The Clinton New Era, 1897-02-19, Page 1Inton
ives the
me News
Val*. Wn5 !OP
gr,• BO Plitt has let
a tteWtWo Story fratne
i)Bree, of town; he has
„Site and the new bottee
appearance pf,the FOP
eve 9911110117, Who
. weever n Dairyman's
Dietriet IQ, em -
n, Grey and Ihnicet
'meeting of the three -
n thiaweek.
Beattie; Huron Road,
o attack of congestion of
tely, but we are.gladte
rcovering. Ruthie, the
Me Robt.. Thompson, °mac;
wLLh a severe cold last
Pawrz.—On Monday ev-
14150r of the friends of Mr.
sr.' assembled at his
ohne, itbeing the anniver-
abirthday; he was complete-
Varprise. They presented
aibOndsome easy chair, and
• evening in.a pleasant, sod -
Oh, ,Ore
1:':,,cliztanTon.—Royal Scarlet
Goderich District mei at
of NO: 189 on Monday evening.
iyeliee the following officers
elected for the ensuing-year:—
fa 0. in 0.. M. O. Johnston;
Cog; Chap. W. Crooks;
Tames Caldwell; Sir H. Kt., R,,
erne; Scribe, Jas: Connolly; In-
rald; T,Bell; Outside Herald, R.
IL—The youngest child and
iighterof Mr Robt. Henderson
ri,:the evening of Feb. 7th, after
thlife of sortie five weeks. She
cit-IMen cvvery strong child but
aped to brighten a home and her
death is lamented by all her par -
friends who extend heartfelt
P4thYto the bereaved. We are
jtAci.,' announce the death of the
geet:dengldWo• of Mr John Hudie,
Cheneburred Saturday evening;
is 2 years and 4nd,onths.
TP81.-111r Whitley is going to re-
tahis barn this spring. He in-
sitget timber off his brother's
from the number of windows
Ot.' Oat:rating in and his passion
legume the neighbors think it
aartke a fine conservatory. The
orthr League of Cole's church had
eeteeeftil social on Wednesday even-
4:geodly number spent a very
tOalit`:.time at Mr G. Cooper's one
ening last week. Rev Mr Smith oc-
,tedtlicipulpit of Middleton's church
,:Sabbath. Miss A. Marshall, of
nitnra Collegiate, Sundayed at Mr J.
$1049*. ---Miss Andrews of the lst
.•av stile guest of a number of her
•,:. •• • e--741 con. for ,a few days
Week. Miss Smith, of ' London, is
• Visiting at the home of Miss Jack. Miss
:21fitid Oak, of Goderich, is spending a
days with her sister, Mrs Robt.
Tli,„landpson. Miss Williams, of the
attend cop„ was the guest of the
aMily of Mr Otter Wilson last week.
.;.11frO Learoyd of Windsor, is spending
.a few weeks with her parents, Mr and
•Itira Rutledge, Huron Road. Miss
Clara MeCullagh, who has been in
Lendon the past month, teturned to
home last week.
MEETING.—The tea meeting of
.Titesdav evening tinder the auspices of
the S. School was the most successful
1,0"Years. The church was packed to
itd-ntmest capacity and a very tempt-
ing repast satisfied the appetites pres-
ent, while the program.was of first or-
der, the speech of EtevR. Millyard
bein timely and eloquent. The sing-
, gof the talent from Clinton was
heartily encored, and the recitations
On the same source were both amis.
and 4istructive; the solos by the
cl'inerebere.of theBayfield Junior League
choir were all that could be desired,
,•-;11311tsthe ,recitations by Master Lorne
;Claritelon were the hits of the evening
,X•he proceeds exceeded $32 with a so-
cial on ,Wednesday evening.
• 4 COUNCIL.-0ouncil met on Feb. 8th,
,;;the minutes of last meeting read and
• passed. The auditor's report was read
eeancl passed, .and 100.
.printed for distribution. The 101-
Wing,ateounts were ordered to be
Colclougla, gravel, $1,50;
registration or 'births, marriages and
deaths, $15.40; Municipal World, $1;
.-ItErS McRae, indigent, $15; W. Smith,
85-e; auditors, $10; Gil-
bert Mair, $30. J. Switzer was ap-
• peintedpathmaster in place of George
0162 teeing, Gilbert Mair received 630,
for loss of a horse through approach
to bridge being too -narrow on con. 14.
TheCOuncil then adjourned. to meet on
April 5th. Pathmasters not having
.',Alintlified before the next meeting of
6106tincil will be changed.—N. STURDY,
'Clerk; .
IDEVPH.--Another link binding the
est tothe present has been severed
he death of Mrs. T. H. Nesbitt, the late James Nesbitt, which.
&Curved at the residence of her son-in-
ate.f,Aftetreriry Baker, Maitland con.,
esterdity. She had reached the ripe
of 88 year ii and having been in de-
ining:fiealth for some time, her death
as anticipated. Like so many of, the
'OterdY pioneers who have left their in-
aellible impress on this country, she
was ono embodied in her nature
all the graces of pure womanhood, and
1 it eaty, very truly he said ofher that
- otter Memory is blessed." Born in the
enty,.pf Linderiek, Ireland, she cane
tliis etinntrY when quite young, be-
g nutiiiea to the late dames Nesbitt,
0 WAS areeldent Of Beet Whitby for
tiy years. She bite been a widow
*bent 15 years. Very early it life
ntlflod herself With the Meth°.
h and no life was more zeal -
hat hers. During
re she ,Was, a great
tamest helpless frOtt;
Atte f tor cninii
nt noVen escaped her lips; Whatever
will Of her Master WO her
shelleda triumphant death,
'Mat "reit which remain..
,people ot GOci," A good
and 4 k",eittg mother. She
ttay'lihe retierir he death.
vesthree sons.' Christopher,ot gatit
yraf 0/thOWl'41SO four datigh-
Ileney Baker; Mre John
Dakota; .Mris
0 We, BrOok olM, be fen,
ROBtliT ROLMES, Bator and Proprietor.
1897 $1 a year in advanCO' $1.50 vvben not SQ
A -11010 -ND TJETE HUB.
What yvide.-aWake and reliable correspondents rind worthy of recording for publication.
EttSt. "WaVirttnOtgli.
• Stanley
ROIktf litiktwarit.,—We understand
that the Stanley Council has just
bought through Mr L. )3eatty, of Var-
na, a Western Road. machine,consider-
ing it the best in use,
(30T MIXED Up.—An article app ear
ed in these items- last week with the
above title. WO do not know whether
the gentleman referred to in that ar-
ticle was mixed up or not, but we do
know that the writer's brains were
badly mixed. up or he would not have
forgotten himself so far as to indulge
in such petty personalities. We would
advise hind to come out from his Der -
row confines and learn that he is fifty
years behind tame.—Com.
Pensfarear,.—Mr George Willisonen,n
old Stanley boy, after an absence of
over twenty years, is this week renew-
ing. acquaintances among his old
friends and spent Tuesdayat Thos.
Eraser's, of the 3rd concession. Mr.
Willison is extensively engaged in
farming in Traill 'county, North Dako-
ta. He went to that state quite a
young man, with very little capital
other than an inexhaustible fund of
pluek and -energy that enabled him to
cope suceesstully with the difficulties
that beset the pioneer in that country.
He now owns an excellent femi of
twelve hundred acres. Mr Willison is
a brother of J. S. Willison, editor of
the Toronto Globe; these Willisons
seem bound to succeed wherever they
are put, as the success of the latter one
is too well known to call for spepial
NOTES.—Mr Alex. Mitchell shipped
90 barrels of apples from Brucefleld
this wear, for the old country market;
they were shipped in frost -proof cars;
the apples were carefully repacked,
90 barrels being taken out of 120, hav-
ing been stered in a bank barn, await-
ingibetterprices. Mrs Junor, of Min-
to, s visiting at, the home of Mrs John
Chapman. .Mr John McCowan is pre-
paring to build a brick kitchen to his
houSe. Miss Maggie Reid, who has
been sick for a week with neuralgia, is
recovering very slowly. • Mrs Duncan
MeEwen, lately received the news of
the 'death of Master Bertie Hawkins,
aged three Years, who died on the 3rd
of February, in Manitoba; , the little
fellow lived for a time with Mrs Mc-
Ewen, and she, with many friends of
the little child, were sorry to hear of
of his death Mr John Moffatt, of
Moose Jaw, and his wife and son have
gone to the Bend to visit friends there.
Daisses Maud Ferguson and Lizzie Fal-
cener, of Hayfield have been visiting
on the second: Miss Ida McLennan, a
Clinton, spent a few days in Stanley
the first of the -week. Mr W. Brown,
of Blyth, spent a few days with Mr
Graham last week. Mr B. R. Higgins
is going to pal an addition to his barn
this season; Mr Dan Campbell has the
p ace from the r4014 neer Of
Baker, Saturday' merning,
e 7.10.traiti at. ctinton, end
the union biltird ,groUnd
, p
Nos.—Mrs Ginder is improving
very slowly. Mr Schweitzer, of Nia-
gara, who has been visiting his me-
ther, has gone to visit some of his
friends near Sebringville. W. Blake
attended the convention of the Work-
men in Toronto this week. Mr and
Mrs Bearer, Mr and Mrs Maedel and
Mr and Mrs Youngblut, of Auburn,
drove to Crediton last Saturday to at-
tend the church dedication there. Mrs
A. Halliday has been visiting her par-
ents for a week at Baytield. W. W.
Fisher is doing a rushing business in
the wood line this winter; he has nine
men cutting and eight men hauling
logs and wood.
ALL A DELUSION. — One of those
Faith Cure doctors is going around,
trying to do great wonders, such as
giving the ' ,blind their -sight and the
deaf their hearing, but it has all proved
to be a failure. People should take
heed -and riot becr -s-easily persuaded
by such people, going through the
country. There are too many of such,
it is all a delusion.-
NOTES.—Miss Belt, of Detroit, and
Miss Edge, of Seaforth, spent last week
at the home of Miss Jennie Chapman.
BOD or Heelill.—A meeting of the
Board of Health was held at Daly's hotel,
on Saturday, 13th inst. Mr D. McIntosh
was appointed chairman of the Bonn) for
tbe current year. A specimen of meat
obtained from an animal upon which a
tumor had grown was forwarded to the
Secretary of the Provincial Board of
Health, for scientific examination. An in-
teresting report is expected in a few days,
upon the matter. The Board deeided to
closely examine all slaughter houses in the
ninnieipality, during the coming summer,
to Bee that all slaughtering, disposal of the
offal, ete., etc:, be carried On in accordance
with the Ptiblio Health Act, and to prose-
cute Parties who violate the ant, after due
riotice has been given them. A. G. Sintein,
See. Board of Health. •
Cottiene.—A meeting of the council was
held at Daly's hotel, on Saturday, Feb. 13,
all the Members were present. From the
auditors' report, whit% was accepted, and
100 copiee ordered to be printed, we find
the following, wbioh may be interesting to
the ratepayers: •Total reeeiptio for the year
1896, 614,340. .Total paymente—Roads ittia
bridge0,446241 county rate, $2,412; medal.
ries', $670; statitmery, postage and printing,
$87,80; iniscellatieens, $68.66; Board of
Health, $00; Charitiece $16160; invested in
Mortgages, $2,700; schools $5,644; Total
atisete, $10,850, of *obi& $1.666 ie cash in
hand and arrears at interest. Liabilities,
*Paid -it000nfits) 6.163. The tenao of
John litriNeyin was aooepted for the supply
of timber for oillVerts, 'the OW at $18 per
and the Min et $11 per M, to badeliv-
Stag de attested by the, ceithoili Mt E.
Nottla;MariratietUrer Portland cement.
,sterincitillent lied sewer pipes, of London,
was Vegeta tht) Maki** geiv6 the
bathed prices, folly 26 •ner cent better than
they have 'been paying, in the past, The
°Mina deferriid orderin car load nntil
Dome future Meeting, he' next meeting
will be hold -at betel, on Saturday,
Matt* la; lit 10 tam ..11/4.00-fihmitur, Cloth.
WES :NOV ERA otos rpt tcomo ionvit
Narxs.—Mr and Mrs Hamilton, of
Nelson, .13, AD., who have been visiting
friends here lately, started en their re-
turn journey on Saturday last, W.
Rath gave a large party on Friday eve-
ning last. Jno. Coates, jr., is hauling
wood to -Clinton. Miss Jenpy Taylor
has returned after a month's visit with
friends in Seaforth. J. A. Rath, of
Clinton, was renewing acquaintance
on the 6th last Saturday. Wr. Andel s
and J. Fenwich, of Dundalk, drove
down last week and made a 'short visit
amongst friends. The neighbors of
NV. FenWich showed their ,pympathy
for. bind in his trouble by dropping in
on Thursday afternoon, and cut, split •
and piled his year's supply of wood.
NOTES. —• Herbert Osbaldeston, of
Harneeville, visited relatives here last
week. , Miss Addie Stirling has gone
on a few weeks' visit to friends in 13er-
vie. Hillary Horton is home just now
with his hand in a sling, he having
met with an accident and getting the
end of one finger cut off and another
somewhat injured. John Thurlow, of
Goderich Township, visited here last
week. Miss Rachel Gordon spent Sun-
day with friends in this vicinity.
VISIT.—About 30 members of North
Star lodge paid a visit to Auburn lodge
on Monday night, and express them-
selves as having an extra good time.
It was a very fine night for a sleigh
MOVED.—Mr John T. O'Brien moved
from here to Goderich on Monday.
We wish him success in his new home.
What is our loss is Goderich's gain.
Ile got an invitation to go up near the
Soo, after he had arranged to.go to the
circular town. • -
tors of the Butter and Cheese Co. have
decided to adopt a method of coldetor-
age at the factory, believing that such
will materially contribute to the suc-
cess of the Creamery; there should be
no doubt whatever on this •point, ex-
perience having amply demonstrated
the benefits of the system. At it is
necessary to have the sanction of two-
thirds ef the shareholders to this plan,
a special meeting of the shareholders
will be held in Bell's hall, on Wednes-
day, March 3, at 1.30 p.m. for this pur-
NOTES. —Mr T. Palmer and wife, of
Varna, were visiting at A. Wilken's on
Sunday. Mr E. Watson is having the
old shop of N. Warner pulled down.
Messrs Lasham aod Bell are buying
cattle at present. Geo. A. Newton, of
Wingharn, was in the village on Mon-
day; he is in the broom business now;
he is a creditor of G. E. Williams.
Barnstaple Lodge S.O.E, of Ben rn i I ler,
gave an entertainment in Hill's Hall
here on Thursday night. The annual
meeting of the Hallett branch Bible
society will be held in the Presbyterian
church here next Thursday evening;
• addresses will be given by the resident
ministers. Sacramental service wag
held in the Presbyterian church here
on Sunday. The E. L. of C. E. meet-
ing on Monday evening will be a lite-
rary meeting, when a good program
will be given, and a colleetion taken up
for the Indian Relief Fund. Rev J. S.
Fisher, of Gorrie, spent a few hours in
our village. Alex. Ewing, of Clinton,
spent Tuesday at Win. Martin's.
A correspondent says:—"When the
gospel of the grace of God is preached
at our street corner, they say "away
with him, away with him, crucify him,
crucify him," but when there is•a fight
or anything else that is against the
laws of the country, there is nothing
said; they thought they were all ser-
ving the Lord. •
From an occasional correspondent
NoTts.--Mr W. Brigham and W.
Campbell—Were drawing the bricks
from the station for the new brick
house on Saturday last. Mr A. Fergu-
son Sundayed under the parental
roof. Miss Tyndall of Carlow, was
the guest of her cousin Miss Brigham
Sunday. Miss Andrews has returned
from spending a few holidays with
friends at Kinburn. Rev. J. W. An-
drews is still bolding r ival services
at Kinburn. Mr J. Gar tt took a load
of friends to Kinbur on Tuesday
night. Rev. J. W. Andrews- intends
holding meetings at Londesboro next
week. L. Whitely and J, Moon were
at Kinburn Sunday afternoon. Mas-
ter Dods Holloway was the guest of
Master Chas. Ouindette on Saturday
and Sunday. itEr and Mrs Palmer, of
Varna, are visiting at Mr Wilkin's
this week._ Mr O'Brien, our popular
tailor and barber has moved to Gode-
rich. Miss Reid and Millie Agnew, of
Belgrave, are visiting at Dr Agnew's
of this place. Mr Martin went to Clin-
ton last Saturday with Mr Lee and
was around town Monday. Moses
was at the singing dans last Friday
night. Two loads of our young mem-
bers of the 1.0.G.T. left this piece for
Auburn on Monday night and report
hating a splendid time. Mr Sher-
brooke is slowly improving. Misses
L. Ouimette and M Andrews are on
the sick list, Miss Minnie Andrews
does not think the moon was on titne
on Monday night. The body of the
Methodist church was well illed on
Sunday morning, but on account of
the bluster a full number did not at-
tend the Sunday Ochool in the after-
noon, although there Were 142 present;
the church WAS well 'Ailed at night and
the Sermon well rendered by the Rev,
Mr Andrews, the text being taken
,frorn the 5th chapter of Acts and the
let clause of the 2nd verse which says,
"and 'tent back part of the price." The
Pinior Leave of Londesboro and
G derieh will visit the Junior* League
o q:llititon in thtrRattenbury St. Meth-
odist chttreh on Friday afternoon. ,,
Phe frifit-groners Of Ontario are threat.
e ea with it new pest, a stooll inked called
to gall Jefa3 scale or Bark LOttlit34 Thiel
i heat has lately apread thretighott the
rfieriee and carellitrad Of Chid and Now
00440ixig great damage. A
West Wavliaa0ah,
Ogrows,—The gpvkirth Lewie will
be led by Mrs McKenzie, on Wednesday night, subject, "The Bible Pre-'
wises.' The choir was re -organized
last Week. , Joseph Hetherington con-
ducted the service on Sabbath last,
NOTES.— Messrs Howson & Collis
moved their mill to Dishet's bush, in
Ashfield, this week. WM. Mills was a
guest at H. J. Taylor's last week. Mrs
Wm. Scrinageour visited under the pa-
rental roof a few days this week. R.
Plunkett visitectin Goderich on Sun-
day last. Miss Mary Thom has re-
turned from a visit to Lucknow. A
great many are complaining a coughs
and colds at present. Miss Carrie Mills
is sojourning in Dungannon. Edward
Ploughmanbas made the purchase of
100 acres of good land on the 71h con.,
adjoining Donnybrook, from W. M.
Ellis, for $3,000. Mrs Rich. Thompson
is in attendance on her father, Robert
Curran, of St. Helens, who is not ex-
pected to recover. The Misses Wyatt,
cf Goderich, 'were guests at their
uncle's, Geo. Rutledge, of Ebenezer.
Frank Smith visited his home in Clin-
ton on Sunday last. Ezekiel Phillips,
of Whitechurch, was visiting Robert
Medd on Sunday last.
• , Constance ,
ConnacTION.—A couple of weeks ago
some items appeared under this head-
ing making personal reference to seve-
ral in this vicinity; at the time the it-
ems were written, we are informed
that no harm whatever was intended,
and it was only meant for a joke,
but they caused considerable unpleas-
antness. The name attached to the
copy sent to this office was that of
Miss ',look, and we understand that
Mrs Cook as well has been blamed for
writing the articles. Both these par-
ties deny entirely, having anythingto
•do with tbe matter, the name being
apparently used by another party; we
are sorry that the columns of the NEW
ERA were used in this particular way,
and hope the matter will now blow
over without anything further in the
same way.—ED. NEW ERA.
NEWS NOTES.—Mr Luke Lawson
disposed of his team of black horses to
a Lucknow buyer. Mr D. McDougal
and 'sister, of Cranbrook, were the
guests of Mrs J. D. Hinchley on Sun-
day last.
able time was spent at the home of Dr.
Cooper on Thursday, evening last.
The host and hostess left nothing un-
done that would tend to tbe comfort
and entertainment of their guests.
Some tripped the light fantastic while
others engaged themselves with var-
ious games ancl social converse. The
party broke up at a reasonable hour
having passed a very pleasant evening:
TEMPLARS.—The officers for the en-
suing quarter in the I. 0. G. T. are:—
John Medd, Chief; Blanche Sehoales,
Vice; Mr McIntosh, ' C.; Gertie Farn-
ham, P. C.; CharleaReid, Sec.; Martha
Reid, Treas.; D. Tudor, F. S.; Martha
Reid, G.; Wr. Taylor, Sen.; Blanche
Schoales, Oiganist. The loilge is in a
very flourishing condition, a member
being initiated last meeting, and seve-
ral mpre are expected. Sonia of he
noembers visited Auburn lodge on
Monday night, and met there members
from Blyth, Londesboro, Suramerhill
and St. Helens. Truly the Auburn
brothers and sisters understand the art
of entertaining; our lodge is also invit-
ed to visit Londesboro next Tuesday
SIOIC.—We are rather unfortunate
with 011r pastors here at present. Rev
R. Henderson is absent on the sick
list. Rev, Mr Couzens is suffering from
an attack of grip. We hope to soon
be able to chromole their complete re-
TEMPLARS.—A large number .of the
Good Templars from St. Helens, Blyth,
Londesboro and Summerhill lodges
visited our lodge last Monday evening.
A good and enjoyable time was spent.
They repaired to their homes, well at
almost an intemperate hour.
Nomns.—Quite a number from this
vicinity visited Blyth last Monday ev-
ening to hear the instructive address
of the Bishop of Huron; they were vvell
pleased. The ice harvest is on hand at
present, parties are busy securing their
summer supply. Mr and ldrs David
Menzies, of Staples; are here at present
on a visit to the mother of the latter.
Mr Tames Young is busy at present
buying and filling his yard with saw
logs, Mr John Wilson is absent in
Toronto attending a meeting of the
Grand Lodge of the A.O.U.W.; no
doubt he will have a good time.
DEA.TEL—This week we are Sorry to
record another link broken in the so-
cial chain which binds us together, in
the person of Mr 3as. McGee, of the
township of East Wawanosh. About
two years ago Mr MeGee,'s health be-
gan to tail, he rented. his farm and used:
every means that medical skill could
supply, but without effect, he gradu-
ally grew worse until last Saturday
evening death terrainated -his suffer-
ings. Mr McGee was of a kind and
genial disposition, a Warta friend, With-
out an enemy, ever having this motto
in view and if there was nothing to re-
cottniend he maintained a silence; Of a
quiet'and retiring disposition hie stet, -
ling worth was not recognized until
after his intimate acrytialtittniCe. Fran
his earliest Yeare he has had to con-
tend with the stem realities of life; he
Was the eldest of the family and loet
his father at the early age of 12 Years.
ile leaVes'an aged mother and, -three
Slaters, viz., Mrs • Menzies, of Staples,
Essex county; Mt* Young, 0± „London;
'Mrs Mclatehliti, Who resided with hint,
and One brother, Beluga, of Kincar-
dine. Deceased was years of age.
One of the largest funerals inter Wit -
21V Viged ?i;:alg.Ati,
h 81Cal powers failed he gave
clunive .evidence of the hale that was
In hlin Of the reality of a living Sav-
iour in whom he trusted.
Narget—Rev Mr Buchanan,
itt) in India, will speak in the Union
etuirch, on Sabbath next, an his work
in that place; We 'beilpeak fpr litin
large and interested audience. Mr
Alex, Mustard has Tented his saw mill
to Mr Watson, of Seaforth, lot' a term
of years. Mr Albert Aikenhead, of
London, has been in the neighborhood
buying timber for Mr Frethltumball,
of London. Mrs Wolf received the
sad intelligence last week of the death
of her grandchild, Miss Maud Taylor,
of London, aged 14 years, and well
known in our vtilage. 'The Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper was dispensed Ad
Union church on Sabbath last; four
new members were added to the
church; nearly $50 were raised at tbe
collections. Mr T. A. McLaughlin was
visiting friends in and around our vil-
lage on Saturday and Sunday. Quite
a number attended the teameeting at
Hillsgreen on Monday eyening. Mr
Murray and Miss Bertha Gibson are
Visiting friends in Mitchell. Revival
meetings are still being held in the
Methodist church.
I. O. F.—Brucefleld Court met on
Friday, Feb. 12th, for transaction of
business. The most important part of
the evening was the cordial invitation
sent to each of the ,rnembers by Dr.
Armstrong, to attend, after the meet-
ing,.at his residence, an oyster supper.
The supper Was a great suecese, the
table groaning under all kinds of deli-
cacies. After supper, Bro. G. Hart
made a few complimentary remarks on
behalf of . the brethren, thanking the
Doctor and Mrs Armstrong, and the
other ladies that catered to the wants
of the brethren. Rev Mr Muir gave a
lengthy speech and a good Scotch
story in good style. Messrs Craig and
Gemmill gave mouth organ selections
that were encored . to the echo. B. R.
Higgius, next called on, made a good
speech regarding fraternal organiza-
tions, and next was the singing of
Auld Lang, Syne, after which all dis •
persed for their homes, having spent a
moshenjoyable evening.
St. Helens.
Sick.—Mr Curran still continues
very poorly, slight hopes are entertain-
ed for his recovery. Mr Jobe McGuire
is able to be at his work again. Mrs
Wm. Taylor is very poorly yet. .Mr
Gordon was indisposed last week, but
is apparently better again. Mrs.Ruth-
erforcl, sr., was quite ill, but is able to
be up now; 'we hope soon to hear of her
ultimate recovery. Mr Hugh Ander-
son is able to be out again after his at-
tack of grip. Mrs David Todd is laid
up with an abcess on her finger. Word
hap been received from Mr C. Adams,
who went to Africa about a year ago,
that, he is now in the hospital at Lon-
don, Eng., where an oPeration has to
be.performed on his head for the re-
moval of a piece of the skull which is
pressing on the brain, being tbe result
of an accident which he received be-
fore leaving here; his many friends
here regret, such an operation is re-
quired, but hope it may not be as ser-
ious as it is now feared to be.
NOTES.—A sleigh load ot youug peo•
ple belonging to the I.O.G.T. attended
a meeting at Auburn on Monday ev-
ening. A. lecture will be given by Rev
Mr • Murray, of Kincardine, in St.
Helens on the 23rd inst., under the
auspices of the Mecha,nicse Institute.
Mr and Mrs Taylor, of Guelph, have
returned home • after visiting their
friends in this vicinity. Mr G. Crans-
ton visited at Mr Humphrey's. Mr J.
Gaunt and his bride have now got set-
tled down, and their many friends
unite in wishing them much happiness.
Mr Fred Inglis, of Manitoba, visited at
Mr Gordon's last week. Miss Salkeld
and Mr R. A. Miller visited at Auburn
laseweek. Miss Wallace, of Port El-
gie, is visitihg her sister, Mrs John
Miller. Mr W. J. Fowler, wife and
family left this week for Manitoba.
Miss Belle -McCrostie has returried
from Forest. Mrs Gordon is visiting
friends in Wingham. Mr John Inglis,
Whitechurch, visited friends in the
village this week.
Blyth .
ELECTRIC LIGHT.—Our town is in
darkness thie Week, the Electric Light
plant is being moved from its old quar-
ters t� Livingstone's mill, as he has
bought the plant from J. B. Kelly, and
will supply the light in future. Mr
Livin'gstone's will is running in full
blast now and he has a large stock of
ell kinds of loge; he is a hustler.
AmOIDENT.—J. McMillan, jr., had the
misfortune, on Tuesday. of getting two
of his fingers crushed with square
timber at their sawmill north of the
village. The doctors had to remove
part of the two front Angers of his left
WEeRnie. — One of those happy
events took place ' in our village on
Wednesday, being the marriage of Mr
John Tainan's fifth daughter,Egelyn,
to Mr Clattion, of Detroit, by Rev. J.
S. Fisher. The happy 'pair left for
their home in Detroit by the 4 p.m.
train, amid showera of rice and good
wishes. Who's next.
CrinraTiAlkt ENDEAVOR.—The C. E.
society held their regular meeting on
Tuesday evening; and were visited by
-a large number of Endeavorers from
BelgraVe, There Was a good program
provided, after which the home mem-
bars treated the visitors to cake and
coffee, and all Went to their homes
hoping that it *mild not be long till
they would panel', again.
•• NOtyrs,—A.large number of the C. O.
F. inembetti attended the, funeral of
of DrdinOre, Vitiitea her parents, .Mr
and las McLean, this week„ Mks
Pairservide, of Harlock, is *letting
Mende in the village. Rot.. X, 5. Fish-
er, of Gorrie, is satonn& 'Calling on old
friends this week, Who are all glad to
see his fade: Mies SteVetiri, our
teacher,- liked, 18 well netTgititioi Are1.'e pleased to
hear that. BOA W. gigebylentprovitig
In heaIth. Rev. Mr, Andrews,, Of
Holmesville, will bola sacramental
net viee In the Methodist church next
Saba% d the foll0 in Shndet Ro
• Tall' NloWtitiCtiVkti TliB ttliWg 1 Is 64* klo of Goderlch, will concuct
.nllisionatr seri/404.14 '
Dm:maim—On Saturday last Reeve
Burns went te the town hall and an,
-OolaliCed OW decision of himself and.
1deyor Holmes in the Riess-Tiaoraption
,case. It wet: te the effect that tbe
charge of assault against the teacher
'had failed completely, the latter being
required to enforce echo:A discipline,
which Was apparently all he had done.
Tide decision carried oests against the
NOTES.—Tbe Epworth Leagues will
hold -their adniversary service in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening, .
March 14t1d, with an entertainment the
preceding week; particulars later.
Rev Mr Grahamhas continued the
special services this week; his efforts
have been blessed with success. Clom-
rminion will be held next Sunday. for
which a preparatory service will be
held on Friday. Rev.Mr Oaten preach-
es in Winghain next Sunday; Rev Mr
Sawyer, of Tuokersroith, • supplies for
him here. Miss Lizzie Falconer and
Miss Maud Ferguson, who have been
visiting near Brucefiela, returned on
DEATH.—Again we are reminded of
the -uncertainty of life. It is withleel-
ings of deep regret that we record the,
death of Our esteemed friend, Miss An-
nie Miller, who died at 8 a. m., on
Tuesday, at the home of her sister,Mrs
Eaglesnn, of Clinton, where she had
been visiting. Deceased had been ill
for only two weeks when she was call-
ed heme. During her short life she
had made many friends, who will be
sorry to learn of her early death. Her
body was brought honie �i
afternoon, and the funeral, which was
largely attended, took race on Thurs-
day. Much Sympathy is felt through-
out the entire neighborhood for the
family in their sad bereavement.
Porter's Hill.
NEW House.—Mr Peter McDougall
has let the contract for a new frame
house to Cooper Bros. of Clinton.
NOTES.—Benson and Leslie Cox paid
a flying visit to Dungannon last week.
Mr John Pickard, jr., and Sterling Mc-
Phail left last week to visit friends in
Galt. Misses Amy and Edith and Mas-
ter Bert Cox spent a few days visiting
friends at Wingham, retuning home
Taesday evening. Miss Elliott, of Dun-
gannon, :s visiting in the neighbor-
hood. Mr Robert Elliott left for the
old country on Tuesday. Mr Cooper
and idles Barge, of Clinton, visited
the I.O.G.T. lodge Tuesday evening.
The Chosen Friends is ill meet on the
25th; the Recorder wishes a fairs ttend
awe, as there is special business to be
transacted. The Epworth League in-
tend having a social at Bethel church
on Wednesday evening; a good time is
CHURCH NOTES.—At the social held
in Hensall at the Kippen parsonage
Friday evening 624,40 were realized;
Revs. Messrs Kerr, Mills, Henderson
andMiller gave addresses, and the
Chiselhurst choir furnished excellent
music; a very enjoyable evening wes
spent. Mr. John Sheppard and Mr.
John Fitzgerald, on behalf of Chisel-
hurst congregation, presented their
pastor, Rev. W. J. Waddell, with over
50 bushels of, oats, which were very
thankfully received.
last Mr John Marquis met with a pain-
ful and severe accident. He hado just
taken his horse and cutter out of the
church shed and was getting ready to
drive home, When his horse stewed
around, and the shaft of another cut-
ter caught him a sharp blow in the
side; it was found that be had sus -
stained a fracture of one rib, which
will lay him up for a short time; the
occurrence waslpurely accidental, and
no blame attaches to any one.
HaSsra ESTATE.—John Beatty, assig-
nee of the Hanna estate, Is trying to
gather up money illegally paid by Mr
Hanna before he made an assignment,
and accordingly has entered action
against one of the patrons of the
Holmesville factory as a test case. If
this case is lost in all propability the
rest of the $1700 or $1800, received by
us for our last make of bntter, will
have to go the same way. The de-
funct company intend fighting the
case and engaging the best legal ad-
vice, the expenses of the teat case to
be paid by them. The case comes off
at, Clintcin next Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, at
9 a.m.
Cntraciii....-The special services are
being continued during this week; in
all probability theywill close this
week, as the pastor intends starting a
series at Sharon Monday night. Rev.
Mr Mulholland, of Child Oity, Iowa, of
the Congregational •church, preached
a grand Sermon on Friday night; be
also occupied the pulpit Sunday even-
ing; these are the first and only two
sermons Mr Mulholland has preached
in Canada, his native land; we consid-
er ourselves very fortunate at hearing
so able a speaker; his sermons were
full of thought and at times quite elo-
quent. League Will meet on Monday
evening; Wit hoped that all will be
present, as the election of officers will
take place.
Norricsi—Mr C. Mugford, of Ben -
miller, has been spending a week or
two with her aistert Mrs Ramsey. Miss
V. Andrews ie vieittig her brother at
lotideaborn. Mr Archie Oosite is on
the tuck list, Mr Ilattugey had a wood -
bee last Friday afternoon; the boys
worked. well. Mr J. Watkins is this
week moving into Mr j. house`
at the emit end of the village, Rev.'Mr
'Mulholland, of Child City, Iowa, is
'here visiting his mother and brother.
Mr Geo. Acheson. of Goderieb; . spent
,SUnclay at Mr R. Acheson's, Miss
Turner, of Clinton, visited for several
deka at 11. Atilieson'e. Mies P. Olack-
well.met with a very Painful accident
the Other day; not feeling vete Well
she was standing beside the stove,
.10bert She fainted and tell *lithe stove;
burning her hands andface consider-
ably; the wounds Were ;at once dressed
and oho is now dolniptilecay
. a day. Many en e:ObiPei tired
eye, °dee vet ler the met and the,
assietartoe which properly fitted
glasses Would (lite, TWO tited,
eating leeliee is ha their Mae
way of jelling You that itheY, are
bein atiesed, strained, overtaXect
aor neglected, ' %limy are your
best Mende', why not thou tiiiVe
tbeni a little .thoughtful attention?
A little, care now while perbapil
they are "only tired" will. cieve you
and your eyee meal dieetenfort
aria eerhepe paw& tutor() trouble.
It costs you nothing to have no eX,
amine your eyes. Next to Dreee
it is our epeeialty. We WO rtiede'
it a study. We are tbe Only-
, guaranteed Opticlanfitereo. '
If you do not need glesses vieJS11.-'
you eo. If you need medical treek
recut for your eyes we reopmmeed
'a physician, but itelessee ere
quircd we will fit you right at a',
nioilerate price or refund yoUr''',
Druggists & Optician
Szox.—The fa
oti ar
wright, con. 9., are suffering ce tediire •
ably at present from phlegm.. 11irt '
Cartwright has been laid up. and nor
daughter, Mrs Argent. 'came up frOW
Clinton to Wait on her, being also raki,,
en ill; Miss Etta Cartwright, who liaSt1
been teaching school, has given up her'3.
sitiation in order to look after her
mother. ;
NOTES.—Mr rhomas Fairservice dis-
posed of a team of two year ad colts,
a few days ago, to Hamilton Bros., at
a good figure. Mr John Connell had a
very successful wood bee on Friday of
last week, and in the evening be treat- '
'ed. the boys to an oyster supper. The
school children of S. S. No. 4 observed
Wednesday of lent week as a day of '
fasting. Mr and Mrs A. Beet are
at present !Aiding friends, previous
to their departure for Manitoba.
of weeks ago an item appeared under
the heading of Seaforth, stating that a
young man, now in. New York, had
left home without his parents' know-
ledge or consent. •It seems that the it-
em was incorrect in this particular, as
his parents knew all about him leaving
home, and where he was,
TheDoherty Organ Factory
A leading feature in the Organ busi-
ness as it is carried on to -day, is the
evolution of the DOHERTY ORGAN Go.
from a hand shop, with borrowed
machinery, 22 years ago, to their
present business.
How do we account for it? Their
business methods differ from those of
other houses in many important re-
spects. They are progressive—progress
is their watchword—and are always
ready to assist their agents.
In eonvereing with trsvellers, we
are pleased to learn of the extent of
their ramifications. They seem to ex-
tend their operations everywhere. One
ca,n scarcely strike even a small village
where their organs are not represent-
ed in some way or other.
Marvellous indeed must be the busi-
ness machinery which can Mee care
and control such an army of represen-
tatives, scattered over so vast a terri-
tory. And they say it is the same in
England. Even in Germany the terri-
tory is divided among agents. It all
seems to move so smoothly that even
these terribly hard times have not
been able to put it out of gear.
- Through the system adopted by W.
DOHERTY & Co. many dealers who had
but little capital, and, perhaps, not
much knowledge of the business, have
been enabled to make a success of it.
The Co. in many cases, not only sup-
plies the capital, but sees to it that the
dealer has an opportunity of acquir-
ing a knowledge of the best Methods
by which he can make sales at profitable
figures. Thus this great house plays '
not only' the roles of manufacturer,
jobber, capitalist and banker, but edu-
cator as well.
Established as they are, it is quite
reasonable to suppose that their busi-
ness would increase, so with their
usual foresight, theyare preparing to
enlarge their premises and increase
their manufacturing facilities.
One of their buildings will be raised
two stories and another brick build-
ing, 4 stories will be placed between
the two large buildings, connecting
them. The whole factory will be .
overhauled, old machinery replaced
with new; everything is being changed
but the management.
Machinery of the very latest labor--
saving devices and the most accurate
working, will be added. One of the
recent purchases is a "Clement" lathe
which is guaranteed to turn out 100
turned piano stools per day. Another
Power Hoist with a capacity of 2000
lbs will be nlaced in the new building.
Their Orgati lCases are being super -
ceded by new ones, the most beautiful
ever produced by this firm, and that is
saying a good deal as they have always
been acknowledged leaders in style and
tone. Their new catalcgue will ca.,-
tainly show the mostdesirable stylosfo
the money ever produced, They hai.
also developed several new actions,
among them a 7i octave action, whit*,
instrument is entirely new in this
country. It looks exactly like an up-
right piano, there being no Stops or '
swell -levers visible, and the pedals ,aro
the same as used in the pianos.,
With this new stock,we wink* be
surprised if a fevrnaere Geld Medalettre
won this year.
Come Off
the front, Street:
a couple of doers
" and visit it-
11OLLOWAT'S traltai '$
on Tinton Street, •
where you es,n get
a flret•elatts. Wehatting
Suit of Clothes, '
at a reasonable. Prieet.
Etat° a
• • •! •