HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-02-05, Page 7a Vaan„e. moires so intimate te. top bllgIl he has bought, kueinese lately oonduot- ., and will continue the teed, Huron St., Clinton, 'attention ,to the wants of , 110,hopes to merit and re artof patronagge. He wil Aly, and at the lo.vest prides 'lc, 4". JK Wallis, Clinton. BUTCHER SIIOP ••URP11JY, =the cash •prinoij an 11 ere with the best meats at Ft prices. Patrons may rely tw- ette;.nd prompt filling of orders. ,D & MURPHY fral Butcher Shop, Clinton;i ' ,BUTCHER SHOP wisli` t fAral the public that I willgnot 10114,0- "1 by any other person in the lit( '1 prcatioal butoher, and the branches of the business. tiry best meats and a full ,cele hand, and will sell at the Prices. Bring along your the meat at the cash price. edit but not at cash prima. d see what you can do for Cash at 0k 41'' Owe/t`, lousFe wr y.. leaM ITZSIiiONS' ;AVD FEED STORIES. re ye Exchange barters for all kinds ofs '4 GARDEN SEEDS choice Seed Corn just ar- /Illinols. We have a large .eed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. arket price paid for Coarse s, or taken in exchange. ash paid for Eggs. LL & JOYNER ON ST., CLINTON. OOK'S Feed Store & SHORTS ge or small quantities. CAKE anal. MEAL OF ALL KINDS. s Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. OK, CLINTON. awe Molsons Bank. rporated by Act of Parliament,1855 APITAL, $2,000,000. riEST FUND, - $1,400,000. OFFICE, MONTREAL. R. MOLSON ...President ton THOMASGeneral Manager unto, Collections made, Drafts is - ng a taAmerican exchange bought d. Interest allowed on deposits. BANK—Interest allowed ums of til and np. Er A. IR RN. peed to farmers on their ow ore endorsers. No mortgag quired as security C. BREWER, Manager. { D. MCTAGGART. BANKER FEET ST, - OLINTON. neral 'Banking Business tI ansaeted kNOTEi3 DISCOUNTED fts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. Alt &TISDIALL BANKERS, LIBI TON. DINT made to farmers on their own es at low rates of interest. hanking Business transaoted seat allowed on deposits. iSale Notes bcugh J. P TISDALL, Manager. Planing Mill —AND --- Y KILN! or,having the very latest improved nemploying the most skilled work - to do work in his line in the most Manner, at reasonable rates and :at notice. A trial solicited "G.T1R. STATION, CLINTON TOWN HALL T AND SHOE• A.IRSHOP. 0157Y01131g, Boot and Shoe Maker, boa open op in the Clinton Town Hal eau orders entrusted to bis care ecu• `at satisfactory rates. Or- , Give him a sail. 8! ;front Pain Um) Ili Female Pills, Sul tr,4$$,, surestanldyro l comrd for 4lIl1tri»r SealeddrUN clrr t.ofp Cut`'orbf Tared°. Chat "19PELISON 9 } THE (MINTON EVERY FAMILY NEWS NOTES SHOUP KNOW THAT There were 159 oases of soarlet fever in Toronto in the Last two months. a re a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- THIRNAL and Exeasn.ase.tuivae and won- derful halts gitioit action to re111A1itvve distress. PAIN -KILLER to a sure cure for dere Throat, ta.Ch 111s, Diarrhoea, DaciCB3Crens Cholera, and an Dowel Complaint.. PAIN -KILLER In THE BEST rem. eily Sieknesa Sick Headache, known Painlar In the Back or Bide, Hhouwatlant and Neuralgia. PAIN -KILLER Bis tiNeSvsvinNADLT the MADE. It brings SPEEDY AND RMA1.11111/1 TTONT LIEF In all cosec of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, etc. PAIN -KILLER the wee tried and Mechanic. Farmer, Planter. friend or and in lacteal clauses wanting a a.edlClne always at hand, andkeApE TO USE Internally or externally with certainty of relief, "PzjuY Deveo' Stoll everyx hernoonlw-. but hot01a X10 Very b.,..., bottle. Aoe. .For Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Cum BERRY, WATSON & CO., PROPI,.Tone. MONTREAL. `2 a McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM &ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED Geo. Watt President, ORHarlook P.O.; James Broadfoot, VIee•Pres,Seaforth P.O,; W. J. Shan- non, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie, In- sfieotor of losses, Seaforth P. O. Jas. Broadfoot,8eaforth; M. Murdie, Seaforth; Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. Watt Bedeck; T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Alex Gardiner, Watt, Thee Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Kippon, AThos. Neilans Harlook; Robt.MoMillan Sea - forth and J. Comings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to eect Insurances or tran Beet other business wiilll be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adressed to their respeoitve offices Wolves are doing so mu -oh harm to stook in Northern Miohigan that t11e'Legislature has been petitioned to pay $20 a head for each wolf killed. At $20 a head, a man ought to be able to keep the wolf from his door. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is known by its works. The experience of half a century proves that no other preparation of the kind stops coughing and allays irritation of the throat and bronchial tubes so promptly and effectually as this. Fire completely destroyed the public school in Delhi no one was in the eohool at the time, and the origin of the fire ie, a mystery. ' The lose will reach nearly $6000, with small insurance. The Premier has deolined the invitation of the Washington's Birthday Celebration Committee,Chioage,to speak at the banquet to be held in that city on Feb. 22 next. The franchise bill which will be introduc- ed next session has been drafted and is now being reviewed by the Premier and Sir Oliver Mowat. Its chief provision is the aooeptauoe of the provincial lists for federal election purposes. 0. S. Doan, of Clinton, says not to go on sufferin for years with Salt Rheum, when a few oxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment will our on. r, Chase's Ointment cured Hiram Frey of Norwood, after suffering ten years with Eczema of the leg. Chase's Ointment also oured his little girl of Eczema on her fade. Joseph Martin, ex-M.P., is in Ottawa. His visit there has no political significance. Mr Martin says he is out of politics for good, and is now devoting his attention to gold mining. The remains of the late John Mitchell, aged 103 years, of Dorchester township, and his daughter, Miss Ellen Mitchell, were interred in the Roman Caiholio Cem• etery, London, on Thursday. Mr Mitchell died only a few hours before his daughter, who was 60 years old. How do you feel today, are you in good sound health, or are you occasionally troubled ? If you are go at ono() to Allen & Wilson, Chemists and Druggists, and prooure a box of Wright's Liver and atom- ol] 1P111p. This is not a medicine that you ave to continue the use of, but a treat- ment that effectually cures. Price 50o e, box, complete directions eneleeed, A shortage of about $20,000 has been discovered in the funds of Brant County and Township, of which the treasurer was the late Mr W. S. Campbell Mr Robert Caldwell, of Belleville, a com- merical traveller for Evans, Sons & Co., Toronto, was taken ill at Paul's Hotel, Meaford, and died ireless than an hour. 33 ensmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON RAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be Bold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to; Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER or Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S BAKIN POWDE THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure', Weak and impoverished Bkod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female,Irregularities and Genera) Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer in Clinton J. 11. COMBE,i and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVESONJ —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Flnidused Splendid Hearse. ABEIVIZ ST., CLINTON Residence over store OPPOSITE) TOWN HALL aiiiimrlwrc.h. WONDERFUL Piles Cured in 3 to 6 -Nights—Itching, Burning Shin Diseases Relieved in one day Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barbers' Itch, Ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the cure of all baby humors; 35c. Sold by Watts & Co. Mr James Mussels, a G.T.R. yardman at Niagara Falls, was caught between the draw -bars of two cars while coupling, and instantly killed. The petition against the election of Mr J. B. Mills, Conservative M. P. for Anna- polis, has been set aside on account of ir- regularity in the service. OLD TODMORUEN HAPPY HAPPENINGS IN TIIE HISTORIC IIAMLET Mr John Gamble, jr., the well known and popular son of John Gamble, Esq., proprietor of the Todmorden hotel during the past fonr years, gives the following ac- count of his rescue from heart and nerve trouble through the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerye Pills. Speaking to our reporter, Mr Gamble said: "Some three months ago I began to feel very poorly; in fact I felt as if I was moving around in a dream. This condition 1 wrongly attributed to biliousness, for I became very weak and seemed to have no staying power, I also became very nervous, and would in rap or start at the slightest sound. The feel ing was one of constant ,dread. ' I expe cted something dreadful to happen, I knew not what. Again I was dizzy, my mem ory failed me very often, and as a matter of fact my whole systemfwas out of order. Our druggist, Mr H. W. Love, corner Broadview and Danforth avenues, recom- mended Milburn's Heart and Neve Pills some three weeks ago, and I have taken them according to directions. From the very first I began to improve, and am now. surprised at the change in my condition. I am very much stronger; my nerves are steady and my memory bright. I no longer suffer with that morbid feeling of dread. The pills have proved certainly, in morvessand reduced physia remarkable remedy ale strength, for eaI cannot too highly recommend them to all who suffer from any or.all of the symptoms which I have mentioned to you, and must return my thanks to. the manufacturers of these pills for placing such an excelleht medicine before the public," (Sgd.) JOHN GAMBLE, Todmorden, Ont. MY DAD'S THE ENGINEER AN INTERESTING STORY SUGGESTED BY THE POPULAR AND PRETTY MELODY Ur, James Smith, Don Mills Read, Tod- morden, Ont., gave our reporter a kindly interview a few days ago, and epoke about the pure effected by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in the case of her husband, Mr Jae. Smith, the well known, pdpular and efficient engineer. Said Mrs Smith: "My husband has been suffering for a long time with nervous debility, rafalrnsal health.The use oMilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which be got from Mr H. W. Love, the druggist, has,been very bene. fioial to him. They did him more good than anything else he had ever taken be- fore, strengthening his nerves, and toning up his entire system. They are the grand- est remedy for nervous affections, and, moreover, the best tonin obtainable. They proved'So effioaoions in my hnsband'e naso that 1 commenced giving them to my daughter for nervousness, with which she has bon troubled for some time, and they are already giving satisfactory 'veldts." (Sgd.) MRS JAS. SMrTH, Don Mill Road, Todmorden, Ont. agsl1'"o11.a.A.. a • die y WaqPe& nEvir` ERA TIie Wonderthl Ten Cent ,Combination. Having a desire to please and entertain the young, the manufacturers of Diamond Dyes will send the following valuable com- bination for ten cents to any address in Canada; One "Excelsior Rhyming A B 0 Book, Illnstrated," a gem of lithographic art. One full size Cabinet Photo of the -Three Future Kings of England." Every loyal Canadian should have one. One package of "Diamond Dye Ink Pow- der," for making sixteen ounces of best black writing iuk. Thiworts h 65 cenits,rnd to anyable address for then cents Send small silver coins, or the proper amount in one, two or three cent stamps; a larger denominatie;o will not be received. Seal your letter securely, and before mailing be sure you put on full postage, three cents in stamps. If full postage is not prepaid, letters will not be aeoepted. Address Wells & Richardson Co., Mont- real, P. Q. There are 75,000 men out of work in Chicago. It seems that Parliament tobe on march accepted next. The net profit which the Dominion made on its coinage, mined in England last year, was $76,607, of which amount $60,484 was profit on silver and $7123 on copper coinage. A great sensation has been created at Pthat W. AAS C, oro Baldwin,, late of Quebec! the tCity, and now in business there as a broker, has is- sued a writ against J. J. handy, a promin- ent resident of Peterbnro, claiming $25,000 for alleged alienation of the affections of his wife. It appears that Mrs Baldwin, who is a sister. of the defendant, left her husband at the time of his financial diffi- culties in Quebec, and since then, with her children, has been living apart from him. Mr Baldwin charges Mr Lundy with hav- ing been the oause of this action on the abovepart of his wife, and has o mentioned oned agai et him. Efforts are being made to settle the matter without having it threshed out in the courts. KIDNEY PAIN John Snell, of Wingham, Ont., was in a Maelstrom of Pain and Agony from Dis- eased .Kidneys --South American Kidney Cure was the Welcome "Life Preserver" —ItR elieves Instantly and Cures surely. "Five years ago I had a severe attao la grippe which affected my kidneys caused me intensepain in my back and ary organs. 1 suffered untold misery. times I could not walk, and any sten position gave me intense pain. I bec worse so rapidly that my family bed alarmed. Just at this time I noticed So American Kidney Cure advertised. though I had little faith left in any re dless on but a drowning m n wteied so illygrasphat a atr and I procured a bottle. In fi few day had worked wonders, and before ha bottle was taken I was totally relieve pain„and two bottles entirely cured m Sold by Watts & Co. FRASER'S LONG WALK. David Fraser, who has walked 5 miles since July 14, was in Montr last week. Mr Fraser is a newspaper man, a some time ago wagered $3000 that could cover 5600 miles between' July and Jan. 31. Of this distance he h walked 5300. One feature of Mr. F ser's journey is that he is not "be ing” his way, but pays his own expe ses. Mr. Fraser is a Canadian, being bo in Picton, Ont. He is 26 years of His family moved to Montreal, and Fraser was educated there. He afte wards went to the United States, a finally settled in Aberdeen. Mr. Fraser started his journey. going in a south-easterly direction,an went as far as St: Louis, Mo., and th woriced back and into Canada by wa f Washington, and came throng ver the C. P. R. tracks. Mr. Fraser has had some stirring a entures on his long journey. He h alien from trestles, been held up an hased by wolves. While corri hrough the Rockies he was knock f£ a trestle by a train and injured h nkle. This caused 0 delay of ni ays and on communication with h riends in Aberdeen he was aliowe hat much loner time to finish h urney. This ankle has caused M raser a great deal of trouble on h Mr Fraser while in Idaho starte rough the Soshone Desert. This i e last of the great American deserts is 300 miles across and consists of an kali plain. Mr Fraser was'obliged carry his own water. On theggtenth y he waof hiss obliged to dthe rinkrfrove out m the kali Springs. The effects of this ater laid Mr Fraser up for two weeks terwards. InIowahe had an excit- ich acked hitime ith ni aMrcFroaserwolves was forced fight the brutes all night with fire - rids and was severely burned in Bo - so. He succeeded eight the ferocious animals andi colleted 28 in bounty for the dead carcases. r Fraser has been "held up" by boes" on three occasions; twice the nips cleaned Mr Fraser of his posses- s, but on the last occasion Mr Fra - got the "drop" on the "hobo," and "weary walker" got nothing for ains. Idle in St. Louie, Mo., Mr Fraser Frank James, the only survivor of famous James boys. James has re- ed, and is now selling tickets in a tre there. According to Mr Fra - James is a very quiet, reserved , and bears no resemblance to the who terrorized all travellers some s ago. It may interest the small to know that Mr Fraser slept in James' bed at his house at Hear - Mo,, 1- k of and urin- , at ding ame ame uth Al- me- ea— aw, sit '!f a d of e." X300 eal nd he 14 as ra- at- n- rn d. Mr r- nd by en y h d - as d 0 O v f c a d f t j0 tr th th It al to da an Al w of in att to bra ing of $1 M "ho tra cion ser the 11is_p met the form thea ser, man man year boy Jesse ney, Pill -Age. Dn. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS, 20e. A VIAL, ARE PLANNED AFTER THE MOST MODERN IN MEDICAL SCIENCE. They Are as Great an ImproYement Over the 50 Years Old Strong Dose Pill Formulas as a Bioyole is Over, an Ox Cart in Travel. Cinnamon Drop Coated makes them pleasant to take—being purely vegetable makes them absolutelysafe—they never gripe and they never fal•-40 doses, 20 ciente at all druggists. e. .rlr LO$S OR VOiCE ip After Acute Bro.nohitllli4 OILED DY USING AVPD'C CPe>� P8Oit01`a A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE;. "Three months ago, I took a vie_ lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it \very difficult to preach,' and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tho first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost c:liirelyof all unpleasant symptoms, a;nd 1 feel sure that one or two bot- tles more will effect a permanent euro, To all ministers sufferingfrom threat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,"—E. M. BRAWLEY, D. D., Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. Publication Society; Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT TELE WORLD'S FAIR, AYER'S LEADS ALL ..QTHI ARSAPAHILLAS. AFRICAN ETIQURTTl4. A Traveler Tells Row to Gat Along WI the Dusky Chiefs, In African travel it is always wise Tien the biggest chief l any part oft country, safe a Writer In a Cent One gepn always learn from other obi et a dletanee who they are mid someill of their character. In appr(laobing the always send word of your ceasing) get it possible, luformntloa ;Il adtatl of the feeling of the chief toward W111 ' Upon nearingthe village, send on abea to announce Your arrival and wait ant your messenger returns with (tome of t vlljagers to escort you to their cele Great the olllet civilly, and ask him send one of his people to show you a go place for your tent, if you decide camp in the village, which I have deo Invariably in this country, though Lis not always advisable in every pattwo Central Africa. When yon have rested the chlof will dome to see you. Th state to him your business, talk frankl with him and explain plainly your need whether you want guides or to buy food I seldom stayed In a place more tha one day' and generally the first night calked the chief privately into my ten ant, had a long talk with him, and gav him a present, consisting generally of good oloth, four yards of Amerfoan tour, of wide blue, four of narrow calto and about tat egg -cup full of beads, an sometimes an empty bottle or ,tw Invariably I reeelved next day the o0 operation of the chief in every way, and also a big goat ea sheep or bullock, and fifty or sixty poneds of flour. Some. times I gave a ani,.11 additional present before leaving. If the Idiot took a fanny to any particular thing, and I ooald Spare it, I did so. Sometimes one wanted a aheatb-knife, and another a hat. Old Kambuldi was determined to have a shirt. He wanted a candle, matches an needles, which I gave him ; and as, I had previously given him cloth, li suggested_,f aii a feeble sort of jc Ire, that, as he no'l' had cloth and sewing material and light, be might eft up at n1ght`anci make t, shirt. Immediately the old fellow replted'1 It 1e the_oande that is interfering with my success. Here, take batik the candle and give me the shirt," I finally yielded and gave him a much -patched garment, which satisfied him. ah to ruse tli'f ate ng afld 90 a. f1 he f. tp 0 0 iq t ett e e a 1, p A Claim AND n Offer WE CLAIM there is only one preparation in Canada to -day that is guaranteed to cure BRONCHITIS, and that is DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. It is MOTH- ER'S cure for her child when it is all stuffed up with CROUP and coughing its little lungs out with WHOOPING COUGH. One small dose immediately stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one to sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded this valuable syrup so as tb take away the un- pleasant taste of turpentine and linseed. WE OFFER to refund the price if I Dr. Chase's Syrup will not do s1I that it is claimed to do. Sold on a guarantee at all dealers, or Edman. son, Rates & Co., 45 Lombard St. Price, aSa. Back -Ache, Face -Ache, Sciatic Pains, Neuralgic Pains. Paln in the Side, ete. Promptly ReIlevod and Cured by The "D. & L. If Menthol Plaster Havteg used your D. &L. Menthol Plaster for severe pain In rho back and htmMgo I Ihapiyry'Infahiamre and rpd nmod, fact, teyaallke mania—A. LAposNTu. EllrabetlitoWn. Ont. Price SKr. DAVIS & LAW1t0 4CE CO., Lan. Proprietera, MONTREAL. DU Febrttar r 6, 18 7 flIP(1 Wooilen Store BIG REDUCTION IN YARNS Special for this week—Don't miss this sale of Yarns. Come early and get first choice. Not less than a lb. In -one lot. lb. for this week only. C. DUFTON °1311 Mason House 2 Clinton. Fruits, Groceries, 4Itc RAISINS; CURRANTS, ' ORANGES, LEMONS, PEELS, &o If you want a handsome Present for a friend, we have them in abundance in CHINA,, GLASSWARE, A.LBUMS, PURSES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &o. SOITs ana OVERCOATS—Do you want an Overcoat—this is the place. Also, for a GOOD SUIT , either ready made or made to order. We have a large stook of BOOTS SHOES, RUBBERS, &o., that are selling very fast, as they are so cheap.— We have GOAT ROBES that take lead for quality and price. Also, one only hand- s me GALLOWAY ROBE, Highest price paid for produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R., ADAMS Clin.ton. Sash, DooriBlind Factory COOPER BROS., - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest imProved ma- chinery, capabie of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared.plans, and give estimates for and build all class- es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- ed in a naeohanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior end exterior material, Lumber Lath,. Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds,Etc Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL JDESIK, manufactured, at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders 1897 FURNITURE 891 We have started the new year with as fine a line of Farniture as you w'sh to see, and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods are warra ted to give satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to call and inspect our la ge stock of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES • DINING -ROOM SUITES, CENTRE TABLES, HAT RACKS, WA.HDROBES CHIFFONIERS, BAMBOO GOOpS, CHAIRS OP ALL KINDS. When we know we can please you in quality and price. Give us a trial. UNDER Tilk(ING DEPARTMENT OurUndertaking department is complete in every respect,and as we purchase from first- class inanuabturers only, we can guarantee to give good satisfaction in all its branches, as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders we may be favored with shall receive the very best attention. ,Night and Sunday calls will be attended to by call on our John Powell, at his residena BkOADFOOT, BOX & CO. Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's Mill, Clinton. CUTTERS SLEIGHS! F, R UMBALL, We keep in stock and make to crder Cutters and Sleighs which we gaarantee to be first class in every particular, Nothing but the best materialfosed CLINTON FRESH GROCERIES Sa Christmas conies every year, ds at th rocery you will bo sho Dinner 8 them all. Nuts g know it is If you see the display of Holiday coming again this year. Every. sisting of Cups, Saucers and r Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware, ave not space to mention es of all kinds. Candies and own, considering quality. ER 61 ting pad The Car Going to e td., Toronto re Arriving almost daily ewing Machines w that the people are satisfied radon Tables and $1.50