HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-22, Page 1"15 !�LINT�-I , .. I " . II I ,, 10�1. . I- 1. . I ,., - ' • - •, 11 I .. ­ , _r , 11 __�\; E"" RI - 6- .. " ... I .. A 74'_,IM...' . - - - . . 11 ,� �, � . I - I I __ ____ -I . .. .11 ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor. CLINTQN, QNT., JNUARY 22 189? il �' �.0 iw ,- • F f $1 a your to advance $1.50 when not so paid � Your, judgment,,, meat Q all wool Frieze AROUND THE-I�"$. Hullett AnAurn. J g What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication, ILL. -Mise Edith Hitch. of the 2pd A note from Rev. W. Baugh, of Appen, Additional Conal Mews• is requested 'YQL"COf 113 We are sellar con„ who has attended the Clinton formed of Auburn, contains the intima- This if the last week of special services Gii oderich Township Y under the lesdershi now dor $6.90 ca7t" Londesboro Collegiate for the pest three years •and tion that his second son, Carl, has been at the Baptist P of evangelist Palmer On the following. You need; WOOD BEE.—The first wood bee of recent, succeeded in passing for ee- serious, ill for about six weeks, but is now at p church, it[r Palmer ie an spectacles. There is your'homd C04 Londesboro Subeo�ibare may pa thi it re -y p g Yleat. �8 ars Clear- the season in this section was held at newels to W. L. Outmecta, it dosiroc and port- Gond class certificate, has for some improvtng, quant and convinotng speaker, and a al- o Mr 11. O. Walters, when the old cross- resits will be forwarded them the same as it time been laid u b nervous and anted and saoces■ful evangelist. This is nett eddlan forutotravelling optician ing out avers Overcoat cut wait again brought out, and the Subscriptions are paid at the NEw ERA offioe, neuraligia troubles Y CHIIRCH.-On Sunday evening Rev, •hie second visit here and man souls are from. Which shall it be ? them The Art reduced prices, and h y had not for- Mr Cousins delivered a gospel temper- re y f men showed that t e SALE—Messrs Lasham and Bell have NOTES. -Mr Geo. Moon recently sold anre sermon, from the test "Woe un- meeting in Christ as a result, A grand travelling man comes to you un this is one that is worth gotten how to saw, judging from the Purchased 25 acres from R Cole, being a fine horse to Mr McMann, Of Sea- to him that giveth his neighbor drink." whish will be expected on Friday evening, known. The glasses he tits yolyl 1.amo,tnt of wood cut. No doubt, more the north end of lot 31, coo. 1U, for the forth, at cod fl pre; Messrs James X i■ farewell. may be all right at the time, but` small sum of g g It was ver inatruotive. d a0d deal more money bees of a like nature will immediately , ice This is less than and Robert Hamilton, also, each sold a LAW SOCIETY. -The annual meeting after you have tried them ail follow, half of the price Mr Cole paid about horse to the same gentleman. Mr -R. I.O Q.T. NOTE$, -The lodge is in- of the Huruu Law Association was home in the averring, or at work;; IMPROVED, -About three weeks ago 12 years ago. Scott sold a fine horse last week, Mr 'creasing, both in membership and in- held in the Library of the Court House, ou may find a change necessary,' ;; the wife of Mr Robt. Acheson, of the TECHNIC. -Miss Lizzie Whitely took H. Livermore Bold atwo- ea:r.old aOlt tercet, it speaks well for the temper- van tgyta should not ha the rt Y P 00derich, Wednesday, when the fol- h' happen §,O A.A.4th con., slipped off the verandah, p 'ze for this subject, which was a few days ago to Rogerebn Drop, Mr ance people. On Wednesday last a lapwing officers were elected :-Pres., soon, yet eventually the change;; fetter Still and falling on her side, across the given by Mra Whitt amongst her R. Scott is makin preparations for number visited Blyth lodge, and all Jud Masson; Vice -Pres., must corse. Your travelling ops scholars at the g reported having p j y J. F. Holm- sustained a nasty and painful midwinter examina- erecting a fine bank am next summer, P g a ent an.-eo o able stead, Seaforth; Sec. Treaty„ W,Proud- titian is, however, now soin$ accident which confined her to the I tion, and Mrs Whitt will give a prize Mr W, Riley having the contract time as well as an instructive meeting. foot, Godeiioh. Alibrary committee, place else, and you either hav0 house until last week, when she was at midsummer for sight reading. We are sorry to state that Mr Win. District lodge is to he held in Clinton cons* t* of JudgelDoyle, and Messrs to do without the necessary If you are doing much able to be out. Her many friends will on Frida , an. 22nd; quite a number Lewis An Hays was also appointed. g pa for efts;;;, I WILL MovE IT. -Mr R, Watiion of Martin is notimproving roving ae feet as hie Y q d change in lenses, or y be ?eased to' know of her recover f p I of delegates � PP g driving would be one of P Y• Blyth, has urClittsed from Messrs friends would like to see, Mrs Oald• 8 @s a.e being sent. tiing them changed elsewhere,,,' ° 1 well 91111 CO'ltinUe� ver The ' PRESBYTERY. -The regular meeting Very likely, too, you pay a goody;; IMPROVEMENT. -Mr Wm. briver, pf i Lasham & Bell one of the shops form y Ibvy. SICK. -Mies Annie Strop is ver of Huron Presbytery was held at Bl th J Oqr Fur LOatlt. They the Huron road, who this year erected I erly owned b R. M, Race and that Young people of the 7th and 8th cons. I low at resent but we hope to bear of on Tuesday, there being a largeattend- yy p Y price for your glasses -ordinary;;: cost a little more at the- one of the finest brick residences in � was built by N. Warner. yHe is not are looking forward to a pleasant her recovery in the near future. Mies ance • Rev, Mr Marten Exeter was Profits won't pay travelling ez >t event that takes 1 pp ' enses, commissions, etc., and'•, start but there's more $e township, has been making some going to Ilse it here, but will take it to pace nest Wednes- I Lettie is very sick at present. We are elected Moderator. Committees wore r additional improvements by there- the farm he purchased near Blyth. da on the 7th con. -it is a wedding, glad to see Mr A. Roberton out again. appointed toexamine the books of the cave a living margin too. �Vho. ' moval of his old dwelling to a more All interested in poultry should at- Mr D. Wilson is still improving. MISS several sessions, and they reported pays the ex I and more comfort g BUTTER AND (HEE$E.-The adjourn- p Y P' R a pensee? appropriate place. It is suc eyesores ed annual meeeing of the Londesboro tend the Seaforth Poultry Show on F. Patterson is laid up at present. them all as being correct. The appoint- Now for the other side. `Vit are in them, 'We'll QIVe ag these that make farms le attrac- Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Co, Jan. 26, 27 and 28. rnent of ae our home ` "I INOTES.-Miss Annie Knox had re- peciitl committee to attend Y opticians. You know y you a. bargain on a Fur five, and we think Mr Driver has made will be held in Bell's hotel on Thurs- gCHURCii MATTERS. -The annual con- turned home from Westfield, where the General Assembly was then die- US. We test carefully and fit i.r,. a "move in the right direction." We day, Jan. 28th, at 1.30 p. m. for the Dur- reggational meeting of Burn's church, sbe was calling upon old acquaintances. cussed. The Presbytery agreed to properly. We are alwa� s here £,. Coat if you Want One. might Bary to others "Go thou and do pose of electing directors and making Hullett, was held ori Wednesday, the Mr J. Ballon h of Brussels, spent raring the claims of Manitoba Colla e ready and willing to make any .' likewise.' atrangements for the coming season's 13th Inst., the pastor in the chair and I Sunday at Elm Gh'rova farm. Mr John which is urgently seeking financial as. changes necessary in your, glass- er, of Bosse- Mr Geo, Watt secretary, For the Sub- sistance, before theirseveral congrega- es, without extra charge. '`i NOTES. -Mr Johr. Coo work. Mr John McMillan, M.P., and McShanaock is here on a visit from bath School, it was reported that dur- bone. , The nest meeting of the Pres- We protect you thor-ou hl If wain, Man„ is visiting relatives in this Mr A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, director of P Manitoba. The mill yards are begin- g y g y, vicinity, Miss A. Sterling is visiting the Creamery ' Association, will be ing the six summer months the average Hing to look like business, Mr Robt. byiery wilt take place in Clinton on treatment of eye is ore'neces- •"'i r°�odgens Bros., friends in Clinton, Mr B. Switzer die- At'esen`, and address the meeting. All attendance of scholars was 52, and of Roberton is a endin a few weeks Tuesday, 9th of March, Bary than lasses war commend officers and teachers 10• the contribu- Spending g posed of i to ee of horses to Boston Persons interested in farming and tions amounted to $31,30, all given to helping his brother William. Mr. CLINTON COURT No. 470 I. O. F.- you to a `al}ysip tin, If ;lasses c>,; buyers this week. Mr E. Wise sold dairyin ti are cordially invited to at- g Nicklesoil daYd tits sopa eople of Naviug rented the Oddfellow's Hall, are ani salt (seed, we guarantee " . CLINTON tend. JOHN WATT, President. missions as the congregation supporta g p tq you properly at a ifiod@ '01' one to the same buyer. It is rumored the vicinity a party last Friday even- Searle s Block, for ledge par oses, the that the Conservative Club Ba eld CHURCH MATTER$, -Knox church the school.) The number 120 books ape rte or refund i oto• illy line, is not ill a ver roe erous state , held its annual Cnnrtrn+- ' I added t0 the library was 120 or $g3 ih>;, when all enjoyed themaelvas with meeting was held in it I. yggte{ja fie' P tee test an time da o Londesboro s PP g g_ Y lq X:,. Q, .. Y Y r , ---••.- - Y P Ft- amusements and trf in the li ht just at present. Mr P. ole read an tional meetjnn nn the l�tj; 1pet, Mr I. I worth. The Christian Endeavor so- fantastic, - evrning, It, 1)e'l r11R first gleet;lllg pf I @Yt�plll r ' i g y g pappr at the Barr was chosen secretary. Do.' ciet organized in May last " 'i'ue>>cer$mttll. elteeedin 1 interesting .n Y. closed the court for theyRiif, the following „3 Epworth League meeting in Cole's the year 1896, there was raised for all the year with 27 active and 29 associ- persons were installed as officers for Again we'say which? T7OTHS.-Special meetings began at g g Y ate members. During the Year there the pnauitl terms -C, R Chas, Ilei- , church last Friday evening. The ladies purposes $480; of this sum $314 was was paid for all purposes $�3, of this I Blyth - ver g ALLEN WILSON . Turner a church on Monday night, of the 18th are making arrangements expended on strictly con re ational We are sorry to hear that Rev. Walter Rogers; F 7 S ran, Frank R. S., Geo. Or On Sunday afternoon nest Rev. S. g g Y g g sum $718 met the running expenses of Y g a tk Hod ens; TrP>ts,, actuate Druggists Bond, of Seaforth, will preach at Turn-, ci entertain a lame crowd at the §o- objects and $128 for missions and other R. eb of BI tb, has not improved much Goo. Swallow; Chap,, A. Foster; S.W., dgistsaL Optici,ins , i the congregation, g Y, Y 4 , t,,, P CiaLat Mr Robt, hope sons on Mo. - benevolent and reli cons purposes. missionand oter$hurch schemes,, during the past week, He is not yet able O, (,rich; J. VV, W. Routledge; S. B., Cltutou, er a church. Mr Q. Turner is laid u P n g' la i With a cut hand. day evening next. The Mission Band contributed $15 for r to take any solid food, and hie improve* H, Routledge; 'J. B,, Geo, Hummel,, Name aFteruame of satisfied t`Y<w NEW ORGAN. -The League and Sab- MATRIMONIAL. -On Thursday, Jati, H°me Missions and the Auxiliary of $20'53 was contributed to the British I meat if any, is decidedly slow. ThFt court, havin secured ie cus- the W,F.M,S, $21 in addition to cloth- and Foreign Bible Society, and $23I g e one of the tourers As references, if you de - 1 W"F:,. bath School at Turner's have placed a 14th, a very quiet but pretty wedding wci sent to aid the At menian suffer- SCHOOL BUILDING, The new and best halls in town, expects to make ex- sire it. ,,•rr pew organ in the basement of the took lace at the residence of Mr Jyhn ing +sent to Indian Missions. Mr R. ars. The Hullett and Londesboro I teneiveProgress,p11 P Adams was chosen secretary and handsome school building at Blyth, and invites any one ---- • ,church. The instrument, purchased Whitely, 4th con,, when his only Auxiliary of the Woman's Forei n built by H. Stevens, of Clinton, has who desires insur cit to examine the IaIPROVING.-The :irom Mr Dolierty, is a beautiful one dap daughter, Miss Emma, was united in treasurer fur the' ensuing year. Mr Missions, Society g been �ompfeted and taken off the cop- working of the snit t which stn M' manq friends of g Wm, Weymouthofth', itis Mr I. Bare taker t�Y Y gave $42 to the tractor's brands Y nda iss Hine will be pleased to know that well adiapted for the Llace. This the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr.Foreign <Misaion Fund, $10,60, (the ,the trustees eapresaing eat the head cf the tier oft insurance fra- she is improving as well as eau he } ` League has also begun the formation Thomas McDonald so roe erous farm- the places of the two,retiring niana• themselves as well satisfied with the ternities. ex- '.Iti of a missionary library; the Brat lot er of the 8th con. Bothe bride nd gars. The congregation expressed a• p>Geceedg of the Harvest Home Feati- work. It was re cited that there s petted. She is under the special care willingness to pay one third of what- vel) to Rome Missions, and clothing, P wa RAILWAY NOTE$. -S, H. t�mith ship- of a local phyaictan and le being finis - :i .has been received, these will be added groom have resided in the township valued at $17, to the Indiana of the some difficulty between the contractor ped a car of cattle to Toronto, Davi ed back to health b Mie ever might be required for the main- North West Territories, The trees- I d y s McIntyre, a , ,I 1m from ithi to time. We believe the "all their lives, are prominent in social and trustees, but it was of minor im- Cantelon shipped a car of hogs to In- Professional, of Toronto. ,.. motto .on this line ought to be "Edo- circles and are held in the ver hi hest tenance of the manse. ortance y gersoll• Jas. Fair shipped two cars Of PRESS Y g urer, who bas held the office continu• P , and related only to some ex- ASSOCIATION. -'The annual �,, .�cate, educate, educate," and then we esteem in the community. It is need- (Too lato for last week.) ousts for 21) years, reported a balance tra work, and has been amicably and Hour to Montreal, and two to Glasgow, meetingof t s in an enlarged sub-, less to say that the many friends of NOTES.-NIr Win. Jamieson, young- on band of $147,63, It was decided to satisfactorily adjusted. The trustees Scotland, W. Dohert & Co. shipped he Canadian Preps Associ- ° est son df Andrew Jamieson have•one of the finest and best schools six organs to the Lower pA ation (of which R. Holmes to Vice -Pre- BcThiWn. Mr and Mrs McDonald extend their is home Provinces, , si0ent and D. McGillicuddy one of t THHPERANOE ADDRESSES. -On Fri- congratulations •with the hope that on to visit from Colorado, where he is attach a salary of $30 a, year r, the of- in western Ontario, and know it, and eight to local points, seven to Y he day.evening,.the Turner's E.L. of O.E, unbounded happiness may be their's engaged in mining operations. Mr J. fice of precentor and $50 a year, to that 8 An Executive, will be held tr Toronto, on . hada Teml3ersmce literary meeting. through the joutroey of life. Cumming is able to visit, the village of earetakPr. Tho pastor thanked the Stevenak throughout is P. predit to Mr der», Holland, Oantelon Brda. are February 4th and 5th, and should be Thii League is progressing, the inter- COUNCIL. Council met on the 11th again. ,Court Pride of the West C. O. theg n Pit supplyregation fr du iii ing and paying shipping large uant,ties of butter to attended by every newspaper rn+an. 14 est growing. A large crowd attend- F, at their annual meetin -on Friday, A g his illness and Nomsa.-Mr il. Ashbury was at home to a Montreal and Quebec The Canada inst. according to statute. The neces- g' , also for their handsome Christmas few friends on Monday evening. Mrs Bawden Salt Association shipped six cars of ACCIDENTS, -On Saturda M1. J, P. ed qe meeting, which was a profitable ranted $5 to the Sick Children s !c visiting in Exeter this week, white in town Dohert 'y airs enjoyable one; 2nd Vice President, nary declarations and property qualiH-ospital of Toronto on the solicitation Present of about 120 bushels of oats. on Tuesday Mies McFaul was the sweat of the salt this week. A circular has been is- Y met with an accident that cations of office were made. Minutes DEATH OF CHRISTOPHER DALE,— Misses Carder. Mre Dr. Tait rotur..ed homo sued by the Grand Trunk Railway, might have been much worse than it 1" Geo. Layton, occupied the chair. The of last meeting read and passed. The of Mr John'Ross Roberton, M.P.; they Mn not oil o❑ Thursda atter ales t main feature in ,the program eves four also appointed four dale etas to at- Y• Yin this Lalvnahip_hlrt Visip to her tormor that all passengers getting baggage was. .Some of the children were play- salarie$ of the officers are as follows:- g elsewhere will learn with regret ofday amaia`t�M-bey, -M"r A. S. bf0son S ent Bun- checked must have their ticket marked ing ttAstairs in tho house, when the °+a essaye, on "Prohibition" by Joe. Crich; Olerk, $105; Treasurer, $70; Assessor, tend the ,High Court, in order to the death of Mr Cbristo her Dile sr., du net his home sato oSneaforth. H, S. �ouug re• B ( by the ba a ems before accidental, set fire y The physical effects of intemperance change if possible the sick and funeral p uesday afternoon. W. gg g eget Y to some curtains, 41y,Thos.,Brownlee; "The financial ef- X80; Collector, $70; Auditors, $10; mein- benefit branch of the order. which took place on Friday evening H, Kerr, of the Brussels Post, occupied the ting baggage checked; which cancels and in extinguishing it, Jay gut his facts" b Ira W, Johns "The moral • bers of council board, $2 each for, each pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday morn -.baggage and free allowance rivile es bands somewhat burned. y „ ' sad ever day's sittin and the sever .rtst„ rie nes been in failing health for i„g; Rev. Air Becker, oftbeEvai licalchureb, n g Frantz Smith, of town who is em- 8Bd spiritual effects by Miss E. Nott, Y' g' Varna, 1 some time, and though usually enjoy- preached in the evening, Mr N. Moser has °rt ticket. if ticket a presented with al commissioners actin as ,,road tom- ing a rugged cons itution and the best returned from a short visit 'to friends near B C stamped or marked, the passenger toyer? with a saw mill back in West . Th Were interspersed with vocal missioners $23 each, wit %additional kamiachle a Mitchel,. Mies Minnie Roti dislocated her will have to a full excess c ar ea on �uawanogh, met with an exceedingly ending'trumental music andrecitationa. NOTE$'- Mr Mal°�ey, u r Of health his death was iiot gnexpect- wrist white skss gthe other say. John T. A y h The Council elect for the current year, for the Reeve for expending Botitldary has been in town lately in the iuterest ed. Deceased has had an eventi;� ea- ,• pQblie>Jeda a oriq$1 t>a alga.. baggage' g painful. accident a few days since, op c ASitCha,i, who I viz„ Masers shepherd, MoCloy, Paterson, Line money, Bylaw No. 1 was rebs of the Mracabee Order; quite a number M1rra o p P Y settin a of of boiling fat on his f)off'I and passed. The various pathmasters, joined the order on Thursday evening n ef, Born i i Dalton, Yorkshire,with I ye.. [f ,and has had a sohlowhat eventful CURLING, -The following members g A g G}afnmell and McMillan, met as directed by pound keepers and fence viewers were last, .Mies Flora Duncan, Clinton, o special advantages as to wealth, he career e.nc6, 41ot1 Net week of malarial fover of the Clinton Bowling Cl ab were in although able to wall, he Cannot purr , .statute' at Kyle's hotel, and after each had appointed: Bylaw NO, 2 was read and quuncan,cCl in our at Monroe, Louisan& Mrs J. H. Chencvr. and I his boot on, ' reppivin old ac emigrated to this country about the ,o Seaforth on Wednesday Mast, and en- famh aro improvtng nico.-• after their recent Mr Joshua Pearen, one of- the mese sabaoribed the deolaratioae of qualificption passed. T. C. Pickard received $30 for midst. g year 1848, with the determination to ' attar of•ty hoid fever Ur icaac mown has joyea a friendly game with the mem- faith :$Aa oP office, entered upon their duties. Miss Win Ffaxhy, of Clinton, he Out for himself a home and make bougta ha�i intorest in the Blyth eveporator bers of the p:aforth Curling Club: J. fol of the many good employees �.112eeara Wm. Elliott and R. $tike were re• the use of hall for municipal 44ku, poses. is visiting here for a few days, We re- a competence. That by hard work, from Mr T. Alien, of Dungannon. on TuoQdap at the Doherty Organ factory; met The following were the officers a the Sad Intelligence Fair, jr., J. W. Rattenk,ury, G. W, plc_ ret to !lave to announce the serious geacg reached Ii_Iy th of the Sud with a bad accident on Friday, A appoidted auditors at a salary of $6 each. P' Y thrift and industry he succeeded, is don and unexpected death of Mr John h1elkle• ma,gar""d, i, I'+ T�sdall, John Johnston, a new planer J3agh Chescey, of Egmondville, was a Pointed: -Assessor, Fletcher IVIG (`art t Inness of 14liss Cassie Johnston, of shown by the Fact that at his death, john, of Harrieton. daughter Mr It. Fors th H. CJ, P. Spaulding a d' t large w p .per had beep put into the 1.p- Hey Collector, L. Anderson; Auditors, pLois fever. We were pleased to see between himself and hie sons, they are Y Brewer, „ • _ r g R W. factory on Thursday, and was started pointed as a member of the board of health Ot this village; the cause of. d'gath being child- avet9. wha on Frida °when 1VIr %ea: for a term of three years, The board for J. R. Holm and Geo, Holland. Tho Mr and lire Turnbull in Or.tr village on birth, the baby being stlll•born; alis was the Jhek9on. The Clinton p,,, at wor Y, von following accounts were .aid: -Muni- Tuesday. Mr James Calwell, of God the owners Of 1954 acres of choice land Brat child born to thorn although they wgre were new at the game w "'d I ha " `�rtune to et his hand the current year will therefore be the in the townships of Mullett and Tuck- married ten years ago. The annirthey ■or- f by Seaforth were skipr d the mie•,.. g Reeve and Clerk, who are members ex -of- cipal World "election sig lies 8Uc rich, cue Of Out ioneer citizens was ersmith, After arrivin in Canada vices to eon action I • ,the am . v ,which pp A eurlere g e resulting eau �t by the flit,, d rollers News Record printing, $10.3i; Election here On business On Tuesday. Mr Jno. be with SG. Andrew's church, in favor Of the town club h one e.' the back ~fioro, and Messrs D. MoIntosb, J, Latta and Blyth, will�ie held on Jan, stat; flet. W, A. Y shot, I took two Lfah entire, Hugh Chesney. VGilliam Chesney was •re- expenses, $89; G. Esr,ei son, posting Sparrow has put in a big season thresh- lived for some time in �xford, moving McKay, D.D,, of Woodsto k;+wUl reach, y btl O _ �e€ to Huror, somewhere about 1852 or `� p The result of this visit will be a keen Treasurer's re orfs, $1; Collector, post- ing; not threAiing the uvenile race, t contest on Thursday nest between two °f the habil. TC is feared that Atittle . , =appointed assessor at a salary of $80, and A j 1854. He settled on lot 5, on the 5th rinks of the Thursday n Bowfin the bones are avec erusjaed, It wit will commence his duties early in Febraa• age and stationery, $1.80; Collector's but hay,'Ing threshed grain on one con., and performed all the hard work l lif -ry. The Clerk was instructed to invite Guide, 55c; Treasurer's report to bureau hundred days; this is big work consid- incident'to the life of an early Settler; Holmefsvtlle. will go to Seaforth to contest his h1° Off work for come time, tenders from the mill owners in the neigh'- of Industries, '$I; Treasui er, poste Bring the keen competition, Cavaca NOTES. -IM' I, Poster, of Clinton. match, McTa ar UNFORTUNATE. -1i2; T. I). g and stationer 1'i� ROYAL TEMi'LAR DISTRICT MERTING, thla lot is now owned by his Son C"lirie- occupied the pulpit Lord last Sunday morns❑� be the skips, and John RaJackson will one of tri H°rlgena, `bgxhood r the aapply of b,000 feet of fir and Y, $2; Treasurer s r sport olses x lm plank 2,} inches by 16 feet to printer, $2,50. Council adjourned -OD, Tuesday a large number of dele- ber-topof . He was for Some time"a mem- and gave a very incereFtt ng and profitable Forrester and W. ;g au .ford, D. A, don a e pr°minent residents of Lon- liin' # to meet on the second Moeda gates from ,$i her of Hullett council, but latterly has Bible stud on the bock o�Job. Revival ser- Spaulding will.as- and uncle of Hodgens tiros,, of • g,.>' et of oedar,,equal parts of .February. N. STURDY, UlMo y in ppen, Exeter, Sodom, taken little oP no part in ublic affairs vicos wilt iig held during the week. gist McTaggart, -while J. W. patten- town, has been unfortunate lately. b a>1t>r\ thick, and any lengths, to Crediton, Holrnesviile and Goderich p _ bury, J. Fair and J. P. Tiedall will do About a week ago his stables wer were resent to attend the district beyond casting his votb with the Li be- G NOTES. t a ani are sorry I the fiylawwit rflam, htave t for Jackson, The losers will !t .delivers he 1 Ilowa :-1 000 feet of each l P 'i , , Bayfield. meetin held here. Aver rata• He was the father of eleven chit- g' burned down, causing considerable at fames Crich's, James Gemmell s, JA:nee g Y profitable mation of the lungs, Mr J. Huller to helptnq have to put up an oyster supper. The loss, his blooded stock, in which �' Bayfield subscribers may pay their ronewale and enjoyable day was spent b the dren, seven of whom survive him- repack ayples shipped by J. Stoop to to cold Seaforth Our era he ve ver a dealer he is %2'dteraon's, John shepherd's and Iiyle a to Mr Gardnor the Postmaster, •it doairod, and delegates in convention. Thedeleyatea William, John, Christopher and Ciao„ storage, Morrlcburg, Meaere E Johnston and low Y kindly al , being saved only h hard Biot I. 'enders to bh opened Feb. 1'3th, at portraits will {,o Par aided them the cams as g till of whom reside in the vicinity and A McFarlane are attending the Dair man's ed vur players the use of the rink work, Then last week b Y �' subscription, were) amply provided for by billet, and Y Association, which is being heifl .t ➢eautfor,I a was kicked ten o'clock. Also, to correspond with sewer ption, are paid at tho NEW ERA oillee, are well known; his three livin dau h- and also the atones. on the head by a horse,,and remained vehicles were in waiting to conve R g this'week. Mics May Andrews, of Londesboro, unconecioue for six hours Pipe Mannfaoturere and secure prices on a NOTES. -Weare sorry td hear that C. Smit X tare are Mia Robert Coates; Hallett; spent Tuesday ❑tght at the Daren❑ago. tar A. DEATH$. -We area before he oar load of sewer pipe suitable for culverts. is indispoadd. Miss meta Stanbury has been them from the depot. At the close of Mra Kesler WoodAtock and Mre Thos. ospatde�rpn, )r., is engaged for the winter n ormy to announce was discovered and on the sick list. Mr W Tippett was in Varna' the meeting the following officers ' ' caw er in a lar a millat Sarato e. Mr Will the death of Mr' Richard Qagen, which friends; fortun rescued .by his Accounts were passed amounting to $183.end' a couple of daps this week. Tho mott,odtst S. were elected for the District of Huron: Carter, Ttrckersmith. He wits twice rr yf g occurred at hie home ata ately his skull was not 90. Nest meeting of Council will be held S. teameoting and concorttook plat° an Thur,i Select Councillor, Mr W, Lewis r married; tae was a man who had his Mica Lou Swallow, ` 1shoillage this week. Saturday late hour fractured, but his injuries have at Daly a hotel on Saturday, •Feb. 13th, at day ©venins, Revel Messrs Muir, of Brucofiotd Cl edi pecuharities-Iike moat men -yet he p Clinton,nhas boon visit- daY evening; deceased had been confined him to the house. ve since ton; Vice Councillor, Mies M. Mellor- iug her aunt, Mrs Phi ps, Mrs Fred Whittina- ailing game time, and had reached the 10 o'clock. Ar"Gt. i]�tILLIE, Clerk. and Graham, of towr„ oachan�ed p�lpice ias was an affable neighbor, agood friend ham, of Aa 'aDpoll�, N, W,T, is sDDondin to WARDENS FOR ONE YEAR ONLY.- Nunday. Rev. 14 r Bond, of Seaforth, wilt roach 'die, Ki en; ReC. . ec., Mr Jacques + win tar with Ontario friend■. >ri)sc Ag yie age of 80 years; he was a quiet and in The Munici The Naw ERA gives the home Wows. *In the ttetbodist church next Sunday morning; Exeter;p Treae., MrS E. A. Wanless, an excellent farmer. He might have Phipps' class g offensive citizen, w member of 9t. Jos- , pal.World takes the"ground his subject is Missionary work. Rov. ur Gra- presented her with an album that the wardens elected this month Varna; Helald, Mr S. Coo er, Kippen; taken life easier than he� dist but his and an address,forwhich we have not space, eph's church, and leaves a widow but will bol Exeter ham was in Godori a last Saturday. Tho S ceaseless energy prevented him Fein last Friday evening. Mr tt. Reed of Ashflold, no family; be resided in Hullett Lafora d office for two years without •�'' 11 11'r- Electric Lights etmrted to work on Monday Guard, Mr J. Wanless arna; enti- q cellos upon his cousin, Mrs F, d� Elford, on re-election. The Attorney 1)fsD IN O>317RC$.-A very cad and evening, nel, Mr Walters, Holmeaville. After idle until physical infirmity rendered Tuesday, Mies Edwards of the idth con„ is corning to town to live. James Wra {ak Y Qeneral -dden event.. cCurred in ohs of the OY6TER SUPPER. -The C.O,r, hold their an- the`delegates had partaken of the hos- it incumbent on him to quit active visltinf at her uncles, Il, Acheson. Mtseoce of East Wawanoeh, died at Che HOUY, es a different view from this, and nual supper on Tuesday evening. It was a Pita.lity of the '•good people of Varna, employment. The remains were in- $ami,.on and Magas otCilndon, s ant Sundwy of Refu a on Tuesda and se replying tc the county clerk of Oxford M8t11fpciii3t-churches 'on Sunday even- g• with their friend Bites Edlth Holdsworth. Y, was buried states that the ' .." liag: Mr Richard Harrison, .a retired pronounced success. About fifty couptos ant a red ri Clinton cemeter on Monde g e +• down to the tables. An impromptu program they returned to the hall, where an ex- Y y Ddisa Whiteman, of Klppon is viettina at Mrc it) the plot set aside f5r that purpose; elected that heretofore for wardens are to be gentleman, living ,in town for many was then carried out to tho o a ment of all, cellent program was introduced by the Benmiller Hotdswortt�c. Mr John �arrte and mics S. this is the twelftkleach which has oe- butt oneyear only, �- , .years, after tea, went to the James consisting of speeches and vocal Yand instru. chairman, Mr Lewis, consisting of ad- Acheson were appointed de�e¢¢aces from to carred at the 116 -use, and the four he persona elected in the first m- 1. • Street Meteodist church for service, mental musio. ,All appeared to onjoy them- g NOTrza.-we are sorry to hoer tit Yr Char. Holmesville R.T. of T. to the Dietrlct Oou❑oft burial cn the rounds. On Mo fourth stance would seem e i eligible for selves and wont away feeling tat the Forest- dresses by Rev Messrs McDonald and Walters, Zion church, fs very ■tek with Inflem• held ant Verna last Tuesday, but owing to the odes ev- election the seined year." T ' After Feing in hi r seat about Hve min- ere aro jets good fellows. Bur tun, Varna, and Past Oouncillor J. motto❑ of tho lunge. m,e Char. Ginger la at held intoneelectionthe cold they were vowing to heat- ening, Jan. nth, Mrs McDonald, of accordanoe i Y his is iii urea, he suddenly gidve a gasp and al- E. Tom, of Godericb.. The music by pr4 esent dangerously III. Mlee Ma¢gie Hedfll°, toad, therefore Mr S. T, Walter and Miss V. RrP1eY. mother of 11[rs 31icNau hton, defines the e m ops statutes, which � ,,:' moat instantly died, iiia hod waP Rev Mr Burton's boys was hi hl a et the home, a at Dissent visitingL,ea at herheldar- Andrews wont. of town, passed to the groat beyond at the new Count Cou ffije aside from y Brucefield , L, Icarried home and his eons notified by CHURCH. -'The anneal con reciated and loud, encoreQ. yThe re ulshirmmee n¢e onpt eleven n��guof Friday, P g years; having endo wire of his sudden death. Mr Harrt- congregations P u g a the ri s a e of 77 Y p Act, g recitations, songs, duets, trios, quar- when the topic was taken by Ur Henr dnyder; , ed the best of health until the previous YETE$INARIANS.—On Monde lust Eon leaves two dau Mere and four meetingin connection with the Presbyter- Thebretbren slam will a talren b dr John Porter a 111111. Wedneeda , when she was stricken 'the members Y, g ian oburoh was held on Wednesda last tetter, etc„ from the different councils Sohwant. Mr James Gledhill andydau titer, PERSONAL.-ildr and B[re Thomas y of the Huron Veterinary ^etlne, The congregation was much Y re resented were highly applauded, down with apoplexy Her husband Association met here and elected the agitAted by the awful event. the different reports were very satisfactory and the Varna council taksh s op- round ho e, Mrs renewing a son an dnuel Ramsey, of Detroit, are visiting friends Pre -deceased her 13 yearn, She was for following as t showing that the church is in a flourishing portunity for thanking the broths s Mrs R. Walters and vMr Wes. Walters, p!f in this neighborhood, litre Clark of many years a member of the Presb rent g heir officers for the cur- . Wit sham. condition, Rev Mr Graham, of Bayfield, and sisters who took art in the pro. Win ham, are on a visit tofrlendaandrelations. Detroit, ie visiting in this lace at tartan church. Y- Yearn -U. McGregor, Constance, - Y. P. S. C. E. CONVENTION. -A ver and Rev Mr Mair exchanged pulpits last P P P President; John Hamilton, Goderich, %Y sabbath. gram for rendering such valuable as- CoxnoLalroa.-At the regular meeting of Present. SOHooL BOARD. -The annual meet- Vice president; J. Wilson Win barn r. .1 rslx4Gessful convention of Young Peo- aietanee. The hall was beautifully de- a resoRetreat d to send the totioivio' pu1WarED nun -Another of our moat po• ing of the Public School Boar Secretary; J: E. Bla g ' Ters Societies of Christian Endeavor Noxee.-Mr and Mrs McLeod, Clinton, coveted with ever reen nd mottoes letter of condo nce to the bereaved family o P held on Wednesday avenin ]djgw as ekafl, Clinton, are renewing g t Y g men, in the crena of he gg J. Treasurer; Executive. mesele Wilson elonging to the Presbytery of Mail g old acquaintances. Miss M. appropriate for the Occasion, the late John Stewart: -"We tho member■ of Thomas McDonald, left the ranks of W. Irwin was elected as Ohairman for and Golley, Wingbam, and Clark t d VY a held in the Presbyterian SaturdaA retained home from London on Pure Retreat Dii. ao8 Sons of �'emperance, dp- bachelordom and was locked in the the ensuing year, and J. Otinin ' o here on Monday. Delegates Saturday. Many of those who were indis- Summerhi sire to express to �ou our deepest SymDethyl bands of matrimony to titles Whitley, ghAme Croderich. Ratters relating to the posed b s in this your hour o atHletton,occasioned by the al' con. 7. Their ,man friends wish' saJap� aQ befcSreure Secretary, at the ePtme pro e o ionwi ere discussed. The nett Parts Of the Presbytery were P y severe cnida are able to go out now, (Intended for last w k) �,, - dose of a husband and father. Though you Y P J. Ooo elsent Rev G. Ballantyne, modern- mourn hie de sztaro, you have the eoarota the young sou le ha per was 8 be held in Qoderich. NATE$.-Mr H. Beacot"r., ie on tion of knowiu that he had the ae■oranee of parity. P Ppinese and pros• rae•+ippToihnted caretaker at the swine cal- ad a report of the several officers shoe- % ides. A .Presbyterian soviet HippeII D� that the social k ` yy the sick lief. Mr Robt. tiler Ie dot all those who d�e !n the Lord. Wo trust that NOTE6.-Mise L, Wag le Is vieitin board wove a eral committees of the Y Wa¢ in a flourirh» e gnized, with the following oY- NoTaa.-We are pleased to notice that an again after his illness. THA first Goin- etistaining grace of aeYmpathisicgFatherma g o ing condition,. res., Rev R. S, Gl. Anderson, agency !or the Easter steam Laandr lies serration meeting of the C. E. wa $11 your benne with His comforting words, and friends in London. Miss Sanhah Ivie- was a ointedprenresentati B. Combe r ery of Wroxeter;lat Vice Pres,, a encourage you to look forward to a hap y re- on, of SI en, is visiting her sister, board po the Collegiate a board. f the Fenn established at the poet o1$oe here; we held on Friday evening, and the cub•. untorl above, Stgned of behalf of the pyre, pp W. R °O air, Brussels; 2nd Vice Pres., feel eonfi3ent that the young men of our act of "Consecration" was taken b H$RR FlarimR, W.P. SERENA FZQ1HRR F.a ofrgo,meOsviIIettw s visitintria the �j; Laugh was appointed examiner for P. Come ,r are, Teeswat.er; Sec.-Treas., Mr neighborhood will consider this a great so• gr Gl• M..Kilty, and Rev. Mr Stout a G. NEWELL, P.W.P. F. GLEDHILA. W.A. g S. l.eavtrtg and Entrance. The reapp- O 1 $incardine, Cor. Sec., Rev W, eommodation, as they in the past bave had so made a few remarks, after 'wh1oh ]age one day last week. Mr R. Elliott pointment of R. Welsh as Truant Offt- ,' r Xa1�,13elgrave; executiveacommittee, to deliver their articles at Hensall and then the roll was called and all the members Stanley intends going to the Old Country with cer was recommended to. the town the front etraet a shipment of apples nest week. The council. It Was decided to hold the re- a sou le'of treet eTlr`y Woods, ; I. Helene; rias Yan- go for them; now any articles left at the were present and responded; (et such t71atEE6iE MEETING, -The directors of next meeting of the Chosen k. The ul and vp r�to1]P, W Ingham; Y.H. Cameron, Drug post office here before each Tuesday will be i be the case continually, We believe the' Iitucefield Cheese Manufacturing will be held on Thursday,- Jan, 28th, s ar meetings of the board on the tett11 , yx lei, Mica S. Henderson, Whitechurch, returned here pot later than Friday. Mie confirmation class is being forme tlomli{an� are to hold a meeting on having been Shanged to accommodate second Monday of each month, The f+ lldr R. Malcolm, A. McNa. At the Ier sister, has one to Porter's Hill to ra,at Deere and the Bishop of Huron is ex- 'Friday �o close up the business of the artiea;who intend joining that n date Secretary, was instructed to eek the IIO rliOWAY S T9fibr Shtq 'tectiurch, read can interestin pa- is etttn bion nicely. The illnetra d leo. nays in Fe ffiTte o The farmtof ; un- se'aetln. p j 8 i ht. eoutrcil for the rant of $3,200 for the �tr ' ' ink aeaston Rev A. McNrab, Mg. A., her sister re Potter. Mise Agne lair Mr Moore, of Mitchell, will bold a current Year. couple , cfor th on Iluron street, � • `1 it the history of the church in tare iven b gg Y r T. NdTli><le.=Mr W m, Moffatt, of Moose meeting in O. W, Potter's hall on Jan, were ordered to be aid. O' where you cab get g y Mr,gatt on Wedneada' oven- McIlveen has bash sold to Mr W. H. Jaw who lt&ss been.for some time visit- 23rd for the purpose of organizing a of Mr T. J P motion. cl . tivtid prior to the reformation. It Ing in the Methodist church was that Whitely; of Londeaboro; and Mr Ing Iriends ht� e, hka gone to Hamilton singing class, Jackson, seconded ,h Dr ion A first' &$a, wefl•fitting •;a accompanied by stereopticon coals be desired• ilioramio views of reign Whitely has leased it to Me F. Mcll- to visit hiss slat t s there. Mica Mag ie .� _ new, the board expressed its hi h a - Suit of 0ldthes, ,c Ilett G. Munroe, M. A., gave lands, human hate natural won re and `� g preeiation of the services o g P rt a reailonablo . ri ween. Several of the Orangemen from Sullivan, of, �,ottilon, fit at present via• ORO WDaD ovT. .Several oommunloations ' ch f the ex- _ P 'eb. ; rPesive .eiflciteae on Christian wotke of art; leave diaplases baff", large g g g p , Mr and Mra are unaraidabL loft ovor until oxt wo F air an, Mr W. S. Harland, who for ” � ' " here attended the District meetin In itis her titnd axenttl i tionsI and appizeolative audience. Ujinton on Tueadap. John MC(jO�yrettr 1. r,` , & ti =r pa80 w�lt do tonaa►ydireonaweek. On f years Had shown great'Interest in all A. J. � , matter Dei tainhig to .the board. .i; ",fir „ �, 7' . ... 1 ..012M '(. -, �­, ., t 11 ''L 6� I I 11 � I . I , . k�,�''."L�'�', 1 � I r l I _) . , 1. . M 1_' .k . 11 - -.1", ` j r_ 1.