HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 8TOE CLOTTO Nr #11' ERA 1)111.011Q0. Change. The hptiexa;figned desires to intimate to the p •op1e of Clilntan that he has bought c t tb.e utobering Wetness lately conduct-. d ,y.,oid. .roe., and will oontinue the ` Dille in th. h nd, Huron St., Clinton, ",iem, b Mi, 4 Mention to the wants of AA; ilia es to merit and re . wlaer:; l' '1tN''Ilatronnge. He wig ahV:at the lowest prices Ntrallie, Clinton. U TCHER SHOP k'Qt»' •' . NtJAPBY, afiO doing fin ees on the cash principle, and it enpply par clip omens with the beet ea oat t owest paying prices. Patrons may rely 'Q?l gOcaleerviee and prompt filling of orders. t?RD & MURPHY • Central Bttoher Shop, Clinton CITY BUTCHER SHOP 1 wish, to infoem the public that I will!not ;'be nederaoid by any other person in the lbuainess• t flap, a practical butcher, and jrenderatgnd all the branches of the business. !We keep the very beet meats and a full stook always on hand, and will sell at the ';:'•;;Lowest Gash Prices. Bring along y ou r ,?;money and get the meat at the oath pride. `'We will give Credit but not at oath prices. 'lease oall and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOTTR AND FEED STORES. k"." o d uce Exchange :adquarters for all kinds oft D & GARDEN SEEDS Twt •ors choice Seed Corn just ar- rivet. ....ora Illinois. We have a large 1` Feed Corn. Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. lly-e,:st market price paid for Coarse {.rall].6, or taken in exchange. ge,sh paid for Eggs. . BILL & ,7OYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S 'FlourmFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 14) poundssu hoi of Oa tms.eal for 1 r COOK, CL , TON. BANKS. he Moisons Bank.• Incorporated by Act of Parltament,1855 CAPITAL, $2,000,000. BEST FUND, - $1,400,000. EM.) OFFICE,, MONTREAL J. H. R. MOLBON... .. President WollerSton THOMAS.... General Manager es discounted Collections made, Drafts is - d, Sterling and American exchange bought and gold. Interest allowed on deposits. VINGS BANof $. and nst allowed on sumsnp. Er A RMS Rtet y advanced to farmers on their own note tie or more anor security No mortgage re- ied rity H. C. BREWER, Manager. 'VERY FAM I LY Ie a very remarkable i..raedy, both for IN- THIRNAL and 'EXTERNAL uae, and wm- derflil in its quick action to r..lieve dietxees. PAIN -KILLER fa a euro caro for Sere 'Throat. Co angers, Cholera,andrallboual'Co/uj,I.luluts. , f.:ndny,a, PAIN-KILLER1e rifISIE DLES ' rem. /•,r-y !,noon Wr kdvrt. Sielcuessf Sick lleaelnelae, 1"sin 111 tree Back se Side, likellillanAlisnit and Neuralgia, FAIN -KILLED 18 1•14,17'!S'rinwAa1.Y the, P. is rvie 1).11R1MENT MADE. It twines srEreY AND PERM,lnak•r ail -ll l+ in all cases of .cruises, Q;aete, serrtdns, i§eYere Burns, etc. PAIN -KILLER 1s thin well tried and true,,it friend of Mo Mechanic., I'nriiier, Pi,iidere Sailor, apd of tart all classes Wanting a medicine always at haled, and,SAre To USE internally or externally with certainty t of relief. Beware of imitations. Take moa bat the genuine "natal' DaMe.' Sold everywhere ; 7Gc. big bottlo. Very largo bottle, Loc. 0. 'ID. McTAGOART. BANIKHR BERT ST, - °LINTON. general anking I3usinesil tI ansacted NOTE k i)ISCOUNTED Drafts jingle • I Interest allowed on posits. WAR apt l% i-TISIDALL '•I I.i: „tVRr Gray's Syrup of Red For Coughs, Soruce Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore n m throat, etc. KERRY, WATSON & CO., PRop5lcrorl6, MONTREAL. SPRAYING !LOUT TREES: Interesting Report by the Provincial Instructor in Fruit Spraying— Extracts From the Actual ResultstObtained. Mr W. M. Orr, of Fruitlands, near Stoney. Creek, provincial instructor in fruit spraying, has just handed in to the Department of Agriculture his. re- port for the past season. The report is extrernely interesting and contains useful information gathered from all sections of the pioviUCe. It demon- ,strates clearly.. _thztt the spraying of fruit trees is not only conducive to a large crop, but is also a sure means of obi wining a liner quality. It also proves that the Department of Agri- culture instituted a popular move and confer r ed a great boon on the province wheu it began two years ago to give practical demonstration and instruct- ion in thi3 useful method of preserving fruit trees. The report is all the more into esting because it contains the act- ual results from all the orchards wflere experiments were made, and compari- sons are made of other years, when spraying was not in vogue. Thefollow- ing extracts from souls of the resrtlts, picked at random from the large num- ber in the report: In Capt. Henderson's fruit oath e n the to. orchard at I3ui'lin g sprayed trees was free from worm and of fine gualicy, while that on the un - the unsprayed trees was wormy .and droppy. Air. Mand, of Drum's:), had excel- lent results. The Northern Spy trees which were sprayed bore 40 per cent more fruit than those which were not sprayed, and the apples were much •lar- geraud cleaner; but it was in snow ap- -lles where he reaped the most benefit, eor the last six years his snows have been very badly damaged by what is known as the black scab, but this year the trees which were sprayed yielded 95 her cent of clean, marketable fruit, while those trees which had not. been 'treated only gave 4 per cent. Mr. J. M. Robertson, of Galt, is an- other who benefitted largely by this new system. By actual count his "snows" that were treated produced 95 per cent of clean apples, and those not treated only 10 per cent. McKIIIop•Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM &ISOLATED TO % N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED (Smarms. Geo. Watt President, Harlock P.O.; James Broadfoot, Vice-Pree.Seaforth P.O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy -Tress., Seafortb P,O.; M. Murdie, In- spector of losses, Seaforth P.. O. DIRECTORS. Jas, Broadfoot,Seaforthl M. Murdie, Seafortb; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt Harlock; T. E. Hays, Seafortb; Alex Gardiner,' Lea&bury; Thos Carbutt, Clinton ; John McLean, Rippon. AGENTS, Thos. Neilane Oarlock; Robt. McMillan Sea. forth and J. Cumings, Egmonriville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran soot other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adr seed to their respeoitve offices BANKERS, $orimilios 1Tuzeery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make -a-specialty, LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address. JOHN STEWART, RENIRILLER OLIN IVO V. i➢aT Sdvances made to farmers on notes at low rates of interests own •A• general Banking Bnslesese transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bough J. P TISDALL, Manager. For Tweincl y -Six Years 4ttintop , '4ning Mill . . —.AND -- DRY EILN I ' The enbscriber, haying the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men ie able to do work in his line in the most Neon the shortest mannernotice reasonable trial soliates and cited FACTORY NEAR-G.TIR. STATION, CLINTON THE TOWN HALL BOOT AND SHOE KEEPAIRSHOP. 'woos Young 'Vile veil kiieWii B0 t and Shoe Maker, baa op^n 'ti ed•Repairt8h0P in the Clinton 'Two Hal and W} l eikOCUte tIt orders entrusted to hie ease webernietietiau'b16 t natlst him a rale V. or- , Work a'tpo y DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Dreaming of Home The following touohing poem is from the pen of Mr James Ohurohill, Indian Head, Man., a brother of Mrs Jas. Lindsay, 15th oon, Goderioh township. I dreamed a dream while I slumbered That for worlds I would not forget, And when I awoke in the morning, 'Twee Prean in my memory yet. I dreamed of the dear old homestead And the loved ones who were there, And I knelt again as in childhood, Beside my mother's chair. Aer hand, d nypg As upon And oh, with the light of the dawning I oould not think her dead, And I saw that dear old father The same as in days of yore, Just as ready to join the children In their games upon the floor. And all of the loved ones were present, Every brother and sister dear, The circle was all unbroken, Nor grieved by parting tear, And by the big bed in the bedroom The trundle bed stood as of old, Which three little white robed figures So nosily did hold. And near was the old red cradle, ',Tr) W hiohwas rooked with gentle care,: , . As one by one the wee ones Came to be sheltered there. But ohl with the light of the morning The loved ones all had flown, atrin And I knew''twas a dream of midnight and that strange>l'e the homestead owned. Yet I thank the Heavenly Father SO That the vision He sent to me,i s6rtn To cheer me on till we gather a Beyond the "Jasper Sea." :liissel vu,9e And as one by one we're going, —.7sna May we meet by the great white throne,0 And may God "in His loving kindness Number lie all his own. A PROVIDENTIAL CUE. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. RES - From a Life Burdened Wifh • P a' a •and Su Tering. Languor, Severe Eeadachee and Pains in the Region of the Kidneys Made the life of Mrs MdCauce miserable—Dr Williams' Pink Pills Cured After Other Medicines Failed. From the Gravenhurst Banner Poor health Is an affliction that is dread- ed by every one, and the first sign of ap- proaching disease is usually met with an attempt on the part of the patient to check and kill it. Frequently, however, even the most skilled physicians fail, and the suffer- er endures, a weary round of agony such as those who aro in the full enjoyment of health can have no conoeption of. But when at last a medicine is found that will cure, its worth cannot be estimated in dol- lars and cents. it is without price. Stich is the opinion of Mr and Mrs McCauce, of Ashdown, Ont. Mr MoCauce tells the story of his wife's illness and curo as fel- lows:—"For three or four years past my wife had been constantly failing in health, The first symptoms of her trouble were languor and loss of appetite, accompanied by bearing down pains and headaches, which affected her periodically. As time - grew on she was attacked with pains in the. region of her 'Kidneys that became almost unbearable owing to their severity. Home remedies and different medicines were tried but with no good results. Last winter she grew so weak and helpless that -I was ob- liged to seek medical aid for Her, and ac- cerdingly sent her out to Barrie, where she received the best medical attention, the result of which was only slightly beneficial. On her return, owing no doubt to the tedi- ousness of the journey, she suffered a re- lapse, and her trouble came back in a form more aggravated than before. I noticed in a paper which I was reading one day a tes- timonial from one who had been cured of a similar trouble, and although knowing that other remedies had failed in my poor suffering wife's case, there was yet a ray of hope. I therefore procured a few boxes of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and on my return home administered the first dose to my wife. It is perhaps needless to relate that before- the first supply was exhausted she found great relief. My wife now commenc- ed to enjoy a buoyancy of spirits and kept on taking the Pink Pills with increasing good results. 13y the time she had need six boxes her condition had so improved that her neighbors were unprepared to be- lieve the evidence of their own eyes when seeing the change in her appearance: Be- fore taking ti e pills it was a govere task even to dress herself, much less to do any houseworlc,while now, althongh not having used any of tho pills for more than a couple of months, she attends to all her household duties without the slightest inconvenience. Taking all things into coneideration, I feel it a duty I owe to other sufferers to recom- mend these little pink messengers of health whieh stood between my well-nigh distract- ed wifd'and the jaws of a lingering death." The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease duo to a viti- ated condition of the blood or slfattered nerves, that Dr Williams' Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and those who are suf- ferine from such troubles would avoid much misery and save trouble by promptly resorting to this treatment. Get the genu- ine Pink Pilis every time, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer, who for the sake of the extra profit to bimself,may ray is "jnet as good." Dr Williams' Pink Pills cure when other medioines fail. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE WILL CARRY THE SOARS, TO HER GRAVE ,' n ac rsw.awr3uc,ctrrtmc' ^'m»-'r•-eea+r+ Spent Thousands for Health, but did riot ob at in,tbis greatest of all Blessings until she used Great South A_rnerioan 1 hea- gtmatfa Cure. Suffered intensely for 12 .rte. Years, Mrs F. Brawley, of Tottenham, Ont., l States: "I suffered almost continually for 12 years withrheumatism, the effects of which I will carry to my grave, and while the joints at my elbows and wrists are y.i stiff I am entirely freed from pain in the use of South American Rheumatic Curr, . It haei'edeed proved a Wonderful care i s my case. I have spent thousands of dol - jars in doctcrs' bills and medicines without avail. Five bottles of this wonder -worker has cured all pain. I am better in health generally than I have been for ten years." Sold by Watts & Co. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpe- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitas' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERiCH, ORT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON ',LADIES ! MOOOlpatlon from Pain DI SOUND IN Dr. LeRoy's Female Pills. the only tellable and tnvtwott y pre natation known. fittest, strait and moist endive remedy ovor diteorered for all irreg• mantissathefomslesrstem. foaledetrealaat{ froo. Moo ti or,boxof etli.orbymfll securely seated on receipt 01prlcm. unkt ' Co. Vietorla St,. Toronto. Cbn. I ti 'Bide 1b3' AL1i+tHNZIN *LBON J. C. STEVENSO —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER M —AND-- EMBAL AMER. GOODS KPT it STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidnsed Splendid Hearse. ABERT ST., CLI TON Residence over : ore OPPOSI'1'L7 TOWN EIALL atirilase tri beef Sr.„. CORRESPONDENCE "• ^if Thea Naw Eon is not in any wav reopen.' 'e for othnions expressed uadar this head.: .w, :dyi Colborne To the Editor of the New Era: flt0 ,S111,1= DEAR Ren.,—There has been in your paper a long discussion in regard to the shooting match between the Maitland and the 2nd con. Now, Mr Editor, the parties wbo have been corresponding for the Maitland cannot hank up what was said in last week's issue, and I think if there was anv gentle- man about the Maitland correspondent he would not talk about something he knew nothing about. Ikfs easily seen why the captain of the Maitland wanted he match before Thanksgiving day. any ma e can rove that I wanted the match a no t hislweek befor Thanksgiving day, it WA's the Maitland that wanted it, and they dare not deny it. When the captain of the Maitland manifested considerable anger, I consented to having it a week ear- lier. I easily saw there was something he and bis side had in store. and, Mr Editor, I will tell the Maitland con. that theylnev- er shot an honest matoh against the 2nd oon. for the last three or four years, as one year I shot with `the Maitland men, and it was not by honest shooting that the Mait- land side beat the 2nd con. that time, and they have not shot honest against the 2nd this time. This statement I defy your correspondent for the Maitland team to deny. Another thing, we did not have to kito have blcod todaubonthe llhefbefore the match, wounded spots of the'game shot before the day of the match, nor did we have to go to our fathers•in-law, or send some one there the night before the match, and take from off his ice house a couple of coon skins and ekuhk tail, nor did any one of the 2nd con. have an intended son-in-law bring us coon and skunk tails. The correspondent for the Maitland stated that a certain par- ty -of the contest was seen shouldering his gun and going to the wee lake. Now I want him to prove this. We were not fairly dealt with in our contest. The 2nd con. did not have more fonl play than the Maitland,whielr they cannot honestly deny. In conclusion, I would say to the oorres- 'pondent of the Maitland, he is to put up now or henceforth hold his peace, and if he would Dome to my residence any time inside of two weeks, I will arrange with him for a real test at a target. I can take a man off my side, and let him take any man out of the ten from the Maitland, or else I can take my team against the Mait- land team. Now, 'Mr, Editor, had the Maitland - shot honestly and fair, anti not have brought game with them on the night of the match that they never saw alive (I can prove this)'I would not complain. If I had had no experience with the Maitland team, I would think they were a good hon- est lot of men to shoot, but as I was on their aide a couple of years ago, and know that roguery won that time, and that we have proof against them this time. The only way the second would eboot is at target, and then they would bavo to be honest and truthful. The Maitland blow about their men being such crack shots on the wing, bdt WOAthink THE 2ND CoN.n oh them. 0 ascii-Aelte. Tace.Aehe, Sciatic Palos, Neuralgic Pains, Pain in the Side. etc. Promptly Itellevcd and Clued by The "1). & Leii Menthol Piaster rteving nerd your D. A.1,, Menthol Mostar for never.. porn In the bm•k 111 lnmbngn l unhesitatingly recommend ammo as a garb, Onto and rapid n•r,rdy : In fin), they not ftko 10451o. --A- I.APousTa, Elizabethtown, Ont. Price 28c. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, MONTaltAL. When I was Well. While i was Sick. And Noir MR. AXWELL JOHNSTIN One of the Best Known Printers in Canada, Tells the story of his terrible sufferings, and gives an accou of his rescue from tCte Jaws of Death: Probably no one is better known to the printing trade of Canada than Max- well Johnston, of Maxwelell Johnston & Co., 72 Bay street, Toronto. His many years of experience have ac- quainted him with almost every per- son in the entire trade. To many of his friends it has been known that he has suffered during very severe illness the past year, and in regard to the same Mr. Johnston writes the follow, ins letter :— T. ,LORONTii, Dec. 3, 1896, TIIESstts. !i. MIterrRtt & Co,: ,DEAR SIRS,—For over tela months I suffered from dropsy, caused by kidney trouble which followed an attack of la grippe. The symptoms rapidly became serious and medical aid was called in. Among others who were consulted were Dr. Wallace, Dr. Norman Allen, Dr." Weir and Dr. Glass, all of this city, and ,I can truly state that they made every effort that medical skill could provide. Seven operations were performed within six months, during which time 1 visited at different periods for the purpose of these operations the followins, hospitals, viz: The Toronto General Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital and Grace Hospital. Although all that could be done for me was faithfully and skillfully performed, I received only temporary relief, the operations only serving to remove the enormous quantities of water which con- stantly accumulated. As :t matter of fact, 17 gallons of water were removed during the last two operations. After the last operation I was given up to die and was given only six to twelve days to live. In addition to the best medical skill which money could procure, Fused all kinds of patent medicines which pro- mised relief, but without effect. A]1 the family remedies suggested, such as Milk- weed Tea, Pumpkin Seed Tea, Mullein Lea Tea, Spanish Onion Tea, Sweet Nitre nd Buchu, etc., were faithfully tried but gave not -'the slightest relief, s'./ John McGregor, Esq., barrister. that I had lost all hope, when I was per.. Chas. McDonald, Esq., barrister. suaded to try Doan's Kidney Pills, to- gether with Laxa Liver Pills. To my surprise I received almost immediate re- lief. At this time I was unable to lie down and.for three and a half months previously wart forced to sleep in a chair. My waist measure was then 49 inches; it is now 33 inches since the wonderful cure made by these pills. I consider myself perfectly cured and feel strong and well. Illy weight, when I was attacked was 19Ei pounds, After the operations I was reduced to 130. I weigh now MG, By carefully watching the action of Doan's Pills and Laxa Liver Pills I am positive that to them alone is due the wonderful cure whiclt has taken place in nay cage+ aro a printer by trade and have held. positions in the offices of The Globe, ilfail, Methodist Book ,Room, etc., as well as in Ohio and Detroit, Mich., and have been an employing printer since 1877. Although it may seem incredible, every word I have stated is the truth, and I am prepared to back it by the evidence of hundreds of citizens and friends who knew me before I was`sick and afterwards, while I was near death's door, and who -now, to their surprise, see mo restored to complete health by the use of Doan's Kid= ney Pills, assisted by Laxa Liver Pills, I shall be glad to answer inquiries from sufferers from kidney orliver troubles at any time, and refer to the following, gen- tlemen who have knowledge of the facts, and can verify every worst. I say. Many of these gentlemen knew me before my sickness, during my terrible sufferings, and since I was restored to health. My testimony is given voluntarily and with- out any consideration of any kind, either directly or indirectly. I give it solely for the benefit of ,my fellow beings who may be afflicted with Dropsy or Kidney troubles of any kind, viz. :— R. J. Fleming, Esq., Mayor of Toronto. E. F. Clarke, Esq., 11LP., ex -Mayor. Rev. H. C. Dixon, of Gillespie, An- sley & Dixon. J. W. St. John, Esq., M.PP. Patrick Boyle, Esq., of the Catholic Register. Dr. Phillips. J. B. Cook, Esq., photographer. W. G. Murdock, Esq., barrister. T. C. Robinette, Esq., barrister. Mr Grant Bramble, the telegraph opera- tor of Sleepy Eye, Minn., who has sold the patent right for a new rotary engine to an English syndicate for $7,100,000, is a Can- adian, and worked for several years on the invention in Winnipeg, - A VETERAN'S STORY At Eighty Years of age One Box of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder cares a case of Fifty years standing—it . relieves Colds and Catarrh in Thirty minutes George Lewin, of Shamakin, Pa., writes: "I am eighty years of age. I have been troubled with catarrh for fifty years, and inir&time have used a great many ea- tarrhabures, but never,had any relief nntil I used Dr Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder. One box cured me completely, and it gives me great pleasure to recommend it to all suf- fering from this malady." Sold by Watte A N D NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE Raving Heart and Nerve Troubles, such as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Feeling, Loss of Memory, Dizziness, Feeling of Anxiety, or Morbid Mental Condition, etc. For Thin or Poor Blood, General De- bility, after effects of La Grippe, etc., they are most valuable. These Pills do not stimulate for the moment as h-,"dy and other pow , but act as a tonic, ,.:i permanently, building up the tissues, restoring regular Heart action, regulating the digestive organs and neutralizing the poisonous acids of the blood. Their direct action on the Nervous Sys- tem gives tone and vigor to every nerve, so that sufferers from any Heart or Nerve Disease are sure to find almost imme- diate benefit. Each box is gual'anteed to give •satis- faction. 'Your money back if you want it. Price 6oc. per box, or 3 boxes for $t.6o. M. J. Quinn, Esq., barrister, etc. John Kent, Esq., of Gowans, Kent & Company. - Geo. Gwatkin, Esq., of Gwatkin & Son. J. Gordon Mowat, Esq. J. .7. McCaffery, Esq. R. G. McLean, Esq. Chas. B. Doherty, Esq. Wm. Verner, Esq. John Stormont, Esq. J. G. Ramsey, Esq. Geo. Vere:al, Esq. Ex-Ald. W. T. Stewart. G. T. Peudrith, Esq. '• h John Imria, Esq., oflmrie & Gr & a Wm. Hovenden, Esq. • • Wm. -'.1'h relkeld, _Esq. W, 5, Johnston, Esq. .r. J. , Esq. .Tas. E. Henderson, Esq;,, of ngtc$4 w & Ilendersun. FrederickRyanDiver, Esq,, Central Pr Agency, Toronto, • Harry Brown, Esq., of Brown Bros:, Co., Toronto. Nicholas Murphy, Esq., Q.C. Thus, Parkinson, Esq., of Mese Powell & Parkinson. John Brown, Esq., cornet' Simooe a>x Adelaide streets. Ed, T, Britten, Esq., of Britten Bradshaw. Chas. Field, Esq., Queen street easy; Wm. Hirst, Esq., corner Church an Shuter streets. And hundreds of others. Yours truly, - r MAXWELL JOHNSTON.` Mr. Johnston appeared before Mr. Henderson, Commissioner in the Hig Court of Justice, and gave the folloNiii declaration as regards the absolute trut of the statements made in Ms letter DOMINION OF CANADA, Province of Ontario, County of York. . <' To WIT :—In the matter of a letter .r Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., dated 3rd De cember, 1896, 1, Maxwell Johnston, o the City of Toronto, in the County Q York, do solemnly declare that the stat Inents contkined in the above letter a true, and I make this solemn deelarat,io conscientiously believing it to be tru and knowing that it is of the same fo and effect as if made under oath and- b virtue of the Canada evidence act, 1893, declared before me at, Toronto, in th County of York, this 3rd day of Detente ber, 1896, by Chas. Henderson, a Com.; missioner in H. C. J. Courts. (Signed), MAXWELL JOHNSTON, • of Maxwell Johnston & Co., 72 Bay street, Toronto, Ont. THE BEST PHOTOGRAPH S ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER SPINNEY *c CO.' The Old Itellabie Epee abets. dS Yearn Experiorkau► AAathaw, Stondiitla. lf.r. Chronic nod Special Ditto ;1 eaves et man and wlrma . •`.e 1 lag Nuked der Won't" ubisd—traarf alia. Y'cured without No irLooulearsi' FE and .Y .saw' Ditatr '. butgel W ■ , !room Ilia aid* I1 IIfo11fM. aid* er triiYlii, s Iso bids with W i:, 111611e-iged 1.01,111"10. too frillirallitisatanntwa' Wan who Zia of Mk difficulty, 'aliment oi tamaa- The dotter wig se sultatlos frac Those tumble in call, saa walk. 1411 at oar awl Mad Sash,DootiBlindraetorl COOPER BROS., - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the oounty, and has the very latest improved int» ohinery, cutpabie of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an ettetitii0 and reliable stook and prepaxed plans, and give estimates for and build all oboo4 es of buildinge on short notice and on the closest prices. Ail work is sly* ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed.'" We soil all kinds terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, .Bli11.441 Agents for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DIOSH1 0141140W at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before plaolog spur order"'