HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-02-26, Page 6rr y�vtc hope. There are A Minister's Story, F - ����e��i♦"®1�����'
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,• Ls theuographie ul centro oP the-pinudid p —
Bl»�a{� �P a is®Bd Ili fla", ib j I- ,he o Hutou; the Loudon, lfuroil & Bruce A PAINFUL EXPP THE NODE RN ATHENS .
Ilatlway runs through it north and suuth, and thousands of cases where re- LRIPNCE OF REV. i
Ile usmra � C. H. BACKHUS. Ix
F the (band Truule Railway also rune through it
�j east Audwest,fbriiiing a junction horn. It 11W- CQVery from Consumption For Five Months he was Helpless and En- THE STREETS ARE MADE BRILI,JANT
��ull`. ,: a Collegiate Institute that stands.tunoug the has been complete. ]'lent
py%y_ " ' ►ti "host in the Yroviuco, and a Model School y
Cure for C:1•: t,tl:;, wth a large and etrioieut staff. 'lhuru tiro f ern dared Agonizing Pains—Could neither 8Y MARBLE HOUSES. I uIkAffe 0. ..... . �,
*4p_9tlok O 4i I Motliodistchurchos,l'rosbvtorian v pianopalinn• of fresh air and swell -Hour- Rise up Nor sit Down Without Aid—He apora - , -
CrOLDs, citoOY, lino`;- Baptist and Remark Catholic,whitutheBrethren L . i
p=Tyg, 30AlL,jBN &',, et•• have a meeting room. There is anexteusft` ]Shed UOdy wll� check the Tells How IIs founds Cure. The 8011 1<s Poor, IIowever, and the Olty
b orgat factors', threshing machine factory. tan T
1. Mus. Josselt NoRwtoa, noryhree pplaning factories. flee Pactory, faun T� From the Tilsonbarg .Observer. Hue Alway. Suffered From a Lack of8C 41.
eC6t1 SoratueuAve.,T�ruuto, wr :cc: j? tt;g mill factory, large flour mill, grain elovatot' progress Uf the disease. lv U- Water. -The Picturesque ,Garb of the
.fp9ny$ectoral bee >le ip Yew Joace�a It ' 1 two Crtrl'iage factories tore salt N'e116, t11011eAd• -
• pBy-cLttdren ofcrouunn quartersfor.theCalorda.SAlt,At?'Os1i4t14u,tVn�!l. z��ttaus•foOdsarewell In their The Rev. C. H. Backus is a resident of Olden Time ze Not Now Often seen.
'At5redmyeetfo[aion••etandl,1*0 ,,th aa,,r - Baybam tewnsbip� Elgin ooa'n'ty, Ont.; and
6 CIGAFETTES .,�r,,,..
Beredivorst other rmnodlc. bad fad,d. It h,y X large number
b d cavo other
in bate u .custom d of Way, but the best food Of all there is probably no person in the ooatity Qf the three mountains inolosing the
ebw�pprovoil'"oxceaent cough cu,efun., When who is bettter„known or more highly eateetn- .-
t[BWy. [ prefer tt to env othac modlalne floe, eight mails daily, first class btieiness 1.' `
fo;co, 7tB,orou, 1%'t.or raoaeBx' houses of all kinds. Masons Oddfellows, Work 1S Cod-liver oil• nu.. He to a minister o4 the Untied Broth- plain of Athena, Monet Parnea is the
-- • men Orangemen, Sons off Scotland, Sons of , hf hest (4,840 feet), Mount Penteli0us a, �'
H. O, BARBOUR, En land, Protestant Benevolent, Independent ren Church. He also farms nits erten- g
of Little Rocher,'N.B., writes: g lively, anperintending the work and doing (8, 841 feet), with its regular triangular
seed Canadian Feroetors Canadian Homo Circle partly digested, as in Scott's 5 q
'.1 •'els a care for cougghs Y yPoct0mI is and Templars have lodges here. Population Emulsion, It does not di quite a share of it himself despite hie ad- 'shape, suggesting the pediment of a 4._�
the•lie.t Bening mediclno I bavo; my cul- about 3000. Steam fire service and x exceeding-
vanoed age, But he was not always able imposing, but the ” per Package
;toryegwNhavenootber." cent electric light systems. Tcwnieexceediug- temple, is the most fm cafe ,
Large alottle, 26 Cts. 1y healthy, beautifully located, abundance of turb the -stomach and th., to exert himself as he can to -day, as a few thyme covered, honey producing Hymet- ,
shade trees, and is one of the most desirable years ago he underwent an illness that sus (8,888 feet) has always been most
&LAWRENCE CO., LTD. places of business or residence Ontario. body Secures the whole bene- many feared would terminate his life. `ro
Proprietors. MONTREAL J a reporter who recently had a conversation intimately associated with Athone. It
•®� THE DOCTOR'S STORY. fit of the amoutlt taken. If with him the rev. gentleman gave the par- lies nearer to the city, and fiom almost
you want to read more about tioulars of hie illneus and cure, with per- all the streets and all the windows look- Standard of the Worlds ,
Iia sthcperlenoe That Followed w cavil At y mission to make the statement public. 'the ing eastward can be seen its cereal line C1
% story y marking the blue sky above, exon t on
HE LOST A FORTUNE. Night. �t let us send you a book• y as told b lieu, Mr. Baokhus is sub- y P
atantially as follows:—About three vears rare gray days, when clouds resting `1''
1, IFour or flue physicians were talking R (�11
, ,: Rlhere Are Moments When One Wants up town the other evening at the home SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, oat ago he was taken iii and the doctor who an its top are an infallible sign of rain. KINNEY BR o �+•
was called in pronounced his trouble an at- The various hoes of the mountains and '
to BeAlone.' tack of 16 grippe. He did not appear to
,:;•., of one, and the conversation later turned n , A i �T g PP pP the smaller hills forming an inner circle 11
K: middle size man, with a gray to shop. One of them had recently AN.LI��AY V1�1 CREE1\1 get any better and a second doctor was •
a;3tnohe and a red tie hitched tip on moved his office down town, and there called In but with no more satisfactory re- around Athena, combined with the
3e";Dollar, winked through the restan- orae some disonasion as to the advisabil• sults, so ar fas renawal of health was con- view of the sea, lend an additional NEW YDR �;N
to din to acquaintances liars and HOVh TO MAKE THESE USEFUL AND corned. Following the la grippe pains of a effect of .airiness and buoyancy to the i;
t�t,„l d B q ity of separating house and office.
it,.re, As }lo stopped at the oashier's "Well," said the separatist, "I Can't PLEASING ARTICLES. . most excruciating nature located them- aspect. In the long, straight streets oY
I a hall whp Was seated ,at a table tee any difference so long as I am at selves to his body. He grew weaker and the new town, open from end to end,
. him, and,. leAni]?g gQxoss t0 his my office during office hours.aker anti! at last he was perfectly help- nothing impedes the view on wither side.1.
` g " Some Styles May Beiso Made ¢C Small Cost, less. He could not sit down nor rise from In praising Athena we meet not
;isrd-via, said, "Captain S•-• —, V111Eed "Let me tell On a story," remarked and Others May Be Elaborate Airnirs r
fortes octal inspector sad grand official a sittin;, posture without sasistpnoe and draw a veil over her defects. Such im-
p p the oldest mllq fl, the party. Thirty Screens For the Library, For the Hall when with this assistance he gained his rovements as are indispensable to a
,pteher of green goods well." "paig ago, when I began practice, I lived. feet he could hobble �ut a few steps when P
or For the Dining Room• �eT -� ��-t-1 -��-
.YesY" with Interest from the man in Virginia, and for a year or two I " he was obliged to be pat in a chair again.. modern clip have not kept pace with �J.LJ�.iv ••1- os.V y
sclbss the table, slept in my office. Then I married, and I am quite sure that wa make too little For five months these agonizing Pulp° wc•r� her growth in extent and affluence. The '
„cftSl}re, I have always regarded him my wife owned a nice house, and I went both of the comfort and the beauty der•iva- endured. But at last relief so lo, g delayed stages vY this progress can b® seen in the II /� US0
8came, A friend urged him to by Dr, tv of-, Structural inequalities even OY OOntigu- l.�/L•�J �a 11''
With a peculiar affection, He came very to it to live. It sat back from the street tl 47�romsauiiithcrl as t a necessary o�l] llama' Bink Pills, He yielded to the ad- Das dwellings. These dwellings may be
ear making me a rich man once—in about 50 feet, and we decided that it than as a delightful opportunity of enrich- vion and had not been taking them long �"
�pt. almost made a wealthy citizen of would be much nicer if we had my office chronologically o dthefir into three oats- EMPORIUM.so well to do that I would never ing, enlivening c making dignified a when the ionout for relief waa noticed arias—those oY the first BettlBre, Qvhen _ out on the street in theYaroorner oY the room which iy lacking in Dither of these coming. IIs oonld move more easily and g
�,; all were poor, and the main necessity
lays had to work again." lot. Only 50 feet away, you will Ob_ three qualities. the stiffness and pains began to" leave his .
�r, .OEOw was that?" with a shade of servo, but still it was enough. In order 1:'+or a time we depended almost entirely joints. He continued the use of the pills was h any rate to w housed; those want
g on Japan and China to supply us with for sometime longer and the cure was the thrifty citizens, who felt too want Opposite the Town Hall. t"
ilibr' dulitq, to see such callers as same during the
a!hi� `rvay: About a year ago the night'I had a night bell and a speaking those comforts, but nowadays one must complete. Seeing Mr Bachae now it of more and greater convenience, i
`'��'-'•' tube connecting the front door of the
be able to purchase very choice specimens would be difficult to think o3 him as the but had little iegard for external cep_ I ROBES , , _ f,
"galatafn superintended a grand haul of to find anything which has the least dis- crippled and het less man of those ,ainfnlpearaA splendid line of Saskatchewan Rolfes—three colors light and
"Tengoods men. The firm which he office with my bedroom. You see, I did tinction, and even bamboo frames are only daps Mr Backhas is now past his 80th sidere ee r interior comfort and eon
`' perhaps, not want a patient to escape under any year, bat as he said, "b the aid of lir, sideral carpets and plate glass a luxury dark brown and black, 'quality equal to 13uffalmand prices trader ,
;ri,AW0(I Ww. the largest, eros s, 1n the available on rare occasions. As seldom as y y
pountry and had unlimited capital. oircllplEtance4. I one wearies of even inferiorformeoY orlon• Williams' Pink Pills I am as able as those and even chimneys of small cense- winners. wGoat and Galloway Robes,. all sizes and plicas.; n_
'j'by had packages of &pod money tcl "''ell, every. Wng went nicely enough tai art, of the whole catalogue of designs ton years younger. You can readily judge q igranence, and those of the pulse,enlt im HARNESS ETC
too suckers with, and this money, for three years or so, when one night a and materials importrd in screen form, oro of this vrheo I tell you I laid forty rods of migrants, who gave an impulse to the 9
:i1, !. rail fence this year. I am lad to add m building of elegant houses among all Our special make of Single Harness has gained a si: erior re uta-
,:#►iiilounting to over $Ib0,000, was cap- ring came to my bell. It was then about are surely very tired unless oro exempt the g
Y g Y.
laced in a 5 satchel by the testimony in favor of Dr Williams' Pink who, thanks to increasing prosperity, tion for neatness, durability send lowness price. Team Harness
5fured,and p g a o'clock in the morning, and the ring dainty little bedroom specimens in shades
. Pills. could afford to imiate them, alwayq in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Bells,
;;opptain• I called on him for details of was a hot one. I asked who it wuB, AAe �f 1�' and ti1Lo always fresh blueandwhite ' DrWilliama' Pink Pills strike at the
else story that afternoon. He was alone the answer came from a friend o4 m Tho proximity QY the quarries of Hy COtnbs, Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises.
for country use. a root of the disease, driving it from the aye- mettus and Pentelicus enables Athens Our Goods are Bargains at our prices..;
iin'the office. There were three of ne•— to the effect that he was a mighty sick The frail, showy empire affairs, with tam and restoring the patient to health to supply herself with a building ma- I.
, , 0 captain, myself and the satchel. He man and wanted to see me at ones. I their gilded frames and monotonous deco- and strength. I° case of paralysis, spinal terial which no other city could have JOHNSON & ,ARMOUR.
gpened the eatehel and showed we told him to come around • to the house rations, have a reminiscence of powder troubles, locomotor ataxia, acnittca, rh�u-
tussled beyond my wildest dreams. I and I would meet him at the door and and high heels which is attractive, but matism, eryeipelas, scrofulas troubles, etc., at equal cost Marble, in itself an em-
';.', ba d to leave the beautiful vision." take care of him. Then I got up, and, they aro such toys and ro in harmony with these pills are superior to all other treat- bellishment, is profusely need and loses
putting on my dressing gown and slip- the extremely artificial and uncomfortable ment. They are also a specific for the none of its briliianoy in the dry atmos•
=Aud the narrator Sighed deeply. g troubles which make the lives of so many phere, whose transparenclg makes pleas- ������ �� ������
"• "Well," said his friend, "I don't see pers, I proceeded to the front door. But methods used in ftunishin nt the tune to (venae a burden, and speedily restore the 'Ant to the eye even the light colorsX10
y there was Ito one there and no one in which they belong that they lack charm
r how that was anything like makingyou to Inn and never satvor of home. rich glow of health to pale and sallow, spread on the atone walls, which in
ir, lob mall." sight on $lie way between the gate and we have used beth too little and too cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, Other latitudes would hardly ba beara• - -..
"�'on don't? Well, let me tell you the !louse. I much wood in preparing screens. In a worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills ble. The agreeable effect thus obtained A fewi first- cl ass, well made, neatly trimmed,
"`ti13s: If the captain had turned his back "That was odd, and I went back and room rich with mabogany beautiful ef- a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent
3or just six seconds I would have. been called tbrongh the tube to kno.1411
w what feats can be produced by having four Ono- by mail postpaid, at 5)c, a box, or six boles is increased by the trees is some of the well finished Cutters for sale 0116 -
tor $2,50, by addressinK the Dr Williams' streets and squares, as coil as .in'the I t,.
"jti lick man immediately. But he never I was wrong. I received no answer, and, ly veneered ganelga, chosen froze darts voice- Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or gardens oY the better class of houses. - teeT�Tttt r
' 11
greed, and I had to go away again as being quite unable to account for it„ I I ed wood, set ill li hal carved solid frames. Schenectady, N.Y. Beware of imitations But Athens might and .would be more '�i'�� i( j �` r C
it was a ver dark and These should be polished as pian highly erne- 1 verdant still were it not for the lack of 1' 11A1L 1
poor as when I Came," took my lamp— y I ished and joined together by h g y and substitutes alleged to be "'est as 1.
t-- ,And t{ith aiiotiier uitter, heartrending still night—and started to go on and oo a •
investigate. Just as I was about to step Xpental brass hinges and stood limon heavy t3 d," abundant water. This want was felt in
sigh be watched the inspector stroll out I 'buss claw shaped feet. In the center ,d antiquity as well- To it may partly be � - '
„}Zito the street.—Chicago News. off the porch I lowered my lamp to ,each panel a Cipher monogram in brass can + y ascribed the epidemics recorded by an- �y'
�; et a better light on the Step, and there I be iuserted, but they are far more beauti A a meeting ofSt.rat ford Cit Coon Oient historians in times of war, when
$ oil last Monday night the fact was dis• 11Ir George Crawford of Oro was called IT STRIKES $��IE
' 1 The Plausible Lle. at the foot of the porch 13y a body. I I fel in thetr awn rich color and mounting, the number of inhabitants was increased out of his house the other night and sever-
';-' ria and turned it over at once, and as the light and, though the primal use of the screen losed that, the cit was from $8,000 to
°1c We resent calumny, hypocrisy friend may be to conceal a pantry door or keep`), behind. The lake is the soon by those of the surrounding country ly beaten by two disguised men. Chore's Ointment cnree ell skis Irrlta
<,treaohery because they harm nB, not be fell oil the face I saw ft WM in ; y a draft no richer background can Inulation of four or live years, all(] seeking refuge within the walls. A disease has broken out amongst the tions.
' '.cause they are untrue. Take the detrae- who had only a minute before'ap0lnen t0 be f and for lady's figure and head. citizens were led to believe that he Antoninns Pine endowed Athena with sheep of Louth Township that baffies the
<; , a perfect system of waterworks. They Of the many akin `
#ion and the mischief from the untruth, me. He orae quite dead. And when an I have said veneered, because solid panels city was paying its w:ly' vetoripary surgeons. diseases, eczema is
'';Jiatnd we are little offended by it. Turn examination was made,it was discovered I of old mahogany of the rare quality I mean Two daughters Ntary and Zeph) of ex-
nd we may be pleased that he.hatl died of heart disease, and g t; �` consisted a subterranean neap galleries, 001- Mrs Jose h homier of East Templeton one of the worst Vii
} into praise, a Y cost too much to make;the suggestion of gid. Flanagan, a mer hent of Moncton N. letting the waters of the neighboring P
st!,w.; " in o And et it a not calumny and so near t° m9 that I Bart almost have B. were dressing for a ball Wednesday Quebec, struck her husband with an axe, and most common- .1,
9VI y I their use of any real value. Y mountains. To these old Roman aqua Severin the a teal column and breaking The one effective r
y Oak also can be used with excellent of- night, when A large lamp in the room up- g P •� remedy so far die.
', ,freaohery that do the largest sum Of touched him. POssibl him f I had seen I fact in anele, with the same brass hinges set and broke. Instantly the girls were in ducts, successively discovered, repaired the neck. She is insane, _
' 'amisohief in the world. They are oontin- been of any service to p r,- covered for it nt, It
}• in when be first rang the bell, but the and feet or with those mAde in imitation ablaze, and both they and their mother and utilized,Athensstillowes'herscanty The Woodstock House of Refuge Dom• �., *, t Cy,Lae s Ointment. It :y
a, Ually crushed and are felt only in being him w affected me of Nuremberg ironwork, If stained in were fear[ull burned. The oldest laugh- supply of water. Projects for increasing mittee have an application from Chae. E. j $� ;. has never beenf
sQOngnered. But it is the glistening and possibility that I might so either eo called "old English" or "forest ter will die it is feared. the supply are ever talked oY, but will Knott, of East Zora, ,for the privilege of ? Known to fail. Mods a
:`"softly spoken lie, the amiable fallacy, that from that day to this I have had I sen" tints and left gnvarnished and un- making the Refuge his home and sharing Andrew Afton, S
s•'•.'. " of the historian, the my office as near my bed as I could get green
II they make capital backgrounds Thursday it was discovered that the be deferred so long as the n the
in iia comforts the remainder of hie life- cit GM ArrON. Hartland, v.B., says: ,
,•;::,; the patriotic lie treasurer of the A.O.F. of C'roderich finances remain no better than the na-
+° 'provident lie of the politician, the zeal it. "—Exchange for paintings, the subjects for which may had lett kerne the day before, and that the macadamized My little davg]tter, Grace' Ella, agedI t;
h,'` _ the surroundings, tional Meanwhile, In return for this be offers to hand over u
w ':.one lie of the partisan, the merciful lie bo suggested by some $185 that should have been in the roads between the fine sidewalks are to the trustees of the refuge the deed for a three and a half, was a dreadful Bni-i =
the friend and thecarelesslie of each Painted screens of strong gray canvas bank to the credit. of the society way ferer from eczema for three years. Wa; r
�; ,, ° that )ach stretched on perfectly seasoned' frames as hardly watered This foot and the na fifty acre farm. tried a nuaaber of alleged Cures and Bev y
• pian to hiiusel% that Deet k I missing. It appears that on Tuesday ture of the soil, notorious for its thin- Another of Exeter,s oldest pioneer era! doctors, but all without effect.I t
yst6fp ever •humanity through Which portrait canvases are stretched and with the tl assurer got a rig at Swartzt to Doss since the days of Tbucydides, a0- residents has passed to his eternal rest. ger+e was indeed a bad came. Her little,
e thank any man who pierces, as we out any weal showing may, where real oto Gloderich town kir, but that oonnt for the dust, which is the reat- r
;ip art is applied to their adorning, be in B g We refry to t]ie death 0f Mr Samuel body orae entirely covered with raeh.s
truly beautiful. In a dining xoom where `]wat'tz heard no tnor a of it till he heardSaturday O� day O"T local druggist, Dir. Wm. s `t,
t at
r. _would thank one who dna a well in a .WhenBabywasRick, we gave her Castoila, cciaall that of from Lucan that his • ti� was there. est blemrshto admof ire the pns. An icturesque-, esgne- age of 74 yearho n 5rnonthh anda20 days. " E, Thistle, recommended me to try Dr. +,
that the thirst for truth whoa she was a Child she cried for Costorla
"' ::dtjsei£ 'Happy much brown is used, esp Y The supposition is that the absent one was board
. 'A:"mains s with us, even when we have is on a visit to Uncle Sam. g P Chase's Ointment. I did so, and fOna'y
When she became Miss the clung to Castoria walnut, paella of ripening t(ralu, with the Pl? nese of its whirling clouds, bet even He has been ill from a complication of
:,,: "mai fly left the fountains Of it.—John When she had Children, she gave them Cavrorla rich gold of ripe Indian corn for tho demi- were that single representative of an diseases for several weeks. our child cted a complete eture wed saved
�$nekin. naut color, could be made most effective. optimistic minority on a fine day, sue- IMSberiff Mercer, Chatham, died on Feb, Dr Cbase's Ointment is hist ae effee•
5� ` One panel which I remll as very fine ror TURNING JGLN�NGI ���� "''y ,>
1� Deeding one of rain, to see the town lg from an apoplectic stroke aged 80. The t{re for piles, salt rbsman Bind sores of
`: "'1 The measure of the Men. resented the rough boards of a barn door, sheriff who was one of the most wide]
'1: on which hung a huge bunch oP yellow and the clear outline of the distant Y all descriptions
For sale by all dealers 1
' When a man says he is satisfied with ears, with their dry husks'braided between. AND TIEREATENED mountains tbrongh a dustless atmos- known and highly .esteemed Government and Edulanso+n, Bates & Co., mannfaetnr- ;;
bis lot, you may be sure of one of t+1vo It was studied from nature on a western J� ���T�j SS phare she could not help regretting that officials in the province, was in his nasal
things—either ell
he ih a very enterprising farm and made veritable '`sunshine in a (�j �v �.t the same effects era not artificially at- good health up to the hour of rising in the en, Toronto ;price 80 cents. ll
H"eat and Furniture. +Used with grace and not too tamable. morning. He complainhd of feeling ill and (h�•s Lin•
`Aitii Denning specimen of humanity or shady p his daughter, Mrs Elliot went to minister '171are ie aotLo>ug to equal
kb is a liar. --Up to Date. How many housekeepers are aware that conventionally, these breadmaking grains The Danger Averted 11y Using On the whole, Athena will Show to bine for severe colds and
- furnace and steam heat are to -a large do- hAve a pleasant appropriateness also. g to him but almost as she teaches hie bed- reed and finrpen a battle 2fi tents
g � �� best advantage it visited after COnstan- gide he expired.' )►seg troubles. Laig
gree responsible for the cracking ' avd �,O par I have spoken only of dining room tinople and Other towns in Turkey, as _
I DON'T FORGET @ warping Of the lighter kinds of furirittare, screens, and thein are two other materials VIGOR -" "°
• Th6t to remove corns, warts, bunions, in especially bamboo, and that to counteract easily obtainable which are equally appro- „�.� the standard of comparison will be
r' ,'; , " 7 pat.
in this Smpoxtant room and in the fairer than that afforded by the great
;i, d few days, all that is required is to apply the ill effects of the same the should•be
K the old and well -tested corn cure, Putnam's rubbed regularly with equal parts of lin- library. I have personally bad great sue- "Nearly forty years ago, after capitals of the west. It mast not c !0r- SYMPTOMS
1 ^;;:; 'ainleas Corn Extractor. $ere, safe, pain- seed oil and turpentine, applied with a cess in covering plain heavy frames with solue weeks of sickness, my hair gotten that, if one of the In anoidut,
i'. r,. builder's cloth, such as Ss used in window turned gray and began falling out she is at the same time one of tits new AND i
lase. Putnam a Corn Extractor makes LO flannel and then rubbed In with a soft Openings, and over this Navin the paper i
i3QiEe epot�s hard to Ileal, note quickly ar.d cloth? Bamboo is aiso improved by an oc- � so rapidly that I was threatened est among European towns, nor ought C+U�F, I
painlessly oh hard and soft corns, casional wash in cold water, 1f thoroughly hanger put what is known as loather pa with immediate baldness. Hearing 4
the long period of her decline ever t°o be OF
a dried afterward. Mahogany, rosewood or per," tltatwhicth oometl uncolored in sort er's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, . '
,:,,, Wm. Becker. of Zurich, oho was black walnut should be rubbed with map- of unbleached tint. The designs ,tee unaa) Ay R g y 1? oche right of when comparing her with ! Heart vp Nerve Troubles.
g other towns: remembering that
1 fine and large conventional f3o.►e# I commenced nein this prepare- �'
;,oberged with forging the name of his seed oil or crude petroleum, a very lifxle ani 4kio pub P°t The traveler who,
brother Jacob and. his brother-in-law, being put on at a time and nabbed la thee- Y ti purpose be
Having long period of Turkish sway, 00ants on
t cid;ed on the Z?e or you think most a
pix• McKinley, to notes in the Molsons oughIf until the g Is de looks like two
riate, choose p a border Of the arm. receiving an oriental impression fromor
i 38A'lk, Exeter, for .$650, a id who was ror. If the nubbin to done Duos ev O � sort, thea, when the frame to corawed, the aspect o4 Atdiens is doomed to di`s- Hage You Palpitation, Throbbing he
br0ugbt back f[om Dettoit by Chief weeks, it is not at all diiWWt, to Kola Irregular Beating of the
e roe came before Judge Masson last good shine in a short time, but tic ft at let the painter put on a coat of soma non,- appointment. Even the national garb is watt. CnIfll osk wtaztsas Heart ?
$"ittucam and was acquitted the lastAge .application may require longer. Arq of tral tint, two leather color or nut bFvwn fast disappearing. It may still be worn 11AOabEMUN. Emma= ON= If Hog Milburn's Heartand Nerve
11 ,or a silrewy drab, by a few elderly Athenians. These, and JC1T.ttl>tt. Pills will cure you. ,.
lai0lding that the noise were genuine. the natural woods that ane not v b tnlaLid and from this baols wo#k X016!!! Ol In
wan be polished in the eapir easy up a eerier o1 lighter and datrk a' a peasant here end there selling milk or
Little Willie Nixon, the 8 -year-old son niched surLtoea rhttttld tI. �A � which owulait 9413PW04 letltlies. ,� 'inset 1lHi0M, �C• HaVe You Shortness of Breath, Dis-
o� iobn Nixon, a teamster living at 89 water in which tea leavas harp q�•0• do the centers of the' flowers a taint dash wag t , recall the day when their ever, e><sd/ tress after Exertion, ln a °u
;> iioltville street, Toronto, had an extremely ed for balf.a,n lour. This will IMA'11b 616m ot..rllver or bream gold acid dlC• o in at tbA . was the national one. F% is, however, r Smothering Feeling,
i n g,
iiafcx0te"esCspe.frRm being buried -while yet;,,,jnuoh 1wighter than it wAeluad with, "e j&o'p as the VIA yt6g'reaeoa, giving hints the uniform of certain soldiers of Hght bCti01s1p Spasms, or Pain through r
alive. i)iptbena is prevalent on lower and water, and, ilnllie tole lat,Yer, wind aO ` here and thwe, ,an ordinary house painter infantry, who may be seen parading i -e elf;' the Breast and Heart ?
telx ovc the gloss not being likely to have seen any genuine the etreeY� or mounting guard at the favor" 0 ��e�
labJlYille street, and several children have bit of Cordova work Dir even the extreme- If 190, Milburn's HeartandNerve
jil6a from the disease, Two weeks ago a which copy it. palace, in' all the white splendor of the :Inwaetn►erwtlitt� Pills will cure or relieve
Aggi9 Nixon, a little sister of Willie's died • • • • .l ® D ®• • • ly expensive Erenoh paper pY Yuetanelle. The wide, blas trousers of tiowsss you if taken in time.
fr6trt diptheria, and was buried on Mon- • ,dhfA will not melte a cheap screen, but 1(_ tltotan -
Z-�eZZe the .Egean islanders are not less rare,
"� r ;gay. 'Willie has also been very' ill from • % U tt will be aa beautiful as ons Heade of a ms y i„ ` � l,, *;�;y¢' ' nor is there much chancre of seeing them Have YOLl a Feeling of Anklet th
" `
the disease, and for the part two or three . • J 0 terisi wholly clot of ordin reach +and v��i��ir.;,• , ,;, ,;,- something is gong c
Lu%� 't11,1i1� ° t�{ + `� �R„ deo• cur when there is no ne-
aaygllss been very low. The other day • appropriate twos any � �nd uoid world � "' "''� �'i t the o is i s, among the Draft from
'� eater having been unoongbiona for some • � gluing w poo the various islands moored along the 1l"Ol10IV'1'•m. oessity for it?
•TroubleSr ® character to its stiifrntindings The frame tigll, and wag so well satisfied with na & The uglier and cheaper product Milburn's Heart and Nerve
hour@, his body suddenly became rigid, must bs sttJwab otos from silo to the result that I have never tried of the hlopshop has 'replaced the pietor- If •
nipd enc parents, thinking be war dead, and • tido, end the wood must be beyond a any other kind of dressing. It stop- ' ' '
• tp % (L ie. _ CS 0 M, �?, �.I Pills w remove t
tig"or moitila bad set in, sent for an ender• ® chane w and ti mt, cars must be ' ped W hair from falling out, Almu- esgne drapery of the olden time Z 9 '
ttlikar, tb :make preparation for the funeral. yin one position while pwt]i of hair, andkept monotony of 'the modern costa¢ • 9 9 1 C 1d.Ire You Troubled with SleeFlor getf
While the bay was bsin8 waelied, end pre- •�'/ `" - • used is keeFf g Istel a new gr rreht w, . 0 G r�i l Nervousness, orgetf
• EMULSION vi6t. The e, abould bs of coarse linea broken only by the p ' r, Hess, Brain >i a g, o
> i Ai ed Ycl burial, the attendants were or light otatvelr, �� in one tone, ohooa- the scalp free from dandruff. 'Only long blank robes sad their Misr ! ts. ® i c General Debility -- th .
ened b a faint sigh, mind soon- after Cher" hide. an occasional Applieati0n is note --D. Bikelas in Century. i 1,, ",z �'�`�,� SI TER
itlio,lt - y 0.ing the brulla oolAlr the lea I l„n" "< _,,;. „s -,.," Ina]•,,.,;., i ;, You canatake oGbektex ,
I 1.elle' y pJ?rned his Byer. He ores- pissed •tom hair Of good, ® 1
.yn 1�,h unc�'is now on the roGd t6 reoav- • a , The foot and hinges Should be iron or very needed
dl lkorepI never hesitate t0 A snbetltate. if So,
- It `IBrj+; aliliougb he is very weak. xacoNSVll7tt'TIlDN sad all LVNG dull P �r°m On •baeluts- na n er,•„�,•R,,. , medicine than Nlilburn'P
• I)1 CONS 8r 8P1TCtNti Ot ttC�OUD, ® Corduroy or rdrteteen put t recommend any of Ayer's medicines Waiter—Sorry, kir, ono ve hof „m ,,,•r,• ,,,n , ,; i . ,"n', %V „n•, t, eR„t
pLin with hasimy, Oppfap , i�o,I ,u,r r..,r i, t i , to c • �j Heart and Nerve ]'itis
A -• COVttn, to, Or ApTE3i1T ., e: lik ' to my friends."— + amore Knell on toast alretty. l hn.+f n , II, t-1, r t , : n 43
6, oY file perea�l at pri tie 1 h o „•• , .'o c, I X11 , in v^nr.•nl rnn.a Tiley will YCIIeVe IDY CUr6
]fi'E11HtdTV. ST, the benefltsorthtssheltelb Von �- ,Avoca, Neb. Clnstomer-•• That'll too bad. well, nrm. 'wo ,'.,,nm.+ u,•,t,n , v ry •neo �n you- Every dose helps the
• . �' * Article aro moat tmanlfesw / • _
® geioiir du=es tress open windows sad 1 ' Or bavo yon anything else than fe last as -1 w1.)f i'' %' i'I'J” ',1).c """"er cure. brthoaidofTho•'n,&L"Emulalnn.tbavo,(ot a er s Nair V g Holed? 1t Cerd•:Flo4a1IvA,Lmtthntr�,Neu-
+}ldofahaotdagcoaRh wtileh hnd tr„o,•l,• ins,ctor• doom; it cuts a& awltwward corners and rRlgins, Teles Ill 1',+., Ic ot• Eii.k+, or f„! tt'or sale by ail drag at8 OY b tt1$il tilt
.. ..... v,�� over . 9ear, and Gave Rxlnud a i,r e"Mb in fele a OOnaid- A�1 p '�aiter•—`Aoh, JAI N068ri Ve hat t :nn� mutionlar E ,tint+. - •Pt WB y T. gtI y� _
wolaht. S ilkan eels gen lice ae Hell I yas BIPA: u 1 exits; it enricbee by a 6 , of pr b.. M Lhl rR & CCllr N• ' :.
., r(tf ..111fdats and Firs. &ail. • when the time came aronnd t6 take lt, g y tripe, vionerrlirat, lege i!t,eti, irefQltfdrtetr . --
T. It. wiNGRAM, a.P., Montreal arable amotlnb Oi Dolor without its baring , Ontt cabbage and sauerfcro' fr "tlhitIt •+gc, � :,oie i t uprictor% hI0NTREAt„
• or ittneele been putt iii 0046 Almply fop Color's sake, on J. C. AYEfl & CO. LCW�LI, MASS., U, S. A. o D rr1�Fl z�avf n x l itttrrnea r.O., ir.ta, t oltotwTo.
' 6e fat~ It ovorw ileo. and i?<t u • Which blwapYs lies a merbtitl41ou # and in- r to Jiemwroer 1'tmptey. TUASS •Sera C . ... ,
aitisu:. aw>a' s duraapwa tYCl 9 �u 60 00 �1 IC ®ts
pules hoc. ver tlollr, dr 3" bdioeai f 046,i�,
titre etAty i DAVI$ $a 1 AWRENCt 'CO., Lra.t MONTREAL elegant offeot, anti It vilakes most piatOri»
;11 of , � h/ 46 ara�peti, - ,
r 'i • fl i i til laacltgrotl fids-�•Iet4 pork6st, r .. w.ru, -ti ,ba
N '
I 1.
I 11
, " .(
L. -
1 e 'r ti , r, * ,� •
J .. w:'� i -- - .h'L.n .