The Clinton New Era, 1897-02-19, Page 6} ]1rlqk • r �., j +, t : •' e. �' t.., t ,• I , , l '' w . j �� li "�� I _ fir, " • .. . ' 46 i • P I I t a !� _ '+ U�.ry 16 18 TUB CLINTON NUW � 91W� • P ' . - A. ;. . - -;I I. .,.. .. In t1i4t,:�t= t There are thousands of OI. w aR J3oRSE. ltelk�tfuokt With tlltt Suttee. j while ago, a young fcU:a �- �� �'wr" went out on the eclgt o" . -- - A Grand Arm M n Crosses Swords with At Montreal last week, a ban uet was siaelvitlg recipicrt�ulh.,tt Remedy For Fieokler. Sickly School -girls all Oyer Y s q T $cart Disease and Wins a Glorious given to the mining engineers, and one o4 fi scud feet liIgh, rtndb,J: t c+ i Su2geon Major Wrafter, in a letter tt> tl6s } r;( Cd land t111t a1'e Victor' With the Aid of Dr, the a eakera present tuns the Hon Mr. himself on his head. A l.t the Paloutta Medical Reporter, Gaya a a �, Y Fielding, who said a knatter before the • tle slip or little pnfl of v. inc question has lately been asked there of a dr log their way through Agnew's Cure for the Government was bettor relations with the Would have seat him tc wash or romody to remove freckles from it Heart. United States. It had been said they ' eternity, Not cue Wren inc child's face -something i iwple and hu1711- School -life W110 might enjoy were tog anxious in that regard, If that million would be that kine lesa, it being for a tender skin. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart cannot was an offense he pleaded guilty. They I of a fool. Rut nine men it As the'term implies, aphelia, or freckles, that abundant life which be'- be over estimated, says H. M. Musselman, ten are all „ � time tukita were anxious to improve those relations. foolish chances, are pigrneutatyspots seated in the rete mu- longs t0 OUih b simple at- a well-known G.A.R.GARman of Weissport, But, as the American Consul bad remarkOld Cold - - �, - s • y y p Pa., and he continues: "My ailments were ed, there were extremists on each side of There is no dt adly peri cosum, usually met with on the face and and fluttering of the heart, 1 ,,bout a little fit of indt;;es backs of the hands in ultilckren having red teIltlon to h ieniC IaWS and palpitation g the line. There were people in Canada Boit or biliousntr:s, and yet hair and delicate skin, and are, without yg used two bottles of your -valuable our., and who thought that in order to be British it CIGARITTI��. , . if a man allows these troub question, produced from prolonged expo- a proper course of treatment feet like a new man. I have taken bottles was necessary to be suspicious of the Unit- , t• les to get a hold on him he sure to the rays of the sun in hot weather, , and bottles of other medicines without is taken serious risks ed States. This was a mistake. Cana• as commop experience declares, but it is with Scott's Emulsion. This help. 1 introduce it to my friends at every dians could not do a better service to the DyspEg,,ta ulyne ael.derr evid.nt that •th.-solar influence.. must. act . - , gpporfigpity possible. It is a great medi• mother country than to cultivate better kills anybody ; that on a susceptible akin. They ver iu size would hake the blood rich - . - 5 ia, it only kills you upon y y r cine, Inside o4 30 minutes after the first relveon ant the ng to States. The W. S • Kimball & CO° by inches, and takes from a pin's lead to a lentil and are of a the heart-beAt Stron ; check dose I had relief," Sold by Watts & Co. Government was going to make an earnest 4 , a good many years brown color. They becoimo darker during g --' •-••• effort to better those relations, because it doing it. But it the pummer pllt do not usually disappear that tendency to exhaustion THE NEW ERA GIVES THE HOME NEWS would be better or the 5,000,000 people as . weaktuo and under• entirely in the winter month.. They are wells, for those Aoroa. theline. IIutslthou h ROCHESTER, N. Y. mines the constitu• of no pathological importance and can and quicken the appetite by A Chicago milkman put out a fire with a t; tion so that it is all can of milk. This is a striking testimony they proposed to better those relations `°' l ready to receive land scarcely be mistaken for any gther nota- the proposed also to remain citizens of fertilise the danhndger. neous affection. . strengthening the digestion. of the character of the Chicago milk, Y P P g g g Canada and of the British Empire. But �� ons diseases which' The following is a perfectly harmless i Our book tells more about Albert Hess, of Ipswich, Mase., dieap if the Americans thought that such was w do kill you outright. preparation for removing freckles of the peered suddenly with 87,000 of other pec- not to their interest, if they thought there Disease -germs skill: it. Sent free. ple's money. lie sent ilia wife word to was no money in it for them, then the Retail everywhere won't grow In Take 2 ouncesof lemon juice, half a return to her parents in Toronto. Government bad made the effort in good healthy blood any dram of powdered !,,. i x • and a dram i • SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, Out. The Patrie, under the management of faith, and Canadians would gather them- • t more than corn will of white sugar. L::. them and let them the sons of Mr Torte, Minister of Public selvice too, tiler ••n,l ♦cork out their own 5 per Package 1. grow on a rock. A stand a few days in a 0• -'ss stopperc;l bot- Works. announces that it will support Mr dest•inic s "n tl,,.„ own evil as members of man who keeps his tie till the liquor is fit for use. Thcal rub — policy the Britii-Ii Empire. If anyone in the digestion perfect and Laurier, and advocate a olio of ooncil- •r .` his blood pore may it on the hands and face 000aslOW11y. iotion, liberty and peace. United �itatea supposed that a commercial l ill , eat and drink and - olio c nnld int,,rfere with the devoti6n of 17" FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. t 1{/ breathe disease. Enzazemxo nnounce+nnntl. When you find tbat you cannot sleep Canadians to the mother country, the , germs, but they ggin "I HAD NO FAITH." The rather lately establi :n'. of and get up in the morning with furrowed Government would show that the people no foothold. They sendinv out curds annotmc r tongue, bad taste in your mouth, ed tired tiers propose first, last and all the time to are cast out of the But my Wife Persuaded me to Try the l y I as when you went to bed, be assured your P P anent dues out uecssa rl •tui . •I • Ybethoroughly +hl Canicdian and thoroughly _ system. But a man liver is out of order. Wright's'Liver sod b Y g Y ���� ''' " with a dyspepsia• Great South American Rhennlatie inviu4ticm to thuwcdding will full:•• I1e Stomach Pills Gill prove a blessing, they British. r weakened constitu• Cure and my Agonizing Pain ani ati;ct+te.nt curd is a bit of indivitluttl will positively effect a cure. Allen Wil- - bi'eathes in typhoid or diphtheretic coutteG tad insures a mora contplctc P Y P C 9.20°TC'��X.&M.:. s Alnd; down he goes. Was Gone in 12 Hours, knowlu lge of the eveutaninligthe betroth, son, Druggist, has them in .tock, rice 500 a`box, ask for circular. The fan a on CL�NTC,N �.b'as thealth-insurance a man can have and Gone for Good• ed pair's circle of friends than rho nterc simile i,.,4ierce's Golden Medical Discovery annouute lent at sonter:ocittl funetion will John Ross, of Kincardine, relates a ,18,., , eappoL J. D. McLeod, of Leith, Ont., says: ' I wra ea V �( i 'eti4a iirectly on the stomach and liver, do. There are thus, when such knowledge very strange experience which he had pf PP vea the blood -making organs power to have been a victim of rheumatism for seven iu cents e are thn slag compllcutionc• last week at Carggill. John went out • �!:healthy blood. It clarifies the blood years -confined to my bed for months at n I When the guest list for the wedding is to the camp of Mr Cargill to wotk in - -a-- A"R °',u`11 impurities, and builds up the time; unable to turn myself. Have been being made-up, house limitations is the in- the blacksmith shop. Not being Cap- ' illy flesh, muscular power and nerve treated by many physicians without any exorable pruner of its dimensions. A rash• a.hle of taking charge of the shop he , VV 44) .. lg4 which fortifies you against disease benefit. I had no faith in rheumatic cures EMPORIUM s; ifs -long success to the treatment of I caw advertised, but my wife induced ms ionableuud exclusivecatcrervviil not verve was sent out, to the bush tra cot lege, a ft diseases has given Dr. Pierce's I to get a bottle of South American Rhema- when he is asked to crowd 500 into ahouse but corning in contact with a bear he%F _ L cines aworld-wide reputation. His , that will not comfortably hold more than had a close call. John says he was a z le.1got Pellets" cure constipation. do cure from Mr Taylor, drs in a, iva Owen 350. He oes over the rooms carefully, chased four miles by the bear when it Sound. At that time I was iu ngouy with g rive u the chase and returned to its Opposite the Town hall. [.�,%Xdeial ,71110 IpiereStin Figure8 pain.' Inside of 12 hours after I had taken with a skill born of long experience and �, p g estimates to within a dozen persons the hole, John returned home this week ``�� � the first dose the pain h -d all left me. 1 ItVIIEe� number that can he accommodated, as very much impressed: with his expert - d From the Latest Report of the continued until I had used three bottles, verdin as it is a "sit down breakfast" or en Review. A splendid line of Saskatchewan Robes -three colors -light and Bur.au 4f indtlstl'ls and 1 now consider myself completely a „stand up reception." From his decision dark brown and black, quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade cured." Sold by Watts & Co. there is no appeal. Left out acquaiutancea winners. Goat, and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices. Clntario Bureau of Industries hits re- �' ,fr issued Fart VI, of its annual report should appreciato this fact and realize that I ! HARNESS, ETC. 6, containing ill a convenient and 11111liort,(In t to Cattlt, $111i"VC11- l• ` rigid laws of space and matter along have OVERWORK I Y• 10n9iv6 farm the population noel taxcluded them.-Philudelphia Times, 7NDIICED- Our special make of Single Harness has gained a superior reputa- nt'ekstietifo of allthe orKanized mon• There are some new clauses in the cat• 1 tion fur neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harnessles of thn Province, compiled fromtieregulations which Canadian exporters Money and IIunPiness' Nervous Prostration ` 'ativvays in stock or made to order• Horse Blatnkets, Collars,;Bells, returns of the Clerks, Tressur- should know of: In shipping a Pill' fit dT1x- iii What sad nonsense 18 still often talked Qt Combs' Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises. tihd'A,aditors,comprising 38counties, 13 ed cattle, butchers' and stockers, it is tie- I aboii$ initi;'rcago, to be sure! A' judge who I Our Goods are Bargains at our prices. eg';96 towns, 137 villages and 492 town- oessary, in getting them inspected, to recently ventured to discourse on the "hap Complete Secovery by the Tf.e of l r 1 state for what purpose they are intended, py state" without once "mentioning that 9 • ARMOUR. � A/P®TTR • q'hcpulation of the i�rctvil ce in 1895 (whether for slaughtering or feeding per all important world money" has provoked Ayer Sarsapariila L AND JOHNSON l�j V a.v "(', bwn'to have been 1,957,390+ Or a L%in i poses, an antipodean paper to express the opinion X2.8,895 in ten years, being till lnctt&gc Ali. Milch cows and springers must ];o that dowestic bliss i9 itlEm•ed by the pog• � NERVE PILLS Ql:)y 17.05 per cent in ,the decade. The I through the teat for tuberculosis, and a gession of a good banker's acociatit. This "Sothe yF?ArA ago, a3 it result of toe • atpopulation of the townships is div. n certificate has to accompany them, show; unromantic opl$lon is hardly worth eon close attention to business, my health FOR WEAK PE®P� E �� ����� �� ������� I'll;148 856, or s loss in ten years of 39.- I ins thst they have been passed by a com- tradicting, and yet one hardly likes to al failed'. t became weak, nervous, was I r 1�1,.••Towns and villages are credited wi+h patent veterinary surgeon before they were low young folks to read such assertions unable to look after my interests, and Laving Heart and Nerve Troubles, such ''I -of 431,544, or a gain of 71,539 in the shipped. Otherwise they will be quaran- without correction. There is something manifested all the symptotris of a de• 1 4<. Otirs;eities, 416,215, or a gain in the tined, and held for inspection to prove positively appalling in the idea that girls cline. T took tbro&bottles of Ayer's as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular °}Et„s of 06,K81 ilial they ate free from disease. If they should really believe that nothin bei 1� few firSt-Cli1SS Well Winds Weald tl'imTT]8d� g Sarsaparilla, began to improv. at once, Beating of the Heart, Shortness of r y r $lilts while the population of the Prc- are diseased they, will be confiscated and ,leash buys comfort,” and that more com• P' , g Breath, Smothering Feeling, Loss of well finished Cutters for sale eheS- pqe;ltas increased only 7.0> per cent, mu• alauKhterod by the,Unittd States authori- fort is invariably synonymous with happi• Memory, Dizziness, Feeling of Anxiet}'; ('lpal taxation has increased from MOW- life, ness. And it is not true that rich, well or Morbid ➢cental Condition, etc. l�ifn 1886 to $12,316,429 in 1895, or fr m dressed, well fed people lead the happiest `' _ T r� .n R 29 r bend, bein R gain of a6,- Souris, Man., Sept. 21, 1896. ' „ F tFT B.A.LL CLINTON , ,,Q #, , pc g lives together, as the annals of the divorce } For Thin or Poor Blood, Gcncral Dc- al ''s« c01,t, Of this increase the cries I Messrs Edmanson, Bates & Co. court prove. The married couples who do I bility, after effects of La Grippe, etc., n qe c150 136 in live together most happily are often thoae 1 -- _•- -_ -. -_ nkbutcd the PdVa 1C. fsani ,• they are most valuable. These Pills do �.� _.. 18.86 to ®5,277,594 in 1S95, or per head Dear Sirb:-I And yours goods taking rc- who have to struggle along as best they - -"' canon lnacluqutlteinc�mesand are never not stimulate for the moment a� dy THE FINEST OF TEAS F'tJRE ANo F3'+ 1•i ` o- -$9,23 to 512.86; towns and vilir, markably well with my customers and they so idle as to got into mischief or grow die but #7tipol,6'70,8i8 to $2,565,560, or from $4.64 appear to give every satisfaction, as ind- ani other pow x:,$5.94 per head, and towhships from $4,- cared by the fact of our having Bold Otte- contented I'hilndt 1phia •Ledger, I acts as a tonic, , �c permanently, '' 68401 to $4473,269 or from $3.82 to $4,• half gross of your Kidney; Liver Pills alone during the mouth rf August, I . y,� f, .:,� ' � building u the tissues, restoring rcgui;tr �r'p•++�te ?� ` '';� f��4,�Ni k �1 ���"0 pf' � g The Acid ltath In Cookery. g p A d A H E �` � X11 tl.v G- tr;"erlleadA S. S. Enugu, Souris, Man. Heart action regulating r the' cliYcstivc t a®!! Y i' #1' k i t " Iii the nine years from 1486 to 1894 in- i The value of the marinade or acid bath + ' g b � " ��r � � + s f i �,::;,' or ens and neutralizing the poisonous " I give the total debenture debt of the mu- is not half upprociated by any but French g acids of the blood. CEYLON �' MIXED ql Wes has risen from $29. 24,863 in The election trial, so far as London is cooks. tLlmost any salad foundation is the . z '8,86 to $49.724,5h7, or from $16.27 to $25 - concerned, came to a close last week. The better for this sorter pickling. Beets thor• !F Their direct action on the A crvous Sys- (iB,;perhead. During the same time the judges will, if time permits, give their de- �~ n muthe alitiee tnerea;- vision on March 6, at 11 a.m. at Osgoode oughly boiled -this is imperative for the +,,f, M1 ��: tem gives tone and vigor to every nerves, .-� s , " ting debt of the p have a bur dred processes of digestion-tako on quite a . �;? s t i"-dj The t $ell Toronto. The v '•.+ � . si% :i �/.'' �' ^ so that sufferers from any 1 icart or Nerve rem 4 841 717 to $6,669,56'1. } t new flavor if allowed to lie for an hour or •-. y<� � , „" ,.:.,,� ;:Y;'...., ,• 25, 30, 4G, 1)O AND 6O CENTS $ ' charges to consider. And 100 charges 1 rnterest paid on loans and debenturestwo in a rnixture,of two tablespoonfuls of Disease are sure to find almost imme- IN LEAD PACKETS t 0 4 it was mode b the petitioner are still untouched. 'f "• diate benefit, A POUND --AT ALL GROCERS KTEAtx`1886 was $1,716,6 0, and in 189 Y P oil one of vinegar an&, a good pinch of ONLY—V2 AND 1 POUND ('2;552,607. The trial has been the longest in the tys. salt• This is for a small quantity, to be and aduallyincreasod mywei htfrorn 1-. nag of Canadian jurisprudence -21 days. gr R Each box is guaranteed to give saris- 5 3 f ?,'' The court reporter, Mr Nelson Butcher, proportionately Increased for a larger dish* one hundred and twenty -five to two JOSH BILLING SAID P Chicken is mach unproved by marinadln@ faction. Your money back if you want it. +i �`:. hese tt moss of shorthand notes in his car- hundred pounds. Since then, 7 and my Price 6oc. per box, or 3 boxes fur $:.6o. TM6 DAVIDSON dt MAY, LTD., WHOLESALE AGENTS, TORONTO Psimply pP before betngputwith the celery may family have used this medicine when ''Fest to a clear conscience for solid comfort et bag that would a al a less en- onnaksed" into salad. To marinado meats f .. th " t giVe'me an old shoe. Putnam', Pain as ergetic and efficient interpreter of rho sato a slightly different mixture is prepared. needed, and cvo aro all in the hes. o -- - A CARlADIAN COMPANY. In unity there is strong - �I. i ,y, PP u Extracter removes the worst corns in lamented Pitman's pothooks and pollywogs. Take one-third 'vinegar and two-thirds . health, ,a fact which we attribute to l tpS?enty-Your hours, Putnam's is the only He has taken down over 1,000,000 words water; add onion, garlic, R liked, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chid- - f �il;;re, safe and painless corn extractor. since the trial began. carrots chopped fine; throw in a bay leaf, dren would have been fatherless to-day0 b soma peppercorns, whole cloves and all- ,,, hall it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, / '1tSonday forenoon W. H. Pelton was OUT OF. THE TOILS. spice end let the meat steep in this over• of which preparation I cannot say tooH I LLS . btiSU tit before magistrates McOrae - night and until ready to be cooked the ' r :aria trachan, in the CounefiChamber, Pnysiciars Failed, Cure -Alla Failed -But Postmaster and next day. Mutton thus treated become. mucb. —H. 0. H1-,ggoN, ,t°tt8sele, charged•by a wholesale house the Great 6outL American Kidney Cure, venison to even an educated palate. A fil• Planter, Kinard's, S. C. ',!*''Ithfraud in the removal of goods a Specific Remedy. For Specific let of beef is always improved by an hour's Exploration and Development+ P Y P marinading before cooking. ��er�s p Sarsaparilla NOW -Personal Liability. rqm his store in Brussels, prior to his Trouble, Cured Mrs A. E.Young # t igumen. The trial continued Mon- Shares Sold at a Discount e i� . ' sa[le�V, Tuesday, and ttitvard the close of of Barnston, P. CZ.,.Quickly Enkllah Doulton. RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. Absolutely Non -Assessable. Company; of �oront®y Ltd■ �' " 1;he:l.fternoon on Wednesday, during and- Permanently. English doulton is the best imitation of A 'ypllich time some 12 or 15 witnesses delft and is considerably cheaper, AYER'S ;Dills Save DOOtOF's anis. ?°c4bce examined. After hearing all the This is her testimony: "I was token sick 'The latest thing in decorative doultou Ineorporat➢on applied for under the ONTARIO Joint Stock Companies Otters Patent Act Relating to Mines and Mining. S,ev'idences Barrister Blair for' the de- in January 1893, I employed several of ware are the vases and jugs with extreme• 000,000 !SHARES OF° f6noe and Barrister Sinclair for the the best local physicians and was treated ly small mouths. The novelty consists Ir ��®�®'��® ��r l���y �'AA®'oo®' DIVIDED INTO 2, I+ prosecution addressed the Bench at by them for kidney disease, until the au- the decoration. The background is laid on TO 0 $LOO EACH. gonsiderable length. Their Worships tumn of the same year, without receiving. in tones o shaded greens, melting one into Cure TORONTO, Canada. i c t cidfd that• a rase was not made out much benefit. I then began using your the other, with here and there a sugges• Head Office - ."4" ,slid COnsegtle130y dismissed it. South American Kidney Cure, and derived tion of dark red or orange, The graceful L, ,.4—, b'c nseque ,,- great benefit almost immediately. I feel medico flguros of lords and ladies seem ���Mii�In+jff Principal Agencies will be London, Eng., Roseland, B.C., Rat Portae, nt. 'now that I am quite cured, I have taken PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS: t , as 14 emerging from rho misty dimness of OSEPH B. McARTHUR, Esq., Q.C., of c no medicine for some length of time, and twilight woods, with here and there a c K have not hada return of rho slightest TAgEI HON. D. EDGAR, Q.C. M.P., Toronto, EX -ALD, GEA. McMURrance Toronto, Roseland, B.P.„ touch of autumnal brightness. These S esker oCthe House oJCammons, Can. Manager Alliance Assurance Co. of Lon- `_ symptom of the disease.• 6old by Watts Op don, Eng• GEORGE E. CASEY, Esq., M.P., Fingal, + vases aro rather squatty to shape, although ��''``�� W, DOUGLAS, Esq ,Toronto, Director Ont. w & Co Ct01,S f he Toronto Paper Mfg. Co.rho mouths ars so small that they cannel J FREDERICK W. STRANGE, M.D., A D. HARDY, of Hardy, Wilkes &Hardy, !,,I-,,- .4 . contain more than a flower or two. ORONHYATEKHA, M.D., Toronto, Su- Toronto, Deputy Surgeon -General, ex- Mrs. Western of HamiJto❑ line invented preme Chief Ranger Independent Order M,p, for North York. Barristers, Brantford, nt. e * 1 and stented a bicycle tire that will net of Foresters, F. CHRYSLER, Esq., Q.0„•Ottawa, Ont. HON. JOHN FARQUHARSON, Acting P Y The Yrofeeafonol IIoneekoeper. SARSAPARILLA JOHN FOY, Esq., Toronto, Managing Dir- Premier, P.E•I., and Director Merchants slip• The principal duties of n prOfesskOnal actor Niagara Navigation Co. JOHN GEORGE BOWES, Esq., of Bowes, Bank, Charlottetown, P.E.I. • . OHN R. MINHINNICK, Esq., President Jamieson&Co., Iron Founders, Hamid- • Asa result of the visit 'of Sir Richard housekeeper are to look after the servants, J ton, Ont. IT IS Empire Oil Co., London, Ont. Cartwright and Hon. Mr,Davies to Wash- engage and pay them and see that theh PROMPT SOLICITORS -Clarke, Bowes, Hilton & Swabey, Toronto, Ont. 't. ' ington it is believed that a joint commis- ,work Is properly done and, where there is RELIABLE i'.Fr _y j , cion will be appointed to investigate and no steward, to do th® provisioning. She is OPTIONS.—The management has secured the following interests is both British Columbia and Ontario: -Options on t report l the subject of a commercial AND NEVER FAILS. Rossland, B. two properties in the Slocaa District, B.C., one in also expected to see to the linen closets, three promising locations near the famous "JUMBO” mine, •. treaty between Unnads and the United purchase kitchen ntsnsile when necesearg T �� the Whitewater Basin, being under option held by us, the other in which an Interest is being negotiated for at present. States. and atsead to the repairing a furniture ITyM MLl A location in Bortndary Creek bistrict, B.C., which is well mineralized, and will be carefully examined in the spring by our ,« , �►UREG�� Much of life's misery is due to indiges- In a email household, where there are on expertsTiWoclocations is withonnection contemplated River DfstrictCone of which will be examined minutely as soon as transportation admits it in t110 � tion; for who can be happy with a pain in ly two or tlfre. servant., the housekeepe2 I AX=,.,, jltA. his stomach? As a oorreotfve and strength- meads rho household linen. In such easel �1+��- s ria +Locations whilst inthackfish Bar having t an area of about 50o acres, as well as several other partially developed properties in the rel LTA spring, ener of the elementary organs, Ayer'e pills she 38 generally treated as s member of the � '� J P s 'A �t are invaluable, their use being always at. family, but Is less indepondent than in the - Lake of the Woods, Trail . Tb� Company n will secureybysexploration, t through itsnMiningtAgenco and ersonsfes as en of the mployees, gold, aih liver and: t .�uUC.Q � tended with marked benefit, large gatablishment, where she has het Ailk our Druggist or Dealer for it OBJEOTS: (r). P Y p and own apartments and leads her own life.- ��� other mineral lreturri3 to itssshar.hbldara, orThereaare scores of mining claims whio other ch show surfaceor pindicationslof gold or sill secure the ver, AJNFAwr0M Mrs Martha D• MoEwen, wife of Mr. and A .p p opening p'- Y bndlatE Hugh MoEwen of the Gore Downie, died New York Tribune, B t SARSAPARILLA. .o the residence of her ore of Downie, Mr BRISTOL'S or both, but unless and until they have been thoroughlytested by somegtearieodtt rationsowith options andcontractscannot extending aver r it 'v`” at To I+ lu Mold. to the examination of skilled Mining Engineers. This Company wit Pe .l��eOM D. MoEwen, 99 Wellington at., at 8 30 Sat- the best mining fields in Canada, and will continue to secure more while developing those in hand. The extent to which X ' t"�}�''1�`` .$ �#�ji urday, at the age of 46. The oironmetan- edpbur is one of the best preventives of _ expenditure will be made will depend on the advice of experts.. Before offering any property for Sala the Company will wi ready �. 'C ose of the distressing event are very .11 nMld• DQold is a plant that should be kill to lay before intending purchasers the carefully -prepared reports of the beat Mining Experts. The prices no va1�11ry th Mrs McEwon, was in the city nursing the ed as soon as Possible, and when it is ob• stage of development and the nature of the reports. In this way haveinvestor chaacesneed be In beleore them ofilgreat mains, at: d are, �" MOZ.55'� child of Mrs D. McEwen fts mother also selves it; pantry, kitchen or closet stint Cook's Cotton Root Coltlpoudd g p P will µ being unwell On Sunday the her alsoased the room tightly, put an iron pan or small Is the only safe, reliable getting so far as the best advice ban guide them, and they i{ A in a large vessel of water, so there will monthly medicine on which minimum chance of loss. The services of a practical and thoroughly reliable man, who has explored the Kootenay, ave already was laiden sick with erysipelas, which re- Po salted in her death. She leaves a husband be no ohnnce of fire, and place tbgm in the ladies can depend in the been secured for the Company in British Columbia.ier beth on this continent and in Europe, for the purpose of eemtet of the roam. Put a shovelful of hot hour. and time of need. (z) The Company mines nwill low so promote and or toobe secured, by Companies, isompany. W -k Ache lrnee-Ache, 8elatla, and a family o4 ten children. is in the p� en drop half a pound of • • Is prepared in two degrees acquiring andoperating 1 Will deal in mining shares, and act as Mining Brokers genera tlyf and the Cempanyoint Agents throughout Canada and a?sa= i, . I.I 11 11 . 1':a9ne, Neuralgic Paine, Ooi over them and leave the room Lest of strep th. ('3) w-l+sti,k•.Neur lgic o#c. - Listowel, Sept• 22nd, 1896. s pb fir where to represent the Company, and especially the Brokerage Departmen o h -.--. quo >hllmlgatiag go r two or three No. 1 for ordinary Cases o{ information to its shareholders on all mutters pertaining to mining and mining stocks in Ontario, tram try Itollovod and Cored r Manson Bates & Cd, - -- -- - Will ba a medium r U, d hours on fo _ MCh �hprehOldef to receive the very latest news from the Company's confidential �, Ism far the beat dollar -1 medifMlne known -_ Britisht4&lumbla, and elabw1?L.. _ ..- "_ ._ _ .. - _ { { 11 Gentlemen; I have pleasare in saying.- g tsta one Dollar per Tion• Agents at -the mining centres. - i every p The Qr L. ... _. _ r that Dr. Chase's Ointment, Pills and Ca• Tba EUtohen Holler. .-Sled b' f s ectal cases -Io degrees g cod ctahns can be secured at first cost, o which ev st,areTioider gel's !be 'refit' and thrrh Cnre and Linseed and Tor enC Tb� two thought of ire most kite P (5) Having its private roapectora, g fi i�#�0 ists.. One hos, all the profit. Y .ailing well and aro ivin evsrq satiel- enifr fe fhb aA out o4 tdie ltiteihett bo - stronger -sold by drugs Ordinary lviining Comrd, les are often capitalized afitt tens toe thousands ndof this Company no mi be is thst e position N�enthol Plaster are g g g :out of Cho the asdimt�p,t Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. depriving the shareholder of the first, rind fr+tinently the largest, p Every prospector d ' faction. Many of my customers have eiL Acooptdlp No. I, or No. s, mailed on receipt of of a private prospector and locator for each a areholdar. �ihere wiII be Ito middle Owners an no middle profits. ifatingneed IVamb. AL wenthcrrrlw.ter t 1 price and two 3 -cent atamps• Write or call for prospectus, or any ergs information desired will be gives uponTSpdemand, share, In blocks of not less that% t6r 00,vote fudhln the Wk and lumWw,no I spoken highly in their praise. Yours truly, t OM!'a►d�b, arh O"terf by lg,r• Ittnofkiddd om 0h A limited number of ah Srst issue, a now offered to the public at 10 CENTS per Uhhitwttnglyr�ocomminfwet th yacCitko 4J. A. HACAINe, agt1foulQbOt ash . The COoK a p Yr eros, alta rw la rooay - 11g1i ,trio to become aubscrl rs to the first issue can do so by communicating with 1. +,&ilio A'CV f"OR A attarto. hose de ... Windsor, O res. T g wn oat tiVln , zoo she lttabetltto mow'Ll" : 1. �traerr, � w,,�1, antilG Petco Rlsc. ".- s d "C�i�tY �►.. o+�0ptr3R w6d� OMfa elbllllnc>ii r b,kVIS & LAWRENCE. CO, Lxn, °l�tafaa to ort Ie� T�YY�adoq�t111?liMtl, obQ�l' everywhere in Oan- A. �y. N0�3 & C4q Alin. ng Brokers. etc.. 4 King St. E., Taronlo limps bu{ it8 heatiao a Sold in Clinton and %Yropriot6rs,MoNTanitL, �� Ivety �'q! tltvdbfy AQ�NTS'Wi1N`I OORRESpONitfONOlt 8C1L#OITED. .fan tlty . I d&l ;, 1rrAyger. giiioker o wlirllh da by all responsible Druggists. • . , l ... . ,. . I.. . `ill Y . r' I ,� - , . 0 ,� .. �,, r . • .� St •, . , tr. .W' „�� • ♦' . '��w