HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-02-26, Page 311 V µ n TJ►� �JO�'OU�S i AT THE END F� - �. v • J11 I 1.y . Gl ;3�� ri �'ak�xur� 2 d r NEWS - OF THE ROAD, I h A �t j�{1 U N YO N Prince and Peasant, only so ,a Last Resort Would He Part 1 l �.,.f Prince 04istiau of Denmark, had be - I 11 I With $1q SCrosaureu, been only a king instead of a prince, THE MODERN CAIN. I > ' ai�iles •Are Alwa 8 @x•- a face like ho race h bily olad, with '- would oejrtainly ontrival the Stor of ' y Ohlldhood, Youth and Manhood All Por. �4)�t0s eCelery Com Oland A bunt old man shah • Alfred of old and the cakes. One day fah Before the Blwyor.' kmm 11 wuiniummn,uuneuuamiumnniuumnwuamuummuun, ,. ' y the poet Bryant. A Learned Professor Creating he bad to review some troops. at Bierre, P.EF "' 11'. '.' • In the evening twilight he stands, be- The saloon -this modern Cain -is the I inanent side the desk of one who is a stranger A SeIIl3ati0l) a ooantryv town of small dimensions. g Riding home, tired and thirsty, he sto depository oP the rankest poisons, He to him, in a little town in northern p" who elands behind its bar deals in depth. ! 1. California, ped'at a farmhouse to beg a drink, The ,.. Old farmer a wits bade him welcome and It la a murderer of babyhood, No one B b �1 �4ppy Cures that the "I ask you to pardon meti" in a voice REMARKABLE Ci7REs who but casually glances over the reoord „ , r that trembles and is )ow, enter. As she was at the moment pan• of crime issuing from the saloon can . - Something confused as to illness ana Dake making, she aekod him if be would THAT THE. ,. ..l>1�11(ted Desire -- like some. "Vere much, indeed," re- doubt that it is disastrous to child life, - wearf nese' and then The saloon is a murderer of manhood. r - "It pains me to seem a beggar, but I In all parts Of plied the prince, and soon he was cotn _ -- Canada Con- fortably seated, enjoying his hum�bie It has wreaked the bodies and sent to am near the end of the road, and"-- , Nince the "most COnfirined fare at the kitchen table. eternal doom the souls of thotieands of FAC --SIMILE e{polrt from Mr Douglas . The .seutenoe dieain inartipulate mur, the flower of our country, — =-__- ..,,._ mer, and, from under the worn coat Invalids that they may Having finished his most, he risked _ ,7! '• ! t�:07,i, of Beamsville, conies a smal't handle'wrapped in a bit et enjoy Health and the old dame bow much be owed her. It is the destroyer of the borne, that ^AVegetablePreparationfoCAs- SI T y y Nothin " ancient institution of God, that little GNA ■ r �� ', Ont. of fadpd •oilcloth. " gat all, was he answer, On sindlating theroodandRegula- ' v d ° a "It is hard to paint wstb 'them, even Ha 1ne; s bis persisting that bo would prefer pay. heaven on earth, that one thing dear to tinglheSlDntuchsand$gWelstaf 4: -- now," slowly ,removing the 'oilcloth, pp ing, she patted his shoulder affeotion• a woman s heart next to her God. The i - -OF cd :great number of men and women aur . ``but if,there ds.some one bare w'ho Dares -- ately, saying: ,,you are a soldier, my saloon has been the cause of thousands ". onriontid5 bevhs and y Labelle by"tPaine' t las berthought falrseschoodoeo�lTs they xgBy TH i' CURED `1.�EL,L I never takedanythin fromiers are ythhard up.' eartof h, being turned into halls on �11 �,. y - g em. He Here is modern Cain with this differ- PromOCesDi feSii011,ClleelFlll- M 1, I.pre t. ei,�proprietors of that famous naeda- tOf;abeltnl• and something warm.", prove suggested he was not quite so "hard that � o i;,, o', + ante, that, in the olden time nessandRest.Goniainsneither% oinetthat�bheir cures*..o.r,d ermanent. A wel'I'thumbed Shakespeare, •a ware- M uP.' as the generality of them. "Oh,) Cnin was reckoned an on olid went O tIindRest.Co nor s neither t , 'bible npble and of per'me- fully promrved "Imftatio Christi." Tie glad story of their relief know betted" and with a knowing slinking away when confronted with _,recut curse, g11yPne'HCeisry fibs+old:mttn looks at them tenderly wink and a nod she turned to her an• 1VOT I�TA:I3C OTIC. IS ON THE'Gorgpennd, i ar. yof epeaial notiaq, tie .as -they frOln SUffei'in I cake making, "It is p hie crime, this modern Cain is a legal• it,3s'the grandest record of the kind in the °y'aT°'osposed to view and places g quite true, good mother," said the prince, laughing iaod murderer and carries on its work 4orld. ;It should also be noted that all the Th man.atly.Onlfho desk. - under �m?otion of law, I aril profoundly �� #iermanently oared people ere residedite of The man ai the'desk views the:bocks benrtily, "par, you see, my grandfather impressed with the convict that in 1PJxrpecVOIr11L S�AIrTDLTLPIT&BER "• ♦ �A�� ' our. oven Canada, !coldly and•deuies the plea for aid. Not Mrs f�. L. Baldwin, Rockingham, Ont, happens to be the king, " "What?" cried Pumplrn Jed - that he iR ! , � " re consoional ga +• g his astonished hostess, dro in hes the annals of time thiseball be reckoned Rd,rffw.1Vr- r `There are some medicines that partially Y'unkind, but expe- Ys; I was a, great sufferer from catarrh dropping the "crime of the ages. May the voice I i relieve pain and suffering, what assist in rience with vaeaboude has mgde him and blood diepase for over two years. I whisk and nearly upsetting the frying +° �fe&ea - OF EVERY If building tip vain hopes of a new life; but suepicious,.aud he interprets the.patboa could not do any work ti`rae moat oP the pan in her fright. A second or two she of the eternal God startle no tonight �,por>et _ I'-11 t11 Y .af p time confined to my bei. Had terrible gazed at him Rpeeohleselq, then remark- with the question, What hast thou 61rv4ma&,Jadme `-after ate da H or weeks the terrible on- as a .new im cerate. t '��ee" " BOT ,r7 les cgme back attain in more aldtirmfng Nett ,morning, an hour after sanrisa pares every day, Running ulaerH tr ke ed naively, "I should have asked you done?' ' Two hundred thousand homes �uf rl fart , TT.Ti Oft q 1.forms,,,and faith is lost forever. out and were not healed for many mo"tlis, into the parlor, shouldn't I?" are uut,er the shadow ; 100,000 hearts n�3-a arm III o This never happens when Palne's Celer 'f, pefliket n.finds ho axed man, with a The trouble was accompanied by sore ".%? Y fpoe 'litre that of the poet Bryanh,' lying throat, and even my mouth became full of are broken; the cry of SQQ,OQO wretched, ;'Compound is used as a banisher of disease. ragged I A erfec•t The first bottle establishes a 'o Dula decile rn the shelter. Of a cypress hed e' rygod children eree8 'the air the P Hedy f0i'ConStipa- 1 Y g >; by the ulcers. In fact I was a confirmed invalid. TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL, tramp, tramp, tramp of 100,000 drunk. tion, sotir Stolnach,Diarrh0ea; I' It, T' •of security, and soon a perfect euee is af- roadside. The tired heart is still. Rest The village doctor gave me medicine and Ards WOrmS,ConvU151ons,FevefiSh-11 ' • ry;: tfected which is permanent and lasting. meet have come about•the time the sun. gargles, which did me no good, He then Impure blood is thQ natural result of Yearly marching to their dpom ?, Mr.Hixon says: -"To -day I thick more chill° touched the valla advised me to ohospital,close confinement in the house makes the earth tremble, while crimes Mess c77tCl�OS, Olt S1L)CEP. +'` 1:111Y• $elide the g to a where I was , aohooiroorir g perpetrated �` •OVt'aine's Celery Compound than ever be- •sleeper, as though it had fallen from be• treated by five doctors, but when I got or sbop, unmentionable are bein +fore, Since I was cured -over two years neath his coat, a well thumbed Shakes• h°me I `vas worse than ever, and confined Blood is purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla, upon thousands of innocent victims by TacSimilpe Signature of ago -I have never had a bad day -or lost a peare, clasped in his gaunt hands a care.. to my bed, no appetite and completely and all the disagreeable results of impure the votaries of ' the saloon. -Rev. J. 4s'o 6 4 day's work, never having had a reborn of furl prostrated, I finally began rho use of blood disappear with the use of this medi- KAos Mout;emery, ' the rheumatism from wl}ich I once stiffer- e. Y Preserved 'a Kempis. " The Munyon'$ Catarrh end Blood cures, and cine. NEW YORE. daetoriis put up in one -size bottloo only, it ' ed so terribly, r-;-. ; a en,pie ' had a sprig of °cypress for a -two bottles of eaob 'have mode me a well If you wish to keep well,•keep your blood - ie not sold in balk, Don't allow anyone to sell'. Y - bookmark, on olt!e'of the pure with Hood's Sarea °'_�" ° "�� 'ire's Cel Celery influence many have need pages between woman, and oh I how grateful I are, Sarsaparilla. 13 GO ��__ I yon anything else on the plea or promise that it Paine'a,Celery Compound and 9aave been which it rests his passage: -- is jeer as good" and "will answer every per11 11� - t; Munyon's Rhuomatic Cure seldom fail$ HOOL'S PILLS are the best family ca• Cramps, Im t cured. I wish to affirm once more •that it "O Father•,. always to be honored, the to relieve in one to three hours and cures thartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reli.Pose," �'$ee that yon got 0 -A -8 -T -0-]I I -A. lt was Paine's Celery Compound tliat took hour ie °oro which from all eternity• to a fewdays, Price 250 Colic Thofao- y the rheumatism from my syetent. Intron then Bidet foresee would arrive; that yspepeiaCurepositivelycures able, sure, EXACT 1 OPYOF WRAPPER. simileg' 1YIunyon $ D Colds, is oa ly recommend it to all rheumatic and•giok th servant for a short time should be indigestion and stpmach stgaatnre ovary l ,, i people." Y all fortis of indi a ,�s!, 11-11111 oppressed exteriorly, but interiorly troubles. 3'ri0e:25c. DXARRII�A DYSl�NT$REr, . °f A" 7- mrappar. l' should ever live unto thee that he Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia LIQUOR AND BUSINESS, andall Bo*jX,4 COACJR;AINTS. �, DEMAND FOR CHESTER W13ITES."' '" ' and breaks•up a,cold in a few hours. Price ASure,Safe,QuickCureforthese • sihould . elfor a little slighted and hum- 250, People of a Town Don't Ilave to guzzle 'troubles it i' A breeder of Chester White pigs .reports bled and should fall in the sight of Mun anis Cough Cure stops coughs, r % Ito business better at I ; �+ Y' p C Beer to ne Prosperous, i y-}, L present men. —San Francisco Call. night sweats, allays soreness and speedily One of the highest salaried traveling ® w>'v'' "r .Z' than it.bae been for a long while Days a -- r Chester County (Penn.) exchange. A few . heals the lunge. Price 25c. mon making Kansas was talking With t � � A PERFECT BLEND A ERFECT TEA ay'} mornings ago he had an order for twenby-' GRANT'S NAME. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures a Wichita reporter the other d8 of the t t�IF' two gPeeimens, and that same evening he Pains in the back, loins oK groins, and all y 1PenRv r,evzs'.) received a Sall for seven more• T1ie .Wigs $oa 'E[o'Came to Adopt ••II, S� tie gl, forma of,kidnev disease. Price `150, t prohibition law of Kansas and said: "I+3Ynfcernally; rrlyynl, `"�� , $ �, were a4ipped to New England where the Initials. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops' nervousness make rill the towns in eastern Kansas • ' '' 'Is �^1 and Wilda up the system. Price 25c, and western 11iiRrx,uri, ana I want to T" °:Szrs, " - ❑nd 50c" bustles, �. ° 0 flavor of the Boston baa is said to be UP to, startfor West Point, Grant �.,..�p�.,y„-„ d` a -I ,un roved if a tender jaicy sl•iee of blue on's Headache Cure stops s headache sa that al.l this talk of y°°�''t'-1"4 •'�?'rcrr .greatly P had been Hiram Ulysses, or H. Ulysses in three minunes, Price 250. P Y business is all a farce. hi IitJl --�_� „ -Chester White pork is baked in the same Grant. The hurtin___ turn -for or the elocu icniste receives its re- I trunk, and ThomastrWalkeregailocal all forms ofp�es.ile OP tlilent ice 25c. 13118 m°rho Does � na Iedorin 14lissoin nr'Kan � CEYLON �Ol \' turn:for the elocaticniate, musicians and NOTTCE TO CREDTTOItS t here,wbich are annually sent down to I .,g°ning,"was the man to make it. He Mvnyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im- m 1. and _ ,a. e nay anis. We are informed that lirst did so, and, to finish it off, be traced on Purities of the blood, Price 25c. "They n are better pay. /.vi tks mrattrf 'o rice ,estate o{ Hugk Ross, GROWN, CURED AND PA " -the cover in big brass tacks the initials Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon ' Thtpy need net tail .me that the poo- lab, of else 1 otonsAip of Hullett, in rice GROWERS IN THE FINEST BTHE LEAD PACKETS ONLY Root ,Br s ., Whites can be obtained dram ., p]a of a town buve to guzzle beer in or- J .f P3tcron. GARDENS IN THE 25, 30', 40, 50, AND f aB,we,Bas S Parkersberg, Chester Co., poultry, H.:tII•'G•” James Marshall, II}ygges+ t0 all women. OOU+?dS� O WORLD—BLENDED AND TESTED BY EXPERTS AND 60 CENTS A POUNt}— N BH.weIL as Scotch Collie doge and poultry, cousin, went to help him carry the new Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. der to have prosperous hnsine»s, When Not£eeis hoeeb PRONOUNCED THE BEST—AT ALL GROCERS BLACK o M H' trunk home. Ulysses looked at the big, hoed setae Catarrh Cure -price ce 25and rhec res tine People -o y dtpo n �ghp ed then money Y f;i�, Pursuant LO Ehe6Ea'ate n MIXED 6 P p in thea behwit, that ,all creditors and oth�re fJNE ;HIINDRLrD DOLLARS AN AGILE glaring letters. "I won't have that so," tarrh Tablets-price25o-clearse indheal sprud°in mty°line. lt.don't mind a hto 2nd daLavi-no cla,o s ag❑lust the estate of the es.i,a THE DAVIDSON dt HAY, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO Can.onlyber»adefromoneaource- cal_ p lis 'hn 'Rush Ros9,•duceaFmd,wbo'diedonorabont the - p he said. "It s e g, The boys the parts. glass y Of p,ecewbe., A. D. 1896, aro requrea to - (1-1 , ir' try. .Wheat and corn do not pay, PeC- woIIld plague me about it." And be Munyon'e Asthma Remedies relieve in of beer+occ asiona]fy, but I prefer to eel} delkver or send by x,a;t, prepaid, to Cameron, h'apH yoa.may smile but have yea ever thereupon shifted his middle name and permanently, goods •to a man who doesn't use it. I M ars ret ti=segonGode attrarrix,on'oSolicito s for t 3 aviinuteH and cure �. kept bene Rio21T- The egg basket comes in became Ulyesea H, Grant, and so be $" Price find he is a great deal more apt to hav® • ,10`h day of March, A. D„ 1897, a stateme❑t in .Iiandy in these saar0e money times. The weAtforth into the world, the money tvheu pay day cpm© w*iting crtnntainr'a� their names, addrossea and ��/ � Groceries ti F leading authority on practical poultry beep He registered at Roe'e hotel, West Manyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. s. "-- 'tiescripttcna and 11a1t particulars of their claims liPrice $l. Kansas,City Star. I +ind the matur I oP the securities (,f thei held by lir$ is �,'BE POULTRY KEEPER, box BB, Park- �� A separate cure for each disease. At all t,._. And fe -r, tako notice that after the v a,, ereburg, Pa., and only coats fifty cents ,a "Point, on the 29th oP May, as U. H, j sad dame the Adnainistratrix of the said estate, Rais><ns, Currants, Fi,;s, Prunes and Peels. Grant'' and +the same da druggists, mostly 25c a vial, -willProceed tic distribute the assets or the year or twenty-five cents for six months, or q reported to Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, I1 oft 13 •a.etato, having regard Duly to the Diaims for one dollar you can get with rt the fear the adjutant, George G. Waggarnan, Aubert St„ Toronto, answered with free �°e0f�'of was ch si,6 shall have thea ,oco,vea Old Raisins, 28 I I), box for ?1, Readqu lrtel'S for Teas aXl,l1, F11 PO.UZMY'KEEPER ILLUSTRATORS the moat deposited $48 and signed his name medical advice for any disease. R +uoticd, and the sold Administratrixwill not be �` wonderful books published with inforrna. Ulysses Hiram Grant. His name as re- liabl" tar,i L 11. s of an persona of y Sugars. Ci" tion on •every subject connected with robe Ported from Washington, however, was Good for the Horse- p�_1lom d v pereoo or v 7rts� y. -)' *e•aoticnrball not,t�en have been received Crockery, (,bine, Glassware and Lampe, We have to maks room for„our import.- ” "6 s�qa �I Dan++i ab C�'orieh, the 25th day .,f .Ian., less ed Xmae and New Ysara goods, and have reduced prices con,4i( rably, Call and, Ii:; tafsfng•of poultry and containing informs U. S. Grant, and the error arose in this ���i ® I'• CAM>N HOLT & HOLMEB gee our goods and get prices. Goad Batter, Eggs w f'i; Lion worth hundreds of dollars. Tv,F way:'The Hon. Thomas Hamer received OSE AUTHOIiITI' SAYS GOOD f� water Valley, Miss., cured by and Dried Al,lil, s ta6en as Cash. Poa7dTIE£1$J EPER is an astoniaher and leads C• H. Iain 'f• Solicitors for Administracnx' Cash pard for good Butter and Eggs, r the letter nP ,Jesse Grant only the day HORSES ARE AS MUCl11 IN DE- x,� { i ; the world. .Dolls for the girls, before the oloae,oP his term, and, being _ _ .�_ g games for MAND A5 EVEN.�'9 �����po���y r W. IRuTIN the boys and pr6minma for all who get a tl Q[ �iA] 1'(� ' "f` feweu,bscribers. -Two subscribers for six much h11710d, ,sat down at once and • 9 Clinton {' months at twenty-five Dents each, secures wrote to Secretary of WarPoinsett, ask. 'statement that l therearate rity for he i __,o � u , ` • mane 4v them, Everq poultry raiser ing for the appointment of his neighbor's in .St. Loafs naw than there ever have ' o, five years, I suffered untotd misery U � �I 1riIIgt have the. POULTRY KEEPER, the con- sou, .He 1tnew�the bog's name to be been in the entire history of the cit', f,•eti, 1°Sc ,lit, ,he"mutism. I tried every+ -- ' L tents of doll h may make or Save ou ban- UI se IreOwn r^rnetly, consulted the best physl- �' � CHINA Y�/ A�'% �j I z.Y Ulysses, and, inferring that his middle According to his figure», there are any antes, vlstted Hot Springs, Ark., three times„ CHINAWARE ? Breda of dollars, as this monthly leads the' name was Simpson, n filled i the tip- P y- sPchdin c �, :': world in valuable information not to be wher=e from 20 to l(1 per cent more now l ut coup ol�a n only t.emporarly reitel.blMy 16 to ] 'g had elsewdaere for any money. Sample plication, sed thus'it stood when Ulysses than thele were Burin the c Copy free, p faced the adjutant. days of„the horse car or beforelthe bike talmiest ei`itii,flstyy;isCed away so that E weighed T17t0Canada0ul; nesSC011e C Tha if ou bu ` Il ii t y y your C hristmas Groceries, &c from us You ° ' He asked to have it changed, but was came into use. re a pounds; my left arm and: !f satisfaction of knowing and facile Y will have (1 er leg alit r,ravwo out of shape, the muselea, CDATHADI, ONT. g g you have secured the beat Fl. THE PRESMDENT'S DAILY ROUTINE told it was impossible without the eon. many horses r pre are d the c ty h n +t° the lowest prices. We have lust opened p}}t 0 crpts of !?Gods c t� 1 r CONTINUES TO INCREASE FANCY CHINAWARE -- sent of the secretary of war.' 4” wa bave now four ,unfilled appplications for i lJilil� lL - i (�•ENERAL HAmwsoN WRITES of "A DAY "Very Well,'''' he said. "I came here ant's th otherat an lithem ere. The reas• - tos,obers from other business colleges in New ..,� and go- 11an,pshiro, New Ycrlt, Uassaebusetts and On. andtStri tli of for ;Ioi t $2. presents. 99 piece Dinner $ate at WITH THE �i1;REBIDENT AT IdIB DEHx." to enter the uii'litarq academy, and er}- inb'• I eh tie them when they ar•e living tanto, end's titch hue i„et been atoll, ped Toilet Sets at $2,25; 44 piece Tea Se Ex -President Harrison has written of ter I shall. Ari Sn3tial more or lase does wbl do not teachers and those bolding teacher's NEW FRUITS is $1,75 �5i G1t1C -'` and haul them cif when they are dead, eeemlacates, also thoeeteacb;ng on small salaries '!tA'Dlttiy With the President at His Desk" not matter." Hewes'known to thegov- I know that the average citizen be- qualify as ieachereot comma alar subjectetnri Landon La ars #or the Mwrchdadiee! Rome Journal. The ernment thereafter. .as U. S• Grant - lieves that that the advent of rho ttol- �t Shorthand? Wecannm rtreghademand made h nts cleaned andBfi ck Basket, Selected Valencies, ver fine article a said it be singularly interesting ley car and the bicycle dispensed with 1 upon us for such, t for use. New Peels, beat brands New Nuts CAI - a in the detail with which it describes the Hamlin Garland :•,'�IcClnre'e. This is she meet widely patronized business monde, Grenoble Wallnuts, Filberts, Peanuts, Mixed Candi wearisome routine. of the President. It is the use of horses almost entirely, but . r . C03090i,11 Canada. Hero ie the proof. Noto bow to IOc per 1b, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates. The best e6 from 5e this is not the case. The bicycle dude don. Stradentstford come Prom points north of Lon. market. Kindly reserve 2$c Tea 1u t he said that General Htrrison, in this article don, Stratford and Toronto, s north of has your Christmas order' for us. We pledge has delivered himeslf with Creat directness -- - and the trolley car patxan never owned 4 with us, Gloderich 1, Clinton S. Wrotham i, beat endeapors to satisfy you. p g our 1 horses. The only hoises the trolley "Orolwich 1 heaforth S, Wroxeter 2, Ualt 2, Pres, �'f and vigor, relative to the annoyances that P0180WiNG TM MOUNTAIN, R. ton R, Lttcknow 2, Alliston 1, Alvinston 2, Larine P are visited upon a Chief Executive b If the at car knocked .out were the plugs that Clty Mich, l; Davis,coa 2 1; Corning, Arkansas, N ROB SON per- tale ry life is nobodyIt SON, C�lzlt ;, Poisoned at i, , its very source, else would Cate to Own, and f c(°":,r„'� La 9 Crathle 1, Locwleti 1, Napimez Palmerston e • 1 t�> h sietent office-aeekare, and he suggested a there can be there were not half tie man of them unique. plan, by which the President's an no h e a I t h .ln y On i' y Part of - - rite body, tie is genera.Vly •supposed. ,, Alaoma, a: Bryanston 1, wardeville 2, Ho] root{ • burdens In that dimeoton could be greatly When a woman ]tae any Gaad horses are as hard to et now ;;:% fh Islalnd 1, duce (' At Inver i; Glenmom l i °landau l lightened, and be enabled to devote more disease orV P attention to more important matters. A the delicate \ -,r� 4jweakness,r,. of pp, tp p tlIIe reason thaever were, t not so�rlra,n hard - g y r \ min 1, Qtaano 1, Ripley i, -1. - ism of her r'V' f:,,,, r , , -' a For catalogue of either de artmenE, addroes i feature of the article that will have atime- rl/i les, the fount• them are being bred. You can't brie a t3 wilted up to knots, I was unable to. CDLAN Sa Co ChatL • 11 ly interest to those ambitious to serve the sin -head of / being t i>. Mc' existence is her physical 'I ie; at a livery stable any ebeaper now dress myself, except with assistance, and t Om 'ti country under the incoming admfnfstra- ppoison^d and could only hobble about h f+ tion,desaribee very fully how the President She reattect , '' he lleaitt,y in than, could ten years ago, and if by using scan©. I makes appointments to office. "A Dwy fuedamen-' not i `� .i until this one Youths etre irive out s u will fin were rr s had no aoppetite, and was assured, by the k' �a I With the ):.'resident at His Desk" is unique cured, y tel trouble is g doctors, that I could not Live. The ales, at ! Groceries, �eerie5 ,� k years ago. The -trolley car has killed times, were so awful, that I could procure ± 1 ill being the first time that the daily life of The family I she market for scrub horses, and they Ejona of only by e°aIs of h t the President has been described by one P b Y H - OHS 11 eze I ve rc 0 I", ts , i e i a n YPndermic hrlec- .Sausage, at7 e, 'r who has 811ed the exalted . may make are cheaper, but a scrub horse is not in claq, in sulphur, inapoultiaes9 but these a office. Arti,he the corn- r cheap at any>flgune, I have been try- gave only temporary relief. After trying �1 �s nponthe social and domestic. life of the III,` > PUr� Ijar '�1dd1�� 1��..11�� �i K sassQ 1. ; 1 mon error of II ing to get it firer class team far three everything, and arrllering the most awful f r� A `r'v •�O� �1+ •VO,Q , Pres%8ent by General Harris on will follow a a c r i b i n g all the GI ) years, and am willing to ppay arty kind I began to take AyeNs Sorsa arilise v in successive issues of the Journal. trouble to super- , of a rice for them but I h tortures, p We keep nothing but the fresh. �s 9• �O t P II I� P , , ave not been Inside of ttiro months, I was able to wally d g .T ' �,7 e ® ) Ext �y,Q ����8 ficial causes; he maty Q , been able to find what I want. I pre_ without a t%rO Ia three months, my limbs, est goo sand sell at the "11�� J1l.L ilp V i Cir Mr Wm. Kerslake, of 'Usborne, ex- Prescribe for neuro - ®. dict that within the next flue ear6the began to strengthen, and to the course of a the closest prices. jzibited ore of the moat peculiar freaks gid, indigestion, in- breeding of good roadsters is going to MY has Increased somnia, or1� eadache, year, I was etued. M 'IVa make our own Sa use e f t of Mature we have ever been. A feware become one of,the rooat,p[ofltable beef- t" It Pounds, end I am now able to do my is equal to any imported.$ ' which O 7_ ya3ays ago Mr Kerslake lost throb h when thesLlp merely Doled l nesses in the countr -St. Louis Re_ r s u t 1 n g tOnf3 - f so��q:a deep-rooted y; ' full daY s work as a railroad blacksmith." 4rie trial convinces. � death a vaiaalile Awe under peculiar mbLIaAf o`l`tif distinctly fem. publ}can. ' rcirc�ulnstancea, and on skinning and imine organs. JAS STEP e� C lopening the animal a most remarkable Any woman suffering from SCURFY HEAD AYER'S 0• Clintoiaof nature revealed itself'in the these delicate com- f n Ot our own im o T- ...,,,,,.,nature happe of li deformed lamb and lying Plaints may be tom- ,d If a child's Bead is scurfy, do not comb �e 0Di'y WOlddi Fair Sarsa drilla, *� l� rtatlfln, .� 6'I , a 17f and � s .. ,Wt vlth it a perfect and well develo ed Pletely cured' right in /� the hair, which is apt to scratch and irri- P WAl� TED---Intelti ant men, with P the privacy of her own tete the scalp, but brush gently, After dYEIt�B PXL 1; q o"' ° Headache., $600.00 and expenses for�l°o first yelo rwou,d p Satisfaeti.oq Guaranteed• 15: Its form wits like thatofa hue f g home (without recourse washing the Bead thoroughly, dry it, and an tndneement, Write with toll 11 'fie to the shell, and re- to mortifying examina- partionlars. ssi a collection Of jell tions and "local treat- apply Dr. Chase's Ointment. 7 HE htANAgER, Q9 Rtohmond St. West, TOR - y - ONTO, Ont. t a thin akin. It possessed all meet") by Dr. Platte's WOOb•tg P$OyPHObIN3EL of ail ordinary lamb, but was Favorite Prescription. Master Willie Delong, son of R,J.H. The Great h7iligilw Remedy. 11 11 ropportion. Mr Tenant has It gives health to the special organists of Delong, of Port Albert, broke his leg s P-Mado 0—anteed ed (exhibition in his office. womanhood. It purifies all diseased con. while coasting on the hill a few da a 1111PURTANT NOTICE Op R ditiotts; gives elastic strength to the lige• age• Iyi promptly, and permanently L J COATS ` meets, and vitali}y to the nerve•centres. It young fellow hasebadchisdleg broken I . ,a oure axrsuuaetzhnioetonasprrm SIS ' " 20 CENTS. f to all on hers of S O N Freedom good d gestltlu, sound sleep, and within he eat two ears. + , freedom from pSan. s,, _M P y atorrhotAbu,otenoyan ses, to Democrats or Iron ori - ; t i. it It fa the only medicine devised for this It ie understood that ThtSriiae Clawley ne a°,fr ° orQ�aee, ! ` ,#'A r•,r■e l �1�rer i1111S C11re one purport by an educated, skilled ape. °P fort Albert, has secured the con- '�.000eJsivo Ube Axle Wil ons. cialist in this particular field of practice. It tract for Carrying the mail between AforeandAften of ni'doco, Opiumorstimu , . all troubles11 I , U the only medicine which insures pro. Goderich and Kincardine the Stage 7f-itvrlruanitutMIaumptionandancar�totn Having bought a "LITTLE QE' Axis THE ,FEST � ' `` ' � I spective mothers agairitt the dangers and to make the com Vete trip each way. i,rogaribod over il6yenre In thousands of p g aesbeen carry of Cotter, whereby axles are out and boxing sufferings of motherhood. The distance is a milPA and the. ten- cues; is the only reliable and 1toAmt Ne,d(dine set bank to the shoulder, making the same ,/l.7itl>�XI�GF FROM TORPOR OF THE Dr. 1'terce's thousand -page Illustrated g • LIVER book "The People's Coinmon Sense Med. dei •rt is said *as $797 A.M. Dolle rftOtOri' Askdraggistfor Kreod's Phosphodlneil if just tie good a$ near I c¢i11 be glad to per. p H ical t�dviAer" contafins several chapters da g° the contract for carrying the ma hooneraHomo worthless m«uctne in place at this, form angwork in this direction. v � C ',A S qutdit � $aniah Sick Headache- voted to the special physiology of woman be�ween Bincardtne P. O. and the Inose price is letter, and we will bond by return 'L 1 I�.J Ptirffy the Blood aril Eradicate all with advice and suggestions for self -treat ra lway station there, ,all. Tricot en© paokago, ErI eta,, one win I GUARANTEl1 ALL WORK satiefao rt �, Impurities from the, aystom;. meat wh ch every woman ought to read, Dlcaae, eta, will Dura Pamphlets tree to any gddross, tory, or no pay. Those who have had work `. �t A papcoant sd copy sent free on receipt of I CJ,A.1 3WCp13 XA• Tho Wood Company, done, speak in the highest terms of it.."i ' ARE ' 'had6lxiant4 is big. The palls Arm little, 3t one-et�nt stamps to jpay for eustonis and '.�% raa• Windsor, oni, Canada Come and see tht3 machine and et rioea: TAHLEN t) $y to t'istcor. log 4rit reafths' no pain. 40 lnaflirigf only,, or, clot - ourrd, 5b statnp& umile ,,.....a g p r 0 cents at ail druggists, Address 71r: R, V. Pirrrct>, tlgela, N. V. t9ritttuy . A I B�I:)>tV S1I 10, L. Y0 ° in is vlp' nlaa' i eve y !"bo in Clinton and everycshere in Can• 131aoksmith ana General itepairer, Doslitlra r r�c .:�a . ,. 'a, Ilrligplr. 1 all r p nsible Druggis e. go S •. ana y e� t (7artiAOS�. hest Ulintori: ,+1. . A1. I., t w p - I If ; R; _ . . I 1. Y .,, w I .1 , I. .ate T.ta me .Yir 3l t:._x ., . : ,: .» DiJ� t.*k `.