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The Clinton New Era, 1897-01-29, Page 3
1 . ,, , ,,y. U BUT IT IS NOT A DISGRACE TO BE SICK "Yet Some Suffer in Silence and Will Not Even Speak on tl 0 t ;, Subject To Their Physician --A Foolish Modesty . �t�'i. , ". " T3EALTH AND STRENGTH- CAN BE RESTORRI ;Y_17,, Not the least among the many valuable i gave my great trouble, and at times tl services Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have ren- I pain was so great that I feared it would a dered to suffering women, is that of tiding feat my reason. I had tried many med them over the critical period commencing I cines without avail, and began to deeps, I',� at middle age, commonly known as the of recovery when 1 was urged to try D s obangq of life. It so often happens that at Williams' Pink Pills, The resaly has bee this climacteric women relapse into a stage marvellous., From a sickly, despairin of chronic invalidism and the actual dan- woman, I have been transformed,into on ger to life which attends the Change isso full of health and energy, and I feel mot �,'��il�` great that a medicine which can be relied thsnkful than I call say for the wonder upon to carry ,the system over this danger- Pink Pills have done for me." %ous time, is nothing less than a life-saving invention. What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Mrs. I. Lundahl, Levant, Ont., says :- will do for women at this change of life is "I have much pleasure in adding my testi shown in a case reported in .tbe Dewsbury, moray to the great efficacy'of Dr. Williams (Eng.) Chronicle. It is that of Mrs Ben- Pink Pills. Some years ago I was severe], gamin Smith, who lives at Hanover street, injured in child birth and had togo to the Dewsbury,. The change of life bad left her Kingston hospital to be operated on. I weak and miserable, with constant pains, was in the ho Spiral and under treatmen '- dizziness and shortness of breath on the for nearly two months, but flowing set it slightest exertion, together with chronic and all the skill of the doctors was unabl( rheumatism in the head and eyes. The to stop it. I went home and after stil. pain in her head was too acute for words. I sufferin„ for three or four months, i deter. She got no sleep either by day or night, and mine(' to go to the hospital again, bill her agony was at times sogreat that it took fortunately for me an old lady on the care two people to bold her in bed. A skilful .who noticed my emaciated and worn con' doctor was called in but did no good. "My .dition asked "what ails you, my child?" I cheeks would swell up as big as saucers," I told her my trouble and she replied, "Be. said Mrs Smith, "my eyes were as red as fore going to the hospital again give Dr. fire and there was no getting rid of the Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. I know pains in my head. I suffered also from a they will het ou," I followed her " I P y adyioe sluggish liver and weak heart, and at times and aftrr taking four boxes, the flowing my eyesight was so bad that objects before absolutely stopped. I took the pills for me seemed but dim Shadows, and there some time longer and my health was fully was norie of my friends who looked for my restored, ,end since then I have been both restoration to health. I Saw an account'in strong and active. I believe Dr. Williams' a newspaper of a cure. similar to mine Pills are a blessing to Women," through .the use .of Dr. Williams' Pink -- 'end my husband urged me to try Mrs. A. C. Fitchell writes :-"I take them, Before two boxes were used the this opportunity of thanking you for the pains began to disappear, as if by magic, great benefit I have received from Dr. and the continued use of the pills for a Williams' Pink Pills in that critical little more than a month, has left me an- Periud known as the change of life. I •joying as good health as ever I had in my had s -a f (red for years from kidney life. I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a troubles, and this I suppose was the blessing, and as 1 know there are thous- commencement of the change. Then I ands of women who suffer in silence from was attacked with spells of dizziness and troubles having the same origin as mine, I weakness accompanied with pains, in am grateful enough for what they have the back, wbich would last for weeks at a done for me to tell my story in the hope time, and from which I would not get that some suffering sister may be similarly more than an hour or two's' sleep at helped, and von have fall permission to night. A friend who had snecessfully Publish wbat I have told yod, which state- used Dr. Williams, Pink Pills in a similar ments'oan be verified by any of my neigh- emergency urged me to try them. The bore." result was that they brought me safely through this critical period, and I am Mrs Frank Murray, who resides near again enjoying perfect' health, and take Ogdensburg, N.Y., says: "I ant 46 years Pleasure in rocommeuding Pink Pills to of age and for many. years resided near those similarly situated." . Prescott, Ont. We moved over here some — time ago and have worked this farm shore. R,m David Forbes, missionary at My husband is working in Ogdensburg at Poplar Dale, Algoma, writes :-"I feel bis trade, that of a stone mason, while that t would be remiss in my duty did I my children and myself carry on the•farm, not write to let ycu know the wonderful "I have been a great sufferer from sick buik@Gt; derived by a young lady here headache, which would generally come on from the use of your Pink Pills. Miss about evening, and I would be completely Mary Martin, the young lady referred to prostrated, not even able to lift my hand was taken sick two years ago, -and all the or help myself in any way. These spells medical traatment she underwent proved would last for about twenty-four hoer,, of no atiaii, Visiting the family in my and would leave we in so weak a condition capacity' as missionary, I saw with sot'. that fora few days I could scarcely drag row that unless something was done to about the house. I beve also had consider- avert the progress of her trouble, she able spinal trouble, the sharp, darting ton- would not be long for this world. She gums of pain being most severe, followmr was pale., almost bloodless, and subject along my spine and to the back of my to all Ile distressing symptoms which head. Have doctored much, but without accompany 'arlaemia and bring the victim the desired result. The do3tor told me it to an early grave. I urged the parents to "'""`was-dua•to the approaching cnango of life. try Dr Williams' Pink Pills. They acted I beard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for upon my advice, and I am rejoiced' to say Pale People, and t6i9b later heard of rite that they,bo,ve fully an.d entirely .restored . Cures they had affected in a number of her health, and in the rosy-cheeked girl of persons personally known to me, and it today you would not recogniz,s t'4 • invalid was their 'stories that decided me 0 try of a abort time before. The, words of her thetit. ) got some of the pills, and after I grateful mother to me were these: -'We had taken a few boxes I had no more head- havo to thank you, Mr Forbes, for recom- aohes for several months. This summer mending Dr Williams' Pink Pills, They my head began to have a heavy feeling, ( have aaved our daughter's life and 'we are and at times I was quite drowsy, but no more grateful than Ne can say, and freely pains accompanied it. I now have more give you permivsion to send this testimon- ' pills and though I've taken only a few J ial, lit the hope that some one in similar - feel well again, I don't think any I,erBou circumStanoes may be benefitted. could stand it a groat while to be treuble,l — as I was and^stand tho amount of pain, I llr, Williams' Pink Ri)ls are a tonic know that Pink.Pills are a good medicine medicsine,enriching the blood and strength - and fully what they are represented to be. ening the nerves, thus reaching the root of I have recommended them to some'of my disease and driving it ,frpm the system. friends with beneficial results. Oh, my They are beyond doubt the greatest medi- yes! They have done wonders for me, .I cine of the .19th century and have cared in do all my own bousework on the farm. We hundreds of.sees after all other medicines have a dairy of twelve cows, and often had failed. The great popularity of Dr. when the boys are very busy getting in the Williams' Pink ]gills has Caused unscrupu. crops I have mii::c,l all the cows alone." lofts dealers to imitate them extensively, and intending buyers tire urged to see that Mrs J. H. P•lcblillan, South Finch, Ont., every box is enclosed in a wrapper bearing says: -"For seven yews I ,was afflicted the full registered trade mark, "Dr. Will - with what is generally termed famsle iams' Pink Pills for Pale$ People." Pills weakness, and was for three weeks unable colored pink but sold in loose form by the to leave my bed. At times my frionde foil dozen, hundred or ounce, or taken from thought that I was mint,, into decline and glage jars, are 'fraudulent imitations and had consumption. ' My complexion was should olwave be refused, no matter how sallow, my appetite was almost gone. Plausible may be the story of the interest. and I was terribly emaciated, my head ing dealer offering them. -.-,------- Border .._ -- -- Border United States cities now have strawberries from th'e south; they sell ® E9 - 0 01) G? , �, ,E I for 75 cents a basket. But who wants kyi strawberries in midwinter? • f6 �� � ��� � Frederick Fitzpatrick of Puslineh at- aL e., tempters to hang himself' from a tam- Qg !�1 ";° di? arae tree, but, desisted, a id afterwards, r • ". - ol i�ktal i ,5 ;rave its the reason that the tree was kg"i n,)t high enough, - IUn .r ,,,rr,hnl,,,, IPlnatrr lnnnnmbnr ) Oren ear Or n,r,irrdlt � d tl • m,.,I lc pn",, atu! nm very nets pion d „yh iso ca,,Iq nml Ili ")V• ntncan llrR n i Irafl n, W, n. CAei•aw. , /.jR'''' q� Tea, lit De a of 1 nx(nrd Il venni, t I pq ��•(`,-��t ,.- r x, , ;.;,a: r t �, � t o J7I ., 11 i ! , 4 r.,y, s - 1 " . s ' . <, , 11 . - '4 - o- 1�141't) I AN ti r, .. ., �:.. " ; ofaus Spreckels, thlQ 0411kernia ,su.g4r �j OSS �'+ i VD lsfrlg, is erecting tfnS a $B 000i000 residence C near San Francisco. 4is daughter will' have a artixienta. whlpa will cost $25p;. 000 to fit up, and a bath room the most — luxuriant luxuriant oil this *CouLinen t. The bath tub is of porcelain, the faucets are of How to Avoid Deception and solid gold, and so is the plpingg for the Shower and the ' needle streari)a. The LOBS room will coat atleast$10,000. This man Spreckels has certainly money to ' burn. A Brooklyn v Worm the Other day,, while vi orously dusting a ,bail. elle' had boug. t of a. dealer in second ]rand furniture; was surprised to sec tilt bottom of the seat fall out, Pickiug up the wreckage, s,he discovered au old, brown, and dir ty 'paper covered book, which, upon examination, prov- ed to be a bank book. The conteutb Showed that it belonged to an old Wall street apple woman who died leu years ago, and it contained a staternent, = ing that she had t II ' -, x , , I .—Tr , y. o et etedtt w the I _ � OLD TODMORDEN Some dealers in 'Canada buy, package of $3an's Savings Bank the an ug aunt i it it t dyes that so poor and weak that it re- ' The son and heir wiil cove�k� , -- quires fully three packages to into possession of thr mine Her -� 33i• T - i' P g give the purniture way sold after herdeath, ' I 1� n HAPPY HAPPENINGS IN THE HIBTORIO F'FAMLET depth of Dolor that is obtained from one ` I AC-'3IM and among the articles was the chairs rm ,t-,,, �� single ppackage of the Diamond Dyes, These s `' I, I r Mr John Gamble, jr., the well known weak dyea, worth from four to live cents spoken of above. Allegdable,pre�arationforAs- SIGNA"I [ and popular son of John Gamble, Esq., are sold to consumers at ten oentg per Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves -for Pit.. P fetor of the Todmorden hotel doting package, same prioe as the full strength pure blood. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the Sl119d1illb lii.CTCod andRe lila- �, If the past fuer years, gives the following ac- Diamond Dyes, g One True Blood Furifier and nerve builder. !i the 5'.Ll 'l" andBowels of O F. - l8 ooant of his rescue from' heart and nerve Any woman who is urged by a dealer to Everything that can add; to the corn- "" <t •• trouble through the use of Milbnrn's heart boy these adulterated and weak dyes fort of living is growing cheap' and w^��it and Narye Pills. Speaking to oaf reporter, should refuse at once to be swindled. within reach of the ng thea peo- Mr Gamble said: "Some three months Such dyes are only % souroe of profit to pie. Aluminum was 08 a pound ten - ago I began to feel very poorly; in fact I the merchant who happens to sell them; ears ago, Nowa French flim is per- PromotcSDi,iesilon,CheeYPul- felt a's if I was moving around in a dream, they are certainly snares end deceptions to ,.ting arrangements Go put itupon on I • This oondlition 1 wrongly attributed to the woman who bays,them. Logia trouble P P ttessandAest.Cantainsneither the market for 15 cents it pound. The ®RttIIiMorphine 11orMinercil. 'l ,a' seent d to ter I became very weak and and fraud can be avoided by %eking for the revolution this will effect in making is ON THE esemed to have no ,staying power, I also Diamond Dyes. Examine each package housekeeping and rnanufactin things NOT N.�c ®TIC• became very nervous, and would jump or and be Sure you see the name "Diamond." of brightness t9nd beauty can scarcely I a start at the slightest soand. The feeling Working with the "Diamond" you are be imagined. Acetylene, which prom- I �� was one of Constant dread. I expected sure of good, fast brilliant and lasting ises to take the place of gas as tin il- _X,a,;dn-0Id_a-X f& LP11=1? �/®/ ���� something dreadful to"ha I knew not colors. g g luminant, will lie produced so cheaply�rs«d- I P 1. Peon, .1iL.4i. R � ` i what. Again I was dizzy, my memory that every farm house n'ot lit by elec- .t��s�b- .' ) failed me very often, and as %'matter of tricity will have it on to Compress- At i .I OF EVERY r'':; „fact my whole system was out of order. Dr John J. McCullough of Buffalo' i' P �ttnseod • . awoke on Wednesday morning to find ed air will rival electricity as a Cheap pe Hint - ' - Oardruggist, Mr H. W. Lwe, corner motive power, We shall ins fewCa�aeatrf�• Broadview- rad Danforth avenues. recom- his wife missing froin'his side. On goXn - p ' ing to the bath room he was horrified years be t iding about city streets in sI f"�r • BOZ+�T,�1, Q�j xt mended Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pills to find her lying on the floor- with her automobile carriages and cars, which �nne�Fiayw Boma tlg•ee weeks ago, and I have taken y g will need no tracks, The trolley, them according to directions. From the tt�rout cut from ear t0 ear, quite dead. freight and She has been mentally unbalanced for g passenger line will pene- AperfectRemedy forConstipa- very first I began to improve, and am now trate the uttermost paha of the i•Irf•a1 I !a In at the change in my condition, the past two years. districts, so that every farm will u in Pion, Sour Stoillach,Diarfhoca, p - As very much stronger; my nerves are reality tt.e suburb of ,1city and the Worms,Con•vulsions,Feverish- steady and my memory bright. I no SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME. -We rustic POPulationt in thO matter of iaess and Loss o r, Su)LEEIS.11 : longer suffer with that morbid feelinedf have published this paragraph before; comfort, elegance and retirteuteut - dread. The pills have proved bertainly,in we publish it again, because the town will live up to their advantages, TacSintile Signature of 11 , A 0 U, �: I 11'41, my case, a remarkable remedy for weak has been flooded with catalogues of a -`------ �,�• !� nerves and reduced physioial strength, I Toronto store, that may but should not 1 �z I cannot too highly recommend them to all induce ersons to send their `!I I who suffer from any or all of thesymptome away: -very doliar that you apeod i F7TheTC „ '� N1J1:r Yo Oestorla is pot rap in one -size bottles only..' which I have mentioned to you, and must at home helps to make times for our- . f.t.. Is Hct sold is hulk, Dont allow anyone tii8 I 'h� , ^,.' '• r -freturn my thanks to the manufaotnrere of self and the whole communit better. i ge ( 1 i '''� 1 you anything else on the plea or promise thgt these pilla For .plading such an excellent Every dollar you send away helps to I which_ _ __"_r; y y 4t is just as good"wad•"will answer everji.p medicine before the public." make times in some ether lace better. bring' more glai:nosy to a rt re +I pose• Seo that you get O-S-S-T,O-R,'X,t pp woman's heart : n t',,r r u !.t I t Tho fao- (Sgd•) JOHN GAMBLE, It was the greatest mistake that was ` I assurance that a t,"a ,,,,,. i" s,,,•'. EXACT v oPYo Todmorden, Ont. J ever made to think that, on the whole, ing to bless lie,. ill, ,tnu ,.sol , F WRAPPER. I pirgils A elgo=tnre��� ie you save money because you can buy "Monter." l.,', 11lL,l)e •� Olen the article out of town a few cents I But in all her- lovii,N' 1;I.., a,.,- ', yr#DR; MY DAD'S THE ENGINEER cheaper than you think you can get it i tions for the expected little t;; c,,,, at home, perhaps without trying. If ( a mother is Habit• t:, for_ *e: lll,,r AN INTERESTING STORY SUGGESTED BY THE You have any regard for the prosperity her own health an,l pb t,�i, .,l - POPULAR AND PRETTY MELODY P P y condition is the nice` inll,l,1,- I "-`-"'"¢a"m-""`"-a .____.__— and well being of your town, patronize ( nut Condition Js which can l"d - Brat and always as far .as possible, all bly be nude for tb(I `{ Mrs James Smith, Don Mills Road, Tod- home institutions. I babv's happiness. Fruits, I F morden, Ont., gave our reporter a kindly THE NEw ERA FmLa THE BILL. -There is ; If the prospective Groceries interview s few days ago, and spoke aboull notbing more interesting or more looked for mother is weax, Wert• -2 P thA cure effected by-Milburn'a Heart and on the homes of the people than a good lo- 1 ousColl and ,onanxious, this I 11 Nerve Pills in the case of her husband, Mr Cal paper. Its perusal is a panacea for that �A react diton is the bound to i RAISINS; CURRANTS, OIti.�NGF,C, LEMONS PE r Jae. Smith, the well known, popular and tired feeling among the aged, while those constitution, No dein- DLb, &C "'.1' S .sea 3 I f You want a her' Y ideom e Present efficient t for cent o it engineer friend we have them in abundance in CHIN; g ser in mid-life hail its coming each week with ' GL'1S;ti'A1tE, �T,l3U11' PURSES, HANDKERODIEFS, etc, tineas of wardrobe will SCI•l,� �ttt(I (>1 f F{<;4YA'i y -Ire you want an Overcoat -this is the lace. Said Mrs Smith: "My husband has a pleasant smile, and work is g dropped fora compensate for the loss been suffering for a long time with nervous moment for a glance at its pages• Among of the natural, healthy vigor fora UUOU AhIT, eitter ready merle or made to order. P debility, which seriously affected his goner- the younger -those Badding into manhood i which a mother should be- BOUT; SilU1 S, RilI;BERS, c4 c„ that are saltie ver We have a large atook:;; al health. The •►use of lYrilburn's Heart and womanbood,tbey look forward for pub- i stow upon her baby., W'c.have GOAT ROBES that tako lead for quality and rice as they are so Cheaf ; and -Nerve Pills, which he got from Mr A. lishing day, that they. may learn the news As earl as q Y p Aliso, one only han y possible dun- I s meGALLUWAY liOI3 Highest price, for produce. W. Love, the druggist, has been very bene- of the week-wbo has beep married, who mother should uldtreinforcether I .r -�17 ficial to him. They did him more good has died, of the people t .come and go as bodily powers with the sustaining, health- f�"TJ,�") ,,_ , E),11 ottIUI�. , than anything else he had ever taken be- visitors, and of meetings, socials, church bringing influence of Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1 " R o A fore, strengthening his nerves, and Honing news and various other items published in Prescription.a80®13A M up his entire system. They are the graud- a first-class weekly paper. And last, but It gives natural, healthy vigor and elastic Set remedy for nervous affections, and, not least, the school children comic home endurance to the organs specially concerned i , 1 _„�;�T,",,,, ._ ,,,, '' moreover, the beat tonic obtainable. They ,from school' invariably inquire if the local balmotherhood. It makes the couiing of proved eo efiicsaious in my husband's case paper has arrived. It can be secured at so gives nervetstrength to the motsafe and almost hernanas. It I ' that I commenced giving them to my nominal a sum that no home should be hardihood to the child. ' y i - ^• �� • °' daughter for nervousness, with which sbe I without the paper published in the vicinity It is the only;medicine devised b an edu ���.�.•1 1 -. . has been troubled for some time, and they I in which they live, The bene Gated Physician s y�� " ` �� B11r �. � ,n; fit derived p Y pedally to overcome all I i GSA a.Ctoiv are already giving Satisfactory results," from it is very large comparecj with the weaknesses and diseases of the feminine (Sgd.) , MRS JAB. SMITH, I amount it costs. If you do •n t take the organs. a,'(4ll�°EIt BA10S., , PROPR ET p 1. Don Mill Road, ' NEw ERA you should -that is i Mrs. Roscoe Vanover, of Robinson Creek, Pike I Jt ®1lLS, you Want Co., Ky. writes: "I wish to express myUianks l gAQ4.Fdtl'ckfi �illll(�('l's 9llE]!� CQ)1(1tPaCit01"g. Todmorden, Ont. to get the home news. to you ?or the good I have received from your I Favorite Prescription., I have used it at differ. f,eent times for the last five years, and always with . '•Phis factory is the largest in the county, and h the very latest improved ma. khe most gratifying results. But the greatest u)ni,erv. capable of doing work on the shortest n ice. We 18ftJ� good received from the 'Favorite prescription' a,l i '-' Carry an extensivg �JAF� r r xbl„ stock and prcp,tred pinus, and give esti ales for and build s 7 Q(► was shout. four months agb when my fast base 11 OlweB ]Oil was born, Iwas afflicted with `child - hod fever:' I t"`" of ` 11',`11,1 s on abort notice and on the closest prices. Qll work is supervis- We have started the new year with as fine a line of Furniture as you wish to see, Instead of sending aftersAladoctor fused the , Pre. rieud of mine ed ni a mechni,ical way and satisfaction guaranteed, We ae11 all kinds of its. script,.,I and was cured. A lad terior and exterior material. and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness. All our goods are warranted to give and I.., is remiedies and rzd d,n� ager the doctor satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to call and inspect our large stock of old,wei hr 7dren, wk?,.,.d'.x1' !,1110 r >�llp �l S LbDIl1C r I$, I am z k t '�' ! s 69Ytl, ji Q➢®1'S'r E1111�Is,Et1, BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR � g g 47ing the best ofo ealth.fivechildren, JR SUITL^` S, STI HBUARDS, EXTENSION TABLES and era enjoying the best of health." a DINING -ROOM surTES, Uf'.NTRE TABLES, HAT.RACKS, WA1tDROBES Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure conati.-kgonfs fn, fl,p cPlobraterl GR,AYBILL SCHOOL DUSK, manufaetlaed CHIFFONIERS, BAMBOO GOODS, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. pation, promptly and permanently. at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders When we know we can please you in quality arid price. Give us a trial. tom• .^, UNDE1 T1KING I)EI' I�TI�IENT _ JurUndertaking department is -complete in every respeet,and as we purchase from first- A CANADIAN COMPANY. s.4 in Unity there Is Strength." ;lass manufacturers only, we Carl guarantee to give good satisfaction in all. its branches, _ is we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders we may be favored with shall receive the very best attention. -D 1.cmg" fight and Sunday calls will be attended'to by call on our John Powell, at hie residence. H'L -, BROZlD ®O .8 1 .. ) � X & Co.V. HEILL * I . Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's 'Mill, Clinton, . Mon -Personal Liability I - - - - . _ .-- - . - ----" CtTTT�RS SLX1GH8! ',RUMBALL.M. __ ___ - __ �: �Ve keep in stock . and make to carder Cutters :tnd Sleighs which we ) .iaratitee to be 'first class in every particular. Nothing but the best materia)iitsed ear � CLINTO . - -`. 11 4 111111 °- °- � / ti • ff r Parisian Shape ..� —tapers from average tread to. long pointed, and stiffly boxed toe. Handsome perforated lea- ther ornamentation at seams, I facings, and toe caps, double stit- ched, and very dressy. Laced or Oxford only. Black—Tan—Seal Brown—Carmine—or Wine. Sizes, 5 to I I. Widths, A. to E. Goodyear Welt. $3, $4, $5. Stamped on sole. CATALOOUL 11 The Slater Shoe " PACE r- 4 c - _ / W. TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON FRESH GROCE " I Iravo earn] rn•ntt 11 ,.n,ia In arvntnr mane WV 0% IA gay 1 Christmas comes every year, don't it ? If ou see the of mnsrul•ir,hmmntl an, nett Lid h, rat•„ry en.a Y dis i f N,nt1E Rn von ftf .t• l natnnt a nil p, rem nent'rta,,r. --J, n, bionaF M n , wnahln¢tnn, n.0, It Cures fit•ratita, Luntfsa n, Neu- 0 rulgia 1'111116 in 13MCIc or ide, or any Muscular Pains. k,l5co I Davis &i awrenco Co., Ltd, 0 i'.GC. Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL. �tr1 ••••••••s•aall For< InffLnts and Tho foo• tiltilo Otr;naswo - Of -CL, A P . I . 1.11 I . i, �• , I. ; f A J w t 3 6AL. ..�eis 1�.,isti'l.at'-'�r:.�,�4�1,/�7�`Yr,..C. - , ..- Goods at the Hnb Grocery you will know it is coming again thio year. XT body should geeour displit. of Fancy China, consisting of Caps, Saucers and n very' In, Plates, Carbapet s Bread Plates, Berry Sets, Flower Pots etc. Fancy Gal}t d�yware. Toilet Dinner Sets toilet, Sets, sept so many thine stye have not space to '[option It n them all. T resh Fruits, Fresh Peels, -Fresh Uroreries of all kinds. Candies and ever? i4G�V'1*40 Nuts galore &t as low. figures as any house in to town, considering quality. IRAPyrr. ^� ��� ,A <_X Clinton J I ,,,�y--yy • '.,,. I a. ',tom ��:��� *t '. Ir'��..I *i,►s L. ,oSa-.a4�w+�-�k..ji. �f1.ft�lcd�:-.lr� :.f'1 +,�• .. .., r1:�2� !j'71 1 - - e - 'fix".” I Shares Sold ata ©iscotanx i x rrloff-a tion and Development t. Absolutely Mon-�tssessablc. U1oIMpat�, of Toronto, Ltd. Incorporation applied for und'ar the, ONTARIO Joint Stock Companies Letter's Patent Act Roia ie"tg to Mines and Minim. PROPOSED CAS AL9 2.500 ®��, Dl[1iIDlafD INTO �a ���>�.glilAR�13 O� d g' ,Head Office, TORONTO, Canada. Principal Agencies will be London, Eng., R4ossland, B.C., Rat Portage, Ont.. PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS: • HON. J. D: EDGAR, Q,C., M.P., Toronto, EX -ALD. GEO. McMURRICH, Toronto, JOSEPH B. McARTHUR, Esq., Q.C., of . Speaker of the House of Commons, Can. Manager Alliance Assurance Co. of Lon- Roesland, B.C. W.�j DOUGLAS, Esq., Toronto, Director don, Eng. GEORGE Ei CASEY, Esq., M.P., Fingal,: , 1'hb Toronto Pa er Mf Co. Ont. ORONHYATEKHA, M.D., Toronto, Su- FREDERICK W. STRANGE, M.D., ; Toronto, Deputy'Surgeon-General, ex- prdme Chief Ranger Independent Order M. P. for North York, A. D. HARDY, of Hardy, Wilkes 0 Hardy, of Foresters Barristers, Brantford, Ont. JOHN FOY, Esq., Toronto, Manaping Dir-' F. H. CHRYSLER, Esq., Q.C., Ottawa, Ont. HON. JOHN FARQUHARSON, Actin actor Niagara Navigation Co., JOHN GEORGE BOWES, Esq., of Bowes, Premier, P.E.L, and Director Morehan�-. JOHN R. MINHINNICK, Esq„ President Jamieson&Co., Iron Founders, Hamil- Bank, Charlottetown, P.E.Y. Empire Oil Co., London, Ont. ton, Ont. SOLICITORS-01arke, Bowes, 1411ton & Swabey, Toronto, On'b. 1 1"`' OPTIONS. -The management has secured the following interests in both British Columbia and Ontario:-O"p tions on, 1, three promising locations near the famous "JUMBO " mine, Rossland, B.C., two properties in the Slocan District, B.IC.', one in the Whitewater Basin, being under option held by us, the oth6r in which an interest is being negotiated for atpresent, A location in Boundary Creek District, B C., wh:cli is well mineralized, and will be carefully examined is the spring by our : ;" rt expes in connection with contemplated purchase. Two locations in Rainy River District, one of which will be examined minutely as soon as transportation admits it in the' ppring, whilst the other is under negotiation. Locations in Jackfish Bay, having an area of about goo acres, as well as several other partially developed properties in the; ; i Lake of the Woods, Trail Creek, Slocan, and Boundary districts, which are receiving the attention of the management, OBJECTS.—(t). The Company will secure by exploration, through its Mining Agents and employees, gold, silver and`,,, other mineral claims, and will sell the same, or ppartially develop and sell, to other persons or companies as will secure the best. " I T•n and quiekest returns to its shareholders. 4eare scures of mining claims which show surface indications of gold or silver,. , or both, but unless and until they have been thoroughly tested by some expenditure in opening them up, they cannot besubmitted' - ;: to the examination of skilled Mining Engineers, This Company will start operations with options and contracts extending over ':�`, the best "lining fields in Canada, and will continue to secure more while developing those in hand. The extent to which' II` expehditure will be made will depend on the advice of experts. Before offering any property for sale the Compagy will be ready .�"' to lay before intending purchasers the carefully -prepared reports of the best Mining Experts. The prices will vary with thoi stage of development and the nature of the reports. In this way no investor need be misled. They will know what they arb , getting so far as the best advice can guide thtetn, and they will have the chances always before them of great alnsl Arid f► minimum chance of loss. The services of a practical and thoroughly reliable man, who has explored the Kootenay, rive alrcjt been secured for the Company in British Columbia• (z) The Company will also promote and form other Companies, both on this continent and in Europe, for the purpo o 2)f acquirin and operating mines now secured, or to be secured, by this Company. (3� Will deal in mining shares, and act as Mining Brokers generally, and appoint Agents throughout Canado,afid 'I ' where to represent the Company, and especially the Brokdrage Department of the Company. t Wili ba a medium of information to its shareholders on all matters pertaining to mining and m1thing stooks in 6ntai'lff, Britt (4 olumbia, and elsewhere, enabling each shareholder to receive the very latest news from the •Company's t oliSdential i Agents at the mining Centres, (5) Having its private prospectors, good claims can be secured at first cost, of which everyi shareholder gets the profit iifiit' ,` all the profit. Ordinary Mining Companies are often capitalized at tens of thousands of dollars beyond 'the first c6bt, fhe'rebDy'. da riving the Shareholder of the firat, and frequently the largest, profit. Every prosPpector of this Company will bath th ,�yCold ty of a. private pfospector and locator for each abareholdar.I There wiII ta..11o Iniddlty owners Md no 1Yiiddld'prliiltsi 'I� W rftb•or call for prospectus, or any other information desired Q11 be given upon demand. A "" A limited number of shares, first issue, art now offered to the public at 10 CENTS per share, ic, blocks of n'ot less' It" ,'�y' zoo allaxes, Those desiring to become subscricbers to the first issue can do so by communicating With "I A. W. ROSS & GOT, dining Brokers, etc,, 4 (ing St L, Tqr' onto AC,IENTS WANTED. CORRESPONDENCE $0L101 -RD- q ° r 0 c 1 11 ,w 4s.,, : t ,�• - _ _