HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-29, Page 8!;�.:,P-...,.c_mc... �`i �•y�y �y.....a'v.,, �'q' , •�...� ,...,nt, �n..,..+,1.Y......-- ,.
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,, direct ,to, 'the '0uaiolner, a q' i sot -
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�t �, 4y h x . . - .. �A{ �(t'((� 'pp �,,�1��1I� [y m 8ti i 2c , �To. 9 Dal aq, 60 I+2a. l7stt1 Qw10t i' ! � � Ql l : ',
F �r1rr �. WS^ tRgll it i ,■ N; slderable. d'f i - 't t k A �i.,al�i.1L �,IJ�8 T ,r �U. 1. i flat �tj ate �1y ; �1'i1, w,Itt 0 l �So• AX ,: r c ., gh n aid
.ht p Hn Q RINTS, FOR t t girl y a�► hit a the lint �kl Na, 8 +viute X14 s a, �4 white, $,
i uch ' t * � ter folds$ b0 alwa a yp uul- • , 04129, t
I, pt is °d Overt fi7tll RsiR4SC ab!141110t y Band, ttlwa .. �1 ld ¢ :ger>tza,;3. , " .v,onsulri ptloa
I 1e a 1-IB I ARNi r?a . form; and•- a :oor lot ntwer sol far- Po s - O is It then J34 2> istrQu, $Ue, l!Ttt., 8, mtxe�lt 286. t
Tgtrs R fin' I'rllttlY#g ilA1AGa,. JIr1pt tett TeeslPeo ally t1r11R,0LII0Qd/ i"4# ,for pOAa d1 P S1 #I. SQiI ilp tO 6GAlltS _. _ & Burley . Strgm$. h'1Qur•--$t,aat7y% 1•ai �i'tdrrt gain ;� :A?. d -
. ..�M: a alt p .� 1
40111+'>>ki eine,evakg0lttaitnld qo #r§6t'AUrti11Y0 P.gwOr Ilf ,.,,• dors must also be t'i'lled: pro4uptly, and VjP1114or�Corn trQn--k�i'1?f� be slid demaand. Iiye-Dt i 14. Lu stArQ t�
� 4` '+� ars za "wlthAle 1ndA191n« the dairylnaln tuns$ b.Q« +fituated sq -that FrAvislOnS� ive Stoe. , I;to, Star , r ' +. IP $ 1116i l , ,. f S *.` -:
Ae,a10a11 space. Wiley
AVOSu?'lai 'itct 14711% ` , it tue demand pbould doors se cud- SlinneaPolls, I)e0, 98,°�-•Wheat->•Ileoezn+Oil
�' Disinfection and thorough cleaning Torontq Deo. 23.•-Wheat Wet}t- bar, 00 11-46 ; Na.r, .64.0,4 to 650 ; ap liver WI y ovI . "t
°) V. 'B.Cm1 :BDKo. 114Iq t delily he .4ouid dlspRse of htfl $drpins ern."uaurket:s cl,°sed sicca a dtlaoiono m
1 column.«.....,0 ,� 00 $f:0 00 Y•. •.1ki viewed trod the baoteriologlat s 1 « B Q - ttae,k, No. 1, aril, 65o.; No. 1 Northern, �11taS wxa'l 11Qir lXT , :tpl�tltf' ; e..:
r_oluuu,.,., »,, a5 0 ..I 0G , .la �� �,� without ass, a#�d if It slaotlld in0lease here was buoyant, Odd .cars pY red 640, No. 2 NartliexlU, 820. Maur-Friar .F , � .
(olumu. , ,d20 00 1 Q0; ... Z 00 260 point of view, are essenitally the same. he would papa seta a Jneana qZ aattsfy-
Co.umn..,.,,«. Iy QO. g;00 OR "i u , _o'o and white sold to mills s and sport- Pate>�ts, X3.7.0 to X3.80; se0omd patent$e OBS,t�' bll� >kRltl«i1 k"
Inob..... , «... ,g r5 Nature has provided us with one of Ing it, It !s riot ,,always sa easy to l $.$,$0• to $8,60 ; first Aiears,
, ..
p..., pr� toD:. go' t-fig' $2.65 to . 1 t1 ara,r
R• pocial %1# tiOiaOrocntOXtrfr t1#4eit, a1Wa=s ready, til• the most powerful disinfectants we supply the fucrease(1 demand, bqt the sirs at 680. Manitobaa were higher. a
$2.75. it will tura l►ay. i.
tra �ht advextis i A'Ylteiflotgnt, $$mays! lit- surplus can nearly always be dxflpoa- No, i hard, Toronto and west, sold at ,
f pngQnto4Qmetits Illfgsto scarab a 0old pos$ess, namely, sunshine. In urdsr to orther Duluth, -Deo.®.-Whesat-Nd, 1 hard,:
;fyi pe �' ad of at this grocery store to advan- Bb 7.80 , kid,; L 1
er line .c " 1#st iq$eca9u. carat et gt�tOve;,pure all liver 1417, avail ourselves of it, we must so con- tag�e. 79c, No• 2 hard azld No: 1 N n. sash, 07 3 $o; Deoember, UVC11 ��l6rl tl{=t� drtl¢adt� 1 ;#
,,yt35e( ant it sertion Toronto and wast, at 700, No. 1 hard Muy, 06 7 $ , No. 1 Northern, cash, 62
nonparet t 4 - U0 head. 118, lOandiee t)AA,e�gpIrtlon; Oto• 250.
. struot our barna $list it may sat to MY methods of ripening cream and ,, farther advatiCet�, $OIC )rte{
t1rQ ; '14 essloxta l aaxds, ,ItheQ1 y �De to "As with nlod" Baraapariva ohurnin are similar to those you have track Midland or Owen Sound, was ?-$6 ; December, 02 7-$a bid, May, 65
not el�cgeding crier •in417, $5,00 p@T • % the best advantage. Active, virulent, �' . ' 7-8o bid; No. 2 Northern, 58 8-8o ; No. Iriar Able £dlXtt44. arG of 01tt�1
a often seen described. The cream is held at 75c. 2 spr# g, 65 7-80 ; to arrive, No. 1 hard,
annum• dlt�Vertlsemerrta wvl htiut. sir-1. cultures of the germs of tuberculosis, churned until the butter appears i1q,gTa
. ific di;regttpps . lkjll %y0 pulllishtjd °till -". , - Flour - Millers askin higher fig- ,650 i No. 1 Northern, 64o. Oats- Ill the 1#lo$C adVatlCO( S,tt� C0:'
Iorbfd anti" o4raed; for '. ttgrpxdin 1 glanders, typhoid fever, or diphtheria tittles, when it is. washed, and salted in g
frausient n flat Gag .t ,;,' „ l;, are rendered perfectly harmless if ex- the churn. It is thea worked and pack- ores. Straight roller, in bble., north 27 9-4 to 28 1-2o bid, Rye-510 bid. it: rolon s life, and lrxla., ��
°� ar• 4ud,JohP Ernmerto n 1 parley--38 to 420. Flaxseed, $1.01 1-4; P .
c�Fo1 Sale, qt% ed n stone crooks, &s my demand is qnd west, is held ut $3.25, and export-
5U Gents for fir:dt tri- posed tb the aatidn of direct sunlight d December, $1.04 1-4 bid; May, fI1.08 7-8. -
eertion, 9$ �iiit:i for sack• auk?ilsquQnt for that kind of package. Butter pack- ars bid X3.05. , t11C days dr IYIOCC� Cp111 dC>j""`'
Ipsertion. THE LEADIMG RARBRR, for a few hours. The same is true ed to this way hoe not the neat up- Qorn-32 1-80. bid. y �^ t
THE N WB -• Oatmeal-Rolled oats, to bags, on Toledo Dec. 28.-Wheat--No. 2, cast; able. Everyone >S
GOAD Will be sent Smith's block, opposite Post Office where the germs are given off from the pearance of prints, but, find the pray ' y u- w'lriot,t
4 to any addre,qs, free of .poet�ge, far ALSO body of a diseased individual, provi- tine satisfactory. The work, must be track here, $3.40 per bbl.; and in bbls., or December, 69.1-2e, bid; May, 70 ?-80.
Corn-No. 8 mixed, cash or Deoember, From consumption heeds t"
1).00 per year"'pa,yab, in acJvange= A dart the are not ,protected Prom the neatt`y done. Cover. the crook with $3.50. I • 35c. oats:,,-•- No, 2 $nixed, 27c. Rye- F
$1.50 may be iibar);ed if not' so paid. flgeDt°for Standard Llfe lasuranee Co y parchment paper cut in circular pieces Millfeed-Scarce and in gooddemand• food tonic.
The date to wh;o direct action of the light by being in- W as to fit the top of the crook, then No. 2 cash, 54 1-2e. Cloverseed-$5.15.
h query sub$aription Car lots of bran, middle freights. $13, Detroit", Dec., 29--Wheat - Closed- Jac.and$i.ea.elld
la pa#d i$ d'enotod by the ntiinber on Head 081cetor CanadQ, Montreal. , closed in other matter, ouch as mucus, over all put yellow piper enc! write pJ>Lii't'h"
' the address lalael. No paper disaontin- Insurance in force, . $116,000,000 pus, faeces, etc. Diffuse daylight has the address on this in ink. I ship my and shorts, $,1G. Ton lots of bran at To- No. .1 white, Dash. 09c; No. 2 red, SCOTT & iIOWIJE, t•`hamiste, Toronto.
until all InvestqR.eatRrin Canada • 18,500,000 crocks b express and have standing ionto mills sell at' cash and December, 68 1-20; May, 790. e
tied :arrears are paid. ezcept Established 1825. The old reliable and favorite. a disinfecting action, but is much less y $14, and shorts ni �� +�
at the option of t' a .proprietor. orders for all that I produce. I guar- Milwaukee, Dec, 67 W'h'eat - ri . -
powerful than direct sunlight. Where $16. Northern, 06 1-2 to 07c; No. 2 spring.
W, J, AU, CHELL, g antes the,, quality of the butter, and , p g' HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW.
CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP. one or two hours' exposure to the nc- it a crock happens to be slightly off rI jPena-Itigttr again; in good demand. 68 1-L to 640; No. 2'Northern, 86 to 65
Editor and Proprietor. i-2o. R e - No. 1. 64 to 64 1-4c. Bar- MYa. Newwed :DZy mother writeA
--a-• tion of direct'sunlight would suffice Ask it, to be returned 'qt my expense. PRODUCE. ley-No. 2, 48 1-2 to 48 3-4; sample, 42 that she is coming here to spend threat
} FORD fit MURPHY, y disease-producing organisms, I have always bad the most courteous Eggs-nese; is li ht and market months.
THE IIIiOLSON to destroy p B to 480.
treatment, and while my customers are
S BANK $successorstoJ.WLangford.) seve�l days or weeks might be re- quite numerous, I find that good but holding steady, Quotations are:- Mt.now howThankheavenforthat{
Lworporatad'ky +Qct ofPaxldamontlt)bb. quired to .accomplish the same thing ter honestly packed and promptly Netvl laid, 20 to `L2c; held fresh, 17 to She knows how to cook.
Having bcuRbt out the above business, we b diffuse li shipped glues satisfaction. 18c; cold star e A matrimonial agency --'"- '� -
,i• 1 t a. Intend to eonduot it on the cash principle. and Y Bht• storage, , 15 to hies; and limed g ncy offers Lo sup-
ply any man with a wife for $5. It {A: woman is always perfectly sure -.
will supply'our customers with the best meats Sunlight not only acts beneficially in 14 to 150. costs less to et to trouble than it that s e' is iaa', the ri ht until it some$$
CAt tTAL ` . at the Lowest paying prices. B g
$i,00p,ago the stable b destroying objectionable Potatoes- Movement fadxly active,
1. Rgs•r - . , y j CABLE (GIRDLE ABOUT THE EARTH, does to get out again. to bao�ing her opinion with monelt,
$I,5oi,,000 Fgrcl & Murphy. but market is easy awing a heavy sup- 1
�;� micro-organisms that may be present, _-. plias. About GSc. was the best price .
Bead Ofl1t3e, MONTREAL. /firr but it has a beneficial effect upon the Sir Sanford Flaming's Proposed Systemto paid for car lots on tract; to-day . ,
wgg),110I,SON, ,pg U)t%0. TROWHILL animals kept In such ,a stable. Connect the sritlah,Enipire. Dealers sell out of store at 60 to 70c;
,V 3101,80VI �,C E dON' Presidg h ! The action of sunlight upon the 'Sir Sanford Fleming of Ottawa re- farmers Loads sell at around'65 to 70c, i —�.
a r. I8011fAS, . . Matta er centl addressed a letter• 1D the'Right Poultry-Buying on the peat of re-
Aaimals is to Increase the rod blood Y I
, ,' '� tailers slow to-day, and as receipts are
Noteediscou, ted IIorseshoer and general Blaoksmlth floe, Joseph Chamberlain on the sub- I
$ , Oolleetions, mad-4, Drtttte corpuscles and to atimulato and sirens- p heavy daily and mild weather continu-
6torlin t Exchange Albert Street North Clinton. then all the organs of the body• well- jeer of a State system, of electric ca- in hoes m take a dx•o So Par
,11�lae0ed, q acrd Amer Gan' g, prices a3 P:1 I ,
r boupbtand aohiq. InterestaHovredonDopoeits ' ' lighted stables are invariably much 'blas for the British empire to orale they are unaltered. Quotations are;- `
A— --� , the ea,Fth. The Pacific cable, he says, chickens, per pair, 215 to 40c; ducks, 40
JOBBING A SPECIAILTY. dryer than dark ones. This is a dis- to 50c; per lb, 51-2 to 6c• turkeys, geese, , y ,
SAVINGS BANg. Woodwork ironed a d fire 01680 maters tinct advantage in favor of keeping would serve the purpose , trade be-. per ld,, 8 to 01-2b.
Itteftst allowed on sume .of $1 and n and work guaranteeid. Farm implements an� the stable clean and the animals in it tween Australasia and Canada, but 'Roans-Choiice hand-picked beans sell
p thaohines rebuilt and repaired.
these countries are debarred from a at 1 to $1,10; rind common at 70 to
I free from disease. •The disease-pro- S- $
VARMERB, tablishin telegraphic connection with 75c, pet` bush.
ducing microbes find much more fav- gDried apples-Dealers pay 4 to 41-2e
Pneg advanced to farmers on their own orable conditions for retention of Hong Kong by an agreement with the for dried stock, delivered here, and
itnoneormOre endorsers. No wort- TO THE FARMERSl Eastern Extension Tel is h Com-
edaset+curity, their vitality or growth and multiplica- eg P small lots resell at 4 1-2 to 5c. Eva-
Study your own interest and go where pany,
REWER, Manager, Clinton. von can Bob tion where the atmosphere contains P y, excluding Canards trod the Soul h- posted 8 to 8 1-2c, for small lots.
large quantities of moisture rather than ern colonies from that port. Sir San- honeyelUnchanged, Round lots of
choice, delivered here, will bring about y
OTAGGART, RELIABLE HARNESS ford admits that the proposal for the es- quote from 6 to 7c 11
when it. is dry. Ordinary drying is, 6 1-2 to 6c, dealers
in fact, all hat is necessary to do- taUl• hmenl of a PnciPir, cable would
>: •y ?$ per lb. for 10 to 60-1b. tins; and in
I manufacture none but the beat of stook. stroy some of the most dangerous undoubtedly interfere with the rich comb at around $1.25 to $1.50 per
germs. This does not apply equally to monopoly of the Eastern Extension dozen sections.
Beware of alive thgt sell cheap, se they all • while Asiatic cholas germs are Baled Hay-Sales few, prices easy.
lave got to live, Call and gat prices . g company but he holds that no private y'
REST, - LMON Orders by maLlpromptly attended to quickly killed by drying, those of tubi Strictly choice, in car lots, is quoted ' j+a
. erculosis are only slightly affected #by company should be, allowed to stand at $6.50 to $7,50 per ton; No. 2, at 86, � �@I•
John Sell, it. in the way when great imperial in- Straw-The market. is dull. Car lots
Animals kept in dark, damp under- terests are at stake. are quoted at $4 to $4.50, on track.
king Business Transacted. ground stables are much more subject Hops-Inactive. Prices firm. Dealers
8srnees Pim Orlum, Blyth, Ont He lays it down as essential to the
nted. Drafts Issued. p Y to disease than those kept under better here quote choice Ontario stock at 10 to
llowed,on Deposits. sanitary conditions. This applies to all imperial cable service that none of the i8o, .while holders will take nothing •
. 1Z`A.� Z.O7E% domestic animals, but. more especially lines shall touch foreign' soil, and that less 'than 200. .1 . RELIEF NV 10 NMli UTES 1
The MAillop Mutual Fire to horses, which soon become bide- they shall be placed ao' as to avoid shal- HIDES, SKINS AND WOOL. Every sufferelfnom catsreh wbot adslliepalings wit! find in tbem
ONT bound, rough-haired, and suffer from of ho' Ala Istsw seeett4gbema tleat9kted, tri ttratierhow
nt and Life Iniurance g low seas; more especially those seas iR Markets quiet. and unchanges all ' Y
resents several of t ho beet ' coughs, colds, etc. l called remedies he $nay have-$tied, no wdAer fluty mwW psi 'tr'
ny inform&tion relating to Iusur ante Compauy. Tuberculosis in cattle, glanders and proximity to any country 1 ikely ar round. Dealers here quote as fol- mented upon him in %ikln, no mailer how cowlete r a . m
ggiven, General District influenza in horses ho cholera and any time to proven unfriendly. He thus lows:- ever ridding himself of W ditIgusting and distre '
nfedeiation Life Insurance --` swine plague, in swine, and similar dis- describes the imperial telegraphic cir- Hides, choice steers, 9c; No. 1 bows, Hundreds upon hundreds of cases as d as his
can on Rousonable Rate: , g No. 2, 7 1-2c • No. 3, 6 1-20. cured by DR. AGNEW'8 CAT
1~arm and Isolated Towa Property eases, appear more quickly, spread oust of the globe. Beginning at Van- 8 1--c ; ,
block, opposite Market. Only Insured, p y more rapidly, and are much moire fatal eouver, the cable would cross the Pa- Cured sell at 3-4c advance on the fore-'" This wonderful remedy never Sols If taken
I i ; I ...r-� among animals kept in dark, damp, cific to New Zealand and Australia ; going. otter et a bottle.
ill retie. Don't put it o
EYANCI NC. , ` unlderground stables than amongthose from Australia the main line would Lambskins and sheep pelts-75c, and and get a bottle. It edi repave you tri io menu
OFFICERS : kept in light, dry, airy barns. imple cross the Indian Ocean to South Af- for choice, 808. to full reco^very immediately. ii corps cold M t
- George Watt, President, Harlook P.O.- J. B, wounds often become unhealth and rica ; from South Africa it would tra- Calfskins-Choice, No. 1, Ile; and No. . asthma, hay fever, loss of smell attddeaftei& li
McLean fKlppen P.O.; W. J. Shangpt� deo den Brous leadin ler `u' `tea, y mi- vers the Atlantic to CAnada, where , $c. the Rev, James Murdock, of Harrisburg, Pa. ;
RidaUt Trees.. forth, P.O. ; Thumps E. Ha J g ' g When I know htag wort of recommend
' speotor le losses, Seaforth.P.O. aye. n nation, among animals under u W+ fic•1 4onnect with the transatlan- , Unwashed, 10c; fleece, 16c for myfriendsknowit. 1haveusadDr.Aane•raCatarrhat
DIRECTORS: tory conditions, whereas• upon •h a system would con is delivered; pulled, 18 1-Le. and am non completely oared of ontarrb of flue goers stead
- (Commissioner, Eta. � under good h 1,-/, ,, hty t ute a base' a, for extras. in its effect. The first application benefited me within S
ti.z ,es ' heal quioklgina.... % rr� ou i�nYloe 1 hey I of the $ritish po : eotin without it in the house if it cost Ss a bottle, as k will oure
W. G. p; George ate, a John G. gPteve,
_ 1 1 Winthrop; George T become quickly infected with the or stations, Gibraltarand'iLpoa,a, ., .- Za - atlmostinstrintly." Atalidruggiste.
Real Estate, Hoye; Seatorth ; Jo eeohwood - q y a;tlFa , -.. __„_- .3..3..: v,-a0,. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Head re)feves heart disease An �.
ey to Lend. VI mal. ar u Linton ; Tisomae Fraser, ganiam, producing suppuration, gen- by the ° ^:k1% ;pills-2oa• for o doses-ue the best. Dr. A�paw'a Gats•
afield; John' B. McLean, Kippen. grene and blood poisoning, while in the MOST PERFECT MEANS DRESSED I3t�S AND PROVISIONS. ndte_esses. Carob plies in9W g
STRE_ ,sem^ AGENTS: second instance no such infection oo= 1
�hIN ON Robt. Smith, wilco Robert McMillan, Sea- Dura, of conveying intelligence at the dis- Street prices of dressed hogs were a - `
k Dattel ofythe Goverment. little better to-lay on account of light " .. , ,`1}, .
f' T+3-w� fort Jameaumininge, Egmondvillo• J, W. When it to advisable to absolutely '
MEDICAL. Yeo 1rlottp eeville P. O: ; John Covenlook and The cable from vanCUlaVOr would first receipts. The marker outside of this re °7j r
John C.1140rrisou, auditors. destroy material contaminated with in- find a mid-ocean station at Fanning matins easy. Car tatofferinga from tbs #),",
factious matter, there is no safer way y For Serle by Watts' & ho z
t7L7 / - Parties desirous to effect insurance or trap• to dispose o:'4t than by burning. Wood Island, a second at the Flji Islands, county are free. Western hogs were Co,f • r
" Dr. vt' , Gunn eact other businegtt will be promptly attended li
Gunn, work, such t mangers, hay ranks, a t trd at Norfolk Island; at Norfolk sold on track, in car lots, at about 85 to _ _
to on application to any of the above Officers Island it would bifurcate, Dna branch $5.10, mixed weights; and Northern at _
and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. addressed c Heir o any f t post offices. O stall partitions, floors, etc., that may extending to New Zealand, the other about $5.10 and $5,15 for select lots. On
va!nuaud I'll
tarjo' Street, Clinton. ' .Night -- _-__ • have bedome thoroughly infected with to the eastern coast of Australia, the street farmers' Loads sold at $5.30 to Y
,it dopr of residence on Ratten- such material as the nasal discharge From King George's Sound or some $5.40, accoarding to quality. Provision If you Know what you Want , 4 .'
pp. Presbyterian Church.. Grand Trunk Railway. from glandered horses, is beat disposed other, point, in western Australia the market holds steady and unchanged. I .•t':
�, - -- .• . of by -burning. -The bodies of. animals cable would eittend'to eocos' Island, Quotations ore as follows;-Dry,
•-� ,}� dying of infectious diseases which may It rs your own fault
.0 TliMbUll, Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as thence to Mauritius and thence to ,salted sUotrlders, 7 1-2u ; loligg, clear ba- . ��
be transmitted to other animals by eat- con car lots, 7 8-4c ; ton lots and case
,-,�,y,e follows : Natal and Cape Town, as might be r
ins the flesh or by contact with the . I
errin's Block, Rattenbur St. Buffalo and Goderich District found ezpedient. Cocoa would become lots, Sc ; hooka, 83-4 to 9c. Ig you dont get It.
Y offal or discharges from the dead body, an important telegraphic centre, and Smoked meals-Hams, heavy, 10c ; me-, ,
.m }---+1 . Going West, Mixed............to.t5a•m. are safely gooteo rid of by cremation. g +•
alls at OS#ce,attended to. „ " Express.......... rz,SS P.M. it would be u convenient pont for con- fast b o 1-2 to 11c ; light, Ile; break'- In days gone by dealers were �
1 „ u ttecting Singapore by a branch cable' fast basun, 10 1=L to 11c; rolls, 8 1-2 to
r- 1 Mixed............ 7.05 P.m,
,� LINTON, ONT. " �• " Express..........10.27 P.M. IL KIN( THE MILK. , Singapore iii already l- connection with 8 3-4 ; backs, 10 1-2 to Ile; picnic hams, able to sell people just what they `
Going Fast, Ex rens .......... 7r¢o a.m i Hong gong' by an all-British sable via 7 3-4 to Sc. All meals out of pickle � �. 4
r. haw R' /1 l' ...... , . , . 2.55 p. in, The man who owns the ecru$ is the Labuan, and the Government can take lc lees than prices quoted for smoked plea§td, but the public of to-day
- c ' " " Mixed..,.,....... 4'35Pm• one who make the milk. He can make possession by giving u twglve months' meats. i)
w set, o osite English London, notice to -the Eastern Extension Com- Lard-Tierces, 7c ;tubs, 7 1-2 to 73-40; are inclined to find'out for them- t'
Pp g Huron and Bruce :- little or mush of It ; he can make it paay. India could be searched by a pails, ? 34 to,8c ; compound, ft to 01-2c, Selves the best article in ever 11]1@ 1 (""
pled by Dr. Apple- Going South, Express ....... , , 7.¢q a.m. clean or dirty, cheap or expensive ; to branch from Cocos to Colombo or Trin- MIRY PRODUCE. y
.:��10s ,. ,. .. ¢,30 p.m. '
fact, he can vary the milk to suit him- eomalee in Ceylon. At. Mauritius a con- i Butter-Market in good shape. Dairy and the insist upon getting it. I don't take anything stat comer
Going North, $. ......iooSa.m, p_ to plentiful and holds about steady. Iu y P g ors ala lSOstmightfbrthelonaby' •
„ „ self. The cow is only a complicated a nection would be formed with the ex-; • tis
� • • • • • • • • • 6.55 p.m• istan cable at Seychelles, Aden and ; for orf.
h Is the beet. �.
� RY, • g i creamery there is 'no change. Quota- '
paratus in which he burns his various
M. C.is Dass. N, W. E. DAMS a Bombay, tions are ,follows ;-Dairy, tubs, poor / rt b�s : �`
�. $adders, and out of which ho obtains j In order to avoid the shallow sena ■ ■ ✓,f 1
.,.,y, Dis. Pasq. Agent, G. P. & T. A„ to medium, 10 to Ile; choice, 13 Lo 14 `i
0 ° . Cit, Toronto. Montreal. his finished product in the shape of n4ong the west coasts of Africa, Spain, 1-2c; large rolls, 18 to 14c; small
A. O. PATTISON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton. milk. Like all other machines the cow Portugal and France, it is proposed dairy, I-lb prints, about 14 1-2c ; cream- .
,Dentist. that a cable should extend from Cape ery tubs and boxes, 19 to 20c; lbs, 20 AND OVERSHOES
:� is subject to the laws of ther•modyna- Town to Bermuda, touching at Si. He- to 21c. r
OFFICE-Over Taylor's ,6n-t Store, 50 YEARS' mica. She must use a certain amount lona, Ascension and Barbados, as mid- Cheese-Earl makes are sellin at are known throughout the whole countryto be the. best Clinton,Ont. Special attention to Preser• y g g
vation of natural teeth. EXPERIENCE of ,bar fodder to keep the vital ma- ocean stations. At: Bermuda a connec- 9 to 9 1--`LC ; and late makes A1: 91-2
Iwt.$.--Will visit Blyth every Monday and ohinery in motion. This includes the tion wool a termed with the exist- to 1� in fit, finish, quality and durability and that iS why
tog cable to Halifax, and at that point will have Grant 's and no other. The'extra ••-^�
Bayiield every Thursday afternoon during ° keeping of the animal heal at the right people Granby
the Canadian dna transatlantic BuffA(i, Dec. 23.-Spring wheat-Dull thickness at ball and heel makes them last twice as long.
, he summer. ` point, the circulation of the blood, the "1.
lines. but steady; No. 1 hard, spot, 78 (i $c;
-DR. AG4NEW, DENTIST. diglestioa a[ food, the elaboration of sta Sanford Froutng estimates IUs No. 1 Northern, 741-8c; No. 2 Northern, TT
milk and,all the other vital notions distances each group of cables w?150 701-go. Winter wheat-Neglected; GRA . 1�UBBERS WEAR LIKE IROht: t
Office Hours, - TRADE MARKS cover ns follows :-paci,10 Oceon,
9 to 5, QEaLSNB which go to make up the life of the ani- No. 2 red, •720, on track, No. 1 white,
mal. Experiments have shown that. it knots; Indian Ocean, 9,100 knots ; At- 728. Corn-Strong ; little doing ; No.
t' iit•i'8 'liho_second Thursday of each COPMRiGHTti dtc. lantio Ocean, 0,800 knots; total, 22,850 8 allow, 88 i#-4 to 870 ; No. 4 yellow, ^_ r
y Anyone sending a sketch anddeeorlptionmay requires sixteen pounds of dry organ- knots. Ho estimates the cast at be- y _ e •
month. qufeklg ascortain our opinion free whathor an to matter to keep this machinery in mo- 5 .
invention teprobablypntentnbc.' Cetnmunioa tUat ie, to keep the animal alive tween £5,000,000 and P6,000,000. He Pur- - -=
_VETERINARY tienaetrtetl� oonedent elr^ Hn>i bookon Pateate fico, Cher says :-"I have l ons advocated the I _ y
sentfree.t7Idealsonayforeacurtnginralents. and in health. From the rest of the first division of tke proposal-the es1.-
PatOntp taken tlroiy b ntutm k Co. receive a
- sposfatnbtlM,'"nithoitto�idtrge, toile food given above that weight, the tablishment of a cable from Canada to
•� 7tt {� dairyman may expect greater or less Australa$ia-as a State vGork. I have ONE UIV S RE41E�•
4tJ. B. Blaekall SdaptiC MICAr11Can returns in the form of milk, Here comes. ThC
' t • felt that it woujd, be the forerunner of -
Ahandebmellntuatra� d eekiy. sraeet tr the first point. Now, how much Pod- an all-British telegraph system em- - , -
VET$itIN'ARY SURGEON ANn eulatton pt ear otantidc auras.erme,8�.i der does it Lake to keep that cow Z Six- ,
esr; t nrmon e, et. So d bye l newedeslers. bracing the whole empire. As a State
VETERINARY INSPECTOR. Lp-''rr�1 A ' teen poundli or twenty pounds B Thers undertaking I am satisfied that' the
��• IIIUN�,&'Go a0lBroadwiq,NJW Y rk is a wide margin here-all the differ- Don'tS - Um�d �, , ,Dollar
Q Pacific cable would be a complete cam-.
I office on Isaac Street next New Era office Branch 0mce. ti25 F SI,.washtn,rton, D. encs hetween profit and loss. Ask the mereiai success, and that, so soon as m •
�.:&pidence, AlbertSt.,•Clinton. ,, • ' cow and see what she says. If she is..At so proved, the,.opble. extension to O
-' • usingtwice as mueh fodder as sfttr '
r for
r"` TH'E WORK OF A SUNSPOT. South Atricu and%•Irydia would follow. Air ; ftp •
}�` tion to to keep' her machine in mo- , That a State-owned Padifre ca- V �i Medicii1c;.
• • 11
L�AL. On $fie 9th of last September an lm- tion then she as not a profitable ant- bee is the key, to the situation, Ism _
, —
manse sunspot which, with its attend- mal. if she cannot use the excess of firmly convinced. Exhaustive examen-
e� �'11t1AA�� toed given od over her maintenance niion q have proved iia practicability- 19 �� � � ,
Scott & MoKenzie, ant smaller spots, had unexpectedly rasion to produce a profitable amount — until you have tried e I
-H i*vI8'PERS, BULICITQRS, ETC, made its appearitneo more than a week of butter fat she is not. worth keep- AN IMPERTeECT INvgm,otIY. , > r
ing, and should ext disposed of 0..s soon
OLINTON AND BAYFIELD. before, crossed the central meridian of '' :
the sun's disk, and that same night as possible. No dairyman can afford Mother-And so your friend $'tarn is
Clinton Offioo-Elliott Block, Isaac at.. under present conditions, or even un- soon in be married ¢ 4, There are cough medicines that0 -
Otlyfield Offies-Open every Thursday magnjficout displays of the aurora bor- der any conditions, to keep animals Daughter; just returned from long
-Main street, first door west of calls were seen. At the same time mag- that, eat food that they cannot return are taken all freely as a drink Of 00,
1. , . r
Post Offloe. Money to loan, netto needles were disturbed. This is a greater value for in the milk pail. H ntrsance•-YPs; <loogtt't i1, suem atrange8 t
es •Bcott. E. H. McKenzie. one of tbia most, striking instances in he does keep such animals his progress "I hadn't board a word at,out i1 until I Water from a dipper. They are
recent years of the connection between down the finaneiftd'hill is neither slow called to see hai' this morning, She cheapmedleineis. Quantity r a
F p Q spots the sun, and the magnetic dis- nor comfortable. His life is one longtrousseau. It's per- + 46404�'
E. Cam ion, .C., g showed el her fromMake Up for quality. Ira the qual- '0 ,
tuihanoes on Elie earth. , while the struggle against conditions that he Petty lovely, just. from Paa is, ,in(l she ,
13arrdster, - Solicitor, Notary, &c, Brest spot was oxbssing the sun, un- might change if he only would, Tbers sty that cures. T,herea one meds- •
a. y, has the liandaompat :fitl.g I ever saw,
commonly warm weather foo the sea- are many roads that lead to loss or
•. , C30DERICEt, ONT. perieneed 0n loth Aides of $incl she showed mP the house she is tb nine that's dropped, not dipped—
non waszes profit on the farm, but the broadest', I live in, and the fnrniture•,-15 ' bas se-
,, CSi'L I:C&.-;.Over DRvis' Drag' Store. ','the Atlantic, and ROmO have augge$t0d BmOOtheat i'Oad, With] the atPOpest, ! �v , , You can buy thein in the paper ��CCllt CBf��1 ,
lectod, and the horses and oaxriagrs she Ayer's Cherry Ii'ef l;Oral. There a ..
Money to Loaa. that. this, too, was a phenomenon con- downward pitch, is the' one t rnvPled is to have. She showed me eberyth'ing
-..,• � ... - ._._._.•_ necfed dixe.atly firtih the solar disturb- by the anpraflfable drw. labra power in drops Of this comedy
�`'. �O�lit';StOnt afros. ' except th, man she is going �o marrq, • .. Ten Tabules f`or Five, CartL't�it `
�-� I Na. in dippersful of • cheap Bough VW pri to lint up ehearlr % gratify tk• anivoo",prn at dowaa,tl'fs'
, gee,Iaibt, gplicitorr Commissloner. Etc. The
— ` G.1L'P-EDGE BUTTi11It :pliil:C'1' 'iO AN OAKIJPIt2.E 0,800uYEAitr3 &D. S�pSand el17tiii'a5. it eared IlronoS, ti'"' cobr;Irt+ ldt , ONT. r ��G CtrsTOMERB. ohitiss, Astbma, Croup, S�Uheapin If yeti don't find t cis sort 1 An eictrnordinary discovery and one
Overproduetion in ray opinion is
I, lar el whish is ,just. now exciting can$idernble COugh, Arid all' Colds, Coughl, and
ty. , 1011Vl;C1;"_(tor: Hattliltbri and 5t. Andrew's �� LIr� g y the Gauge of our present. low
s{reels. 46
1,ifet+le not fnaay pleasures prices, At one time it was thought interest in antiquarian circles ill Lan- afleetious 6f the Throat and Lungs,
, -._ _-- - 'r oashiro and Cheshire Lias been made r
..' .. general debility. ,i n,i„~ Tal u
, • "I W.r 9I+ 40ifte, Theta iiitreaknesAof body and delectlott of that dairying c0utd no'1' Ile overdone, at Stockport; Durill / the 0xttivatioiriA
s7 s brit.-cAn hardlyadeid.�t in nlrvoas,fratfai,
., 1111111 s --often Patti' or do tehdii eraentidus but at ro$ent'it lot,lts as thopgh ituoU to $lies Cbtatittttatinil t setvilptti works
iitr 1?
" Eulrtator 5oitcitoYr, #Votary lyabtio, &c„ iabontpt}halteart syAidatlrregclArdudappetitr Might be the case, writes a dorres� fArthployvnOdiiMewvgr inon0omoaot•biga
r ,
.•. variable, pofi(lonC. I1`t)r'xaglUb` Yea;"edfliry�ing'�wAi wvltai ifds xiYitt9 provdtl b irttt >1 tYldso'lve' �wf
f fs e p duet heAttr bio'od Dr'u i3ttLtCN1• ltownftlstletwtYtetle A� �:
aoSiOftpulttlenlmpravtt,irAfettlnsdttt*titkot unif&mly tlroirtable, and. as s rosult oak tlroo, With two im fm branalitc
f Aiafttt 'arts• 1learishld 'Mltdr alta, ifureciee, r ,,, Prbfes8o,to Boyd Dawvkivut the w elleC.
ICI.AVi,lr C1I.(7 CI,I1V Oft1 p. ,r.. _, . �tlonsli a• Kifn G eror'ybady went ltltb l.t when
Etre ca, xeetaribg atttete, d#qua d fi klibVt n antYntlAt^y, is i1i rtliiri ,, far t' it tile' .
sant Int{oi,, . it it#1 feil'fhwln faiC tb. I111+ a pro- b giant estt�n i "C **A, 10, d pled C ntir. t '.` lilt f:`itXltp NfitiHtCXt 'C
t $ troo it on6 f £ho 1 l sttl) d y R Ib .
=' XVtt - pioritiae )ter#8R3iEttt ;odire, lid tb tt w til t t ba tt+titt fA:
r.,l y
�, ; „ sro>fl ,tly-sad dafelg wiltttti -Oute w it trill Vit.' A t; Ir1>afierxt wVte $attar souk t oma wvay tnittld; trod, lie silk g 4 hat i lto ire is trot S irU441St„ , eW Wt lrtt, tied _. ,
rhe 1t of p11)I 08eIblle, : t 1 failtl ;$1,'000 .years old. Thb arporaw It t1ittgitl; Ill_ba twi ,'fot 4� Q ilt1, f _ 4:
10 bt nl£ing labra tnoney' from stir dear, I.
IINF" ai1:a;laic xtdroget6f4bt'Byiiiiilxt3iG',"litrhoar,vr5 §v i tl of Sttsolc ori; I14 cwt a loss :hat: i.t1` ; �Vriio''to duf iloci$f+-.�tY �itl0014 #A tt114 $;f4-,Titbud 11116 til" 'i�,'
,filtl lto�tetter a., ..., i+1. gip, niq utilllioti tttitldtolrlotl slloui� i i t11t1 r alltla >e0ell, oIi 111'tblt�dettotl..aAdtltb,g+►diar►11 rtfn8ti _!
k: ; 8� W� Ili WAfibfL Ill Vltlioft d41re, f4l`0tdi'A do wv ll .d Ill$ t,I'll
I ;;li lfio t with wad the omduat 6cld $itp1)(Mod t:+0 wvolih 'idsoit£ tarty t db. ,Y• C� A�tRitt'�.rY,rslt�IllrgipN.
,. ,
t, y �
( lily . )
Y I.
'A ,_ Y.. 1 ', . ,4 Ir'.*' M
' 4.. , 141 { .
. ;) , - •