoyal arias have • survived the storms of the Revolutionary days. An 'moused mob traveled through New York city when independence had been declared, destroying every sign that represented the monarchy from whose chains they hed,cut themselves free. Noth- ing was regarded as sacred by this mob. The royal arms were everywhere at that time—on the w.Ildows of stores whose proprietoes had n proud of this meane of reminding the ublic that at one time they had supplied s majesty's ships with salt pork or hard k, on the lampposte at the street corne it and swinging from the front porches of the old inns. Windows on which the royal symbols appeared were ruthlessly smashed by the mob, the lamp- posts were hurled to the ground and the inns deprived of their signs in Abort order. It was a time when to be a client of royalty brought a mean into dangerous prominence, and many wise storekeepersped mob violence and saved the deety1g party the trouble of smashing their etgd, by do- ing the workr themselvee. The royal arses of England were rd to find in New York oity when the m b had completed its tour. Some few signs et the ruin, but not for long. 'hey smashed as soon as attention was to their presence. The relic in St. Paul's church was passed unnoticed and has survived to this day. It is certain that the mob somewhat over- looked its existence, for no respect far the sacredness of a church edifice would have deterred It from laying the pulpit in reins had the presence of the feathers and crown of Wales been pointed outs—Now York Times. Ped MASTODONS IN ALASKA. Indians Say That These Monsters Are f�till Roaming Abort There. The Alaska News prints a story which ought to be of interest to soientiste, and which, if it 1s true, will go one step farther to prove to us that wonders never cease. According to this yarn, the .journal in question has learned of the erletenoe of liv- ing mastodons near the headwaters of White river, the Stick Indialtt positively asserting that not later ttan ffve years ago such animals had been seen by them. One of the Indiana said that while hunt- ing one day in that unknown section he came across an immense track, Bunk to a depth of eeveral laches in the moss, and from the description as the Indian marked it out to him in the sand it much resem- bled an elephant's track and was larger around than a barrel. Upon striking it the Indian followed np this curious trail, which to all appearances was very fresh, and, tracking from one immengs stride to the other for a distance of some miles, be came in full view of his game. The hunter gave one look, then turned and fled as though pursued by the evil one. These Indians, as a class, are the bravest of hunters, and, with no other weapon than the spear, will attack and slay the St. Elias grizzly. But the immense pro- portions of this new kind of game both startled and filled the hunter with great fear, and he imagined his only safety led in swift and immediate flight. He described it as being Nigger than a post trader's store, with great shining yel- lowieh tusks and a mouth large enough to swallow him in a single lump. If such an animal is now in existence, it Inhabits a section of very )sigh altitude and one but rarely visited by human be- ings, and these only Indtans. What lends a certain credibility to the Indian's tale is that at no very distant period tho Yukon country was inhabited by these animals, and hundreds of their massive skeletons were found strewn along the creeks. STRUCK AS BY LIGHTNING Exactly describes the condition of a hard or soft corn to which Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor has been applied. So quickly does Putnam's Extractor cure that its action seems magical, Try it. A VICTIM OF ASTHMA. Had not slept In bed for twenty- fvP years. All Britain has been talking over Hon. Edward Blake's powers as a cross-examine er. Never has the great jurist made so marked an impression as in his cross-exam- ination of Cecil Rhode., the ex•Premier 1 f Cape Colony, now endeavoring to explain his share in the famous Jameson raid on the Transvaal. 25 cents Tres Catarrhal Headache " Incipient Catarrh " Hay Fever " Catarrhal Deafness " " Cold in the head in 10 min. " Foul Breath caused by Catarrh. 25 cents eecures Chase's Catarrh Cure with perfect blower enclosed in each box. Sold by all dealers. Premier Hardy has had his first division in the Legielature, the Opposition seizing on an excuse for a trial of str, nth in which they might obtain the votes of the members elected as Independents. Tho majority for the Government was 16, which is a good working majority in the House of some 90 members. wee Seemed Doomed to Torture and Continual Misery—Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather Had Died from the Trouble —Release mines in Old Age—The Cure Looked upon as a Miracle. From the Whitby Chronicle. For years stories of famous cures wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have appeared in the Chroniole. During We time we have been omitting about for a local vase of each a nature as to leave no doubt of the efficiency of these pills. We have found several, but in each case it proved to be a sensitive body who could nos bear to have his or her name and disease made public. Recently, however, a moat striking ease came to our ears, . Mr Solomon Thompson lives on a beau- tiful farm on the west shore of Mud Lake, in Carden township, North Victoria. He has resided there for forty years, being the first settler around the lake. Ho was reeve of Carden and Dalton townships thirty-five years ago, before the oountiee of Peterburo and Victoria were separated, and he used to attend the counties' council at Peter- boro. Mr Thompson has been a victim of -asthma for forty years or more. However, we will let him tell his own story on that head. On October 15th, 1896, we took a trip to tIud Lake to visit the haunts long familiar to us, and made it a duty and found it a pleasure to pall upon Mr Thompson and learn from seeing him and hearing his an. count of it how he had been cured. For twenty-five years we had known him as a gasping. suffering asthmatic, the worst we ever knew who managed to live at all. We often wondered how he lived from day to day. On calling be met as with a cheerful aspect and without displaying a trace of his old trouble. Being at once ushered in- to his house, we naturally made it our first business to enquire if it were all true about the benefits he had received from using Dr Williams' Pink Pills. "Beyond doubt," said he, "How long have you used them,and how many boxes have you used?" he was asked. "I started a year ago, and took eight boxes." We neat asked him if he -felt that the cure was permanent. "Well," said he, "I have not taken any of the pills for three or four months. Still I am not entirely satisfied yet. You see my father, grandfather and great grandfather died of asthma. My people all take it sooner or later, and it always ends their days. I have lost three brothers from the fatal thing. Knowing my family history it is hard for me to gain faith, but I oan tell you for nearly thirty years I never slept in bed until I took Pink Pills. As you must have known, I always slept sitting •in the chair you now occupy. I had a sling from that hook in the ceiling, and always sat with my head resting in it while I slept. I now retire to my bed when the other matchers of my family do." "How old are you, Mr Thompson ?" "Seventy-six," was the reply, "and I feel younger than I did thirty years ago. I was troubled a great deal with rheumatism and other miseries, probably nervous trou• bles arising from want of sleep, but nearly all the rheumatism is gone with the asth• ma." During the conversation Mrs Thompson, a hale old lady, the mother of thirteen chil- dren, came in; and after listening to her husband's recital of these matters, she took up the theme. "I never expected that anything could Duro Solomon," said she. "We were always trying to find something which would give him relief, so that he would be able to sleep nights, but nothing ever seemed to make much differenos, At first he took one of the pills after each meal, but after a time he increased the dose to two. We noticed that he was c*restly improved after taking two boxes, and began to have hopes. Later on we saw beyond doubt that he was much better, and I recomrhended the pills to a niece of mine, Miss Day, whose blood had apparently turned into water, and who had run down in health and spirits so bad that she did not care to live, Why, she got as yellow as saffron, and looked as if she would not live a week. Yon would hardly believe it," said Mrs Thompson, "but that.girl was the healthiest and handsomest girl in the neighborhood before three mouths had passed, and all from taking Pink Pills." Sirs Thompson was called from the room at this juncture to attend to some household duties, and Mr Thompeom resumed the subject of his marvellous mire. "You oan have no idea," said he, "what it is to go through 25 years• without a,good night's sleep without pain. I can find no words to make plain to you the contrasts between the comforts I 'now enjoy, and the awful life I had for so long. I had a big family of mouths to feed, and had to work when .at times I felt more like lying down to die. I would come in at night completely tucker- ed out, but even that was no guarantee for rest. There was no rest for me. I seemed doomed to torture and continual misery. When my folks urged me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills I thought it would be use- less, but I had to do something or die soon, and here I am as right as a fiddle." The old gentleman shook his head to add em- phasis to his last sentence, and looked like a man who felt joyful over a renewed lease of life, with all his old miseries removed. After congratulating our old friend on bis divorce from the hereditary destroyer of his kindred, we drove away. At many places in the neighborhood we opened dis- onesione upon the case, and found that all regarded it as a marvellous pure. Where the Thompson fa oily are known, no per- son would have believed for a moment that anything but death would relieve him from asthma. Everyword that is the grip of se written here oan be verified by writing Mr Solomon Thompson, Dalrymple poet of- fice, and an intimate acquaintance of twen- ty-five years enables the writer to vonoh for the faits narrated above, and for the veracity of Mr Thomson in any statement he may make. Dr. William's Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerver, thus driving disease from the eye - tem. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you purohase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pala People. A Mistake r••••ttio•••••: • • • • "0.861.." MNTHOL PLASTER /have presnrlhed Menthol Plaster Ina number oranges of nonralglo and rheumatic pales, and am vary much pleased wIth the cRecte and pleasnntnosn of its appllcntlnn.—W. 11. Oanretr• Inds, M.D., Hotel Oxford Boston. I have tined Menthol Plasters to several casae of muscular rheumatism, and and In every nano Shout QnVn almost Instant and pormatient roller. n, Mona At. n , Wnehlnaton, D.O. It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago,Neu- ralgia Pains In Back or Sie, or any Itinsotilar Pains. • • .° • • • • • PriceDavis St Lawrence Co., Ltd,0 250. I Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. IPO •50••0••••• SA age_teatess",'L. • Through a mietake of a Wholesale House, a orate eeiltairdieg' FIFTY DOZ. SOUP PLATE$ and SIXTY i)O7, !,t'k& PLATES was shipped to Brueefield last week. We made the house an offer for the lot and it was accepted. Therefore we are able to sell them at price that will startle you. 60 doz., 720—Gin. Tea Plates, Best Iron Stone China, maple leaf pattern, only oc each. 50 doz., 600-7in. Soup Plates, only 6c. each Now ie the time to buy Plates, when these are gone you will have to pay a great deal more for the same kind of a plate and at these pri'fes they are bound to go in a burry OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 The Up-to-date Cash Grocery. Clinton .Bash,Doorl Blind Factory COOPER BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notioe. We carry an -extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notioe and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material: Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds,Ete Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before planing your orders 1897 FURNITURE 1897 We have started the new year with as fine a line of Furniture as yon wish to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. •All our goods are warrant t to give satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to call and inspect our large 'stook of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES DINING -ROOM SUITES, CENTRE TABLES, HAT RACKS, WAiiDROBES CHIFFONIERS, BAMBOO GOODS, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. When we know we can please you in quality and price. Give no a trial. - UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT OurUndertaking department is'complete in every respbct,and as we purchase from first- class manufacturers only, we oan guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its branches, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders_we may be favored with shall receive the very best attention. Night and Sunday calls will be attended to by call on our John Powell; at hie resideno BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's Mill, Clinton. FRESI-I GROCERIES Say ! Christmas comes every year, don't it ? If you see the display of Holiday Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is corning again this year. Every- body should see our display of Fancy China, consisting of Cups, Saucers and Plates, Carbaret's Bread Plates, Berry Sets, Flower Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, and so many things we have not space to mention then all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, Fresh Groceries of all kinds. Candies and Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality. - (;linton ROBES • A splendid line of Saskatchewan Robes—three clors—light and dark brown and black, 'quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade winners. Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices.-, HARNESS, ETC. Our special make of Single Harness has gained a superior reputa- tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness always in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Bells, Combs, Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises. Our Goods are Bargains at our prices. CL=leTTOl\T _ HARNESS EMPORIUM Opposite the Town Hall. JOHNSON & ARMOUR. BARGAINS in CUTTERS A few .first-class, well made, neatly trimmed, well finished Cutters for sale i;heap: F. RUMBALJJ5 - - CLINTON Spring Goods SHOES We have opened out a nice assortment of Shoes in Men s, Boys', Ladies' Misses and Children's, which are well worth your inspection. IIA I'S andCAPS. Our Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps are quite nobby and very cheap. call and ''get your choice. MILLINERY - Of the very latest style and lowest'possible price just to hand this week. , We are having great success with the sale of TEA as the value is some- thing extra. Do you want a Suit of Clothes or any cloth to make one, if so we will make it worth your while to give us a trial. Terms Cash or Produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS ASK FOR AND SEE THAT YOU GET A PEERLESS BLEND Ceylon Ti8. Direce from the Toa Gardena—Seleoted from Twenty Blends by the gr'eetedJlrM Experts in the world as the Finest Purest Richest and most Fragrant r , —ALL GROOERS SELL IT --25, 80, 4b, 50, and 60 Dents a riound. T AVIDSON & HAY, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONT LEAD PACKETS . ONLY— 1•Q AND 1 POUNDS{{ -,, I