HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-29, Page 5• r •/ 1 CLINTON NEW ERA. 1. uine akab.e aIle Pen. hav'o ust inaporte .'c\direct +�xn° t3.. States a perfQct 011 Leakable Fountain Vieux which is guaranteed Uot ';to...leak, no matter in P ! atposition you • carry it. we secured the agency, fo these pens. Call and 090;them work.. and .`you' will be satisfied. —The are' simply perfect: No ?iaore bother when you buy one of these, as they cannot leak, and are solid 14k Gold Points. JEWELLER, d TELEPHONE OFFICE CLINTON D. L. MACPHERSON. CONVEYANCING, R. Loll AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE MONEY To LOAN. )Mee, MaoSay Block, Clinton. . HEADQUARTERS . Iron andies and Nuts We have a new and complete stook of Xmas goods ndies from 5c. per lb. up NUTS of all kinds. ' NEW FRUITS Oranges, 15c. to 50c a doz. Iuttnnas, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Grapee and Table Raisins. ,, L Xmas Cakes, 15 to 25c. a lb `s�� w o of PIPES, with or without '4'r.fgases. Tom Smith's Bon Bon Crackers. WEDDING CAKES are still our specialty sures McClacherty, Clinton SNAP FOR CONSUMERS O. OLSON is giving 24113s. Redpath'e ranula ted Sugar for $1 to every P nr ohae- r of $1 worth of Groceries, including lib f 25o, 40e or 50o. Tea. We also have other bargaine, 11 lbs ohoioe atmeal for 25e. FLOUR of choice quality $2.25 per cwt., .On which we give a premium as well as a low price. Come to ns for your Branand Shorts. Good, olean Grain wanted. 0. OLSON, VICTORIA CLINTON.iEET, LOGS WANTED ALL FINDS of LOGS WANTED For which the beat pries will be given. Also Basswood Heading Wanted. STA . IjTON SALT WORKS 'v4 % 0 Special A NNOBYCEliENT We wish to thank you all for the very liberal ptttronage which you gave to the late J. Bid- dlecombe, during the last 41 years, and kindly re- quest that you will ex- tend the same patronage to us. The prihciples of honesty and integrity on which this store has won the confidence of the pub- lic in the past, will be strictly adhered to in the future. business will be conducted e able management of A. rig:, a practical man who has 0ears experience in the ry business. Our stook of hides,. Clocks, wet a y, Silverware d NdVelties tl v+rorlr.l(1rge, in it may ;be found !Most anything anything yon .may desire sir Xtiilie resents at yrioee which Ott blow as it is possible to sell COdlif i ' '. BIDDLECOMBEi 114 ra1(K1> tAo,ixt lm. fa. 4aftlary. . Aa>;ianl :rl arts R11e4.41i $ltnr. • Well authontjoated repprta twin India show the condition of the famine strigken dlstriots to be simply appalling. Itisesti, reatedithat six iniilions of British subjects are, on the verge of starvation. Already the famine has olainaed'thousende of vio- tiwe. '.phi ease of India's famishing ma- llows appeals to the sytnpathles of the whole world. The appeal is being heeded. The people of Bngland are eagerly engaged`! in the work of relief, and British people in'all quarters of the world are sending succor to their fello''w subjeots in the Indian Empire. Yetl.#a_a-people,o1.Russia.are joining in. the relief movement, and are giving money and food. Canada surely will not neglect to perform her part in this great humane work. The Montreal Star bas inaugurated a Canadian land -the first to bp started in 'the'Doznihien=and its publisher has head- ed the het with a subscription of five hun- drtid dollars. The Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Canada, haswritten to the Star expressing hie hearty approval of the relief movement and contributing to the fund a handsome cheque. The appeal for assis- tance is meeting with a hearty response in all parts of the country and, among all glasil.s. All the Protestant clergymen of Mo `t• ^` real have written a joint memorial to 1.:= Star supporting the movement. Every eubsoription to the Famine Fund sent to the Montreal Star. no matter how small it may be, will be publicly acknow- ledged. HORN HOLMES:=-In Clinton, on the 22nd inst.. the wife of Ed. T. Holmes, of a daughter. SOWERBY.-In Goderich township on the 15th inst., to Mr and Mrs John Sowerby, a son. IRVIN.-In Wingham, on the •10th inst., Mrs G. H. Irvin, of a daughter. BESWinsst., the wiife of Mgr JacobGBeawitherick, ofta son. DORRANCE.-In McKillop, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr Geo. Dorranoe, of a son. $TORY. -In McKillop, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr Geo. Story, of a daughter. STANBURY.-On the 18th of January, at 5 Moss Park, Toronto, to Mr and hire R.B.J. Stanbury, a daughter. MARRIED ° HELM -ANDERSON. -In Ashfield, at the residonce'of the bride, on the 13th inst., by Rev R. Hall, Mr J, Helm to Miss Sarah Anderson. JOHNSTON-BELL.-In Goderich, on the 20th inst., by Rev, M. McKay, John Johnston, of Goderich, to Sarah, third daughter of Willis Boll, of Goderich township. , DODDS-ARCHIBALD.-At the residence of the bride's father, McKillop, on the 20th inst., by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr Thos. Dodds, of Fes- senden, Dak., to Mary, second daughter of W. Archibald, CHURCHILL-FERGUSON.-At the reel- dence of the bride's Lather, Hullett, on the 27th inst., by Rev J. Hamilton, Mr D.T. Churchill, (son of Thos. Churchill, deputy -reeve of Gode- rich township) to Annie, youngest daughter of Mr David Ferguson. CONNELL-MOMILLAN.-At High View, Assa., on Christmas day, by Rev. J. S. Dobbin, Mr Jacob Qonnell,(eon of Mrs Connell, Clinton) to Miss Maggie McMillan. DIED. STEVENSON.-In Clinton, on the 24th inst', Alice Stevenson, relict of the late Thomas Stevenson, aged 82 years and 7 months. GRIGG.-In Colborne, en the 22nd last., Wm. Grigg, aged 35 years. MoILWAIN,-In Goderich township on the 19th inst., Agnes Johnston, relict of the late Samuel McIlwain, aged 84 years. McKAY.-In Seatorth, on the 17th inst., Donald McKay, aged 81 years. DODDS.-In McKillop, on the 17th inst., Peter Dodds, aged 46 years and 8 months. SUTTON. -in Usborne, on the 15th inst., Eleanor button, wife of Wm. Sutton, aged 54 years, 6 months and 10 days. • HARRISON.-In Exeter, on the 17th inst., Richard Harrison, aged 74 years and 10 months PERKINS,-In Usborne, on the 17th ins,. Ida Admire. daughter of Mr Chas. Perkins, jr, aged 6 months. POWELL.-In Exeter, on the 20th inst., Ada Kate,daughter of yr Stephen on Powe1 i, aged 15 years 1 month. QUINTON.-In Usborne, on the 16th inst., Laura, daughter of Wm. Quinton,3aged 5 years and 6 months. RODAW AY• -Al Los Angeles on the 17th inst., Mrs Rodawa mother of Ed. W. Rode - way, Hullett, aged y, years and 2 months. CALDWELL.-In Bullett, on the 27th inst., Ellett Caldwell, wife of Mr James Caldwell, aged 48 years and 6 months. Funeral on Fri- day at 2 p.m. ULfNTON 'Xiklil ii Oorregtad every Thunder' afternoon :ihureday, Jan. 20th, 1897, Wheat spring 0 78 a 0 80 Wheat, fall 0 78 a 0 8G Oats,Bar 0 17 a 0 1a Pealyey...... 0 e8 a 0 138 Flour per owt 2 440 a 2 59 Pork 4 00 a 5 0.0 Butter 0 10 a 0 11 &ego per doz 0 12 a 0 13 Hay new, $E; old 7 00 a 700 W h pelwiri 0 25 a .0 26 018a020 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 'Potatoes 0 25 a 0 25 O80a085 Geoee, per lb 0 05, a 0 08 Turkeys, per lb 0 06 a 0 08 Chiokene 0 25 a 0 90 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, January 26. -Receipts to -day were heavy for the time of the year, there being 49 carloads in -306 sheep and lambs, 1000 hogs. Total receipts for last week, Cattle, 2,394; sheep and lambs, 1,528; hogs; 3,669. Export oattlesomewhat quieter; prices a little weaker„ from 3,}c to 4c per Ib. Butchers' cattle -There was no buy- ing for Montreal worth talking aborit, and e demand from local butchers was only iz:.ited at from no to -3o per ib for medi- um to good cattle. Several lots of poor oattle were disposed of at 2o and 2}o per lb. Bulls -About a dozen head, picked up for export, at prides ranging from no to 310 per lb., and bolter ones would bring 3io per Ib. Good useful feeding bulls sold for 2io per lb. Stockers and feeders -There was a good demand for nioe quality steers to fill vacancies in the distillery byres. Prides paid to -day ruled from $2.60 to $3.20 per owt., the latter figure for some averaging 11,050 lbs. Good steers, weighing from 950 to 1000 lbs. sell for no per lb. Common 9900 ib, stockers are quoted at from 2o to 2to per lb. Sheep and lambs -Lambe firm; good grain -fed ones selling at from 4fo to to 40 per lb. Shipping sheep steady, at 310 per ib; bucks, 2,}o per ib; butchers' sheep dull at $3 to 23.50 per head.' Hoge firm, offerings light, ohoioe selections sell from 4}c to 4do per lb. Thiok, fat hogs are steady at $3.60 per owt. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARIE ETS There were about 625 head of butchers' cattle and 150 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The vicinity of the abattoir was far from attraotive to -day, with fierce winds driving through every nook and cranny, while the thermometer marked 20 below zero, yet the butchers were out in large nnmbers and trade was brisk at firm rates. Last Thursday being rather stormy a compara- tively small number of butchers visited the market, the %there waiting for more con- genial weather, but being short of supplies, they had to fade the bitter blasts to day and frost bites were in order. The best cattle sold to -day at from 3ic to 8•c per lb; pretty good stock sold at from 2c to 31.0, and common beasts at from 2io to no per lb. Several mixed lots of eheep and lambs were sold to -day et from 3}c to 40 per Ib; goLd Jambe sold up to 4o per lb. Fat hogs sold at from do to 4}o per lb. BUFFALO CATTLE MARKETS. East Buffalo, N .Y., January 25. -Cattle --113 cars through; 140 oars on Hale; mar- ket slow and generally 10e to 15o lower for cow stuff and medium quality steers. Calves easy; beet veals, $6.50 to $7; stockers about steady. Milk cows dull; market fully $2 to $3 per head lower. Sheep and lambs -15 care through; 72 oars on sale; market active; best -lamb $5.30 to $5.40; best mixed sheep:$4 80 $4.15. Hoge -31 cars through; 100 cars on sale; market slow; Yorkers, $3.• 90 to $3.95; medinme,$3,70; mixed packers, 3 $ 70 to 3. 5• � 7 pigs, 3 �.45•ra P g , roughs, $3 to $3,25; stags, $2.25 to $2.75. THE ENGLISH HORSE TRADE. Diesers. a (snit & Co., of Liverpool, writ- ing to their representative, W. G. Elliott, under date of January 13th, Bays: 'The horse market here is good, and I do not think I ever saw trainmen sell better than they did this week, and, on the whole, the trade for all classes is mach better and you are quite safe in assuring shippers a good trade if they will only ship the right plass of stook. Hides and Sheepskins pew gwrertizientento.. WANTED. ,MAT ,STAMPING The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of Stamping for Mats, Pcreian Rngs and arti- cles of like nature. Work done promptly and at reasonable rates. MRS A.WORTHINGTON Huron Street. DOG LOST • Lost in on or'Sbou'i'1an. 21st, a Black Cocker Spaniel Clinton,log. Answers to the name of Larry." A suitable reward will be raid on re- turn to owner at the office of JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Clinton. IMPORTANT NOTICE A meeting of the creditors interested in the estate of John Hannah, Insolvent, will be held on Friday, Fels. 5th at 1 p. m.. in the Town Hall, Searorth. A full attendance is earnest-' ly requested. JOHN BEATTIE, Assignee STRAY . SHEEP. Came into subsorlber's premises, 6th eon, of Hullett, several weeks ago, an aged ewe. The owner is hereby notill.d to prove property, pay charges and take it away. WALTER MAIR, Snmmerbill P. 0 ,WANTED --_Young Women and Mon, or older ones If still young in spirit, of undoubted oheraoter, good talkers, an.- bitions and Industrious, can find employment in a good eause. with $60 pet month and upywards, according to ability. REV T. S. LINSOOTT, TORONTO, ONT SpecW CuLauHdr'y Prie -BY- SIIEY WAH. Shirts 5c, Cuffs 2c, Collars 1 Everything in Laundry at HALF PRIDE, This cut will continue until further notice by me. S UEY WAH, Chinese Laundry We Can Sive Positions to persons of all grades of ability, agents. book- keepers. oletke, farmers' sone, lawyorH,meohan- singl los, e women, phr'elolana, preachers, students, married ++u widows. Positiope are S6orth from 2400 to 2,800 per_annum. We have_ p1taf11111d several canvassers ;60 weekly for ears. Many have started poor and become rich With ne. Particulars upon applieation. ,tato salary'ox- uect.d. THI( BRADIAIY-GARRETSON 00., LTD., TORONTO, ONT. The highest cash price going will be paid for Hides and Skins at the CLINTON TANNERY, O,_ S. DOAK- & .SON,.. Clinton - NEW LAUNDRY Subscriber has opened a First mass Laundry ON RATTENB01IYSTREET WEST, (nearly oallisnr dkndof lndy'wrk Church) t reasonable a es, Special attention will be given to Gents' Fine Laundry work, Agency atHaxby's Herber 85 p, who a orders may be lett. Articles called for and delivered. ROBERT MITCHELL f IT PAYS TO The CanadaBusiness College CHATHAM, ONT. We have now four$uTO nfilled e pEpp1{oatione for teachers from other bneinees colleges in New Hampshire, New York, Massaohueette and On - Why do not t acherrs and those holding teacher's ust been eertifioatbs, also those teaching on small salaries qualify as seaebers of commercial subjects and shorthand? We cannot meet the demand made upon usfor such. This is the most' widely patronized business oollege in Canada. Here is the proof. Nota how many students come (rota points north of Lan- don, Stratford and Toronto. Walkerton bas 4 with as, Godorioh 1, Clinton 8, Winggham 1 Fordwieh 1,heatorth 8. Wroxeter 9, Goal, Pree; 01to1', M ch, 1; Davis,lMiob 1, Corning,tA, ansae, 1• Kincardine 1, Glencoe 2, P' almerston 2, Petro- ne 8, Orathle 1, Looal,h 1, Napier 1, Nelsonvil o Algoma, 1; Bryanston 1, Wardevillo 2, Hoiyroot{ 1, Allan Park 1, polinville 1, Glen Meyer 1, Pelee Island 1, Puce 1 Aylmer 1, Sombre. 1, Menden- min 1, Quinn 1, lRiple}S 1. For oatalogue of either department, address D. AieLACRLAN & Co Chatham Groceries, T Sausage, E Pork, Lard A We keep nothing but the fresh. est goods and sell at the the closest prices. We make our own Sausage, which is equal to any imported. One trial convinces, JAS STEEP & COL, Clinton ipietAvikirik'S,4% We spent last week with the Manufacturers and Wholesale people and also atttended the great TRADE SALE Held in Toronto, the result is that we procured some goods away below regular prices, and in, many cases below the cost of production. They have``been coming in every day this week, and on Friday morning every- thing will be, elaa plete,, and we will open what we are going to call a Trade Sale on an extensive scale—on a scale that will makeFebruary sales of former years sink into insignificance. February is usually looked upon as a dullmonth, but we intend makil.g it one of the big - dest of the whole year. We paid spot cash for every ollars worth we bought, and we will sell only on the same basis, CREDIT IS PL4YED OUT and shrewd, intelligent buyers are rapidly finding itto their advantage. It's a tart old saying 'Talk is cheap" it is easy enough to make claims, very extravagant ones if a person sees fit, but harder to substantiate them. We tell the plain truth about our business in a plain way. There's never a proraise made in our ads which we cannot more than fulfil, never a price quoted we are not prepared to offer. Take this one if you will bring it to the store and see if we cannot show you every article advertised and at the price quoted glelow. 3 pieces Dress Goods, colored Cashmere, worth 25o a yd., Trade Sale .. 15 c 5 pieces Dress Goode in heavy Tweed effects, worth 30o., Trade Sale.... 18 5 pieces all wool Henrietta Cloth, 44 in. wide, good colors, '.worth 50c, Trade Sale price 3 125 Remnants Dress Goode in all colors, from 2 to 4i ,yard ends and prices that will effeot a speedy clearance. Blaok Mantle Clothe, fashionable, in rough make worth $1.25 a yd , Trade Sale price 85 4 pieces Cottondde, extra valve, in small stripes, worth 16o a yd. Trade Sale price 1(n price 5 5 Shirting correct for aprons or boys' wear cheap at 8c., Trade Sale Ginghams in new patterns, good effects, very special • Factory Cotton,•excellent range at n, 8i, 5, 7 and 8o a yd. See our White Cotton at 5o a yd. Flannelette in pink and blue stripes, worth. So. Trade Sale price Coir' rters, fancy ooverings'and good wool lining, worth $1.25, Trade Saw price 6 "90 New Red Handkerchiefs, regular'10o kind, Trade Sale price 5 Prints, new line just opened, regular 12tc goods, Trade Sade pride Si ,Table linen half bleaohed,good patterns, regular price 35c. Trade sale price N 2'5 CLOTHING, Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suits worth $1.65, Trade Sale..1 25 Men's Suits well lined and made to fit, regular pride 86.50, Trade Sale 5 00 Boys' Overcoats; heavy Tweed, worth 83.25 in fact the're oheap at $3 25 TradeSale pride 2 25 Frieze Overcoats, either Man's or Boys' at interesting prices. Men's Braces, elastic endo, regular price 20o, Trade Sale pride 5 Men's Heavy Ribbed Guernsey Shirts, regular pride 50 or 60o, Trade Sale pride 40• Men's White Shirts, sizes 14t to 16i, soft body, well lanndried, sure to give satisfaction, regular pride $1.00, Trade Sale price 75 Ladies' Heavy Wool vests, cold excluder, regular price 50 and 60o, Trade Pale price 40 Women's polished calf foxed boots, flannel lined, a wonderful pair of Boots for 60 Ifou are making skins a patch work quilt, we have something that will be of rise to you (print by the pound) and it won't coat yon much either. Notwithstanding bad roade and bad weather, this sale will go ahead and prove a boon to thrifty br{yera, Come expecting extra values, and yon will not be disappointed. $ McKinnon' a& Co., Blyth ts,Cash and one Price, Butter and Eggs taken as Cash Stearn's Instant Cough Ohre Has proved to be a reliable remedy and is conceded by all who have tried it, to excel any other preparation that they haye_previously,used. It speaks -for -itself and "you have only to try a bottle to be convinced , that it is one of the best cures for.Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, &c, Put up in 25c and 50c bottles. J. E. HONEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. DUFT� !( Woollen u Store BIG REDUCTION IN YARNS Special for this week—Don't miss this sale of Yarns. Come early and get first choice. Not less than a lb. in one lot. YAaR, '•s—We have reduced our 50e. yarn to 40c. a lb. for this week only. A, C. D U FTo N Opp. Mason House Clinton. MONEY TO LOAN Private Lunde to loan, on farm property, all a reasonable rale of interest. Applications madd to the NEW ERA oflloe will receive prompt at- tention. Plain Sewing and Dressmaking The undersigned, who is a praotioal Orate - maker, and competent to perform satisfactory any wort entreated to her. is prepared to do 511 kinds of plain Sewing or Dressmaking and will pin the homes et her patrons, either in town or country. ROSY M. RUTLEDGE...Word may bo lett at Cooper & Co's Grocery Store. Bull Calves for Sale. Two thorobred Durham Bell halves for Reba, aged 10 and 11 months, Color, bright rod. From the very best stook, and are two exooptiouahy flue eslyoe, will go at reasonable prices. Has a tine Zioglfsh Berkshire Boar, just purchased from Jos. Snell, Minion ton, for service. APPLE fON ELCOAT, oon. 3, L,R,S., Tu,ker- smith, Brucefiold, t f" Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, 'reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the beat dollar medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases-zo degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. s, mailed on receipt, of price and two 3 -cent stamps. ' The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible Dtnggieta. The Elements. WERE Azainst IJs.. d Or we would have been crowded to -the doois' Saturday last, but we-thave decided to hold .our. MAMMOTH BARGAIN 'DAY ----ON-- Saturday, N Saturday, Ja Don't,,for .t48 SO And not confine you to any certain number of ar- ticles on any list, but give you the full stock of our ig store to select from on this particular Bargain ay, which is to wind up the month of January. t that everything within our four) walls will be prices for this day which will mean much money aved to you. Mantles, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Carpets, Boys' Frieze Overcoats, Dress Goods and Men's Frieze Over- coats are specialties for this particular day. Come with the crowd. GILRO%&-WISEMAN • EUTHYMOL PRONOUNCED EU -THY- MOL EUTHYMOL CREAM is a perfect emollient, is almost wholly absorbed, thus relaxing the tissues and rendering the skin delightfully soft and smooth. It is adapted to mealy 'minor ailments snoh as chapped hands or lips, rough, dry or irritated skin, sunburn, wrinkles, rashes or eruptions, and will be found efficacus;n treating greeds or discolored skin. Price 25c per tube. EUTHYMOL FACE POWDER is free from starch, flour or sugar, contains no bis- muth or mineral salts, distroys all odor when the bands orlface are heated or moist, it will be found rid cooling and refreshing. EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE -It cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums and sweetens the breath. 25 cents per tube. COM EE'S DHUG Store, rrr rrr rrr rrt rrr'!!r !rr rn tit rrr rpt err rtr rrr rttM _ENom" for......, ,,„ Bar 1gains " __.,. de— Just completed stocktaking. Many- lines - - .- -'- that we are willing to sell at cost and un- -4, .. der in order that. we may have the money Iiii IMIN to pay for spring purchases now arriving. : i ' db.— .. �r A few Fur Caps, Collars and . Muffs at very low prices. Overcoats at away down figures. .e Special prices on Overshoes Shrewd, 'careful buyers will 7-2 1E HAVE YOU TRIED --.1. E Imperial . lend Tea . ? and Felt Boots. •••-- now. ?lease lease ask for a sample. You w l like , it. —•i• E sir-- 2::: W L.. .,,._ ,..... Oulmette.=-- , ' ...Til! Cash Dealer, Londesboro....,......