HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-29, Page 11, f 114 w '� ': P7IA: , 4 ..... .. . '.- .. _,., .. .. .. ... .,, .,.,.... : -. .' ., • , .. N• •1 r �L y o : . . . t N-Uita. ( IF 4 rola o s t 1 liagat but aha b Ay rt bo ig� w lepte roti hwve. 1, ,....0 -M, 1 s rrOW .. {{�� ppoppp 1 . .:. e , u • 1• - Ql$1oQtrd " .colds, 1tki5► B, t it _ _ ,.- _.. _ n _ __ .. r tl� .t gats o r Willd �t ; -,,..L t 1 P Po q!roen heft lc ale . an ,+ �D' „ R.QBIBR'� HQTaD3 S, Editor axed Proprleltor. G , NTO�T * T. JANUAR 29 1897' $1 a year ii4 advance s$11D *ben not so aid Chlerr alsam _ t qi ° 'com t �, aanythif ll 1010 1plgbpt fail to a��ufr�. << * I � ZuriaL. LoutleslUoro The Stavely Estato p kag s fpr 5c.or� oz pa k_9, es : ! M ARO B� DROPER IN .TAxL. -.A tele�am is fixe BAzL.-Mr Luxton Hill gave his first' --- for_lt)c, glvq relief, Cur WWild > i yviiut wise awetke and rellalila oorsoepondeDtS ilsid worthy of recording for publication. dally gapers states that 1Vi11lam Beck- ball on Friday eveping last. There �. meeting of the Stavely Estate Cherry Balsam dose igiose. IN t t4V+egtt }R�awat►asls. er, a ed 46, a drover, livin at Zurich, was not a, large turnout on account of pair1mittee was held in the Clerk's'of- Qum. For 25c the " etire is a Auburn. g g. the weather• floe on Friday evening. Several yours. r • Ont., was arrested at Detroit Saturday SuAvions,—This week will cgnclude ,NoTgo.—Mr John McShannoch, for- night on'a telegram from the authori- STORM.—Since last Thursday a snow schemes for the disposal of the money f •" the special services in connection with merly of East Wawanosb, bub now, of ties at Exeter, where it is alleged he !s storm bas prevailed ih this place; bital- were suggested, but It was found that TO $UILD UP , 1 al`> .Fan, 30th, our Ebenezer appointment. These meet, Manitoba, is visiting friends in this wanted on a charge of having forged ass has been almost suspended; the the act restricts the committee to eer- ailti hyr we will offer inga leave bean in operation far over localit at resent. Mr Peter Pater- Iain lines, as the followin exxtract 'FRE SYSTEM# . i}r 41ie'A.f our Men's and y P a note, Becker agreed to come with- blockade though was broken on Wed- g ,� fo.rtr weeks, •and the result is over eon is visiting friends Here at present; out extradition papers, and an officer nesday and quite a number came to from the set making the grant will .y is l�.verw»ctats at prices that twenty-five penitents who have signf- be has been absent in the States dur- the villa e. One famil left the vil- shOwO' and lessen the chances of taking i;uob a d a><aaot bee nal- will go for him. g Y cold we recommend our Eunul. ' P . R q fled their determination to lead' better Ing the past year. Messrs Cullis & la a on Friday evoului�� and had not A further grant not exceeding $1,0VO may be ' lot the county. We have lives in future. Howson are busy shipping rollers at renurned b noon on Wedneada be- made outotthe said moneys to the town of sicn of Cod Litver Oil 'with . aI. rRtiiis icor wanting to clear NOTES. r John Flukey ppurchase a resent• the have near finished Leeburn. Y, Clinton, to bo used {au eat to such to;ms sad Hypopitospirites. You know b ov. Gty..coat in the house, ood colt from Thomas Nicholsondfor where they a e cutting. Mr John C. SociAL.-On Friday . evening a very ing storms in up in Wawanosb. Coua oil rues yayysreaeretb Lj eor ho pt3rpoee of steer, the value of Cod Liver Oil and d`t?xlthatday will seii them g5 Messrs .Moes &McLean shipped Clark was visiting on the 14th con. of pleasant social was held in the church NoTEe.—The churches here, on Sun- ing and maintaining i'n or near the said town a the value of hypophoaph'ftes. _ .A priioes that no house in the two car loads of fat stack b Lucknow Hullett; he visited be and antici ated here, under the direct ion of the Y. P. day, were not visited by many of the buildtng or buildings for the use of the public, Combined in a palatable emul ud ttu totitth, ,prices that y y P eu6>rbu P ,. this week. Messrs Trotter & Durnin time, owing to the Inclemency of the S. 0, R. Three neighboring societies faithful, Tuesday evening the Good character aux for such pub ions�pureases as the seen, pleasant encugh for the ri ` mean dollars saved for shoppped from Seaforth last week two weafher. The village school is rather were invited, and though the night Templara expected a visit from, five Lteutenantl�avarnorin council mayappeove. most delicate child to take, these 1- ",t7#oae who buy. carlaada of good horses for Brandon, small in zittendance this week. Mr J. was quite stormy, about fifty proved other lodges, but there were riot any drugs form not a medicine only= Man. These was a hoe down at Aaron Young ie spending the latter art of themselves to be not "fair weather en- Present. Messrs J.'D. Melville and The two suggestions then considered but afat-forming food which r Man. h re Friday nigh . t and this week auditing the atter pp of deaborers;" the pro ram, in which m, 'Wallace managed to get to Sea- by the committee were the erection of builds u the system, effebtually k; COTS Mrs Morelan coapt Fria last as West Wawauosh books. Mrs. John each society took p rt, consisted of forth, on Tuesday, with their oultry a County hospital or a Stavely Mem- aiding iPt in resisting coughs, guests of Wm. yy and are likel p oriel and Public I;ibrar The con Roberton. Wm. Mills Emerson,of EastZorra, passedthrou h short talks on the lookout, prayer- y to succeed well, Mre elusion reached concerning t colds etc. Ia 40c and 75c bottles a,',.b,4dy"is Ding to get abet- and Miss Susie Jones visited at James here last Frida evening for the 7th meeting, missionary and Social com- Ualdwell, wife of Mr Tas. Ualdwell, g he former from us only, t?ta'a Forortit from up. i1Ne Johnston s a 'day last week. Mr aQd con. of Westawanosh, where her mittee wor15, with a diecusaion after Hullett, died on Wednesday, at the age was that it could not be practically A carried out nd would entail an ea- oniy a few left to sell. and Mrs Breen were at Benlnillerlast week daughter is Buffering from an attack' each, interspersed with singing. of 48 years and 6 months; the funeral spas on theunici alit that would ALLEN $ �VILgON air 't 14li carry them over, to visit the latter s sister, who is sick. of uinse Mrs McGee of Kincar- Lunch was served in the achoot room. take place to -day, Friday, aG 2 o clock. P y Giraduate Druggists & Opticians q y. , e burdensome. The Skavely Memori- ' i-putItheprices to rock bottom Mr and Mrs Edward Downs, of Man!- dine, is visiting friends here. Our The meeting closed by all juinlug in al and Library was considered the most Clinton. fobs, were visiting friends in this Good Tamplars are jubilant over their that splendid hymn, "God be with you 4 Goderich Township feasible and the committee decided to } r ; 1VQ.'l4' bu a Fur Coat till township last week. Mesa E. Stafford increase during the past duarter, head- till we meet again." I NOTES,—Mies T. Cox was vieitinrr report to the council in favor of the ~� y is on an extended visit to friends in in the list with 33 new members. NOTES.—Albert Ra son, of Hullett erection of a buildin of this nature, to Another ©ld Resident gone ; h8t our rices for No. 1 g P + Mrs W, Marquis this week, g P and hound London. Mr and Mrs is visiting friends in this neighborhood. COLE's CHUUcH.—The ost oned cost, say about $5000 to build and ---� goods. Crawford, of3lyth, were guests of the Benmiller Mre McLeod 'had the misfortune to missionar anniversar in tune tion equip, the balance to be funded for the "Passed over the Jordon to the home on it lattees parents for a few days last NOTES.—There is to be a society of run a nail in her foot one day last (with this congregation Wilk he held Purpose of maintaining the same. the other aide" may truly be said of one of week. week, -but is able to be areund again. the oldest residents of Clinton is the per - the Selected Kni hts of Canada or- neat Sunday afternoon at 2.30, when g service was held here on Sunday son of the late Alice Stevenson, of Huron '� �i Porter's Hill. gganized here on Tuesday evening by account of the storm. While visit- Rev. $. Bond, oP Seaforth, will preach. street who for many years has gone in and G. W. Thompson. Owing to the death �.•. The Sunday school have atrangedfor BURNS' ANNIVERSARY. ' Qin'i� r08 SIaK.—Mr Jahn Pickard: is able to be P gg+ in friends in Auburn It`vst tveeli -Miss g F oat of oar streets; of whom it might be ,f�` ,a" �� of our res ected citizen, Wm. Gri g a tea-meetin in this church on eb. 16. °� around again. Mra Thomas Battles is the attendance at the Lea ue was not Nellie Clark was suddenly taken ill said she lived and sated ae one who want- v .s, g with rheumatism in the neck and On Monday evening a party of some ed to bless and be a blessin to all around slowly improving, Mrs John Cos, sr., so large as usual. G oderielt. twent five sons of Clansmen Cove- g ,. CLINTOR lies been on the sick list. E. C. Potter shoulders. Miss gate McDonald ar- Y- her, and who died on Sunday last. The j is'stiil confined to his bed. Mr John TSE LATE Wnf. GRIGG.—On Friday rived home with bar parents about a FIRE.—Last Friday ni bt fire broke nanters and Raiders met ai ound well subject of this sketch was born in Rutland, r `` `g� McClennan is laid up with•& cold. there occurred at his residence, on the' week ago from Detroit; we understand out In the storehouse of ar er & Lee, laden tables at •the• Queens hotel, Clin- g , 1814, and with her Maitland con., the death of William P En land on Jane loth she will remain abouts month: plumbers, situated in the rear of the ton, to celebrate the 138th anniversary parents acme to New York in 1816, after " NoTEs.—Mr John Cox is attending (}rigg. Deceased was well known and Victoria Opera House. The firemen of the bl,th of Robert Burns. After a 'which her parents came to Dundas, Cana ;, Basiield. County Council this week. Quite a highly respected as a citizen by the Brueefleld kept the fire confined to the store- most palatable oyster supper,had been da, and it was Here, under the infiaenae of `' iii, • n account of the stdrm number of our young people attended many with whom he has come in con- STORar.—From Frida to Tuesda ! house. Owing to a large quantity of Partaken of, the chairs were drawn to a good parentage, She early embraced i :i'ssf62ary anniversary in , the ,„�be I.O.(�i.T. district meeting.in Clin- tact. On account of the roughness of y y coal cel burning at one time the Bre the Ingle -cheek, where an hour or Christianity, her fat4er being one of the s }. j%ah:;church was postponed un- i'on last Friday; thQy report having a the• weather there was not a large one of the old time storms passed °vel looked serious. Loss about $400, insur- two were passed with rhymes and deacons in the Baptist ohliroh in Dnadar, ct" Sundayy evening, when Rev warm reception and a good time in fune't•aj. Hie remains were interred itt this district. The storm being so dense (ed in file Phoenix and the Liver col, songs From the poet's works, and inti,:; of Seaforth, will reach. Clinton, but of wondel•full cooled at times ob ects could be discerned at P From a child she heard c t ce, hl f atte's t : P g Y the Colborne cemetery. He leaves a onl aver lshor•t distance the crosB- � Landon &Globe. Speeches itt his praise. Mr M. McTag- talked sad lived;oat in praetloe, her father's � v: ileiqq'� i -loads from Goderich,Clin- off coming home. Road breaking is wife and four brothers to mourn his y y 5rx MONTHS Its THE CE14TRer. — 4Vm. gait, wbo presided, opened with an house being a horns for the ministers. sad ,,,,I - i l C ode,rreh townshi , took in" 'the order of the day, the north and loss, The bereaved ones have the roads in some placesareimpa$sable and a ro teats s each, a in hi h tri - the eo le are turnip out,to break the I Southcott, of Exeter, who had pleaded PP P P y g g other good people—all flied ire iafluenoe. :{? w 44 1'st tea -meeting last Thurs- .and south roads being terribly blocked sympathy of `the entire community. p P g . uilt to a ober a of haven stolen cods in bate to the immortal bard. DrB Gunn, She was married to the late Thos, Steven- ' x,pi .9. with snow. Mr Moore will hold an. „MrGrr 's death was entirel unex ect- roads. Notwithstanding the storm, g Y g R g Shaw and Turnbull and Messrs Mac- son in the ear 1836, and went to live in- '1 z gg y P the stn a made its fail tri from Ba his posseaion and had made , a strong plea y [ A> LB AND ELoQv>tNT.—The other meeting ,on Saturday evening, ed, and was due to inflammation of R y P y for mercy, waa b bad mad . a His Honor xherson, N. Fair, W. Fair, Brydone, Cookeville, where they resided until 1854, of Tuesday thus alludes to a the 30th, to complete arrangements the lungs. It seemed singular that a field to Seaforth. fudge Masson for sentenef on Thursday. '" • Coats, L. Kenned . J. P. Dohert , y Y and were members of the Methodist ahnroh own resident of Bayfleld•— The for his singini class, �n an should safely pass through all the NOTES.—Still some of our citizens g numerously signed petition had been for- McMurchie, Allen, Fortune, Jackson there, working in the Sunday school as `' i tnd Literary Society of Osgoode From tin oaoasioasl aoreespondent + langers incident to sealing in the are infix oned with a severe cold. Meas warded from Easter for 'presentation to the and others made brief speeches, all re- teaghere, and in other goad work Thep , :;. P CHuncH.—The blocked condition of�i S. g court on behalf of the prisoner, but the evi- le P P P then moved to Clinton and settled in the {`o et in session ufmock f Osgo de Pacific ocean, as he did, and then be Davis, o Palmerston ie visitin her p to with raises of the oet and ro- � .; �,urday evening : After the the roads presented the su pp1 rn of stricken down by an apparently in- friends in this vicinity. The attend- dente disclosin the fact that the defend- fuse quotations from hie works. Seve- home that she lately occupied. She united ��r•.om.tbe throne had been read the Methodist pulpit on Buxday eyeii,- significant ailment. ante at the churches last Sunday was ant had committed more than one offeuos, b 1 of Burne conga were well rendered with Rattenbury street +YIethodist thatch,, ?° I'uyse, Mr, G. t3tanbury mov- Ing; Rev S. Bond, of Seaforth, will; ILE?.GtIIE.—Owing to the storm last Blim; the people preferring to i amain the plea for mercy did not avail, and he y Me srs Croli, Spalding and oche s and continued till the end striving to do i'r addres+s in rept in a short however, conduct the missionary an i- Friday, night rho turnout was ar> all. at home ,than face such a storm. A Numerous stories were told in the true yy was sentenced to six m,•nths in the Cen- something for t�+e Master in rho aharah pf ,considbrable eloquence and versarp service in this church on Sun- The;.1topic, "The temporal blessings number of the young people assembled tral Prison, with bard labor. old Doric, and the evening was brought and out. She took a pleasure in visiting in vv ch;the tactics of the Op- day morning at 10.30. The Epworth which foil°w Christianity," was taken at the house of Mr P. McGregor last to wclose with the recitation of Tam strangers who came to town, and the sick r i dut'i ji 'the last election came Lea ue oP thiB church ie becomrn in- by.A. Allin. Mr Allin made it -both Friday evening, whIre a most enjoy• ANNUAL MEETING} — The annual O chanter. -- - and poor were speeial objects of her care ksQvere.arraignment,,„ ,� . creaein 1 interestin lar a crowds inter eating and profitable by pointing able time was spent. Several cords of meeting of the Weyt Huron Agrlcul- The occasion was an intenselg Scot- and solicitude, helping not only in tem. Y and' rofiGable meetin s. hie enter- out the advanta ea which Christian wood have been delivered at S.S,No.10. tural society was held on Wednesday. fish one even the sone of Erin resent e'nnivetsar of g P poral matters, but trying to imprass'spirit- +• +. P g The report For I896 was submitted by insiatiug�th:it their grandmothers were nal thin eon the mind`s of those she came �xliodig church and Sunday' prising longue has undertaken the nations have over the uncivilized and the directors; ii mentioned shat $212 related to the Duke of Ar le. g tvasr hod in the town hall last thorough renovation of thechureb,and heathen countries, both in business Constance had been aid the est season for new gy in contact with. She had a high appreoia- CI4y''evoning, taking the form of will give an entertainment in the near and social matters, and in the eleva- NOTES.—Mr B. B. Stephenson takes buildings and thatpt he r,utlay was ab- tion of truthfulness, honesty, and principles s ipeetl.ng and concert. The tea future. tion of the moral standard. The top- a short cut to Ethel these storm da s, g of right dealing in every way, and was a �; ,Jr eji in Mra Routled e's store, is next Friday evenin will Abe taken covering the distance in a quarter of ed nuinbercof shee t hcattst 1 etc. shown. Mr and Mrs F. R. Hodgens are now g g strong believer. in temperance principles in ? =1fad;been tastefull decorated. b Mr S. Scbwanz; subject M bro- p ' all thing. Her home was always open to , y Hullett y 3 . Y a mile. Maggie Milison entertained a It also noted i he fact that, within the Battled in their new home and will r -stance of the tables was ther and I," no't "The brethren die," as few of her friends to a dancin art be, "at home" Tuesda and Thursda of those who were laboring in any direction �, P$ STOCK. — The eleven months old r g P y past seven years over $700 had been y y ton build the Master's kingdom. Been T,,�'improved by an arrangement was stated in last weeks issue, The at R. Armstrongs last Thursday even. s eat in rep ales rind im r•ovin the next and the following week. p h 'ei nd side dishes. The sup er tboro-bred Durham calf, advertised League purpose giving a literary and Rev Mr Andrews is holdin revival P d P g fond of mesio, She loved to aye the songs for sale b Mr W. Stell in the NEw g building an tis the.rutlay was for the Mies Bertha Crich, of Seaforth, has of pion Baa in her home !n feat her home musical entertainment in " Bethel services here; he would like to receive benefit of the tf,wn the town ought to been•viaiting at Mra S Crich's t6 ie was always welcomato themnsiaalfriends,', anted a success by all. he y y church on Feb. 19. The motion which p, ,also received careful attention L'RA+ was purchased last week b Mr as much hel from th.e• choir as pos- allow the $250 elainr R hay held qo long week. Miss Nettie Crich's school in which she was oined b all the -house- ', Sinclair, of gippen. It is a fine ani- was carried a at revious meetin ,viz, p a ainsI the sucier to be written off. near Walton has been closed two da s hold. The deceased resided in Clinton for ' I ands of thedecciratingcommlt p g sible. Mr John McMillan M. P., en - that the stage, •in the glow of mal and gives great promise. Mr Sin- that the League give an entertain- tertained his friends in this vicinity to The extra ex erne fur buildin s erected un account of the storm. y about 42 ears and lived to the ood old itlf bts, resented an. attractive Clair has made a, good purchase. ment at Zion a ointment on the 5th P g g PP a pleasant gathering one night recent- in 18M and loss of revenue from rand y ' g 'ante. The cht.ir was taken•by NEw BARNS.—Mr Robt. Scott in- was re -considered and indefinitely centl The next time that Wren takes g HOCKEY.—The Hockey Club is try- age of 82 years and 7 montba.- While suf- ' y and gate recPiFty through cold weather feria mach at times throw h r Oaten. The singing of Misses tends to erect a Sue bank barn next postponed., his lady love for a drive, he must be is ut b the directors Ails the cause of ing to make arrangements with the g g her life, and f p y Exeter Club for a match to be . la ed having many severe trials, yet she had full and Williams, o Clinton, was summer. Henry Colclough, who in careful and not have another upset. the increase of she note debt which p Y, confidence in God that "He doeth all T enjoyed, and many hope they tended to enlarge his last year, but Win ham. Mr Gordon Cam bell anal dau titer in the rink here on Thursday of nest -"'..�� Mme again. Rev Mr Godwin, of had to delay it owing to illness, will do g have moved into ttown, occu in the now rests at $650, In t he election that week. The secretary of the Club is I. things well," believing that "all things `i p P so thio year. Mr Dunlop will also FUR THE WEST.—Mr and Mrs James YPy • g took place Robt McLean and Jas John- work to ether for ood to them who love ch, e t the audience in eals of Cosford near Teeswater, have decid- house vacated by Peter a mean. ston were laced un t he board in lace Read. R g er by •his wit, and Rev Mr Edge, raise his barn and put a stable be- ' P P the Lord. Ser children were taught in . ed to move to Manitoba the comm Mias L. Cook is taking vocal essons of W T Murne and J W Salkeld and POULTRY.—fihe Clinton exhibitors �. y g Y early life to love rho Lprd Jesne Christ, :erich, gave the closing addre4s, neath it. s rip havin rented their farm; the from Mrs Wall, Clinton. all the other directors were re-elected. at the Poultry Show in Seaforth this must be characterized as elo P g' g y and to trust him, and she had the comfort AccIDExT.—A few days since a sus- will go with the multitude, flow with J `V Salkeld is ern the Horticultural week are Rev. Mr Ford, Measra. L• to kriow for some ears the 1' The local talent deserves m6ri y y were all ba - he following givin ^solos in the Pension bridge on the farm of Mr Jas. the ride, and eventually make their St. Helens. directorate yo that his services will not Kennedy, Jas: Howson, A. Grigg, H. lievers and soti,ei en r 'form: Misses g Cartwri ht, (built for their own con- fortune in the far west. Mrs Cosford is be lost to the board. The next show Evans and A. J. Holloway. Each of Y Raged in Christian Clara Erwin, NOxEB.—A successful annual con- work. The departed had many warm �" Peck, Lena .Erwin, Bettie . venienee1 gave way while W Argent a sister to Mrs Nichols, of town. will be held on Tuesdsy. Wednesday these exhibitors were prize winners, friends in all the ohnrohee here, and for gregational meeting was held ih' the and Thursda S gg, as the l.a r est exhibitor, t and Mr R. Peck. Miss L. Er- was crossing it, allowing him to fall on CLEAN MAD—During the paS� week Presb terian church un Monde Mra y, apt. 21, 25 and 23. Mr Gri yeArs a few of her near friends met togeth- ,I a $oaten ecce of ice. Fortunately we have had weatherin this art of the y y _—• heading the list; some 0 lrrizes carfte er for social interoonrse and Ohrietian nl. tways a favorite, was heartily g P P' Taylor, of Grey township, called on --- — — he waa rescued without injury; the .count not bad weather but burri- to Clinton, - friends here last week. Miss Annie Additional Coeal• id@W$• } lowahip. 13er last illness was for th.ee d,l while R. Peck scored a sic- river at this point is quite deep and he canesyno, not hurries nes, but• blizzards, Clark, teacher in S. B. No. 12, was off GUN CLOG. -The annual meeting of months, in which she never .left her bed, '" rthla, his first oice of un ,eve- mi ht have been drowned. real old "nor wasters" and no mistake. ..- PIANO RECITAL.—On Monde even- the Clinton Gun Club "Ltd." was held suffering much at times through heart fail. '"z gaseseing a voice of unusual g duty for a couple of daps last week, y ;o,azdcompass• Therecitatione, NOTES.—Mias Mattie Jenkins is the How it did snow and blow, roar and owing to Indisposition. Mrs Burne, of ing,•Feb. Ist, Miss Nello Mchfardy will on Tuesday, Jan. 26th, at the Hotel ure, still through it all she manifested ;gga•rltettes and choruses were guest of Mias Lottie Cook for the past tear, foaming like a mad bull„tearing Manitoba, visited her nephew, Mr J. give a piano recital iq the Oddfellows' Clarendon, when the following officers great patience anti strong trust in her . p tYi the standard. Mre Oaten weep. Mr James Leiper hoe gone on up one, street, down another, in the Mc Whinney hall. There will be h small admission and directors were appointed : Presi- precious Saviour (aa she termed it) and ndortaken the training of the a trip to Hamilton; we wish him success back doors, down ebimneys,, yes, annd fee, the r oceeds heir} for the benefit dent, Geo Hinchley; Vice -President, was ready folly to go” when called away, DEATHS.—The sad. news was received P g jn,','4nd to her untiringg efforts in his contract. What, makes Jim into our ery homes. Old h Y g latel b t of the choir Cha ter of, St. Paul's Dr Blackall,; Sec.,.J McMurray; Tress, Her exhortation to all her family was to #aging results are lar ely due. Rapson look so cross? is he going to Winter is a tyrant and no mistake. y y he friends of Dr. J. D, Muth- P J E Hovev— Directors, E Cantelon, J live ri -and love -the Lord,, and, ea.irieef..n __. gg erf°rd of hie sudden feyness on San. church Guild. Alth to b well know❑ .1 B'a'n' reed was kindly. loaned for school? (Schoales; never mind, the way ENTERTAINMENT.--Wingham is this in Olintcin Miss.Mc[iar baa• but Bel Powell,- C'Overbary, J -Mil-ler- aIT&I W .her in the home above. Her last hours _,.fin by' V `D'olierty, of Clin- is clear. Mr d Ing t - .lie was -in _hie usual health.:dur- dew a p J. Miller, of con, 3r "• _ eek•full of entertaln•merit. •First is eared hero .a a-y.ha ianist Foster. Thp.Treaeurer'a re ort chows were spent and term}noted early Sunday i:<'caceedg, amounted to ov,er'$41. this week s0ld ri; ilne horse ata ooc� the Im erial Trio a corn an whose ing the day and attended -ifs classes in PP • 129.ti0; in the treasur a dividend of morning, rho 24th lust., when she pesos- g P P 5 the colla e• after he retired for the but those who have had the pleasure of $ Y 1' figure for shipment to the old country, motive ca to do good. Their entertain-' beaten her in that ca acit are aware 5go was declared,•which will he paid•bp Tully passed away to her reward. 'She fp to Messrs Horton & Innes, menta are illustrated by lime light night he ad an attack of heart failure that th recital will poveyar cuneus the Treasurer, J E Hcvey, at his office. not dead, but sleepeth." ,Her funeral waa , ' Colborne views, and full of interest; as their and before the physicians could be P g • was on the 26th Inst. which was conducted WEinDxNCT.—The residence of David' summoned he had de acted this life. treat to lavers of music. Some lighter ,,,, intended for lastwoek) Ferguson, 6th con.,, was the scene sof a charge is only a silver collection at the P numbers will be contributed by mom^ CDIINTRY NEwa BIID6HT DEA�YED:— It is by Rev R. ltfillyard, her, own pastor, and Mr James Gledhill and door, it laces it within the reach of Dr. Rutherford was a graduate of the hers of the choir, the pro rare is as, seldom that the Naw ERA is abder the ne- Mr Harris, the' Baptist minister. The p s.- happy avant err Wednesday afternoon, Ontario Veterinary college and also of follows:— g oessity of apologizing to its readers on so- choir, under the leadership of W; Doherty, rig - - Myrtle, of Petrolia, are vis- the occasion b:•ing the marrialge of his all. Pro essor Welsh is this week the Rush Medical College of Chicago, ooant of a sparsity of coant � y oorreapond- sang some beautiful selections of mnsio at ng, trIttlds here. Mr Chas. Ginder Dun est dau rhter Miss Annie to Mr holding forth in the temperance ball er "flick with inflSmmation of the on hrenolo Then comes Ste hen• and was taking a course in the Detroit Largo Appassionsta.......... .....'.Beethoven enoe. This week, however its columns the bonne, and Rev Mr Harris referred to g t . + Goddard y- , T. Clhurmilt n Goderich Township, gy P College of Law for the purpose of ettll Mazurka ....„... znai;'ii,• Henry. Allis, we are glad Rev Mr Hamilton a formin the cere� sone skating rink, and owing to the Cachouaha.............. .. • ..1saT are not ae replq);e with interc'stng Wawa the easmple of Christian oharaoter of de- , Staf6 As improving. Marten Stew- P � g storm weather of the ast wee further extending his already broad German Character Son -"Little Frauds," Mre bad ets from the various nooks and corners ceased in a few well chosen remarks. Her > moray. The bride is a opular and Y P k' field of knowled e, besides bein Dean Coleman and Mr Reid g b t4bo has been in Wilson a drug p which made outside skatin an im os- g , g of ire wide domain as could be desired, and remaino were interred in the family plot is highly esteemed young lady, while the g P of; Veterinary department of Medical Four Short Numbers..............Schumann the cause ie doubtless attrlbatakle to the the Clinton Demeter She loaves fouC '' 1F et�,(�%aderich; is home for ood, ow- room ie a roB Brous Dun farmer, sibility, many avail themselves of the Au Rouet•................•...• .. ••...Goddard y ' '{, g P p y g college at the time of his death. Dr. Air do Ballet ....... . ............ Noszkowski storm that has been ra in f r several da s children, one son, J. 0. Stevenson, Mrs xn` ^•�is fathers death, r G. W. son of the popular deputy -reeve of chance they have in this commodious, 'Rutherford was well known here, as solo ......Seleoted........>`tiae May Norman g g _o y , ri l�&on, of Toronto, was trying to Goderich township. and the good up to -date rink. bis home had been in and near St. Consolation .. ......................Liszt past, rendering many of the rural roads al- Robert Callander, of Manitoba, who has dab -society called the Select wisbes of hosts of friends accompany MORE INDUSTRIES.—Win�batn will Helens until he had rown to man- Ballade G minor ........................Cho in most impassable. In future iseaes it ie born with her daring her illness; 11IrS Jn. jgh� of Oanada on Thuraday'even- them in their new undertaking. After doubtless have three new mdustriee hood; he is a ne hew of Mr Joha Rhapsodic Hongrois ........... ... Liszt hoped fall amends will be made for the Claninphame and Miss Eva Stevenson,who ,,,, laEf; wa have not heard what nuc- an am le weddin dinner the roceed- the comm a yin Mr W. Lochridge p Irish Charaater Song—"Barnoys Courtship deficiency, has ministered to her mother's wants dur. s,.he had P R y P g P g Rutherford and the late Hugh Ruthet- Mre Coleman, Mine MaHaray, Mr H.Ite 'd. ing her late yews. The pall bearers were . ed at once to their home on con. 14th, is going ahead with his woollen mill, ford who de arted this life last ear. r MARRIED IN Tan WEST.—T e S ec- �, Goderich Townshi ywhere a lar a ho m to have it in full"blast about p y SUDDEN DEATH.—This, from the p P Moseys P le,J all, W, Doherty, R, lrwie, d°' P, g P B He leaves a widow, a brother, Dr. H, tutor, of High View, Asea., publishes W. C. Saarlo, Jae. Yoruig and H. $taventl. 13tanley gathering of friends awaited them, April. The flax mill company, if or•- Rutherford of Wa ne, Mich., and a Morden, Manitoba, Chronicle refers to the followin notice of the mama a , "., y g $ A peonliar ooinoidence io the feat that the ganized, will go right ahead, and be sister a native C1intoniau, and his oid friends }f.SPERT,—Fred Fossett, who re- --� , Mrs Hewitt, of Dearborn Mich., ,— o! Mr Jacob Coanell,psecond youngest lata Robert fJallander son-in-law of ds- , efi at Granton seems to have the ]Brussels. ready for flax the coming fall. Mr D. mourn his very sudden demise, and here will regret to hear of his death. son of Mrs Connell, of-town:—"A very oeeaed, died on the same date Jan. 24 and itlty that was claimed by the wet- McUormick, once of Wingham, now of man friends and ac uainiancee s m- "On Saturday last Mr Neil Foa, chief tett weddin took lace at the cosi- ' BUsf}LARY.-Early on pundaymorn• yy q y p Y P was also buried on Jon. 26, while her late 'p itches of old, of discovering the ing the American hotel at Hrusnola Goderich, ie contemplating Starting a. "pathize with them. of the Chronicle eta$, received stele- dente of the bride's father, High View, husband also died on the 24th of the month. areabouts of hidden s rings of was entered h one or mare thieves, , brewery here, having dis oead of his gram from Langdon, Dakota, inform- , p IINUSUAI„-A rather unusual occu- i g j at sea o clock Christmas evenin , t@c, where others in searching have y hotel there; he thinks a will start n him that his brother,John Fox, r., when ftev,John S. Dobbin united Fn ' who gaiined admittance byy forcing the manufacturin instead of retailin rence todk place Tuesdaay, when two had died the revious night. On Sun The London Chcotiset amen ., tela of 1ed,. On. the Avery farm several bar -room window up With a crowbar. We leo a to see the three above con- funerals took place toSt.Helens' grave- da Mr N. Fox drove to Lan don, and marriage -Miss Ma ie M. McMillan, the Manitoba school Settlement, which fi c duccessftil attempts .,were made to Tho marauders moat have been ac- P and at the same time. One waa that y g second daughter of Mr Wm. MOMilian, ss. s, is now en its way to Rome for sub• +: Cover wafter, and when the services corns booming before many months, y Chore learned that the death had occur- Hi h View, Assa., and Me Jacob Oon y , quainted with the premises, for their and ma Win ham continue to lead in of Mr Donald McPherson, who some rad twenty &miles this side of Langdon, it bell n to the Pope. The paper vows that o4sett were called in he located a y g to , of rho same place. The bride spring. at once. The same thing purpose seems to have been to got , •the future, as it has done in the• past. thirty years ago came to thio country close to the Pembina River. The de- !t behaves that powerpr al of oe will s9• session of a certain wooden cash -boa, "Excels!or" ever our motto. from Laggan, Inverneoshire, with his ceased had been engaged to cut wood looked charming fn her wedding cos- Dara the Vatican's approval o! the settle• 1 dcurreet #n several places, he in- which contained $28.4ii in cash and nth- sister, having lived with his brother, om one of tare bush farms in the locality tomo of cream carhmere, draped with meat, a• ltstily locating water where previous er valuable papers that belong to the LEAvtNG.-It always gives us great Duncan, who died about 16 months pink silk ribbons and cream silk lace, ni is discavar it ave felled. Foresters of t he town, and which was leasuro in tellia of now induetriea in a o. Mr McPherson took ill on Wed- mentioned, and had heels eo employed orange blossoms, bridal veil and wbite p 3 g Por the pasteix weeks. He ,had con kid loves. 'Shia was abl assisted b �Om.B ��' t �,t txdn in the possession of Mr. A. Keonrc, the Wingham, and vice versa when telling nesday and died on Friday, from tem fated wfnkering fn the woods, and g y y ' P Miss Ma le McLeod in a dress of i proprieter, who is treasurer of the go- of a withdrawal. We have reference paralysis, which was no doubt hasten- returning to Langdon in the spring, to gn rf g annual meeting of testy. Tile box Cvao cut open and tat- now to the old established t snnery; ed by old age, as he teas 70 years o! resume his tog�ilar bueineBa of horse et eam;cas mere, pale blue silk ribbons, il9iosh Insurance Cpm- ken outdoors, and together w"i£h the now carried on as a branch o4 Hymen's ago. Mr cPherson was of a uiet trainin pn NOR; year's day he ob- orange blossoms anl'white kid ggloves. the front street ' hote 'last[ week, a good papers it contained, was placed lndide big tannery, of London. They babe and retiring dinpoa#tion and retained served �$e holida b cin out rabbit The groom Chas assisted by Mr GJharles a �oupto of doors ptet3fsnt; file old direct- the storm door, which was not locked, resolved to closg up the Wingham the Gaelic Ian uage almost exclusiv�el�r shootin Roturnfn� �t m�ht, accord• Connell, brother of the groom. Only and visit t y p g g g t d ing to the atetements o4 those with the relatives and a few friends of the '` ` tlted; . also,, the auditor, thereb re lapin everythin but the branch, removin rho same to London• ill the last. r Robt. Barbour die s feet af<Hultett. Tho com• canh, The burglars diff not molest the Quite a number of hands halve been or& Saturday' mornin� g, at the home of whom he war woriring, lie oto a hearty codtracting parties were present, At HOLLORtAZr ►q Tsrilor Shr�� b fi>#lii1Y 't»iindition. Tho eneral cash drawer which contained atmpI ,ad continually in this tanneryy, his son, Mr Archie Barbour, of Luck- Su er, and shortly afterwards went rho eoncluston of the ceremony all sat gg ballot to com» g4 or 5 because ft viae an alarm bell and Win bam merchants •will indi- now; the immediate cause cit his death PP wag t to a yielding su per. The bride on Huron Street, �lected'by+, $ � g to bed. Tn the morning !t was d#soop- � y LLL brit it is it's lain attache td. So far nothing! is missed redly, be the losers by the transfer, boing dropsy. Mr Barbour waa a baro- erea that he wan dead, The L'an don 'was the renobfult p a umber o her where ou rain get , d e dl�palhried oihcer o filo but the society's money, which they Tis firm always paid their mtn good ther of Messrs Wm. g ldJohnBarbour, if�1 and useful presents from her a first cIaes, well -fitting y� Coroner was'notified and a amine the fiiiends. Zhe nt ht wan ver leasant• Suit of Clotho a n til: flet kis li>;ector erten, the seemed to think was enough to recom- W& as most of which was spent in of West Waygltttusb, and was at one boa , and'ro ortod death from natural g e P s' tit a ant reap is." ones them far their trouble, The Wits 1'iam., After all, it iS. the work- tune conneottsd twftl the Prssb terian y &r ++ ly spent Cvith aingin��, speeches and rat ss. reasonable price: , wIi g y p , g y causetr. Jaclt Fox, as her was famfl» 1 antes until firs, o olpclr in the morn• tlu' 4hort time tho of• ni ht was a ood one for their purpose 'fn • W91h th'ot builds upp a town, and church here. 116 lesives'f()1Ak sons and larl calle was h general favorite in :, fth the law more ` there being ssg hear wind and snow- Yib iCtayg ;'the capitalist; Sometimes three daughters, whO ltav r the aitzeere h camimuriit where he lived for 10 ung, when Mr anti Mit Connell left for , //�� "�' �* : • , d i�1'ly+, * ri y , t y'= their h+ym+s in Ili h View": .� * tt� • Honow�r� • �t 'r&mpt, not strain M the stoem, which would covelr- up their, ,the ttel cards, while rho tither clr• sympathy of ritaarijt : tis'lefr<clb In this vl• years, slid 'lila sudden death was a g Bir1�>r Ss d A0. ;,O, 411ow a camel. tracks, �No glue. I s, . , dinity and elsoi!Vbetre, . . groat shack, , �2is Nmw Ert1l$ttvee the Homo news. i;+�8T01�i ” r .:i :t I •'gyp * ' .. '• 1', I C - , I .,. • V �,• ( .4 .' - n•.. ♦. f. I t h u I r . . a . ,.. + „ . . ,. , lj{ •.., 1�.. .� �'1 �..r...•-.•.i�.r.1W,.'G1� � u. W�f. � _ , .. :,r.. ,�_-Y.. �.._w-.r.. J,...,. ....-[...lM:,n--•,e...2.