HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-29, Page 9•
eee-• ee. •
DECEIYIBER 29, 1898 t
mint!'•tIttititt immir 'mitt tirttrO
,,Save Your
• By Using a Diary next year. It is the
•Meet convent and practical means
to remind you of things tote done each
• day, It will prove itself a valuable
companion if regularly used and con-
sulted and at the close of the year
7 serves as a valuable record of the
events of the season. Only those who
have need them know the comfort and
--1"bileafte of finding every morning an
he"' •entry oNbe duties, arrangements and
promises pertinent to the day, useful
to pusiness and professional men and
useful at home where there are many
things to be done some other day.
Prices run from 15c up.
The Canadian Almanac is the most
useful book of the kind published,
celled Canadian because its clever,
reliable, complete—The Best.
PRICE 25cts.
The if. D. Fair Co.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
A Out o 0 0
'3°°°3t-K'CeCa3-3 We Know
County Clerk Lane was in town on
Mr. A. .Barlett of Galt spent Christ-
mas at home.
Mr. Frank Boles of Toronto is home
for the holidays.
Mr. Jas. Foster of Brantford was
home over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ce. Miller were in
Londou on Thursday.
Miss Jennie Robertson is visiting
friends •*.n 'Bt an tford
Andrews spent Christmas
nds1iiAila Craig.
d Mrs J. J. Allen of Toronto
t's of Clinton friends.
udge of Lucan is the guest of
re Mrs. J. R. Collins.
est Cooper of Toronto Var-
or the holidays.
f Toronto is the
ode -
t to
ng holi-
d at Mil-
• are
. McMath left
day de in Seaforth for a
ew ye.
Mies Tayl, the Public school
is speeding the holidays at her
•e in Blyth.
e •
• 1 v. Mr. Murduck ant Mrs. Murduck
„ere spending a few days with friends
"Le e et, in Teeswater.
- Miss Elizabeth Clark is spending a
fe.w weeks with friends in 'Clinton.
—Hensall Observer.
• Mrs. Robert Twitchell and two
children of Hensall are guests at Mr.
Arthur Twitehell's.
Mr. C. H. Lewis of the Molsons
Bank staff went down to his heizer in
Montreal for Christmas. eeee
Mr M- ven, w •• 0. ed at
the or an factor', alas at
his h me in Ailsa
ss Emma, Stephenson; who is
i ching at. Hensall, came home Satur-
ay to spend Christmas.
Mr. "Alex. McLeod of Tehannak,
-Manitoulin Island, is visiting his fath-
er, Mr. Roderick McLeod.
r. Irt Sherif)* Of LOOM Ware In,
Clinton on Friday.
r, and Mre. Thomas Parenthar of
HMO (*Peen were Chriettetas •gusts at
Mr. Aclem Foster's.
Mr. and. Mrs. Will. Hower of Luck -
now were guests this week at Mr.
John Tedford's.
. Mr. W. Milleard of Victorite thriven-
sity, he -spending his holidays at the
Rattenbury parsonage, .
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kelty and family
of London are spending tbe Christmas-
tide with friends on the Base line.
Mr. Kilty will occupy the pulpit of the
Hensel! Anglican church next Sunday
Dr. Bruce partook of Christmas
cheer at The old homestead at Alliston.
Mr. E. Rowed of the G. T. R. staff
enjoyed a Christmas turkey with
Auburn friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chowen and children
went down to Mitchell on Saturday.
M. Chown returned on Monday, but
hie better half and the family will re-
main with relatives there this week
and take part in a concert given by the
Methodist body.
Mr. W. H. Baker of Egmondville
is spending the holidays in the Hub
and Goderich township.
Mr. 11. Ransford of the Ontario
Bank, Uxbridge, came home for
Mr. T. Rutledge Christmased with
friends in town. -
Miss Zella Carder of Blyth visited at
the Rectory over Sunday.
Me W. Sperling of Seaforth was in
town on Monday.
Miss Clara Scott of Seaforth visited
her home over Christmas.
Mr. James Carr spent Christmas
with his mother at Winghani.
Mr. W. M. McConnell visited his rel-
atives at Blyth on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sterling of
Morris were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. King on Sunday.
Mr. W. C. Cooper, who has been in
Winnipeg for sometime returned home
on Saturday.
Mr. James Steep, who went to In-
dian Head, N. W. T. a few months
ago, has returned.
Mr. Keine, son of Mr. James Keine
has retnreed home after an absence of
some years spent principally in the
Mr. and Mrs. W. McWhinney
Owen Sonnd were Christmas guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnstone, Ratten-
bury street.
John and ;Edward Maepherson,
Wiedsoi, and' A:lex. McPherson, Lon-
don, are visiting relatives in town.
iss Jessie Oliver of Goderich was
the guest of Miss Leslie the forepart of
the week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and Master Roy
of Detroit are guests at Mr. James
Fair's, Sr.
Miss S. McLaughlitec f Brussels was
the guest of Mrs. Peter Kerr -this week.
Mr. • Harry Barlett of Galt is home
on aevisit.
Mr.. B. H. Clement of London iped
Sheldon B. Clement of McGill,Univer-
sity, Montreal, sons of Rev. B. Cle-
ment, are spending their Christmas
holidays under the parental roof.
Mrs. Robison of Mount Forest is v is-
lting her mother, Mrs. Ben. Webb.
Miss Annie Beattie visited relatives
in Brussels over Sanday.•
Mr. Lester Whitely of Toronto Var-
sity came home to spend Christmas.
. Misses Lena Doherty and Lucy
Brewer. of Toreasto are spending the
holidays at home.
Dr, and Mrs. Beldam of Seaforth
were guests at Mr. C. C, Rance's on
Miss Ruby Sterling of Porter's Hill
was the guest of Miss Maud Andrews
over Christmas.
Mr. Harry Mason of Woodseie
ited in town from Saturdeeee
Y. .,srWatson and fami-
WI/Zia— spent Monday the
g .8ts of Mr. and Mrs. John Leslie.
Misses Maud and Winnie Goodwin
took part in the anniversary services
of the Londeshoro Presbyterian church
on Mondayeevening.
Mr. H. Hewitt spent Christmas at
bis home in Brussels,
• Miss-Meggie McCennell of Stretford
visited friends in town this week.
Mrs. Jefferson spent -Sunday and
Monday at her home in Goderich.
Dr. and Mrs. Agnew and little Miss
Marjorie ate their Christmas , dinner
at the- Dr's old home in East Wawa -
nosh, near Belgrave.
Miss Shirley Parke was the guest of
Miss Mabel Hodgins, Seaforth, Mon-
day and Tuesday.
Miss S. Kilty, formerly C. P. R.
operator'here, but for some in the em-
ploy of the Western Union Telegraph
Company, has recently been promoted
and is now Manager of the Company's
lines in the Upper Peninsula, Miche
Miss Minnie Herman of London j gan. A substantial advance in salary
came home Saturday, but, returned to accompanies the promotion.
the cityregain on Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett of Lead -
bury Were guests at Mr. G.J. Stewart's
on Tuesclay. They had been attending
a social function up the Base line and
found their progress homeward re-
tarded by the snow blockade.
Mrs. W. A. Cunningham and family
of Carlow spent Christmas at her fath-
er's, Mr. Geo. Notts of Tuckerstnith.
Mrs. Cunningham intended returning
home on Tuesday, but was prevented
from doing so by the inclement weath-
er and blockaded roads.
Mr. A. B. Wetheral, teacher at Sum-
merhill, came down from his home at
Auburn on Tuesday afternoon and in-
tended going out to •his section that
eveningen order to be present at the
school meeting next day, but was
storm -stayed here.
Mr. John Miller, who has been engag-
ed framing at Bayfield for a number of
weeks, returned to his home in Harris -
ton on Tuesday. He was at onetime a
resident of Clinton and is a hrother of
Mr. Jacob Miller of this town.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of near Port
Elgin came down to spend another -
Christmas with Mr. Andrew Stinson.
The hitter has reached the patriarchial
age of ninety six years, but is in fairly
good health and on Monday was able
to take his old place at the table and
carve the goose.
Mr. . B. Hoover attended a meet-
ing of the Board of' Managers of the
Woodmen in London last week.
ee-Ms.erdnI,Mrs. A. Ross and family of
Goderich are gusts -of the liitter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle.
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Steep and family
of Stratford are guests of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Steep.
•+ , Rev. J. J. Pattersqn and Mrs. Pater-
son of Arthur 'spent Christmas the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Leslie.
Mr. Harry Clutterhem of Chicago is
spending the holidays with his aunt,
Mrs. F. W. Watts, Rattenbury street.
• - Mrsegob§on of Kirkfield, who has
' hetili—vieffingineeown for the past two
weeks, left Fridailio spend a few days
in Torento • •
• Mrs, Martin and two children of
ell, Mich., and Miss Bertha Robi-
f Lucknow are guests of Mr. and
MeWhiriney, who ' was the
r a couple of weeks of Mrs.
McLean, returned home to
tock last Friday
John S. Miller put the manage -
f the River Hotel, Bayfield,in
, n
rge of Mr. R. Moorehouse while he
rano home for the Christmas week.
Mr. James Harris of Farquhar was
the guest of Mr. William .Tones one day
• last week while returning from a
hie daughter at Dungannon.
titili,ztse Mole of Goderich was in
town Saten,
day on his way to spend
* Chrisi
tmas t his borne in Anhui' n.
• Misses Mart ha and Edith also went
home tOt-05hristmas.
Miss Mary Robb will next week take
charge,.dt a school near Lucknow, She
' Will bo much utilised in Baptist circles
• here, especially in the S.S. of which
•- slid WAS One, of the most faithful work-
Dr. Lindsay ret ''ned Thureday from
. ' a six months' a k'2 of th4 hospitals
in London e dinboro, principally
n t. - . We understand
its assistant to
ds his practice
dle properly.
the home -
n Turnbull
went home
all intended
ained over
era' 'Christ -
o bScorne an
of doderich
hOtir With his
ough he had
ay -With. his
0 hie ninetieth
rehlitl age 104'00
lit Of mind, The.
wit ,Mr. Cantelon,of London. Will
Noui. Year *it'd his inothin4,
widow of tho fate toWniihip
Goderich Township.
Mr. George McCartney: son of John
McCartney, 7th concession, returned
home on Saturday from Manitoba,
where he spent two years.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hudie ate their
Christmas turkey at the Snowdon
homestead in Stanley.
The officers of L. 0. L. No. 306 for
the year 1899 are as follows :—
" W. M„ J. G. Steep.
• D. M., John Beacom.
R. S., John Thompson.
F. S., Henry Collier. •
Trees., Geo. A. Cooper.
. Chap., John R. Shepperd.
D. of C., M. Shepperd.
Committee, George Miller, Henry
. Perdue, Albert Anderson, Thos,
Cooper, John Cook.
The first meeting of 800 will be held
the first Tuesday in January. • A full
attendance is requested.
Mr. George Vanderburg is visiting
friends in Kingarf. Bruce county. •
Mr. Mason Steeling paid a receipt
visit to Mende in Leadbury. Datne
Rimier says, but this authority is not
always correct, that the golden hens
*ill ring at Leadnott shortly. •
Mr, Pollock of Huron township,
Arne° count', has boon visiting friends
he the tetenehip
A Uuraber o f0148 from different
parte of the kingcle9 'Tent Dhriettnas
pa the township,
Robert Morelia% who was under the
weather, le around again.
Rev. Wm. Cole and wife of &misc.
Miehigan, are visiting friends bere.
Hie teverene is an old Goderich town -
giblet hoy, -brother of Peter Qole, whsle
his'hetter half is a 'daughter of Mr.
George Oantelon of the 7th concession.
Mr, .William Crooks returned on
Friday from a week or so's visit , to old
friende and scenes in Wellesley town-
ship, where he lived for dpwards of
thirty years. When his family first
went. into the Queen's Bush, Wellesley
was an almost unbroken wilderness,
but now it is the garden township of
Waterloo county. Mr. Crooks had a
pleasant visit.
&need -timer has said that Monday's
nominations were the quietest, the
township has seen for years, owing to
the absence of some of the municipali-
ty's most noted orators. For the
reeveship. Messrs. Thos. Churchill and
Robert Elliott are the candidates, while
the following live names are on the
bellot papers for the four vacancies in
the council :—James Johnston, John
Middleton, Samuel Sturdy, Charles W.
Williams and John Woods.
The 9th and lOth concessions, includ-
ing Ben. Switzer, will go solid for Con-
nolly, Churchill and Middleton.
Mr. Arthur Cantelon has 27 ballots
to mark in Clinton and 7 in this town-
ship, 34 in all.
The boys in the township say that
Sam. Cooeer is working the double I
shuffle in canvassing Re stands in
with Connelly and while talking with
Reformers says if Connolly is elected
he will be running for member and
they won't be able to defeat him.
Weir's Farewell.—Last Wednesday
evening about 100 young people as-
sembled at Mr. RobertBeattie's to give
Mr. D. Weir an oyster supper before
his departure. When they took
their seats at the table Mr. Wesley
Beacom rose and in a few words ex-
plained the nature of the gathering
and on behalf of those present asked
Mr. Weir to accept their best wishes.
When supper was over all enjoyed
themselves in a social dance. Every-
body felt sorry at the departure of Mr.
Weir, as he was always willing to bele
onward in social circles. We wish him
The imitations are out for Mr. Geo.
Rnox's and Miss Jennie McGregor's
wedding, to take place on Wednesday,
Dec. 28eli, at four o'clock.
The scholars of Harlot* school last
week presented their retiring leacher,
Mr. D. Weir, with a 'handsome gold.
watch chain. Albert Knox read the
edieress and Charlie Smith made the
presentation. ,
Mr. John Snider of this place Has dis-
posed of his shop and stock to Mr. B.
A. Higgins of Varna., Mr. Snider in-
tends starting for England in a few
days in charge of a large consignment
of sheep for Mr. G. R. Turner, cattle
dealer. ,
Mr. Cook and Miss Welwood have
departed to their respective homes to
spend Christmeeee-eereeeeeeeelei
eserl'e eve 1."3'ee-
I 5)1 g r..114
• , ere seee we e
eel e n iee
Robt. Stalker an
after our =nice
J. \V. WuretioN.1
d A. As
with to look G. W. lioreeee, Teachers.
W n thr op,
L. 0, L. No, 818 met on Wednesday
night of last • week. The following
bret h ern were elected officerslor 18119•-
W. M„ John Bullard; D. M., W.
Kennedy ; Chaplain, Jos, Hogg ; R. O.,
Brown ; F. S., R, lqui•die : Treas.,
J. Boyd: D. of 0., W. Hilliard ; Lec-
turers,' D. Boyd and A, Sperling ;
Committee, W. Thewartha, IL Bnyd,
J. H. Canipb.ell, J. Story W. Hogg ;
Auditors, J. Scarlett end A. Sperling :
Tyler's, A. Brotherson and J. Simpson.
No. 81 is a vigorous and growing
Lodge and with the new staff of offi-
cees ought to have a prosperous year.
Last week Mr. William Kenney,
deputy-inaster of No. 813, received
a check for $1000, the amount of in-
surance on the life of the late Anthony
Boyd in the Orange Mutual Benefit
Association. The check will be hand-
ed over to the widow of the deceased.
MP nomination proceedings were
eh) at the town hall on Monday, the
clerk, in the rhair. 'Abe
th iost„ ati,
were tame in the extreme, very little
intermit being manifested in the, elee-
tion. The following nominations were
duly made :—
For Reeve h.—Richard Stanhnry, M.
D., wile was elected by acclamation.
For Couneillors :—hlessrs, T. Elliote,
Geo. W. Woods, Jas. Thompson, R.
Bailey. Jas. Donaldeon. sr., Thos.
Jewett, John A. Falconer.
" For School Trustees :- For the term
of two years, T. J. Marks, Jas. Fowlie,
Wm. Whiddon, For one year, to fill
vacancy left by Mr. John Pollock leav-
ing the village, Mr. John Ferguson.
These Were all elected by acclama-
tion, being the only nominees.
At the conclusion of the one hour
the several nominees and their movers
and seconders addressed the meeting.
Business is now at a stand still as the
business men are now away on their
Mr. and Mrs. Madge of the Bronson
line, Sundayed at Mr. R. Turner's last
Miss Jeunie Jeffrey of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, is now visiting under the
parental roof.
Mrs. T. Holuter of Michigan is now
visiting friends and relatives in this
Mr. A. North f St. Joseph is now
spending' the Christmas holidays with
Mr. H. Talbot.
The meeting held by the Y. P. & H.
& H. A. last Saturday evening was a
grand success the members being. all
present when arrangments were being
made for a grand shooting match.
The sale being held at Mr. Muse La-
fanier's Dec. 23rd Was rat her unpleas-
ant as the weather was chilly there be-
ing a fair attendance. Mr. A.. L.
Sreenan reports things going fairly
A robin was seen in Mr. Peter D ur-
.and's barn one evening iast week..
The following is the percentage
standing of the pupils of Bayfield Pub-
lic school for the quarter now ending,
as determined by written examina-
Sr. 5th class—H. M. Sparks 70.
Jr. 5th gclass--B. Falconer 74, N.
Cleave 72, R. Bailey 66, E. Srnith 65, F.
Fowlie 62, C. Ferguson 62, A. Rosset t 58.
Si. 4th—E. Dnpee 77, W. Holman 76,
Cameron' 68, W. WhiAdon 65, E.
Watson 62, C. Erwin 59, F. Morgan 49,
L. Erwin 48, B. Ross 46
Jr. 41 h—A. Galbraith 74, L. Rouett
72, M. Walnisley 67, E. Morgan 66, M.
Whiddon 62, L. Johnston 56, H. Marks
54, W. Walwin 48.
Sr. 3rd—N. Ferg'uson 59; R. Watson
58, I. Fowlie 57, T. Bailey 56, A. Wat-
son 53, A. McDonald 49, E. Green 44,
C. Smith 38,
Jr. 3rd—E, Marks 65, J. Pierson (10
M. Cameron 58, F. Ross 54, S. McGee
53. J. Watson 50, 1). Sturgeon 45, R.
Marks 40.
senior and junior second classes
Only the standing of those in the
given, viz. :—
• Sr.2ndDlS,ll:t15k 77, 0`,974:LP
.7o2nd—II. Po:,4!A;::117i:4,oee77,j6:.nni;n:16,
'. Heard 58, E. Rouett
n 51
pal interests. 1411.6"' 56 G. Erwi
) 11
two terms as school trustee for St. J i s
ward, during which I tried to porfo^m he
duties of the °Moe to the best of my ab ity,
and being a candidate for re-election, I re-
spectfully solicit your vote and influence.
Clinton, Dec. 28th.
LADIES AND OENTLEMEN,—Having been plac-
ed in nomination as councillor I hereby ask
your assistance in order to be elected. 1 have
neither time nor inclination to make a canvas
of the town and presume the greater part of
you will bo glad to bo spared that annoyance.
Should you consider Inc qualified to serve you
in that capacity, you will find my name at the
bottom of the ballot and by making an X op-
posite you will much oblige
Yours for the best interests ()Dour town
Clinton, Dec. 28th,
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—Having been nomi-
nated for niayor I kindly request you will favor
me with your votes on Monday next 1 beg to
notify you that Dr. Shaw is disqualified for
taking his seat by holding two offices under the
council, N'iZ., Medical Health Officer and Colle-
giate Institute Trustee,
• Yours,
Clinton, Dec. 28th
We, want Logs of all kinds,
pariietilarly Ebb, and are prepared
to pay the
Highest Cash
If you have any Logs to sell
IT WILL PAY YOU to enquire
our prices before taking them else-
miif ere.
& dila
Stapleton Salt Works,
Dec. 21st 1898.
Modern Early
Methods Closing
The tendency of tile times everywhere is towards shortening
wherever possible. the hours of -labor and it is a .move in the right
direction. •
We see no reason why during the stormiest months of the year
our store should not close at that time, why all our business in
these months conld not be done in the terrhonrs from 8 .a.m. to 6 p.in.
We think it can. •
Commencing Thursday, Jan. 3, '99, this:store will close at six
o'clock shaltp every evening except Saturday
Of course some people will say that we cannot make ita success
but we have found that we never have. adopted more modern and
.ub-to-date methods of doing business but that the people were with
us and we have every confidence that they will be in this.
We don't intend to lose any business by early closing. January
andFebruary sales are going to be just as big as if we kept open every
day until midnight. We're going to make it pay you `well to do your
buying before sii o'clock and to help us make this movement a
Watch next week's paper for full announcement of our January
early closing sale, a rule which we have had, in view for some time
and which we promise you will be a money saving event for the
Dry doods and Clothing buyers of Clinton and vicinity.
Between Holiday Shoppers'
and people who choose the New Year instead of Christmas for
making their holiday gifts will find, here suitable articles for gifts in
great abundance. Not nearly so great a quantity, but still just
about as good an assortment -as. before .Christmas. If you are going
to make a New Year's gift could you select from these ?
The Ever Popular Hapclkerchief •
as a daintsrlittle token of reAnembrance at the holiday season
is always appreciated. . Notwithstanding the hundreds sold lad
week ybu'll find dozens of 13'atfiern.6 to select.from.
Direet Importers.,
MI!! 111.1M1!
OW▪ ^
111▪ 0."
le▪ .`k
MC▪ P"
O ka..
422. -
Iffilfit? 'MT Pr
01.• -•
OW -
O P"
611▪ ••••••
10▪ .-•
111▪ .•-•
• -
M.-. •
Fur Coats Our stock is
ib..••••„-eft,-%.,••,^'••,11t..-••••••,^4b..11•,1•••••••"111.,:•6.-1•,416/.11b..10.rilrilli,Allw 4
Some people realize after Christmas is over that"
they have .inade a mistake, that somebody bas been
left out that was entitled to a remembrance, 8114„
others again prefer making their offerings at this "-"'
time. In our large stock there is still a splendid I
selecti( n and we can show some handsome goOds
,suitahle for this purpose. ,.,.•
Otir.range of
30c Neckwear
is the finest to be found
this section of the coun-
try, and every purchaser
from now until the 18'.; of
January I:1s a chance for
the Watch now on exhi-
bition in on,' window.
ella-^es-eaelbelibeelte•'e. elbeeheelikelleelbeseelareebeeeneellieeeCe
A General Ba
Notes Disc
Irlre, Aeold
Transacted. Re
Companies and
1111 ur anoe wadi
4gent for the
tea Roney to
Fire Insurance.
and most complete in th
country, and people who contemplate a purchase can-
not afford to miss seeing
our goods.
'IL, .3t1...1116,1161•Alibe .11111.'W '111h,1411, .111W1116,1111,1b101b,Vb.' 11111V001•161,461,1111111,111110
a . •
ET Shoe .Department
Room for an
Honored Guest,.....
OW -
ear -
Now move ye
nameless shoes,
give place to -R
alty !
The Slater Shoe
is coming here to
stay, and a thousand pairs of present
stock must go to yield the re
Profit dies before that prospect, and
• this sale must pave the way fr a
new era in our shoe trade.
We had to pledge a yearly urchase
of many thousand pairs of Slater
Shoes to secure the agency, and
these shoes must also be EaLd, for in
thirty days.
To -morrow we start a Sale of our
regular lines of men's shoes, which
will make the coming of the Slater
- Shoe 'rEitnorable, because of the profit
carving ,Which preceded it. "411,1011L.
Note 1 these prices on present
standard grades:
All our *4 Shoes go for $2.50. • °
Departitietital Store