HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 3$wliietuynn.
eoU what God has given us
1, necessity for the purpose
let us remember that we
Om first end lowtett step
'Fest And glorious sun-
na, done so rnuob for Us
will He not do for
n? if God is so gen-
1-.l-lo be in the world
oks forth upon the
s and trees, and tip
, full of beauty, and
aterial images are
e that bettor country
as our eternal home.
VO b world is not desoribnd in
lines of didactic prose, All the
lit' ,trims in the universe are made
to444! t1i promise of that ultimate
ao Now it Is a landscape
PAM tea ',`}'eta, atilt waters, the tree of
11411elfli, f and fruit—every. image of
&It:G, t and delight. Now rises nn
1hl ettnl y --.its gates of pearl, its
f011Ut1lttlr _' of preolous stones, its streets
91:491d,rt tt all the nations pouring their
gol<•71Ofqult, Now It 1s our Father's
Polee with many mansions; a festive
hQsrd, With unmeasured plenty; with
songs of joy and garlands of gladness
UjIQU the head.—Rev, William Adams.
1\ hen 'R'llllam Bunt .
When the German Emperor goes hunt-
ing he arrays himself in such gorgeous-
ness that the game ought to .he proud to
fall before so magnificent a conqueror.
Bis bunting costume was designed by
himself, and he is said to be so much
taken vitb It that ho omits no.. oppnr-
t900y • f wearing it. It conelets of 0 blu-
ish'7ra tunic, with n short cloak of tho
same aateriai, both garments, having
gr' facings and broad epaulets, The
• Be ,r has round his waist a broad belt
0' n leather, from welch hangs a
} unting-knife, the handle mounted
lie Imperial crown of gold. He
very high lacquered, bootR, gold
• arida Tyrolese hat of grey felt,
"J n. with green and adorned with an
ius plump of feathers, wh.eb quiv-
;; ere at every sten.
Town's Leading Merchant Laid VP
'houmatism in various forms is one of
t ' most common diseases there is.
L rises generally from impure blood
ano a broken down system. In the
limbs it is painful ; iu most of the in-
ternal organs dangerous, and in the
heart usually fatal.
.21he experience of Mr. S. Mann, the
well kuown general merchant of Stitt --
Ville, is interesting :
"Last winter 1 was badly afflicted
With rheumatism. I decided to try
1?r. Chase's Pills. To my surprise. I
got immediate relief, and before I had
used one box my affliction was gone.
"I teas .also troubled with bilious-
ness fr .,`years, and at intervals of three
or tot>e•(tvoaks would be laid up with a.
• severeadaehe and sick stomach. Since
sin . se's Pills I have not had an
" I may add that Ar.... Chase's Oint-
ment for piles and skin diseases in just
as effective as lir. Chase's Pills for blood
troubles. I have a clerk who suffered
terribly from bleeding piles. • He tried
Chase's Ointment and in a few days was
completely cured."
All dealers and Edneanson, Bated & Co.,
manufacturers; Toronto. 25o.
Chase's Linseed and Turpentine for
colds, brrincluirtin and oosaseamption. Sure
Canadian Failures in 181)6
Provinces No, .lscts Liabili's
Ontario .,1,072 -4,299,451 $5 950,992
Qeebec. 713 6,272,100 8,623,167
British Columbia El 64 772,1109 807,015
Nova Scotia... 125 4913,343 754,316
Manitoba 52 574.853 528 593
New Brunswick... .,. 68 164,653 392,368
Prince Edward Island 19 71,468 112,932
Total 1896 _2,1181%056,837 17,169,683
Total 1895. ..1.891 1 1,500, 242 15,802,989
Total 1894....1,856 13,510,056 17,616,215
WrilAT 'WILL YoL . 1)Uf
I. M. Iral, 186 Drotet street, Montreal.
15 years suffered. Cured of Blind Itching
Wm Butler, Poseawan, Ont. Suffered
many months. Cured of Protruding Piles
by one box.
Pabaoo Bastard, Gower Point, Ont.
Suffered for 30 years. Cured of Itching
Piles by three boxes.
elson Simmons, Myereburg, Ont,, oared
9+6.'*" of I ng 'ilea.
`cr ' Dr, isse'sr Ointment will positively
cure all forms of Piles. Write any of the
above if in doubt.
Will you Risk 1"4ilure or As-
sure Yourself of Success$
If you were dangerously ill, would you
call to your assistance some faith cure im-
poster or a third or fourth rate doctor? If
you were obliged to defend yourself in
court, would you employ a lawyer without
abitity or reputation?
If, from moti dee of true r#eonomy, you
find it necessary to do home dyeing, is it
wisp or prudent to allow a dealer to hens
yeti 50010 make of poor and weak dyes with
'.lei, h to do your Work? e`",rllrlcon sense
and the saving of time and money demand
the 080 of Diamond Dyes, the only make
that can bring good results and perfect sat-
Common imitation .paokage dyes ruin
your goods, ruffle your temper; and waste
your money. They would never have a
sale ora plane is al) home were it not for
the love of profit so desired by short-sight-
ed and greedy dealers. Diamond Dyes are
as necessary for effective work as in the able
physician when life is in danger.
Slender Purses.
While the avenues for wage-earning by
women have wonderfullyincreased in
the last years and in numerous instances
financial enterpr sus are suenessfully car-
ried on by worn n, it yet remains true
and ever will, t' at a large olase of wives,
not to mention daughters, handle very
little money.
Forthese wo eh are not supposed to
•be needy; they a generaily placed in
itioinfgrtabie hop 9, with tasteful ward -
ogee, bountif y spread tables, and,
t eitheelis erver, no apparent leek
in their surra lugs. But the house-
mother knows how many times she rook -
oris beer tho household supplies to • see
What articles can be left unhought.
` 13 is little money which causes so many
Women to haunt the bargain counter, to
the derision of husbands, who aro sub-
limely uneonsefons of their wives' slender
purabs. It gtv+.4 interminable ahopptn;
in the search from store to store to find
the best article 'for scanty moans. And
these vexations are not the worst whleh
come to her with little money. She
must bear with what grace she onn im-
putations upon her taste when she selects
perforce• some cheap common 1"fiing in
preference to the more elegant one widen
a beay'fty-1i ving nature may ery out for.
e must fton curb with a stern hand
ature, generosity of''-epirtt, and for -
beak giving to the friend or Cause sho
loves, o' at most strive to content her-
self with a meager, almost shabby token.
"1 never have had enough money with
which tot'un my boasohuid comfortably.
I have had to plan and contrive in order
31) gel' sortietbing out of every cent in the
densr," Bald one, considered a fine
bblrtev'nife and manager (and she was),
't1'ito lived In fine style in a handsome
13 brings linos all too soon to women's
fierce, and gives to many eyes an all ton
wistful expression. But it elan helps to
develop valuable qualities which in n
state of more abundanco some women
Would never have shown.
It sharpens invention, Ingenuity and
oarofulneas, and, like many a disagree-
, able thing In life, teaches patience and
Aelf-defliul,—Ilarpor's Bazar.
Make IlegRars et Men.
Walter Besant sayer—
"I have before me jibe 87th annual re-
port of the Society for Pvomottng the
Employment of Womert. I am sorry to
learn from this report that the deatand
for women einem and bookkeepers is on
the increase.
"At the same time I am informed in
other quarters that thousands of men
clerks are tramping the streets of Lon,
don, wearing out shoe leiabher in going
up and downstairs to the weary work of
trying to find places.
"They find instead women doing the
work, which should keep them and their
wives, for half the pay. One has no ob.
jeotion to women doing men's work it
they got men's pay, They may even keep
the men in idleness, If they please, like
the laundresses,
"How shall we make these promoters
understand the ont-throat policy of push-
ing women in everywhere at half or
quarter the pay, and driving the men
abroad? However, there are other and
gmore satisfactory features about this re-
"In the lower walks something has
been Bono by the society in getting
planes for women as hairdressers --will
they ever become such admirable artists
in this walk as the men?—in finding
cooks anti waitresses, and in getting
temporary work of all kinds for women.
"But the numbers, and figures given
demonstrate that the work of the society
is but a drop In the ocean. We have
40,000,000 of people, with 20,000,000 of
women and girls, and all who are past
tho ago of 15, with an inslgnifloant
minority of about 500,000, ate clamoring
for work."
Musts and the Mind.
All men who have any appreciation of
music feel priltepted to step in time to
a march tune, end mimic on the marob
therefore substitutes a new and plea -
Ranter stimulus to exertion for the mono-
tonous and somewhat dreary onoof keep-
ing place in the ranks. It is well known
that weariness fe,as a rule, more a matter
of mind than of. body, and that the mus-
cles of the body do not tiro half so soon
as the nerve centers which move them.
Music, by bringing a fresh nerve center
into play, will often banish all sense of
woariness, and will even sometimes
afford rest to the nsual nerve oenter, so
that when the music ceases the soldier
feels fresher than before it began. Why
men's limbs should tend to move to
music no one knows, but it is practically
the same thing as dancing, and probably
has to do with the instinct all men
display, that urges them to associate
themselves with what Is beautiful in
nature and art.
.iletierlptiOtl of Samples fi'Or t e
4)entrat Experimental Furor
at Ottawa.
To the Editor of the New Era.
During the `past niue years, samples
of those . zit ieties of grain which have
succeeded beet on the experimental
farms have been distributed on appli-
cation in tht•ee-pound bags to farmers
in till parte of the Dominion, free
through the mail. The object in view
ill this distribution has been to add to
the productiveness and improve the
quality of these important agricultural
products throughout the country by
placing within reach of every farmer
pure seed of the most vigorous and
pr ductive sorts. This work has met
with much appreciation and a Consid-
erable degi'eti Of eltc'Cess.
Inetructit,he hive bees given by the
Hon, Minister of Agriculture to make
a similar distribution this season. Ow-
ing to the very large number of appli-
cations now received it is not practical
to send more than one sample to each
applicant, but with this limitation it is
hoped that the stock available will be
'sufficient to permit of every farmer'
who so desires sharing in the benefits
of thie' useful branch of the work of the
experimental farm.
'les distribution now in progress
consists of some of the most promising
sorts of oats, barley, spring wheat, po-
tatoes, peas and field corn. Requests'
for samples may be sent to the Central
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, at any
time before the let of March, but after
that date the lists will be closed so that
the applications then on hand may be
filled before seeding begins. All com-
munications can be sent free cf post-
age. It is desirable that each applicant
should name the variety which he de-
sires to test, also one or two alterna-
tive sorts in case the stock of the sot t
chosen should be exhausted, while no
promise can be made that the variety
asked for will he sent, the wishes of
correspondents will be attended to as
far as practicable. The samples of grain
will be sent early, hut potatoes cannot
be distributed until the danget of in-
jury in t-ansit by frost is over.
Director Experimental Farm.
Ottawa, January 5, 1007.
Mi'.Trank Hillock, of Brampton, is a
von crut and enthusiastic advocp,te of
praying. Fot the past six years his
snows have been worthlgas for packing
but this year the trees sprayed gave a
good crop of perfectly clean fruit.
Then solution used is a mixture of
par is green and sulphate of copper, and
in a large orchard the cost for each tree
would not exceed five cents. In a small
orchard the cost, of course, would be a
little more, hut in every -case the cost,
according to the'results obtained this
year, would he a mere bagatelle com-
parecl-with the great benefit to he de-
rived from a systematic appliation of
the solution.
Father Time has
'to halt when he
meets a woman who
knows how to take care
,of her health. Time F ,- 75", i
can't make her seem
She may be the
mother of a family;
that makes no differ-
,ence. She is bound to '
be young because het heart is young find
there is rich young blood circulating in her
veins. She doesn't need cosmetics and face -
powders and skin -preservers. Pure blood
is the only true skin -preserver,
, But when a woman's blood is furl of bil-
ious impurities, she can neither look young
nor feel young. Her whole constitution 18
poisoned with bad blood. It permeates ev-
ery part. It paralyzes the nerve -centres;
weakens the stomach; irritates the heart,
preys upon the lungs and bronchial tubes.
It reduces a woman to a state of weakness,
nervousness, irritability, dejection and mel-
ancholy. Such a woman can't possibly be
youthful, ne• matter what her age may he.
She needs the youthfulness of highly vital-
ized blood, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will give it to her. It will help
any woman to get back her youth and
freshness again.
It gives the digestive and blood -making
organs and the liver power to produce good,
pure health", blood. It gives color to the
cheeks, and sparkle to the eyes; drives away`
pimples and blotches; wipes away wrinkles;
rounds out emaciated forms, and creates
firm, natural, healthy flesh,
Mrs. Rebecca F. Gardner, of Grafton, York Co.,
Va., writes: " When I was married r weighed ra5
pounds. I was taken sick and reduced in health
and broke out with a disease which my doctor said
was eczema. He treated my diseaa but failed tq
oto me any good, and I fell away to pounds. I
began using Dr, Pierce's Golden edkcal Dis-
covery. and thank God end you, I egan to im-
prove. 'Now i weigh 14o pounds d have only
token two bottles, I cannot say t much about
the medicine My husband say look younger
than I did the t3ret time he saw e, i5 years ago."
La Grippe, for Colds, Coughs,
AYE 'S P ECToRlyt.
"Two years ago, I had the grip) o,
and it left me with a cough which g;n
me no rest night or day. My'family
physician prescribed for me, entangle.;
the medicine as often as lie found the
things I had takeu were not helping
me, but, in spite of his attendance, i get
no better. Finally, my husband,—res..:-
ing one ,day of ,a gentleman who hail
had the grippe and was curet ,,y taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; proceed, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
.and in my family, whenever we have
needed it, and have'•found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."—
EmznY WOOD, North St., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry ,Pect®E'J'
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Cared by Paine's Celery
Cored by the Only Medicine
that Could Cure
Cured by the Medicine that
can surely meet your case
Cured? Yes, perfeotly and permanently
cured. Paine's Celery Csmpound, does
not, like other medioinee, confer only tem-
porary relief. Its work is thorough and
far-reaching, anal nothing is .left undone.
Happy indeed are they who, suffering from
disease and sickness, make use of Paine's
Celery Compound to renew their lives.
Mrs John Belanger, of St. Henri, P. Q.,
whose daughter had been brought to real-
ize that she was nearing the end of her
life's journey, and who was perfectly cured
by Paine's Celery Compound, writes gladly
the following letter regarding the permau-
enoy of the wonderful cure:—
"Eighteen months ago I sent you a testi-
monial for your wonderful Paine's Celery
Compound wgioh had quite restored my
daughter to health and st"ength after other
medicines failed to cure her,
I em pleased to inform you that the cure
has been a permanent one, and that my
daughter owes her present good health to
your great life-giving medicine. I think
more of Paine's Celery Compound today
than e' ar before."
On Tuesday Hon. J. Israel Tarte was
suddenly taken ill in his office. His illness
was inflammation of the liver. The Min-
ister has gone to hie home in Montreal
where he can have rest and quiet until bet-
A Champion Swindler.
The local police are asked by the Amer-
ican authorities at Syracuse to ba ou the
lookout for a first-class swiudler, who luxe
been "doing" the merchants and hotel keep•
era in several places in New York State.
He will visit a hotel with stables attached,
and announce himself as the advance agent
of some large horse dealer, and eugage ace
commodatiou for one or two car loads of
horses, which are to arrive. and be placed
on sale. He will then ask the barn man to
introduce some haruess maker, as he is in
needpf supplies for the horses when they
come. He will purohase a largo quantity
of haruess, eto., from the dealer, end then
tender in payment a sprig= olteuk and re-
e3tVe tete beleuee in gash. In order to make
the transaction appear more plausible, he
will order the barn man to take the sup-
plies to the stables, After this he will eek
one of the hotel people to introduce htnr to
some other local merobants from whom he
will purchase small amounts of goods, shoos
eta., and tender small -bogus checks in -pay-
ment, always large enough to receive a good
sum in cash as a balance. The man who
works this little game gives his name as
George Wilcox, and is 38 or 40 yeare old.
five feet eight inches in height, and weighs
about 140 pounds, is of light complexion,
and weans a short moustache. When last
seen, he wore a dark overcoat, light colored
pants and a low crowned Derby hat.
It has transpired that every appointment
to the Civil Service made by the present
Government bas been made under an Or-
der-in-Counoil, providing that such ap-
pointment shall be subject to Doming legis-
lation as regards superannuation. It is
rumored that the new superannuation bill
for the Civil Service will bo based on the
lines of one in vogue in connection with
Toronto University employers. U ode: the
latter salaries of $1000 a year are subject
to a deauction of 5 per cent, the next grade
to 7i per cent, and so on, with s. rising
scale as the salaries increase. This money
is banked, 6 per cent compound interest
allowed by the Government, and instead of
superannuation becomes the property of
the employee on leaving the service, or of
his relatives 10 case of death. The rate • of
interest in the new Civil Service hill will be
much lower than in the Toronto University
Dr. Agnew's Ointn ant relieves in one
day and curse Totter, Salt Rheum, Scald
Head, Eczema, Bar ers' •Itch, Ulcers,
blotcbee and all erupti ns of the skin. it
is soothing and quieting and acts like
magic in the pure of all baby humors; 35c.
Sold by Watts etc Co.
1897 FUR g , `' URE 18191
We have started the new year with as find a line of Furniture as you wish to see.
and at prices that will astonish you for cheapness., All our goods are warranted to give
satisfaction, and we extend to you our invitation to call and inspect our large stock of
When we know we can please you in quality and price. Givo us a trial,
OurUndertaking department is complete in every respeet,and as we purchase from first•
class manufacturers only, we can guarantee to give good satiefaction in all its branches,
as we have an Undertaker and Embalmer of 15 years experience. And any orders we
may be favored with shall receive the very beet attention.
Night•and Sunday calls will be attended to by call on our John Powell, at his residence.
Don't forget the old stand, near Feir'e Mill, Clinton,
Fruits, Groceries,
January 2 ; 189?
nnnnxlitil uuunnununsuuwxiuuw,�,,
AVegetable Preparation for As-
sllriilating !h. PaoJ indReguta-
till, the S tnm0^' ; n Dowei5 of
Promotes Digestion,Clleerrul-
ness and Rest,Contains neither
p luln,Morphilte nor lrimeral.
lart r1,e of Old it'' •SAMUEL,
Jlu�rnphire SaoJ-
Au•se Seat
1111 CarbonacJaa,
Jibrm Jeeel -
dwFl Flaw?:
pew a
Aperfect 3iernedy for Constipa-
tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Coclvulsions,feverish-
f4ess and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Flt ,iYt>G
Q F—
Oaetoria is put lip in one -size bottles only. It
is not sold In balk, Don't allow anyone to Bell
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "jest as good" and "will answer every pur-
pose," nen Sloe that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -R -I -A.
The fan- ,�
simile `C` 008
dense= 09
117 of • wrapper.
If yon want a handsome Present for a friend, we have them in abundance in CFiINA,
SDITS ana OVE1tCOA't'S—Do you want an Overcoat—this is the place. Also,
for e, GOOD SUIT, either ready made or made to order. We have a large stock of
BOOTS SHOES, RUBBERS, &c., that are selling very faat, as they are so ohcap.—
We have GOAT ROBES that take lead for quality and price. Also, out only hand-
s me GALLOWAY ROBE. Higheet price paid &or produce.
Sealed Tenders, add sed to the Postmaster
General, will be received at Ottawa until noon,
on Friday, January 22nd, 1897, for the convey-
ance of tier Majesty's Mails, on proposed con -
treats for four years from the let of April next.
1 -Between Clinton and Railway tStatlon 48
times per week each way,
2—Between Lovdeeboro and Railway Station
12 times per week each way.
.$rioted notices containing further information
as 4o conditiona.of proposed contracts may be
otitalned at the, Poet Mars at Clinton and Lon•
dbonand at this office,
d3, G. RO1'KIIR, Post office Inspector
Post Office Inspector's Office,
Stratford, Dec. 11, 1896,
The Canada Business College
Is still unable to meet the demands made epee
it for Stenographers, Bookkeepers and Teachers
for other colleges,
Lou Brownlee, of Luoan, has scoured the posi-
tion of Stenographer with Royal Manufacturing'
Co., Detroit Mich. e p
withlce M.a largo puhliehlurdock,trig house, rapher
, same cityon of g
The same positions mentioned last week still
remain unfilled. Wo have n0 students to fin
It Pays to Attend the hest.
College will reopen for tho New Year, Jan. 5
For.catalogne of either dopartment,addreee
P. McLACHLAPI & Co Chatham
Ask Your Stationer
`Ivory White' writing pad
The Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., Toronto
Car Loads of Furniture
almost daily
Furniture, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines
Going to every part of the County, all of which goes to show that the people aro satisfied
with our goods and prices. Call and sae our $4 Extension Tables and $1,50
Parlor tables, solid oak.
J.23. CT3�Si=.t IVC . f "fT I3
In Lead Packets only a.
Specially Selected Black or Mixed—,--Half
so, f Pound and
o nd
Packets --AT Ai,r, GROCERS --25, 30, 40, 5 r pound.
tee (101140000404/0
Shre 99 d Buyers and
Lovers of Fine Dishes
Are buying their
We wishpwe had more windows to show or goods in.
NVe have so many nice things in the China line.
TALK IS CHEAP—Our Dinner Sets do the talking; a look at
our stock will convince you that we have the prettiest and cheap-
est line of Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets that are shown in town.
Now•is the time to buy your Xmas Presents while our stock is con- •
plete, and have.us set hiem aside for you..
ad and
Ill Berry Buttr PlSetsates,rtter (tips, Sauce Sa. 5 ucersck , we offer exceptionalalad Pevalues.
Fine Mixed handy 5c per.4pcound, Raisins 5cyer pound, Currants 5c
per pound, 2 pounds Mierel Nuts for 2oc, 2 pounds extra good
('reams for 2:3c. Oranges l5c per doz. 4 lhs Ginger Nuts for 25c
A. Merry ;Miers to toil. The Cash Grocery
OGLE COOPE , & CO., Phone. 23
00410 004,9101
Remember we have Reduce%,(
our Prices 20 per cent
on all Woollen Goods,
Call and see our stock before,
. purchasing elsewhere
A C. DU FTO N. °PP Clinton.
Mason House
r...stioecwm.ucx irazawasamemseemaismaimmarec
1896 CH
LTMAS 1896'
New Fruits for Christmas Trade
• .Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes and Peels. -
Old Raisins, 28 Ib. box for $1, Headquarters for Teas and
Crockory, (Rina, Glassware and Lamps, We have to make room for oar import•.
ed Xmas and New Years goods, and have reduced prices considerably. Call,lent.
see our goods and get prices. Good Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples taken as,d"ash.
("ash paid for good Batter and Eggs.
J. W. IRWIN, -
-' Clinto
We keep in stock ,
and make to order ".
Cutters and Sleighs
which we $aaranteo to be
first class in every particular.
Nothing but the best mateislttllneed,-