HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-02-26, Page 1�` i+ t �•. ., y'•. 1. k : • . I "77 I n .> . . _ . err-wy,: , • - •r. 11 . a!"-11 � a �" �r 111.11, I., I 11 7 .... % TO ' , . I "T I - , . , I 'ci ,N—E I IN• ,U important as watch- E. a.. doctor. We cure all --- _ _ _ 1. A.I .I • Oes Of Watches, J,ew`- ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. ", --- ----_ _ � • ; CLINTON, ONT,, FEBRUARY 26, 1897 $1 R year in advance $1.5o when not so paid • .tele Clocks, and will antes them tilted orUl y a�- All u want is a what wide-awake and tellable Dories onde>ate and worthy of reoordt¢a3 for publicatio¢. LondesUQro - East wawanosh. The e � .y.� �'ie• Give us that and p FARMER'S INWITUTE.—It- was an _ Glodgrioh. �i Pj l )� ' . _i Benilnilier nounceii list week in ode oP the Gode- copipleted the sale of hiaJohn sbo{ler and as has nt al Schovl TeaESORT,—The Intetnat{on f i ''• l3I'8 is an Chance at Seafo: th, rich pa ers that a supplementary meet- gi�ns formerly us d in his sawmill. R. chars Home Association O self-adjastmeut to r4yo of ligbli i, : �' NOTE$, — Messrs. Thomas Morrish HOCKEY.—A very exciting exlribi- g p ' ?'. tneor orated under the Iowa oft • t in of the West Hut-on Farmers Inati- P he from any luminouspornt,rsfarmo;s wt . li7<l any Case we will re- and Samuel Oke and Mrs Oke left here tion game took place Thurada between tuts will be held in the villa a oY Wilson is visitm� at JamesVaancanip's; State of Missouri, have secure Perfect and efmple than that; *a a on Monday for Boosevain, Manitoba- .London ,Seniors and the S�eaforths. Londesboro, on Februar g he intends going Out to Hoagland tract of land at Menesetu d a large {natrament that has been dev .py �•°` �' a It to �Oit lIl good, Mr'Richaid Morrish, wife and family The play was very fast Prorn start to gat ton 27th, Dom- sdhort! to try baa luck at mining. xdjoiping Goderic k alth are visiting mens{n y y ng Par l�etl t ..` Hy wprking order. g hie mother as is also Mr N. finish, and devoid ofrou roughness. Score rtal•e exp cted too delilver in katin o h, which is being by human ingenuity, Few o#' us '?L I g entleme P acl g n the river was good during laid out as x summer resort, upon ahaI{ze when we.paoe the eye over D. Morrish, of Sault Ste. Marie, The 7 Go 5 iu favor of the home team, The $ the past week, ouryyoung folk ppatron- large scale. The grcunde gra most young son of Mr Farcy Walters is at teams t{ned r f follows : nosh, on "Care ofdresses; R. 0. McGowan of E. Wawa- izing it nightly, W.J• Fenwick bad a bexutifull 1 ono Pages our hooka, or look from If we aaa't do your time keeper present very low with inflammation Of ' SEABORTH POSITIONS LONDON M Burrell, of St d t)a iI hard manure'" bee on Monday and TuesdlLq, haulin rre,lr y °cased upon the lake bank a obleot to another, of to a.dir< prey goiad, we'll tell you so and the lunge, We are pleased to hear Dunn ........... ,Goat ........ • .(plover Allen, oP Goderich oarines; A. McD. his woad to his new residence in BI th� tin !r]Y all Cove with second growth ta¢ce and then near at hand, lite ,r ,j save you spending money fool- that Rev. E. Olivant and his wife are Jackson Y i er. Buildings will be erected to change that takes place {n' aha iehly op !t. We dant caper{- both somewhat better. Mr M Pfram- Baldwin... s ' n .Fruit, from George (,oultes has most of the mate suit all tastes, the intention being mechanism of the eye, �noh a ' Point ..........Little Pr°ducat to consumer," An evening tial on the ground for his new Karn. have the einlq to Y ;'.•men's. Anything in, our line mer has an apprent{ce in his grist rmill.ant- Cresswell. Point..-,Soutbam session will be held, commencing at Ellen Stonehouse ie v{sitin • at D. Dun- , g distinct in design, wonder'fullittlemsobineyouw{lied ! we oanaot repair ie peat all re- Messis.,J. Gledhill, A. Robertson and Williams .. , , , , Centersc • • Hobbs o clock, The meeting will be ad- bar's this week. Mrs Sowler is visit- TIRE INQUEST.—The barn of Archi- mit needs careful attention, WJie 14 .„ F'? medial relief. Our ohargesare Win. Fisher left hate for Niagara to at- Kruse ........ J.. ,. Oorr•.gan Allen,dl c M eB Wm, Bailie, Mr McE. Ing friends in Belgrave at resent. ball Johnaur:, near Lanes, Ashfield it aehee, when it tiree,when it rune ”' always'moderate—never high. tend High Court of the C. O. F. which Wilson........ Macfle Burrell, Mr D. McGillr P Township, was burned to the ground 'Watermbenitamn'tdiscernthol In }....., a,'1 Wings cued a (attic buyers are scouring the country recently, with all its Contents, consist- lest print easily and comfortsbir'sG begins on Tuesda 23rd, Lind ed, YA and two local papers are expect- for butchers and export cattle, and ins of 1300 bushels thenaturaldietan Y For the viaitors Southam, Hobbs and god program will be provided prices are going up, owing to the keen- firming implements, ce,whenrtoap!p eo �'' EPWORT)3 LEAGUE ENTERTAINMENT. ilZacfie showed to the beat advantage, for the avenin session s Of gran, all the at a diatanae clearly, it is bat •p Sx 1, —The people of this vicinity have al- , g [That are at near of the ,buyers. Hogs ase also caatrJe and horses, tThe n loss was d of rode I and had {t not been for Glover, in goal, least four newspapers that circulate in yielding not claiming that it needs aselstanoe.ig,'k ' "� 'p �ry t�•r ways shown their appreciation of the the score would have been greater• fret this vicipity, and not one of them.had hani they have for greater p catch near ly crrvered bq insurance. The Bre perform its function properly ' -t� • .JL7 • Vie W meetings and entertarumenta , of the 'Seaforth. For the home team Cress-) any announcement whatever con- David Oook's better y Occurred about 5 a, in., and was Usually a!1 the aid it r aires'la "► "WBTCHMAHER c� JEWELER, Bethel Epworth Lea ue, by their at- I well, Jackson and Baldwin team, ; cerning this meeting. We do not him with another daughterpresented dpuhccdly the work of an incend{xrn; that given by properly Batted ` t. '. Expert Watch Repairer tendance, and last Ir{day night was soignee themselves as ranking with 'know who is to blamQ for it, but up to 22nd loaf. A number f Dunn falhk 0°toner Holmes, of (poderich under glaseee. 'Co tit glasses properly11 no exception, It was duly understood the fastest pla ers in Canada; In fact, I date this paper has received no notice from the 9th con, spent a very plea- wirectu rev from the Crown Attorney, knowledge is required. This ,- and announced that the League would a!1 the forwards played fast. Comb{- I of the meeting Thede meetings should sant with John L. Geddes, on the t9th. which, p and opened an investigation, knowledge we claim to have--a give an entertainment in the Bethel nation was at times perfect. Wilson, be announced • in the local papers at messes were examined, knowledge gained by study and ` church, ori the 19th inst. The weather a junior, was always in place. Referee, + ]east one week before hand.—ED, NEW I was finally enlarged, Furtherproceed- experience. The Optical' lapti a Tueker$mith. was favorable and the people began g• C. Screaton, London; um lies R, I ERA•] lege airs post n tate of Canada and Th As to gather at the church at an early pp NOTE$,—Knox church (Presbyterian) DI+ATH — Ashfied. P ned•,on oecOupt of the a ae�ia No zJ$,—The farmers of this neigh- hour, and when the time arrived for E Jackson, Seafortb; J. Raneford, serious Illness of a woman of the town- tion of Canadian Opticians testify I lborh "'d are bud la in London, The Seaforth juniors played I in this place donated last Sabbath's a On Saturday last the re- ship,aponwhomsuspicionetionglyresta to onr knowledge. Wearetheonly 1 y y g in a supply of the program to begin the church was the Wingham team on Monday even- collectiop, amounting to $15A6, to the mains o£ Samuel, son of Samuel Lewis, QLD RsSIDENT$ GONE — graduate optiolane here, yi*e k cc: "CVs reiouG to learn that Mr H. tilled with people anxiously wait{ng ins+ and were successful by a score of Indian Famine Fund. Meagre A, °£ Ashfield, were interred rn Dungan dent of East street Mrs Hilliard,old res{- know how, and therefore fit" „" 'O'I3rien is seriously ill. for the opening piece, which was a 6 to 3. non cemetery; the deceased was a , Bred glasses properly or refund onr. Woodman, W, Weymouth and W, rather suddenly a the advanced sof ti$URCH NOTES•—Rev R. Millyard, quartette anthem sung by Misses S. Lee started on Mondory morpin for young inau only in his teens and was gl years. Idem{ the he of her decease money. Free teat any timewa 1.` *of`Clinton, will reach missionary ser- and A. Allin, Mr A. Allin, Miss M. Niagara to represent Court Pride of not long Ill before he succumbed; he Y e are always here,, Oar prices for , 4 mons at Turner s church next Supday, year, 1'h{s was Brussels, was in his ei hteenth she had been able to move about fhe Fisher and Mr H, Sn the West at the High Court meet' g year. The re- h°use and err her own cookie Tho glaeees are moderate. :•r ;' The special services which have. been followed by player,., after which a PERSONAL.—Mr James Knight, for- Miss Monroe, of Michigap, a ant a few mains oP Jas. Cozens, of Aahfleld, were deceased had lived alone g• +`� an progress doling the past five weeks, longthy program, made up of ret{tor• merly of Brussels, has gone to Africa, days visiting Mrs McKenzie this week, interred {n Dungannon cemetery' on but in illness w for some time AICLEN WLLSON „ ;vl Stave been lit to a close; ggratify- tions, solos, dialogues, quartettes, in where ha nae employyment. Mrs Knight Measra S. Woodman and L. Hill had short last; the deceased was a vera did not die alone.as well cared for, and Graduate Dra late c� Opticians , ins results have Polloq ed the la .or of strumentals, etc, was rendered, all of will remain in Oran rook for a time, a bee on Tuesday, layin up a stock of rt trine III, and his sudden departure McIvor, of B ttanniOa Road ay Augus gg Op Q nor which was ably liven. The genial, g was unlooked for his bereaved anvil who had Clinton. 1 F• Mr Sawyer here. CJHANGEb HANDS sale of the ice for the summer. Mrs McKenzie The bereaved in both have the a m. beep {ll for nearly two years, passed to If the glaesee yon are wearing doa'tr ' Pir7RSOrrAL.—Mr E. Crich visited his good-natured chairman, in the person Ronald Engine Works business at had a bee Tuesday splitting wood. Y the other world. On Frida evenin en{t we can make them en{t b, at ,'1- of Mr A. Heddle, of Br, nmiller, greatly �$ruasels has been coin feted, and the North Star Lodge I.O.of G.T. hada pathy of the community, toward eleven, Mrs Jag. M. She and g your old' friame.. °`' 15r,sister Nettie, at Walton, on Sunda tt?? p Y g tin, new lenses in y p Y• assisted in making the evening enjoy- new proprietor, H. H.' Thomas, ux Nor- visit on Tueadaq night from a number died suddenly at her husband'spprea{- + •�" Miss S> ell, of Hullett, visited relatives able and Iivelv, All expressed diem- with, gaPord county, has taken posses- of friends from Auburn and Clinton Stanley South street, It appears that 111 Y'. Isere last week. Mr N. Crich aid a dente, P selves as havin a good time, and well sloe. The Bale includes the oho s and lodes, and spent a very pleasant and . [,E,—Mr Wm. Moffatt, who has Mr and Mrs Sheppard were aboubretir- i flying visit to Lhe countq town last satisfied with the evening's , at d well lands The sale , with the engicases Pro ktableotime. Mr Whitely was in ins for them ht,and whit Church Chimes r week. Mra W. G. Broadfoot is home g Luc w n Tuesday. Mrs Oris been in Ontario for about two months a the deceas- , ?11 meat. League will meet on Friday house and park lot at the rear, but y p is left for his home in Moose Jaw op ed lady was sitting on the hod, her Mr Palmer, evangelist, who recently on a visit. Mrs Ifrgadfoot, sr., return- g ant y I to Kit. last week with Mr and night, as usual, topic, The resurrected does not include the manufactured fire vie{t{ng in Wingham, Mr Granger husband crossed the room, On to - held services in the Ba i ,.':;a Lord;" to be taken by Miss Kate Blake, engines or other fire appliances. returned from Clandeboye, afters a alled himawayeoo'ner tela at home ins he saw thak &{a wife h for here, has been successful .pt at ehuretl ,V,Z, t r� ` Mrs Mustard, Mrs G. 0Hch and Mra the meeting to be led by Mr H. Snq . visit to his son, who was burnt out y tide he in- had fallen s £ul in his service8 Y rich Townsend v{sited relatives in Gode- COUNTY PRINTING. The Brussels near that place some weeks ago. A, tended. atJGeo McCartney left to back, and on reaching her noticed that o Strathroy; 's rich last week. der. All are invited. Post has been awarded the printing McGre or sold a Car of lumber to F. G, she was struggling to breathe. Haat- St. Paul's church was attended on gg Georgetown on Friday sly cxllin hal he ran for a doctor Sunday last by very large crowds, M + P ANNIVERSARY, —The anniversary .a1t>tuetrn, for the current year. The $gores at Rumhail, of London, this week. There last. g p t ,T aervices of Turner's church will be held which this work has been done hereto- appears to be a great deal of sickness who reached the house In a fe.w min- morning and eveningg, the occasio ' OHURCH NOTES,—AAV Mr Cousens fore have been so low, that printers in our burg at present. VISITORS.—Miss Jemima Fraser, of ,tea, but Mre Sheppard bad passed to being the visit of Bisho Bald h -r on Sunday and Monday, March 7-8. Torun to, is at present visiting her the °therworld. Death was ceased b hold conflrmat' P win, to preached on . Sunday mooning from have Lost moneq,and the work has been mother• Mr .Jae. Aikenhead and heart failure and w s y ion services, The con. Sery{ccs w{ll be conducted at 2.30 and abbakuk 3 From a¢ oacaefoasl correspo¢de¢t a almost inetan- firmation class numbered 1. ;jh 7.30 p, m., On Sunday, by Rev Mr Saw• work " he 2' "O Lord, revive thq alighted, ore was natural under the cit- wife are. this week visiting in London. taneous. fourty-four, yep, and on Monday a tea meetin ' gave a grand discourse. cumat.ances. Some of the printers NoTRe.—Mies M. Briggham, Of Sum- Miss Davis, of Listowel, has been visit NOT and were personally addressed ,; Will g Revival',meet{n' s_ wale started here on tried unitedly to raise the priced this merhill, is visiting aG W. Whitley s. Es•—Andrew Williamson Sloane Bleho on the r by the lte held from S to 8 .p.m., after Monday, Feb. 12, be Continued all ear, but it was found this could not Mrs De es, of Belgrave, eau titer of ins friends in Stanley and Hensall for of Blyth, has been a Dieted p responsibilities and pre � <: •: ' 1.whiei addressee are. expected from yy�gg some weeks, Mr M. Graham, who ie and took the oath of office a J. P,, vilegea o£ their position: In the after- �' Revsi,Messis For Mill lire Westin n week eTKcep't Satu ay night. The be done, and the work was, therefore, Mrs McVerizie, is visiting friends in some n near Dashwood { office yesterday, noon three others were o d' y + a children are invite to meet in the handed over to Mr Kerr. It ie to be this vicinity. Mre Mo�ridge has re- g Pa d a visit J. F: Lister, Q,C., M. P., Sarnia the c nfirmed. In •airiaa��llQtiir, , illi_ 14usical selections by ,cbrurph on,Fxidaye nin at 4.30, Rev ho ed he may make some turned from viaiting fr► ridsnds in to bis borne last Saturday; he had a conduct the cro .will a evening the Bfsho preached one �'n' I 1.1i9 .' - •'he Clintqu uartette. A., enderson g p money out h Clin- visit from Inspector Tom. Miss Kate S tin Aeai wn business at the pf hrs characteristicallpy elo uent s. pre ned Mr J. MCGee'e of it, as he will certainly endeavor to ton. Miss M: B?1] as returned from McEwen, of $eneall who h p g Assize court which opens here mons on "The speech an q ser- ,, ':1rom another oorreaporident fiiYq`ral sermon last Sunday, a large do conscientious work. The lowest visiting in Clinton, Rev. Mr McGIb- gg as been on Monday March 8th. On Moeda the Lord." I p d silence of I�CI'rEe Mir Bert Thom son, of Bay- number being present. Rev Mr Beck- tender is not always the be9t, unless bin and wife, of Wroxeter, took din- for thle et of.Mlsa ,Annie E. McEwen afternoon John Roberts, while work-Y con t was amaetereffort, and ' 8�tt p er ex ec past week, returned to her fres on the first floor of Whitel 's tamed matter enough for many 444 ` ' 'field, Occup{e he-pulpit both at AIma p to get thrqugh with revival there is also a fair expectation that the Tier, on Monday, at the parsonage, On home on Saturda y gro• daimons. The offertory of the da , and Turner's church, on Sunday last,. meetings this week. work will be good, 'but the wealthy their way to Seafortb, Mr G. Craw• q eery, slipped and fell through ly open was tIi behalf of the Indian f • y and ave ua a splendid address on the ,NOTES•—Mrs Lundy is visiting•her countq of Huron cannot ex ect d ford, of Manitoba, who hie been visit- NOTE$.—Misa M. E. Reid, of the door into the yard below, a distance of fund and 'amounted amine y mother Mrs J. Moore, at resent• Mr work when it is known that the prices Bayfield Road, is at g 15 feet: 'esterda g + unted to over W; since ,a. �,�. wor s, "And I, if I be lifted up, will p ins in these parts, returned home on present visit,{n' y mornin about 3 then Rev Mr Parke has received '$15 ,draw all men unto me•" � Mr Joseph R. and Miss M. A. Mutch, of Gorrie, are positively so low that mons is Tuesday morning. The Literary en- friends m Ethel. Mis4 A. Marshall, of a•rn. a fire was "noticed m the room from "A £tiered " ' ;'' Townsend, of Manitoba, is still viaitin are visiting. theirgrandmother at pies• being lost. Y tertamment, given by the League on Clinton Collegiate Institute, spent O°er Allen's hardware store occupied contribution for th' making the total11 ant. Miss I. Dimond, BltievaYe, is the Monday night, was a success; at the' Mr J. Parke, is fund $55. x F , among his relatives; Mr Towneen Sunda at the home of by S. Grierson as a tailoring shop, The An informal meeting of the official "is'' 4F speaks well- of his country. Mr Jos, ,eat of Miss A. Knox at, present.— close a subscription was taken u Bayfield Road. Mr R. Blair, of Sault brigade was soon Out and in a short boards of the Ontario and Hatt Cudmore returned to his home in Da- Mas'Jenkinf, of Goderich Towtiship,ia Hullett behalf of the Indian relief fund. The Ste Marie, paid a visit to friends in time the fire was under control. The bury street churches w n ;', kota on Mondry; these twit gentlemen, the guest of her sister, Mrs J. Wash- FIRST ANNOUNCED.—Mr W. H. Ball, Junior Epworth League of LOndeaboro this neighborhood. The special ser- fire evidently started in Grieraon's .la evening in as held on Mon , +} although born in Ontario; think there ington. Mrs Baer's daughter, from of the base line, is the first one to come met In the Raattenbury St. Methodist °ices carried on in Bayfield Presb ter- shop and must have been smoulder{ coy g Ontario St, church, to :,., Berlin, is P forward with the announcement of church ian church b Y ng resider again the qq,eation of uniting ,, is no place tike the parte in which they visiting at home at resent. ,Clinton, with the Rattenbury Y Rev Mr Graham, with some time, as the fire had burned the two bodies. 11Qr D. Ti lad are living. W. Nott and D. White Mr .1'. Nicholson paid a flyin visit to early spr{n lambs, he having four on and Ontario church Leagues; they re• the help of some of the neighborin through the floor and the eeilin into a p _ y was *{ crushed at Mr Frank Cr{ch's on Wed- Zurich on Saturday. Miss . M. Er- the 10th of eb. ort having an enjoyable time; the g the store, below. —Signal, g ppointed chairman and Mr Wilbur pp ministers, were concluded on Thursday gnu]• Marluing secretary. Therecommenda- ' nesdxy afternoon, running through ratt returned home from a tong visit BULL SOLD.—Two' follow{ng pieces were rendered by the evening, Captains Brannigan, of Bay- tion of the joint committee ' 80 bushels an hour, A number of the in Goderich Township on Saturda Weeks since Mr Londesboro Lea ue:—An essay by A. field, received a visit from their dieter, Addlf�Ofl81 �.QCBI Ntlws• erect that, in their was, to the.-� .} { F ;; , immediate friends of Mr and Mrs W Miss Maggie Pollock returned home Durham bull cased in the NEW ERA a Brigham, a songbyPearl Anr The Irish Nightingale," �+' s opinion it wo,ld if for sale. He ut ) d ewe, The members othe fmiof Mr Win, Messrs Blackall and Ball wereamong be to the interest of Methodism to A'? x* ' + ' Townsend spent r+ very enjoyable even- last aturday from her visit in Brus- q Y and a recitation by A. Bell. The enter- Y the fifty-two veterinaries who wrote invite 'the two churches, to be under ins at their home, Riverdale Farm on sale.t is rumored that Knox College found a purchaser, in the garcon of Mr tainment Thursda ni ht was rr�gai{). Clarke, Babylon line who have t before the examiners pastorate Wednesday; it was a gatherin in be- is going to lose one of its students soon, M igma.lz1s a choices ones nor ash' the ore, probably on acvouut of it n71E be- hold fever, are recoverrog slowly, Fri at London on theonerf of a marred man and g p y dip last, order to ualif as Irl- Probationer for a abort time, until ar- °` F; s half of Mr Jos. Townsend, before he There was quite an exciting time last old at ins advert�aed enough. Mr Lon man's Mr A. Ferguson, of Ba field, wh tial§ spec tors under the new qualify quarantine act. rangemente could be completed for a g fair figure. g g been awe on a visit for some time q church edifice to accommodate the uni- returns to Manitoba„ Saturday evening; t he chimney of Dr•, horse is improving slowly, Moser had Y Rose's office caught fire, and the alarm COUNCIL. OounciI met in his hand badly jammed_ has returned home. Mies M. E. Richt Mr Cudmore, of Pa River Dakota ted con re sliced, and the heeom- Varna. was rang, but whey did not get out the Hills Hall on Monday the 15th, the ardsou, who has been visiting friends who. has been spend g the winter mended that Conference be asked to ly 41 .1 I in Clinton, his fire engine. Messrs Howson & Cullis members being all present. The min- has returned to her home.' hiehwe"ekrte ds here, eft for -home sanction this proposition. The11 NOTE$.—Miss Mary Stinson, of Clin- shipped another car loud of rollers on uses of last meeting were read and con• Gioderich Township We are sorry to learn of the illness of Miss Stevens, daughter of tion was th°ro goes+ ton, has been visiting relatives and Monday; they have moved their mill firmed. The Committee appointed at NOTE$, —Miss Agnes Coo er will Mrs R. Mcllveen, and hoe soon to �f ' Stevens, Hullett, intended to oro unanimou t ughtq discussed, and 1. friends here the past few days. Mr to A hfield, where Lhe�y expect to hive p P p comping him and then proceed -on to that each so passed. It was decided 14, Jas. Thom son, and wife of Seaforth' the former meeting to exams a Mac- leave for Manitoba in a few da s. Mr bear of her recovery, Mlss Bertha p work anti) spring. Mr M. Holdsover gregor's bridge and the approaches at J Green spent Sunday last in Stanley Armstrong, of Bronson Line, who has hereister, why lives is Manitoba, They Iv on March 1►d should meet separate k' spent last Sunday in Varna. Quite a has tuo hased tine driver from Mr the new brie e, reported to have )et M{as A. (.preen, of Bayfield, is'viaiti Y been visiting her were ticketed by A. O. Pattison. • . o take action, and sub- . number of the members of St. John's g y ¢ g sister, Mrs Rand, of mit the matter for congregational ap• Church, Varna, attended 'church in f Londesboro. Mr T. Clark is a hauling of ten cords of atones for friends in this vicinity, g Clinton, tine returned home. INDIAN FAMINE RELIEF FIIND, = proval the same avenins, Zf it is ass- doing crushing business; he has added an embankment at said bridge, and Additional subscriptions received by ed, which is consia.'ead robable, pass- r Clinton on Sunday last to hear his an extra hand to his staff, Messrs J. consider that the Macgregor's bridge FOR IIIM$ELF,—Mr J. F, Whitmore, the Molsons Bank and forwarded to the matter will p lordship, the Bishop of Huron. Mr J %*Dung, T., Erratt and A. Jackson haus should be rebuilt this year, which the who has been employed with Mr E. r� Brucetield Ottawa :—Edward Foster, $1; George are the L']stiTct meett� R. Harhwell; our popular teacher, sue gone to Niagara as representatives to , but as to Wise for the last couple of years, has NOTES,—Cur village had two run- Hoare, $1; Mrs B., $1; .Miss B., 1' M s ins and from there to Conference. Tit& wted the ulpit its the Methodist, Council has decided to do rented the farm on the Ba field line 'awe a drip the. week, but nothing ge, , ti friend meetin throu hout was most liar-�+"`1 p� p the Grand Lodge O. O. F. whether it shall be iron or cedar is not Y Y g g W+ $1; Mise Gen $I , $. monious. g Y rna, Sunday last, in the absence of yet settled. The accepted tenders for formerly occupied by Mr Catling, and more serious than the upsetting of the W Taylor & Sons, , . Mr Burson, who was at Goderich. su { will shortly take up hia residence on it. rig and a little breakage svgs the Y $2' f'`- Baird, sr,, $ The meeting o Mr B. A. Holruesville. PP yin elm lank were Thos. Shob- g total received to date $93.20. Those !; f Junior Leaguers, in r Liggins, our poplar harness brook's, for 4000 ft., to be d livered at FOOT $ALL.—On Friday last a very suit' Mrs Mackintosh i$ visiting in intending to subscribe are requested to Hattenbury street church, on Friday k maker, is also quite a horse man: he QUERY•—Has the price of hair cuts Lasham'a, Srigham'a anderrie' and interesting foot ball match was played gAiIIsahoraig, Mr D. Campbell has be hand in their donations as soon as pos- evening last, was quite a success. has a fancy driver that can chase the Sone up? It used to be two cuts at 15c R. G. Wehb's, for 2000 ft. at Leitch's between the tel of toS. S. as land work for Mr B. R. Higgins, sibte. Goderich, Victoria street being un- ;� best of them. Mise Grace Torrance each. and Jae. Southcombe's, and 2000 ft. at 10. Mr Fisher, of $Dimes ills acted Magee David and Murdock, of Henaall, 1 LEAGUE NOTrt$,—Q❑ Tuesday even- avoidably detained b the bad roads, called on a few of filer friends )est Sat- INDIA,—The miaeionary spirit has J, Snell s. Ana ro dation of $d00 ore referee, to the satisfaction were visiting friends in this 'vicinity ng+ notwithstanding the storm, t$ere the three remaining Leagues, Lopdes been runnin hi PP ti and ad- last week. ri few of the Dun was a. good attendance at the,ry int r- I' ', urday evening; they are al ways pleased g guently t the ave c scholars was made 'for repaixinc roads and miration of all. A return match wifI s t boro, Ontario and Rattenbury streets, to dee her. Mr Geo. Willison, of here, and Consequentl the have cot- y g people S .Epworth Leggue, and a very inter- furn;ehed the pro ram, The ease a lected move a Y Y bridges, $SO in each division under the probably be played in the near future, pent last Friday evening in a social g y 11 11, Dakota, was visiting among hie old y and forwarded it for the direction of the respective Councillors, dance at the home of Mr Murdock.- A eating meeting. The devotional part wale practical and helpful, the songs ' , " acquaintances, after an absence of 25 relief of stat ving India. This is very The auditor's report and statement of DEPARTED.—People were somewhat reat many logs came in to our mill of the meeting was conducted by Mr bright and the recitations earnest. - 1 years in the neighboring republic, commendable in the boys and girls. the treasurer's accounts were accepted. surprised to learn that Mr John Mc- wring the good sleighing, and a good Jabez Rands, after wbich a most ad- The questions were asked chiefly . b ' l looking hale and hearty. Mr V. M, LEAGUE•—The annual meeting of the Council adjourned until March 15th at Donald, of the 8th eon„ had suddenly many are yet to come if the sleighing mirable address was given by Mr Chas. the Juniors, were well chosen and of t' r Diehl is attending the session of the• Ft ..L, of C. E., in connection with the 10 a, m. continues. Bezv�o, on "the Bible and why we genera) interest. Londesboro spoke a Sigh Court C.O.F. at Niagara this Methodist church, was held on Mon- departed, leaving no intention as to should stud it." Until further notice °t "The di8flcultiea of junior work in s :,, week. Mrs Turnbull, of Seaforth, was day evening.' Delegates were a o{ret- hie whereabouts. .He had been using C$IIRC$ NOTE$.—Rev Dr: Buchan- y , pp ypitagham. for'some time a horse belonging to Mg an, of India, 'preached i�nUpson church the Epworth League of Christian En . country glare, which Were not few, ;, 4 visiting at the home of her parents ed to the convention to be held in Sea- Stirling McPhail, and this he took on Sunday morning; he took for big deduct of the Ontario St, church will fort they practically demonstrated, bei. last week, forth on March 16th, and the following HIS SERVICE$ APPRECIATED. Ata with him a9 far as Brucefield, where text Matt. 7-8, and drew the tom ori- meet on Tuesday evening at $o'clock, a the eveningg was over, that instead officers were effected for 1897:—Hon, special meeting of the Wigham town he but it in charge of the hotel keeper, P instead of Mnn ay. of being stumbling blocks, difficulties 11 Sasfield. Pres.+ Rev G, W. Andrews; Pres., C, ouncil, held held on Moeda evenin sop with the inhabitants of India. ' He S. A. DRIIM, IAPB.-A very interest- nosy be rhade steepleg atones to swots , ' L. Fisher; let V. P,, F. U. Elford; 2nd' last, the resignation of John Dickson asking him mtoit s eamiatto jookga�ft and showed clearly how that vast country ins time may be looked forward 't INTO MINING.—Mr J.,G. Stanbuty,so V, P., Miss D. A. Holmes; 3rd V' P. L' aq +town treasurer for o for earnest, resolute Ohrlstian growth, after it, is slowly but surely being opened up Tuesday, March 2nd, in the Salvation and also that bele in the Country rs we known as one of ocrpopular Bair- Miss Andrews; 4th V. P., G. W, Ache- years, was read and accept d tb eth tniumhere. it is for the Stategposed he took the telthe ,leavening influence of the (#Os- Armq barracks when Ensign no possible reason g field boys, {s now Secretary of the Sec. y He was a steady P He dwelt on the practical aide of sign Andrews t? for a League to labk Gold son; Tress., M{sa C. Walter; Or. board• The ret{ring treasurer, who is hardworking fellow, but started with- the question, the new G.B.M. agent will give a land any of the best methods of junior y Quartz Free-Milling, Min{per and g the difficulties which be work, while the town leagues ma Development Co., with headquarters ganist, Mrs F. C. Elford. therotherof Wm. Dickson, governor of out capital, and meeting with losses, tern service, subject, The life of the , , g de it at•Toronto. "this is a strong or aniza- NOTE$•—Mr Coola e, of Man the is vie- county jail, has been in failing �qradually went behind; he was vet in, set thein Hillsgre s in their work. He lata Mrs Gen. Booth;" admission 6c, plain to all that sociability is not alone r • } g gg health for some time past. He is a y ' spoke in Hiiiat nig t. the after»oor- At 6.30 p. m. he will give n service far found iu country places. We trust ;` tion and J. G. is just the boy for the sting hia aunt, Mrs Phipps. Mr Wm, hi hl P dependent in his naGdre and feeling Wit flensa)] at night. children only, admission 2c, qp the outcome of thelaces.convention, position he holds. Stanley is at Niagara this week, at- h y respected resident, of Wingham . that he could not face his erbditora rest, of Walton, occupigdRthe pulpit n urea and Ju Sat- a taste will be '" tending a Forrester convention as dela- 10v ere he has resided for a quarter of went away, Those who have had the evening, and delivered an excellent Y qday, March 6 and 7, tho greater earnestness among the young �, 'VERY ILL.—We are sorry to know a century. Mayor Morton and other dealings with him, speak in nothing f town will. be awakened by the cele- People in tLeir work, and a grealer in.. that the little daughter of the Rev, Mr gate from our lodge. Mr A. Colina members of the Council, spokq in but terms °f raise concernin hi ye of �hrist.m the text, '°What think braced "Seraphic Brass Band," and latest of the parents in the was called to Aah$eld on Saturday, g m, ore Rev Mr Muir preached th6 leadership of .Ad'. Archibald under League, It might be said Without +Iy Graham {s still dangerously ill, and owi�n��g to the death of his .father, Rev w°ids (if the highest commendation to they say thathewas not intentionally anniversary sermons r Walton, Bandmaster Keeler j and $ 8 , ithout de- 1 •oedmingly not getting any better; we A. W.' Andrews preached at Blyth on the worth of the retiring treasurer. dishoneak and think be should have Admission on •preciating in anp_way the partS taken • sincere y bnpe that we may soon be Sunday; E. W: Jarvis very efilcientlq S�oCx SOLD.—The stocks of John remained and faced hie difficulties. Saturday, 5c. The band has quite a by others, that Misses Pearl Andrews, a 1 hole to announce a change for the filled the pulpit here or► Sundayq morn- Ruettei & Sons were sold at auction Heusall variety of new songs and m�aic, and a Londesboro, and Emma Plumsteel, better. . ins, and In the evening 'The Gleaners" by J, W. Jones at London on Wedges- very en jogable time may be eapacted. Clinton, did except{onally Weil, all 11 INOTES,—(poldt.borpe and Donaldson held a song aervioe. Royal Templars daY• .The Wingham Stocks, consist- Porter rd Hili. FIRM ENGINE BoIIQHT.— The Hincardine STATION NoTEs,--The following are a h° tOOk ppart In the program were have commenced operations in fawn; meet next Monday night; a good at. {ng of woollens, trimmin e gents'fur- xNcx.--The friends of Mr E, town village has sold the hand fire engine the shipments made this week;—Jas. radii ant{tled.to credit £oz` the wor in "l g ,gents fur' t0 the villa which their arta rovers sustained, y its»g maple blocks for roll- tendance is requested, ore the installs-° niehings, hats, caps and clothin , va!- r , ge of liensall for $150. The ea- Fair, S care Soul for Montreal, and one P gg O. Potter ine chant will be glad to gine had done Grand work et fires in Hirt. car for Halifax; W. Doherty & Co., 36 can, of Gloderech, will be tion of the officers elect will take place, ned at $3,050, was bought by Pridham know that his health is irxiproving; he 0ardipe and if 8enea1l keeps it {n good or- savn er while the season lasts, GnteelNElts,--The Royal Templar He. & McCormick, at 05C on the dollar. has been a severe suli'erer for several der the machine will never fail to tee Dred organs for Liverpool, and 33 to local °<: r lights, after:some delay, vival Team, . consistin of. Mr Wiltse, The Kincardine stock. of the same des• months, and haslonl recovered h p - °anis; A. P. Joynt, 1 car ashes to Suf- ; GO TU : gg orJpt{op, valued at $3,638, was sold to to aft tip, but it will be a couple of dtend that pondna a manned. We undor eld, Corea.; S, H. Smith, 1 car Stnek been started; it ie fully ex- his daisgtiter, and Mfse Nen{lis, are h, M, Smitla, London, at 400 on the y • before he is able to attend means of for Quirk was really the to Toronto. Mr L. J. Ferritor, G.'I',R. at there will be no further here under the auspices of the Templara months et '�• with them.' Sleighing around 'and are swing entertainments in the dollar, to his business, esonring the sale. Trainmaetsr, Stratford, mode a calf �..2� eti ie at a discount, Weare glad church this week. Theirproklram con- NOTESp--Masers Pickard and M0. creMonday; Mr E. H' Fitzhugh, +i " ,, lice that business is good 'with sista ;of singing, recitations, temper WeSt Wawanostli • Phal1 returned home last Thursday. Exeter Superintendent,d Mt I+'etritor Paris. HURO's ST, CLI" N ".. I for{lot, Mr H. Drainew once talks b the •lead0', Mr Wiltse, Mr Tom d through here irf their.private car on p Vnnx Low, 'We are sorry to learn that Elliott,, of the Bth cop„ has • NOTES. — Another Another ver suc MF loT now assisted b D.'J,MeL+eod. and lime light views. The trio etre Mr. smith, of the 12tlioon., who a been a endo�,q a ?'- Cessful .�u�$ e3'+. mel>eCtiing tl;e _road. 'I`he !►r yy p .. rely _.days .visits» Cat»iwal took f *+ ng, of Goderich, Was in berg goCd s n ars, Mian Nevitl s• onely-fn'ured b befh _-_.., _,s. seri...., _ ollowin were ticketed b A i61" S� � r 11 Ii g Asplen 7 q 3 thrown out of a rig friends near w I rton. . Mr and. Mrs on Monde night. Mo he skating rink Lison this Y A. O. Pat R �%A , Der ofread� ay last: . Mr Ityg+tfm,` 'dui "reciter, and tyre views rare the beam in Bay City, Michigan, lied serious i Bradley, have been vial Y $' st of the nation- ►reeks•--Smith Kflty, for . ' the electric li tib plant, that have ever been shown here. We regret to have to ty !l, t y tin Pr{rands In al costtfine$ were well gotten u a Houghton, Mich.; Miss Sten twill pay Sou, Ve.�ave a r. ## g e e. On , state thal Jaines Ddd� he ne3ghbot hood; ileid ars ante re- cosh file roriparera l�+ red h ane, for PEO lot of ; a # frth, assisted J. Donaldson to get Monday night: we had some rat+ lbw+ iii Nile, is ill apd rets wveak• turned�inrite considerable time and Park N. Dak. Passen era who S itX �VO){lvS'p D r' I 11. ,however= , laait monday. Mr and expense, Mr Bowden pias b at'e thinkitir of going R TROi78EJ%1X i1'S ti stile in order for Tuesday evening, lim ses of old Ireland, Tuegdaq n{gh >ks the vonerabl0 gentleman itr ati the e` -Mrs 'Walter. We ton'., left been f'orttt g g g to Rossla and , vvhicil NvoYrlcl . g p g x tri Wednesday nateso far in 'seCtrrin ins at tial the gold Setds would do be chaise at �6. onr °the • life of Christ, and 'WeBneeda depoe or hia son-ia.iaw, Wm. Basle , Wa. morning to vleit the latera ar g p free� 'ee well lq tail on Y , a price is s Peau Wiseman, of Clinton. IN flight the vievrs were of S* wanosh, and having the y' A p tints fair these occaslona. Tlierd is tonal gg Ur A•, 0., Pattison, G. T. R. �:.' ltzerlan t3 a be>3t of oat o, five ar G}Iatnmis, able sick»+ass in this vicini der, Clinton' befrire o agent geek thle guest of Mrs Wm. tobb� On >Irlday tlieY will give a. concert an pe that he w'ili be s a e tyat presont, + lg elsewhere; low• Read -,Ww e would fain ho p r d fdr �' SuitS► . nfofth ft odtor. —_.;.� p�tetttno {a, inflammation o the-lttxigs crit hates ori.e$$rt9; parrlphlets :red all p Cltatge an admisalonof ten Cents. ' some years. TxI?! NztwElttac>ttS T� �Ontt� ximVu� and ltindred cotntiiaintsel»'bgb• information bgeerfGllyr given; ba A - I I r Ip"vidouL - g cP.hecked thrortgh. - g3age A.e..i, Lio ";ZtWAY, 01#ftton `. � J Ill: 1.0-1, 1. I . 1. : - I I . I I .. .� 11, 11 ­11 I 11 ,­ . I lrr..., r,,r ­�', I . .. I r. IV. I I 1. . . - 11. 'Ir 11111. r ,, I ­ ,,, .r.1. .11 r .... .r e - I . . 11 . . I #, '' ,�, .­ Ir 1i — I .1111. . 111111-"­, � 11 1I ; I I � '. . t . .• ,. 11. '' I . . — I r 'Ir �, r I : I, ''.1, I 1. .. ...P.I.p.l.. 11 10 1.. 1. I... I , 1. .r ,, '11:. I ", ­� I I ,. .I , . I , ­­ 1. ­.. 11 1. I li, 1. '. r . .1 I, I I ­; ' "I 7 . . , d. �, . I 1. ­ r.. . . I ,1 I ), , , r ­ . .. I ­. .. '' . , ­ .. r e ! .. t - '� . , r. I 1, � %1. ' . . 11 y. �,, � I ,.. I �, , I i ; y } ,, vim.=` r _:a -. �• . `,. �h ,.bs' r�''>.S,'',` '�:,:g� " r: i, -1. ,;ti ` p ,kr,r _,�. milwla ', _...a'- - t �.• 'j-vim. , �.5 1�1L''[ M i ..