HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-03-12, Page 5tclivOlock and
Jew elery
of our strong points.
ox optionally good fa -
el ties enable us to carry
• out all orders quickly, skil-
fully and reasonably. -
•Careful attention is given
to the requests of custom-
ers, and our system pre-
cludes almost entirely the
annoyance caused by mis-
Send us lour repairs, or inform us, and
our messenger will call for them
vlithout extra charge.
J. B. Rumbail
P.S.-Don't forget out Engraving.
Plain Sewing and Dressmaking
The undersigned, who is a practical dress-
maker, and competent to perform satisfactory
any work entrusted to her, is prepared to do all
kinds of plain Sewing or Dressmaking, and will
go to the homes of her patrons, either in towu or
country. RO:Y M. RUTLEDGE. Word may
be left at Cooper & Co's Grocery Store.
We have a very choice stock
of the above mentioned
Lemons, per dozen 20c
Oranges 10c and up
FancyOalifornia Navel Oranges,40c, 50c
Also a. Fine Choice Orange called the
Tangerine or Glove Orange, sweet and
juicy; can be peeled with your gloves
on without staining them.
'We have a complete stock in vari-
oqs lines always on hand.
- gaining a reputation.
James 111cClacherty, Ciinton
0.- OLSON is giving 241bs. Redpath's
Granulated Sugar for $1 to every purchas-
er of $1 worth of Groceries, including lib
of 25c, 40o or 50c. Tea.
We also have other bargains, 11 lbs choice
Oatmeal for 25c.
FLOUR of choioe quality $2.15 per cwt.,
on which we give a premium as well as a
low price.
Come to us for your Bran and Shorts.
Good, clean Grain wanted.
For which the hiest prices
will be given.
Also Basswood Heading
Wanted'. •
We wish to thank you
all for the very liberal
patronage which you
gave to the late J. Bid-
dlecombe, during the last
41 years, and kindly re- I
quest that you will ex- I
tend the same patronage
to us. The principles of
honesty and Integrlity on
which this store has won I
the confidence of the pub- I
lic in the past, will be
strictly adhered to in
' 7 re.
r t,
nsiness will be conducted
the able management of A.
Bigg, a practical man who has
20 years experience in the
elery business. Our stock of
atclies, Clocks,
Jewelery, Silverware
° and Novelties
is very large, in it mrly ;be found
almost anything you may desire
for Xmas Presents at prices whioh
are as low tis it is possible to sell
WALKER. -In Clinton, on March 8, the wife
of Mr Win. Walker, of a son
LOWI2IE.-In Hullett, on Feb 25th, the wife
of Mr Wnt. Lowrie, of a son
SCOTT -1n Hullett, 14tb con., on March 1, the
wile of Mr William Scott, of a sop,
CARR. -In Wingham,on March -1st, Mrs
Freeman Carr, of a daugter
AIKENHEAI).-In Stanley on Feb. 24th, the
wife of Mr Win. Aikouhoad, of a son
WEBSTER-In Weston, on March 1st, the
wife of Mr Matthew Webster (nee Miss Rayson)
of a son
McOABE - YOUNG - Oa Maroh 3rd, at the
parsonage, Goderich, by Rev, J. Edge, Wm. J.
McCabe, to Miss M.A. Young, of Goderioh Tp
ROSS-BONTHRON.-At the residence of
Mr 11. H. Collins, Exeter, on Maroh 3rd, by Rev
.1. S. Henderson, Mr Alex. P. Rose, of Livir g-
ston, Man., to Mies Isabella, second daughter
of Mr James Bonthron, sr.
the bride's parents, by Rev Mr Muir, Miss
Maria, second daughter of Mr James Broadfoot,
to Mr John Simpson, all of Tuckersmith
dence of the bride's parents, Blanchard, on the
3rd Maroh, by Rev T. Snowden, Mr Jesse Shier,
of Usborne, to Miss Annie, daughter of Thos.
$111yR1t1TT-1.11.1L11g-rn lltephen, bn March
1st, by Rev Mr Thompson, John Sherritt, depu•
ty reeve of Stephen, to Mrs Ulens, of Greenway
SHOEMAKER -KRAFT. -In Dashwood, on
Feb. 28, by Rev Mr Edtert, Louie Shoemaker, to
Miss Amanda, daughter of Mr L. Kraft, all of
dence of Mr Richard Chamnes-, Wawanosh, on
March 2nd, by Rev W. W. Leech, Mise Annie
Ohamney,-to Jamee Cumberland, of Wallace,
BOLT-GEMMILL-At the residence bf the
bride's parents, Gemnill's Corners on March
2nd Isabella, second daugghtet' cf Wm. Gem.
mill, to Eli E. Bolt, of Turn eery
HAGAN - MoKINNON - At St. Jannis'
church, Seaforth, on Fob. 23rd, by Rev Father
McCabe, Mr Jas. Hagan jr., of Hay, to Miss Me-
hinnon, daughter of Mr Donald McKinnon, of
WADE -WALKER -In Clinton, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, by Rev W. J: Ford,
Mr Wm. Wade, of Westport; Dak., formerly of
the hasp lino, to Miss Eugene, eldest daughter
of Mr H. Walker
SCOTT -In Hullett, March 5, the infant son
of William Scott.
ROWDEN-In Colborne, March 5, Elizabeth
Ann, wife of Richard Rowden, aged 70 years
WALKER. -In Tuckersmith, on March 5th,
George Walker, aged 82 years
SPROAT-At Legge n, Gatehouse, Scotland,
on Feb. 9, John Sproat, in his 81st year, De-
ceased was a brother of Mr George Sproat„ Eg-
mondville, and Mr David Sproat, Belgrave
DAWSON.-In Wingham, on Fob 28, Alex.
Dawson. aged 53 years
ANDERSON. -In Morris, on March 1st, Thos.
Anderson, aged 70 years
Farm of 75 acres, being lot 29, 7th concession
of Hu',ett, at the Commereia, Hotel, Clinton,
on Saturday, March 27. Geo. Westcott, Prop.
D. Dickinson, Auct.
Corrected every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, March lltb, 1897.
Wheat spring 0 72 a 0 74
Wheat, fall 0 72 a 0 74
Oats, 0 15 a 0 17
Barley 025 a 0 35
Peas 0 35 a 0 40
Flour per cwt 2 40 a 2 50
P:nk 440a525
Butter 0 10 a 0 12
Eggs per doz 0 10 a 0 11
Hay new, $7; old 7 '00 a 8 00
Sheeepekins 0 25 a 0 25
Wool 018a020
No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes O 25 a 125
Montreal, March 8.- There were about
500 head of butcher's cattle, 00 calves and
a few sheep offered for sale at the East End
Abbatoir Monday. The butchers were out
in large numbers and trade was good, with
a slight decline in the price of :pretty good
stock. The best butcher's cattle sold at
from 3/c to 3c per lb, pretty good stock Fit
from 24c to Sac per lb, and the common
animals at from a little over 2c to 2/c per
lb. There is an active demand for good
calves and $14 was paid for a superior calf.
The price of the others ranged from $2 to
$8 each. Sheep sold at from 3c to.3ic per
Ib and lambs at from 4fc to 4, c per Ib.
William Smith ex -Deputy Minister of
Marine and Fisheries, died this afternoon,
after one week's illness. He had been
suffering from general debility and was in
feeble health for months back. Mr Smith
was Deputy Minister from before Confeder-
ation up till one year ago, when he was re-
tired and Major Gourdeau taken his place.
A first-class Upright Mahogany Case Wil'iame
Piano, almost new, an excellent instrument, for
ale on very reasonable terms. Apply at NEW
ERA office.
Bull Calves for Sale.
Two thorobred Durham Bull Calves for sale,
aged 11 and 12 months. Color, bright red. From
the very bast stock, and are two exceptionally
fine calves. Will go at reasonable prices. Has
a fine English Berkshire Boar, just purchased
from Jos. Snell, Edmonton, for service.
APPLE'rON ELCOAT, con. 3, L.R.S., Tucker -
smith, Brucefleld.
[Ades and Sheepskins
The highest cash price going will
be paid for Hides and Skins
at the
0. S. DOAN 4t SON, Clinton
We have put in a stock of new Guns
call and inspect them. We have a
number of guns to rent by the day or
week. Buy your Shells from us an;
get 1 he best.
That is our business. Send us every '
thing in the shape of small ma-
chinery that needs repairing.
We grind, polish and sharpen
Knives and Scissors, and retemp-
er if requited.
We repair Guns and re -brown the bar-
rels of all kinds, makes and styles.
%Ve repair Sewing Machines; if
any of the parts are broken or
worn nut, we can make new.
Umbrellas, Parasols, and articles
of like nature are repaired by us.
We build new, to order, any
small machinery.
Give us a trial.
SKATES -We are now Grinding likates
and will promptly attend to all Odors
0 osito the Market,
Confidence fu Canada
jrelligenoe from Great Britain is to th�
effect that large eume of British money are
about to be invested in Canadian enterprises.
The disposition to invest money is ooirfid-
ent to no one indgOtry, bat Englishmeni area
freely looking for opportunities for the use
of their capital in farming, mining, lumber-
ing and urban industries. The Trade
Bulletin announces an investment of $2,-
200,000 of British money in Quebeo Prov-
ince alone. This influx of capital, whioh
we all hope will earn due reward for its
owners, shows that the old world capital-
ists have faith in the future of the Domin-
ion. Its investment must have a percep-
tible influence on the proaperity and prog-
ress of Canada.
Word has been received of the death in
Butte, Montana of Edward Brophy, son of
Dor James Brophy of Stratford. He re-
ceived injuries in a railway accident on
Saturday from which he died- He was
thirty years of age.
Cables have been published from Mrfhas.
Russel, representing the Catholic Liberals
at Rome, stating that the Quebec Bishops
were advised in February le oeafae thelr
agitation spinet the school settlement,
and also stating that the Pope's privateSeo-
retary, Mgr, Marydarval had been selected
ae delegate to Canada,
Mr It. H. Swallow of Douglas has enter-
ed upon his duties as immigration agent in
South Dakota. Many applications from
farmers in the Dakotas and Michigan are
coming to Manitoba, and the services of
this agent are to be utilised. An immigr-
ation building is to be opened in the town
of Dauphin, as that section of country is
expected to receive a large share of the im-
migration this season.
Miss Mary Lily Hendershot, who gained
some prominenoe a year or so ago, as the
sweetheart of the unfortunate young man
Welter, who was hanged with her father,
for the murder of her cousin, was married
on 'Thursday at the residence of her uncle,
to John !fatherly, son of the late E. Hath-
erly, blacksmith, Middlemarch. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev D. Spencer,
Brantford, the spiritual adviser of the con-
demned men.
Advel t#.ewento.
Property for , Sale or to Rent.
Subscriber offers for sale or to rent that beauti-
fully situated residence occupied by herself on
Princess Street east. The house is comparative-
ly new, with good cellar and furnace, hard and
soft water end half an acre of garden, Will
either be sold or rented on roasouabl„ terms.
'14RS. AKAM, Clinton.
Cheese Factory Notice.
The Summerhill Cheese Manufacturing Co.
will let by Public, Auction the drawing of the
milk on the different routes to the Cheese Fac-
tory, on Monday, 29th March 1897, at one o'clock
p. m. in the Orange Hall, Summerhill. Full
particulars regarding each route will be furn-
ished on the above date
Summerhill, March 8th, 1897.
Choice• Farm to Rent.
Lot 34, 1st concession Huron road, Tucker
smith, 100 acres (leas railroad) . ail cleared and
fit for cultivation, well watered, excellent soil,
well forced, Ian buildings. One of the best graz-
ing farms in Huron. will be rented tor a team
of years on reasonable terms. JOHN RIDOUT,
Hurou 81., Clinton.
FARM Lands
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
tained in a certain Mortgage which will be pro-
duced at the sale, there will be offered for sale
at public auction, by David Dickinson, Auction-
eer, at the
ItATTENBURY House, Clinton
Ai 2 o'clock p. m., op ,
The following property, viz: Lot 28 in the 6th
Concession of the Township of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, containing 80 acres, more or
less. The land under cultivation has been all fall
plowed, and there are several acres sown with
falliwheat. The so 1 is first-class and well under-
TERMS -Ten per cent of the purchase money
down and the balance in thirty days thereaft-r,
without interest. The property will ht; sold
subject to a reserved price, Further particulars
and oOnditions meds kuown at the sale or upon
application to the undersigned.,..
Auctioneer Vendors' Solicitor
Valuable Farm iu Goderich Touship
Under and by virtue of the powers of sale con-
tained in two certain mortgages, which will be
produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale
at public auction by David Dickinson, Auction-
eer, at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, Clinton,on
Saturday, 3rd day of April,
1897, at 3- o'clock p. m., the following property,
viz: -Lot 35 in the Eleventh Conceseion, Lot 3.5
in the Twelfth Concession, and the South West
corner part of Lot 35 in the Thirteenth Conces-
sion of the Township of Goderich, in the County
of Huron, containing together, by admeasure-
ment, 170 acres more or less, which said parcels
are fully described in said mortgages. The pro-
perty is well situated as to roads and markets,
within three miles of the Town of Clinton; the
land is in good condition, and there are on the
promisee fairly good buildings.
TERMS: -10 per cent. of the purchase money
down on the day of sale, and the balance in 30
days thereafter, without interest. The proper-
ty will be sold subject to a reserved price. Fur-
ther particulars and conditions made known at
the sale, or upon application tope undersigned
Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitor.
March llth, 1897.
Clinton Horticultural Soc'y.
Membership Fee $1.00
On payment of Membership fee, each member
of the Clinton Horticultural Society for 1897 is
entitled toe choice of any one of the following
Collections of Seeds, Bulbs or Plants,
Collccf.lon No. l-Seeils-1 Pkt. eaob. Tall
Mixed Asters, Mixed Balsams, Mixed Dianthus,
Mignonette Maehet, International Pansies, Phlox
Drummondi, Shireley Topples, Stocks white
Mixed Verbenae, Empresa Oandytuft, Mixed
Snapdragon, ,}oz. Dwf. Nasturtium, Oz. Mixed
Sweet Peas.
Collection No. 2-Sniffs-2lCannas, 2 Dahlias
1 Single Tuberous Begonia 12 Gladioli, 1 Amaryl-
lis Selladova, 1 spotted calla, 2 Tuberoses, 1
Japan Iris.
Collection No. 3 -Plante- 15 Hyacinths for
winter blooming.
Collection No. 4 -Plants -1 Abutilon, 1 Be-
gonia Argontea Guttata, 1 Begonia Vernon, 1
Chrysanthemum 1 Fusohia, t Hydrangea Paoi-
culatn, 4 Geraniums 1 Single, 1 Oen. Grant, 1 ivy
leaved, 1 variegated.
Collection No. S-Tlnnts-s0 Geraniums.
('dilection No. 6 -Plants -20 Coleus.
Rvervthiog offered in tho stove collections is
Strictly first-olses. Anyond wishing to become a
member of the Society can hand their name and
membership fee•to Mr Coate or any member of
the Society.
W. J. FORD President
J. C. GILROY, 1st Vice Pres.
H. FOSTER, 2nd Vice Pres.
4w, COATS, See.-Troasuror,
One of the Greatest
The people of aanada have received for a long time was the failure of the
extensive wholesale Dry Goode firm of MoMASTER & Co, Toronto. No
better stock of High Class Goods could be found in the Dominion. You are
probably well aware that the above stook was planed on the market. We
were on hand ready to secure any genuine Bargains that might be offered.
During the balance of Maroh prides will be out to the quick. Of course this
kind of merchandising cannot continue indefinitely. We are in business to
make money and cannot afford to offer such inducements except on exoep-
tional occasions like the present.
CORSETS -sizes 19 24, long waist, good fitting, made of Drab Jean,
and as good a line ae fa usually sold at 50o for
FANCY PLAID PRINTS, perfectly fast-oolors, very pretty effects, and
we think will give every satisfaction, price should be 9c, but during the
McMaster & Co sale the prioe is 5c
GALATE •. STRIP:E. This is a most useful and necessary kind of
goods. It is made on purpose for Boys' Blouses, will wear well, and
guarggteed Rot to fade, prices range 10o to 15c
FACTORY COTTON, 35 inches wide, a new line, somewhat heavier
than we have ever shown before, very special at 2 c
LADIES WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, a splendid ribbed article in full
woman's size, really oheap at 35o, but we bought them at the McMaster
Sale, and now they're
PARTHIAN PRINTS. This is a new style of American Print in fanny
Dresden effects in brown, blue and green shades.They have the ap-
pearance and finish of 15o goods, but sale prioe is
LACE CURTAINS, some very special lines have been opened up, one in
particular is 3i yards long, 58 inches wide, taped and elegant pattern,
really worth $1.50, McMaster & Co. sale price is.... 81.00
Improve.the Money -Saving opportunity which the sale offers.
cKiinnon & Co., Blyth •
Spring Clothing
Having purchased a large. up-to-date stock of
Worsted and Tweed Suitings and Trouserings
for the spring trade, at a very low price, we are
prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton and
vicinity Ordered Clothing cheaper than has
ever yet been otrered here.
Suits to Order from $10 ;up.
Our $13,50, $15 and $16 Suits are Leaders.
We use nothing but first-class trimmings.
A perfect fit and latest style guaranteed.
Stea,rn's Instant
Cough Cure
Has proved to he a reliable remedy and is conceded by all who have
tried it, to excel any other preparation that they have pr eviously used.
It speaks for itself and you have only to try a bottle to be convinced
that it is one of the hest cures for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c.
Put up in 25c and 50c bottles.
Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
Special Announcement .
• Since we bought out the FURNITURE and UNDER'T'AKING BUSINESS of
is' Mr. J.W. Chidley, some months ago, and made our bow to the people of Clinton
and vicinity, we have been excegdingly grateful with the steady increase the
.business has taken. We commenced in a dull season, and in the face of hard
times, but with a stock so well bought we decided to give the people of this vicin-
ity price that would win them as customers, and we claim to have given the
lowest prices on Furniture, considering the quality, that have ever been given.
We are out
for your trade,
and Low Prices and
Good Goods should
win you. •
We 'keep all the newest
and up-to-date Goods.
Everything that a first-
class Furniture Store
should keep.
Our Undertaking Department is most eye-
tematically conducted. We take full and com-
plete control, with no extra charge or high
prices. People have told us that our prices
are much lower than before we came, All
•night and Sunday calls answered
at residence on Huron Street.
Next week we want to talk to you about some very special lines that will pay you
to call and see. We are after your trade. Let •us have it.
H' 'C RA. R L f' T T,I+TanurdnihUndn•e ertakeDealerr
A Large Room, Electric Lights,furniehed suit-
able for a L, Igo for any Society, on the front
street, easy of access. Apply to
Choice Eggs for Hatchings
Subscriber offers for sale some choice Brown
Leghorn Eggs for breedleg. At the recruit Huron.
County Poultry Show in Seaforth his pen won
first prize and the two special prizes offered (u
this department, the score standing 1861. The
eggs will be sold at the reasonable price of $1 50
for set ting of 15 JOHN MELVILLE,Londesboro
- -OF-
A Choice Farm in Hullett.
The undersigned will offer for sale by Public
auction, on SATURDAY. MARCH 27, at Ewo
p,nt., at the COMMEROIAL HOTEL, Clinton,
that choice farm of 75 aures, euro Lot. 29, 7th
concession of Hullett, This forth is well water-
ed, has about 60 acres cleared and fit for oniti-
vation; balange good hardwood. Good frame
house, frame stable and barn, plenty of hard,
and soft 'water. bearing.orchard. Soil, clay
loam. Situate about five miles from Clinton
Terms made known on day of sate Further
particulars on application to the met.foneer, to -
the proprietor, or to W. FARQC•TIAR, Con. 8th,
Hullett. -
G. WESTCOTT Stapler, Proprlotor.
D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. •
Small House alld Lot for Sale
For sato, a small House ani Lot on Cutter St.
Will be sold on very reasonable terms. Apply
The undersigned has for sale a quantity of
first-class Seed Peas, (white)
London R•,ad, near, Clinton
For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn }lull
Oslves ranging from 8 to 11 months old. Also
some Hfeifers and Cows, in calf. All of these
aro by imported stock, aro 0115158 anitnaTe and -
will be sold at reasonable prices, JNO AVERY,
Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London
road, near Clinton.
The Holmesvillo Butter and Cheese Manufac-
turing Co, (Ltd.) will let ty public auction, the
drawing of tho milk on the different, routes, to
the Cheese Factory, on t4AT(IHDAl', ili(nreh 20,
18117, at 2 o'clock l..m., in Pickard's Ha11,Holmes-
ville. Full particulars regarding each route will
be furnished on the above date.
W. Holmoeville, Feb 27, 97�A WRENCH, Seoy
X'Cb1: 42, 1$97
In their gorgeous beauty, ix.
their magnificence of design
sand shadings, in their deli
ca to weavings and patterns
and in fact in everything
that goes to make up the
most attractive display of
New Dress Stuffs that have
ever been introduced to the
people of this place. We
start the prices at 15 cents
double fold to $1.50 a yard.
i 4 '
EUTHYMOL CREAM is a perfect emollient, is almost wholly absorbed, thus relaxing
the tissues and rendering the skin delightfully soft and smooth. It is adapted to many ,
minor ailments such as chappegi hands or lips, rough, dry or irritated akin, sunburn,
wrinkles, rashes or eruptions, and will be found efficacus :n treating greeds or discolored
skin. Price 25c per tube.
EUTHYMOL FACE POWDER is free from starch, flour or sugar, contains no :bis-
muth or mineral salts, distroys all odor when the hands or face are heated or moist, it,
will he found cooling and refreshing.
EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE -It cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums:
and'sweetens the breath. 25 cents per tube.
CO M t E'S DRUG Store,
� az s .�>�,. e K IN E MAK,,lata
Many far seeing dealers anticipate the placing of a duty on
Tea at the corning session of parliament, and are increasing
their stocks. Whether or not there is any change 'in the
tariff, you can make no mistake in buying a ten pound lot
at our prices.
Japan -"Shield Brand" at 25c. is a fine flavored Tea of
excellent cull qualifies.
Japan -"Circle Brand" at 35c is the finest May picking
of delicate flavor and strong drawing qualities.
Ceylon -25c clear, full flavor, excellent value.
"Imperial" -Our owls blend of choice growths of
Ceylon and India, is without any exception the
finest blend on the market, and customers who
buy it once will use no other. It has that rich,
satisfying flavor so desirable and seldom found,
clear liquor and an excellent drawer. Price 35c,
try it and you will buy it.
The wet weather has created a ,demand for Long
Boots, and our well-known line of Yamaska are
still in the front rank. We have sold hundreds
pairs of these Boots and have yet to hear of one
customer who is not satisfied with them.
Having an over stock of Boys' Long Boots! we are
now clearing. thena_at $1 for sizes 1, 2, 3, and
$1,25 for sizes 4, 5. 50 pairs only will be sold
at these prices.