HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-29, Page 7-dr John Stormont, Esq. J. G. Ramsey, Esq. Geo. Vernal, Esq. Ex-Ald. W. T.'Stewarb. G. T. Pendritll, Esq. • John hide, Esq., of Inerie & Graham, Wm. Hevenden, Esq. Win. Tarelkcld, Esq. W. 8. Johnston, Esq. T. J. Ryan, Esq. Jas. E. Henderson, Esq., of Stockwell & Henderson. Frederick Diver, Esq., Central Press Agency, Toronto. Harry Brawn, Esq., of Brown Bros. & Co., Toronto. Nicholas Murphy, Esq., Q.C. Thos. Parkinson, Esq., of Messrs. Powell & Parkinson. John Brown, Esq., corner Simcoe and Adelaide streets. S. T. Britten, Esq., of Britten & Bradshaw. ' Chas. Field, Esq., Queen street east. Win, Hirst, Esq., corner Church and Shuter streets. And hundreds. of others. Yours truly, MAXWELL JOEIHSTON. Mr. Johnston appeared before Mr. C. 'Henderson, Cominissioner in the High Court of Justice; and gave the following declaration as regards the absolute truth of the statements made in his letter :— DOMINION OF CANADA, Provinve of Ontario, County of York. To WIT ;—In the matter of a letter to Messrs.: T. Milburn & Co., dated 3rd De- cember, 1896, I, • Maxwell Johnston, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, do solemnly declare that the state menta contained in the above letter are true, and ',make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the ;anis force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada.evidence act, 1893, declared before me at Toronto, in the County of Fork, this 3rd day of Decem- ber, 1800, by Chas. Henderson, a Com- missioner in II. C. J. Courts. (Signed), MAXWELL JOHNSTON, of Maxwell Johnston & Co., 72 Bay street, Toronto, Ont, ' THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY .HORAGE .FOSTER Ask Yotir FOR: y `TVor White' �: . . writing PRICE 15 CENTS. MANUFACTURED BY The Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., Toronto Car Loads of Furniture Arriving almost daily Furniture, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Going to every part of the Connty, all of which goes to show that the people are satisfied' with our goods and prices. Call and see our $4 Extension Tables and $1.50 Parlor tablea, solid oak. tT I.O23333LL1 use B LY -T 1 Tla .0101$11011 NEW ER 4001r04 t0 tnthiests *. ton;' *be* be It00 bdeo t g,beeineee 14toly oonduat. , and will continue the $tend, Macon. $t„ glinton., 4ttention to the wants of 4 14ope4 to merit and re OE patronage. He wil A I, at the h,vest prices ''ai i.ip„ Clinton, L:BUTCHER WID +. MIJRP#Y. tgltupinese with° cash principle, and Ater 4uFtaOOS.With the beat meats at Yingprices, Patrons may rely up - 0 raid prompt tilling of orders. MURPHY B.0 .;ler Shop, Clinton IITCHER SHOP sk, infQrra the, public that I willinot hdereold by, aria other person in the 00S I irm a practical butcher, and ;tetnd°all, tate branches of the business. ee the Verymeats eats and a full i$ivaytj on hand, and will sell at the e C4¢¢,eta $;ices. Bring along your hey.and get the meat at the Dash price. it �'i ielve'.Qredlt but not at oath prime. WO :gall and see what yon can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' • loOUR AND FEED STORES. ,ce Exchange igeadtluarters for all kinds of E.ELI) 4 GARDEN SEEDS o oat's. choice Seed Corn just ar- i'ived, frbM • Illinois. We have a large 4t1rk of reed Corn. Oats, Barley, 4, Peas, &c. aii1 est market Price paid for Coarse rains, or taken in exchange. Oash paid for Eggs. RILL & J OYN ER 9 rMURON ST., CLINTON. GOOK'S ou.rmFeed Store AN . & SHORTS nlarge or small quantities. L CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. Minds Choice Oatmeal for 1 1 bushel of Oats. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. Operated by Act of Parliament,1855 PITAL, - - $2,000,000. ST FUND, - $1,400,000. k OFFICE, MONTREAL', R. MOLSON President ;sten THOMAS.... General Manager oounted, Collections made, Drafts is - g and American exchange bought d• Interest allowed on deposits. BANK—Interest allowed on sums of $t and np. FA.RM TBl . toed to farmers on their own note *more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security 43. C. BREWER, Manager. D. McTAGGART. BANKER T ST, - CLINTON. as Banking Business :transacted TES DISCOUNTED issued. Interest allowed on deposits. RAIN & TISDALL BA1vKEP"8, LIM TON- O1rT made to farmers on their own es at low rates of interest. Banking Business Bn ' transacted serest allowed on de�ppoafts. ' e ` o es . cngh P TISDALL, Manager. on Planing Mill ti--Ar1D— r'�It KILN! beernbee . hating the very latest improved re,1 erplcyyingthemoatskilled,e to:dwork in his line in the most °tory, mats er, at reasonable rates and .the shot', work - tot notice. A trial solicited )tiff NFA1t'G.TIM. STATION, CLINTON THE TOWN HALL BOOT AND SHOE R,EEPAIRSHOP. es Young, lid Shoe Maker, has open the Clinton Town Hal there entrusted to bis care at satisfactory rates. Or- y. Give him a Dail. ES! from Pain iIND Ohmic, Pills, Ind trustworthy pro. Wit. Surest and Most discolored for all Dreg, dom. ge8Seale circular te'p'cs'ea hymen :Teront4i, Can. ON ITaotlt at PAIN -KILLS THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Taken Internally, it Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain In the Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, •Burns,.. Scalds, Sprains, Toothache, Pain In the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. No article ever attained to such unbounded popular- ity —Swa call bear testimony to the efficacy of the Patn- Nillor, we have melt 1te magic effects 1n aoothrnrt,• tho /severest pain, and know it to be a good nrtiolo.—Cmctn• matt Dlspaih. • Nothing has yet surpassed the Pain$iller. which le the most valuable family medicine now in use.—Tennessee Orgnw ithea real merit,; au a means of removing pain, no medicine has acquired a reputation equal to perry Davis' rain• illor.—Nport News. Beware of Irpitatigps. Buy only tho genuine "PSa*r DAVIS." Hold everywhere; largo bottle, 260. Vera Sar -e bottle, eN 90999.09 0O�®909040®Oef� Give The only food Baby that will build up a weak con t w�v a titution grads, d�hance ally but surely ie artirrs the 'trAl a simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants; o delicate children arid invalids. n ® KERRY WATSON a CO., P'oro,c'r011., V®- MOR7arat .¢.. Y$4D1.'n'7''lCDi9'�j$<'`4.S.Ito.4.:1.4•`,-41..6.1, q.nr 0,� n McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Oo FARM &ISOLATED TORN PROPERTY ONLY .INSURED Geo. Watt Pr9aldent, Harlook P.O. • James Broadfoot, Vice-Pree.Seaforth P.O.; W, f. Shan- non, Seoy-Treas., Seaforth P.O,; M, Murdie, In- .speotor of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot,SOaforth; M. Murdie, Sealerth; Geo. Dale Seaforth; Geo. Watt Harlook; T. E. Hays, Seatorth; Alex Gardiner, Watt, Thos Garbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Klppen. Thos. Neilana Harlook; AGENTS. MoMirlan Sea - forth and J. Cuminga, Egmonriville, Parties desirous to eect Insurances tran got other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adr.esed to their reepeoitve offices Bertmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES ' NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make .a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by par chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended tot Address, JOHN STEW^ RT, BENMILLER For Tweni.y-Six . Years DUNN'$ BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE Ih CANADA. McLeod's System:- RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished •Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, ti on Gallt Stones, JaundiceKid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Femkl"e firegurarities and General Debility LABORATORY, CODERICH, ONT J. M. .MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON - J. C. STEVENSO, —THE LEADING— UNDER'AKER • —AND— EMBALM. A PULL EINlt OF GOODS KEPT ill STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused -_ Splendid Hearse. ABEAM ST., CLINTON Residence over store OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 1 T; U tx. raT1341o'xxo; • ¶lo Wowing loyal and generous ;entt. menta% translated front the French, of a memorial just presented to the aeremier, • signed by nearly two ;Dore Erenoh.Qana. dian ratepaYere, are,.werthy of being read and remembered by some of those JJnglish- speaking Canadians who would like to see the School agitation kept up: To the Honorable Mr. Laurier, Prime Minister of Canada: The undersigned, all Roman Catholio; residing in the dist' iot of. Delau, province of Manitoba, take the liberty of expressing to you their sincere satisfaotion with the settlement of the School question, which has soprovincelo.ng excited the publio mind in this We know that a large party of French- Canadian clergy, particularly Archbishop Langevin, are not satisfied with the settle- ment, and refuse to aooept it, but speaking of themselves, the signers of this address are •r of opinion that all who are'not influenced by party spirit will aooept the settlement in question as being the best obtainable un- der the oiroumstanoes. If this settlement is carried out in good faith by the local au- thoritiee,we are certain that the dissensions which agitate the country will gradually disappear, and that perfect harmony will reign in the provinoe. Moreover, the Conservative party had the question in hand for six years, and was not able to get what you, sir, have obtained gently and quietly, and to the satisfaction of the majority of the people of Manitoba. Consequently we consider it • a duty to thank you for the generous efforts you have made to arrange the settlement, through which we hope to be able to give our child- ren an education that shall fit them to walk abreast of those of English descent. We beg also that you will kindly under- take to present our thanks to the Honor- able Mr. Tarte, as well as to all those who have aided in bringing about this favorable oonolueion of the difficulty. Here at Delau we are in a position to profit by the ar- rangement when it becomes law, and we count upon your generous and powerful in- fluence in our behalf should any parties op- posed to us try to throw obstacles in cur way. • And now, hon. sir, we beg you' to aooept our sincere congratulations and our ardent wishes for your happiness in connection with the New Year which is about to com- mence. May Heaven lighten the enormous burden which you have undertaken in as- suming the government of,the country, and May it grant yon health and life so that Canada may keep you for long years yet in the position of Prime minister. Such is the ardent desire of your devoted servants', eto. A TIDAL WAVE Sweeping Over This' Canada of ours Paine's Celery Compound Ban- ishing Sickness and Dis- ease B TOWING HEALTH, VIGOR AND NEW LIFE The Young and Old Feel Its Wonderful Power The Cured Never Cease to Sing its Praises Likea.miy,Wt tidal wave, Paine's Cel- ery Compound, with its marvellous heal- ing -and curing virtues, is aweeping over Canada on its mission of health restoring. To -day it to the only medicine that is ban- ishing sickness and disease; the only one that is bestowing health, vigor and new life. Amongst all classes its wonderful power ie felt directly the first bottle is commenced. Paine's Celery Compound, owing to its honesty and never -disappointing virtues, has become the "people's" chosen medi- cine, and its worthy praises are sung ev- erywhere by thousands of cured people. Nothing else in the world is so well adapt- ed for the needs of the sick and suffering. After one trial it becomes a friend. A cured lady, Mrs , George Durant, of Elma, Ont., writes ca follows: "For many years I have been a sufferer from liver troubles, and have doctored with several physicians, but only found relief for a very short time. My husband ad- vised me to try your Paine's Celery Com. pound. I did eo, and feund so much relief from the first bottle that I continued, and am now using the third bottle. Your com- pound has done more for -.-me than any physician. For months before using the Compound I never had one night of sound sleep, but now I oan go to bed and sleep soundly and naturally and feel like a new creature in the morning." John Busby and James Quinn were arrested in Guelph charged with being the authors of a number of incendiary fires there recently. Busby turned Queen's evidence at the preliminary trial, and gave evidence charging Quinn with at least one of the crimes. JEALOUS RIVALS CANNOT TURN BACK THE TIDE. THE DEMAND FOR DR. AG- NLW'S LITTLE PILLS IS A MARVEL It's the old story, "The Survival of the Fittest" and "Jealousy its own. De- . etroyer" Cheap to buy, but diamonds in gnality— ba ieh nausea, coated tongue, water brash, pion after eating, sink headache, never g pe, operate pleasantly. 40 doses in a 1. 20 oento at all druggists, t CORR IfOn The NSW' Ent is not In any way xeipaneibtp for °pintoes.expreeped'ander 1219 head To 11 k a Editor Of 61ie Neve. Era. I notticced a "skip," annlobe oy ging ssue of the aour rrival IN your dietriot of. Mr M. J. Best to spend his Christman with old friends. Now, I am one of those who believe that this pro- vince oan stand on her own merits, without the aid of such ,c buncombe" statements as Mr Best has made. I believe that such ex- aggerated orop statements has done a great deal of . harm to Manitoba. I, therefore, wish you to say to your readers that Mr Best has "drawn a very long bow" when he said he has 7,000 bushels of wheat the past year, and that he had received seventy Dents a bushel for the same. Mr Best had a not exoe'b 5,000 busheood-krop, but the ls, and unt traised he prise dhe got for it did net quite reach sixty' Dents a bushel. Y''eiR PLAN. Brandon, Jan. 4, 1897, Teachers vs. Clerks. To the Editor of the ,New Era. DEAR SIu,—In the iasue of the News•Re- oord of the 6th inst. appears a paragraph under the heading "Cle,ke and their sala- ries," which I deem worthy of a reply in defence of the teaching profession. The writer evidently wishes to- oonvey to the publio the idea that teaohere reoeive too large a remuneration for their services, while a olerk who seemingly does as much work is underpaid. He takes for his illus- tration the olerk of Godericb township, whom he says receives a salary of $100 pr $105 for about 150 days labor. Now, Mr Editor, I find by looking oyer the abstract sheet issued for said township, that the clerk not only receives a aalary of $105, but through holding that office, receives be- tween $40 and $50 extra. Does the writer in his statement of the olerk working 150 days include the time required for these extras? If so then the olerk receives about one dollar v. ent oents. If this time iso e day for hie labr and nnot then the clerk must work 60 or 70 days extra, or in all about the number of tea•ihing days in a year. Now, sir, how oan this clerk devote over 200 days work for the township, suc- cessfully Manage a large farm, be his own houeekeeper and•yet have very little hired labor? Besides these extras he gets $11 for postage. Now, as last year was leap year, this gives him enough for a three Dent stamp every day (inoluding Sundays). A- gain, the writer in his comparison, consid- ers teachers getting salaries from; $300 to $1,000. I know teaohers who are receiving or.ly $200 per annum, with no extras. Why does the writer not regard cheap teaohere when speaking of underpaid olerks? Do teachers who receive less than 5800 per an- num not do as much work as the clerk 'of the township ? I oonsider that a teacher, to be a suooes8 in his profession, must not only work from 6 a.m. till 4 p.m., but must employ a large. part of the evening in the preparation of the succeeding day's lessons. Thanking you, kindly, Mr. Editor, for the spade in your valuable paper, I remain, AN ELECTOR. THAT HULLETT WOOD CUTTING To th.e Editor of the New Era. MORE LIGHT ON THE WOOD ABUTTING,—MR EnITGR.—Kindly allow me space in your valuable paper. I did not think it was necessary to say anything more about the wood cutting, but the boys seem to think I do not know what I am talking about, as I am a rambler, no doubt. I will just give' them another littl9 pointer. As they will know, they tried to get another similar contract, but the farmer, being farther see - than the first, wished to know how long they would be,®but this the boys could not tell. As the farmer did not wish to board .khem all winter, he did not let them have the job. Now boys, you :may think that I ramble considerably, but it happens to be in your direction, and I seem to trample on your corns, bat nevertheless true. As to the challenge, I am not much of a wood cutter, but I thought that more wood ought to be cut in three weeks.—THE Rem- BLER. MR EDITOR.—I think that the boys should be a little more careful as to whore they say is the one that has been corresponding,.about the wood- cutting, as Ican assure them that they have missed the nail on the head, and ad vise them when they get a correspon- dient to get one that will not lead them so far astray. By what I can judge by the several items and what .I know about the wood -cutting, tl>te scribe was not very far astray, but no doubt they are anxious to see the scribe, as the challenge is still open. Now boys, the' challenge should be taken up, I would just advise you to get your assis- tant to try and fix, up your old saw a little. Now, Mr Editor, I do not wish to take up any more of your valuable space, and would not have taken up this had I not been charged with being the guilty one. I can f rnly say that T have not had anything to do with the matter. Hoping this will satisfy the boys on my part land thanking you for your valuable space, I am, yours respectfully, A NEIGHBOR OF THEBOYS. [This must positively end the wood- cutting controversy, so far att these columnsareconcerned.—ED.NEW EItA,] DR. CHASE CURES BACKACHE, , Kidney troubie generally begins with a single pain in the back, and in time devel- oper into Bright's Disease. People troub- led with stricture, impedimenta, stoppage "of wafer, or a frequent desire to urinate at night, will find Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills a blessing. Read the wonderful Dares in another column. One pill a dose, and if taken every other night will positively cure kidney 'trouble. THE NEW LI$ERAL CABINET. We have just received a sample Dopy of a moat excellent and life -like photo engrav- ing done in three colors, of the new Liberal Cabinet. The Glope Printing Co, have secured the exclusive control of the pio• tura. It is 21x28 inches, and was arranged from actual photographs by the well-known Canadian artist, J. D. Kelly, .and is being prepared by the Toronto Lithographing Co., which bespeaks perfect work. We have made arrangements with The Globe Printing Co. to supply it with a three month's trial trip of the Weekly Globe and New Era, and protrait in, for 50o. The pies ture itself is worth this. THE WHOLE STORY. Of the great sales attained and great onre; accomplished by Hood's Sereaparilfa is quickly told. It purifies and enriches the blood, tones the stomach and gives strength and vigor. Disease cannot enter the sys- tem fortified by the rich, red blood which Domes by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, Fick headache, indigestion, biliousness, X11 druggisto &2o. When V•fae Weill. While I Was Sick. And ow 1 a ;, Wei : Aga rt, . MAXWELL JOHNSTON One cf the Best Known Printers in Cal da Tells the story of has terrible sufferings, and gives an account of his rescue from the Jaws of Death. Probably no one is better known to the printing trade of Canada than Max- well Johnston, of Maxwelell Johnston & Co,, 72 Bay street, -Toronto. His many years of experience have ac- quainted him with almost every per- son in the entire trade. To many of his friends it has been known that he has suffered during very severe illness the past year, and in regard to the same Mr. Johnston vyrites the follow- ing letter ;-, Toitelaxo, .Dec. 8, 1896. MESSRS. T. Mite eke & Co.: DEAR SIRS, —V or over ten months I suffered from dropsy, caused by kidney trouble which followed An attack of la grippe. The symptoms rapidly became serious and medical aid was called in. Among others who were consulted were Dr. Wallace, lir. Norman Allen, Dr. Weir and Dr. Glass, all of this city, and I can truly state that they made every effort that medical skill could provide. Seven operations were performed within six months, during which time I visited at different periods for the purpose of these operations the following hospitals, viz: The Toronto General Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital and Grace Hospital. Although all that could he done for me was faithfully and skillfully performed, I received only temporary relief, the Operations only serving to remove the enormous quantities of water which con- stantly accumulated. As a matter of fact, 17 gallons of water were removed during the last two_ operations. After the last operation I was given up to die and was given only six to twelve days to live. • In addition to the best medical skill which money could procure, I used all kinds of patent medicines which pro- mised relief, but without effect. All the family remedies surgest'cd, such as Milk: weed Tea, Pumpkin Seed Tea, Mullein Leaf Tea, Spanish Onion Tea, Sweet Nitre -and Buehu, etc., were faithfully tried but gave not the slightest relief, s' that I had lost all hope, when I was pert/ suaded to try Doan's Kidney Pills, to- gether with Laxa Liver fills. To my surprise I received almost immediate re- lief.' At this time I was unable to lie down and for three, and a half months previously was forced to sleep in a chair. My waist measure was then 49 inches`; it is now 33 inches since the wonderful cure made by these pills. I consider myself perfectly cured and feel strong and well. My weight when I was attacked was 198 pounds. After the operations I was reduced to 130. I weigh new 160. By carefully watching the action of Doan's Pills and L.'xa Liver Pills I am positive that to them alone is due the wonderful cunt 'wjlicl, has taken place in niy case, Iain a printer by tla'te and have held positions in the ollir,,,y cat T/;e Globe, Mail, octet Beek Rooni• etc., as well as in Ohio and Detroit, Mich., and have been an employing printer since 1877. Although it, may seem iiiteselibl, every word I have etattd is the traih, and I am prepared to hack it by the evidence of hundreds of citizens and friends who knew me before I was sick and afterwards, While I was near death's door, and who now, to their surprise, see Inc restored to complete health by the use of Dean's Kid- ney Pills, assisted by Laxa Liver Pills, I shall be glad to answer inquiries from sufferers from kidney orliver troubles at any time, and refer to the following gen- tlemen who have knowledge of the feces and can verify every wor'1 I sly. Many of these gentlemen knew me before my sickness, during my terrible sufferings, and since I was restored to health. My testimony is given voluntarily and with- out any consideration of any kind, either directly or indirectly. I. give it 7olely for the benefit of my fellow beirvr.?7 who may be afflicted with Dropsy or' e;4duey troubles of any kind, viz. ;— R. J. Fleming, F,sq., Mayor of Toronto. E. F. Clarke, I'sq., M.P., ex -Mayor. Rev. H. C. Dixon, of Gillespie, An- sley & Dixon. J. W. St. Johns Esq., M.PP. Patrick Boyle, Esq.,, of the Catholic Register. Dr. Phillips, J. B. Cook, Esq., photographer. W. G. Murdock, Esq., barrister. T. C. Robinette, Esq., barrister. John McGregor, Esq., barrister. Chas. McDonald, Esq., barrister. M. J. Quinn, Esq:', barrister, etc. John Kent, Esq., of Gowans, Kent & Company. Geo. Gwatkin, Esq., of Gwatkin cot Son. J. Gordon Mowat, Esq. J. J. McCaffery, Esq. R. G. McLean, Esq: Cfias. B. Doherty, Esq. Wm. Verner, Esq. , Mr. Wm. • Bell, the well-known or- gan and piano man ufacturer of Guelph, fell from the 2.50 train from Toronto, and was picked up in a semi-conscious condition by a freight train 'passing -shortly afterward. It is supposed he was blown off while' going from one car to another. PAST YOUR PRIMEE. Perhaps not in years, but in energy. Your health is not good, yet you hard ly know what is the matter with yon. Your business, too, is on the decline. People muss the old elastic spirit you showed in former years. The secret of all this is that your constitution is worn out and your blood is bad. Set both right by the use of Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. One box will ears 7o0 ]dyspepsia, Rheumatism catarrh. =Ieadache. tdfiments peculiar to women. orofula, nervation. atioa. Poor blood. Indigestion. T.,iver complaint Z,oss of appetite Severe kidney diseases. Thousands of sufferers have Nb14e1 testified to .the efficacy of Chase's gid• ney-Liver Pills. They are the best, so use the beet. One pill a dose; one cent a does; 2'6 Dents a box. For dale by all dealers, or by the' manufacturers` Edmanson, Bates dt 00., Tiorontoa Use Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for ern throat and lung trennbles. Large bottle. email deee, small price, 26o. Cramps, Colic, Colds, Croup oToo u r s' aohe, DIARRfl 4, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMMA/NM A Sure, Safe Quick Cure for these Safe, fa btinXiliey Omani neves'.) rued internally arid Edrfer'na1Zy. Two Sizes, 2tio, and 60c. bowel. ASK FOR AND SEE THAT YOU .GET A PEERLESS BLEND LEAD PACKETS ONLY -- 1-2 AND 1POUNDS °react 4 . Direct from the Tea Gardens . Seleoted from Twenty Blends by the nreelted$ r11» Experts In the world as the Finest Purest Richest and most Fragrant --'ALL GROCERS SELL XT --25, 80, 40, d0, and 80 Dents &Pound;: THE DAVIDSON & HAY Leo. WHOLESALE AGENTS,TORONTO oheil r