HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 42R i897' e want to sell he+balanee of our Stock of Music rid NutliealsGoods within the ext two weeks, in order to make' aqua for important changes before ae bicycle season commences. Vs, therefore, offer all Music Ad 11usioa' Goods at cut tViCes Ve have atacs ofllalf price; M usice Books fat paused prices; Violins, I off .1(ifiND HAND ORGAN, rery cheap fee us for anything in Music or Lateeical Goods. aunsoN'S SHOUSE, CLIN1 ON e-0 OlsongOvertistmento C Dutton yes GV B Fairr co ws N� wives -A Elcoat *tlllen & Wilson ofi-A J Holloway Mu day -Jackson Bros ale day-Sodgens Bros Laundry -R Twitchell day -Beesley & Co Ain d.iy-HodgensBros up 25c -W L Ouimette eyancing-U Macpherson tfortnno-MoRinnon & Co !pin say=vV Taylor & sons spin da -Jackson Wiseman Ja kson THE CLINTON NEW ERA HE ADPiJAR,TERS j%flt�fl ' gra FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1897 ... (fey say that Brennan, the Barrie mur- i is sorry his sentence is commuted to risonment for life, Well, so are the lila, so on this point there is agreement. I e government wants to retain publio lClenae in this matter, it will hereaf ter vy the law to take its coarse in the case ifinrderers. le annual meeting of the Reform• of South Huron, as constituted for. vir?,viar purposes, will be held in ivbrth's Hall, Hensall, on Satur- Feb. 6th, at 1 p. m. A lar=ge at- - ante is particularly desired, as mess of importance will be brought fd' consideration. Addressee will slivered by several gentlemen if `e will permit. >B. Ryan is a business man of Guelph, epeaking before the Tariff Commission Tie dutiee levied on manufactured arti- ; said the public did not know what ••'Were paying, and farther said, "If the ernment would pat a customs house of- t;'fn my store, instructed to stand at the and oollect from my customers the }pion that'is coming to me, and then to eat the portion that is coming to the 'r]ufaoturer or the government, there Id be a rebellion in this country in six nths." FOR Goad Goods he Toronto News -a paper of very un - ;fain shade in politics -repeats the story t; Mr Hardy intends to dissolve the Lo- . iiouse next June. Mr Hardy has al- dy given it a most emphatic denial, but does not seem to prevent its repetition. *Add be well, however, if the law stated arly and definitely the time at which h. the Local and Dominion Houses aid dissolve, then there would be no un - minty about the matter, and no political cty could take an unfair advantage of its ponents. 8 Old TO THE TY3RIFT R Church Chimes E..RQEA.`[ER IBev. Father McCabe has bean appointed LJ 9RJ ppstor of the Soaforth R. C. Charoh. Rev. Father Quigley will assume charge of St. Joseph's church on Sunday next, holding services at 10.80 a.m. and 7 p.m., and every other Sunday at the same hours unless otherwise announced. ' The children of Willie Sunday school are in training for a pretty cantata, under the direction of Mr T. Jackson, je., for their anniversary, to be held about the 1st of April, and are going to make it the biggest affair yet held by the school. Wtcrrs Caunca,-R v. A. Stewart oon. ducted aanivereary foes in the Innerkip Presbyterian Church, orx',gpRdll.y,. Bev. Peter Strait -1i taking Mr Stewart's place ., here. The annual sleeting of the Women's Low•rices Foreign Mission Society of this church was �i• held yesterday. BATTEssuBY STnEET.-Rey, R.• Millyard will exchange with Rev. J. Edge, of Goder- ;eh, next Sunday. • Mr Millyard spent two days in bed lash week but is now himself again. The union epeoial services are being held here this week and are growing in in- terest. ST. PAIIL's.-On the evening of Monday next a social will be held ab the home of Mr Robert Thompson, 16th oon. Goderioh township, and oonveyaneee will be previa. ed for all who wish to attend. A g good time is looked for. Confirmation ohm wee held at Mr Ben. Churchill's on Tuesday and in the vestry of the church on Wed- nesday of this week. ° FQR MISTER BARGAIN DAY ,JAN2 AillsossionswewaissangifIZIMICIs We will windup "our January Sale with a Monster Bargain Day on the above dot®. We're busy these days taking stock, and are constantly running across lines that must be cleared out before we enter stock. which we do the 30th of the present month. Before that daywe would like to seed on this p the last of every dollar's worth of WinterGoods possible, willd particular Bargain Day 'will offer an array of Bargains that crowd the store from morning till night. r Seager, Police Magistrate of God - ch, has been asked to hold an inves- tion into the conduct of several of - Is in this county who are charged offensive partizanship. We be - VC firmly that Mr Seager will act fitly and =impartially in the matter, djhat no one is better qualified to t, but at the same time we think it. aid have looked better, if only for earance sake, had some other than ideal man been selected for this duty. e do not reflect one atom upon Mr er. but bis beinee, resident of the ell is being used as ten Argument fist his appointment. • he Conservative papers are bound to itify, if possible, Mr Farrar with the eral party. He happens to be in Wash. atpn on business of his own, butithey say ie there as a representative of the Do - Won moil GoVai'hment, which is explicitly 25 ends of liweels in lengths need. There is no law, criminal or civil, at Bargain Day Prices. fob Mr Laurier could apply to keep Mr $ c 6Japanese SilkMantle and Piano Drapes, pure silk Embroidered with Gold, for bargain2 day $1.35 and Pink and Blue English Shaker Flannels, with white spots and figures, for bargain day.... 1 end blue and white stripe English Shaker Flannel, 33 inches wide, extra heavy, for bargain day Cotton and Wool mixture, fancy stripe Shirt- ing, regular 20c, bargain day r `' Fancy stripe Shaker for quilt lining, regular 12,}, bargain day Tartan English Shaker Flannel, fast colors, regular 15c, bargain day Navy Blue Flannel. all wool, extra value . • • Blk Watered Moreen for skirting, regular 30c Navy watered Moreen Skirting with border very fine goods, regular 60c, leargain day Grey Union Flannel 44 and 46 inch Pillow Cotton Ends of plain and Twill Sheet;ngs, Pillow Cottons and Cottons of all kinds, at Bargain Day prices. Heavy Linen {Damask Towels, 20x34 inch, 19 25 9 10 15 7 10 21 22 45 10 Colored borders, Bargain Day per pair .... Linen Roller Toweling 4 Meavy Toweling, regular 7c, Bargain Day .. 5 Large Damask Towels, colored and plain bor- 20 ders, regular 25c and 35c, Bargain day White Curtain Muslins, small embroidered 15 pattern, regular 25c, Bargain Day sv Pure Linen Damask Table Napkins, reg $1.75 1.35 Fancy Art Muslin, extra wide, cream ground 1S regular 25c, Bargain Day 36 inch Art Muslin, regular 12ic, bargain day 8 Fancy colored Art Muslin, bargain day 9 BLANKETS- Mohawk, 6 Ib, worth $2.251 70 Mohawk Blankets, 8 lbs, 63x86 inches • . 2 10 Large pure wool Blankets, 2 pairs only 3 15 Crib Blankets, all wool, worth $$.50, for 1 15 Fine Comforters, cnwaddingtstrong and durable, reglasn day.... 13 Wide Shaker Flannel Skirting, was 18c for.12i FURS 1 onlyiehild's Set, Collar and Muff 1 75 Children's Gray Lamb wedge Caps, good lin- ing nice curl,light and dark sins, bargain dayl 70 Ladies'" Imitation Beaver Gauntlets, good 2 Qty UqV fur, Gloves or Mitts, Bargain day Natural Australian Oppossum Muffs, reg. $3 2 15 New Persian Lamb, Nutria and all kinds of Caps at specially reduced prices for bargain day 1 Black No 1 skin. regular ,$12, Bargainndayull skirt 25 S 60 GrayLamb Cape, No 1 quality,nicely mark- 23 50 ed 25 in. long, very full skirt, bargain day 2 Ladias' Dogskin Mantles will be sold very cheap. 4 Men's Coats to sell bargain day. We have four Men's Fur Coats ,left, these we want t3 clear out, and will give any one wanting a Fur Coat a great bargain on any one of these. 3 Big Tweed Bargains 15 Suit ends fine Scotch Tweed Suitings, worth $1.25 to $1.50 per yard, will be sold in suit lengths only, for/bargain day per yard - - - 69e 20 Pant lengths of fine imported Worsted Pantings goods worth from i5 to $G made to order, for bargain day, your choice of the lot, at per end $2 of from 1- to2iyds ite-from going toWasbingtonand from ding anything he cheeses to say in that ty; Mr Laurier is no more responsible for lodaereaboats or his words than is the newspaper, of which Mr Farrar was many years the editor. Sensible Cana - tine will peroeive that certain papers have reasonable ground for accusation against o Lilberai Government, when they hays "nooks so much use of the made-to-order ' ar incident. Farther than this, it did be remembered that Mr Farrar is identified in any way with the Liberal ty, and this party refuses to be held re- psible for his opinions or his actions. he Globe has Dome to the conclusion fist"there is a fire insurance combine, but dppears to 'think that the operations of le combine are peculiar to Toronto only. to `/£natter of fact, every town in Ontario a something of its workings. A repre- pt'ative of the Board of Underwriters, pfitlier and more seductive name for ust, combine or monopoly) visits a town, itssPain about the state of ite fire -fight - apparatus, demands practical immuni- ein-fire as the pride of a lowering of the Or the gracious consent not to raise Utile. A heap of our good money goes t Of this town, some of it to other towns, o,lt of it into the coffers of outside insnr- e& companies. But that Board of Under - ..titers, --it is the,abeekiest, and most arro- tit:lina of co bine. The Mayor of Olin - `Wag alrn^ the only official repreeenta- t: j 9rirG rio who bad the courage to re, Ali underwriters' inspector of gigizga alsealarmoireto see the firemen world `turn out. We are rx:that at one place when he threatened rjng,tio fire bell himself, they told him etRrOUld rah him in jail if he did. Cormissicn Issued. he, government has issued a commission oligo Magistrate Seager, of this town, Vebtigate a series of ',bargee of offen- partitanebip against a number of civil AO and public officials in West Hn- AMOngst those cited to appear are : Mtttiro, *Abe:aster, Auburn. 11,6be1'ts, postmaster, Dungannon. ,�, %aitch, /rail Mork, London division. J','.AliStlrt, (nail olork, Stratford division. ; CaratbeU,1Sottmaster, Godorioh. ,fff Elliott,.earetaker public building, God 9 Obeli Will lgaticn o :tett or so. Signa MILLINERY BARGAINS Every trimmed bat at exactly half price on bargain day Children's. Woollen Hoods, Caps and Tams, worth 50c, 600 and 75c, white and colored, your choice bargain day Girls' colored Wool Tams, regular price 40c, we have too many and the go bargain day at 25 travellers' samples of Fool Carpets, each end one yard square, regular 75c and $1 qualities, just the thing for mats 20 odd pairs of Lace Curtains that we want cleared out before stock -taking; every pair at a bargain to do it. Bl'k and col'd Veilings, reg, 20c and 25c ..10 & 15 Black and colored Cashmere Gloves 12j• Alexandres Black Kid Gloves, large pearl but - tone, sizes 6 to 7f, regular $1,25, for 95 FANCY FRENCH FLANNELS 2 ends fancy French Flannel for waists or wrap- pers2S Good patterns, best quality, all pure wool, Red Brown, Grey and Black grounds 39 WOOLLEN HOSIERY We cannot quote prices on them here for want of room, but you will find every pair reduced to close on mill prices to clear them out. 25 15 35 DRESS GOODS MEN'S FURNISHING BARGAINS Men's Woollen Sox Men's W oollen Gloves Boys' Grey Flannel Shirts Men's Linn Cuffs, 2 pairs for Men's fine Braces, patent hack, extra strong web, worth 40..• Men's pure wool shirts and drawers, regular close price 50c Men's Heavy Knitted Top Shirts----- Men's hirtsMen's Woollen Underwear, soft finish, will not shrink, per garment. Men's Imitation Napal Buck 'Lined Gloves, regular price $1.25, bargain day 10 19 55 25 25 39 39 87 90 OVERCOATS Boys' Tweecl Overcoats, odd sizes, at $1, $2.50 and $3 to clear, worth double Boys' cape Overcoats,kaizes 4, 5, 6 only, your 2 choice fur• Men's Fawn Beaver Overcoats, well made, 5 00 velvet collar, regular $7,50, hargain dayN Odd sizes in men's heavy Frieze Ulsters, re- 5 00 duced to Men's heavy Frieze Ulsters, extra quality, G 00 ' well lined and made SPECIAL -Men's heavy Frieze Ulsters, No. , ` 1 Goods, the hest we carried-, regular $10 to 7 35 $1L50, bargain day GAME FOR Trial Winter Even in SALVATION AR]rr.-On Saturday, Jan. 93, a staff officer from London will commence a series of revival eervioes. On Sunday af- ternoon there will be a• grand dediaation service, at which the oaptain'e little daugh- ter will be publicly dedicated to the service of God, and there will also be a commis- sioning of the Clinton, S. Ar bandsmen. The Tuesday following a grand banquet and jubilee, to be presided over by bhwbrig- adier, assisted by field offioers from other corps, and a half night of prayer will take place. MANTLE Every Mantle we have will be sold Bargain Day at a price that will tempt every mantle buyer. We have only a few' left and will sacrifice every one rather than carry a solitary Mantle over. SPECIAL -G only children's Tweed Ulsters, with Capes for girls of from 6 to 10 years, new goods this season. Bargain prices on each one. A few old Mantles, suitable for school or rough wear, good quality cloth, at 50c and $1 the garment. N 2 ends Black Silk finished flne, all wool Henriet- ta, ta, original price 75c, Bargain Day 9 Black all wool Crepon, makes a very stylish dress 9 or waist, regular 60c, Bargain Day Fancy Navy Blue Dress Serges, 2 dress enols only Bargain day they go at $2.15 the end FancyNav Blue Dress Goods, regular price 50c.. 29 1 end Blk Lr e on, 7 yd end reg. $7. End for $5.50 Brown and Navy Fancy Ladies Cloth, double 5� fold, special at Black and Fawn Niggerhead Dread Goods,'very fashionable, regular 75c and 80c, bargain day :.59 Fancy Brown and Black Stripe Niggerhead suit- able for waists or wrappers, regular 60c 43 Black,Brown, NavyDress Goods, one of the most stylish lines this season, 46 in, wide, reg. 90c68 Priestley's Famous Black Dress Goods, one pat- tern only, regular price $1, Bargain Day 68 Fancy Black Dress Goode, double fold 39 BlPriest eyck �s 1Black Mall elrose Cloth, regular a5c 62 very stylish dress, 7 yd end only,the length for.. $3.400 Black'Crepe Cloth, 27 inches wide 322 42 inch all wool Navy Serge 52 inch French Cashmere, black only 48 Special line of Fancy Tweed Dress Goods 42 Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, 6 dress lengths only, were 75c, to clear them out, on bargain day39 All Wool plaid, Navy and Red 39 Fancy plaid dress goods, pure wool, regular 60c 43 Half adozen Dress Patterris, to be cleared at bargain day prices Double fold Dress Melton, regular 25c 19 SIIAWL BARGAIN°S Every heavy shawl roust be sold if prices will sell them Large heavy shawls, regular $1 line, to clear. • 788 Our special $1.40 line for 41 One only, was $2.45, for 165 One only, was $3,25, for 3 60 One only, was $4.65, for We import every shawl direct from Scotland, anti our Shawl values are the best in the trade. LADIES' WOOL VEST Lot No. 1 -All pure wool, worth regular60c, our close price has been 50c, for bargain day.. 42 Ladies' fine all wool vests, regular 75c 55 Children's pure wool vests, all sizes 2 Odd lines of Ladies' Vests at } regular prices to clear Ladies' Ribbed Drawers, regular 50c 39 adies' pure wool Night Dresses, regular $2 for 98 Health brand vests,extra fine quality,reg. $1.1082 MANTLE CLOTHS Brown and blue large cur Mantle Cloth, regular $2.25 for $1,60 Black Beaver Mantling, regular $1.60, for.. $1.10 Tweed Mantle Cloth, very suitable for children's 70 wear, regular $1, bargain day Red Eiderdown Flannel, double width, reg. 90c 60 Fancy blue and bl'k Montle Cloth, reg. $1.75-1.00 Black and navy Worsted Mantling, very service 140 able, regular $2.25, for Short lengths"of Mantle Cloths, suitable for chil- dren's coats or capes, to be cleared regardless of cost • IT IS THE BUSINESS -OR-- I Shorthand Knowledge that gives the power t0 earn money. Central Business College STRATFORD, ONT has the beet teacher of Shorthand in the Dominion, a teacher of 18 years experience. ' Write for our beautiful catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal Success in business means nothing more than the use of good, sound common sense. It is the result of doing things as they should be done. If you want prompt and ac- curate Watch or Jewelery repairing, bring it to us. With my personal supervision we believe our Repairing de- partment to be as good as the best. WE WILL These are not all, you'll find still more at thestore when you come. We neveryet have disappointed you on a Bargain Day. and we won't this time. In order that you may get better service and be waited on more tl salespersons will not leave their own counter- Bargain Day. promptly, y' The best time to come is always in the morning. OD GUN'S EMR.105 THE I�RY GOODS PALACE, . CLINTON. h � 1 REPAIR. YOUR WATCH RIGHT. B. • Crews WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, with 11 years' experience At 5 Cents Old Maid Peter Coddles Snap At 10 Cents Lotto Authors Lost Heir Old Maid Snap At 25 Cents Authors Cuckoo Canadian Events Fish Pond Foresight Halma Logomachy Lost Heir Nations Old Maid Parchesi Peter Coddles Snap Other Games at 50c and 75c Crokinole, $1.25 Improved Crokinole, $1 These are the Best Games published. Cooper & Co. in Plain Sewing and Dressmaking The undersigned, who is a practical dress- maker, and competent to perform satisfactory any work entrusted to tar, 1s prepared to do all kinds of plain dewing or Dressmaking, and will go to the homes of her patrons. either in town or country. ROSY M. RUTLEDGE. Word may be left at Cooper & Coe Grocery Store. A SNAP FOR CONSUMERS O. OLSON is giving 241be. Redpath's Grannlated Sugar for $1 to every !purchas- er of al worth of Grooeries, including 11b of 25o, 40d or 50o. Tea. We also have other bargains, 11 lbs ohoioe Oatmeal for 25c. FLOUR of choice quality $2.25 per cwt., on which we give•a premium as well as a low price. Come to ns for your Bran and Shorts. Good, Olean Grain wanted. VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON. 0. OLSON, Our First Bargain Day $aturday,Jan1 20 IT WILL BE - A--_-. BIG, ONE ko And a red hot one, and you will say so if you are on hand of 'buys. , date. It is our first and we want to establish a reputation S . that day illt[tt that when we say a Bargain you will believe it. Jackson Bros' Semi- s•Annual Sale, on Saturday, Jan. 23, means a big crowd in town, and r, we are going to use the same date to demonstrate what a bargain day is in the shoe business. Everybody knows full a ell that in the Shoe business odd sizes will accumulate and the changing styles each sea- son means we must not carry over old goods. People want new and u eto-date Shoes, and this is why we are going to do it, make our first loos a b r one, and be ready for the best value going. We pay cash for our goods and we'buy right. It will pay you to drive miles to attend this, our first Winter - Bargain Day Nof 1 Ladies"Dongola Kid Button Slater make, sizes 43, 3 , 5, 61 99 worth $3.50, for No 2 Ladies' Dongola Gaiters, pa- tent leather tip, sizes 21i to 5}, worth $3 and $3.50 for 1 89 No 3 Ladies' Tan Gaiters, sizes 2e to 6, worth $2.75 for 1 89 No 4 Ladies'1Dongola Kid Button sizes 2i, 3, 14, worth $2.50, $3.50 99 No 5 Ladies' Glove Grain Button sizes 6 and 7, worth $1.50 to $2 No 6 Men's 4 bueke Felts,ail sizes $ worth $2,25 and $2.50 for 1 75• No 7 Men's shell Cordovan Gait- ers, sizes 8, 9, 10, worth $3 for 1 D No 8 Men's plain Calf Gaiters, sizes 6, 7, 8, worth $2.75 for1 99 No 9 Men's Calf Gaiters,worth $4, 2 48 No 10 Men's Shell Cordovan`Gait- . era, sizes 6, 8, 9, worth $4 forfit 69 No 11 Men's Shell Cordovan lac - 79 ed, sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, worth 04..... 2 79 All Felt Goods Below Cost. We have many lines that are not included in the above list as our space will not permit us,, but come anyway and see for yourself If this ig not the biggest. Shoe sale ever held in Clinton. "Nothing like Leather"rand the prices. ' JACKSON & JACKSON w. Jd. S10N r'n> ¶. i*A01111014