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The Clinton New Era, 1897-01-29, Page 2
+ h �r.. , , , 4 e_ ' , - I 11 'k, _ {(Jf/ _ •` , 71w -,.n 1. .''_# I �, �,P. , " - - 20 It 0-07-1. x , I 1. _ - _ I r �!11P:111711 A ,.�.- . , . _ .. ,. mr,"""WFI, 1 I r, ;,, ♦ '.'. hus..a d' l.. 09 a ... on.. i�dkU kiteT'f , `' ��11+� I {� I x b.li_ e?� _ul� .11 ..Q > C�?�lk� Q�*' BPChi, Iii �r'rl !!!t"?i« Moi, t, til(�V 1J r T a► ��i�i. ;Q 1 ��? �T • K! GP f J la: atlp,u meetin 'Aftr1#a ewTerq ? nu�lns<'stra•oRk'>tr tosperrlcsaRr►nw1 I e�Pnk'two 4rthrieawtirdo rollalalQpaettta seliourstieioe,.hoxd ,b.90%1' w.q.bljraarr;ptb*, of the MG 1lo In ranci3 p(l.MnpangX 1"cgxteA�,r. _ , Hn .a AA t n1Y�_tat;fro b �r y iiA yQ...ly t?lTti4-',O It a. 7Gt i 'k,., JANIIARY �2, 1s97 Fl ugh Porter, Grey, hila ranted his w it ld ixr the r1"n:vn ball. 11es,iOrtlllf , Fo} ��ir Th� °� Pinta eralli&14at,ogood,utep, A py,st.cpoe.00, . r!0farm to John Duncanson for a term of p Otsaeverest' A CorAnIwiii. jury iii .Maine reported - A. 4P;�(T.SAH�M11 , on Frida° afternoon last, There was 4 trial lead teat'prove that' dopegeed game to his death bye - 8$b1JIrT 0� V9AgGl )gin A. W- rle9,.i t. q'i}a41iWrC)d#i!r years• fairly large attendance. The meeting tpreSardtA llood'e saesaparlUa eeselva drinking, produPl4B Ppopleay In i z�t>plilda, suppile, § 4.,000,000 of the 310,- Win, Pollard has leased his farm, lot was, perhaps, one of the moat satiofac- . the Inlpds o! the jury." y ■ ^-^ ^^^ ^ s^"' QW11,bsr.of b.utterimported by Great 19, con, 5, of Grey, t'u Wm. Douglas for tory that has been held in the history .1st, Greatest Merit An old �'rel4oh Lsxrye' writing of n' ~- AYER S Pi LLrSi C$EESE FA()TOU , �OTICFr a term of years. n of the company, Never before was as he had just bought, addedi "There �, , "-"" ^- •lt int But when Canadian agricul- thQ. o y P secures y a pflpul<lar 09ro1w, i A yer a Cathartic Fills for over tbi, y The Annual >treeting of the i3oakhglder's #tgfl. 11 t Jas. Dou�las, of con. 16, Grey, is dan- , P rapalr in amore pt oe arcus and . tion, Pr pgrtloil and Procea9 !s a ohape)< ands tL !u which my wife aof the $bingeavillq Dui r,an .Kite ae a:get% a fair show BtRons will ge gerously Ill, and his many friends are satisfactor position. The past year and I�wish to be burto Gods ares our nears leve kept mei In goods health, transPanufacturin Co. 4ilmitip ,V11 tttr��Til�l y unknown to others - which d p g . , w et;kt#d better Canadian batter. The concerned about hinr. was a particularly fortunate one. In naturally and actually produces d lives• rj ever having lied a sick day f all that Piokarde Hall, $glmeaville }rt9 q'olggltp. W,.: I;rA01 t ping to have a fair share of some past years the losses of this On a tombstone In Indiana Is the fol- time. Before I was twenty I sufferod An [*ATURDeY, F1 ,B, $th; 1E21 'fps• the p r. •,,+ Diseased blood, constipation, and kiduey y y • d fastest ll reS B ,� almost continually -as a result of con, pose of 01001 sup the bualuesa A the .eon0 or !00, Q0 q p enoeforth. P companyhave been ver beau but lowin. insert dont[ This wanurgenb 1690, and far, the alaotion o! officers for the oom- liver and Bowel trqub}es are .oared by the tide seems to have turned in favor p eta sties -from dyspepsia, headaohas is ' was erected to the memory o! John Jin- p + g year. �Y r B. FORSTER IrAa 4 ' Karl's Glover Root Tea. Sold by J. g- of the members' pockets, as the losses shown by thousands o! honest, kigp, accidentally el of as a mark of, neuralgia, or bolts and other eruptive W. S. LAWSVENQ'F,, lacy a -u1 ii4e. Grand Lodge of Masons of Min- Comte, Clinton, paid last year amounted to only 02,575, voluntary testimonials -which affeatfoa by his broth ,r. diseases. When I became convinced HolmeavilIe, Dec. 30, 18Qti gip' "+E4 `,t,'a,.Yia9 adopted'aresolution barring while the year was closed with a bal naturally and actually produce A Michigan edit i received some . It is reported that Alex. Nicholl has ante in the treasury of $2,943 and all varves not long ago with the following EARLY CLOSINQ aIt' t}. use. who sell intoxicants from be- purchased the ,Love 200 acre farm in * d Greatest Sales g -- M liabilities paid. The assessment this note of explanation: "These lines wore The Bu Where of Clinton have ag�reed i c allOng Masons in that jurisdiction. orris, paying"$4,801) for it, year was, also, very light and with According to the statements of ( written fifty years ago by one who bas, theigshops every might at 7 o'alook, t ,�„Dnth;er resolution was adopted provid- John Gordon, of St. Helens, fell and .ordinary good luck it should be con- druggists all over the country. 1 �;,t for a long time, slept in his gravewerely - Saturdays, and on that day ati). Tlie itpra t1g,11:or,tbQ expulsion of all persons now fractured a rib, He is recovering un- siderably lighter next year, It is not •. In these three points Hoods ,.•i,. for pastime." putile are requested to observe thfll4ones 4g�, , " tMaRRO ., who shall after this date sell der the skilfitt treatment of hie son, aur iasis therefore, that a statement sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. . • leave their• orders early. 8 pp g, ,.,; A certain politician, lately condemn. Cauca so W'ILsQ t . Dr. Gordon, 11If,1119e kind should ut the members in q policy con- J p ing the aovar moat for Its R. FIT2SIt4griq N Walter Belden, of Win ham has the best of good humor. There has, <i FOR1> ailu ATAIf, + the>,0leveland Newe ex Laine that g also, been a considerable accession ofHood S earning the Income tax, is reported to CiIARLEa, W ALLIa, 1. ,�,', P sold his livery business to R. D. Geta- have said: "They'll keep cutting the s new members during the ear, while Clinton, Jan. tilt, 1897. 947 tt» 4tIu3,aCX[nexation.ofCanada to the States mill, of Turnberry, who takes posses- Q g y wool off the sheep that lays the golden the withdrawals have been proportion- y pump it dry," IbIPURTANT NOTIIr`i siun at once. P p eggs until the V 6.old not be popular just now for the atel few. The retirin directors this k, ,,' Y An orator at one of. the university ltoagon that "Uncle Sam has a pretty R. A. Hutchison has returned to vrar were, Messrs. Thomas Fraser, �arsaparsl�a y ,`�. Win ham from sn extended visit t0 ' An tare off the palm when he da- tat'ge household and he hasn't been able California., lie brow ht back with John B. McLean and James Broadfoot Is the best—It is the One True Blood Purifier. cured that "the British •lion, whether to all owners of ,ta'infike expenses for three years." It him a severe cold. g ,tl'eaare. Fraser-, and McLean were re - ,Is Very sad, no doubt, but no apologies it is roaming the deserts of India or Buggies, Democrats or Iron[ elected, but Mr. Broadfoot R •io has r are the only ppills to take 11 HOO(� 5 PMIS with Hood's draw In the s forests of Canada, will not Axle Waggons �•S4i•e.�necessaryirrthe case. Mica Canada Mr. John Hinckley, McKillop, while been a most efficient director for a draw in its barns nor retire into its '%! t�•� ' . • s, Klein very nicely, thank you. working a horse power on Saturday many years, much to the regret of the „tali ,, �, j1�j�. •' last, of his foot can ht in the machine members positivel declined re-elec- Effect of Detasseling Corn. r 1 s ,1 ,.,;_ Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" Axle 6' g y A reporter In describing the murder o! ��y `: , •, . and badly crushed. tion, and Me W. G. Broadfoot was At various times it tae been thea bb ,. f , u s Cutter, whereby axles are out and- boxing g a man named Jerkin said: the mar t4„ „ ^; be Mail and Empire prints a rumor elected in his lace.. Mr. John Goven- that the removal o1 the tassel of the corn set back to the shoulder, making the same 1 ,;w Wm, Robertson, of Hensall, has p darer was evidently in quest of money, that nine -tenths of m troubles were just as good as new, ; tiiTtt on. Me Tarte will resign his urchased the Shipley Mills, near Dun- lock and Mr. John C. Morrison, were plant would result in a larger yield. bat, luOklly, Mr. Jerkin had deposited y l g , I will be glad to par- [, p ap oiirted Auditors. Some changes in This was based on the admitted foot that caused by constipation, I began the use form an work in this direction. �,}iipi'tfolio as Minister of Public Works field, and is fitting it up with all the the rules and works. of the company, all his funds In the bank the day before of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac- Y I";i' latest improvements. g P y, a large amount of energy is used in the so that he lost nothing but his life." to results never having a single '�, itf..kiecome leader of the Quebec Liber- which the directors had decided to develo meat of the flower and the pro- tory g g e' I GUARANTEE ALL \1VORS satisPao A ,,;. 1 t The following registrations are re- p A merchant who died suddenly ,left in 4 ;,i , Mr Marchand going to the Senate. g g adopt at the sugggestion of the Provin- duction of pollen. A number of tests his bureau a letter to one of bis caries• attack that did not readily yield to this tory, Pr no pay, Those who have had work , Ii> the event of Mr Tarte retiring from corded for 1896 in the township of H:ty tial Ise actor of Insurance Qom safes, remedy. M wife who had been an done, speak in the highest terms of it. F ,f g P b Mr. were made to determine the facts fn the y y , �? ci Dominion Cabinet, Mr Beausoliei Births, 108, 65 males and 93 females; were explained to the meeting pendants which .he had not sealed. His .s s• Deaths, 27, 13 males, 14 females; Mar- P 6' y case. Of conrse,it was necessary to allow olerk, seeing it necessary to send the let- Invalid for years, also began to use Come and see the °machine and get prices. ;s t_tt4f; Me Prefontaine are mentioned as Shannon, the secretary, and were by enough pollen to be produced to fertilize ter, wrote at the bottom, "Since writing • Ayers Pills, and her health was quickly ALBERT SEELEY, ;. ,?is snccesaora. ['[ages, 24. resolution approved or. At a meetin the alike. In most of the teats, therefor „ restored. With my children I had no- Blacksmith and General Repairer, Leslie's) g o, the stove I have died. z ,,, - Constipation, causes more than half the of the directors subsequently held, the tassels were removed from every An Oklahoma editor expresses his ticed that nearly all their ailments were Carriage Shop, Clinton. I .,.The net debt of Canada at June 30th, ills of women. Karl's' Clover Root Tea is Mr. George Watt was re -appointed alternate row—pulled out as soon as they thattks fora basket of oranges thus: preceded by constipation, and I soon g P a leasant cure for Constipation. Sold b president, and all the other officers a "We have received a basket of oras es P g p p y appeared—or three rows were detaseeled . had the pleasure of knowing that with � �$ili3, was $258,479,00O3 an increase of J. H. Combe, Clinton. were also re -a ointed. , g > V. : PP and one left untouched. At ,the Cornell from our friend, Gus Bradley, for which children 'as with parents, Ayers Pills, li ,,.$118,000,000 in eighteen years. There Another of the remnant of the Trion etatloa detaseeled Dorn produced asligbtly he will please accept our compliments, if taken in season, avert all danger of Professional andOtherCard$ �i;l r r"`were deficits in the current revenue in ears of Huron county has passed away I What the Old Man Eta to say. greater yield daring the first two gears, game of which are nearly ¢ix inches in sioknesa."—H, WETTSTxrN, Byron, Ill, / ',� "+a' ht ears of the eighteen. The defic- in the person of William Abram' a d -- but the third year there was practically diameter." • y g P g' no benefit. In Nebraska, detasseiing The Morning Poet in 1818 made `the AYER'S PILLS 'f1Ys of the last three years aggregated 95 yens, who for the pant thirty-seven a, 'rAMEs a(70'.�T. One cause of resulted in decreased yields. Here the ,. k la%894,Ct)0, which was a larger amount years has lived near Belmore: hard times y following et,itement: We congratulate + tl�lan the sum of the deficits so touch b a o n the tassels were sat off Instead of being ourselves most on having torn off Cob- • Barrr$ter Solicitor �.,1•' lked about' when Mr McKenzie was A petition for presentation to Judge pulled out as was the case 1L New Highest Honors at World s Falr� y t among ' bett'a mask and revealed his cloven Masson asking for lenient in the mat- , P re the y q toot, It was high time that the hydra- Yes it was time for cha6 e. g Y York. In Maryland the Feld was , f f g ter of U fact that too g y Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. ooxvEYAxeER &a. l` Queen V. Southcott on the decreased by the practice.' In Kansas the bead of faction should be soundly rapped __— k charge of theft, has been in circulation many .persons take detaseeled fields produced elf htl the 9 no Heed Of the mor- Q ! over the knuckles. _�___ Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba. � e c , Some Torontonians want the Gov- throughout Exeter during the past most corn..In lIlinois tests were made Office imm'eaiatel South of Gilroy ibwisemari , I few da s. row. They act Men durin two ' All English lecturer on chemistry y a 9 g years. In both oases it was said: "One drop of poison placed on the PROERITF.S FOR SALE OR To LET i a' a trnment to compel the closing of all the idea that stiffic- ®videntthatno ^, Phare died at the family residence of fent unto the da is greater yield was produced tongue of a oat is sufficient to kill the NV. BRYDOFiIE, Il I. � shops half a day in the week and ata Mr. and Mrs. Ste hen Powell in Exe- I Y by rows that had been detaseeled. It strongest man," and an English lieuten- FOR SALE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR f P the evil thereof and y , t palated hour on Saturdays. The ter Wednesday, their eldest daughter will be seen, therefore, that ttre gnestlon ant said that the Royal Niger Company -- make n0 pCOviaiOna g The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 PUBLIC ETC. g i. dvernment will do well to interf re Ada Kate, at the age of 15 years and 1 , has by. no means been decided, but wished to kill him to recent his going I e �g whereby to avert the P g t3 or 12, Itailtvay Terrace, Clinton.ClhtParticulars t�.' month. Deceased has been viiia of mast be more fully inveatlgated. One np the river until neat year. upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &v OSiCe-Beaver BIOCk. � ',.itiess with the regulations of private af- g storm that is sure to thin _ consumption for some time past there- g, however, to certain—the ordinary A clergyman in an Eastern town Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo:Gallery, F fa}rs than it has been dein and cease come now and then. Too many live fore her death was not in the least un- farmer can with profit leave the matter warned his hearers lately "not to walk FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS CLINTON i�]aking itself a cat's-paw or meddle- up to their incomes as they go along. P in a slippery path lest the he sucked expected. This th do too a single man with n , for ea eriment station men to deter 't ' u semi) cranks. It is time the right of y g y M: Circ CAMERON 11 t hd individual received some race nil Karl's Clover Root Tea is a sure cure for one de cadent u on him for su ort, mine. There evidently is not enough maelstrom -like, into its meshes," This Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich . i ;• ,,..., . ''tion. This count[ already has too Headache and all nervous diseases. Neth but it is a bade practice. A Case in benefit In detagsoling for the commercial metaphor suggests that olanother clergy. Township. For'terme and partionlare ap- (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Camara n)' �6' uch mischeviousysocialistic le isla• in relieves so quickly, Said b J. H point. A young maul has been enjoy- grower to practice it, and if better seed man who prayed that the word might ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. g g q y' Y Q y g 1 y can be produced let trained investigators U i'on. CO,mbe, Clinton, ing an, income of about $75 t month P B be as a nail driven in a sure place, send- Office -Hamilton St„ oPpposite Colborne Hotel �" > for ears. He was his "own boss " b e Prove it. Ing its roots downward and its branches GODERICH, ONT , x The death of Mr. P..Dodds occurred y upward I PERRIN BI.UCK � t • at his home in Mc$illo said. He spent his money as he earn- 7 y'� R. WM, 11UNN,L, R. 0. F. and L. R. C. S s 3'x,,- When the St. Thomas Times remarks p, lot 31, con. 9, ed it, and when he married he had no- &Ai bstitution for Amputation. The present Duke of Leeds is reportedWFOR SALE 1J Edinburgh. pffioe-Ontario Hreet, Clin „ on Sunday Jan. 17th, aged 46 years Night calls at front door of residence on Rat 6A at there is a certain proportion of g thing to stock up his house with. , Ile cine ie said to have attefaed re to lave accused the late Government of t39 I r.. P P and S inns. The deceased was the son 4 ;l;' bought furniture and carpets on time . ti%v6le results from a new and simple making a' direct "attack on the brewers $300 cash and 120 mouthy payments of ?Beach bury St„ opposite Presbyterian church. ,;people in every community who could of Mr. T. Dodds, of McKillop, and was g p mods of treatment, ivhioh he las intro- b means of a side wind. It ase during D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton eldest of a family of nine. He was inducing friends to go his security. y g p �R J- L. TURNBULL, M, I%, � p4 H they would avoid certain extra- Y What is the result? ? He begins his dated into France, whereby, it is claim- the late Administration that one of the JIJUniversity, M D.„C.M„ Victor a ref 1 P va` antes which disable them from so born and raised an McKillop. g ed, a large proportion of in vied limbs I sh whi a tele M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of theObstetnn 1 �;; married life behind hand. His wages j *� p graphed to Dublin that Farm fcr Sale redoing, it touches the solution of much Dan. McCormick, the well known are alwarys spent before he receives now usually amputated can be saved. lithe silence of the Irish members would _ Society of ghHos Hospitals. late oiLDr.Do Dowse an . ”. ''t!tif the debt troubles of the da If eo- That there is great need for some each be basic in the Haase of Commons no The undersigned offers for sale the splendid Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.—Dr. sol , y P host of the Huron Hotel, Goderich, has them, for the turniture dealer has to ofllee Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night ball . f le would resolve t0 pay their debts be- sold out that business to Mr E R. be paid; the landlord is inexorable; the method 14 proved by the fact that almost longer." 75 acre farm, being lot 25, roc, 11, Hullett, im• answered at the same place. ore indul in in avoidable ex endittire ever one knows of some case in his own It was the celebrated Sergeant Arabin mediately adjoining the Village o4 LoudOsboro. g g P Swarts, of Bayfield, who took possess- grocer wants cash, He cannot get a y g There are r.n the premises a good star and;a R, J. W. SHAW 1 here would not be so much grumbling dime ahead eaperienoe where a stubb rn or alien PHYSICIAN, SIIRGEON ftheut the debt be so t.in laws. More fun on Wednesday last. W. L. Horton , and if he should get sick P g- who, at the Central Criminal Court, In- 20lf50 a Also s ood orchard.br3There a evr,ng Accoucheur, etc„ office and residence On,- } ;4 s• g has sold out his liquor business on �r' lose his situation, he has no idea willed patient has refused to have a Formed the prisoner before him that If gtario St., opposite English church, formerly oe r *i E.ru ed honest is what is needed, not creek runninf through the promises. WPI• copied by Dr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. - West street to Walter Saalta of the what would become of him. This is limb amputated when the doctor has itt- there was a clearer Daae ofamstt rotting HILES or MR' BARKWELL, Londesboro. w . 1 �1"repeal of the law which compels the ' sisted that amputation was the nl way his master that case was thiscase•" and t s.. Union Hotel only one insi.ance of thousands. It is P 4, , y y JAS, S. FREEBORN, M.D., L.K.&Q.O.P.L, M, tcou Breis to disgorge. • the experience of aver' marl who lives of saving the life of the sufferer. In not after passing sentence, concluded, "I, C. P. & S. O., Graduate Rings and 4ueene ". P y Farm for Sale' College of Ph sieians, Dublin, Troland. leen Mrs Alex. Ross, of Grey, receivecl'a 11 t o his income. He is always at the a few of suob oases the patient has lived therefore, give you the opportunity of re- y P Y tiate General Medical Council, Great, Britain Canadian agent at telegram on Tuesday last stating that bottom of a hill, trying' to carry a load and recovered the use of the injured dooming a eharaeter irretrievably lost." Lot 7, Bayfield Concession, Goderich township Member of college Physicians and surgeons, On - JOhn W. Dunn, g 84 acres, 44 of which are cloared, and in a vood tarto. 'Former y resident of Rotunda Hospital w`. her father was seriously all. She start- that. grows heavier every year. When limb. Dr. Reolna no matter how rave In the Irish House of Commons of etateofeultivatiou;40acres •oodhardwPodbush }Bristol, England, says he is satisfied ed next morning on the early train for he fails to pay, he defrauds somebody I the extent of the lesions may be, never, 1795, during a debate on the leather tax, maple, beech, cherry, uncalled, writ a row acres (Lying-in and Gyyaecological)Dublin. Residence til r11 P 1 j under any circumstances, amputates the the Chancellor of the ' Exchequer, p Rattenbury St. east, next door to Ontario tat that recent developments in the Do- Galt, hut. before she arrived the s lark Out, of his :oat due and so it Des. P quer Sir of boos cedar at rear end of lot, Gond frame ," a' of lite had fled The old gentleman g injured limb, but merely wraps it fa .john Parnell, observed that "in the housewithoutbuildiugs. Good bearing orebard parsonage. )i``, minion will result in the tresis of the 4 k, was a resident Of Rockton fora number antiseptic substances, but What is really) prosecution of the peasant war every Dna which yielded about 400 barrels this season,— R STAN)sURY, GRADUATE OF THE - tt ' an errlbalmin roaees, Ieayfn Spring creek crosses the lot, which is two utife,5 .� Medical Department of Victoria Univer i ''s British immigrants coming to this of years, and h,td ctaebrated his hon- New York s Greatest Scone. g P g nature to ought to be ready to give his last guinea from Bayfield and seven from Clinton, No in - cit Toronto, former] of the Hos a6-4ntry in the ensuingsurnmer. Hun- dredth birthday last fall. separate the dead from the living tissues. to save the remainder of his fortune." cumbrance. Owner must give a farming owing y' y pitals and &-""41' p g p g Dispensaries, New York, GAoroner for he .. diads of Englishmen have recently New York's famous thoro•u hfare, This method is not only much less liable Mr, Vandeleur replied that "'a tax on to r,00r health. Terms $30 per acre, �150u cash, County of Hurou, Bayfield, out. ,. ' ?a . `wrlt't.en Me Dunn for tin b•4ets res- Ask your physician, your druggist and g balance to suit purebaser. JOHN EAGLESON - A' your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Con- Broadway, hits been the scene of some to be fatal than the ordinary treatment, leather would press very heavily On the Bayfield, Ontario. i, g,pecting the country. Can a will he- wonderful events, But the one scene but preserves for the use of the patient, barefooted peasantry of Irelnnd." DR AGt�E1i�f `a';5?1 aum;ntion. They will 'recomend it. Sold cy' , ,.come more and more attractive as a by J H Combe, Clinton. which still stands as the most remark- if not the entire limb,,atany rate amuch At a recent temperance gathering an DESIRABLE FAIiM ZO REN'it Londesboro, anccessot'to Dr Young. i.,,, home for farmers and miners as the able in point of enthusiasm is Louis ,larger art of it than would be left after orator exclaimed: "The -- T. AGNEW, M. B,. Toronto University, M, D. C ! , f , p g P glorious work M„ Trinity y' fgeara go by. Dr. J. Rutherford, dean of the veter- 1{nssuth's famous ride up Broadway an "amputation. Houses tot water freely. Af- will never be accomplished, until the The undersigned orrery to rant the splendid y University, Member of College Phy i.i_ n P farm on the 9th con, Hullett township, being sicians and surgeons, Ontario. Office opposite I IL - inary department of the .Detroit Medi- 1851. Kossuth had already seen and ter the skin hos been shaven and cleansed good ship Temperance shall sail from the north half of lot 36, coataiui❑g 65 acre,. Methodist church, Night calla answered ab the r', -` cal College, and a very cultured gentle passed through a crowd of 5CO,Wo eo- from all fatty substances by ether, oto., one end of the land to the other, and Frame house, barn, stable mud she,l, young same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3p,m r Overworked Ministers P i orcbard bearing this year, n creek runnin to 9 p.m. I ?', ,::' rd'an, passed away very suddenly late pie in his triumph hal ride up fife mitt in the usual way, a jet of hot water, 140 with a cry of Victory! at each step, she• g y g 1 -- Monday evening. Di: Rutherford thorou hfare. tbroui;h the farm( �li the year round. A desirable 1i e ; The Ottawa correspondent of the Tor• e g The culminating inn- to 14.4 degrees Fahrenheit, but not high- takes, shall plant bar banner in every farm for stock or gain, buiug Duly six miles D�i T. onto World Con. , commentin u on the alts fnrrnerly a resident of �±t. Helens meat, however, occurred when the er, !s made to lriigate all, the Injured city, town and village of the United frogggy� the town of 6inton. Apply to MRS JANE C. �%�L' a's , ' i g P and Belfast, and his many friends in great Hungarian patriot reached the surfaces, and to penetrate Vhe hollows States." Another speaker said that "All. DODswoItTB; or JOHN FORD, Hohitesville. SURGEON DENTIST, ' ,,, r su.lden illness of Mr, Tarte, Minister of this locality will learn of his sudden Cornet of Br•oadwa and Ann Street. and under all the detached arts of the along the untrodden Graduate R C D'S of Ontario, and Trinity" yPubliA Works, says: y y P paths of the future CIiO1C1E FAIIM bi01L aALG varsity Toronto: �' death with regret. The sight that burst upon him stagger- wound without exception. This removes we can see the hidden footprints of ati y };' "This is the second time in two weeks ed him for the moment. In the open all clots and micro-ar -organisms. The hot unseen hand. We ureas life shadow, Subscriber offers for sale the 80 acre farm on special 'attention teen to the Preservation o lthat the minister has keeled over. With- One of the largest loads o£ maple p g P the corner of rho cut line and Lott con., Goderich the natural teeth, g to c we have ever seen Was :brow ht square directly before him was massed water is antiseptic, stanches the flow of the bubble bursts and leaves the ashes iVnt a doubt be is overworking, himself, and g^ t0 ether a quarter ofa, million of eo blood, and helps to compensate for the in our lands!" Township. It is well watered, with good bearing Othoe, Coate l lock, over Taylor's store q>rght t0 take warning in tiros, Mr. Mu- into Lucknow On Saturday evening g q P P P oreb rd, frame-hpuse and new bank barn. Con- N. B,—Will visit BI tt k:oi;k, the Postmaster. General, is also an- last. Ur. Root. McGuire was the pie, and when this. vast. concourse broke lose of heat from bleeding, and especially _ - venit to church ane school, Will be Bold on y every Monday' and . .. outer minister who is spending too mtuch d iver' and the horses we,re.cLBCned .by into a united cheer Kossuth was fairly_- from,the,trpurrl•ntio_shook. After tie eID-_ reasonablo terms. Apply to sun, meed Ovary Thursday afternoon during C12e . DO NOT CONFOU.iVD. _ itifR6 rOs. aPA1tLi5c3, Clinton,• �• _ rt bewildered. No marl saw—this great balm in process, and the dead tissue baa "" •tttti'e in itis office.' r. ThosJ'Todd, of St. Helens. The g g P Wright's ht s Liver and Stomach Pills with the - D, BLACIiALL VETERINARY si RGEON .There can be no doubt that all the Peder- loan censisled of six large logs and event so well and advantageously as been separated from the living, the sur- g. contained over IWO feet. did Parke Godwin, the veteran New geon has simply to divide the bone ,'at a numerous cheap purgative pills that only FARYI FOR SALE r1 • HonoraryGraduntenftboontarioVeterinarryy 4t the.ip e s of the crown are overworked act on the bowels. Wrights Liver and College. Treats alldiseasf•r. of domesticated and �' ' York editor, and Kossuth's fastest suitable spot. itis the• present time: They are making ' g P Stomach Pills are given to you as a treat- Lot 25. Con, 5,Townsbir of Bullett, 100 acres, male on the most woatirnand scientificprinet +•teat efforts to reform Heir departments, Dr. J. R. McDonald returned from friend in America. Mr Godwin was g Y S8 acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva- vice Office—immediately south of the New Ere 'ttbme of which had become greatly demur, Rossland, B. G„ to Wingham on with Kossuth, and for the first time he Autonraphs of the Evangelists. ment with full directions of how and when tion, excellent clay Irian sail; 12 acres of hard Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Cal Monday and looks as well as ever. will n'�w tell the story of the marvel- bo use them. The cost is 50 cents a box" wood bust;. There is a good.-bearin€, orchard night Orddy attendedto promptly "olizea in consequence of mismanagment Some of our readers there May be who One box cures, Ask Allan & Wilson and a good supply of water. The farm hiLe never -- 11 . British C"lumbia will not allow physi_ loos event in the February Ladies' Dru rete about them and a been rented, The Uulld,n e-cotnprise a €ood TOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY SURGEON 'and neglect, Especially was this the case find It difficult to understand why, sines frame house, barn and stab es. Tbis property is has returned to Clinton and opened an office clans from ot.her provinces to Druggists get a circular J , in the Post Office Department and the Do- p practice Home Journal. The actual scene at God has revealed to no his will Ina rtment of Public Works, Mr. Malock, without passing their examination, Ann Street will also be shown in a pic- DON'T HEADACHE POwDFRS will relieve that situate on an excellent gravel road, 2s} miles at the Queen's Hotel, where be may be consult book, or rather is a library o1 inspired from the Town of Clinton. Terme envy. For ed for the treatment of all ,diseases of horses, and as a residence of three months is tore by De Thulstrup, showing Kossuth violent headache in lees time than it takes further Particulars apply to the uudorei ood, cattle Rio. A11 Delle, night ox da promptly kfk<by simply sttlppiug up obvious leaks and books, as the Bible truly Se le has nob R D Pt y at. wastes has caved acorea Of t s l eakda o£ required before such examination, Dr. err is carriage as the great scene buret you to read this. They are safe p at the same time given ns an fnPa not y Y , enoosas- on chs remises, or to JAS, SCOTT, Banister, tendon to.' f4611ars' expenditure annually, The minis• Jim thought he would comeback here upon him. full, sure. 25ce°hts a box. Clinton. for a visit. teat. How much labor would have been MRS THOS, HILL, Clinton P. 0, i� TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON ars doubtless are as much impressed as saved had we possessed the autographs B. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veteri people urgency y y, Mr Milne of Don, East York, has un- 'x)tlxer eo le with the nr enc of an earl Mr. Peter Dale who has been in Some seventeen years, ago Louis, son of thefourevangellstsl To tbfsweanswer • nary College, Toronto. Treats all .diseases O.�btlement of the tariff question, and they the•employ of Mr. D. D. Wilson for of Mr Bernard O'Connell, Dublin Ont., that, had one such autograph existed, earthed some half edge stones on his CHOICE FARM FOR SALE Domestic Animals on the most movers and '''"I �''d working with all their migbt to that over fifteen yearn, sed who, for several suffered from a sun stroke," and he Some branch of the Chrfettan church, farm look'i'ng more like curling stones Subscriber offers for sale lis oscellon farm Scientific Principles. Day an dniphteallspro�gtr _,ms ,; than anything else and as smooth as y d. Resldenco Rattenbury gt„ wrest oxrd. There is also much other leielature vPars had charge of Mi: Wilson's never fully recovered. Gn Saturday possibly every branch, oareelves inolnd- y g ' of 921 acres, being lot 27, 4tb Con of Hallett. Clinton, ,�o, ..e are. As we have before Band, there thordhred stock, has been engaged to the young man passed to a better ed, would have made an idol of the polished granite. The find was made Nearly the whole cloared and under cultivation, aa:nAthingto be gained by calling an early take charge of the retail meat business world. writer's parchment, while neglecting its on to of a hill which is not known to 'Farm has two-story brick house, frame barn AAfARRiAGIE LICENSE, dAMES SCOTT, SR, • p and etable, splendid bearing orchard, plenty of M insurer of Marriage Licenses, Librax Room aOmiod of parliament it the legislation and of Messrs. T. R, F. Cave & Co. Mr• teaching altogether. We can only seek to have been broken before. water. Situate about 2i miles from ttle town of and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. y nvork parliament is expected to get through Daley was offered- a position with A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO comprehend the ways of Providence in Five years ago," say Anga A. Lewis, of tali •wn to scam plowing Bing done n iv and 9 a res AMES CAMPBELL L ,,'is not ready. There is much to loose, for Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, to BOARD OF HEALTH SAYS: one sphere by observing them in an- ,r g _T ONDESBORO 'life Ministers, already overworked, cannot take charge of his berd of thoro'breds Ricard, N. Y., I had a oonstant cough, time, For partioulare a ply on the premises or ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LI0fiNSES. • "I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in other. Man Is the heir of all things; yet night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, to A. WEIR, Clinton P. rP. tt. No witnesses repaired 16 "is attend n parliamentary duties and on his farm at Crystal city, Manitoba, consumption, and even when the di estive be is sent Into the world to depend for and had been given up by my physicians, ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE bBt lttslAtion, and the calling of the session but proferred remaining at $eaforth, g food clothing, and all the comforts and burly might therefore delay the introduotaon powers were weak it has been followed by ' g' I began to take Ayers Cherry Pectoral, BOARDERS WANTED M Small snms On good me tggago seenrity A neglected cough is dangerous. Sto ed good results. H. P. YEo>v xs, A.B., M.D, adornments of life, on his wits. How and after using two bottles was completely moderaterateofintereat. H HALE.Ciinton, o legislation. In addition to all these le- y g P g � greatly is be thereby differentiated from Splendid accommodation' for a limited num- gftimatecauses of extra work and worry,H once b nein Shiloh's safe. Sold b J cured, P H. Combe, Clinton y the brutes I How immeasurably is the ter of boarders; onlya mtaute'e walk from Oo1 �j1 W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OIC ASs'N OF Jose h Martin has left for Toronto legtate, MI89 LII Y PUGH, Rattanhary St., A: • P. L. g„ Provincial Land Surveyor and the Dominion ministers are threatened P educated man, and especially the �olea- tli :the same time with a politico -religions One eveninglast week a very pleas- and Montreal and will be absent in the 0 ® ® W Cs U. Ey t+it ts� ® B next door to Dr Freeborn. Civil Engineer, London Ont.—OfBae at goo, , east a month. Before he left he said tific Investigator, raised above the say. Stewart's Grocery Store, dlinton. �dgltation againat them in the country, be- ant dvent took *dace in the fireman s eat age simply as the result of his.own 0 ® NOTICE. gidning with an onslaught upon them by hall, in Seafortn. Mr. John A. Ste -definitely that, of Winnipeg was open- eiforteC _ReZzey`' j�'or� _, the'Roman Catholic bishops of this pro- wart, who, far the est two ears has ed, he would not again contest the • ® Notice Is hereby given that I have disposed of R. A©NEW, L.D.$ D.D.S P y Is It not possible thab he who gave the %% m , hotel to Mr Luso Hill, to whom the license e �vldcein regard to a question which 3ireat• filled the ve•y responsible £isition of Seat. He declared that after consider- _Lzz .� 1 , , t P Wb#d of Life designs t0' gIIlokea our ltt- ® will bo tronstorred on or about rte let of Janu- DENTIS L, t ly affects another province alone. The nae- chief of the fire brigade, was presented ing the matter fully he had determined serest in it by arousing affect in each �]7 cry. JOHN BELL, I,ondesboro, atadtiate of Royal College of Dental Snr cliffs'', Give attitude o4 the -Roman Catholic bish- b his brother firemen, on the occasion to remain out of politics, euooeeeivo generation of Christians the ® . At- fou Nerg ® ant, AHonor Gradnate of Trinity Univet opsdroves that the motives of the bishops of chief,with complimentary address Battled. The Mayor �tTOOD. and COAL YARD All open of Ontario and the Maritima Provinces g from the position ton of The Mitchell smallpox case is, at last desire to approach nearer to its sonraee, ® All operations In Dentistryy ca fall 0 X11,• P and a secretor P y Y received the bill toemove the undergrowth o! legend ® • WH, WHEATLEY in prepared to fill 611 or• Beet local Anaesthetics forpainlesa ti}'is lOrbvince are by no means altogether y, iia a mark of the ea- of costs on Monday, which with the an tradition which tae sometimes ob. dere for either Coal or Wood on short uottce.- Ofaoe opposite Town Ha11 over swall ,s,s roll¢idriis. It is to ba hoped that the Lear- teem in which he is held by them, and $700 damages, reaches $1,151,09. This btr'aofed its tree course and that we are • ® Orders left at Hill dt Joyner's Feed Store willbe Willy1efft Honsall every Monday, orad Ehrle r M�� �o promptly attended to, everysecond Thareday of each month. lex Qovornment ill have the sympathy the plaasina and efficient manner in ie exclusive of the artlaant previously savod from the danger of finding it _ XaWNigbt bell anawerod. aiYii racial eapportof the great majority of which be has discharged his duties paid. A meeting of the council fuse trite by the feeling that we possess a ® • to House to Let 'and two Hollseg' Eldnaorvatives ss well as Liberals in the while in office. held Wednesday forenoon when a note divine treasure which, though a gift, fe • V and :•stable fot Sale. BUSINESS CHANGE ,task tl! which they are overworking them- The^e died at the residence of the . for the amount was signed by the re- not entlre,y Independent of our own an CONSVMPTION and all LUNG sibfvos bf establishing honest and economi. late Mrs. McCurdy, in Usborne, on the spective members of the Board of exertions for the measure in which it • Disr,Aims, snivrixa, or+atcooD. ® 'These houses have every convenience, one baa i I ovi5mment and peace ,and prosperity 15th inst.,Mrs Eleanor Sutton, wife of Health and the members of the court- shall minister to our edifloatfoa?-"What C.OV611. LOSS OF APPET11m, a furnaces. They are situated on Rattenbury St, �t 1.iii the Dominion, , Some of fife ministers, Mr. Wm. Sutton. It appears Mrs, ail, and the money borrowed Prom the Language Did Christ Speak?" by Agnes • IrEOILITY, tete bonents of train ® and will be eo the et>nodl�t church. PtGV CElintocr Davis • & M/'>•■ ;/y 1. lit sisal spirit of ?Alexander Mackenzie, are Sutton had gone out to "wastes Mrs Me- bank, whick twill be made good by the Smith Lowta, ih the December Centur , • article are mostmanirest,g V V VV sliolJaiing their lives in an earnest endeav- Curdy and shortly after her death was corporation as soon as special le isla- y • to J. H. wo ELL Goaeic . ,tla�tp fgithfully serve Heir country. taken suddenlyill of congestion of the tion is obtained an conneb5iotr alt the Japanese Honor to Jenner. • RythoaldopThv hhirh V dtrou{lodnrao or Having boaght out the Lidera buefneds d' g over a e gg at ® BOAR FOR SERVICE Allan Tarnbuli. and amalgamated the forint matteC, over s year and hn a nlnnd conaidorably In ' business of Doyle $Z gOa luny s and despite all that medical ;aid Jenner. !s to have a statue in Tokio. • oven°fho Simko°p,me'at u'a io tnkwa9i 1 W°" shad ® — rinuo file same at the Turnbull o%ibe 111h '; l.�l9T1Pl� .tri. could do. death took place on Friday The ratoPal and rc >essive .Ta struck Sn sozlbor will keop for service at hie farm qq T. IL WUMILAM, am, Montreal pub to generally will recefvo the boat,dt t ttoii- ` n; ht. The deceased was a resident of �':,.A_f3*.V4C>XXX.,aa. 6 progressive P' • 8nro Bead ooderich township, a welt-broti d I or 'l'�fid'.f1t+ The faa with the virtues of vaeoination and the goo, asci 16r Per Bottle • Oheet r While Boar, of good edi' fee. Term9 cion an Dare in all ordots to irf[�'. (1008, barafu rifelis to alt McGillivray for over 30 years but had blase .of being free from sptallpox, has g pp g hareoyi and oomtortable lige will be Edo ]moat. tli°tilltpttf 4��GG� every rlpelle' , !s Oa • i�► Tat t'in'e of'aorv[oo: or'$1a•25..if.ba kAd. at r or DAYIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lm, MONTREAL $ a meanarbie charges, ot toratpex. Ween living in Li"xetPr for about three 11PAMy4 ovo gaglzed a aoaten ry expp bitten any T J. POTTER. 1 • • years. She leaves to mourn her loss a KW. 4� - vnnypbG M�plaiT of fqq a r6�qq isti�sh is o ba i • N • • • O • • • • • God Loh township, Nov. 9. 1890 DAVM MtrCl�dL ;t'} , daTToted to`Nb o rame5lto461 all, I .. . l _._-._- . 4' " , 4 � °, „ . r t !,., r . r' ` ,4 , v I1. t 4 s J;r. 1. I r I' 4, '.i a ,...., , 1 ., , -. I n1. , I . t ' _:t : 4., 1• 3 iL ¢^ . Y c. h f ndiittra ..... w Iw�fOAAkiw 6416:....._-. ,,, s - .._._ . . . ,...._.�,Ilf. 69 , ,llui� a Ii.�..:— - "]1I► -/d .n __ 11 — _, �- _.