The Clinton New Era, 1897-02-19, Page 3Q .lily to llossland.
,alk '(13y to Huroniun.)
what is now the great, pro-
, qq, a,tecalled We,hington, saw
lulia,bitants who were the
0e6 t?f the iludson Bay Fin,
t1r of Great Britain. These
t�ai?li$ged a trading post in the
I'll valley, where, in 1850 the
1. TJ* States government established
P 00', PIVille, where I now reside, and
tillA ,bag close oil this came the die-
ttlaivery, of the Old Dominion mine ny
i . ,: Miami cad Patrick Carney, two in-
PQV enced Canadian boys, which Oc-
-pry gave to the mining
e `world its first knowledge
eposits of silver contained
tgge of mountains of which
.' d Dominion is but a fractional
;pari;.: The Dominion mountain is four
1' 4*1,4 "half iles from Colville, the
bounty seat of Stevenft county. ' It is
eelven-thousand feet above sea level
r d. three -thousand feet higher than
e.@urrounding country. It is a spur
of the Metidine, its length being about
#teen miles and its wid h seven, Fol -
owing this discovery carne the open-
ing of the great "Doeur d'Alenes, and
j14mediately afterward the discoveries
, W the Okanogan,Kootenay and,Sloban
Sections, and later of the Trail Creek,
tQssland and Boundary Creek mines,
,kvhich are io-day the centre of Imining
�;` After having concluded to visit this
xegion of mining excitement we board -
:'ed the S. & N. train, which leaves Col -
;Ville at 11.20 a.m., and proceeded on
,.rT:,Our journey through the beautiful val-
,,,.,_,,,.'+tiley of Colville, whose' skies are the
tt";clearest and sunshine the brightest of
;;,,,,,!,i;`any puce in the wide world. The
w Y mountains towering far above on
k' '.-",.,either side carry in their canyons and
i .,. , on their peaks the hazy blue of perpet-
II ;nal Indian Summer, After leaving
Q;:;i;his enchanted valley, we glide along
`" 'the Columbia, past tale forms of the
tti;' Seven Devils that stretch themselves
1,,-,,w `'* to the len tit of three or four miles
`i',1� along out, Broad.
(Yg', This mountain seems to be composed
Qit,,of sand'and rucks alone,
and so com-
d(},,pact are, th.e layers of. sand which ,tree
:. , li ht and, dark in color, that the have
kq ;i��''the appearance of stratified rock.. Al-
[t ,?: though the road is perfectly safe now,
,"R in the spring of the year it is almost
);,' impossible to move trains over the
R'`'te -f, the route. After a ride of about two
hours we arrived at North Fort, which
+'l is,called the future important mining
t.,' ,r town of North Eastern Washington
igaf ,Yand is 130 miles from Spokane. North
> 42"< Port claims to be the natural distrib-
uting point for Trail Creek, Melatine,
, Kootenay, Slocan and other relining
k,:6j,; The Colville Indian reservation lies
V'', directly north of Lincoln and Douglas
(,i1r,•, counties in this state, and extends
ib,tt north to the British Columbia line. It
t: is about seventy miles from the East
$'`to the Nest line and about eighty-five
a,?: miles North and South, and contains
a"' nearly 3,000,000 acres. This is the en-
" - +' ..r ryatuo►l and half of this was
thrown open to mineral entry Feb20th
� last. The land embraced in this part
II of the reserve is mostly mumiLainutlS
, and heavily timbered. The lands suit-
e', able for Agriculture are mainly in the
: '' valleys along the Kettle river, Curlew
" creek, Myers creek and the Ohanogan
, river. From the best estimates to be
' had, the land suitable for farming will
> not exceed 150,000 acres but what there
is of it, is very fertile.
The only competing
point for the
I northern mines is Bonner's Ferry.
�There are over three hundred acres of
i . laud platted on the east bank of the
Columbia river fot a town site. This
is called the bench laud and comprises
two benches; the lower one used for
., the business portion of the town, and
the residences are located on the high-
: lir plane, where at night a man can
, soar far above his business cares and
rest at horse in peace,
l To witness once the setting of the
G . -sun at North Port is well worth the
m. trip tbere. You stand at evening on
the higher portion of North Port's
town site, and look westward over the
% peaceful waters of the great Columbia
to the grand old mountains beyond,
i which seem to lift their proud beads so
s, ; far above the purple mists which sur-
round them that the very heayens
t:.. touch and rest upon them, while the
�t sun, glancing back through the tall
`green pines, beams out over the waves
of the beautiful river, giving to it a
silvery crest, and tinting every cloud
with,a different hue. At the same
t .,isle yvu drink in the pure health -giv-
ing air that is wafted up from the riv-
R er. One could dream himself in Para -
i` dise, were it not for the ceaseless rum-
ble of lonlines of ever moving freight
� g cars, the +unloading of great ore wag -
Bons, and -the shall whistle of the
,;. steamers, mingled with the tread of
busy feet, and the hum of;many voices,
to remind him that he is still in this
busy world, with a place to fill and
v work to finish.
a' From North Port we went to Ross -
land, a distance of twenty miles. Tra-
�G velliers, as a rule, make this trip either
Y by stage or steamer, hub in order to
` see all points of interest, one must
make the journey by all the different
ways provided, that is, go, on horse
I back, by steamer or stage. But we
� made only one trip, as we chose first
the eagle-eyed Cayuse with the Indian
brand, and never cared to go again.
11 In order to take this trip on horse
�, back you must first pay $4 per day for
a horse and saddle, that; s, providing
you have none of your own, and then
give the ferrytuan $1 to take you over
the liver. Now you are ready to start
V for Rossland, the land of dteams. Go-
�, ing up a nai row grade, you soon strike
_.. .
you are up to the narrow part of ,lie',.
Positively Cures
rade there •will not be room enough '
for all four feet, but if you have a cay-
use ivlth' A'orth Part training he well
R isingly short aline. It's a ad -
plant one foot firmly on the grade,
never minding the three which hang
e O erlainty, tried and true, soothing
over, and will stay until the long line
stn "hgin its effects.
of ore waggons which are coming
from Trail to North Port pass hint by;
W. C. MOCOMnBR & S01,
then he will dash away over boulders, 'for
d Garecou of chronic cc d i client and bronchial
' tritlos, and also cured W. G. lifeComber of a
- ,
)Miff -standing cold •
Ma. J. H. HaTTv, Chemist,
strike the corduroy road, which is five
528 Yong6 St., Toronto, writes:
" As a gonaral cough and lung syrup Pyny
Pectoral is a most Invatuablo reparatlon. It
to all who
I'llg1To i the utmost satisfaction
)ave tread ft maofa having spoken to me of the
bonoata dorived item dts use In their
i t is ntitatdo for old of younwg, totng pleaeµnt to
oho tanto. Ile sato wlth me hhn been wondorfcl
can travel fast over a corduroy road.
and I can always recommend It as a safe an
Next you come to the O Krade,
reliable cough medidne."
Large litottte, 23 tit*.
rough, and badly cut by the heavy ore
Sole Proprietors
2 1.
IA. splice of gt'eund barely large enough
_.. .
t'oI' t he city use to stand An it' he loce-3
his feet very chose together. W heti
you are up to the narrow part of ,lie',.
rade there •will not be room enough '
for all four feet, but if you have a cay-
use ivlth' A'orth Part training he well
'0u Can Easily'Mwka Them For ra Doll's
plant one foot firmly on the grade,
never minding the three which hang
Howie or a Menagerie.
over, and will stay until the long line
A doll's house can be
of ore waggons which are coming
from Trail to North Port pass hint by;
Wished with cock furniture for the girls,
a for the res,
and all the toy animals a boy cotdd wish
then he will dash away over boulders, 'for
cion be made for the boys.
loose rocks, stumps and ditches, until
All the rnti,terlals needed to make these
he reaches Whitt is known as the "half
are some corks, yarn, pins, toothpicks,
way place," which is ten miles from Ipasteboard
and a sharp knife and matches.
North Port, and bere is where you I
To make a chair take a,cork and stick
strike the corduroy road, which is five
live pins around the edge, pretty close to -
miles in length, and flanked by heavy
as good as new, I will be glad to per.
timber on either, side, Over this road
you will, go very slowly, for no horse
Is presctibed by the leading physioians of
can travel fast over a corduroy road.
Next you come to the O Krade,
which is long, steep, slippery and very.
Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give
rough, and badly cut by the heavy ore
• ; w -
waggons, which you will meet All
along the road.
When you arrive in Rossland you
will dismount at the custom house,
.�, -�
and your horse taken by the inspector;
if he finds the horse is one that has
t �- • .7 ( -
• -. �' �y1!J
passed thNline before, all right; if not,
you will pay, "duty" on 13itn, and bring
him in, the inspector
providing pro-
nounces him in body.
�L+Mliti .i,lrrH#iJi111ir�taM,.,
sound mind and
But should your horse chance to have
a bad tooth, or a weak eye, yon will
= _- ' h
have to tiothirnvout of that in a burry.
We, however, had no such trouble,
and passed in all right,with toe under-
gether. Now fasten the yarn on the first
standing that if we kept our- horses
pin, then weave in and out, back and
longer than twenty -tour hours we
forth, until you cover the pins to the top.
Should have to gi,,ye $4 duty. .Bill,
Fasten the yarn, and you have made the
after having passed that formidable
back of your ekair. To niako the legs,
object, the custom house, we were al-
stick four pins at egtttlldistances from one
lowed to walk on the sidewalks, and
another in the other end of the pork. IIe-
to ask all manner of questions, with-
ginwinding the yarn atthe top of thepina
out paying duty on the space we eiccu-
and wind round and round, one pin at a
pied while thus engaged.
time, till you reach the head of the pin,
They were very kind to us in this re-
then over and over back again, then cross-
, peat but 1n the dining mon it ,was
over to the next pin and do the scone till
quite different, indeed yoti will have
all are covered, and your chair is made,
to pay for the filling of space there,
as shown in the picture.
and it will occur to you by the time
A sofa can be made in about the sante
you reach Rossland that there is a
way by using a larger cork for the scat,
great space to be filled. It• appears to
You can snake titbles by using large, flat
the host the same wary, and the plea-
corks and putting pins in for legs.
sure of getting thing, "at. a bargain"
A grandmother's clock can then be
is never known in this portion of the
made out of cork. First fasten two long
queen's doniain, so do not expect it,
corks, one on top of the other, then take
Yonrs truly, AN OLD HURONIAN,
two more and do the Fame with them,
P. S. -At some future date I will
When this is finished, fasten these beside
give a description of the u,inf r sec-
each other, and this forms the body of the.
tions!; y! C. i
clock. Then got a rather thin but wide
cork andcut u dial out of pasteboard, and
by looking at a clock you can easily print
i i
the figures on your pasteboard Glial. Glue
this on to the flat cork and fasten it eitle-
ways on top of the body of the clock. Pins
will answer very well for the hands and a
Every Wise worri<t l Sliould
piece of wire for it pendulum, but if you
have no wire one of your mother's bair-
See that She Gets the
pins will do. Then hooka flat button on
the end, and this will finish the pendulum.
You will be surprised how pretty your
clock will look. '
. --
Now for the boys. First make a horse,
because that is what the boys like the best.
In special, cotton colors the Diarnoud
Take four matches for the legs and sharp -
Dyes far excel all other dyes. These spca:_
en them so that they will go into the cork,
ial cotton dyes are recent discoveries of tl•e
Then out the head out of pasteboard, and
best dye chemists e o 1 and etre re-
o e sts in the world, Y
a dot of ink will do fort G
y c,. Make the
markable for fastness against exposure to
hart'with pen and ink, then cut A slit in
strong light and for standing any amount,
one end of the cork and stick this in.
of washing with soapsuds.
Make a tail out of some worsted kind cut a
Special attention is directed to„Diamond
hole in the back of the cork, placing this
Dye Fast Black for Cotton and ljlixed
Goode. This marvellous black has proven
in it.
You can make a bird by using a cork
its title to first place as a dye for all cotton
for the body, matches for the neck and legs
and mixed goods. It excels all rivals in
and splitacork in two forastandard'Cut
every good quality. One package of this
the head out of pasteboard anti stick chick -
dye will' do as much work as three of any
en feathers in it and in the body.
tlur ma .�
w make of dye.
I made some cork animals for church
The Diamond Dyes are first, best and
bazaar, and they sold like "hot cakes. "-
the cheapest to use.
Chicago Record.
Tell your merchant that you must have
the ,,Diamond.'
Measuring a Tree.
The boy in the following story, borrow-
ed front Bright Jewels, isdcscrihed as nev-
er saying ainything remarkable, as eating
wne ottrer i5auy.
oatmeal in large quantities, chasing th,
They occupied the seats opposite me
cat, slnmr,ting the door and otherwise cc rl-
in the railway station. There were four
ducting himself after the manner of boys,
men and one little woman and one very
with the exception that he asks few ques-
little sick "by. It was not hard to see
tions and flocs much thinking. If he does
where the interest of the group centered
not understand a thing, he tchistles, which
itself. The young father himself was
is not at bad habit -on some occasions.
scarcely more solicitous for the infant
There vvas torteh whistling in our yard
one stunner. It seamed to be an all sum- )
than was each and every one of his three
mer performance. Near the end of the sea -
brothers. It vvas quite evident that the
son, however, our boy announced the
heart strings of five people lay loosely
height of our tall inaplo to be 83 feet,
in the thin, nerveless hand of that
"Why, how do you know?" was the gen-
young one.
eral question. .
They were going west. So the placards
I, Melisured it." 'fit
said which were pasted here and there
"Ilow-r '
"Foot rule and yardstick."
over the baggage. The baby lay motion-
"You didn't climb that tall tree?" his
less upon a pillow. It was evidently
mother asked anxiously.
just snatched from the jaws of death. _
"No'ni. I just found the length of the
The eyes were closed, the face emaciated
shadow and measured that."
to the point of ugliness, the bands the
"But thelengthof the shadow changes."
tiny, fleshless claws of a bird.
"Yes'm, but twice a day the shadows
The young wife leaned her head upon
are just its long as things themselves. I've
the shoulder of her husband and closed
been trying it all summer. I drove a stick
her eyes. She was very pretty, despite
into the ground, and when the shadow
the dark circles under her eyes, and very,
was just as long as the stick I know that
the shadow of the tree would bejust as
young -about 18. The baby on his pil-
long as the tree, and that's 33 feet,"
low lay upon her knees.
"So that is what you have been whis-
Suddenly, in another portion of the
tling about all summer?"
waiting room a child laughed. A mis-
"Did I whistle?" asked Tom.
chievous, bubbling sort of laugh, which
made the waiting okies about the depot
Mother (loose Up to Date.
look at each other and smile.
The little mother opened her eyes and
glanced up at her husband.
"Jack," she said, "I wish our baby
could laugh like that. "-Philadelphia
"."Mill " .D.Lu " .r,U U l,4
LQaartotte of Remedies that are Effeet
Ing Wonderful Cures.
Dr. Chase's four great reme4jes are :
In Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's
)iutment, Dr. Chase's Catarrh. Cure, and
)r. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
aentine, his latest and greatest discovery
or all throat and lung affections.
'41 was rich for three years," says
lames dimpson, of Newcomb Mills. " I
riad various alleged patent cures and
everal, (loxes of a certain pill which has
teen greatly cracked up. I got no re-
ief. Then I tried Dy'. Chase's Kidney -
Aver Pills. Since, I have been able to
vork every day and feel like a new
nan. Your hills alone cured me at a
:est of 25c."
"I have been eubject to severe colds
ivory fall and spring." says Miss Hattie
)Blaney, of 174 Crawf,prd street, Toron-
.o. 11I used many cough medicines, but
tone cured pie until at a cost of 25 cents
I tried Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
" My hufsband was troubled with the
vorst kind of piles," writes Mrs. Jane
?otts, of Meyersburg. " He was often
mable to work. Since using your Cbaeo'e
)intment he is completely cured. It is
:rots worth its weight in gold instead
the price you charge, only ti0 ce h
t' Il bought a box of your Catarrh C re
'or 25 cants at Mr. Bo le's drug tI re
rare," says Henry R. Nicholls of 78
rectory street, London, Ont, " 1 am
,hankful to say it cured me."
Chase's remedies at all dealers iR'a•
nanban, Rate$ dl, Co., manfrs.. To '
y r
t ., ,
tley, uIddle, diddle,
The new tangled fiddle,
The grace notes Wrning the tune.
The little boy laughed
To gee such sport
And pleged its night, morning and noon.
Fat Thread.
One day In the kindergarten little Hem
Wal having a bard time threading his noe-
0A. Dues Prowri sued she thought the eye
s( the notiale must be too ,small, to which
11& r Sled t
'"/tea, sb Brown, and I Auk the &ed
Ibtido•fA 'y-Vauth's Companion.,
a I I v
�: 6
Lk -Asa lm, i,:", W,. Y WAS lit `IL"
The result of Charles Hays' manage-
meut of the Grand Trunk* systeur is
shown by the road's half yearly sfate-
ment, made public in London. After
deducting the shortage cf About ,t85,-
0(9) on account of ,the Chicago and
Grund Trunk, and Detroit and Grat.d
Haven systems, there is left a surplus
of .t39.000 as compared with at deficit of
£33,100 for the,same half year of ]81)5,
lilt• Hays hats primed down expenses
ae-er gtuli•red hip shall.' and brought the
rural to a highe r standard of efficiency
Chart it ever posscssetl under the onti-
eivated English tnanageulent. Soch at
,lowing in I lie Ili ids 1, of railway deprv�-
.1011 pre.vailiug is considered marve-
lous, and only proves what tftts alwa� s
heeti the (.'anadian contention thitt
under etiicient manatgerueut this road,
, running through the garden of Cauat-
atn, should he inatde to pay, hatndsotnei),
011 lite contrary, the ROnglish bunco
holders have never received a dividend
ou the nu7nr,y invested.
Adds His Testimony to the Merits of Lr
A;_new's Catarrhal Powder for Ca-
tarrh and Cold in the Head.
He Says it is Pperless. .
Mr John McEdwards, the genial purser
of the C,P,R. liner, Athabasca, says; "I
used Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for
cold in the Plead. It is very effective, easy
to apply, mild and pleasant. For catarrh
it has no equal. 1 hate tested nearly
every catarrh cure made, and found none
to compare with it. I recommel,d it first,
last and always," Sold by Watts d Co,
Is the geographical centre of the splendid
county oT lAti on; the London, Ilin•on Druce
Railway runs through it not lh and south, andhe Grand Trunk Railway also rias through it
cast and west,forn7ing a 111lietion here. It hu"
a C'olleghlt v luslitrate that "tauads aunnng 111(3
highest is the Province, and a Moldel School
with a lip -I'm and ellieient. stail', 'there are Levo
'll e t b oil is t ch o rdees, l'ro,hy tc riat n, hpincol cal i,'t n,
IlaptIst and Roman ('atholic,vvhilorhelh•efhreu
have ,it ntectil , moue, 'There isanext(3usicc
orglin factory, t re,laing machine factory, tan
nery, three planting factories, flax factory, f11111 -
in g mill factors large . 7' c
h >, flomuill,l;raincl volar
two ca Triage factories, two salt wells, the Ili Ill -
quarters for the Canada salt :1,socialion, ind a
large unmber of other hill list rius. It, lilts "Me
chtiletol•edautdlw0 private banks, c•u,toill"or.
1lc•c, eight mails' daily, tir,t chis:: boniness
houses of all kinds. 3tats011,, Oddfetlovvs, NVOI'k-
men, 01•1111a;en7en, Son, of seothuul, `•on, of
England, 1'rota•st4tnt Ilenrt-olcill, Independent
and Catuadiau Vol -esters, Canadian Horne Circle
and'I'emplars hatvo lodges here. Population
about 3000. 1�te;un fire service and inektndes-
centcice,trie liglitsystenr,. Town is exceeding-
ly held1hy. beautifully located, abundance of
ahade trees, and is one of lite most de,drable
places of business or residence in Ontario.
I was a martyr to Sick and Nervous
Headaches, caused by Constipation,
unfit for business on an average
of 2 days a week.
Some pills belped me, but Dr,.Agnew's
Liver Pills at 20ctes.a vial cured me
This is my own testimony and it's a fact,.
Now I never lone an hour or miss a
This 1s the written testimony of a well
known Toronto jonrnalist-you can have
his name if you want it. Dr. Agnew's
Liver Pills, at all drugg;sts, 40 in a vial, 20c.
A'convict named Troy, in the King-
ston Penitentiary, 'serving twenty
years for shooting a conductor at Nia-
gatra Falls, has confessed that he was
the murderer of Angus McLeod, in
Natpanee, some years ago. It is said
that Detective Rogers, of Toronto, has
secured the confession. McLeod was
shot while he attempted to grapple
Rith'tbe burglar, who fled, leaving on-
ly his brown Fedora hat to identify
himself later.
For Infantti and Children.
rho iao-
aitaile „_ is on
lg of , 4'. wrapper. wrapper.
Whitney On IYI.Owar,
In the debate on the address, Mr
Whitney said: -I am sorry, speaking
in a eneral sense, and,which, perhaps,
Wight. need elaboration to be thoruu rh-
1 understood -I am sorry that Sir
Oliver Mowat has left us. There may
be set eral tea. ons assigned for that,
and I shall endeavor to assign one or
two) betoro 1 ,,it down. Sir Oliver
Mowat has sero ed his province well
and served it fitithfully. He is one of
the few reuraiuiug giants of the pre-
Confederatiun eta, He has stamped
his individuality loud views to a great-
er or less extent upon the people and
inStitntions of this province. Doubt-
less he would himself admit that he
had sometimes omole mistakes; litp-
prehend that Sir Oliver Mowat would
have little he,il;ttiorl in admitting
that he had sometimes in public
affairs made ruistakes. This, however,
may not be the time or- the occasion on
which it friendly critic, altbough a poli-
tical opponent, should enter into a de-
tailed criticism of the events of -his r ole
n this Province. We on this side
of the House have to thank him
for oftentimes adopting the views
and measures advocated by us and
putting them into law. -%: We have to
thank him and the w`hole country
should thank him, for, hltving so
prornlitly stamped out the annexa-
tions propaganda that a tew young
and irrespon -ible obatterers on the outskirts
of his own party were attempting to „being
forth into the world a few years ago. I
know of no occasion on which a public man
d d an at,t fraught w,ill f r iter consequences
in a moors ol,ton:L, positive successful and
conclusive maurvv and the country has a
right to be ,haulifu: to Sir Oliver Mowat for
i" 1 am prel,ur(,u to say that I beleive
his influeuoe ul,on the whole has been good
and teat thb couutly has been better for
his life.'
®p a
:■ hle De & Lo a
`i�.N / n(- O�t,
.Y (J` Oft ® 1.
Wmzzy Davis'.)
1! A ?ort: ^r+.d fRttfa, Pemrdy In every case
.r -.i ts,%. ry loud of lluwol Complaint fs
j; §k90
n o
*�! 'Z liN is am
- true stnteent nod it can't be
�. n I7.,,o tuu strong; or too emphatie.
It i a ,^. 7.::n:lo, :a.fe and quick cure for
cram:).-, Cough, Rhearnatism,
of*c, Colds, Neuralgia,
re`s-. e, Croup, Tootl,achu.
',i 1"A r,, :JIZES, 225c. and 50c.
,:CI a WWV4sWvrceoue7uvvrvvvUiWiy-�
lea the naitte•r of the estate of thigh Ross,
/riff' Qf 0- To-lishilr of ffullett, in the
County of if•uron.
Notivois hereby giKqu, pursuant to theSta'ute
u that behalf, that all creditors and others
graving clamis against the estate of the said
Hugh Rosi, dece;te9, who died on orabout The
and day of Deceiubur, A. D. 1896, are required to
9oliver or seud by mail, prepaid, to Cameron,
1101 r & Holmes, Goderioh P. O., Solicitors fur
Vargaret Russ, Administratrix, on (It• before the
01h day of lllareb, A. D„ 1897, a statement in
vritiug eontaitiing their names, addresses and
Icscriptione and 'full particulars of tbeirclaims
tad the nature or tho securit es (if auy) held by
,hem. And further, take notice that after the
lard date the Ad ministratrix of the Bald estate,
Proceed p to distribute h
u the ascot r the
s o e
state, having regard only to the cinims
)f which she shall have then received
,otice, ani the said Administratrix will not be
iaUblo for the claims of auy person or persons of
vNeh notice shall not then have been receivud
Doled at (iodurich, the 25th day of Jan., 1896
Solicitors for Administratrix.
C� C`�
i %.
rheCanada Business College
No have now four linfilled appplications for
eacbers from other business colleges in New
lawrishire, New York, Massachusetts and On.
tario, and a fifth bas just been filed.
✓V by do not teachers and those bolding teacber's
wrtificates, also thos6 teacbing on small salaries,
lualify us teacbers of commercial subjects and
borthand? We cannot meet the demand made
upon us for such,
Chis is the most widely patronized business
iollege in Canada. Here is the proof, Note how
navy students come frorn points north of Len-
ton, Stratford and Toro,�to. Walkerton has
with us, Goderich 1, Clinton 3. Wingham 1,
ordwieh 1, i-eaforth 3, Wrpxeter 2, Galt 2, Pres;
, 1, bueknow 2, Alliston 1, Alvinstom2, Larine
.ity, Mich, 1; Davis, Mich, 1; Corning, Arkansas,
; Mricardine 1, Glencou 2, Palmerston 2, lsetro-
;n 3, Crathie"Localsh 1, Napier 1, Nelsonvil e,
ilRoma, 1; Bryanston 1, Wardsville 2, Holyroorl
Allan Park 1, Coliuville 1, Glen Meyer 1, Pelee
eland 1, Puce 1, Aylmer 1, Sombra 1, Mandau-
niu 1, Quinn 1, Riplev 1,
,,.For catalogue of either department, address
D. McLACHLAN .Sc Co Chatham
Groceries, T
Sausag e, E
Pork, Lard A
We keep nothing but the fresh.
est goods and sell at the
the closest prices.
Ve make our own Sausage, which
s equal to any imported.
)ne trial convinces.
US STEEP & CO., Clinton
Young omen and Men,or
older ones if still young in
pirit, of undout ted character, good talkers, am -
tions and industrious can find employment In
good cause, with $60 per month and u wards,
coordhrg to ability, REV T. S. LIN COTT,
Is invaluable,if you are run
down, as it is a food as well as
to all owners of
a med ci e.
Buggies, Democrats or Iron
L. Emulsion
Will build up it health is
Axle Waggons.
you your general
The D. & L. Emulsion
Having bougkit a "LITTLE GEM" Axle
Is the best and most palatable preparation of
Cutter, whereby axles are ent and boxing
Cod Liver oil, agreeingthe moatdoU-
back to the shoulder, making the same
cate stomachs,
as good as new, I will be glad to per.
The D. & L. Emulsion
form anywork in this direction,-
Is presctibed by the leading physioians of
The D. & L. Emulsion
or no pay. Those who have had work
Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give
speak in the highest 'terms of it. -
you an appetite.
Come and gee the machine and -get prices,
50c. &l,$1 per Bo't'tle
Be sure you got I DAvis & UwilailoE CO., LTD..
Blacksmith and General Repairer, Leslie's
the genuine MONTREAL
Carriage Shop, Clinton.
. . ,
.. r
�L+Mliti .i,lrrH#iJi111ir�taM,.,
+max"•=" i. 'i��/�W -:lil
A1/egetab!e Pre paration for As-
similatinb 111cFoot1 andRegsuta-
t4 t;:_ `;!2x1:�h_ andBowels of
' PromotcsDigestion,Cheerful-
ness and Res Mon tains neither
O�,Qiu-�7mNorphine nor ly neral.
]iVIiJT ,tv AU. C ® TIC.
jw4w araziiD-XfWZZPI7NF1
j'wnpkin Seed -
11 dlocfom Sills •,
anise Seed +
�yyem,int -
VAirmSeed -
Cknfisd fuser ,
11YaatV-- Flavor;
Aperfect Remedy forConstio
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoeq
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feveri sh-
litess and Loss OF SLEEP?
Tac Simile Signature of!
SEE.- _. 1,
�� I .
jNEW 'YORK.I= Castor•1a is put up in one -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
I.'aJust as good" and "will. answer every pur-
pose," 4Z- Boo that you get 04 -84 -0 -R -I -A.
Tho f2.0 -
ii aiguaturo Z� overs
as .. 'rr/' of . wrappea
resh Gnow-merivIr%
. Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes and Pel lsv
Old Raisins, 28 lb. box for $1, Headquarters for Teas and
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps. We have to make room for our import-
ed Xmas and INew Years goods, and have reduced prices considerably. Call and
lice our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Egos and Drier/ Apples taken as Cash.
. Cash paid for good Butter and•Egge.
- - - -
W I�,WIN Clinton
CA .. YO1f H''SY71PATE
Forest City Business & Shorthand College, London, Ont"
And schools of the ordinary kind ? There's .no comparison in any part -work
methods, equipments, rooms -all of the highest grade. Catalogue of either course
Y. M. C. A. Building J. W. WESTEJi VELT, Principal
l6 to 1
That if you buy your Christmas Groceries, &c from us you will have the -
satisfaction of knowing and feeling you have secured the best goods -al;,
the lowest prices. We have just opened out a crate of
Just the thing for holiday presents. 99 piece Dinner Sets at $5; Gilt
and Striped Toilet Sets tit $2.25; 44 piece Tea Sets $1.75
London Layers, Black Basket, Selected Valencias, very fine. Nevo Cur-
rants cleaned and fit for use. New Peels, best brands. New Nuts -Al- . ,
monds, Grenoble Wallnut.s, I+ilberts, Peanuts. Mixed Candies from 50
to 10c per lb. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates. The best 25c Tea iti the
market. Kindly reserve your Christmas order for us. We pledge our
best endeavors to satisfy you.1
N. ROBSON, - Clinton.
Ie�s F�iete "Overcoats11If '.,
$5.509 �"�.50, �S, ,:
$9.50, and $10 Extra value
Scotch suitings
Ot our ownimportation, $16, $179 and $18 '}