HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-02-05, Page 3Pain- IIIler.
A Rare and Safe Remedy in everryy case
and every kind of Bowel Compialntle
Pain -Killer[.
This is a tote statement and it can't be
Izl:.da too i coag or Wo emphatic.
it Is a si'•iplo, asfo and quick cure for
Cramps, Cough, Ithoumatism,
I Celle, Colds, Neuralgia,
I , Diarrhma, Croup, Toothache.
_ TWO SIZES, 25o. and-soc.
<, d
Cook's Cotton Root Compound t
Is the only safe, reliable f
monthly medicine on which C
r• ladies can depend in the r
hour and time of need, y
Is prepared in two degrees n
of stren r
No.. ffor ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar tnedicine.known v
sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. O
No. 2 for special casea--zo degrees t,
yq.trcTger�-sold by druggists. One box, t,
1Vl ee Dollars; two boxes, Wive Dollars. t,
No. z, or NO. s, mailed on receipt of
rice and two 3 -cent stamps. b
J The Cook Company, P
Windslit, Ontario. a'.
f Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- t]
cin by all reapont0ble Draggists. 61
RF .: N y s
I'll '' s .:t , , '. , ,F A
con trip to
Belfast. Ifroin that day on until the
t UY11f1;]j1141Ir1 �i'k>k1bTI$tI0$. •.
day she was stricken ill a month sel-
dom passed butrthat she took a voyage
1. ° ` bQ •telloying-4atiatioa, al:q tolto -tz
and the four stabled their wheels in the
1rho tailor"t of lifetlrentl of Indnatxiee j
L�!�r(�ntj ��M�{� /�Q� fix{
M1r..1�! .MVS 9 1. M41. ,RSA llRt�! a4!A!*.!�I,M W!A 1.,
8100esl ter too year .189»• -
A ""c"am_ ,r.,•--a� _ s*+^++.,�*-'i+...ana...,,care,.-�-o.wa'--...:,�i�m,. ,n,:,•.,,; ..:,--'*•
'Total As- POpt'i '1'u,,
ter - ,,s ^, »:.
- � � ,- � �..,�,,,,..� .-' �� ,.��. �.m, �,�
MUIIIOIPAWi is sossnag:ut lgtion 1,9r ]ls
' .. • ,: Aiatal an(' vulus- habits what w2
linabY Wa atarVlllot hitt' It 1I"Ox°
% ! Cratilidvnce,
flet. .. ] 6 $3. '
A sh d 1387 0 7I 4.
1$ , 5 �
Colborne......1,174,905 11805 4.
;d` �f.•q ;'1' g Jan. 20 was the me late&till w Uld da
' I �, t, , � 1i1 Qb1cago, has ever ktiatVk7. yJ'lle tIIHx
:; Goderich Tip.... 1,521,72.7 W37 4.
:ea • «. -day wbat advice lie would give
tQ sal; you 1711 the Ito vl •-n ... ««
gad 1 resent 1
r y tarried. I would--tall-thes.
Gray ... ,...... 1,700,525 -8049 4,
Hay.. , .......... 1,900,500 4045- 3.
I , , ., below zero, o while the lowest n'
I 'SJ !nt w'
� T9 � as
� k'r'' P
l r~.
t. tw
) ant
� degrees
iHa. U.
_ below.
y , It was
K:Jib sacro -
i Pattie by
�, � tritherewas
. SPwfek •........2,145,878 4966 3.
--.411' n
Hallett ........2,150,810 2898 4.
f;{ t•\ a gale, and as a consetiueutse I
' ��,,4 every drug store had its quota of frost -
MoRmop ...... 1.,831610 2985 3.
26 to give h1tn. r1 . wOntaa never
74 fay they shot�.ld in their food Boame to think sha ought to be faselnaG
Morris...........1,761,881 2849 4.
shipped to the Nebraska ranges to be
'St ley ........1,660,540 2237 4.
Ste leen ........1,803,898 3832 4,'
D7 a universal -tendency in mankind to do
the fat that they do get, Fat this. Yet anotber doctor I know once
'Tn kersmith.... 1,941,280 2614 4,
, Tu�+nberry ......1,055,235 2854 3..
• that almost. any woulau easy.
can marry any man she
y Unlike most proprietary medicines, the
, makes up her
, V bor>ae ........1,861,600 '2400 4.
17 It 1s baby life and baby °f marriage .depended primarily upon
Y the
Walwanoeh ..1,188,440 1839 4.;
The municipal statutes for Ontario
W awanosh ..1,137.460 2138 3.1
or fiction, certainly a and other preparations are cheerfully sent
woman to
Eilzuton .......... 598,480 2443 5.1
clod@rich ..1,069,480 $698 6,i
Seaforth .:...634,023 2412 6J
e , ' "" _ 'Winggham ......516,748 :2195 5,Q
,Rayfield ..........86,213 641 2.:'(
r,t1 1;
Blyth ............ 205,415 987 SJ
4 • .' •
, rupoele.......... 295,475 1203 -5A
'Rseter 1746
y ,,
..........491,890 SA
Wroxeter ........103,915 496 2.4
»g ,,
The assets and liabilities of the severe
as given in the same report
years ago -after a time he recovered, but
five or six weeks
yore as follows:-
*A. , :
Assets T iAmlitie
Ashfield . $ 17,097 $ 7,07
Colborne ............ 1
+° [< ,
C$oderich Tp ........ 39,000 48
and Protective on both
- sides, would the people c•n either side
A woman afflicted by these mortifying be better
Hay ................. 35,087 15,12'
Howtek 10,210 '20,81:
w y '1
1, +r ".
Hallett .............. 6,353 13,85'
s .,
McKillop............ 15,691 1,99,
Morris .............. 1,776 4,58:
a`; '
St ley.. 2,716 2,Ob
•.25652 301
Tuckersmith *,........ 29,752 ......
f '4
Turnberr .......... 3,289
Ueborne ... ........ 4,688 3183(
E. Wawanosh........ 2,901 2,669
�, �h'',
1 `
W.Svawanosh ..,.., 12,290 3,239
�1w �.
Clinton ........... 46,239 29,500
Goderich............ 157,533 129,050
Seaforth ............ 70,744 68,100
writes Mrs. one after another breakout oil be the able
of rich ity taxing
nay arms, l o make itself
Q by
Wingham .......... 65,116 71,960
Bayfield ............ 3,403 140
Blyth .............. 13,516 11,888
Brriaeels ............ 14,169 32,200
,Exeter ........... .. 21,522 18,614
Wroxeter........,... 51238 4,000
It will be observed from the
above table
Colborne and Tuokeramith are the
• �
only municipalities with no indebtedness,
G'. ?,.
the latter having a comfortable -surplus.
,,,,> k
' ;'
Is a dangerous disease. It may lead di-
, .
rectly to Consumption. Catarrh is caused
by impure blood, and tha true way to cure it
is by purifying the blood. Hood's Sarea-
parilla oures catarrh because it removes the
� ,
cause of it by purifying the blood. Tbous-
ands testify that they,have been cured. by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
HOOD'S ?Inns are purely vegetable and do
_y h. .
not purge, pyfin or gripe. All druggists,
253. A
i" ('
Mattawa has two lawyers and two doct.
ora but no -dentist, and it Mattawa teeth
Y 'rc w -l'
+ °
need attention their owners are compelled
to waif fintil a dentist from Pembroke or
,,j`,, ,; y.
Renfrew cares to put iq, an appearance or
else travel 45 miles by train to North Bay:
and still there is a population of about
2,000 with a large surrounding population.
The dentists are to be congratulated that
there is so little overcrowding in their pro-
fession that a prosperous and growing
community cries in vain for one. d
,F .
Is the geographical centre of the splendid
county of Huron; the London, Huron & Bruce
Railway runs through it north and south, and
the Crttiud Trunk Railway also runs through it
east and west forminga ' unction here. It has
a Collegiate )esti Cute that stands
g amen the
highest est in the Province and a Model .
g e School
with a large and efficient staff. There are two
Baptist Roman
and Catholic,whilo theBrethren
organ factory, threshing machine factory, tan -
have a meeting room. There is an extensive
nery, three planing factories, flax factory fann-
ing factory, large flour
mill mill, grain °levator
two carriage factories, two salt wells, the head-
quarters for the Canada Salt Association, and a
number of other industries. It has one
chartered and two private .banks, custom's of-
t, 13
flee, eight malls daily, first class business
houses of all kinds. Masons Oddfellows Work-
men Orangemen, Sons oil Scotland :ions of
En land, Protostant Benevolent, lurlopendent
ai,d Canadian Foresters Canadian Home Circle
and Templars have lodges here. Population.
3000. Steam fire service and incandes-
cent electric light systems. Town is exceeding-
1y healthy, beautifully located, abundance of
sliade trees, and is one of. the most desirable
places of business or residence in Ontario.
Joseph Jones, who claimed to have wait-
ed on Oeorge Washington while he was a .
guest at the home of his former owner, died
at Ridgeway, Ont., last week, at the reput-
- ----,Aid age of 115 years. Jones was a colored
man, and up to about 40 years of age was
a slave. Hie wife, who survives him, is
105 years old. She is blind, anJ for the
past few years has been in the ahil,shouse
at Welland.
G-S►.:~�,.i ta=i r. &:d -.L -i.
Tho fan
tdeaature every
K4e.Z� wrapper.
Pain- IIIler.
A Rare and Safe Remedy in everryy case
and every kind of Bowel Compialntle
Pain -Killer[.
This is a tote statement and it can't be
Izl:.da too i coag or Wo emphatic.
it Is a si'•iplo, asfo and quick cure for
Cramps, Cough, Ithoumatism,
I Celle, Colds, Neuralgia,
I , Diarrhma, Croup, Toothache.
_ TWO SIZES, 25o. and-soc.
<, d
Cook's Cotton Root Compound t
Is the only safe, reliable f
monthly medicine on which C
r• ladies can depend in the r
hour and time of need, y
Is prepared in two degrees n
of stren r
No.. ffor ordinary cases
is by far the best dollar tnedicine.known v
sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. O
No. 2 for special casea--zo degrees t,
yq.trcTger�-sold by druggists. One box, t,
1Vl ee Dollars; two boxes, Wive Dollars. t,
No. z, or NO. s, mailed on receipt of
rice and two 3 -cent stamps. b
J The Cook Company, P
Windslit, Ontario. a'.
f Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- t]
cin by all reapont0ble Draggists. 61
RF .: N y s
con trip to
Belfast. Ifroin that day on until the
sent, and many have been lost on ac-
count of the severe cold. The aggre-
day she was stricken ill a month sel-
dom passed butrthat she took a voyage
and the four stabled their wheels in the
• �. A
L�!�r(�ntj ��M�{� /�Q� fix{
M1r..1�! .MVS 9 1. M41. ,RSA llRt�! a4!A!*.!�I,M W!A 1.,
A ""c"am_ ,r.,•--a� _ s*+^++.,�*-'i+...ana...,,care,.-�-o.wa'--...:,�i�m,. ,n,:,•.,,; ..:,--'*•
V1? t�)1d t1 X `�# V.1Gfr To 'N►�Vll1,.X MARK P,
� 'th t, your I
ter - ,,s ^, »:.
- � � ,- � �..,�,,,,..� .-' �� ,.��. �.m, �,�
Settlement of the Manitoba school
' .. • ,: Aiatal an(' vulus- habits what w2
linabY Wa atarVlllot hitt' It 1I"Ox°
% ! Cratilidvnce,
� , ti ,�v Tho cold unat , flppears t;o• 1'1tl,vt: been
);9 unity general In the Cllliteci `attltey,
tst r ttiltl
c1Ctl�alXy C�1( ll t ,ge't nough I ..Lashed a Plos°r, well-knAn doctor
Only to
;d` �f.•q ;'1' g Jan. 20 was the me late&till w Uld da
' I �, t, , � 1i1 Qb1cago, has ever ktiatVk7. yJ'lle tIIHx
Paratively no native iange cattle have
died. As
:ea • «. -day wbat advice lie would give
tQ sal; you 1711 the Ito vl •-n ... ««
gad 1 resent 1
r y tarried. I would--tall-thes.
' ,. ?:,� ,.•:�.�,, n o
4 . , t e .
,� ._ �.: - I � .. �.,. _ - .mo c•t got iLbove tH11 tke t .e
« +•,.t g s
... .
o alt •,
woman," A
> h i Octet to let her
1 hits -
s a
And et there a
et'v ret ho
dS c
59 Y ban i thl:rk ha had i Bite won her GhRG
I , , ., below zero, o while the lowest n'
I 'SJ !nt w'
� T9 � as
� k'r'' P
l r~.
t. tw
) ant
� degrees
iHa. U.
_ below.
y , It was
K:Jib sacro -
i Pattie by
�, � tritherewas
quarantine restrictions on Canadian
not still ,somethiu hold in
42 Of babies whC9 never get `the g
f;{ t•\ a gale, and as a consetiueutse I
' ��,,4 every drug store had its quota of frost -
Could not Attend to his
26 to give h1tn. r1 . wOntaa never
74 fay they shot�.ld in their food Boame to think sha ought to be faselnaG
i �\\ 11 ;: bitten people. Virginia, Minnesota,
shipped to the Nebraska ranges to be
53 ing to her husband after marriage. He
4o or who are ;not able to digest lectured the woman, of course. There to
appears to carry the record, however,,
«' Choasiag a [tusbsull. the tempperature there touching 103 be -
-? low. We in Ontario
her looks, b
her looks, her manners and her dress,
D7 a universal -tendency in mankind to do
the fat that they do get, Fat this. Yet anotber doctor I know once
Ceor may con ratulate
' Le R ;.)t says qurselves an getting otY cotnlaarativeIe
�, i In oil" of her novr'is,
ing Dominion bank notes, entificcertainty,triedandtrue,soothing
72 IS a necessity to your ,baby. Bald Sn my hearing that be beneved
Y from all he had seen that the happiness
19 PP
• that almost. any woulau easy.
can marry any man she
y Unlike most proprietary medicines, the
, makes up her
when that "Good Samaritan" of all
17 It 1s baby life and baby °f marriage .depended primarily upon
Y the
mind to.
: Whether this is truth formalat of Dr. J C Ayer'a Sarsaparilla
The municipal statutes for Ontario
l2 man. Vera he worth anything the
12 beauty. A few drops Of Peace of the household was
or fiction, certainly a and other preparations are cheerfully sent
woman to
a ore" it
m k and the enfeebled
bled Gea, She
chooses her any physiotan who applies for them,
report to in a latter that PY nil core, i
Perfe ' y 1•irs.
ctin ; iiia n em c. aarceaa
n •I.M
g g ante for :L COm• of chronic cold in chest and bronchia]
i3 . Letters,to the newly married, then,
Scotts Emulsion for all little should be addressed to both. There is
U husband oftener than Hence the special favors accorded these
c be knows it. But she well-known
Hours, and S eedil • Cured -Coat 75 c;
p 3
much that mi hb be said. First of till,
17 ones one, two and three g
standard remedies by the
�. must play the negative World's Fair commissioners.
1/ part. She
the Province. In 1891 there were 1,9 -
121, but harkk. year intra was a falling
11 that neither take the devotion of the
5 years of age is better than Other for granted, making no effort to
can only
make herself as attrac• „ „
A Bystander {Goldw, Smith) in
tive as -possible in a modest, womanly
Next morning, at the breakfast table,
l -� •, -- ,cultivate or-reGaln what each-- felt to be
4 cream for them. They due. Thera is nothing one kill
way last week's I+armer s Sun, disposes of
- ins[ rely upon human nature end maul
instinct. the protection argument in the follow-
creameries will have "A. a general wugb and lung syrup Pyny-
ertld stns age chambers, the railw t, haPee�gi2I the amutmost �eua leet,re iii. It
in marriage than the first tend-
°s thrive and grow on it. onoy in Dither ono to diocese Cha
A sensible man naturally seeks a whole• Ing few and simplwords;
some -looking, healthy, capable companion, It is laughable to see the Canadian
years ago -after a time he recovered, but
five or six weeks
Z .sties P; the other before .a third person,
sCOTT•& BOWAIE, Belleville. out. ,Nothing is more fatal and nothing Is
Men are not unselfish enough to willingly and American farmer each of them
assume the care of a weak, nervous, de. trembling at the other's competition,
bilStated wife,
if the latter'ratef,'maintained pro rens
more vulgar. No one can ever take a
1 ;greater liberty with the other, These
I Men are not attracted by a sallow, pimply and calling for protection against it.
complexion, foul breath, thin, Suppose a political line +were drawn
Printer and Publit;ihPr, the represen- rpereonalities are never tunny, though
tative of the Press of the Dominion, they
or emaciated
fOro'+ because these symptoms are the sure across this province of Ontario and
index of poor digestion impoverished duties imposed
are often made to do service as
S says: -"The Clinton NEw ERA has family.blood.
jokes brought out for Gtte entor-
i well -set advertisements, and, we
and Protective on both
- sides, would the people c•n either side
A woman afflicted by these mortifying be better
ven- •talnment of the stranger. Were I to write
titre to believe, finds the trouble be- Rush a letter as that mother described I
BIO wed upon this ,department,
off? Yet they ought to be
miseries should seek the powerful, purify- better off if the principal of protection
ing and nutrimental influence of Dr. Pierce's ie
1 repaid should like to beg that nafrging be pro-
I twice over. There is
sound. It cannot make. any differ -
Golden Medical Discovery which
northing dull, ev- hlbitod, and teasing' secrets; that mutual
, en in the appearance of the ppaper. ooneessione be inaulged; that every die•
What is testimony, Bro.
, com- encs in the economical results where
pletelyp dispels all unwholesome appear- „
ancesbydearingandrenovatingtheorganic the Political4ine t6 drawn.
your Holrnes." appoSnGmenG in Che other bo regarded ae
We have certainly found it an advan- an opportunity for helping
sources of healthful vitality, There is no getting either over or
1t helps the liver to filter all bilious im- 'around this fact. If
that other,
Cage to make our'"ad's" attractive,and and not as an excuse for pal nation; and,
know drat ou[ advertisers appreciate
protection is a
Itve ors nsm the blood. It groes dimes- good thing as between the Pett e
powertwo different
I Aitollid beg that the one woo hada
the e neat way in which they are display- trouble share it with the other, so that
ed.-NEw ERA.
tis countries, 1t must he a
from the food rounds a
thin forms
wipes awn wrinkles, and good thing between two sections
"t ° y to
neither go about with evidencoe of worry
gives the com- the same country. If Canada can
co n
Plexion its natural clearness and bloom.
whIle Aeelaring that nothing is the mat-
Health and strength carry its through ter, "Oh, nothing I" in answer to a lov•
"Your 'Golden Medical Discovery,make itself rich by taxirig•theproducts
of poisoning of the blood," a severe case of cured me of the United States, Ontario ought to
dangers and make us safe in the presence ing enquiry from husband or wife, sen-
of peril. A perfectly strong man with rich sitive to disturbed
writes Mrs. one after another breakout oil be the able
of rich ity taxing
nay arms, l o make itself
Q by
conditions in one
pure blood, has nothing to fear froth germs, loved to often the first wed a which
He may breathe in the bacilli of aonsum g
and were very painful. have tried the not eat. -
loudly praised sarsaparillas without any benefit ry the theory out to its ultimate CUn-
whatever, and tint until I took elusion and let town,
tion with impunity. If there ie a weak ultimately drives both apart.-Harper's
your'Discovery+ every village and
did I get well .'that was two years ago, and r township erect tariff' walls, so thgat we
have ubt Lad a Boil or sore of
spot where the germs may find an entrance
to the tissues, then the trouble begins. Di Gam.
say kind since•' may all get t ich ? What 18 the use o
`- having a theory if it is not applied. "
sease germs propagate with lightning -like HEART PAIN
rapidity. Once in the blood, the only way
Mrs E. Carson recently died in Ana -
to get rid of them is to kill them. This is Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart defies -the
what Dr. Plaice's Golden Medical
moss,, Iowa. ;She bad crossed the SHATTERED NERVES AND PARALY-
ocean 250 times, and possessed the STS. I
ery is for. It purifies the blood. That most intense PainB-No Matter how Icng
Iraordinary record of never having --
means that it kills the germs, but that, is Standing the Trouble, it masters disease
sinceG at Shattered Nerves Developed Nervous Pros-
on theucanFor
vessel ""dwas rlaunched.
only part of what it dOEB. it assh,ts c'kges-
S in half an hour, and in the case of John
tion by stimulating the secretion of diges-
has been travelling y tration-Nervous Prostration Developed
g across the Atlantic
tive fluids, so promoting assimilation aril Crow five bottles cured Heart Disease of
until her face had become a familiar Total Paralysis of one side -Great South
nutrition; purifies and enriches the MOM Ten Years' Standing -Here's His Testi-
and so supplies the tissues with the
one, not only to the officers on all the American Nervine in the teeth of Most
vessels of the Cunard line, but to the
they need. It bu+ids up strong health mony Unsolicited:
custom house officials oil both sides of Adverse and Complicated Circumstances
or .-I )",:7 l,in7!1r 1
• . , 5,, 11
. i F-0ll'tlitrt
-- .. 1- -.�,. 11�• ,.tri..,,.,.
-- �1 ' . „
. . ��� *
... • „i
,. +u'nu,u',Imown,01IUIIIIIII,i+UI1IGt!Ull!i111tUIlIWIiltJt!nuww„ .-,.., -. yy
, I �t .
51, - ;.,
1I 1' •, �
I .1
. . . . . -111- " --Z.�.�,-
ilww-� =., THAT Tn.'
- i'
- .
„ „
AVegetable PreparationforAs- SION�,Tt,
similating Wood andRegula-
[Ing the S tot. ...-Lh: andHaweis of � -OF-
iA/lrl -I,4I/".-. W4,i,ydv ,.
Promotes DigesUo%Cheerful-111
'ness and Rest.Contains neither
O 1u11i,A4orphine nor Mineral. IS ON T'00500 gHE . `
E :�
��oJ10h1Rr dNM WRAPP
I'rrarW Sad -
r4Zrr..rearta +
Radi.fla ,;;/ - or EVERY `''
Aniat Deed +
}permmr _
,Hi Gubana2Jada. •
a,d- '�ao,/U,agr . OT��E O,v
Aperfectllemedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish-
ness and Loss
Tar-Sim��ilellSignature or
'NEW •YORH. Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only,
Is not sold in bulk. Don't allow auyotla'r-q
Z, you anything else on the plea or promise
is fust as good" and "will answor O' ;'
pose," AZI-Bee that you get C-A-q-T-p;�++,
The fao-
PER. oirailo11
^��� ,'
au eignatttre of 6e9l.�Wzvwa- .�',BT.
flesh end pate the whole body into a die the Atlantic. Mrs Carson was'the Overcomes All, -and Restores Wife and SO RICH -SO PURE -SO U4 HOLESOM E=SO DELIC1
ease rend put Mate. John Crow, son of Mr Geo. Crow, farm- widow of Mr Carson, of Belfast. He'r� Mother to her family-Tbese are the
er, near the village of Tara, Out., writes: name was Newell before her marriage,
Send 31 one cent stamps to cover cost '•I was alarmingly afflicted with palpita- and her brother, Will., was a million- Written Words of Edward Parr, Surry
of mailing only, and get this K•t•eat book, tion and enlargement of the heart for near. aire. Shortly after the death of her Centre B. C.
The People's Common Sense Medical A9- ly ten years. I doctored with best physi- husband in 1804 Mrs Carson, accompan- � � e �'�
viler, absolutely ritvE. Address, World's eians and tried numerous remedies with ied by her daughter Elizabeth, came "My wife was taken bad last August with t
Dispensary Medical Association, No, 663 very little benefit. In our local papers I to America to visit het grainer. This nervous prostration, which later on devel- CEYLO
Main Street, Buffalo, N. I. noticed Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart was her first ocean trip, and was the oped into paralysis of one side. We tried
advertised, and I determined to give it a beginning of her infatuation for the many remedies, but all in vain. I thought �.�
The waiter Girl's Revenge. trial. Inside of half an hour I had relief. sea. Mr Newell prevailed upon her to I would try South American New e, hav-
I have taken about five bottles, and I feel remain in America, and at his death 1 ing seen it advertised in t�to
A Cleveland newspaper man has been today that I am as well as ever I was I he bequeathed to her 9i5(H},000. This . minster papers, and I am glae able to 11;roaming through the interior of the state+ am completely cured," formed an am le fund to permit the in- saY that the result, after to hree bot -HALF AND ONE POUND PACKETS ONLY
enjoying his week's vacation on a roving dulgence of her eccentric desire to bP Clea, rues an astonishmentyself and AT ALL GROCERS -25, 80, 40, 50 AND 60 ��
aesignmcnt of his, own making. Mounted continuallyon the water, r family. It worked wonders for her, and CENTS A POUND
on his trusty wheel, with his pocket For several days the mercury has , and in 186a y
camera in constant readiness, he bore been from 10 to 15 degrees below zero Mrs Carson left her daughter with we cannot sneak too highly of this great THE DAVIDSON & HAY, LTO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. T303
aw•i from theh t f throughout Neb • Il Th friends And took her se d remgav No case too a t f
J aun e o civilization
with a light heart and still lighter
I as ere are 500,-
000 sheep being fed in Nebraska r pre-
con trip to
Belfast. Ifroin that day on until the
cu a oro too long .
standing to defy its wonderful merits.
baggage. On his journeyings he fell in
ene aPernoon with th:e0 choice eDirits,
sent, and many have been lost on ac-
count of the severe cold. The aggre-
day she was stricken ill a month sel-
dom passed butrthat she took a voyage
Sia Mouth's Work," '" ` !1d'""'° `-
and the four stabled their wheels in the
gate will be many thousands, but
across the Atlantic.1.
obliged to tumble off his wheel to avoid
basement of a rural hostelry together.
Baths of animals on the range at ppres-
ent are confined largely
--` -
Settlement of the Manitoba school
nd company sought the supper table.
tosheep. Com-
question -pending for six years.
They were waited upon by a decidedly
Paratively no native iange cattle have
died. As
Arrangement for the removal of the Positively Cures
pretty girl of very shy manners whom
a result of the great supply
Inflammatory Rheumatism so Acute He
quarantine restrictions on Canadian
they immediately proceeded to make
of provender, o end
er ma
P many Texas siesta were
Could not Attend to his
ca file en COUGH
tering the United States. S and ISS
home with. They praised
shipped to the Nebraska ranges to be
Daily Duties-
Large reduction in the cost of print- lit• In a surprisingly short ' • is a sci-
her looks, b
her looks, her manners and her dress,
fed this season. In this class the cold
Lived Three Weeks in A goniz'ing Pain
ing Dominion bank notes, entificcertainty,triedandtrue,soothing
and they regaled her .with all the choice
hits caused considerable loss.
when that "Good Samaritan" of all
and Lealingin its effects.
of the 'nail contracts, and
witticismsthyr they could remain bar. that,
con the rld r batter and the
The municipal statutes for Ontario
Cures, South American Rheumatic Cure
general reduction of expenditure in W. C-MCCO19BER&Sort,
the Postoffice Department. Bouchetm due„
a ore" it
m k and the enfeebled
bled Gea, She
show :i exceedingly 1 slow r•r >wtl o
g y � f
g 1
sed 1 '
passed his way -It
P Y Helped me a Few
report to in a latter that PY nil core, i
Perfe ' y 1•irs.
ctin ; iiia n em c. aarceaa
n •I.M
g g ante for :L COm• of chronic cold in chest and bronchia]
stood it pretty well, but there. was u
dangerous gleam in her eye when they
p °pri ([tion. In 1886, according to these
figures, there were 1,82 ,49.5 people in
Hours, and S eedil • Cured -Coat 75 c;
p 3
tubes, end also cured W. P. McCombe' or a
wet stations in 1 Canada frorn throat h rine i°agetandtaeaold
finally backed from the Gable with a "ta,
ta, Mamie."
the Province. In 1891 there were 1,9 -
121, but harkk. year intra was a falling
14Ir E. A. Norton, a well known citizen
o -
shipping Porte to the English market.. MR. J. H. RUTTY, Chemist,
Three hundred 528 Yonge St., Toronto, writes:
Next morning, at the breakfast table,
off to 1,909,527, and in 1893 the increase
of Ont., was severely attacked
with inflammatory rheumatism some 20
creameries will have "A. a general wugb and lung syrup Pyny-
ertld stns age chambers, the railw t, haPee�gi2I the amutmost �eua leet,re iii. It
her bashful mood had vanished, She
laughed immoderately
was only 500. In 1894 the increase was
27,(10(1, and in 1895;it was 21,000. Even
years ago -after a time he recovered, but
five or six weeks
will Provide refrigeiattur car, frriu, boretrloait. having apokon to ma Ortho
its use lath irf
their doors to the large centres it°i
at all their
A k
if the latter'ratef,'maintained pro rens
ago Cho dread disease re
turned ' 1
where amtomoio'dd
aani .
It, --
cold story a waren, u b • Metaow ItesalewStb �6s
ne 90 vie ant] that h0 had t0 ive U and Icon always rocom Head tt os : onfe en,l I ' L'��
warms ver ]o ce, and seemed strangely y g p at the taut shi in les are ui t and --
exhilaratpd. will be slow. Perhaps the activity in work. For nearly three weeks he ]ay jn g PP g points arrange• retlstia eoiigb medldne^
miring may help us to "get a move bed suffering terrible agony. Another resi- ments have been made to provide cold Large Bottle, 25 cis: " ,•.,
When the boys went for their wheals on ++ dent of the town who had been cured b storage nnt•il the products are putt on DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD, Quantity
they fancied they found the reason for bar y the steamship. There will be week] '��''/��''/�f anted"
excessive jollity. Through each of the ... South American Rheumatic Cure ersuad- n Sole Proprietors Is Not v ;
ed him to tr 1 P steamship services tq the chief oris in MONTREAL
four tires a hat pin bad been dexterously y •t, and, to his great surprise P
�R. CI-�A���s after using the medicine but one week he England -The Cllobe.
It was the scorned waiter girl's ro- was so far recovered as to go about town. In some things. You'll be, astonish'
venge.--Cleveland Plain Dealer, ����yaY� � �� From the first dose taken he felt most
en-. NEW ' LAUNDR'Y I at bow much you can get f:
i improvement, and to -day he is moat en- ' your money in our Shoe Stora
one woman's way. - tbusiastic in singing its, praises. Nc case subscriber baa oppe�ned a First Class Laundry The size of the bargains w
A woman carrying a Pan, an umbiella, too severe for South American Rheumatic ! ON LtATTF,NBIIttY S'1'itEET WEST, (nearly Sf.agger you, hitt hot Bo t11tYc
a pocketbook, a handkerchief, and , a ° c Cure to check in six hours, and cure per- opposite the Methodist Church) whore ho wilt.
.^, manently. Sold by Wa to & Co. P :. do all kinds, of laundry work at reasonable rates• but t hat you can entertain thei
loose glove stood on a Bank street cross- % (, apooiai attention will be t roposals and final! adce t rhe
walk and waited for ricer. Twtoe she was
M ,
forced by approaching vehicles Lo rna •
back to the sidewalk and once she dodged
. � •':;f - `°ooaaso ;t
rTaiyl Ser alae at Clinton.
a wheelman so awkwardly that he was
obliged to tumble off his wheel to avoid
running over her. While ebe stood on- the
rte . •.�
• •
Trains leave Cliiiton Station
crosswalk she dropped liar handkerchief
ae follows:_
twice and bar umbrella and love once
anon. Then it moat have occurred to her
Passenger ... •7 40 a m
I Mfsed Train to 15 a m
bhat her hat might not be on straight
- ,u `
Passooger ... 2 59 p m Paseongat...... 1 03 p m
Mixed rrain,,,9 96 p m Mixeu Train 7 05 p m
?,rid 'eo she shoved the umbrella under
�' :.�
I Passenger ...10 27 p m
ane arm and the fan ,under the other,
.,• r• .
Ind. putting .the pocketbook, the hand-
rerohlef and 'the glove between her teeth,
- -
aclxa scorn GOING NORTH
nada out to clutch at her hab with both
` •=--:
4 r
London-.. am 5 25 pm 8115 am 4 45 pm
lands. This spilled the fan and umbrella,
Exeter .......... 8 35 606 I 9 30 600
Ind in picking up these .she moat have
Honeall • • , • • • • •815 4 63 944
Hippen I
08 6 20
coughed or sneezed, for the reit of bar
.........8 448 950
Bruoefleld . , , ...7 59 441 9 0 628
novables promptly fell from her ,mouth
Clinton .., ,,,,780 423 1015 655
o the pavement. Of course when the.Qar
Londesboro ....703 359 714
lame along she was on the wrong side of
he street to take it and, after she had
Bl th .,,.,,.,..656 348 ' 1041 723
W lgrave
char •""'644 33,3 111
valked around, she must have remem-
M.- P
.,..,,630 315 0 800
elven o Gent, l•me y P
e t Laundry work, Agency atHaxbv's Narber Sh p, I e also have a large stock of
where orders may be left. Articies called for
and delivered.- RUBFRT TWITQHELL
Trunks, Travelling; Bag,
IF ' e WANTED --Young Women aQd NIen,or Great >;�r�;nins in Goaf'.a;�
older ones if still young in t
eptrou of n indutei ns can find
good takers, am • ,Robes and Horse Blanketo
bilious and indnitrtonE eao find eml,lor moot in
a- oo�aing to' aabtility. 60 REV Taff LIN8CoTT;i
Double and Single Hantegg
do - TOUO:iTO, omr Shingles --Wholesale &Reta;
S Y, 1T YAPS TO JAS. TWIT014 F -L 4"
iDtrs�rrrEl�r y'OL °i' �11CTORIA BLOCK .::41
t ��
, �aad b i `1 TheCanadaBusinessCollege p Tho Annual Meeting of *the sSockholders i} i
IYlatrona of the Holmesville Butter -and aho'Oa0
MINER (a mPb INt� anufacturing Co., 0imitec) will be held'Ja
CHATHAM, ONT. Pickard's Hall, Holmesville, at 2 o'clock p, ,�'(t;;
l�C}lildl� $94didfs CONTINUES TO INCIIEASE on .9ATT7RDAY, FEB. 8th, 1897, for the 11t s
1111111111111111111 - We have now four unfilled appPplIca►ione for Pose of cloying up the business of the seh$01l Of
CeaeLen from other buslneee ooliogea in lcew 1896' and Por the election of oifiaers for the 0 in:,
tared she had forgotten eotnething. An W R AHD THE OWDER iS DIFFUSED, MAK!HO A PRIGS 354 - Hampshire, New York, 14aeem collects and On- Ing year, 1V. B. FORSTEit Pirie .
vay the our went on without her and she SURE AND PERMANENT CURB FROM NEW YORII, tarso, and a fifth has just been Sled. W. S. LA WRENC�+7, 13g -
sturned to the sidewalk, dodging carte PRIOE WITH SLOWER 25 OENT& "I am a commission C.
merchant dein bull- Why do not teaelers and those hdlding teacher's Holmesville, Dec 30, 1896
,rid pedestrians and dropping something g certificates, also those teaobingonemall salaries '
P PP ug nese in the West Indies, I used some of c�uaufy ee teeehers of commercial subjects aria EARLY CLOSIN
very two or three yards. your Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor MURRAY s orlLand7 t7a cannot meat the demand made
"And yet," said the philosopher at an when in Canada, and think it is the best upon us for such. The Butchers of Clinton have a ed tit
This ie the most widely patrontaed business their shops every night at 7 o'Re s
IpparTera window, "they claim that the Dura for corns I have ever seen. Please college in Canada. Here la the proof. Nolo how , sit
rr.rrm0r+.vr.,..,,.rrrrrtvrrrr.r. rrrrr, man Saturdays, and on that day at, 9. The, en
Overage duration of cornu a life !B send me a few dozen for friends and Otle- y students some from pointe north°or L:n- p g
reaEer than that o man. "-Cleveland tomers in South America and the West don, Stratford and Toronto. Walkorton ban agile are requested to observe the hourg`'.
The D.
u 4 with us, ,Godartch 1, Clintoq 3, Wit gbam 1 leave their orders early, 11
'Iain Dealer, Indies, "-WILLIAM GeQZD, NOW York ally. Fordwloh 1 ,enforth 3, Wroxeter 8, Gait 2, Preal COVOII & W'Ifislo ,:
A N M A N' S ion 1, Laokuow 2, is, ]dlon 1, A Corning,
4. taring R. FrTZBrnt7k ,
Clothing ro , ` X140 People. The Times prints a despatch from Cityy Mloh 1; Uav1e, Jd1eh, l; Corolag, Arkansas, FP & MVtti�tf
Neuralgic pep e, are al14ay8 Aenaftive pia a 1 I incardlne i Olen000 2, palmoraton 2, Petro- CIRARGES WA11W"
A r r .■ �' �' ®� Rome Bayyingg that the French-Canadian Ila 3, Cratble 1; Loealeh I Napier 1, Pfelsouvil e, Clinton, Jan. 11th, 1897, , 94P "
a changes of emperatnre and sudden • ■ ■ Roman Catholic bishops had prepared Algoma, 1; Bryanston 1, pit srdeville 2, Noly.00d
hills; and to avoid the risk of these they a joint pastoral on the school question, WATER 1, Allan Park 1' Colinrille 1, Gllen Breyer 1, Pelee j�1P0];rjrANT NOT C
hould wear woollen underclothing- Is 1nVa�u ble, If yon are run 1FLORiDA Island 1, Puce 1 A Imer 1, Sombra 1, Mandau-
down h which announced that the Sacrament min 1,
of the olumay woollen garments of , %t Is a food as well as Quinn 1, kipt'ey 1,
ears ago, which lrrltate delittate skins a InEdlc�Ine. would be refused to all Catholics who For catalogue of either department, address to all owners of '
E would accept the terms of the Govern- tr w ",�
Imoet beyond endurance, but Dna of the t The D. i�L L. Emulsion ment, The pastoral v THE n• McLACHLAN $ Co Chetthum Buggies, Democrats OrLir'- r'-
ewer makes combining warmth whit € P ions not issued, SWEETEST y.
' g Will build you up if your general health ie however, owing to the fact that the • Axle W��� ons. '
ghtness. hu aired, English speaking bishops were not, MOST FRAGRANT m bb
Very often neuralgia ie complained o! The D. & L. EMUIslon hepared to adhere to it. The Pope MOST REFR£8HINt3 Groceries. + Having bought a "LITTLE CFk�111'r I 1
hon, in reality, the holPforgotten stamp €lathe best and most palatable preparation of has now taken the matter in hand. AND BNDURIN4 OP ALL .ii7t t1,
' an old tooth is at the root of the mat. ( 'Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with the mostdali• ►��111Sa e, j Cutter, whereby axles are out and b6xfu �•�;'•
PERFUMES FOR THE set back to the shoulder, Inakigg'the BarW� . ;
r. If there !e any dohbb about ib,a visit caw stomachs. Mrs S James, of Seaforth, ,suffered for HANDKERCHIEF, q uat as good as now, I will be a' til', 'ph a.
i a good dentist would decide the & L Emulsion 7 g ,
quos• ThA D. years with what is Walled old eo le's rash. TOILET OR , Porgy, Lard .�7,. form ahywork in thin dire f(op, •., :';
on once for all. Isprescribed by the leading physicians of Sha was treated b man h eioiane with- BATH.
In cases of acute neuralgia, relief may Canada Y y P Y Wo keep nothini but the fresh -
y g g q & L. Etnulslon out result. Mr, Fear, the local drungist, est goods and sel at the I GUARANTEE ALL WOIIi. ;•;sstia. '
)afforded of c b rgbbin d ether equal The D. recommended Dr Chaso's Ointment which the closest. rice. for or no pay, Those Whoha'9611,ed•ir�t
tits i chloral and powdered spot camphor Is a u rin ri loug Oeoh producer and will give relieved the irritation at once and speedily We make our own Sousa e which done, speak in the highest av I' 11-
rd palating the painful spot with It. You an appetlto. P y ALL DRUGGISTS PERFUMERS AUD g ' p .:
Man t 50c. dot 9'1 per Pattie effected a aura of the skin eruption. MCA. - a' is equal to any imported. Come and see the maeehihe.and qct �riq�al,r�, �i
Many people cannot take qulnfae, but t James also says Dr. Chase a Ointment I:c Otte trial convinces. AIrI31Cil"Irr SICr>E;
096 who Pill) will find It the best rem- UIle sere yce get DAvis dr. LAWUNOE CO., LTD, cured her of ItchingPiles with whish she ���• �L��G�S. y ' 1
ly Of all, ) rho genuine I MO kA1AA4 had been troubled fr years. r I3laakemith and G1ent, t,1 Rolihiltbt; Iriagll
..lt.tt.i4.r.i..ti..a.tit""'.."."'.'JAS STEEP' & CO., Clinton'. Carriage Si1Q
, , p1 IfAtdrip . , W
� �>
( ,
• •
I ,��,
- v' %