HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 5S
Dr, William Grant, an old practitioner
of Perth, died suddenly.
The temperature at Roberval, Lake St.
John, Quebec, is 48 degrees below zero.
A company of New York capitalists has
been formed to work an oil territory at
A young man named Sayers was killed
in the woods near Thornbury while fellitig,
choice Durham Bull, thorobred.
4eitr old in February. Dark red. Frozn
..11,7 strain.
*-WM. SNELL, Hallett, Clinton 0
MOdation for a limited num•
only a minute's walk from Col-
LUCY PUGH, Rattenhury Bt.,
by given that I have disposed of
Luse Hill, to whom the license
rred on or about the let of Janu-
ELL, Londeeboro,
leetiii* of the Huron County
ille,COnneil of the Corporation of the County
of attgon.Will meet In the Council Chsmber, in
the %rem of Goddrich, on TUESDAY, the 26th of
this niotith. at 9 o'clock p. m. W. LANE,
Dated aan. 12, 1897, Co. Clerk,
Summerhill Cheese Factory
no annual meeting of the Patrons of the Sum
merhlliCheese Factory, for the election of offi-
cers and transaction of other business, will be
held in the Orange Hall, Summerhill, on SAT
URDAY, JAN. 16011, at one o'clock p. m.
Brueefied Neese Factory
The anima/ meeting of the shareholders ot the
Brueefied Cheese Manufacturing Co.. will be
held in the faotory, at 1 p.m., on FRIDAY, JAN.
22nd, 1897, Shareholdere especially tequest-
ed to attend. JOHN BURDGE, Pr.,sident
WM. WHEATLEY is prepared to fin ail or•
dem for either Coal or Wood on shot t notice,—
Ardent' left at Hilt& Joyner's Feed Store will be
promptly attended to.
House to Let and two Houses
and stable for Sale.
These houses have every convenience, one has
sin artee. They are situated on Rattenbury St.
nearly opposite the Methodist church. Clinton,
and will be sold cheao. Apply to NEW ERA cr
to : H. WORSELL, Godmich,
Subscriber will keep for service at his farm,
Huron Road, Godericn township, a well-brd
Chester White Boar, k, f good pe.ligree. Terms
Slat time of service; or $1.25 if booked.
Goderich township Nov. 9, 1896
We want two or three active, reliable men to
sell our choice, hardy, home grown nursery stock
in Huron County and vicinity. ()mat free. Lib-
eral terms to good we. Apply at once to
Elgin Nurseries, St. Thomas, Ont,
The Annual Meeting of the Sockholders and
patrons of the Holmesville Butter and Cheese
Manufacturing Co., (limited/ will 'be held in
Pickard's Hall, Holinesvine, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
on SATURDAY, FEB. ath, 1897, for the pur-
pose of closing up the business of the season of
193, and for the e ceder' of officers for rhe eon
ear. ler...FORSTER Pres
. S:•LA WitENCE, btcy
lmesville, Dec 30, 1896 -
e Butchers of Clinton have agreed to clone
drops every night at 7 o'clock, except
rdays, and on that day at 9. The general
wile are requested to ob-lerye the hours and
Leave their orders early.
Clinton, Jan. llth, 1897.
couen& Wnetotr,
Fon» & MURPHY,
947 -it.,
The annttal meeting et the McEillop Mutual
Vire Insurance Company, will he held in the
Town Hail, Seaforth, on PRIDAY, JAN, 15, 1897,
at L o'cloot,p. ria., for the purpose ofelecting
throe directors for three years; for the hearing
and receiving of the report of tile transactions
of the Company for the year; the financiat state
Went, the auditors' report, 'receipts and expen-
diture. aerate and liabuities, and any other busi-
ness in the interest of the Compauy.
Secy-Trette President '
/Ur Thomas Hughes, a farmer near Tee -
water, fell through a trap in his barn and
was killed.
Sixteen children were bullied to death
three fatally injgred ina fire that des
troy -
ed an orphans' home near Dallas, Texas.
Writs have been issued for the bye-elec
teens in South Brant, North Ontario and
East Simooe, February 4 is polling day,
nominations beim one week et rlier.
William Shears, customs appraiser at
Victoria, has been dismissed for misconduct
Mr William Merchant who was the Liberal
.candidate in Victoria in 1891, has been ap-
pointed in bis place.
William J. White, lateproprieter of the
Brandon, Man., Sun, formerly of Exeter,
has disposed of hie business to assume a
Government position as immigrant agent.
His headquarters will be at Ottawa.
The Toronto World's Ottawa species!
says : A rumor is current here that Hon.
John Elaggart has resigned the Conservative
leadership for Eastern Ontario, and that
it has been offered to and accepted by Hon.
Peter White,
Hog cholcira rages in Fort OratiOt town-
ship, Mich. One Man has lost 100 porkers,
and another 30 or 40. The dead anima
being left lying in the fields. It is said
they were fed on swill gathered from Port
Huron streets.
Mr. Frank Wilson, reeve of Barton
Township, has resigned, not being able to
Lieut, -Gov Kirkpatrick, of Ontario, who
is ill in England, is progressing in a satis-
factory manner.
Mr. Robert A. Robertson, rancher, of
Pincher Ogeek, Alberta, was found dead on
the prairie.
On the advice of a Toronto physio;an
Arobbishop,Clertry has gone to the south.
ern Sates in the hope of recovering his fail-
ing health.
The body of Mr. :James Cooney, of Blair,
Muskoka, was found buried under a foot of
earth and snow. As the eon told contra-
dictory stories of the oanee of hie death and
manifested auxiety over some rnoney, an
investigation will probably be held.
The London, Eng., Daily News believes
Premier Laurier has made an excellent be-
gining. " His confident tone," it says,
" will be justified by the event.' As for the
general Ministerial outlook in Canada, seys
the Daily Nevis, "a gold boom in a colony
is as great a stroke of luck for the Govern-
ment of the day as Was an abundant harv-
est in England of 60 years ago.
Her Majesty continues in fine health,
and is busied over the programme for the
diamond jubilee, every detail of which she
insists upon supervising, and has' still,
according to court reports, good ten years
of working activity in her. The sensational
reports of her illness have elicited a semi-
official denied. It is stated that even her
ohronia winter rheumatism is abating,
Premier Laurier has cabled a response to
an invitation of the Liverpool Chamber of
Commerce that it is not probable he will
visit England for some time Wh
was made known at the meeting of the
mber last week, the obairinan r
that it was desirable that they should come
in closer connection with Canada than had
been the case in the past. If they could come
into direct communication with the Pre-
mier, he thought it would lead to good re-
It is now declared that Hon.Joseph Mar- I oha
o to re-enter
public life and that either Hon. Isaac Camp-
bell or ex•Mayor Jameson will be the Lib-
eral candidate to fill the vacancy in the
Com:nonce representation for Winnipeg.
Both are able and popular'inen.
tin has,declared hijntont,
Hugh John Macdonald, son of the late
Sir John, is no longer a member of the
House of Cornroons. The election held in
Winnipeg on June 23rd bas been declared
void on admission of corrupt practices.
Without resort to wholesale improprieties
Mr Menlo could not have been beaten in
Manitoba's capital.
Papers state that the lose of live stock -
during the cold spell in November was
practically nil, though some trouble was
experienced in getting feed for the cattle
owing to the deep snow. During the past
six weeks in southern Alberta the weather
has been springlike, and all sorts of outdoor
summer sports are being indulged. in by
the people.
At almost every central point in the con-
stituency of Maceoliald, Mame trials are yet
in progress of Dominion officials who are
charged with ballot box stuffing at the last
general election. Sworn testimony has al-
ready been given that over a deem] polling
places far more Liberalvoted for 11,Ir.
Rutherford, their candidate, than had
their ballots counted. The substitution of
bogus ballots seems to have beengeneral
The other evening Chas. Armstrong and
his wife with their dead baby and Thomas
Robinson arrived in London in a wagon,
having driven from a place three miles
from Sarnia, whence they started four days
before. The men had been chopping wood,
but hearing Ghia 2,000 men were wanted to
work on the London sewers they started for
that city. They were drenched by the rain
and the baby died. with whooping cough
and cold during the night. They carried
the dead babe with them durint, the five
days journey until they reached London,
when thecity authorities buried the babe.
Advices have been received of some of
the shipments of Canadian dead poultry
that were sent to he English Christmas
and New Year's markets, which turned out
very satisfactorily, showing fairly good pro•
fits, although not so large as those realized"
last year, owing to the heavy increase in
shipments. But wherever Canadian turkeys
eese were offered they were greatly ad -
but in some instanaes they are re-
d to have been sold as the fancy home
et of Squire so-and-so's farm. One
o shipments, however, were a little
)ointing owing to their arrival on the
side somewhat out of condition; but
e whole, considering the immense
ities sent forward, the returns so far
een fully as good as expected. But
estion arises : "Why cannot Canada
Lor the English poultry markets at
les, as well as at Cbristmas tide?"
he improvement in cold storage ac -
00 board steamers, there is no
why a regular trade should not be
with the mother country at differ -
n g
With the vacating of the' seat for Winni-
n House of i porte
or tw
peg, the number of constituencies in which 1 Prod°
bye -elections for the Dominio
Commons will have to be held in the next di'mPt
few weeks foots up to eight. The vacant other!
constitnencies are North Ontario, south ' on th
Brant and East §inicoe, in Ontario; West
Prince, in Prince Edward Island; Champ- iquant
have b
lain, in Quebec ;'Mecdonald and Winnipeg the qu
in Manitoba; and Colchester in Nova o- cater
ia. Te entire eight seats were carried at other t
the general election by Conservatives, so With t
that the Laurier Government have every- comm
thing to gain and nothing to lose, reason
ent sea
Plague and famine are stalking arm in
arm through densely poen ated portions of
the British empire, in Bembey thousands
are dead or dying, and the outlook becomes
more terrible every day. Millions of help-
less men, women and children are starving, We
and the famine-striokee district, having a Hon.
population of nearly 40,000,000 people, will
who h
o depend upon the hand of charity
Id enough to keep body and soul to -
until April or later. Other districts
population cumbering about 50.000,- '
e already feeling the pangs of bitter
ion from food, and this must be en -
well on into spring before permanent
will be afforded by nature. Funds
relief of the sufferers are being rais-
8.11 sides; but a very large amount of
money will be needed to provide food even
se unfortunate people who live on
nothing, in comparison with Euro:."
and others, from one end of the
' LOGS WANTED have t
for fo
with a
000 ar
Also Basswood if eadinw for the
et ed on
For which the best prices
will he given.
have mailed or given portraits of
Mr Laurier to all subscribers
ad paid for the NEW ERA for
1807 peior to the 1st of Januery. We
have only a few copies left and we will
give these to parties who pay early
this month. This premium was given
solely to' encourage prompt payment
in advance for the NEW ERA. Those
subscribers who are dilatory in taking
advantage of the offer cannot expect
to get the picture, as manly a limited
number have been purchased and the
order cannot be duplicated. The pic-
tures will be sent to all subscribers
who renew, as long as they hold out,
so that persons wishing one should
Wanted. fee. the
MTOZ SILT reaarto
new prornptly.
Jan. 22, 1897.
Wingham Whispers
MIt EDITOR. -1 cannot write you
much this week, owing to the fact that
Old King Grip hes drafted me into his
service, and much against my will has
held me .captive. He grips me hard
by the back of the neck and by my
head, and when I try to think my
thinking apparatus seems to get all up-
side down. Why this week I would
have told you about a big convention
that was held in the Ptesbyterian
church, onalonday night, and how the
evening session was made most won-
derfully interesting to all present, by
magic views of many noble struct ures
in this and other countries, all connect-
ed with the adherents of the pious
John Knox. Then again, on Tuesday
evening; in the same building, Rev Jn.
Young, an old Colborne bny, lectiti ed
befoul a very appreciative audience:
but oldgrip will nut let Inc go into de-
tails. The Wingham boys must look
after their laurels a little keener, for
what do you think, a little village like
Lucknow sent over it hockey team on
Monday night, and in Stephenson's
rink the match was played, and the
Lecknow hays knocked all the spots
off the Wingliani boys completely; the
tk inghain boys had a Sill for goal
keeper (I do not wean a window sill)
but in spile of all his efforts the
Lucknow warriors got there almost
every time. Then again, Mr S. Merri-
field, who last spring was so near dy-
ing, is again laid low with the same
trouble, but we are glad that the last
reports we hear are favorable as to his
ultimate recovery. Say, though, in
spite of old grip I laughed a little on
Monday, and I'll tell you why, but do
not say anything about it. On Sunday
one of the boys took his best, girl for a
co tter d ri ye, and the snow me) ti tig
rite idly during the day, coinpelled hint
to borrow a buggy to brine; tier home,
and then on Monday he had to return
the buggy and fetch home the cutter;
I don't think he took his girl with him
c he second trip, of course he could
have taken lots of good things with
him, for he knows how theyare made,
even't he Clinton people know this, for
he once resided in your city, The
Array is soon to have a great, big "go."
On Sunday last the Methodist church
pulpit was occupied by another reve-
rend gen tleman, Dr Gifford being
away preaching anniversary- sertnope.
Mr. Frank La vidson has moved into a
house near the sehool. If this grip did
not catch rrie so I could also tell you of
an incident that occurred in the Chi-
nese laundry not very long ago; a, very
zealous wo: kerfor the Mastei called
upon Mr John, and in the course of
can venation asked him if he knew the
Lord Jesus Christ, and the Chinaman
made the following reply, "Me don't
know he, he gets no washee done
here;" hut we are glad to tell you that
this same visitor is trying to lead him
to that fountain which washes whiter
than the snow. Reepectfully yours,
John Beeneweis. ex• Reeve of McKillop
and member -elect for district 2 uf the
new comity council of Perth, was mar-
ried at Toronto Jan. 14, his bride being •
Miss Sophia Steiss, of Oran brook. Rev,
Mr Miller, pastor of the Queen City
Lutheran church, Ned the nuptial knot
in the presence of a few fiiends. Mr.
and Mrs Benneweis journeyed home-
ward immediately after the ceremony.
Mr Benneweis has a larger share of mu-
nicipal experience than perhaps than
any other man of his age. He is still a
young man, but has served seven years
as councillor and reeve of McKillop and
one year'as reeve of Logan. His nu-
merous friends in both Perth and Hu-
ron will join in wishing him even
greater usefulness and popularity as a
At s. meeting of the oreditore of Mr F. X.
Messner, held at Formosa, for the purpose
of forming a joint stock company to take
over the estate and pay the debts of the in-
eolvent, only 25 of Mr Messner's 300 cred-
itors were present.
It is currently reported that John Hick-
ingbottom,of West Wawanosh, left sudden-
ly and unexpectedly for unknown parts
last week. Since his departure, however,
things have onee to light which show this
move to have been premeditated, as every
'saleable article about the place has been
disposed of, as well as many recent debte
contracted. Authority es s that3,
besides a mortgage of $4,000, is left unpaid'.