HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 7Tallowy 22, 1897 THE WANTON NEW NRS►, U N YO N e 'Success of Ilis l wnroved II'oincepllt flit leo°fled y Bas 1>_taale his Name • ITOUSEHOLD WORD ith These Wonderful Snec:t- .fics in the House you Can YOUR OWN DOCTOR eve Your Druggist Put Yon up a Family fJbest of Munyon's Remedies. Study sonyon's Guide to Health and You Can Save Hundreds of Dollars in Dootor'e ees. ,• Mr J. H. Goodall, Managing Director of be Dominion Distributing Company, Toronto, west, d eta ids street, 4 A lied, . m i ays;—“It is now three weeks since I began heism, I y ons n treatment a the resuls hehave been im I cti.n safely case. This die- to nay Y 1 woods '`imof 8 P Yjoints in themy $tile has affected me jT;nees and in or.e of my feet, and at times Was SO bad as to cause me excruciating iafns I tried a number of other remedies but received no benefit from them. Inside if three weeks Munyon's Rheumatism Cure 'bas completely cured me." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fails foto relieve in one to three hours, and cure :in a few days. Price 15o. Munyon'e Dyspepeisi,- „Cure positively 'rpttied all forms of indigestion and stomach r'trontble Price 25o. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia • and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Pride • c.he Munyon's Cough Cnre stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily ,teals tY a lungs. Price 25o. Munyon's Kidney Cure epoeidsilyand allcures Pains in the back, loins or forms of kidney disease. Price 25o. • Munyon's Headache Cure etopsheadache *in three minutes, Price 25o. Mutayon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Pride 25c. Munyon's Blood Cute eradicates all im= purities of the blood. Price 25c. Mnuyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. • Munyon's Asthma Remedies li veice in .3 minutes and cure permanently. a 51. Munson's Catarrh Remedies 250—eradicates The Catarrh Cure—price the disease from the 25c—cleanse andm, and eheal Ca- • tarrh Tablets—price the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonic.. Price 25. • Munyon's Vitalizer rgatores lost vigor. Price 111. A separate cure for mostly 25c a vial. At all druggists, ersonal letters to Prof. Munlyon, with dr 13 Albert St., Toronto, e medical advice for any disease. A FAMOUS INSCRIPTION Carved on a Stone Marking the groat Fire or London, On August 20, 1876, was discovered in Pudding Lane, where the groat fire of London began, the stone whioh bore the original English inscription that was placed on the monument erected close by in memory of that event. This great fire covered with ruins 896 acres, extending from the Tower westward to the Temple Churoh, and from the northeast gate to Holborn bridge, destroying St. Paul's Cathedral and 87 other churches, the city gates, the Royal Ehohange, the Custom House, Guild Hall, Sion House, whioh was then by London Wall. and many other public buildings, besides 18,200 pri- vate_ liege, and laying waste 400 streets. About 200,000 persons were forced to encamp in the fields of Isling- ton and Highgate: but only eight deaths were reported as resulting from this oonflagrabon. The monument was erected a000rdint to the design and,dirt•e" n • f Sir Christo- pher Wren between 1671 and 1677. The pedestal -h, and the edifice altogtt' being the distanoe of spot where the fire uc. rn- memorates. The s.. ate of 646 steps of bine,. the lotbteit isolated colt, ria. and therefore has , ;tpting lactims• e. position tor persons of hose. In'oonsegnence oc sits se fatalities a fence was placed round the railing of the gallery in 1869. But though this monument was rightly and worthily erected to commemorate the Etre, Inas- muob as it led to so little loss of human life, and, moreover, to the city being rebuilt on more favorable sanitary prin- ciples, at the same time the English in- scription that the dread and suspioion with which Boman • Catholics were then regarded caused to be placed upon it was, 11 false and groundless a now allow, a .g accusation. There were three other inscriptions in Latin; but it was the English one, out in 1881 that propagated th 1e slander. The words inscribed were as follows: "This pillar was set up in perpetual re- membrance of the most dreadful burning of this Protestant city, begun and car- ried on by ye treachery and malice of ye Popish faction in the beginning of Sep- tember, in ye year of our Lord 1666, in order to ye carrying on their horrid plot for extinguishing ye Protestant religion We ,entice in -the London Free Press report of the elections for the county outwit of Middlesex, that M a • Hodgins, reeye of Biddulph, polled the largest vote of any candidate in the whole county. He nearly equalled the e combined vote of his two opponents n bis own district. This is only the se- cond contest in which he has ever en- gaged, heaving been elected reeve by acclamation thirteen times and also warden by acclamation. He is said by the Free Press to be one of the clever- estmen at the county parliament. and is a strong candidate for the warden's chair inthe new council. Mr. Hodgins is a brother of the Rev, Rural Dean Hodgins, rector of St. Thomas church, Seaforth. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. ' Is the testimony of Frank S. Emerick, of Alvinston, Ont.—Says South American Sidney Cure Saved his Life—It Relieves in Six Hours. i'For two years I was greatly troubled with lridney disease. I suffered intense pain, and frequently was unalettler to owork. 1 doctored at intervals, but got no relief. I began to grow worse, and the pains were frequent and intense. About an` this time I saw South American Kidney Cure advertised as a speedy a lid a bottfor le, troubles. I p and it gave me wonderful relief in a few hours. I improved steadily, and after tak- ing four bottles I amcompletely oared. I consider it worth its weight in gold, for it assuredly saved my life." Sold by Watts & Co. To Delfiiqueut Subscriber$ (Noa Tam NEW hits) [The following comes from a subscriber in Detroit, and we gladly give it space. We may say in reply to the postscript. that renewale have come in very well. though there are quite a number who have not yet responded.—En. NEW Ewe] Dear friends, one and all, please allow me to call, Although we may be unacquainted. I've a message to give, and as long as you live, If you heed it, you'll never repent it.. Our editor kind is much troubled in mind, Through sickness, bereavement and sorrow, Let us all lift our shares of the burden he bears, Let us do it To -Des, not to -morrow. Let us pay up arrears, let us quickly renew, He has dunned us, now don't let him scold US. The paper is larger and wears a new dress, Which cost like the "dickens" they told ne. Come, now, send in your money in dollars or dimes, By February first let us do it. The NEW Eno is spicy, is up to the times, Let tie pay up arrears and renew it. P.S.—Mr Editor—Please let us all know how promptly we are paying up, and oblige One of them. Tnetorni us BENFD ICT. Jan. 11, 1897. and old English liberty, and ye intro- duotng Popery and slavery." The burning at the stake for their re- ligious opinions of 277 persons in England and Wales during tho reign of Mary, the repeated plots by priests and o Church to other members of the Burnish Ch asstiesinate Queen Elizabeth, whioh oe- pasioned the execution of Mary, Queen of Soots; gunpowder plot, in the reign of James I., to destroy kings, lords and commons, all combined to make British Protestants dread Popery; and even if they did not suspect Charles II. of being a Roman Catholic, which he was in truth, and avowed himself upon his death -bed, yet they knew that his brother, the Duke of York, who would succeed him as James 1I., was professed- ly a member of that Churoh, and there- fore they had readily believed-- in --that "Popish plot," which was only a • fiction of Titus Oates and others, but for whioh 'tete aged Viscount Stafford was executed on December 29, 1680, besides 17 other - Roman Catholics. Naturally, this insolrptlon was oblt terated by James IL, and though It was revived in the reign of William III., to assist in justifying his taking the throne of that former sovereign, his father-in- law, yet it was finally, as a falsehood, removed by order of the Common Coun- cil of the City of London on January 28, 1881. "Wm. Elliott, the veteran clerk and treasurer of Seaforth, entered upon his 213th year of office on Jan. 11. r• . Murray & Laninan's 'FLOi IDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST -FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANI ERCHiE1, TOILET OR BATH, :ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. 0 ' . AN ACHING BACK And the Misery it Causes The kidneys cannot talk and the only way they have of letting as know whe.:t they are sick is by making our banks ache. If it Wordy a little ache the kidneys s e only a little sick. If it is a big, peace- de• etroying, nerve -ranking aobe, the kidneys are more than a little sick. In either case it must be attended to a,t once. Doan'e Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys, make them strong and healthy, and atop aching backs in every ease. Here is a sample ease. Mre R. 8. Gagen, Clinton, Ont., says, "Since I was 19 years of age I have suf- fered from lame back and other kidney troubles whioh seemed to become worse as I grew older. .... .. "Althosgb I had taken a great deal of medicine hoping to get relief I am sorry to sal that none of the medicines I tried were successful. However, I am now happy to state that the Doan's Kidney Pills whioh I bought at Allen & Wilson's drug store proved the remedy I had so long been searching for. "They were just what I needed because I commenced to improve at once after taking them, and now do not besitate to say that every vestige of pain has been removed from my baulk, and also that I am in mach better health in other ways as a result of using these remarkable pills." AN IMPORTANT ,Z It is generally oonoeded that t•d- somest advertising pamphlets issued by any proprietory medicine house in Canada Dome from the office of Dr. Williaams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and one whioh has just reached us ie no exception to the rule. The Dover is printed in colors, the main feature being a reproduction of pain• ting from the brush of a famous German „ " "An Important t ant Secr t. artist, entitledp The pamphlet contains calendars for 1897 and 1898, together with a mine of informa- tion as to the curative qualities of Dr. Wil- Iiam's Pink Pills for Pale People. This bandacma pamphlet t will b e sent postpaid aid to any of our readers who write their ad. dress on a poet card and mail it to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company Brockville, Ont. KING OF THE BUMS. Onoo a lrotelkeeper in waterloo—Now Now reuried in Chicago. Edmond G. Brown, better known as "Brownie, the King of the Bums," is dead. He died in Chicago. Brownie for years has been well • known in the 1st ward politics, where he gained an in- ternational reputation in connection with the hook "If Christ Came to Chicago," written by W. T. Stead, the London editor. When Mr. Stead name to Chicago and announced his intention of writing a book he looked aroun'a for a man familiar with the slums and one who could give him valuable pointers on that phase of life in Chicago. He ribose Brownie, who proved to be a valuable assistant to him. For years Brownie had been known on the "levee." He was a habitue of every resort in the "tenderloin" distriot. Brown was born 1n Middleton, near Montreal, Canada, 40 years ago. His father was a wealthy grain dealer and gave his son the advantages of a college education. Soon after leaving college young Brown went to Watertown, N. Y., where he assumed the management of the St. Lawrence Hotel. About this time the elder Brown died, leaving his eon $15,000. In throe years the young man had spent the fortune. In 1881 be came to Chicago and put up at Walsh's lodging - house, No. 826 Clark street. He was without money, brit beoauee of his dress and education he was given the title of "king of the bums." He at once became active in politics, and since then has been a power in the 9th and 19th pre- cincts. His death is said to have been directly due to the inordinate use of cigarette. rp When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Custoria. When ehe became Miss, the clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Cae'oria. NEWS NOTES ,The total taxes imposed for all purposes by Ontario municipalities in 1895 was 512, 816,429 against 512,512,660 in 1893, and $9,009,385 in 1886. The rate was 14.99 mills, the highest yet reached save in 1893, when it was 15.17 mills. The bonded debt has risen from 529,92.4,863 ($16.47 per capi- ta) in 1886, to 549,721,857 ($25.68 per oapi- te) in 1894, and the interest payments from 51,715,620 to 52,552,607. The annual meeting of the Stephen & Ushorne Agricultural Society was held in Exeter last Wednesday,, The report read by the secretary showed that during the year the receipts amounted 101195.50, and the expendi- ture 51183.75, eavinga balance of$11.75. The tollowing officers were elected:— Free., D. McInnes; letNice Pres., W. T. Acheson; 2nd Vice Pres., T. W. Hawkshaw; Directors, R. Coates, Jas. Ballantyne, S. Stanlake jr., W. J. Car- ling, John McNevin, Chris. Fahner, W. G. Bissett, John Delbridge and Ed Christie. The municipal council of West Wa- wanosh met last week. The following gentlemen compose the council this year:—Messrs Lockhart, former reeve, R. Medd, former deputy reeve, coun- cillors Win. Cameron and Win. Plunk- ett.; couiecillor J. Webster, owing to an accident which befell him recently, was unable to attend. The following are the officers appointed for the en-. suing term in 1807;—Clerk, treasurer, assessor, and caretaker of township hall, the same gentlemen as last year; auditors, J'. B. W etherhead, appointed by council, and Jas. Young, Manches- ter, by the reeve. Next meeting will be held on Feb. 6th. The other clay at the temperance hall, Leeburn, six persons were seated on one bench, and, strange to relate, they were all named Joseph. One is noted far and wide as an entertaining host; no. 2 has established a local fame s peers politician; the third has few as ,liticl. a c p with axe and saw; the fourth is well known as a threslter;the fifth is known as a dealer in farm products, and the sixth is expectedat someu' ti l ore day ar If the to he a bright legal luminary. gentlemen's coats did not. exactly imi- tate t hat of their namesake of old, it is probable that no six men in the pa- triarch's time could he found whose callings would he more widely diver- gent. The Club National of Ottawa, awe , membership of which is composed al- most most entirely of Catholics, has unani- mously passed the following resolution: "lhatNa-'the(.lub of members rs we • linnet of Ottawa, did hear with the greatest satisfaction that the Laurier - Mowat Government had effected with the Manitoba Government a settle- ment of the question of the Catholic schools of that province, a settlement which, in our opinion, will remedy the grievances of the Catholic and French- Canadians; that we do believe t hat this settlement, although aiming chiefly to redress the grievances in question, is in the greatest interest of the country generally, and that it will insure peace and harmony between the differ eta. ele- ments composing the po eulation of our country ; that we humbly.and respect- fully suggest. to Dur fellow -country men of Manitoba to notke a loyal and sin- cere trial of this settlement, without in so doing laying aside their legitimate rights should their grievances not dis- appear that it is out r belief that t the ; Manitoba Government, who has ac- cepted in good faith and sincerity the settlement in question, will see to its accomplishment with an equally good faith and in a manner to satisfy fully the right, belief and legitimate aspira- tions of our fellow=countrymen." • CORNS 1 CORNS 1 Tender, painful corns, bleeding corns painlessly removed in twenty-four hours. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor acts magically. Try it and be convinced. Hugh M. Barton, of the township of Bentinck, was engaged with two neigh- bors on Dec. 29 killing hogs. A dog had followed one neighbor to where they were at work, and as Mr. Barton approached, it considered him an in- truder, and sprang at him, inflicting a slight bite on his left wrist. It did not cause any pain or uneasiness at the time, and nothing was thought of it. Early next Sunday it became painful and was moch swollen, and Dr. Beam, of Elmwood, was tient for, He atonce pronounced it to be blood poisoning, and accordingly Dr.Bonnart o Chelsey, was called in for ccnsultation. They decided upon operations higher up the arm, but all their efforts to prolong life were unavailing, and he died on Jan. 7. Mr. Barton was 75 years of age, and leaves a widow and six child- ren, five sons and one daughter. CINNAMON COATED Dr. Agnew's Jiver Pills are coated like a C'nnamon drop, very small and delightful to take (rood Friends mow. "No, soh," said Colonel Carter to the man with small, angry -looking spots on his foreheads "I shall not puhmit you to abuse the mosquito in my presence. I used to ditllke them, but now I am one of the stanchest lriende that a mosquito has." "Still, they annoy one," replied the man with the 'spots. "Of cohee, But they mast live. Why complain because the mosquito stays up all night and has his collations, his Bongs and bis aftub dinner speeches?" "You seem to feel very kindly toward the brute." "I have reason to. Let me tell yon, sub, that a mosquito once saved the life of a friend of mine. My friend told me the story himself. We were speaking of large mosquitoes, and bo said that he once found himself in a prohibition town, where the mosquitoes were, larger than any be bad ever Been. The party he was with had p bottle, but no oorksoreW, aaa they Would have perished with thirst 1f they had not taken one of these mosgttitoils, extracted his bill and used 11 to get the pork out. That mosquito was i1 martyr soh, and ever since that time, suh, I have respected him and all Me re- lattons."--Detroot Free Frees. ONE PILL A DOSE, 40 INA VIAL Fon 20 CENTS THEIR POPC1RT1.4 re A MTOHT4 WHIRLWIND SWEEPING COMPETITORS nEFOILE IT MITE CHASE' No pain, no griping, no inconvenience. Small in size and pleasant to the taste. Most 'pleasant after effects. CI.A.f511TC:101ELZ.Lld. The tap• guile denature to on ‘1441.' crgia Unconscious Humor. It is not always sate to resort to set phrases when wishing to compliment. A story Is told of a pertain lawyer, ex- tremely studious, but in conversation no- toriously dull, who was showing off his newly built house. The bookworm prided himself espeoally on a sanctum be bad contrived for his own uee, eo secluded from the rest of the building that he could pore over his books in private, quite secure from dtetnrbanoo. "And thle is capital," exclaimed the visitor, with unoonsoioae irony. "You can read end study hore*alt day, and no human being bo one bit the wiser." CAS TCRIA For Infants and Children. The milheo ii signature -0f lace every CANCER CURED —AND A— LIiFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Iwas troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- deed, it seems as though 1 could not keep house without it."—Mrs. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia, AVER'S The Only Worlds Fair Sarsaparilla. 1yer's Pills Regulate the, Liver. VTV,n vvvv 11 nTfTT7nrTtTTTITYT TITTTrTTi The D.&L. 1 . Ern uiij2n Is invaluable, if you are run down, as it is a food as well as a medicine. C The D. & L. Emulsion t Will build you up if your general health is impaired. t The D. & L. Emulsion is Cthe best od Liver Oil, agrpalatable eing w ih preparation he most dell- Cate stomachs. The D. & L. Emulsion E Is prescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. & L. Emulsion Is a marvellous flesh producer and will give you an appetite. SOC. & Si per Bottle LBe suro you get I wide, LAWRENOE CO., LTD. the gentile MONTREAL Wa.u.11 ,:$asroo as#119$ . R epi tt You hear it in nine out of ten, drug stores. It is the reluctant tes- timony of 40,000 druggists that Scott's Emtilsion is- the standard of the world. And isn't the kind all others try to range up to, the kind for you to buy? Two sizes, 50 cls. and $I.00. 04,49•110111000.1.00104114110000 Old Cold CIGARET IE 3 W. a. Xin ball. & Cep' ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail everywhere 50 per Package' 17 FIRST PRIZE MEDALS. T i, Y r to ilterlprad �� l� �'� Aiu thiohandle county.estahli('nnatdiane ADENr� r , t� stock guaranteed to lve.Te 1 t7 L'ennauent position, whole. or parttime, • Litt ral terms. You can make SlO a week or better with us, for every week you work. No exl.erienco necessary. • BROWN BROS. CO'Y, Central Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT ROBES Steam Engine for Sale Second -band three horse power upright engine and boiler for sale at a bargain. Can be MOert at this office. Apply to CLINTON ERERA or F. G. MITCHELL, EngincSupp y Co. BOB-SLEIGHS FOR SALE For sale a pair of new ono -horse Bob -Sleighs, steel shod, and well made. Will be sold cheap, Apply to WM, GRANT, Scotch Suitins the (k T It station, Clinton CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial IIotel. This establishment.is in full oration and a order filled in the most satiefacto y way, Come tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE do 'fUOOVER,Cllnton. OLSNTON HARNESS ,EMPORNT Opposite the Town Hall. A splendid line of Saskatchewan [Robes—three colors—light and dark brown and black, ;quality equal to Buffalo and prices trade: winners. Goat, and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices. IIARNESS, ETC. Our special make of Single Harness has gained a superior repute.- tion epute.tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness• always in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, B:' Combs, Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises. Our Goods are Bargains at our prices. JOHNSON & ARMC' A Merry Xmas t 16 t4 1 &c from usyou will have•th: That if you buy your Christmas Groceries, satisfaction of knowing and feeling you have secured he beet goods at the lowest prices. We have just opened out a crate of FANCY CHINAWARE Just the thing for holiday presents. 90 piece Dinner Sete at $5; Gilt! and Striped Toilet Sets at $2.25; 44 piece Tea Sets $1.75 NEW FRUITS London Layers, Black Basket, Selected Valencias, very flue. New Cur— rants cleaned and fit for use. New Peels, best brands.,. New Nuts—Al- monds, Grenoble Wallnuts, Filberts, Peanuts. Mixed Candies from 5c to 10c per lb. Oranges, Lemons, Pigs, Dates. The best 25c• Tea inithe market. Kindly reserve your Christmas order for us. We pledge our best endeavors to satisfy you. N, ROBSON, - Clinton. eus Frieze Overcoats $5.50, $7.50, $8, Extra value $9.50, and $10 Quantity Is Not Wanted In some things. You'll he astonished at how much you can get for your money in our Shoe Stole. The size of the bargains will stagger you, hut not so much but that you can entertain their proposals and flnallJ accept them We also have a large stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags. Great Bargains in Goat Robes and Horse Blankets. Double and Single Harness. Shingles—Wholesale & Retail JAS. i"W 1TCjalL1.. VICTORIA BLOCK 01 our, own importation, $16, $17, algid $18 Satisfaction Guaranteed. IROBT. COATS & SON MERRY XMAS„ Say 1 Christmas comes every year, don't it? . If you see the display of Holida Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is coming again this year. Every- bodyconsistingof Cups, Saucers and body should see our display of Fancy China, p , Plates, Carbaret's Bread Plates, Berry Sets, Flower Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, and so many things we have not space to mention them all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, Fresh Groceries of all kinds. Candies and' Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality. GEC, SWA ILrIL.C)W, Clinton Beauty and Comfort combined with Low Prices Our store is piled with elegant goods, such as PARLOR, i)INING ROOM ' nd BED POOM SUITES, COBLER ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, RATTAN R C COUCHES, MUSIC RACKS, BAMBOO NOVELTIES, PIOTURES, CHIL SLEIGHS, &o. Special prices during this month CRITICALLY EXAMINED THE WORK OF THE For st City Business & Shorthand College, London, Ont Is f. r superior to that of the ordinary business school. Patronize's college of known mer , and your success is assured. 'College re -opens Jan. 4, 1897.. Catalogue free Y. M. . A. Building J. W. W ''STERVELT, PrirlbiPa