HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-01-15, Page 611 pUnry lq 1807' IT IS IN THE AIR 7ljntou People Talk About It -- It is in tfie air. Can't etop it spreading. Can't keep down a good thing. People who don't know .about it want to ypow. • People who do know want to tell about it. It is kidney education. 1 Clinton people are learning fast. Here arevsome facts: "I am sure they aro a good pill for kid- ney troubles," says Mrs W. Jones, of Ful- ton St., Clinton, "because they are so strongly recommended to me. }: "Before I commenced taking them 1 teonld neither sleep or rest. As a result of tailing them I now sleep well and feel rest- '• e4twhen .I get up.. "Rheumatism and kidney trouble had af- flicted me for years and made my life mis- ble nearly all the time. I cannot tell u bow badly I felt because words fail to scribe the sufferings I endured, but no ooner had I commenced taking Doan's ,Kidney Pills than I began to get better. "They have removed all the pain and ` tired feeling, and made me stronger and better in every way,.and enable,me to of3- tain restful sleep at night. "They are a wonderful medioine for rheumatism and kidney trouble in any orm, and I heartily endorse what is said about them by the hundreds who testify to heir value." NEWS NOTES Miss L. D. Astor, a chambermaid in a St. Louis hotel, turns out to be a re- lative of the Astons of New York, and 'will in June receive a legacy of $20.000. Fred Mellish, who came to Toronto on Wednesday and took a room at 49 Sumas k street, deliberately shot himself througu 'the head last evening, first writing a note to say that he was disgusted with life. When Geo. Cowan, a farmer living about two miles north of Paris, was driving home Friday evening, his -4-or4 . became frightened at some ob- ject by the roadside, and ran away, throwing him out of the buggy, and so seriously him that death resulted. He was 73 years of age. Karl's Clover Root Teais a sure cure fpr Headache and all nervous diseases. Noth ing relieves so quickly. Sold by 3. H Combe, Clinton. Very curious was the double coincidence wtrieh occurred at the proceedings in the Torquay, Eng., Police Court some time aeo when two men were summoned for be- ing drunk in Temperance street, appropriat- ely fined by Dr. Drinkwater, the presiding magistrate, whose very name furnished a needed lesson to the tipplers. Sir Adolphe Caron, ex -Postmaster, -Gen- eral, was in Toronto Friday morning. A rumor, frequently heard on the streets dur- ing the day, associated Sir Adolph's visit with some grand new organization in the interests of the Ontario Conservatives, but on being questioned on the subject lust night by a Globe reporter, the bon. gentle- man laughingly repudiated any such idea. ,. His visit, he said, was for purely personal and' business reasons and had nothing • whatever to do with politics. i real 6.—The most valuable piece of estate ever offered at auction in New York was sold on Monday. The property:was the new fifteen -story sky -scraper, the syndicate building, at the 'southwest earner of Nas- sau and Liberty streets. It was sold under foreolpgure of a fourth mortgage of $900,000, subject 6o the prior mortgages, aggregating $2,000,000. John W. Golding, for a client whose name he would not give, bought the building for $2,508,291.58. The British trade returns show that the motherland made enormous gains ,' in her commerce with the world dur- ing last year. The gain in imports amounted to $125,588,385, and in ex- ' ports to $70,160,005. A country which thus trades, while almost every other nation, trammeled by restrictionist ta- riffs, reported dull tines, is surely an • example to profit hy. What comes of the,s,ssertion of Canadian "protection - "t. at Great Britain is going to the gs because of her refusal to collect es on the necessaries of life ? m. Krasner telephoned from his house in New York on New Year's morning to his t,wo sons who were in his office down town, "Boys, I want to make you a New Year's present. The .Atlantic Garden is yours. I wish you success and a happy New Year." The sons of Mr Kramer, who have been as- sociated with him for years in the management of the Atlantic Garden, were speechless with surprise. Before they had time to thank their' father, telephone "central" had rung off. The tlantic Garden on the Bowery is a prbperty including the Thalia Theatre, and is worth a million dollars. A STTRGEON'S TABLE. AN OPERATION PERFORMED TO SAVE HIS LIFE. Thrilling Story of a Mau Who Took Chloro- form and Experienced a Very Difficult Operation. Never mind what my complaint was. I was a terrified, crushed,trem bling dazed man, for I had received my sentence whioh was that "a very grave operation must be performed within a week if my life were to be saved." The succeeding events resembled a ter- rible nightmare. I remember giving the address of my friends Man official, being conducted to a wand, making an apology for a meal and then being ordered to bed. Two days later the house surgeon, when „,making his Sieltefi ., the yiskx4t • 041ga. i4 my bedside and said:— "Mr. M--" (mentioning the name of a great surgeon) "has decided to per- form the operation to -morrow morning at nine." He then instructed the sister of the word to keep me without break- fast next morning (chloroform, I'm told, always being more safely adminis- tered on an empty stomach), and with a few cheery words bade me "good -night." Few readere will bo surprised to learn that even a sleeping draught produced little else but confusion of thought and excited half waking dreams. But sleep tame In the early morning, and it was nearly 9 before I awoke to find two nurses and the ward porter standing . by my bed, the latter being In (Merge of a low basket litter on wheels, which was used to convoy patients to and -from the operating theater. Pale and trembling, I was assisted into this 'means of transport, and a second later the rubber tired wheels were rumbling along the rather uneven floor of the ward, en route for the "Chamber of Horrors." .As I was run along between the long rows of beds, suoh patients as•were able raised themselves on their elbows to get a glimpse of me, some • wishing me "good luck," and others expressing their pity for me in none too comforting phraseology. After traversing two wards and a long corridor, I was placed, carriage and all, in a lift, and was run down to the ground flour, where my journey through corridors and wards was repeated. Just before reaching the fateful place a loud cheer and a hearty clapping of hands and stamping of feet caused me to look interrogatively at my conductor. "Only them students giving Mr. M-- his usual cheer," he said, cheer- fully. Just at that moment more cheers re- minded me of tbo reception a popular matador receives on entering the arena before a bull fight. A moment later the frosted glass swing doors were thrown open, and I was trundled into a large, light and very lofty room, somewhat in the shape of a horseshoe. Around the circular side of the place were tier above tier of benches thronged with eager stu- dents—for, unfortunately for me, my case was a very special one and required a vary "heroic)" operation. On the floor stood a narrow table of polished ma- hogany, fitted, as far as I cculd see, with all sorts of sp antes for ralslq piece or foot the top of,Vl oover'gd spot' Prizes have been awarded at the poultry show, New York, and as usual the Oanadians have carried off many of the eminent honors. C. J. Daniels, of Toronto, won the Morris chair, of- fered for the most entries. He also won firsts in the Plymouth Rock, Dark Brahma, Buff Leghorn, Black Leghorn, Rosecomh, White Leghorn, Black Sumatras, Indian Game, Japan- ese Bantam, Buff Cochin, Brown Game Cochin, and Red Pyle Game Bantam Theses. He won many seconds and ',,--,hirds besides, and in several classes carried off all, three ribbons. Henry Emerick, of Bridgeburg, Ont„ also won several prizes for Plymouth Rocks and( Cochins, and F. W. Forman, of Fort' Erie, Ont., took all the prizes for Golden Sebrights. Break Up a CG"i; in Time BY USING -PINYy Y- P ECTO Al .sr, The Quick Cure for COU(.It9, COLDS, CROtI'7aF5� o1c CITIT7s, IIOAItS>Ch MRS. JOSBPH NORWte K, ,, f of 68 Sorauren /ve„Toronto, writer,: , ; pyny Pectorol hue nrvor felted sr, ruin ay e)itMron of crm,P aures myself of a iong•ntehdingg e'Igl, ,:rt, -r t Waal otbor remedies had tnllrd, It hex �. �• /' rainf�np t an 0i to nnv other' cure o kir con P r • kir coughs, d'oup or hoarseness, ' d H. O. $ARBOUR, of Little Rocber,-N,B„ writes : "As a cure for coughs Pynyreetoral le O 015 js00 R have noakiinr I have; my tui - t±” Large Mottle, 2b eta. DAVISP to s N E CO.,Lxo. � ngs, screws and appli- or depressing the head- afeoe, or raising or lowering e table as a whole. It wa with blankets, protected by a y white mackintosh shoat. The room as oppressively hot, and the silence which followed upon my arrival was only broken by the gentle hissing of the car- bolic spray. An odor of pungent but • not unpleasant drugs, somewhat sugges- ive of a chemist's shop, permeated the theater. Gently, but quickly, I was lifted on to the table. "Feel a bit shaky, eh?' asked the sur- geon. "A tablespoonful of brandy, please, sister. Now that's better." "We will proceed with the ' chloro- form, Mr. Richardson," the great man maid. At these words a young doctor stand- ing at my head hent over me, holding a towel in his hands. He managed to raise my lower jaw, and also to place the chloroform saturated towel over my mouth and nostrils at the same tirne. A sweet, burning, half plangent, half sickly odor was emitted as I breathed, "Breathe away quietly, and begin to count slowly up to a hundred." "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven," I murmurod,aud then, somehow, a confusion of thought came upon rue. Where had I got to? It didn't in the least matter, I knew, but still it worried me. But yet, while even in tire act of de- ciding to go on counting again, to begin at the beginning, I found that I was be- ing suffocated, but still it was pleasant suffocation. I was uncertain as to whether I should struggle or not. That also didn't seem to be of much conse- quence. Queer throbbing sounds seemed to be acting on the depths of my brain— I can give no clearer description: There teas a heavy, steady, but mighty loud beating of my heart, each beat of which appeared to churn up my brain, And now I was hearing music—the di- vinest of music. Tho bass notes were supplied by• the hrobhing, heavy sound in my brain, but around me—just as though thousands of tiny fairies were playing the sweetest airs on thousands of most deliontely tuned harps and the sweetest of little tinkling gold and silver belle --the trebleortion of the melody was being enc, anthigly played. I thought I was in a sunny garden, gorge- ous with the fairest flowers and scented with their perfumes. I was free from all disease, was deliriously happy and con- tented; the Elysian fields were around me; I wanted for nothing but to be loft there to lie and gaze for millions of rearm! But then suddenly the gardens be- came dark as night; a rushing, roaring wind swept over them; a oraeh, as of all this world's artillery being discharged at once, seemed to annihilate me and every- thing else, almost before I could realize any change from the gloriousness of my previous sensations. Then Dame nothing- ness. - Coming to earth again, I. found my- self in my bed in the ward. The house enrgeon was feeling my pulse. I just noticed that there were screens around the bed, and that I felt comfortably sleepy, but a trifle sickly. Surely noth- ing could have happened since I fell into the ohloroform sleep "Why didn't they do the operation after all?" I netted. The doctor smiled, "My doer fellow," he said, "I ought not to say it, perhaps, hpb if only you knew what you have. gone through during the past two hours, you'd know why I smile at your question. Why, man, you have gone through an operation which has only been performed twine before in Eu-, rope! Oh, yeti, they did do the operation' after all. Now, oak no questions; 11. TOE C. I.N' ONNEW ER.,. still, don't talk, but try to Bleep. Your life rias beon saved; you've a good con- stitution, and if you do ae you are told yeu 11 walk out of this place in less than three months a new man!" 1 did, but I have never forgotten the operation of which I felt nothing. NUT A QUA1►'L'1?R BUT JUST 20 CENTS, ANI) 40 DOSES IN A VIAL OF DR. AUNEW'S LIVER PILLS No Pain, no Bad After Effects, Pleasure in Every Dose—Little, but Awfully Gifted Cure sick headache, constipation, bilious nese, nausean, sallowness. They are pure- ly vegetable. In big demand and all drug- gists sell them. Mere granules in size. NEWS NOTES Hamilton bas 71 lawyers. Arrangements have been made to hold the Provincial uunventiou of the Conserva- tive party on February 3 in Winnipeg' i Mr. Angus McLeod, of Bracebridge, was nominated fur the Commons at a meeting of Nortn Ontario Conservatives at Beav- ertown. NEWS NOTES Jackson, one of the Winnipeg Cort servatives who gave away the story of considerable bribery in the election cases, was thumped last night by in- dignant fiends. tie wears a couple of black eyes. He will prosecute his as- sailants. ABOUT TUE NEW YEAR.—There will be two eclipses of the sun in 1897. The first on Feb. 1st, will be invisible in Canada. On July 29, between 9 a.m. and 11 a. m., a partial eclipse of the sun will be seen in Canada, New Year's Day falls on a Friday; Ash _Wednesday will be on March 3; Good Friday on April 16: Easter Sunday, 'April 18, and Christmas Day, Satur- day, Dec. 25. CIIITIFICATIIS ACCEPTED.— The following letter, issued by the Depnty Minister of Agriculture to Veterinary Inapectere, will be of intereat to stock raisers:—J. L. Clark, Dear Sir,—I have the honor to inform you that advice has been received from the Un- ited States authorities at Washington that the certificates of Veterinary Serpens ap- pointed to inspect sheep and other rumin- ants destined for export to the United Stat- es for i.:imediate slaughter, will also be ac- cepted in the case of animals being shipped to the "United States for breeding purpos- es, I have also to inform you that it is no longer necessary to obtain the Consular Certificate required heretofore by theUnit- ed States authorities. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, W.B.Searth, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. QUITE ROMANTIC•.—A story comes to the NEW ERA from the not t.hernart of the county that has an air ofsad romance about, it: We do not vouch for its truth, but give it its given us. A young man who had been it the west came hack to get married; he was taken seriously ill, anc1• was attended by the young lady to whom he was en- gaged. Her kind ruinistratione, how- ever, aided hy the best of inedicsl tree trnent, were not sufficient to stay the hand of disease, and he gradually failed until deathclaimedhito. Short- ly before passing away, however, the report states that ,he took' his pocket hook, containing, cheques to the value of about. $10,000. and. made the young lady a present of it. A neglected cough. is dangerous. Stoped at , nee by using Shiloh's cure. Sold by J H. Combe, Clinton. sow Prinonere Attempt Suicide. Almost every prisoner under or expeot• ing sentence of death tries to commit suicide, and it takes the warders on guard all their time to frustrate such efforts. Not long ago it was noticed that -.tth9 ears pf a female prisoner, while wait- ing her trial, were stuffed with ootton wool. This, she explained, wns,owing to the fact that she sutferod intensely from earache. Tho prison governor, however, insisted on the cotton being taken out and examined, and in It were found two pills. each containing enough poison to kill several persons. Another prisoner some time ago was hoard, during an interview with his wife to use the word suicide, and a close watch was kept on him. At n subsegment visit, after ho had been sentenced to death, hie wife begged so bard to kiss him for the last time that she was al- lowed to do so through the bars. Tho length of the salutation. however, oauatid the warders in attendance to become suspicious, and they forced open the pri- soner's mouth. They found in it n pill of powerful poison, wrapped in. tinfoil, which the wife had brought and t,rans- ferred to him during the kiss. The engagement of Mise Ella Walker, granddaughter of Hiram Walker, tho mil- Iioeairedistiller of Walkorville, Ontario, to Count Manfrc, Von Mat schka of Schloss, , Beehau,has been announced. The sick man knocking at the door of health gets in if he knocks the right way, and, stays out if he doesn't. There are thousands of ways of getting sick but only one way to get well. Do whatever yon will, if you do not put your digestion in good order, and make your blood rioh and pure, you. will not set well, i;iop, p -ore blood is •the only thing thtit can bring per• feet health. Constipation is a disease of the blood. A large part of all diseases are traceable directly to impurities in the blood and can be cured by eliminating them with Dr Prerce's Golden Medical Discovery. The first thing it dotes is to put the whole digestive eyetem into perfect order. It stimulates the appetite, excites a copious secretion of the digestive fluids and pro- motes assimilation. It searches out die - ease germs wherever they may be, kills them and forces them out of the system. The "Golden Medical Discovery" has been used with unvarying success for over 30 years. The Buffalo News, a high protectionist. says the average rates of duty under the new United States tariff bill will be lower than the rates in the MoKinley,law, as it is admitted, even by the most extreme pro- tectionists, that a general restoration of the McKinley rates would decrease revenues instead of increasing them. Reciprocity provision, even more extensive than those incorporated ' 1 to in the McKinleybill, are be in the new bill. Ask your physician, your druggist and your friends about Shiloh's Cure for Con= sumption. They will recomend'it. Sold by J. H Combe, Clinton. Protests were filed in Ontario against 11 Conservatives returned at the general elec- tion in June, and against one Liberal, Hon. 11'ir. Paterson, returned for North ;trey, in a bye -election. Of the 12 seats thus con- tested all have been settled with exception of London (Major Beattie, Con.) and West Toronto (E. F. Clarke, Corr.) The London case is still before the courts tinder an ad- journment until Jan. 18. It is not likely that the case against Mr Clarke will be gone on with. Of the remaining 10 seats, the petitions were dismissed after a formal opening of the court in six 4 them, viz., in North Perth (McLaren, con.), East Nor- thumberland (Cochrane, Con.), East Dur- ham (cJraig, Con.), East York (Ma_lean, Con.)West Toronto (Osler, Con., and North Grey (Paterson,Li h.),In North Brace (Mc- Neill, Con.), the petition was tried and fail- ed. The petitions were sustained and the members unseated in South Brant (Henry, Con.), North Ontario (McGillivray, Con.), and East Simcoe (Bennet). There are, therefore, three Conservative seats vacant in Ontario and three bye -elections to be held. Old Sailing (:raft. One of the oldest sailing Drafts in the world is thn Gokstad ship, a Viking craft which' was discovered in it sepul- chral mound on the shores of Christiana fjord, and Is now exhibited in a wonder- fully perfect state of preservation in"' Christiana. It Is a craft of the ninth - century A. D., and is therefore nearly a thousand years old. During excavations in the neighborhood of Gizeh, Egypt, there was discovered an almost perfect yacht or pleasure vessel whioh has been ascribed by experts to the seventh or. twelfth dynasty, or about 9,000 B. C. It Is therefore quite 4,000 years older than the Goketad,ship. It was discov- ered with its rigging almost entire, and, strange to say, the hull exhibits an ex- traordinary likeness. to those of yaohts built upon the most approved modern lines. Newest, Outdoor Fad. Timidity must no longer be a fashion- able affectation, for one of the very latest social fads demands bravery of a decided sort. Milking tate cow le the latest pose assumed hy young women, and it is one that requires a good dual in the way of background. In the first plane the hostess must have a good-sized country estato,wlth spacious lawns. Then she must give a lawn fete for charity, In which the chief and draw- ing attraction Is, the spoetnr.le of young women milking cows to the middle of the lawn. Playing pastoral Is rather dangerous for the young women and rattier disconcerting to the cows, hut it •e profitable and future open-air bazars ,eennut afford to dispense with it. ST R I A For infants and Children. Tho tare ffimilo alenaturo of k en e‘4-/-;„.(• every wrapper ?'TING GRAY ti� l ye '' t1 as o1. REATENED L NS S Tho Danger is Aver': . by Using �aaF44IIR "Nearly forty years ago, after s .;t, . ne 1..; oi' Sickln'ss, my hair turned gr;l: and began failing out si1 rapidly that J was threatened v, lilt tntulrtli;'te baldness. Hearing Jttr.r \• igt'r highly spoken of, i camniencud using this prepara- tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop- ped the hair from falling out, stimu- lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my, hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my fri ends."—Dire. II,141. IIA IGIIT, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARES nY OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U.S.A. dyer's Sarsaparilla Eerxoves Pimples. The by Pe rather The take an sou9 oily of prejudice is frequently shown pie who prefer to suffer for years, than try an advertised remedy. 1 illions who have no suoh notions, yet's Sarsatarilla for blood diseases, are cured. So much for common Pine of the steamship companies of li'Itglanci is about to tuake ti novel de, pailure. It has ordered a steamship to he built for the"sale use of invalids." it is to be a vessel of the largest class, fitted up with a luxury heretofore never attempted, to he devol ed entire- ly to the use of wealthy sufferers of Ihat class who are afflicted with pul- monary troubles, and who can only prolong life in the dry, salubrinrts cli- mate of perpetual summer. Convales- cents frorn other wasting diseases are to be accepted. A. corps of medical men are to be on board, and the cui- sine will be in charge of chefs trained to tl)e clelicete task of tfliniateiin.t; to the refined aria capricious tastes (It in- valids. The vessel will snake its initial trip next autumn and winter in the Mediterranean. Catarrh is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifies the blood. • aI Mention has frequently been made of the fact that Mrs Jerry Simpson, who, hy the way, is a native of (Jana - da, is an invalid, but the story of how she came to lose her health has never been told. During the terrible winter of 1885, says the Kansas (Jity Jonrnal, Jerry was engaged in the cattle busi- ness in Barber county. Along with many of his neighbor ranchers, he lost the greater portion of his herd in the blizzards which came so frequently that year, and pretty much all he saved were the hides' of the frozen animals. In the work of skinning these frozen' animals Mrs Simpson assisted her hus- band, and more than once that.avinter• she spent hours in the cold and scow. The exposure resulted in an illness from which the brave little woman has never entirely recovered, P 177.71 BRISTOL'S 1ST L'S Sarsaparilla S. U C0ATi'EDd and ''ILLS The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR .Rheumatism, Gout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All. Drug!r:Y. , and General healers. sissamilooseesseesirosimo PAST YOUR PRIME. Perhaps not in years, but in energy. Your health is not good, yet you hard- ly know what is the matter with you. Your business, too, is on the decline. People mase the old elastic spirit you showed in former years. The secret of all this is that your constitution is worn out and your blood is bad. Set both dight by the use of Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. One box will cure .you Dyspepsia, Rhenmatism catarrh. =eadaehe. Oi merits peculiar to women. crofula, nervation. viatica, Poor blood. Indigestion. ]Liver complaint. "Joss of appetite. Severe kraney diseases Thousands of sufferers have publicly testified to the efficacy of Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. They are the beat, BO ase the best. One Shill a dose; one cent a dose ; 25 cents a box. For sale by all dealers, or by the manufacturers, Edmanaon, Bates & Co,. Toronto,. Use Chase's Lusececl and Turpentine for all throat and lurk, trattbles. Large bottle, small dose, small price, 25c. WEWANT 10 handleOttocounty. establishCanaed tradiadne r► Sri in AGENTG ENTS stock guarnntecd to S L'erulanont position, \\Miele or lwrt•tireo, Lib, rel terve,. You can make 810 a' week or better witn us, for every week you work. No ex(.erience necessar, . BROWN BROS. CO'Y, Central Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT . Steam Engine for Sale Second -band three horse power upright engine and boiler for sale at a bargain. Can be ween at this office. Apply to CLINTON NE\V ERA or F, G, MITCHELL, Engine Supply Co„ London PIANO FOR SALE. A first-class N illiams Piano, Upright, Mahog- any Case, almost new, for sale, on very reason- able terms, Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE. BOB-SLE1t HS FOR SALE For sale a pair 01 now one-horse Bob -Sleighs, steel shod, and well made. Will be sol] cheap, Apply to WBelow the 0 R GRANT, Clinton CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial, Ilotel. This establishment is in full eration and a order filled in the most satisfacto y way come tory and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & IIOOVE- R,Olinton, m - Quantity Is Not Waited In some things. You'll be astonished at how much you can get for your money in our Shoe Store. The size of' the bargains will stagger you, hut not so mnch but that yon can entertain their proposals and finally accept them We also have a large stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags. Great Bargains in Goat Robes and Horse Blankets. Doable and Single Harness. Shingles -f -'Wholesale & Retail JAS. TWITCH F.LII,.,. VICTORIA CLOCK 1 1 1 1 1 Id Cold CIGARETTES W.. S. Kimball & Co., .ROCHESTER, N. , Y, Retail everywhere 50perpackage 17 FIRST • PRIZE MEDALS. 1100410104,0045.1110000 ROLES 'CL=1!TTo1 r HARNESS EMPORIUM Opposite the Town Halt .A sple• ndid line of Saskatchewan !Robes—three colors—light and dark brown and black, duality equal to Buffalo and prices trade winners, Goat and Galloway Robes, all sizes and prices. HARNESS, ETC. Our special make of Single Harness has gained a superior reputa- tion for neatness, durability and lowness of price. Team Harness • always in stock or made to order. Horse Blankets, Collars, Bells, Combs, Brushes, &c., also Trunks and Valises. Our Goods are Bargains at our prices. JOHNSON & ARMOUR. A erry Xmas to all 16 to 1, That if you btty your Christmas Groceries, &c from us yon will ,have the satisfaction of knowing and feeling yon have secured the best goods at the lowest prices. We have just opened out a crate of FANCY CHINAWARE Just the thing for holiday presents. 09 piece Dinner Sete at. $5; Gilt and Striped Toilet Sets at $2.25; 44 piece Tea Sete $1,75 NEW FRUITS London Layers, Black Basket, Selected Valencias, very fine. New Cur- rants cleaned and fit for use. New Peels, best brands. New Nuts—Al- monds, Grenoble Wallnut.s, Filberts, Peanuts. Mixed Candies from 5e to 1(Ic per lb. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates., The best 25c Tea' in the market. Kindly reserve your Christmas order for us. We pledge our best endeavors to satisfy you. N.' ROBSON, - 0 Cl1Ylt0�].. cis Frieze vercoats $5.50, $7.50, $8, Extra value $9.50, and $10 Scotch Suitings 01 0111' own importation, $16, $17,- and $18 Satisfaction Guaranteed. ✓ n9 ROBT. COATS & SON MERRY XMAS Say I Christmas comes every year, don't it? If you see the display of Holiday Goods at the Hub Grocery you will know it is coming again this year. Ev,�,r3r• - body should see our display of Fancy China, consisting of Cups, Saucers find, Plates, Cnrbaret's Bread Plates, Berry Sets, Flower Pots, etc.,Fancy Glassware,• Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, and so many things 'we have not space to mention them all. Fresh Fruits, Fresh Peels, Fresh Groceries of all kinds. Candies and Nuts galore at as low figures as any house in to town, considering quality. GrEo SIVA. .1_41,0W, - Glint rn Beauty and Comfort combined with Low Prices Our store is piled with elegant goods, such as PARLOR, DINING ROOM and BED- ROOM SUITES, COBLER ROCKERS, EASY CB AIRS, RAT1.'AN ROCKERS, COUCHES, MUSIC RACKS, BAMBOO NOVELT1E8, PICTURES, CHILDREN'S SLEIGIIS, &c. Special prices during this month L EI.OI3�LL��7Ci,. BLY CRITICALLY EXAMINE TIIE WORK OF TIIE FOrest. City Business ilii Shorthand College, London, Out T: far superior to that of the ordinary bnsinees school. Patronize a college of .known-' m grit, and your (MOOT ;assured. College re-opone,Jan. 4, 1897. Catalogue free d Y. . C. A. Building r J. W. WESTERVELT, Prittoiplb u r •