HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-03-05, Page 7T; " THE CLINTON NEW ERA March 13, 1$97 Business. Change. 0 0 in B a r Ile undersigned desires to intimate to e'pe ple of Clinton that he has bought ut: thbutchering business lately conduot- d`ity Reid Bros., and will continue the Me the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, dere, by strict attention to the wants of r<t or. tomers, he hopes to merit and re - ewe fair share of patronage. He will lifeDash only, and at the lowest prioes Chas. J. Wallis, Clinton. ENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, business on the cash principle. and it odetomers with the best meats at eying prides, Patrons may rely up - good service and prompttfllling of orders. FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHL% SHOP 1 wish to inform the public that I vvill not roe undersold by any other person in the businese. I am a practical butcher, and alnderstand all the branohee of the business. 'We keep the very best meats and a full stock always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prides. Bring along your (money and get the meat at the cash prioe. We will give Credit but not at cash prices. Please oall and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. froduce' ExchangHeadquarters for all kinds of ;FIELD .ii GARDEN SEEDS Two cars choice Seed Corn just ar- rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &e. Highest market price paid for Coarse Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. Wows F4ourFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON.. "HANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON..... ...President Wolferston THOMAS.... General Manager tee discounted Collections made, Drafts is - 4, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold.Interest allowed on deposits. AVINGS BANK—interest allowed on sums of $t and np. Er A.RMERt+t. y advanced to farmers on their own note ne or more 'endorsers. No mortgage re= quired as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. D. 1ICTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general! Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES .DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on s deposits. 4 TISDALL BA1vKERS, CLINTOAT- ONT .Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. general Banking Business trangaoted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bough J. P TISDALL, Manager.. 4Jllnton Planing Mill DRY KILN! KILN! ',The aubsoriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work - Men is able to do work in his lino in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR G.T'iR. STATION, CLINTON 0 THE TOWN HALL BOOT IND SHOE REEPAIRSHOP. Young, he weft known Boot and Shoe Maker bas open ed: a Repair Shop in the Clinton Brown Hal nd spill eaeonte all orders entrusted to bis Dare Onotice speoiaity, satisfactory himra rates. Or- work INESS CHANGE avis' & McCool. • ving bought out the Livery business of U Turnbull. and amalgamated the, former nose of Davis & Son, subscribers will o n• e the same at the Turnbull Livery. The ib .denoltaliy will receive the best of atten- and care in all orders for rigs. Good, careful W ahndb� on�f�rgtaable rigs will bo ur motto, DAVIS & Mo000L Linseed and Turpentine is not only a popular remedy, but the best known to medical science for the treatment of nervous membranes of respiratory organs. DR. CHASE compounded this valuable syrup so as to take away the unpleasant taste of the turpentine and linseed. It was the Doctor's last and greatest remedy, and more of it is sold in Canada than all other cough mer' -"sines combined. A Banker's Experience 999.3 HEREAFTER HE INTENDS TO . BE 818 OWN FAMILY D00TOR "I tried a bottle of Dr. Mate's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for a troublesome affection of the throat," writes Manager Thomas Dewsou,of the Standard Bank,now of 14 Melbourne avenue,Toronto. " 1t proved effective. I regard the remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly good. It has hitherto been my habit to consult a physician in troubles of this nature. Hereafter, however, I intend to be my own family doctor." Gray's Syrup of Red For Coughs, Suroce Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. tjum KERRY, WATSON e: CO., PROPR,QTOR•. MONTREAL. giS.o.o.o.o.o.o•o•c o.t•peo.c.oeo.orae, 4,.o,s McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM &ISOLATED TO N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED orFIoana. Geo. Watt, President, Harlock P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vice-Pres.Seafortb P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treas., Beaforth P.O.; M. M irdie, in- spector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot,Seaforth; M. Murdie, Seaforth; Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. Watt Harlock; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner,' I,eadbury; ThOs Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Rippon. GENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlock; Robt.MoMillan sea• forth and J. Cumings, Egmon"lville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance° or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above offioert adressed to their respeoitve offices Benmiller Nur sere FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to Address. JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEBTSALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpi- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENSONJ —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND -- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ,ALBERT ST., CLINTON Residence over store 'OPPOSITE TOWN HALL IIMININNINNeate Evangelist Moody Defines Re- generation "There is so much that is mistaken for Regeneration that it may be help- ful to first define it negatively," writes Dwight L. Moody in the Mat eh Ladies' Home Journal. "And first of all, it is not church ordinances. The Divinely - appointed means of grace are requisite for the church; but, in themselves, cannot give spiritual life. They are but symbols of truths, and, as such, are to point us to things invisible. For instance, baptism is not Regeneration. Zaccheus became a new or regenerate man after a few moments' conversa- tion with Christ; but it was probably sometime before he was baptized. The thief upon the cross died a regen- erate man, although he was not privi- leee3 to commune with Christ's dis- ciples on eartha Church -going is not being born of God. The evil one him- self regularly attends church, diver- ting the thoughts of the congregation and arousing the evil spirit, of criti- cism. Philanthropy, self-sacrifice, death itself can never re-create a man. That must be done by a power our'side of himself, and only by being 'born from above.' Regeneration is a gift. No amount of human effort can earn it. It is well worth labor and toil and privation; but these cannot buy it. Man works from the cross, not to it; he works from gratitude, but not for salvation. A Prominent Citizen. Mr. Thos Bennett. for over 22 years In business as a wholesale and retail butcher, gives his experience rwlth the now famous remedy, Witoirrn•s Heart and Nerve Pills. "Gentlemen,—I have for a long time been afflicted with extreme nervous- ness. and ailments resulting tnerarrom. Frequently I had sharp pains under my heart. At times my memory was clouded, which was a great annoyanoe to me in my business, causing me to forget orders which were given. to me, and my attention had to be called to such matters frequently. Very often there was a sort of mist came before my eyes, and I was extremely dizzy. One of the worst features was that business matters of small darrportance assumed exaggerated forms, an.d I brooded over them unnecessarily. At night I would often waste up with a start and it would be a long time be- fore I could again compose,, my- self to sleep. So unstrung were my nerves that I had ft to of trembling occasionally, and cold sensations would run down my limbs. The least excitement or nodse startled me and set ,my heart flutter- ing. "I have taken a box of Milburn's Heart and . Nerve Pills, which i got at M,r. H. W. Love's drug store, corner Broadview and Danforth -avenues, They restored my nerves to their normal condition, and toned up my system to such an extent, that all the distressing ailments I have mentioned have completely dis- appeared. I say it without any qualitl- cation whatever that they area splen- did medicine for shattered nerves and their attending evils. I cannot too highly praise the wonderful virtues of these pills in all cases of heart trou- ble." ( •) TiH PLS BENNer1T1', . Doncaster, Ont. ' Marvelous Mechanism of the Human LLody The human body is an epitome in Nature of all mechanics, all hydraulics, all architecture, all machinery of ev- ery kind. There are more than three hundred and ten mechanical move- ments known to mechanics to -day, and all of these are but modifications of those found in the human body. Here are'foirnd all the bars, levers, joints, pulleys; pumps, pipes, wheels and ax- les, ball and sucketmovements, beams, girders, trusses, buffers, arches, cablt s and supporters known to science. At every point man's best mechanical work can be shown to be hut adapta- tions of processes of the human body, a revelation of first principles used in Nature. —William George Jordan in March Ladies' Home Journal" WHY THEY DO NOT PASS. Kidney Disease Prevents Hundreds of Ap- parently Healthy Men From passing a Medical Examination for Life Insurance. ' If you have ecquired into the matter you will be surprised at the number of your friends who find themselves rejected as ap plisants for life insurance because of kid- ney trouble. They think themselves healthy until they undergo the medical test, and they fail in this one point. South American Kidney Cnre will remove not alone the early symptom', but all forms of kiduey disease, by dissolving the urio aoid and hardening substances that find plane in the system. J.D,Looke, of Sherbrooke, Que., suffered for three years from a com- plicated case of kidney disease. and spent. over $100 for treatment. He got no relief until he used South American Kidney Cnre, and he says over his own signature that four bottles oured him. Catarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 to 60 A Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal ,pass- ages. Painless and delightful to use, it re- lieves instantly and permanently cures Ca. tarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Thr at, Tonsilitis and Deafness. All drug- gis • Tb Mr foo• silo attire f to on every Wrapper. Canadian Foresters. FNOOURAGING REPORT—HALF A MI LION DOLLARS IN THE RESERVE FUND—MEMBERSHIP INCREAS- ING GREATLY, The High Court of the Canadian 0 der of Foresters met at Niagara Fal last week. The high chief ranger spoke of th progress of the order, their h"tvin been initiated 2,374 members betwee June 1st and Dec. 31st last. The inet tution of new courts has been gratif ing, there having been instituted sine last High Court meeting no less tha 42 courts. The membership at th close of the year was 24,092. The hig chief ranger further said: "On insut ance account from the 31st of May,18 to the 31st Dec., the income arnounte to the large sum of 5117,814,27. T the beneficiaries of our departed breth ren there has been paid in 7 month the sum of $69,156,15, leaving a net in crease in the surplus funds for the months of $48,656,12, the surplus at th end of the year being the large sum o $525,179,43. The total receipts of th general fund account amounted to $16 012,01, but the payments totalled 517, 305,06, showing a debit balance of $1, 293,06. This, however, does not prov that the general fund is not in a pros perous condition, because the per cap ita tax, which . is due on Dec. 31st. r payable in January, and as it wil amount to nearly $12,000, really leave that fund with a balance of over $10, 000 to commence the business of the Forestric year. The sick and funeral benefit fund has been prosperous, the total receipts being $2,385,49 or, Oct. 1. There have been 45 claims paid, amounting to $847,42, so that the bal- ance was $1.536.07 on the 31st of Dec. Our surplus fund had reached over half a million dollars. The high sec- retary reported the total number of members reported last June, including those temporarily suspended was 22,- 651. The number permanently sus- pended from June 1 to Dec. 31, 1896, was 866, and 67 died during that period, making the total decrease in the mem- bership of 933. Taking 933 from 22,- 351 would leave a membership of 21,- 715, and adding the nnmber: of initia- tions, viz., 2,374 to 21,718, gives the membership on Dec. 31, 24,092. The high treasurer reported: On the 31st cf May, 1896, the close of the last Forestric year, the balance at the credit of the insurance account was $476,521.31. The income during the seven months above stated was 0117,- 814.27, making the gross receipts dur- ing the period $94,335.58. Out of this was paid to the beneficiaries of 67 deceased brethren the sum of $69,156, 15, leaving on hand, Dec. 31st, 1896, a net surplus of $525,179.43. There is thus in our treasury'half a million dol- lars. and a good start made for an- other half million. In the sick and funeral benefit fund, established by the High Court at its last meeting, the receipts for the period, which be- $an with the month of August, were 2,385.40. There were 45 claims paid out of this fund, amounting to $847A2. L- r - Is e n 1- Y. a e 96 d 0 s 7 e f e e e 1 s CROSS WOMEN A druggist doing business in a large On- tario town recently wrote as follows:— "I have lately met with some very cross women. For reasons best known to them- selves they purchased common package dyes instead of the e reliable and ne -f ' ver ail. ing Diamond Dyes tor home Dyeing. They were sorely disappointed in results, and had their goods spoiled. They came to ,me afterward, knowing that I sell only the Diamond Dyes." Moral: When you are coloring goods at home use the "Diamond" that guarantee success; refuse all imitations. Food and Drink Consumed in a Lifetime. The average man takes five and a half pounds of food each day, amount- ing to one ton of solid and liquid nour- ishment annually. In seventy yeare he eats and drinks one thousand times his own weight.—March Ladies' Home Journal. A mirror could not lie if it wanted to. The glass has nothing to gain by flatterry. If the roses of health and plumpness of beauty are leaving your face, your mirror will tell you so. Health- is the -greatest beautifier in the world, When a women sees the indications of ill -health in the face, she may with almost absolute certainty look for the cause in one or both of two conditions—constipation, and derange- ment of the organs distinctly feminine. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure permanently and positively any so-called "female oorbplaint." Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Pellets will cure constipation. There is no reason in the world why a woman should not be perfectly healthy. She will gain in health, strength and flesh. Hollows and angles will give plaoe to fullness and grade. She will be that noblest and most beautiful of all oreation—a perfect woman. Send 31 Dents in one -cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," pro- fusely illustrated. Didn't Bother Him. "Is the house very quiet?" be asked, as he inspected the room that had been advertised for rent. "No," said the landlady wearily, "I can't truthfully say that it is. The four babies don't make so much noise, for they never all cry at once; and the three pianos one gets used to, and the parrot is quiet sometimes, but the man with the clarinet and the boy that's learning to play the flute do make it a little noiser than I wish it was." "That's all right;" said the man cheerfully; "live and let live is my mot- to. I'll take the room and move in to- morrow, and the little things you mention will never disturb me a par- ticle. Good-bye." And it was not until he moved in and was settled that they learned his occupation. He played the trombone in an orchestra. Wherever the sun shines Dr phase's re. medies are known, and no music to many a poor soul as the song of rejoicing over rotoration to health in the use of them. k your dealer about them. Thousands are suffering excruciating misery from that plague of the night, Itoh- •ing Piles, and say nothing about it through a sense of delicacy. All snob will find an instant relief in the use of 0hltse's Oint• went. ,Ie never fails. VMS What his Improved Homoeo- pathic System has done for the People of Canada SICK MADE WELL Troops of Rescued invalids and Sufferers toil their glad Stories - WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SAYING Mr Robert Howie, Gore road, east, Lon don, Ont., says:—"1 was a great sufferer from dyspepsia.All the remedies that 1 tried did me uo good, except Munyon's, I take great pleasure in recommending you preparations." Munyon's Rhuematio Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours and cures in a few days. Price 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. Price 25o. Munyon'a Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Pride 25o. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lunge. Prioe 25e, Munyon'e Kidney Cure speedily cares pains in the back, loinsor groins, and all forma of kidney disease. Price 25o, Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness and builds up the system. Price 25o, Munyon's Headache Care stops headaohe in three minunes. Pride 25o. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price 25c. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 25c. Man yon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure—price 25e—eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets—price 25o. —cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 minutes and cure permanently. Price $1. Manyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25o a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon,11 & 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medical advice for any disease. r Love's Sweet Work. A London paper tells this touching story of Prof. Herkomer. His aged father, who lives with him in his splendid home at Bushney, used to model in clegy in hid early life. He has recently°itken to it again, but his fear is that soon his hands will lose their skill and his work will show the marks of imperfection. It is his one sorrow. At night he goes to his early rest, and when he has gone his talented son goes into the .ytudio, takes up his father's feeble attempts, and makes the work as beautiful as art can make it. When the oldman comes down in the morn- ing he takes the work and looks at it, and rubs his hands and says: "Ha! I can do as well as ever I did 1" May we not believe that the hands of divine love will thus make over our feeble work for God till it shail bear the light of day, and be perfect to all eternity? DON'T WAIT FOR THE SICK ROOM The experience of physicians and the public proves that taking Scott's Emulsion produces an immediate increase in flesh; it is therefore of the highest value in Wast- ing Diseases and Consumption. Keep Thyself Pure Satan tempts the young man with this plausible yet meretricious argu- ment: "The desires of the flesh are natural and God-given. It cannot be wrong to gratify an instinct or appe- tite implanted by the Creator." Hav- ing lodged•thiie thought in the untu- tored mind, the devil inflames the im- agination with false pictures of pleas- ures and glosses sift with the glitter- ing expectations, until a pure youth, from a pure home, is willing to ven- ture, on unknown and forbidden paths and then all too late, says Rev. D.M. Pratt, awakes to the awful fact that the slime of the pit has entered his soul; that he is no longer innocent, and can never escape from conscious- ness of the fact that he is a moral blot on :he pure life about him, is a con- taminating influence in the refined home of his childhood, is a moral leper everywhere, and holds under cover a secret which he dare not expose. TAKEN WITH SPASMS. A Collingwood Resident Tells How South American Nervine Cured His Dangther of Distressing Nervous Disease. The father of Jessie Merchant of Colling- wood tells this story of his eleven -year-old daughter : "I doctored with the most skilledphysioians in Collingwood without any relief ooming to my daughter, spend- ing nearly five 1 nndred dollars in this way. A friend influenced me to try South Amer- ican Nervine, though I took it with little hope of it being any good. When she be- gan its use she was hardly able to move about and suffered terribly from nervous spasms, but after taking a few bottles she oan now run around as other children." For stomach troubles and nervousness there is nothing so good as South Ameri- can Nervine. Pain -Killer. (PERRY Davis'.) A Pure and Safe Remedy in every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint is Pain-iller. This Is a true statement and it can't bo made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, nate and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Dlarrhooa, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZE'S, 28c. end 10c. wwwwwerwannnessor A Mistake Through a mistake of a Wholesale House, a orateoontaini0 1IFTY DOZ. SOUP PLATES and. SIXTY DOZ. TA: . PLATES was shipped to Bruoefield last week. We Made. the house an offer for the lot and it was accepted. Thera:get •- we are able to sell them at a pride that will startle yon. • '' 60 doz., 720-6in. Tea Plates, Best Iron Ston China, inaple leaf pattern, only 5c each. 50 doz., 600-7in. Soup Plates, only 6c. each Now is the time to buy Plates, when these are gone you will have to pay a great deal more for the same kind of a plate and at these prises they are bound to go in a hurry OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 The Up-to-date Cash Grocery. Clinton Sash,DoorB1inclPactory COOPER BROS., - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the connty, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We parry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates forand build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on tire closest prices. All work is supervis- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaotion guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds,Etc Agent's for the Celebrated GIRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufaoturea ' at Waterloo. Call and get prides and estimates before plaoing your orders 1897 FURNITURE 1897 We have started the new year with as find a line of Furniture as you wish to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods are warranted to give satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to call and inspect our large stook of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES DINING -ROOM SUITES, VENTRE TABLES, HAT RACKS, WA1tDROB,ES CHIFFONIERS, BAMBOO GOODS, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. When we know we oan please you in quality and price. Give us a trial, UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT OurUndertaking department is complete in every reepeot,and as we purchase from first- class manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its branches, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders we may be favored with shall receive the very best attention. Night and Sunday palls will be attended to by gall on our John Powell, at his resideno BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's Mill, Clinton. FRESH GROCERIES Say! Christmas canes every year, don't it ? If you see the display of Holiday Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is coming again this year. Every- body should see our display of Fancy China, consisting of Cups, Saucers and Plates, Carbaret's Bread Plates, Berry Sets, Flower Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware, Dinner Sets; Toilet Setts, and so many things we have not space to mention them all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, Fresh Groceries of all kinds. Candies and Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality.. GEet) SWA.141_40W, - Clinton. ROBES ". , . A splendid line of Saskatchewan Robes—three colors—light and dark brown and black, :quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade winners. Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices.; HARNESS, ETC. Our special make of Single Harness has gained a superior reputa- tiom.for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness always in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Belle, • Combs, Brushes, &c., alsd Trunks and Valises. Our Goods are Bargains at our prices. 01_111\71'0 1\T IIARYESS EbIPORIUM Opposite the Town Hall. JOHNSON & ARMOUR. BARGAINS in CUTTERS A 'few first-class, well made, neatly trimmed, well finished Cutters for sale chews. F. RUMBALIJ, - CLINTON Sprig Goods •. SHOES .. . We have opened out a nice assortment of Shoes in Men's, Boys', Ladies' Misses and Children's, which are well wor th your inspection. IIAi'S and CAPS. Our Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps are quite nobby and very cheap. ° call and get your choice. MILLINERY - .. Of the very latest style and lowest possible price just to hand this week. We are having great success With the sale of TEA as the value is some- thing extra. Do you want a Suit of Clothes or any cloth to make one, if so we will make it worth your while to give us a trial. Terms Cash or Produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LnNDESBORO R. ADAMS PURITY, STRENGTH, and UNWORN FLAVOR IN EVERY PANYS 111141111r CFI B CEYLON TEA ... In Lead Packets only .. . Speckly Selected—Black or Mixed ---.-Half Pound and One Pound Paageta -rAT ALL GROCERS -251 30, 4o, so, and 6o oenta a pound. THE 1:70tVIDSON dt HAY.,, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO