HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 2rev , , :r . v ,,,. - rWqw .. , 11 t 1 .fit ) I �, #1" A, � r. - . -r „ v 11 1 't I , ., . 1. I,y, Opwuvy 22, 1807 t THE CLINTON NEW ERA . J �,., M J1 Ai''• Oant . Wilson, s�Chth, while •on { c cal heyears,alth officer. . nu Armstrong p Medi- , r%U'Before the Tariq' Colttrtmlasiott. I Clippings IIIPQIiTAN'� C t i or� P-li fl.*Utog t'� • During the last few days in the east- a business visit to Walkerton, was were issued a d the election expenses to all pvtzAfllyd Of FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1897 1 ei it part of the province the Tariff Com- taken ill with la grippe, and is laid, tip ales, amounting to $55.88, were ordered to n t at the residence of his uncle, Mr R{ch- be presented for payment to OGtipty IiUI�,�C,1LS, I1f01i10eX'a Or j i mission has been getting some excel- ardson: �1 rev. Dr. Mcjllullon, of Woodstock, is I auntie. The treasurer was authorized �lXl Waggons, lent information I'i'orn stockmen, dairy- Miss Ma ie Bell, who taught in With Hood'sSarsapa- to be resit surplus mons in some char - reported to have spoken strongly $ g „ „ �� p P Y Having boo lit &.1eLITTLE,�IF hien, and others Interested in agi{cul Zurich Pub is School during the past rills, Sales Talk, and tared bank. The next meeting of g g {I,,gainst the custom of taking off hats year, left last week for Ottawa, where show that this meds- council will be Feb. 6th. Cutter, whereby axles are ou tXnd bo. '` . curia standing bareheaded at funerals. ,cure, as to what changer were needed ahs will send six ontha in the. Nor- P (p cine has enjoyed public confidence and How many people are ashamed to go into I' set bask to the shoulder, ll, . g the , The doctor's head is level. If anybody fn their behalf pat�ticularly, and also Its mal School, patronage to a greater extentthaaaeoord- company on account of their foul-smellir)@ just as good as new, I will,be glial to, '. can offer any good reason for the con. to what would benefit the country gen- The many friends of Messrs Win. ed any other proprietary medicine. This breath, cause$ from catarrh or cold in the form anywoik in this directiop. tinuance of the foolish habit which so senile The stock and dairymen em- Kerr and Win. McKay, Hensall, will is simply because it possesses greater bead? If they would study their own in- I GUARANTEE ALL W .aatisI i•', Often in cold weather endangers health I y regret to learn that they are very ill, merit and produces greater cures than terests they would soca have sweet breath ',r,,. he ought to come forward, phasized Particularly the uccessity'of and are daily becoming much weaker, P g I like their neighbors. There is one sure .r done, oepeakain then highest t, �r : .-- I the removal of the duty on corn if it owing to their long continued illness. any other. It is not what we say, but I cure for Catarrh .and that is Dr. Chase's � The Goderich Signal. entered last what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that t�kn ® UVJ Come and see the machine, apcl 1 b was expected lea would ever success- We ie ret to learn of 1 be death of Catarrh Cure. Give one blow through th?. ' p g the story. All advertisements of Hoods blower and you get relief immediately. I k ALBERTSEE week upon the fiftieth ear of its ex- n cited States Mr Jelin Purcell, of McKillop, which Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it - P y fully eornpetc with fhe L r I Price, including blower, 25 cents. Blacksmith and General Re riirer' isEence, and it announces that it, closed ; > took place at the residence of his son salt are honest. We have never deceived g >? t ' ' , In Lhe fattening of cattle for the Ln on the 3rd con., on Tuesday' He had ' Carriage Shop, Clinton. : g b Y• the public, and this with its superlative It becomes our painful duty this tri' with a larger jobbing kind advertising I lisp market. Mr John Stagg, a proms_ been only ill since Friday. He was medicinal merit, is why the people have week to cbronicle the death of Mrs i,, about 62 years of age. abfdin confidence in it, and buy McCurdy, relict of the late Arch. Me- .. 0 NOTICE TO CREDIT business to its credit than in any peer- I neat COnsorvative and an extensive g ;1,^ On Saturday night Frank Mare all Curdy, of Usborne. Deceased was a a __ ions year-, More power to the Signal. , and successFul cattle raiser and,feeder, set a trap iu ties stable at RAgerville, ' native of Ireland, and had been a resi- In the estate of John Coldouyh, l Although it has turned the It+tlf cen- i dent of Usborne about fifty years. Lury markit is still one of the most 1 complained of having had to pay for I and on Monday morning he hung the Her husband died about eleven ears Township ce Codericli, in the youthful and brightest of exchaug- nearly the last twenty years $75 for trap in front of McArs. T hardware 00d Y Ilurott, deceased. store containing 13 rats. This trap is ago, leaving her in comfortable car- 1es. cumstances, and she has lived on the *notice is hereby given, pursuant to e every thousand bushels of coat that lie evidently a success, ® h.8.o., Chapter 110, that wh creditors at t ' David Ranger of UCtawa has been had iu1 anted and fed Lo cattle which Mrs Matthew Dorsa one of the farm' ever since. She was about 80 I having claims against the estate of the P Y / years of age, but ver active for a wo- ceased, who died on or about the sOt fined $100 for tampering with Walk- u)neersettlers of Seaforth, died. in Sarsaparilla Y IYj P g I were e*ported, but no drawback had an of her ears. cleared was the August, 1896, at the requirt or Morris `^ en's whisks He is not the one man innipegl where she had been living mother of Mrs Geo. W. Holman and J of [furan, are horsey require to deriver '; Y• Y been allowed him. Ile asserted that fur some tune, and the remains reach- Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it / d 1� 0 ® by post prepaid, to Joe Cololough•, all who has suffered from tampering every beast fattened with imported ed Seaforth on Wednesday and were Prepared only by C. I. Hood &Co„Lowell, Mass. Mre Jos. Orr, of Brantford; the latter, o„ O,.tario, on or before the2Sthday interred in Iriahtown eenteter who came up to wait, on her mother, is , , y next, the names, addresses and de-cripti Y, with whiskey, but his case is peculiar corn was tt arch lU to the farmer for y , are the only pills to take now lying very ill with congestion of Lull particulars of their claims duly verifl Hood's Pills with xeed'g fiarsaparllla the nature of the securities (if any) held b in that his offence was waterin the the offal itleft. Jas, Menzies, a former well known the lungs. - _-_�^ ___-. and the oxecuton will, on and after the gg Ethelite, has decided to become a resi- Let arents'not live for their children, The annual lneetin of the members of January next, proceed to distribute the gro . That is supposed to bean offence P g o the said estate among the partieb e Dr. Williams, who represented. the dent of Grey, after fan absence of seve- but with them.” The mother should al- of tits Tucker smith Branch A >r tc alt ur- g$ it entucity, but we never heard of it b ' tfieroto, having regard onlyto the claims of before in Canada. farmers of 'Renfrew, went larges into rat years in Muskoka. Mr Menzies has tr low no false modesty to stand in the way al Society took place on Wedne:,day they have then notice, and the said exe largely. Crisp County Clippin�,s. ' purchased the west half of lot_ 22, con. ' of her daughter's knowledge of herself, of last in the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, will dot be liable for the assets of The sal ti;' the oppressive nature of the tariff to- 11, and next a i in will begin tilling tato or ary part thereof so distributed, t It is reported from Ottawa that Mr, p g g g Mrs Campbell, of Colborne, left last her possibilities. of her perils, For over The following officers and directors person of whose claims they have not noti I.1 wards the farming interest, enurnerat. the soil, week fcr San Francisco, Cal. thirty years Dr. Pierce has used his "Fav- were appointed for the current year:= the time of such distribution. Laurier will visit Washington before Messrs John McMann rind Jas. Arch- orate Prescri tion" as a strep thenar a Geh. Dale res. ; W. G. Broadfoot, MARY M. COLCLOUGH, Blyth i Ex ing many changes that were required P strengthener, + ti the session of the Dominion parliament 5bald, who have been in the horse buy- W J. Elliott, of Seaforth, has passed purifier, s rogalator It works directly vice prey.; (tire.ctors, J. 141. 11cKay, JCh• COLCLOUGH, (baso fleet ClintonCl�prl)eo., 1's to giv4 them any reasonable degree of g p g upon the delicate, distinctly feminine .or- Tucket sinith; Thos. Govenlock, Win. Dated at Clinton, the 26th day .' opens. We sincerely hope that the ru- in business tit Seaforth for some hie examination at "the Guel h A ri- equity, concluding his evidence with a years, and who did a very large busi. cultural College. Bans, in a natural, soothing way. It McIntosh and Jas. Smith, McKillop; i.','' senor {s true. It will do Canada no harm few strongly emphasized renl•arks that ness, have dissolved partnership, and Ex reeve Ba,wden, of Exeter, left for I searches out the weak spots and builds J, E. Dale, Thos. McMichael and �Vm. Professional andOtherCard and may do both countries much good are now each buying on his own ac- the old country on Saturday with a them up. A woman who would under- Ross, Hullett; Thos. SterrpI ens and W. they had put in power tliose who had count., carload of fine horses. stand herself should send 31 cents to the Winter, Seaforth. lu.srs David h', to have the Phemier at the United ,advocated reform in the tariff, and the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y., for Johnson and P. $eCantillon were ap- s'';, ' States capital for a few days. There y The trustees of the James St. Metho- Others have found health, vigor and vit- JAMES SCOTT. ;;+;I` ; ought to be the friendliest of relations expected them to fulfil their promises, dist church, Exeter, have re-engaged alit in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it sural Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, a book of pointed auditors. At a nleetit)g of g P P Mr Frank Ruse as choir leader during } P Y 100E pages. f!5e directors subsequently held, Mr 1 . lbetween them, and we cannot think of g nae power to help you slap. Why not try E. Hays was appointed secretar and Barri$ter, Solicit This ahsert.ion drew from the farmers the resent year. Mr Ruse has been a i allytking more likely to promote good A Y + it? Allen &Wilson, Chemist and Druggist, treasurer,'Mr Cresswell, the laterreas- f -..: a.i�rf mon the statesmen at Wash- present loud cries of hear, hear, and faithful servant, and is competent in Clinton, have received a supply of the cele- •.4� ,ington than a visit from Mr, Laur let cheers, Sir Richard Cartwrighffi rE - discharging the duties that devolve On Tuesday Mrs Ann Ewan, mother bested Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills, neer, declining longer to act. CO... y TCrR &p, 1''! I upon bills as choir plaster; of Daniel Ewan, blacksmith, Brussels, -_ (Note well that attention to the liver means e ondin wif.h the Worcds ` We must passed to her long home, in her 85th d ) d � Commissioner for Ontario an$ Manitoba. � 4 :,. The Globe bespeaks an early session P g t accept cite responsibility. „ My baby had croup and was saved by 'writes .` ear Y healthy action to the kl neys, pure b oo , good appetite, sound sleep, no headache, L r -of Parliament and promises ah Interes- `` , ' Sing It is well that ttie ses= At Ottawa a large farmer's delega- Shiloh'$ Cure," Mrs J. B. Martin, of Huntsville, Ala. Sold b J. hf, Combe Y Mr Andrew Oalder left Seaforth last week for Toronto. where has entered no indigestion. The blessing of a sure and g g cafe cure of all liver and stomach trouble program. ,S' slop should be early. There are many tion gave similar testimony, and acity Clinton. tete hospital for treatment. is within your reach. One box (complete things demanding attention, and there ' merchant, knowing that there was go- We notice by the Woodstock Senti- Mr W. E. Walr•ond, Revival services were commenced in treatment) an investment of 50c will prove they are worth their weight in gold. 5,.. -is a good deal of suspense awaiting "' ing to be a representation of•farmers, nel-Review that the Methodist church, Hensall, on tth-ir disposal. In regard to the tariff', son off Mr Geo. Walrond, of Stephen, Monday with fine indications of tic-' WRECKED :, +especi•yy11 there is much uncertainty, • '%� and the overnmerit owes it to the secured two farmers to give evidence as to the benefits of protection to them, was a successful candidate in the re- cent. municipal contest in that town, been Councillor cotnplishing much good. . Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood Mrs Harkley, the Wife of Captain Mark- +�'• Countr td settle the unrest as soon as Y t ;5, but their story would not hang togeth- having elected over two other candidtites b a handsome Y and gives a clear and beautiful complexion. g p Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. ley, well-known Lake Captain of Owen possible. er, and one of them admitted that the majority. Sounu, Ont, tells how la grippe left her, ` Germany, with an area of 208,783 ` farmers were in a " rut " and that U On Thursday triorrting, when Mr J, Petcr Bishop has sold his 50 acres, being south half of lot 15, con. 6, Grey, and how often Doctors gave up hope and x,; " square miles,has tt, population of 49,627,- something would have to be done to Anderson and his son, of East Wawa- nosh, were catling down a beef ;he for $1,200, to Archie McIntosh, also of her family and friends despaired of her 490; France, with 204•,092 square miles 9 extricate them. d barn, Che gambrel stictc flew round and Grey. recovery -The Great South American has a population 38,250,000, while the D. M. McPherson, M. P. P., ex-presi- struck Air Anderson below the right Consumption, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Nervine was the Beaqon which directed United Kingdom of Great Britain and , dent of the Eastern' Dairymen's Asso` eye. die was stunned for the moment, but barring the black eye and cut faro, and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by 6hiloh'e Cure. Sold by J. H. Combe her into the good Health Harbor. • Ireland, with an area of 121,]15 square miles has a population of shout 4O il00, pp ciation, said the tariff was an annu tl will not suffer much inconvenience from the blow. Clinton. I "About .four years ago I was afflicted with,a severe attack of la ..ggrippe, which 000. Free trade Great Bribain's popu- tax of $50 on every IM acre farm, an There has been registered with Hpy t_• � • ship registrar, r 1896, 108 births, left me almost a complete wreck. I was lation is increasing ata more rapid rate lhan that 6f- most other' conoti les of assertion quite within Lhe truth, and A sensation of a rather lamentait, nature was crested ,it hxetc,r on Fri- 63 ulales and 43 females; 27 deaths, 13 prostrated for weeks. I doctored with sev- eral•physicians and used many remedies, Europe, and tit the same time it is that tinder present conditions it was day last, when it, was learned that W. stales and 14 females; 24 marriages. but none had any lasting effect. My ""Europe, founding English speaking nations in impossible to profitably employ labor Southeott, a prominent business man, The followingare the newly appoint- friends began to be alarmed for my recov- Australia, Africa and America. farm at the resent rate of -a es was tinder arrest for the alleged theft d fii f • f 5 f • h F' ' B ery. The doctors shook their heads, and Offioe immediately South of Gilroy,& Wiseman W. BRYD011IE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo_ Gallery,- , CLINTON 1j1i9: Gs CAMERON (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron)' • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Office—Hamilton St„ opposite Colborne Hctel GODERICH. ONT f1R. WM. GUNN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S 'i 1S Edinburgh. Office—Ontario hreet, Clintop s Night calls at front door of residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. • DU1N J. L. TURNBUf,L, M. D., TORONT University, M D. C. e M. C. Y Sc S„ Ontario - el -1 Iw of the Obatetri' Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ an Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.—Dr.Dowsely'sol office Rattenbury St, Clinton. .Night bel answered at the same place, i 1R. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur, etc., office and residence On - ort a P b of a quantity of cloth ft ( lie tailor sale, for the i resent ea te ri held out little hope. I was attracted by Cepa St., opposito gliab churrcch,, formerly 00 He made this assertion so apparent, by she of Jas. Grieve. On Monde he g P year: -Chief ' nd an advertisement of South American Ner- pied by Dr. Appleton, The Globe thinks, along with a gaud the exhibition o£ some calculations he was shop' ily ti lett before Magistrate ex. Broad man foreman, hSWm• Ireland* vine, and as my trouble was of -a netvous ROPERITES SFOR SALE oft •.ro LET As. 8. FREEBORN, M.D., L.H.&Q.C.P.i., M, man others, that the court machinery asst. foreman, John Stogdill; Sec., F. _ r) C. P. ac s, o., c;raduate Icings and queens Y had made, that it Could not otherwise 'Lewis, of Cr'edilon, and committed to C. Anderson; Treas., Geo Sills. nature I decided to try it. The first bottle _ College of S. O. fano, Dublin, Troland. icon of this country is far more cumber- Goderich for trial. helped me greatly. I persisted in its use IiOUSI�S I+ Vhv �ALkJ OIL RENT tiate General Aledical Council, Great Britain than be admitted, to , I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross and this .great remedy has completely . 5lomber of College Pb sici some and costs than it ought to be, A ver leasant event took place at g P Y y ' ens and Surgeons, on - Y g Y P f Karl's (,lover Root Tea has made me well built u m system, and I oaitivel de. Several houses either f,,r sale or to rent. Full tanto. Formerly resident of Rotunda IIospital „ We think the indication, are that the residence of My B. Ho t;arth, Hen- P Y Y P Y articulare o❑ application to JOHN MCGARVA (Lyin It is genet ally conceded, the Glok)a g and happy. Mrs E. B.4VOitDEN, Sold by clare that it is the one mmed that t.ve p g -fu and St. est next) Dublin. Residence farmers are going to have theirinninge call, on Tncsday evening, when hts J. H. Combe, Clinton, Y Y g-ltatteubury St, cast, neat..doorto Ontario St Bcys, ,,that the iiidgineipL summons daughter, Agnes F.., was married to me any relief.' Sold by Watts & Lo, r pars"nage. , ," racers, or at least that art of it which in a short time, and the burdens which g g FOR SALE OR O RENT. Process p' Mr Geo. E. Case, of the London Road, Mr Will. Southcott, merchant tailor, The annuals meeting of Carmel —s 1f)R STAN Dopar GRADUATE OF THr empowers to jud;e to0imprisiou ajudg- they have been bearing for the past After the ceremony, which took place Exeter, made an assignment to Mr J, small cottage, centrally tocatod. For sale or x Medical Department of Victoria Unrver ,f, 'ment debtor un the )lea of contem t of church, Hensall, was held on Tuesday to rent. city, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and •. 1 P eighteen ears will be taken ft their at 6 o'clock, in the presence of nearly A. Stewart on Monday last fcr the evening.There was a ver large au- W. C. SEARLE Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he ,,,, court, ought, to be abolished root and g Y 50 relatives, the Rev J. S. Henderson benefit of his creditors. Mr John dienceresent and the heart good -- Coanty Of Hit Bayaeld,ont. branch. 1L is illogical and out of dale. shoulders, and then, insleal of farms S y g .r oit .` ALE _ Fyofficiating, the party sat down to a . oulhcott also made an assignment on will with which old and Sun entered ' t; , We have abolshed imprisonment for young -- deb ; yet adebtor may still be commit- depreciatingin value, they will steadily fine wedding supper. Tuesday to Mr John Gill, for the bene- into the business of the meetm was The undersigned will sell ataaacrificc,Lot451 ®R AG�EV►/, fit, of his creditors. 11 ted fur contempt of court, his contempt alvance till they reach nearly the price The prize lists for the FlHron Poultry till evidence of their interest in wel- or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton. Particulars Londesboro, sucr,eseor to Dr Young. 'I j upon applioation, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o T. AGNEW, M, B., Toronto IInivereity, M. D. C congisting iu his not paying his debt, the were held at about a dozen ears and Pet Stock Association Show, to be Willoughby Adams, a your man fare of the cungrPgtition. The session y' Y Y o g reported that 33 had been added to the M., Trigtty Surgeons, Member of fico opo Phy- held in Seaforth on Jan. 26-27-..8, are who has been living at Mr MCCullarrh s P , , siciane and Surgeons, Ontario, Office opposite ' ago• now ready for distribil,tion. The list, in Ushorne, died on Saturday, after a membership during the year. The an- FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Methodist church. Night calls answered at the Abbe Proulx has got. back from nual statement of t he treasurer show- - same place. Office hours 8 to 10 am., 1 to 3p,m both general and special, is ]targe and Short illness. He was a native of Eng- Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich to 9 P.M. '; r. lRome, and though it is admil.ted that. BLOOD IS LIFE, comprehensive, and the prizes offered land, and had been a resident Ot' Us- ed [hat notwithstanding the stress of Township. For terms and particulars ap- ;.,;,,, , be has ren pained in strict seclusion" for competition liberal. Mr J. L. Jar- borne about six years, and had no near hard times, the revenue of the congre- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton DR• - T• C. BRUCE, It is the medium which carries to every. vis, manager of the oultr de artment relatives in this county, gation was never larger. The total in - r f*. :since his arrival in Montreal the g P Y P' y Y• - SURGEON DENTIST, <,R'• nerve, muscle+, organ and Libre its nourish• .of the A ;ricultural Celle e Gael h come for the year from all sources t :inriounce that he will report to ment and strength. if the blood is�rure, one of the best anthnritiesgon Oulrr Mr Elam Butt, jr , and his sister, was $2,659.4-1, which, after, meeting all t hI�R111�' 111�9)(,I� Graduate'R C DIS of Ontario, and TrinityU ,',papers P rich and health you will be well if re, P y Martha, of Ki eu, were in London indebtedness leaves a balance in the � SALE versity Toronto. 14ir Laurier that "hie mission has been Y+ Y in Canada, will judge all classes. + I) 11 OR �t11�W1 s eclat attention + .a dismal failure." Who knows that pure, disease will soon overtake you. townshi last week attendin the fun- treasur of $41.50. Of Lhe above N t. P given to the Preservation o P g' Y the natural tooth. Abbe Proulx was Sent by Mr Laurier Iloods Sarsaparilla has power to keep von The best cough cure is Shiloh'a Cure, A e, al of a cousin. While there Mr Butt amount $852 was : contribnt ed to the o — on an mission? And so long as the in health b making our blood rich and neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at had the misfortune to lose his driving schemes of the church. The continued $300 cash std 120 monthly payments of is each Omce, Coate f lock, over Taylor's epos store Y 1, Y g Y once with Shiloh's Cure. g D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday and people of Canada support Mr Laurier, pure. horse, which was a great favorite, and growth of the congregation which has I'aydold every 'hhursday atter on during the what need ire care whether his Mani- Miss Agnes Blair, daughter of Mrs with his sister had to return bottle on rendered the seating capacity of the summer ltoba school policy is apps oved or disap- Hoon's Pmi.s are easy to take, easy to Wm. Blair, Kip en, has been for some the train. church too small, caused an intere:'t- Farm for Sale .., proved tat Rome? Both parties in Can- operate. Cure indigestion, billiousness,25c. f}� ing-discussion as to the best method — J E. BLACBALL VE Aifa SuRaEwf. time a great su erer, the trouble being Read Ayer's Almanac which your dru • • HonoraryGraduate /r beontarfoveterina g of incCPastn the accommodation. The The uudorsi ned offers for sale the aplon rryy AAa kurm, that he did the best that - a tumor near the heart. For eo>}ie gist will gladly hind y'ou, and note the g 76 acre form �ief❑g lots,, con, 11, Sullen, im-' College, Treats alldisetteosofdomesticatedand could k e done e order the circumstances, r ► time she has got very little encourage- wonderful cares of rheumatism, catarrh, rnatt.er'was left in the hands of the medlately a3joining the Villaqe of Londeeboro. mals on the most modern and ecientifleprinoi 'f'' (�jY'] (�pu]lt (,�] leen'$ managing board. An intereatipgfaCt Thera aro the promises good story ands Pies Office-immodiatelysouth of the New Ere and those who clamor for Lhe itnpos-, p pp b merit from the doctor, and having t e scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debility, bu- ORice, Residence —Albert St., Clinton. Cal brought, out. in Connection with the half frame house,l�ame barn 3 x GG, and stable tP, Bible will -help neither their party not- _ knowledge that in the near future it mors, and sores, by the nee of Ayer's Sar- g 20'x e0. Also a good orchard. There is a spring night onlay attended to promptly their church. Darin the year 1896 Patrick Keat- would prove fatal, she, last week, at sa arilla, the one Sarsa Sarsaparilla admitted reports was that Mr Will. Bell, areas- creek rennin through the promises. Will, P Y P g JOHN F. MILNF VFTF.RINARY SURGEON, ing, Seaforth, disposed cif 41 car- loads the London hospital, underwent the. eft the World's fair, erer of the congregation, has been in •HILUS or AIRS BARItWELL, l,oudoaboro, * JOHN returned toelinrnn and opened an office , The past, year is one' of phenomena) of lumber, representing 4UU.0(10 ft. painful and critical operation of having Mr Thos. Bremner, who has for banters ail her as mana.>zer or treasurer at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be concoct it removed. She is now slowly inprov- for 39 years. Farm. for Salo ed for the treatment of all diseases of horses, exports of agricultural produce, not We. regret to chronicle the death of some time ppast held the position) of or- - _ - —� _- cattle &c. All calls night or day, promptly at- ,.", 1.'ng• mist in Turnberr tended to. only from Canada but from the United Nit, Adam McAllister, of Boisevain, g y congre rpt ional Lot?, Bayfletd Concession, Goderich township The annual meeting of Morris dis- church was recent) resenlec b t he 84 acres, 41 4 which are cloared, and in a ,rood Man., wjlich Occurred l+asL week, Lhe Y P i.; t: • S't.ttes, During Octol?er, when wheat Y atatooPoultivation;40aeresgoorlhatdtvoodbush TOMLINSON, VETERINAhY SURGEON funeral be' ing un Sunday last. De- tract L. O, L. was belt in the Orange congregation with a gold watch in roc- maplo, boecn, cherry, uncalled, with a few acres B. Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Voterl junl1.ped,,and there was a great rush to ceased was the eidest son of Mr Arch, Hall, Blyth, on Tuesday afternoon. ogritUon of his faithful services. Mr of good codnr at rear end Of Int. Oood frame nary College, 'Toronto, Treats all diseases McAllister, of Tttrnberr , After the. transaction of the business in Bi emner leaves the neighborhood to I houao with outbuilding+. Good boarlug orchard Domestic Animals on the most modern and export,tlte United Sttiteasent$l1fl,11011,- Y b t,•w. 1 which yieldod abobt 4U0 harrels th,sseason.— scion two Principles. Dayandnightealleprompt connection with the meeting, the fol- pursue studies in. the Commercial i; OW worth of its products abroad, nearly Mr G. (4rafton, who has been con- lowingofficers were elected: -W. M., i London. „i I Spring crook crosses the lot, which is two miies ley answered. Reeldenco—Rattenbury St. set r�Chopl from Bayflold and seven trout• Olinton, No in- Clinton. I 11$30,000,000 bean > the value of the n ri- ducting a temp ertince house it, F.xetes, �' 6 g Mr Russell, Sunshine: D. M. Mt Me- e, to roruuoc. Owner must glue a fermi. owin+ cultural roducts. That is the hi hest, was char ed before Magistral;' Snell Auburn can boast of having more f co ,oar health, forma es0 pec acre. l5(N) cash MARRIAGE LICENSE, da&ES SCOTT, P g Gee, Blyth; u,hap., Rev Mr Higley, churches and balls inside its fire limits i ,� bafanoe in suit vurchaoer. JOHN EAGLFSON 1'x laeurerof Marriage Licenses, Library Roo _ a re at.e ever made for'-Oarryhl')N' "gin"Thurs ap last with vl(+1ltl'.itl> the g� Mr h; b S,, , B Sturdy, Auburn; F.S., than ran -other villa Rn. and Rosidenoe, Mar 19, Uanac eau exports to (,?real BriLttin aro liquor licence law, and being ound Y village of twice the � I� quell, Ontario. Mary street, �"�, Mr I_ieshrnan, Belgrave; Tress„ Mn Mc- � ", �, ' V51 f nr, less tr rant. British returns show grnity was fined $50 trod costs. Commins, Blyth; D. C., Mr Gibson, of size in the county of Huron, There ® ,i Di:SIliAIILE FARM TO IlvI:NT TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDHSBORO, that for 11 months ending November, It will be a surprise to man to Blyth; Lecturer Mr Rile , of Landes- are the Presbyterian, Methodist, Eng- -- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Y lfsh Luthettan and German Churches No witnesses required there has been an increase of 18 per learn that Mr G. W. Holman, the den baro. The next annual meeting will and, the Temperance and Orange halls. The undersigned offers to rent the splendidg cent. in irnpoi Ls front Canada, cumpar- ial and efficient clerk of Usbor tie for be held in Blyth. P g �W+OIIMho aR &ELIEVH farm ort the, f)tlt cot, Hullett township, being 1 ONEYSmall ur LEND IN LARGE O Y If any village can come up to this, we the north half of Int sill containing Nfi acro+. 1►L Small some on good mart8age acapnic "' ed. with 1865. The imports amounted I1 ears, has resi ned, havin decided 1YtDtottRTI0l1, 1*11i11THRINO OF Frame house, barn, etabto and shod, young moderateratPOttnrerest. H HALE,Clinton. fu :almost P61,000,(Xx) for this erica, Y g We regret exceedingly to announce would like to heat from it. JAUNDICE. HEAa$ orchard hearing this roar, a crook , young P to leave the municipality, The coon- the sad news of the- death of little . ,to arrival of the fleet of stearners til passed a resolution instructing the Johnnie Blackbmu h, that took lace The annual district meeting of L, O. IOYMMILAA ACIDITY OF TUB through the farm all the year round, Adeetreble •l.�,1 w• FARNOOMB, M MBER OPr ASSN 0 avhich left. Montreal during the last ,Reeve to prepares suitable testimonial g p g SALT 8111MY 4yOp{A farm or stock or grain, being only e,x ,niloe 1' . p, L, S., Provineiat- VWd Surveyor an at Anaconda, Montana, on Jan. 2nd. L. was held in Clinton Inst week. The from the town of Clinton, npD ly to MRS JANE Civil Etgineer, London Ont.—Ofiroo at Geo week Of November too late to have for presentation to him at an early Last, March be, with his father and following is the result of the election )IBAYIDIf(ill'" QBYNES9 017 DODSwORTH, or JOnN FORD, Holmeeville. Stewart's Grocery Store, dtinton. .,their- cargoes included in thA returns, date. We have it from ood authorit 0ACB1L' B1tm will make the exports for the year re- that Mr Holman has turned out 11 mother, Mr and Mrs Jas. Blackbroughr of officers: - Dist, ter, r, ,I. Bullard; I 1t uousil 9, 11[ZZ CHOICE FARM FOR SALE left East Wawanoeh CO make their Dequty Dist. Mauler, W. G. Smith itt>� cord breaking. In both Canada and collector's rolls without a single error. home in the far west. Since that time Chap., Rev W. Stout; Rec. Sec., G. M. YSPB 313, I DR0P4Y. Subscriber offers for sale the 80 acro farm on R. AG NEW. L..D.$ D.D.S.\ the United States the farmer is still This is a record that -few men can the little boy had been enjoying good Killy,Fin. Sec.,RCantelon;Treas.,R, - -'4--v"a:,.tdh..°"� the corner of the cut line and 10th con., Goderich DENTIST. .the leading exporter, and he competes boast of. He is going to live in Sea- health until Christmas, when he Scarlett.; Dir. Cer., J. Miller; Director RIDURT6, eT01$�:1�, Township. It is well watered, wilb good bearing , Graduate of Royal College of Dental surgeons tin the Open mrtkret of the world. forth, orchard, frame house and new bank barn. Con- Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity Uufvcraft caught a cold which turned into mem- W• Kenny. The next annual meeting sowEfe on venient to church and school. Will be sold on Toronto, branous croup, and in spite of medical will be held in Seafor th. BLOOD. reasonable torms. Apnl to ;HEART PA1N13 LEAVE IN A DAY (Zoite an excitement was caused by P � y All nperatione in Dentistsy carei'tillvpett the disappearance on the night of the skill he passed away quietly on Satur- Ayer's Hair Vigor is cerminly a re>atark- MRS JOB SPARLING, Clinton Best local Anaesthetics [orpalnless Unable to attend to Her Dail Duties- election of Thos. Elliott an old resi. day evening. able preparation and nothing like it has Odloo visit Town Han over S Y P P K NRM ��O FARlII FO[t SAGL Willvielt Hensall every Monday dent of the 1.4tb con, of Logan, who The annual meeting of the Hay ever been produced. Ivo matter how wiry every second Thursday of esob mo th. and agreat sufferer from Heart Trouble Toit0Wvo. AwNfght bell anawored. now resides with David McPherson. Branch Agricultural Society was held and unmanageable the hair may be, under Lot 25, Con. G, Township of Aunott, duct scree, 4-+•-fnduced totry Dr. Agnew's Cure The old gentleman was anxious to in the town hall at Zurich last Wed. the influence of this incomparable dressing . r__.__ .. 88 acres cleared and in a good state of cultiva- ?r..'' it becomes soft silk and liable to the tion, excellent clay loam Boil; 12 acres of hard. THOS. Gi•UNDRY, Auetio for the Heart, And it proved a know .the result of the elections, and nesday, The annual report was read by , y, p went over to a neighbor's. On return- the secretary, and showed the society comb and brush, +�a►taaa wood nbusd supply ere Isatetgood Parra borchard leti vo GODERICH, ONT. wonderful worker g a r Balsa Ing he lost his way and wandered into to be in a good standing, as they have The man friends of Mr John Cald- ,h been rented, Toe nti Rta ge comprise 1,r a good aft set of the the large swam to the west, where be a surplus ori hand of nears y g l'd' a � n m i l l e frame eons i barn and stables. This property ie Orders left at ion. NEW ERA 011108Will 'Z'heae are the words of Mrs W. T. Run- p P y $90. Fred well, sr., who has been living for eom� `a+ ■ situate on an sxaoltent gravel road, 2,4 miles oarof 1 attention. , trampped all night, coming out at Wm. Hess, sr., was fe-elected president; W. p 1, IThese. of Dundalk, Ont.: -"I was a great sof- Smith's 18th con„ Grey, about 4 T. Caldwell, first vice res.; Fred Sieg- time with his Bon, Mr Win. Caldwell(, (runny nears+,) iirttbthe r partimars apply to Terms innde ei tea }erer with severe sin in the region o! m y' P g- of the township of Ha but who foe- I g BUSINESS CRINGE P g y o clock in the morningin an exhausted ner, second vice pres.; directors Wm'. P Y' tt- mrrt and kinds f Bowel In every ease on the promises, or to .ins. SCOTS', Barrister, heart. For a time I war quite unable to , + many boarded in the village Of learp „If. an ovorylchid of BowolComplaintis Clinton. f Condition. I, is wonderful that be Conant Louis Walper, John Decher, gtfend'to my household ditties. I was in P for,manyretina, will regret to esprit of I c+ ■ XR8 TIIo5. HILt,,Clinton P. 0. duoed to try Dr Agnew's Cure for the came out alive, as he ie tnettrly 80 years Henry Lippert, W. B. Battler, Ernest his death, which occurred, after rr,shrne. rrgg� � - onCHOICL+ FARM FOR SAKI; & .Ly.L(ti�./ool• wonderful, The pain immodiatoly left tuba(, he supposed to an old well and Hardy, D.S. Faust secretary' hast, at the residence of his /son Will. t d,' T't�a N a torr atrttement and It can't be — ' ine, and after the first day I have had no p� Y ' + Y The deceased was a rC1a11 pnf{aE aFed 6f a 1 n ) i clic• 1. ,+ ai7uU, OC WO Om natio ibeoriber offers for sato hia''oxcollou farm - received a thorough ducking, and the and treasurer. i p of 1 acres, born act 27, 4th Con of iiullott. Having bought out the Livery bhelfor of pain or trouble since. Sold by Warta & cold night slain to his discomfort fine, rugged conatitntiony though he I + g Albin Turnbu1ll, and amalgainatsd the former plo,si It g had attained the good old age of 80 i i a r'.nplo, a f.3 and quick Duro for Nr rly the whole cloared and tinder nnitivatlon' hbgaribers will o n• mode it, very <Ilsap re*cabin. The follow- g , Fa n bas two story brin)t honso frame baro business of Davie &Bon, s years. / 4 i t:+.• + C,*r' h, i:hournatismr an k ban , splendid try nenvin orchard. )lent , of tinue the same at the Turnbull Livery. The cf..C•Yi.f`&'If°G 1i 1+::� in da a large search tart was Or- �•�•� $'�� X.ZL. S .qq t q ib to qenoralty will reoeiv9 the best of atteil- f> y ly P Y 3 ,'„r ,,, l-, ,l"', Nenratgirx, wa r. situate about 2J .utters from the town o4 � d W1 fao- • , tr,+ntzPd to make a th6t•oxigh search, 'lh'ho fao• Stanley council Met on Jan. Ilth. I s oil on. A lot of fall lowing done e.nd 3 acres on an Dare in all crdorA for rfggd, Goot4,t arofnl i e M110 to eu tlmilo may¢'- to all All the old officer 1 '"far '"'': °pr<, tp, Tisothnch°' of 1 wheat gown, Poeseeion i horses and,pomfortablo rigsifrlll beocr motto i:;aatara � ova.y when Wows tutor receival tlattt he was 4e. W. ? t�i'GC�rr�/l/ over 9 were appo#plied to n, r e vitt nt an at reasonable charges. , aigaatttta 9 terve this year •John Johnston was + ' `n 7 lg, zso. end _spc. time Cor pafttntou it p1q on rho prom goo o g nd n wrayDcr. ill rrght at h2t Stnit�l s. of . ma91iff'• y 0011 68 ply : v.r', ,ri+�-vx r r ^vv to n. Elia lnten P. O, tt. DAVIS �G MCJiC� B a , i , �— - t .. f , I ." M iY ✓ y , �.. i n' 1 I r. e ♦ ., ,' I •1 M t Y. , , x,.r ``tt•, f1.1. ., . r,, .. 11 , .. v ...- ., r J,. (.;,���_ - yt . 1. 1. dwgwwkii�