HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-03-12, Page 1+Z. '
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,. 1' ROBERT HOLME9, Editor u pd Pro rietor, CL+INTQN, ONT., MARCH 12 189'7 $1 a year in advance $1,50 when not so paid Disease results; actual prastrat1 I
Is the t rtainty Of fUl-- p P may not follow, but you feel i'Pa, ;
�]�Inept @ each and of sorts;" you have not the tazsae.
+* _ energy or life you should ileus y
' Holutet3ville.
f•r: every one of them.-- _, Gloderich. ' � I Gloderieb Township Health and strength, in their inv4F
.' it@ri OU 18aV8 your -&R 1�-J NID T�1M � �••� B' HOc7i Y. —The hockey match be LFAGUE.--Theannual meetingof the eat measure, come not untilthese
,._;, y What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication, RECOVERING.—The many friends of
tween Stratford and Goderich, which Epworth League of Christi%n Endeav- Mrs Ben, Switzer, of the 9th con., will impurities are expelled, March, .
watch with me for re- TttCkerslnith• Auburn. was to have been played on Friday ev- or, fop the election of officers, was be pleased to learn that she is recover April, May, are the rponk , in thy:
airs it's sufficient uar- CHURCH NOTES.—Mr Albert Mi�ccDoel ening last, had to be postponed on ac- held a week ago ,Monday night, when ing from a very serious attack o£ con- Year when this parifiaatio a as mgtsti +''
O p g NOTES,—Miss Jessie McKenzie, of oY Westfield, reached in the 1Metho count of the weather. If there is good the following officers were elected:— geatign of the lungs. We regret to needed and most bane fioial.Il;';.
3 aTlt88 that SOU Wil New York; is visiting at the flame of P Hon. Pres., Rev G.W.Andrews; Pres., g the advertised remedies we lia,ve' z , ,
her father, Mr Simon McKenzie. Mies diet church Sunday morning, taking ice to -night, (Friday,) it is probable U. L. Fisher 1st V. -P., F.U.Elford:2nd learn that Mise Evelyn Turner, teach- and if you feel, that any one, o :t*,,
haVO an accurate and Maggto McTavish has returned to for his text Matt. 27: 37; '•This is Jesus, that the game will come off. Stoat- er of S. S. No. 8, has been unable to
g the Kin of the Jews," and d°clog ex- ford.l;aa ori A 1 team, and our boys do V. P., D. A. Holmes; 3rd V. P., V. An- perform her duties for the past week, them is what you want .co'rgato us.
t F re11a�J1e t1Iri0 i8C@. London. Rev Mr Sawyer was called g Brews; 4th V. P., Geo. Acheson; Sec: and ask for it. We will �i;ve yotx
traordinaoil well. Revival meetings not ex act to have the snap they bad owing to an attack of grip, but is now
p away a few days this week to an old I y Treas., Carrie Walter; Organist, Mra recovered. what you want. If, howet k, ,YOU,'
Did it ev@r occur t0 town of his acquaintance. It appears i will be co'utlnued every night through with the Clinton team. F. U. Elford, •want a guaranteed remedy, try
> + the week, The children are requested Our Blood-Buildin Tron11
you that mare watches to be a veru bad time for drawing' q HARBOR NOTES.—Work on the new FOR Tick OLD COIINTRX.—Mr S.
straw, as the snow shows the marks to meet in the church at 4.30 Friday dredging tug is progressing favorably. CHURCH NOTES.—R. tlolrnes,of Clin- Johnston, pills. Tho tone thea etif
1 Huron Road left on Tues -
are ruined bs incom- where a couple of loads seem to have g• Our ice des ers have harvested their ton, occupied the pulpit here on Suu- da for the Old Country, in charge of They Q+
John S min ton hada da night, and ave a rand sermon as y g regulate the bowels, clear Ch1.e goT�Qr` "
overturned. The roads were very icy narrow seta eJoon Syr
gbadl hurt crop, and many farmers are hauling us ►i a1.gThe Sunda school fiook u a eighteen horses, for Mr )3obt. McLetn, plexion, settle the nerves, pu;rifj* '.
petent workmen than on Saturday, and one of our citizens P g . y from the harbor. Business atthiapor �' P its Mr Johnston has been across the the blood and re -build a s stem
actual wear. had the misfortune to upset about 40 while falling a tree, by a limb which promises to be brisker than usual this collection for famine stricken India mater a great number of times, in aim- a. '++
flew i ivmg Win, some bad scare on last Sunday, Rev Jos. Edge will take run down from most any q-10 4,
hays of chop that evening. The ma- } P+ g season. When the new breakwater is g iter enterprises, and is well acquainted The are at n i of
Jority of the neighborhood are India- face. Mr O. C. Erratt returned home completed it will have a plank walk, the work here next Sunday loco ping, with rough experiences in mid ocean, ills and costbutt 25o boxes
5 &* 4• ', 11
We have gained the reputatio❑ osed with severe ccids. Mr Joseph from Business College last week look- six feet wide, all the way along, 'ust and preach on behalf of the superan- u e think that Mr McLean could not p
.ttIng hale and heart ,and we are lad nuation Fund. Rev W. J. Ford L. L. for $1.00, with a guarantee filet
for miles.atqund for best work tlwnaend returned to his home on g y g what was needed. Fishin is goo off h+1ve secured the ser•viees of a more ca-
and lowest rices. Atrial will to haye him in our midst again, Mr g B., ill reach at Sharon in they satisfy, Fom or on rotund yckq�ic mo-
«y p Tuesday last, accompanied by his mo- V here, and now that Leat is here the Clinton,+ Pd pahle and efficient man. ne From ne one
icunvince you. then, who will remain for the summer; , Jobn M68hannock, Peter Patterson fishers find a read market. The Rolf- ' the afternoon, an Holmesvile in the Y• Y•
* and Miss A. Dobie are cin to the y evenin It would be much leasanter STOCK NOTES,—Messrs S. Johnston
% Mr Townsend took a car load of Bitter- • going age is undergoing repairs. $• P and A. Tehbntt each disposed ALLEN VFTI)�9Q1!7
i; �.�.� ant material back with him, and Mr West next Tuesday. Miss E. Ross at- and a little safer for those attending p sed of a fine
Robert Landaborou h went elan and tended the millinery openings last CHURCH.—Special services were held church, if the ice around the doors horse to Mr Rdbt, McLean, who made Graduate 'Druggists Upliotanp 1
g 8 week. Miss D- Pollock is visiting un- at the English and Roman Catholic l was chopped so that it would not be a shipment to the old country last CIiRJton.
looked after the car. per the parental roof at present. Mr churches during the week. Rev A. U. quite so slippery, Tuesday. As the animals were super- We are speotaale epeoialiets—=witkr
P. B. CrevPs DEATH.—we were scoop to learn on R, Brown, of Goderich is the guest Of Crewea is to deliver a lecture in North for ones it is needless to state that they eaperienoe. Free test any time. a,
Tuesday that the death angel had E. Mule at present. Mr R. Sprung SG. Methodist church on Monday night, NOTES.—Singing achoof will meet on brought ,handsome figures. Among
Jeweler &Expert Watch Repairer visited our neighborhood and had talk- had one of his horses so badly kicked and•occupies the pulpit on the previous Friday evening the next two weeks.in- the prominent men in the sheep•breed-
en awayy� one of our cit•izena in the per- da The Indian Famine Fuad was stead of Saturday, as formerly. Temp- Ing circles we find that Mr Georgie O. a;
son of Mr HenryO'Brien, who had that it is not expected to get better. Y• lars meet next Monde night, ht, when
Y Auburn football team planed Weat- raised nearly $100 by the collection and y g Si:urd occuppies a cons icuoua lace. Lensall *% I I
only been sick a few weeks. Hie first ,geld feat Saturday, the game coming contributions b the Sunda evening I the Brat program of the contest -will be His flock of Shro shires thou ph not j
s West Wawanosh. sickness was the result of a bad cold, out a tie. Quite a number of Auburn congregation of North St. Sunday'
s given to the girls. A number of far. as large as some t e have seen, s com- NOTES.—It is our sad duty tills week
but we behave that apo lexy was the niers are adding to their stock of cows; to record the death of Mr y. Voekert
► ,i peo le were out to Goderich on Mon- church. It is reported that the Pres- posed Of only choice annuals, which
NOTES.—Alex McCabe sold to a Hul- cause of his death. Mr. O'Brien was a da A o attend court. Auburn Bt ass byterians, finding their present church this is a move in the right direction; B. have more than once secured prizes at one of the oldest residents of Dash ;,.
lett gentleman a team of good colts, cod neighbor and very highly esteem- Band intend boldin a concert in the too small, intend to erect a new one in Forster brought home some good ones fall faits. His breeders were purchas- wood, which occurred on Thursday. #th
realizlPg a fair figure. Miss Minnie fid by his friends, and those who knew the other day, and we heard Of one ed from the ygell known sheep -breeder, the age of 83 years, R. Cudmore bias
t` 'Rutledge, who has been in Clinton for near future. Thea was a mistake in the near future. yours man of the Maitland, who was secured the contract for the erection '
g him. tie, formerly resided at Nalten, the items last week as the hU.G.T. did RACES.—On Mond>w evenin a ekat- g Mr Jas. McFarlane. of Stanley.. We
Monday , in the search for eon thing nice in the of two new houses; one in Stanley fol!
" v :€ ' two monthe past, bas returned home. below Brampton, but for quite a few not et an invitation to St. Helens, in contest tools' lace in the eat SG. sansei to hear of Mr 4tuodv being able t
{,r" 't: Messrs Stewart and Finigan bade J,as. years has resided in Tuckeramith. The g g P yicinity of Nile; do abtlese he found to stand keen competition etition this fall. Mr Hart, and One near Kippers, for Mir, .�1
",�, Taylor employed, with his portable deceased did not quite live out his 3 (Another correspondent) Rink, There were nine entries—two what he was after. MMrs Thos. Potter, P Thompson. EducattonalsermonswH Q
mill, in cutting their supply of logo- score and 10, for he was only 87 at his NOTES.—Quite a number of our till- from Kincardine, three from Wingbam sr, who has been unwell for some time NoTss,—Mr Frank S. Hick, Toronto, preached in the Methodiot -church, Olt11
• Joseph Washington was under the zens attended the county town: being and four from Goderich. With the ex• is decided) worse, and her recover is sent the fore part of the week under Sunda in the mornin b Rev W E
' death. The bode went away on the 8 Y Y Y.
•at+eather a few days ago, Jrom the of o'clock train to be buried at Molten. interested in a law suit as principlea ception of Griffith, none of the town doubtful. Mrs A. Scott, of Michigan, t e parental roof. Rev Jos.. Edge, of sero, and in the eveninggy by Rev Mr' .
�, or witnesses. The Farmers Institute boa were in it. "Owing to the lin- former) of this place, is s endin a North 5t. Methodist church, Goderich, Butt, of Centralia. Mr Hhrr Harris,
t . lfects of a cold.' Mtas Wamaley, of He loss a member of rile Roman Catho- Y y P y
,,�x„i , Wiarton, is making a abort so lie Church. holds a special meeting here on Friday; ited space on the course, two beats short time with old•Iriende here. Miss occupied the Zion appointment of Vie- a former resident of Hensall, died Sud
' s; with friends in St. Augustine: Chris. quite a number are expected to take were run, five competitors in the first Talbot, of London Township, is visiting Coria St. on Sunday _last, Rev Mr God denly at Aylmer, on Thursday last ' f
� � Jobb of Wingbam, spent Sunday t ANOTHER GOOD MAN DEPARTS.—On part, a gebd program is being prepared and four in the last, while four, Saar her sister, Mrs E. Johnston. We un- win being called Upon to officiate at AT J. C. Clausen was attaching a snap
Al'.11;* ” Crab. Thom's. Mrs and Miss WinmiJ,, Friday of last week Mr George Walk- for the night session. Mr Hugh Thos. and Gao. Elliott, Burnside, and Grit- derstand that Mr W. Ramsey is think- funeral, Mr Puckering, of Pickering, to the bit of a restless horse on Satut Y
`..i.,,> of Auburn, were gnests at. Stephen er, an old pioneer of Tuckeramith, McBrien and his partner in life are fish, ran in theflnala. Griffith has had Ing of leaving•our town next month.— is spending a few days at the home of day, the animal made a plunge and. •
14iedd's, on Thursday of last week.— passed peacefully away to a better spending a short time in this vicinity no opportunity for training, and was Mr D. Birks, of Roseland, formerly of Mr Thos. Beattie, con. 4th, and Dania the snap fastened into two of his fin-
., ,,),1 'Wm. Rutledge, of Goderich, apent land• " He lay down for rest after visiting relatives. Mr•s Brown, of the unable to keep the pace; he was for golmeeville, was married on Feb. 8th Rumor says that pleasant things are gets, tearing the cords and flesh badly ."
,,, '! Sunday last under the Parental roof. dinner, feeling "fired, and when -'his township of Lagan, is visiting her several years the winner of many races to a yours lady of British Columbia; in Prospect. Mr F. Hilton Weare an
`', Mr and Mi Ezekiel Phillips, of White- Prienda went to call him they found mother at resent on the 13th conces- in London, and earned the name of g unusually ha py smile over the advent r
p his many friends here wish him every p y p Additional heal News•11
I church, a ant a couple of days this that life was gone. He died apparent- Sion of Hallett. The Rev Mr Ceuzens "The cab," but for want of practise, of an heir. A ver pleasant and aoci-
p y joy and happiness.
',' ,iF�: week with the lady s parents. Mr and 1y without a struggle. He was a is holding revival services in the Meth- was unable to keep up with the others. able time was spent at the holies of Mr
_„h>>„`. .` .Miss Way. of Base Line, were guests strong, hearty man, and attended odiatchurch here. Mabel, youngest S. Elliott finished first, Burnside sec- A NOBLE W"pion "pioneer
are not Joseph Whitely on Tuesday evening,• Miss N. Anderson of town has now
fr. ' .of John Maliou b, near Dungannon, church regularly in Brucefleld, where daughter of Mr Thomas Straughan, ond, and Geo. Elliott third. A number many of the "pioneer women” left, of last week, when a happy sleighing recovered fropn an attack of Ia grippe
� .`, , on 9aturda least. Morgan and Miss he was an elder and officiated at the has not been able to be around for were present from Wingbam, Kinear- however few there are of the sturdy party from the first con and intermed-
3 11 ;= y about a week, owing to an injury sus- dine and Lucknow, Pioneer men, but we have in this viein• iate points assembled, and assedawa Mr and Mrs W. Wheatley _spegt
1 Jones spent Sunday at John Mills. anniversar 'two Sabbaths before. He it a lad who is deaervin of more P - Sunday at the latter's home in Tuck
"a; 4 Miss Thomasina Q(7allace,'of St.Augus had been an elder for many years in rained while j�laying at school. AMUSEMENTS.—TbeCinemato ra be y p g the fleeting hours in the various am- ersmith,
i .',', tf tine, visited at R. A. McKenzie,'s last the late Mr Ross's church, in which he g P than passing notice, and who is roost usements for evening parties. Miss
y�«y* t' ills were visitors to took great interest. He was honest, IT WAS Too BAD.—A youth who was in the opera house on March 4, 5 truly one of the noble pioneers of this Aggie Cooper left on Tuesday for a Miss Watters, of Dainascus, Wel
„.,, ,rrt�,, Friday. Misses M u ri ht and res acted by all who lives not far Yrom this village and prat- and ti, and a number Of our town- county.. We allude to Mrs Holmes, af- few months' sojourn in Douglas, Man, lington county, is visiting her aunt .
i t," Dun annon last week. Dr. Medd and P f3 +
� h:.?a? g with 3rd con. knew him. His wife died over a pear tices the healing art, seems to lieu®. ex- le availed themselves of the Opportun- ter whose deceased husband this vii Mrs Bean.
• ria \ Tamil spent Sunday P Ver A. Cook leaves on Friday nest for
yy Gibson ago, but he has still one brother, Mr erienced a rather novel predicament r.ty of seeing another of the wonders of lags takes its name. She is now in British Columbia; we expect that he MrJos. Birbeck, hardware merohatrs -
` ` � friends. R. Taylor and Sidney 1+! last Satutda ,evening, while coming Ghe age; those who have seen both, say about her 90th year, and enjoys a fair will return with his • pockets literally Boosevain, Man., accornPanted by his :•
* il;.; oho walker, living,and two of a y' g P measure Of health and strength. An lined with the yellow geld. Owing to wife, is visiting hie cousin, 2YIr S.Davrs.
were appointed delegates. -4y l_b9_Eb•� — up the base line from Clinton. He be- that the CinematO raphe is eft erior tO
,, ,. nezer league, to attend the District family survive him: Mr John Walker, came so engrossed in the �loi+E Obstet the Vitmscope, Tha Literary Society accident sustained some time ago com
F Convention at Seaforth on the 16th. Mrs .McCartney; two others: Mrs g g the almost impassable condition of the
fps. „ McT.ean and Mrs Robt. McCartney, lea to be overcome that he became ob- held their postponed meeting in the els her to keep to her bed most of the g Mrs R. Puckering, who has ►leen vis-
Bev J. o Pring was able to take bis P. P roads the meetings s at Sharon have not
+„3„ a h last much to died some years ago. The - funeral livious to the danger of the surround- Assembly Booms on Friday evening, time, but her intellectual faculties are icing around since her marriage, leaves
gg P not impaired in the least, Those who been as largely attended as was probably
usual work on 9abb t from his residence to Baird's cemetery toga, and the cutter overbalanced and Prof. Welch has been here the est two for her home near Whitby in a feW
„ ,, .the pleasure of the congregation. Y the recious frei ht landed where the weeks • lecturin on Phrenology; he P „ „ petted at the outset; they will probably
y,_ was a large one. P g • g imagine that work kills find aeon- he discontinued after this week. Mr days. +"s` r
inclement hand of winter had failed to goes to.Seaforth, after finishing his en- tradiction of their position in the life W. Rowden was called to Colborne on Mr W. H. Perrin, while in Buffalo '
Benmiller TEA M$ETINO.—The tea-meetin g on furnish a sufficient protection from gagement here; during his visit to this of Mrs Holmes, whose earlier years Sunday, to attend the funeral of bis few days since, caught cold, which laid .
�k+ Monday night was eery succeTsfulcon- the ice cold element. We will leave to lace he has read man of our romi-
NOTEs,—We are sorry to learn that siderin the stilts of the weather and P y . P were Occupied with all the labor inti- aunt, him up for a few days, but he is now
r: g you,gentle reader,to picture the scene, Pent business men's craniums, and the dent to the life of the settler, in addi- around as usual,
a . • Mrs Percy Walters .is no bettor. Me condition of the roads. The tea was rather than relate, How the genial audience could not but agree that he tion to the care of large family, and
John Treble is at present very ill with served from B to 8 and we think that fireside was called into requisition be- 'came very close to their principal feat- through it she has enjoyed the hest of Leel►urn. John Sc char is back to town and
inflammation. Mrs Wm, Maedei is at everyone present was satisfied that fore any progress was .made in the urea. Skating was in full swing at the health. Amid all the eventful history NOTES.—Hillary Horton has return- will take charge of Wallis' butcher ^
I resent laid u with grip. Mr Mitch- there were enough rovisiods to feed shops h Wallis devoting his erten
p p g P ' homeward 3ournep, rinkuntil filet week, baxt the soft weath- of the pest her life has shone bright ed to'town after an absence of three +
r,,,.', p ell is at present on the sick list. =4h twice as many. Then came the musi- er is fast thawing the ice; a number of with Christian experience, and only weeks. Mrs John Oke, of Dunlop, is tion to horse buying,
' Geo. Cousins, of Port Huron, is a cal and literary part of the rogram; Brussels. boys were skating on the harbor and the great day of eternal reckoning will at present very ill, but we hO a to Dr Shaw made an official visit to ,rr+
� ` resent visiting his sister, Mrs Wm. the music by the Clinton Quartette SAD ACCIDENT.—The most distress- river on Sunda
Model. Mr A. Million occupied .a the was well worth listening to and also y everrevealthe mann acts of benevo soon hear of her recovery. MissEdith Goder.ch Masonic Lodge ie Thursday ;.
t at Benmiller appointment he g !ng accident which has happened here MUST MOVE FASTER. — Goderich fence and love, for which she has been Horton has for some time past been evening, being accompanied by several
„ ppitlpi PP , profitable, and needs no flattering in many years, occurred st the regi- noted. A member of the Metbodist visiting in Goderich. Hillary and of the members here. "I
Sunda last; he took for his text Matt. comments; the addresses were ver in must move faster to keep up with the
y Y Bence of Win. Ainlay, last Saturday church from earl girl -hood, she has Alex. orlon paid their friends in The last number of the Canadian 11
:24:44, Therefore be ye also ready, for teres ting, the first being by Rev. J. P. night, about 11.50 o'clock. All the times, and in one particular especially van all ire claims gthe very best ser- Holmesville and Hullett a flying visit Magazine contains a short sketch of
a• g , she needs to make tracks. The ad- t;i
�, . in such an hour as ;ye think not the Westman, of Walton, on the following family had retired Mics Lillian, vice that has been in her ower, and last week. Mr John Horton is prepar• the late H: Hale, together with an ex-
,. vancement your correspondent hints i? '•
t,;;,; . Bon of Man cometh.' - Miss Minnie four words:— "Conviction, Crnirage+ she calm) and happily awaits the bid- in to build his barn in the spring. Mr cellent likeness of deceased.
" ' Ma nes was visiting at Mr Thos. Gled- Concentration, Consecration.” Mr, and she was in the act of putting out at is in the matter of °awsummer hotel Y PP v g
fl�s the est week. Mr J.Sn der and the light in the hanging lamp, when it or row of summer cottages. It is al- ding of the Master, who shall welcome Alex. Clutton has let th® job of osis- Mr R, J. Twitchell has bought out
,r hi p Y Westman is clever and wilt some day exploded, the burning oil pouring over most an assured fact titer some 300 or her to that "rest that remaineth for ing his barn to Mr McClaren of Salt- '.'
;, fir, , J. Elise have bean ]ayir,g in a supply make a rands ether. Then Rev Mr „ ford. Miss Addie Stirlen returned the laundry business of Mr Consigney,
y g P her clothing, and in an instant she was l00 summer nests, m addition to our the people of God. tvho has left town. :�Ir Twitchell hats -
of ice for the summer, also Mr Pfram- Ford the +t splendid address to Ep- wrapped in names. The report of the g home last week after visiting her
M°'' mer; they get it from the river below worth Leaguers, about F.pwcrth, the regular quota, will come to this viein- "`�`— friends in Bervie and Paisley. Miss moved to Consigny's late,stdr d.
a, exploseon alarmed the other members it. in connection with the School Porter's Hill. �
the bridge. The Epworth League home of Wesley acid the origin of the of the family, who hurried to the spot, y' Maggie McNevin paid a flying visit to The many friends of t• "' Tapchlin,
meetin was not very largely attended Li worth Le:t ue. The last address Teachers Association, This Aasocia-
g n account of the p g and with the aid of some matting and NOTES. --Mr Clem. Newton has"rent' Goderich last week. The monthly formerly of Auburn, will be'pleased' to .
on Friday evening, o was by Mr Millyard, who earnestly a pail of water, soon had the. fire out, float has a large membership in .the ed the farm of Mr Nelson Cox, on the business meeting of C. E. Society will know that he is enjoying a gibed prat :Y
rain. and effective) exhorted Chr istauis to States, and own many one summer re- g
Y but not before Miea Airilay was ter- cut line, and moved into the house last he held this wQek On Friday night. Mr rise is'hie new Home at Glencoe. '1,
nOt be too proud to do the minor rib) burned about the arms, head, sorts. They have purchased part of week. Mr and Mrs Walter Weston James Chisholm bad the misfortune
Colborne thin s relative to Cbriat.ianit All p Menesetung Park, a mile or so up the Shard Smith, eldest son of, , Mrs
1,, ROVED —Mr Forster, of g y' neck, chest and legs. Two doctors returned home last Friday. Mrs Ivi to ]use a thrirouglibqui sow and pigs Richard Smith, is at present in �e
IMP the speakers interspersed anecdotes a ere soon on hand and dressed Che lake from Goderich, and propose to Tan, of Ki en, spent a few days visit- this week; this is Hite a loss, Ban :'
'� the Maitland can., has recently par throughout theins speeches and caused erect thereon a fine summer hotel. If PP P Y q hospital at Springfield, Mase., where
y P burns. . She is suffering intense pain, in with herdau liter, Mrs E. C. Pot- Dodd, who has been living in Leeburn he is undergoing an O eration.
chased several thoro-bred Holstein cat- considerable applause. The conclu. we had a good line of boats—say, for r g g g P
tie, from a breeder near Lucan, pp and is in a very critical condition, the S ter. The singing class intend giving for some time, has renoved to the Mtsa Evelyn n Turner, who is teaehiti
111:1.sion to be drav,In ie that all enjoyed i instance, the Midland ar Owen ound
doctor having very little hope of her boats, or some of the C. P. R.'s mag- an entertainment about the last of home of Harry Mortis. Y `
SUDDEN DEATH.—The wife of Mr R. a good time. The receipts of the even- recovery, as she had been poorly for March, which promises to be some in Goderich Township, spent last wee
11 IBowden, of this townshi ,died ver in were about $:3G. A social was niflcent lieet� we might expect some at home, being laid up with a mild at-
p y g some time previous, Mr Ainiay had thousands of visitors by this route thing above the average, as the teach- Brucefleld tack of grip. She resumed •her work
suddenly on Friday night last. Awak- held on Thursday night to finish the I his hands badly burned; which has er, Mr Moore, who is a first class comic
s Burin the ni ht, she asked her teat amount of eatables left over. alone. The two boats which ran. here FOOT BALL.— Another friendly game on Fr iday.
g 8 or her g c used him great d'eaaod the en 'The
singer will fl ore high in the ro ram.
- husbandto procure something f + THE NEW ERA GIVEe THE HOnIE NEWS f e alarm g, q last season, the Cambria and Carmona, P p g . of, foot hall was played last week be-
may have seen better days, and your Rev Mr Gra am, resbyterian �inis- tween No. 2 Tuckeramith and No. 10 oRICKET-TENNIS k There will be a ,
as ahs was suffering internally, Both taken out, but ,it was not needed. scribe has had many complaints about ter of Bayfield, occupied the 'pul it at Stanley. The game lasted nearly an meeting of the Cricket -Tennis Club, in
;a:;r>, then went to sleep, andsometime af- Much sympathy is expressed for the Bethel, on Sunday morning, Feb. 28th. the Council Chamber, on Thursday,
ter Mr Bowden heard hhr groaning, the water accommodation from Wind hour but neither side was able to se -
Stanley Ainiay family in their sad plight. lilies Mrs Thomas Elliott,of the 8th con., is 25th mat„ at 8 p.m., for the purpose of
but before he could do anything she Ainla is known to a number in Clip_ sot, Detroit, Sarnia, etc. Even if we cures goal. reorganizing anizin for the coinin season. i
NOTES.—Miss M. E. Reid, who has y have not a good line from Windsor, laid up with eczema. g g g
'had expired. She had no fatuity, and been vfsttine in Ethel, has returned to ton, having for
time been employed the time has tome when it will a to I. O. G. T.—Quite a number of the SOCIAL,—The Y.P.SA.E. held their INDIA FAMINE RELIEF FUND.—Ad- "'
her andden demise has caused profound her home. Rev, J. Macdonald Of Var• in Mr Emerson s store there. Since P second social at the house o£ Mr Aik- ditional donations received by the
sorrow. The funeral took place on run a steamer from Goderich to Bay- LO G.T, members from Olinton visited enhead, 2nd concession Of Stanley, On
aa, attended the meeting of Presby- the above was in type Miss Ainlay has field, .lohnston's Mills, Menesetung Porter's Hill Lodge, on Tuesday even- Thursday night last, The house was Molsona Bank and forwarded to Otta-
Sunday to Colborne cemetery.' The tory in Clinton on Tues ay. Owing died; she waa about 21 years of age. wa : — Grace Petrie, jr., $1; Edith
funeral sermon was preached at Zion y• g Park, Point Farm and Port Albert. ing, and gave a very nice program. well tilled, over a hundred people being
to illness Master Willie Reid was un- ()THER AcciDENTs.—Saturday seems There might not be much freight at We think the Clintonians are pretty there. About 9.30 Rev Mr Muir took Hitch, $1; Mary Hitch, o1; Rev E. J.
.. on Sunday evening, by Rev E.Olivant. able to return .too the Collegiate on to have been a day of accidents in and present, but a good trade could ba good stuff, when they will fee wea- Harris, 25c. Total up to date, $114.41.
Monde The Sera baric Band visited around Brussels for on that da it the chair and a short programme 'was Those intenditi to subscribe are re-
Monday. p y worked up. Then as t:o a hotel; Bay flier and roads such as we had ori Tues- tendered consisting of;singing, recita- g
$asfield. Bayfield branch of the Salvation Army ycons lad named Muir )tad one of his held lice several good ones, and is talk- day; hope they 'did not.get wet going tions eta. At the close df the program quested to hand in their donations as
LIGHT.—The electric light plant is ib on Thursday, March .4th: their music legs severelyy jammed at Arrient's fat- ing of a far larger one. The influx of home. Porters ,Hill Lode had to Mr B. R. Higgins, in moving a vote, soon as possible.
and the light
field ei le being appreciated by those who bad tory, and Wm. Bird was badly hurt working men to our factories and pub- postpone their visit to Constance, mentioned the fact that they were at STATION NOTES.—Those travelling to
I 11
full blast now, a y P p• the privilege. Miss Cbristena McLar- by being kicked by one of his horses. lie works threatens to leave us without which was arcanged for Wednesday,
have food fight. John Patterson is the same time celebrating the anniver- distant points this week were:—Mra W
electrician and engineer. en, who has been.,ill of•innammation Also on the farm of Air Alex. Gardiner, accommodation for our visitors. But on account of the very bad state of the sary of bit and Mrs Aikenhead's wed- Townsend and son, for Nesbit, Man.;' '
NOTES.—Thursday, the )8th Inst. to of the lungs, is improving slowly. Mise McKillop township, a bad- accident' so much has been put into our factories roads. ding. A hearty clap was given in hon- Mrs R. H6lnlea, ta,MCleveland, Ohio; John
NOTES. y, Bertha Daymond, of Tuckersmith, was happened, by which a youngg man that our prominent business men say or of the event, and all united in .wish- Williamson, Melita, Man.; A. Cook,
the date of the lecture to be iven in last week the guest of Miss Lillie Me- named Adam Varcoe lost his left hand that they have no ready money. But Constance ing the host and hostess along, happy Vancouver; Mr and Mrs Wade, Aber, ' ''
the -Methodist church by the Rev. Jgs, Cowan. Rev Mr McDermid is visiting at the wrist. Ke was feeding a straw summer cottages do not coat much, GOOD TEMPLARB.—The Good Temp- and useful voyage on the sea of life, daen, Dak.; Wm. >si. Bailey: Durand,
Edge, of Goderich on Bring back at the home of his nephews, Wears cutter, Which was run by a horse pow- and the land along the bank can be se- tars held a very pleasant meeting last Mich.; J. B• Beardsley, Liverpool, via
? `,-.e what you borrow, Mr Edge is too Hugh and James McDermid. Mr W. y 1 p Y g
g er, when his angers were caught be- cured for ver little, so pr individ- Wednesday evenin After the suer NoTEs.—A number from our village Dominion Line, booked by A. O. Patt!-
well known to require any comment Graham is buying cattle for the Old tween two feeding rollers, and before uals may easily speculate' for them- al business was through with it was and vicinity attended the Uinemata- son, G.T.R. Among the shipments out
} Isere ; come out and hear him; ad- Country market, the horse could ba stopped, his hand selves, We hope to see something decided to hold a spelling match. Bro graphs in Seaforth last week. Mr G. this week were the following: ---D. A.
mission, silver dolleetian at the dour. VISITORS.—Mr John Moffatt and w'aa chopped off in pieces. Mr Varcoe done in this line in the near future, R. Proctor and Sister F. Fisher were ox, a horse buyer o4 Detroit, was in Forrester, car flax to Patterson, N._4 ,.�
Miss Mabel Whiddon i visiting friends family went to Kincardine this week is a steady gains young man, and has chosen captains. After a lot of good our village last week; cod horses are D. Cantelon, car apples to Liverfiool;
I'llat Walton. Mr H.J. Lee , to visit relations there. Mr Hugh Al -the sympathy of every one in meeting spelling on both aides, Bro Proctor still in demand. Mr has. Reid ship- R. LandabtlTo, car stock and household
been visiting at the Rev Mr Oaten's, Londesboro ed a ear load of hdgs and cattle to DohBrt & qo.
left on Monday last for the west. The kenbead, his brother Frank and his with such a misfortune. Came off victorious. p goods to Nesbit, Map.;
Epworth L'ea ue service was with- sister Isabella; NOTES.—Mr George E. Williams is Toronto on Wednesday of last week; car organs to Liverpode, and 3organs
Mr John A. McEwen LEAGUE. League meeting was p i to local clots; J. Hearn and 8. Smith,
Ep g Suf�tmerhi%1 attending the Grand bodge of the the rices of both carte and bo s is !
drawn on Sundday evening last. Rev. and his sister Margaret Isabella, and Sona of England. at Brantford, this held Sunday evening with a nice at- im covin which will he a benefit to P
Mr Oaten was to Goderich last Thura• Mr'John McEwen and his sister Isa- CHEESE FACTORY:—The milk routes g tendance, Mias Mary McCully taking P g l oar stock each to Toronto.
week. Rev Mr Andrews, of Holmes- farmers, who, like business men, are
bells went to Turaberr last Friday to connected with the Summerhill Cbeese the paper, `The delegates to the Sea- looking for better times. Miss Mina
,day. Mies Mallough, of Dunggannon is' villa, ;laid a visit to his brother bare, p
Mr W. M � visit friends and acquaintances there. Factor will be let b auction, at the forth E.L.O.E. Convention are Robt. �'
visiting her brother, allougy y on Wednesday. Mr Ste hen West- Fraser left on Wednesday to visit her ;
Miss Helen Dutch lies returned prangs Hall, on Monday, March 29, at y' P Clark, Lue Farnham, Robt. Rogerson, va
! Oaten is Buffeting from grip. tett of Stayner, was in the village on brother, Mr John Fraser, o! Petrolia. G40 TO ;,
from Toronto to her home bete, Miss one m. d Mar McCully, Ida Britton and Char-
,•,..,,. P We nesday. A gentleman represent- y y Avery pleasant evenin_��g in asst ri-
iLLOPERATIONS.—O orations Scott of London, is at ppresent viaitin NOTRk.—•The C. E. meets on Friday lotto Clarke. gg h
h commenced at the Donald- her cousin, Mrs Sahn Butchart, M s evening next as usual, the .meetin to ing the Newcombe piano spent a Pew the home of Mr Mrs
A Hi gins last Frt-
1 eo-oldthorpe saw and roller mill. Waiter Moffatt west away on Mon" be taken by Mr W. E, Miller, Mr 0. days bare this weak. Mr Wm. lllartin, NorEs.—The revival meetine closed day. Mr and Mre A[ken sad are at • •
o r thin is booming, with a full• day to visit Yriends in Lucknow and Bezzo, of Ciinton,was In the village on east of the village, who has been un- last week; the many thanks o the con- present visiting friends to Turnberry- HURON ST. OLINTOt7j
y well for a considerable time, is ntlt im- rogation go out to the Rev. Mr An• A, thunderstorm passed over on Tues
ggang on. Mr Jas. Donaldson, ST., is vicinity. Mr James Aikenhead, of Sunday. Mr G. M. Iiiity conducted proving; his complaint seems td have -news for his faithful work by which day night and rain fell in torrents. �+ 1.
I`oreman; James Dean, of Goderich, Is Goderich, visited a few friends here, Bevins service here on Sunday evening affected his mind• Thi snout around quite a number were added to the The Y.P,S•O.E. visits Clinton to -night your SPR1 N G SUIT., , . 1
•foto*all. sawyer; Dick the eooper, • tail while attending the funeral of tha late last, and preached an excellent sermon here is going very fast. Mr Andrews churcy. Miss holland, Walton, who (Friday).
a,+pvyer; Simon Centreholt, at buster George Walker, of Tuckersmith. Mrs from the words, A light to lighten is a delegate to a tem e-rarice conven- has been visiting_ at Mrs Snell s, re- It will pay you. Webave slot of
y;r; Fred Baker, on the cant hook; Wm. Graham is visiting her daughter. the Gentiles. Mr and Mrs Jab. rqc• tion in Toronto held tln the 11th Inst. turned home,, Mr D. Metreggor is Sip>(i0ri ggECIA1,8 i tiVl)RSrI`1�
Ick Gemeinhardt and Chits. Donald- Mrs John Sth%art, in Goderich town. tor, of Hoimesville,visited theirAt,ugh• Mr James Higley is In Goderich this drawing out his pressed hay. Mr Wm NOTES.—Tbe young people in con- TROUSERIN48, which'woulli ,
9611,. fireman and engineer; Wm. Green ship, ter, Mrs Lowety, on Monday. Mies week, las one of the jurors did not McCully is away to his butter and nectian with the Methodist church are be cheap at $5. Our price is
,lead J'Ames Radford,• of Saltford, are THE NEW EIiA GIVES THE SOME NEWS Lizzie Lower yy acted as organist on come up at the sptingg assizes. Miss cheese factory near Sebringgvillo. Miss preparing for asocial to be given on
turners at the lathe; Wm. Miller, tlf. — Sunday evenfn , iu the absence of Murphy left for St. Thomas, N.D., on Wonders, Brussels, is vts3f ling at Mr Tuesday evening next at the house of ,,
,Clinton, is Painter; Jack Watson wild $arloek. ' Miss Miller. Miss Edith Manning, of Monday morning. Messrs J. Way- IX. Fishers'. Miss Lizzie Snell is on(L'd(1 lllde S[llt8 rte!'
Wm. Harrison are teamsters; Jame spent Sunda with her sister, g y" Mr Wm. Iviatln; a good time is expecte
Clinton,+ P y mouth and J. 11111 went to Hensall this the sick list.. We tare hoping for bet- ed. TheiGleanera are now conducting
-`dlonalds'on is head push. With this Goxls WasT.—Mr F. A. Sprung and Mrs 0. Beacom. The school here will A. J. HOL�LOWAY,'CXlntl�tr;• ,
? r:'" „, ".4
large aitg an they are turning out family left Blyth, on Tuesday, for be closed this Friday, the teacher at- week. Mr James Boss Is attending a ter roads= Mr and. Mrs Georgqe Me, meetin In the Methodist church. We
. j` target tr00'rollil a day, tend will con- <,�y� anitou, Man., where they purposf. tendin the public examination in No. creamery association convention in Donald, of Bluevale, are visiting in are pleased to learn that most o4 the 1
virtue to tea so for a couple of weeks, Cceaiding In future, p' S, Hullett. P _ Guelph this +week. this vicinity. sick around us are recovering. I i
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