The Clinton New Era, 1897-02-26, Page 7Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to 111e; people of Clinton that he has bought gat •$ butchering business lately conduct- ed 1?y Reid Bros., and will continue the t?aure, in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, wer% ley strict attention to the wants of i!ig;-cUstomers, he hopes to merit and re. ,~nerve a fair share of patronage. He will 'salt for cash only, and at the lowest prides Chas. J. Wallis, Clinton. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP ORD & MURPHY, doing business on the cash principle, and 1"sopply our customers with the best meats at ;tbelQwost paying price,. Patrons may rely up - •on gook service and promptifilling of orders.,,,; .FORD & MURPHY Central Butcher Shop, Ulinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the phblio that I wJlllnot be undersold by anyy other person in the business. I am a practioal butcher, and understand all the branches of the business. 'We keep the very best meats and a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the .Lowest Cash. Prices. Bring along your uuoney and get the meat atthe cash price. We,will give Credit but not at oaeh prices. Please oall and see what you oau do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Headquarters for all kinds of :FIELD GARDEN SEEDS 'Two cars choice Seed Corn just ar- 'rived from Illinois. We have a large stock of Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Highest market price paid for Coarse , Grains, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs. HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. • COOK'S Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORT$ In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. De COOK, CLINTON. BANKS - The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL J. H. R. MOLSON President F. Wolferston THOMASGeneral Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Crafts is- -sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. t SAVINGS BANK -interest allowed on sums of $t and np. • Er.ATIMID ti i. Money advanced to farmers on their own note with ono more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. 1 r. e � D. 1� T� C (� � 4 GARY . BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARR,AN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. (p &T Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on depoeite. Sale Notes bcngh J. P TI1DALL, Manager. Clinton Planiiig Mill —AND— DRY KILN! 'The subscriber, having the very latest improved 'machinery, and employing the most skilled work - :men is able to do work in his line in the most •satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NFARrG.Tlli, STATION, CLINTON THE TOWN HALL BOOT AND SHOD EEPAIRSHOP. 'amps Young, known Boot and Shoe Maker has open air Shop in the Clinton Town Hal l¢CXteoute all orders entrusted to his care notice and ut satlefactory rates. Or - R.°. specialty. Give him a oall. BUSINESS CHANGE avis &.McCool. Alisuing bonght out the Livery business of en. Turnbu 1, and amalgamated the former rbudinesd of Davie & Son, subscribers will d n- 'tinne the dame at the Turnbull Livery. Who 4 b.10 oneratly *ill receive the boat of atten- tion and care in all orders for riga. Goorl, careful •rorded,hnd comfortable sign will be our motto, Ifit xeaisoriable dharged. DAVIS & McCOOL D. S. Doan, of Clinton, says: "DN. CNASE'd OINrseENT will cure Salt Rheum when all else has failed; believe what I say and try it. Don't go on suffering for years as 1 did." suffered with eeChase oinmnompplty eared me. Mrs. Jaa Genie, etglu. Mrs. F. Pearson, Inglewood, Ont., says: "My baby, five months old, had eczema very badly on his face and head. 1 procured two boxes of the Ointment and when they had been used all signs of the disease had disappeared." 4+�® VC1••O•E*'•;. '✓\' J y � ♦ r°V VY�✓Y'Ii the Baby a titution grads. Cr' a11Ce ally but surely is ® _ Astaruiriai a simple, scientific and highly .p nutritive preparation fur infants, dc'.icate children and invalid.e. . eeRRY WATSON & CO , P.;0r141.ra.44, qM f6 MONTRrAL, POS >t`-0400m.ei44e.:0 fivA$+F•.e„".e t* 'The o n'y food ' that will build i up a weak con' i a rt n's McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOR N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOaRs. Geo. Watt, Pr3sident, Harlook P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vlce-Pres.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Seer-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIIticTORs, Jas. Broadfoot ,Seaforth; M. Murdie, Seaforth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Goo. Watt, Harlock; T. E, Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury; Thos Garbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Rippon. AGENTS. Thos. Neilane Harlock; Robt.McMillan Res. or and J. Cumings, Egmon'iville. Parties desirous to effect insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above oiacert adr,ised'to their reepeoitve offices Benmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES v NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty, LARGE STOOK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pus chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER For Twenfly-Six Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE.IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heaft, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, Et. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaotnrer Sold in Clinton by J. 11. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENSO, -THE LEADING_ UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ill STOCK ThebestEmballning Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST., CLINTON" Residence over store OPPOSITE TOWN HALL eisierisiimeresimee THE CLINTON NEW ERA Profits of Saloons. According to the sworn statement of saloonkeepers before the supreme odurt of the United States, the average daily inoome of a saloon is $15. There are in . Cincinnati 1,770 saloons. Assuming that eaoh reoeives $15 n day, the aggre- gate is $2,600,000 a year. How much of this is profit? .A 6a11on of beer sells at wholesale for 25 Dents. The saloon keeper reoeives for it 80 cents, a profit of 220 per Dent. The profits on whisky are even greater. Surely the people of this oity must be prosperous when they can pay such profits to 1,770 saloon keepers, while they support but 1,101' grooerte eeearly one-fourh of whom sell liquor besides.-CincinnatiOommeroial Tribune. Sunday Closing In Scotland. Here are some figures that witness to the advantages of Sunday closing of sa- loons: In Scotland the consumption of spirits in 1852 and 1863 was 6,858,331 gallons for a population of 2, 914, 744. In 1892 and 1898 the consumption was 6,691,768 gallons, the population being 4, 063, 461. Compare the decrease in consumption of spirits with increased population. No Good Templars'In R12es1a. Joseph Malins, grand chief Templar of England, recently made an attempt to locate lodges of his order in Russia, but the government forbade any move of the kind, and the enterprise was aban- doned. A PICH GM MINE. Camp McKinney, B. C., and its Famous Cariboo. 444 elgures of the Output of British Colum- bia Ores -January Was a Record - Breaker -The Production Now at the Rate of $8,000,000 Per Annum -The Minnehaha the Extension of the Cariboo, The modest little mining boom that began in British Columbia nine months :ego' has now assumed such gigantic proportions as to attract world-wide at- • cation. That there Is a solid basis for his boom the rapld increase in the ,uteut of ore from Kootenay gives ;.mple evidence. Official figures are 'lard facts that cannot he denied. The etal value of ore and ore -bearing atte sent out of this district in Sanu- .ty of this year was $675,506, or at the .ue of over $8,000,000 per annum. Although the output is so large, still .t the present time. there are only two lining camps in the whole of British !7olunibia that can boast of dividend= paying gold mines. The one is Ross - land, in Trail Creek district, with its lividend-paying Le Roi and War ISagle ; the other is Camp McKinney, with its equally prolific and wonderful • 'al iloo. 'Whilst the name of Rossland is un every tongue, and that place is $rowing• up as if it were by magic in - •o a modern city, still very little Is heard of (,'amp McKinney, The charac- cia• of the ore has much to do with this. In Rossland the ore has to be smelted, requiring a large expenditure of labor transportation and otherwise, whilst ;n Cariboo the rock Is free -milling and an he stamped and turned into gold on the spot. Camp McKinney ,Is situated about 60 miles due west from Rossland and .bout the same distance north of the international boundary line. In Mc- Kinney is located. the Cariboo mine, ch'ch pays dividends, and should not i,e confounded with scores of _other ("million mines, This mine has had a aon'lerful record, and the dividends to int.', including one of two cents per' share declared this month, amount to 14(,96.1 76 since the summer of 1894, .vhen a ten -stamp "r'¢sl was erected on Rai property. Thi. stamp mill cer- tainly has a reco T .be proud of. There Is not another mill of its capa- city on the PaciQc coast that has pro- duecrl more bullion, A Toronto” syndi- eate has been fortunate enough to se- eure, the Minnehaha claim, which is the southern extension of the Cariboo ledge. •Before placing the property on the rnarket In the east a shaft was put down on the Mlnnehaha 43 feet, when the vein was found to be about four "ref wide and the ore, which was as- i.•ayrd at Vancouver and at the School ',f Practical Science in Toronto, gave assays running front $20 to $260 in golrl. Th' re is no gold to be seen in the rock with the naked eye, as it is all dissemi- nated in fine particles through the quartz. In sinking the shaft 35 tons of this ore was taken out. The property is one of great promise and pla,ced by Messrs. Campbell, Cur Cur- rie rie .& Co., brokers, Toronto, at the low figure •of ten cents per share.' In three days 46,000 shares were sold. The price of the stock will doubtless be advanced between the 20th and 25th of this month, possibly to 13 or 15 cents, as the company do not wish to sell too much of their treasury stock at a loW figure. The officers of the company are re- presentative eastern men, and are as follows:—President, Prof. Henry Mont-' Tof Trinity B.Sc.,Ph.BF.A. University, former- ly Professor of Mineralogy and Geo-. logy Depart- ment and ead of the State University Mining Utah • Vice -President, Capt. J. F. Ramsay, wholesale merchant, Toronto ; Second Vice -President, Alexander K. Roy, Esq., merchant, Toronto ; Manager, Major Ainsley Megraw, Camp McKin- ney, B.C.; Secretary -Treasurer, Hiram Kiteley, Esq., broker, Toronto ; Direc- tors : Prof, H. Montgomery, Toronto; Capt, J. F. Ramsay, Toronto ; Alexan- der K. Roy, Esq., Toronto ; S. G. Detehon, Deg., whole. sale chemist, 'Toronto ; Walter Wella Esq., dentist, Waterloo ; Capt. J. A. Currie, broker, Toronto ; W. R. Barnett, Esq., merchant, Palsley ; A, G. Seaman, Esq., lumberman, Wlarton; J. L. Ballantyne, Esq., nierchant,Tiver- ton ; C'l C. Mills, B,A.., Stratford ; Bar- thel v 6,fe ret, Esq., wholesale men - All rnstt, of the owners and pro- moters Wipe led and cannot be sold in competition with the treasury stock until the, mine Is on a paying bash.. The treasury stook is 250,000 shares out of a capital of 1,00,000 shares, par I value 51.eaoh, with an additional 50,000 toares In ase there is onot sufficient money rd. for the eal- ''ized from the first block in the reas- ury to place the mine on a paying foot - fug. Messrs. Campbell, Currie & Co. have tuses toen inqufrere alt l overthe ipount y from Halifax to Vancouver, ' They will be pleased to send a Prospectus and darticulare Of „the property to anyone esirous of Obtaining information.. Februalry, 2O, ),i!97 PERFECT DIAMONDS The only reliable in the World Do you make rag carpets, rugs and mats at home? 1f so, you surely dohome dyeing. It is needless to say that success to your work depends upon the colors you give your cotton and wool rags. When you have a handsome design, rich, bright and brilliant colors give life and beauty to the work of your hands. _ Let it be remembered that the beat oar - pet, rug and plot makers in Canada always use the celebrated Diamond Dyes, and as a consequence achieve the success they desire. The "Diamond" are the only dyes in the world that give perfect colors and satis- factory results. Ask your dealer for the "Diamond" and see that you get them; refuse imitation and adulterated dyes. SAN FRANCISCO'S BEER. Her Saloons, Placed Side by Side, Would Extend Sixteen Miles. The yearly consumption of beer in San Francisco, according to the calcula- tion of the federal gaugers, is 14,215,161 gallons. This is equal to 2,843,032 1-5 five gallon kegs. It would require a sin- gle cask 222 feet high and 161 foot in diameter to hold this liquor. The bat- tleship Oregon could easily float iu this cask. The beam of the Oregou 'is only 70 feet and her extreme height, includ- ing her military mast, is 120 feet. It would require five ships as large as the Oregon to carry this boer as a cargo after all the machinery and armament had been removed and allowing nothing for the hull displacement. The displace- ment of the Oregon is 10,000 tons, tbo weight of the beer is 50,860 tons. Notwithstanding the fact that San Francisco has but 300,000 people, there are 8,260 licensed saloons in the city. The Examiner •of that oily recently compiled a statement 'of the extent of San Francisco's rum business, and this articlo.has been drawn upon for many of the facts herein given. These figures take no account of the nurpberless•barrel houses -"can joints" in the expressive vernacular of the po- lice -for the barrel houses are not re- quired to pay the municipal license of $21 a quarter, and consequently are not enumerated in the books. Elimivating, therefore, the barrel houses and allowin soh of the 'nolo than 3,000 liceY'ed silo a frontage of 25 feet -certainly a moderate allow- ance -the astounding fact is made to appear that the San Francisco saloons, if placed side by side in a straight line, would extend nearly 16 miles -ono un- broken, bibulous, beery boulevard. - New York Voice. The full intensity of living is reached on- ly by the peafectly healthy. Sickness dis- counts the capacity for enjoyment. If bis body is all out of order and run down, he will not be able to enjoy anything, no mat- ter how fall of enjoyment it may be to oth- er people. If he is just a little bit out of order, if he "is not sick, but does not feel just right," he will only be able to enjoy things in a half-hearted sort of way. The nearer he 'is to being perfectly well, the nearer will his capacity for enjoyment be perfect. If this condition does not exist, something ought to be done. That means nine eases in ten, the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It works di- rectly on the digestive organa and on the blood, and through these on every tissue of the body. It' makes the appetite good, di- gestion and nntrltion perfect, and supplies rich, red blood to all the tissues, building up solid, healthful flesh. Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illustrated. ' Sim Fax, of London, who is well known in Clinton is lying at the point of death at Huntingdon Que. Mr Fax was making an eastern tour wnen he was taken suddenly ill with inflammation of the bowels. i'he Rev. W F. Laufman, paster of the Methodist church, Cadillac, Mich., while conducting a revival, strongly condemned dancing, card playing and theatre going, and kindred amusements. He warmly in- veighed against the evil habits of drinking and smoking. Last Sunday he killed two cats in his pulpit by putiing nicotine on their tongues. The Rev. Mr Laufman was at his best in the death scene, punctuating the dying struggles of the poisoned animals by remarks calan- lated to strike terror to the hardened smok- er, as well constitute a terrible warning to the youthful devotee of the weed. All who attended to the meeting agree that the ex- periment and application were exceedingly striking, but to many the cruelty of the proceedings made it revolting. Next Sun- day Mr Laufman will take up the effect of alcohol on the Human eyetem, and will have on exhihitien the stomach of a drunk- ard taken from the body of,,,a victim ;,of strong think. A Prominent Citizen. Spring Goods 4 • SHOES .. . 'We have opened out a vier• assortment of Shoes in Men's, Bos' ' Misses and Children's, which are well wot th your inspection ' Ladies*, HAI'S and CAPS. Our Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps are quits nobby and very cheap, call and get your choice. MILLINERY Of Lhe very latest style and lowest'possible price just to hand this week,. We are having great success with the sale of TEA as the value is some:, thing extra. Do -you want a Suit of Clothes or any cloth to make one., if so we will make it worth your while to give us a trial. Terms Cash or Produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBoio A Mistake Mr. Thos Bennett. for over 22 years In business as a wholesale and retalt butcher, gives his experience with the now famous remedy, Milburn s Heal. t. and Nerve Pills. "Gentlemen,—I have for a long time been afflicted with extreme nervous- ness, and ailments resulting tnererrom. Frequently I had sharp pains under my heart. At times my memory was clouded, which was a great annoyance to me in my business, causing me to forget orders which were given to me, and my attention had to be called to such matters frequently, Very often there was a sort of mist came before my eyes, and 1 was extremely dizzy. One of the worst features was that business matters of sinall importance assumed exaggerated forms, and I brooded over them unnecessarily. At night I would often wake, up with a start and it would be a long time be- fore I could again compose my- self to sleep. So unstrung were my nerves that I had fits of trembling occasionally, and cold sensations would rust down my limbs. The least excitement or .noise startled me and set my heart flutter- ing. I have taken a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I got at Mr. H. W. Love's drug store, corner Broadvierw and Danforth -avenues,- They restored my nerves to their normal condltion, and toned app my system to such an extent, that all the distressing ailments I have mentioned have completely dis- appeared. I say it without any qual fi- tion whatever that they area splen - t1 medicine for shattered nerves and err attending evils. I cannot too highly praise the wonderful virtues of these Dills in all oases of heart trou- ble." (Sg'd.) THOMAS BENNeenT, ., Doncaster, Ont. Rev Dr. Cornish. formerly of Wing - ham, is meeting with;rnuch success in his work as pastor at Niagara -on -the - Lake, It is now 102 years since the Methodist church was planted in that town. A new school -room 68x28 has been built and the church renovated. Dedicatory services have been held at which about $760 were raised, • That the blood should perform its vital functions, it is absolutely necessary it should not only be pure but rich in life- giving elements. These results are best affected by the use of that well-known standard blood-purifier,Ayer'sSarsaparilla. Rev Dr Gane, of Peterborough, N.H. has just celebrated the third anniver- sary of his settlement as pastor of the Union Congregational church in that town. He has been suecessfnl as pas- tor, and enters upon his fourth year under very encouraging circumstances. His Canadian friends and particularly those in Huron, will be glad to hear of his welfare. Peterborough, Oct. 22, 1896. T Messrs sere E dmaneon Bates e & Lo. Toronto Gentlemen, -I take great pleasure in tees tifying to the merits of Dr. Chase's K. & L. Pills. The prove themselves to be just what they are recommended for. and are one of the bsst selling pills that I have ever handled, J. D. TUL Y, Druggist. Presbyterians everywhere will be en- couraged to know that the contribut- ions received for the mission schemes of the• Presbyterian church in Canada thus far this year, from the congrega- tions and Sabbath schools, are consid- erably in advance of the amount re- ceived at the corresponding date in any preceding year in the church's history. There has been a falling ori in legacies, which are always an uncertain source of revenue. The deficit in the foreign mission tund is not owing to diminish- ed revenue, but to the very great ex- pansion of the work in India, China and Japan, requiring a revenue of $85- 000 in excess of last year. DON'T WAIT FOR THE SICK ROOM The experience of physicians and the public proves that taking Soott'e Emulsion produces an immediate increase in flesh; it is therefore of the highest value in Wast- ing Diseases and Consumption. The death occured at Ingersoll on Satur- day of Rev. George Kennedy at the ad- vanced age of 84 years. Deceased was for many years in the ministry of the Metho- dist church He leaves brother and four children. He was dependent upon charity of late, though at one time he possessed considerable property. MURRAY a R. ADAM Through a mistake of a Wholesale House, a crate containfpg FIFTY DOZ, SOUP PLATES and SIXTY DOZ. TlJ•A. PLATES was shipped to Brumfield last week. We made, the house an offer for the lot and it was accepted. Tlaerefotee, we are able to sell them at a price hist will startle you. . 60 doz., 720—bin. Tea Plates, Best Iron Stone China, maple leaf pattern, only 5c each;, X50 doz., 600-7in. Soup Plates, only 6c. each Now is the time to buy Plates, when three are gone you will have to pay a great deal mors for the same kind of a plate and at these prime they are bound to go in a hurry OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 The Up-to-date Cash Grocery. Minton Sash,:Door Blind-Pactor COOPER BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and 'Contractors. • This factory is the largeet4n the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on ehort notice and on the closest prices. 411 work is supervis- ed in a meohanioal way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, .Doors, Blinds,Ete Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prides and estimates before planing your orders 1897 FURNITURE] 1897 We have started the new year with as fine a line of Furniture as you wish -to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods are warranted to give satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to 'ball and inspect our large stock of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES DINING -ROOM SUITES, UENTRE TABLES, HAT RACKS, WARDROBES CHIFFONIERS, BAMBOO GOODS, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. When we know we can please you in quality and price. Give us a trial. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT OurUndertaking department is complete in every reepect,and as we purchase from first- claes manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its branches, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders we may be favored with shall receive the very best attention. Night and Sunday'calle will be attended to by call on our John Powell, at his resideno• ' BROADFOOT BOX & CO. Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's Mill, Clinton. FRESH GROCERIES Say ! Christmas comes every year, don't it P If you see the display of Holiday Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is coming again this year. Every- body should see our display of Feeley China, consisting of Cups, Saucers and c Plate. Carbaret's Bread B Pad Plr Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, and so mans things we havower e noett space to G]menton them all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, f+'resh Groceries of all kinds. Candies and Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality. GF.O SWA.LLY W, - Clinton Ash Your Stationer FOR 'Ivory Whit& -writing. pad. PRICE 15 CENTS. MANUFACTURED BY The Copp,, Clark Co., Ltd., Toronto , Car Loads of Furniture A rivealmn daily Furniture, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Going to every part of the County, all of which goes to show that the'lfeople are satisfied with our goods and prices. Call and see oar $4 Extension Tables and $1.50 Parlor tables, solid oak. ‘7.1 -1.01 -131:11.a..11?:! -W,. _ -' p LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST RE tiseHIN4 AND ENDURING OP , ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKEROHiEF, TOILET OR BATH. HE.SLE-R?S H� •----- The Shoe That Slips ALL OI UCGISTS,. PERFUMERS ANS GENERAL DEALERS. Is the sole excuse for rubbers or over- shoes, which rot your boots, draw your feet and weaken your eyes. Live up to your oppor. tunities I Wear the new vulcanized rubber -soled, water- proof leather shoe. Black or Tan. Sweatless, stylish an v u'm. Goddyear Welted. Slater method. Askforthe Slater Slipless Shoe W TAYLOR do SONS, SOLE AGENTS P'OH CUT ' 1�1