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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-29, Page 5
... ..�-- _ --fes. _ � . - T . I - ., . .." . t i i - r 1 I _•--,. i- - ..-- -_ - _ .., t � s1eoe: 460000 • - Exeter. Holmesville. E . • A FEW =_•�....? Mrs, Frank Iiandoock of Emerado, Mrs. J. Hunter(nee Mier Buie Pick- DAYS MORE Dakota, .is visiting her father, Mr. ard) of Sanburn, flakots, is visiting het +1 now to Make James•nreech, sr. she will spend the parents, to do your Christmsa buying. It �0 winter in Ontario with relatives and Mr. (leo. A. Evans is visiting ble you have not done it we invite your in. :0 friends. mr r, Mrs, R. B. Evans. He took spection of our Christmaslines. In the • •! Misa Millie Cudmore visited friends first-class honors at the College of next few days them will likely be*, in Crediton last week, Pharmacy. rush but we will endeavor to give you : 10 Muntes Valuable ggie Phipps left on Wednesday proper attention. Our Roods and • Mr, John Prior and wife of Dakota . Miss Ag p prices will suit you. • i are spending a few weeks with the for, to visit friends in Whitby. r OUR CHRISTMAS mer's brother, Mr. Thos. Prior, Huron Mr. W. Crooks is visiting relatives _ Just come to my Jewelry street. in Wellestey. �_. store and look•at m u to date Mr, Thompson, wife and family mov• Dame Rumour says that wedding consist of Celluloid Boxes, Toilet, y p" ed here on Friday last from Seaforih bells will ring in our village this week, Manicure and Shaving Sets, Collar, Tie, stock of Holiday presents,' Jewelry and will reside in the house lately vacs- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley spent Tuesday Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Travel. ted by Mr. Charles Brinimioombe. of last week with his brother in Con• ling Companions, etc. These goods are etc. You'll see so many tempting Mr. Sidney Handcock of; Emorado, stance. greatly reduced in price as we do not articles at such temptingly low Dakota is vietting relatives and friends Mr. Carl Engler of 'Toronto Unfver- want to curry them till next year. in and around Exeter. sity is the guest of his sister, Mrs. W. PERFUMES AND prices that you Will be sure t Mr. James Weatcott of Douglas Mani- Marquis, during the vacation. x ATOMIZERS purchase. toba, is renewingsequaintanees in town. Miss Ferguson of Bethel, Colbornri, always accepted as Christmas Miss Charlotte Deaning of the Dixon spent Sunday week with Miss Flosaie gifts. We have perfumes all odors (��( I house, Brucefield, is spending a short Pickard. andpriCes from2ic to $2 and atomizers OU� STOCK vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. feMdaMilwetti JfyIr�A J. Courtironto is oe ding a of various sizes, shapes and colors from Wm. D��tDing. Y 35e to $1.25. The 140 Vowing persons arrived here on The church is being improved by BRUSHES AND never was as complete as It i Saturday evening week from Marlette,' papering the walls and ceiling of the ur- COMBS is at present. We have no old with relatives andi Mich. to spend tfriends in and around che Christmas seasonhased afiemofor it, tht. us doing s have aaway lso awiten h the l 'useful therefore appreciated, Our brushes ars the best 25c to $4. shopworn goods, everything is the Exeter; Mr. John Deaning, Mr. Hoist old seats. Phiemakes s great improve - Combs 10c to 40c. latest that the market can produce. and daughter; Mrs. William Cornish inept. PIPES AND p and family Misa Kato Deaning. Mr. Fisher's examination proved a ` PIPERS A call will convince you. Mrs.(Rev.)E. W. Bunt of Owossa, grand success. Messrs. Campbbll, r Mich., formerly of this place, is visiting Badour, Tibbuth, Engles and N. Tre We have some beau�ilu1 • friends here this week, wartha were the visiting teachers. i Mas lines that will be-,.ap, A— - - WE ARE LEADERS : Mrs. J. W. Harrison knee Miss Ella The Holmeaville orchestra was present smokers. IN OUR LINE • Fauson of Detroit is visiting her mother, and gave several selection's. A large For your own benefit a �� Mrs. M. A. Fauson. crowd was present and everybody went of your friends inspect •• Mr. T. J. Lockhart, principal of the away well pleased with having such a before buying. •• public school, is confined to his bed good teacher and also with having spent . g• P. B. CREW " :0 :0 hrough illness. such '& protit,able afternoon. Rev. E. SYDNEY JACKSON Jeweler and Export •• A very peculiar accident happened on Smith acted as chairman. Watch Repairer. •• Monday afternoon on the G. T. R. track GRADUATE DRUGGIST ••••••••••• near the station win. Kelly of Central - Successor tit Phone 2. is drove his team of horses up the railo Porters hill. ; ALLEN & WILSON. road and when they got to the centre of • the large bridge, the horses got down Mi. S. S. Cooper of Clinton has been r and in the struggle to get up one of through this section Canvassing for the them fell over the bridge into the river, county Council. Ohrrs�`mas a distance of 30 feet and was instantly Mr. Will. Elliott has returned 'from ear killed, the other horse escaped with a attending the Ottawa' Normal school I - " Xmas -is V few bruises. and will, after the holidays, resume �.' charge of S. S. No. 5 at a salary of $40( ' per annum. This is pretty good pay Bargains South Unron Fat Stock Show. far a rural pedagogue, but then 51r Elliottbas b@en tried and proved e .. The Fat Stock Show held in Exeter success. I - under the auspices of the South Huron Mr. William Blair, who at one time A'Q'-- , � - Agricultural Society was not an entire taught school on the Bayfield•line, paid B fl in visit to friends at Porter's Hill _, _-- . ,, success stock men not taking the inter•. .� y g `ry est in the Show that was looked for by sat ween while on his way home to: ) S , �" t5 �� thedirectors. Tire list of prize, winners Kincardine for the holiday season. Is as follows ;- Mi•. Blair has been attending a Denta CATTLIE-Thoroughbred=Steer, one College at t)hiaaRo. 6^ DUNCAN�, � '' Mr. William Woods is again a candi / ! year and under two, rad Smith ;cow Cr date for municipal honors. He d 1_1 /,.- ' r/' `� r' hear, and under two r� deat. S -Steer., t� r goad work in the council of 198, an( t? y ' being the only aspirant who lives it Good keen buyers 1o�1.k 1O' 0 calf under one year, Jacob Roeder, Thos. division No. 3 it should follow that ht ' y Shapton & bon ; heifer, two years and i special`° bargains at Chri�tma9, "odor three, T Shapton &Son. Sweep, will Poll a big vote. ' and We have several that ought stakes, best beefing animal H: Smith The Beattie farm on the Therou rani. to plea# them well, among SuPEP-Long Wooled. -Ewe, two has been Bold for $4 20un The put- years and over.G,ibson & Walker, 1 and Chaser is Mr, Charles Young. them being : 2, Geo. Penhale;_ewe, one year old and Miss Blair, durinho g been in charge o ` under two Gibson & Walker, 1 and 2 • No, 5 school during the absence of Mr 4j lbs. 25e Tea for........ $1 00 , 7t's not always easy to select a suit ' year, Elliott at the Normal, returned hem 'I'. Sha ton �t Son; ewe under one , t 4 lbs. 30c Tea for......... 1 00 able rdit, but in our stock you'll find P ' to Kincardine on Saturday`. r • your prow.-„ easily solved. G. Penhale, Gibson &Walker 2 and 3 ; Mr. George Falkner was on Wednes 3 iba. 40c Tea for......... 1 00 Y wether under one year, Gibson & Wal= da of last week united is marriage t 28 lbs. Balanus ffor. • • • • • • • 1 10 We have numerot; rettq and use ker 1 and 2. Downs -`'Nether, under one y S •f of vriilc�I W lk 1 a d 2 Mies McKee, daughter of Mr. 'Phoma . , uu j , I .. . I I . I I IC . �' . . .. y , 4, .. - l.lr , - • t, 0" . •, .. ,� . � . �i „ I ! o " . 1.. t °,:. .,�,'. � , 1. ..1. 1 1.1.11 � News-Recud ' i. U PPI �j I ' �./ ' 0... A I I. . - ,t , ::. tit a• �' '„ CLINTON, DF,CF;MBER 29TH, 1898. " on 0 an _ _- _ _ --_-_-!!!!!!!T" _ _ F liaylield. -as kept open durint; 19a of the 202' A i Preseritat.ion,-At the 'conclusion of didcremu kablytrwelhnauc ipethe ltgge .- - tits school terns on Thursday afternoon that otherw will follow their good ex. , I 11 �. the pupils of hath departments assem- arople we give below ten of the boat bled in the pprincipal's roost at 3 p, m., with the num_her of days tbeyattgnd- when Mr. J. W. Whiddon, who has ed, viz.: -W. Hohnan„ 105, H. Marks efficiently performed the duties of I04, ' M: Erwin 191, W. Kith, 189, 1l\T. Iv1 teacher in' the junior depart "tent dur- Cleave 188, R. Marks 187. G. Erwin 187, y int; the past three years, wits wade the E. Marks 185, M. Whiddon 182, Frank recipient of it, fountain pen and other Cameron 181, This is a good record Presents. Mi-. Whiddon has not defl- for those pupils and they deserve great. ni,tely stated what his future course credit, andso also do the pitrents. We will he, hilt we understand he intends would like to report about 100 at going to souse city in the United States. mid -summer, who ave attended the M The following addressaccotuPall ied the whole number of days. Dop't expect �a Presentation. WF, Whiddon made it yom-childrento get along atschool 4e snttrthle and feeling, reply, thanking and get, promoted when they don't "-_v�,. �� the children for thin token of their attend on an average two dit sin tbs ° ` r{%• respect. 11 week, You pay for their eucation, TIIC ADDRESS. then don't throw away the money ' Bayfleld, I,)ec, 22nd, 1808, by allowing, your' children to S M". tVutvoou; squander their only chance to get an 11, Dear raaclrar, We the pupils of Hayfleld education that 'will cost them nothing ` Public nrhoctl, knowing that to-duy you savor your connection with ui as our t.cacher. cannot to carry with them when they go out Lid you good-bye without milking known in in life. s -i sorno way besides In mere words that wo have awn-oclated your efforts ill our behalf, and that '' we regret that your te'ut with us has drawn to — - v f t, $ it close. We feel that (luring the past three 1Drysdale �. scars you have carnostlyntriven to give us such m instruction its would bent tit "s. for the duties . f of Inanbood and womanhood, and we truAt that Mr. Art hitt- Screenan left for South - the lessons you have taught its will make good ampton last Tuesday. •rod lasting impressions "port out• minds. We Mr. John Bannernntn, who has been � know that we hove not always done our duty it., we might hove done, unit that at tithes your visiting relatives in Wingharn for MAI good nature and patience have been greatly sante tithe past, has returned h0[ne. taxed, bot now when saying good-bye we hope He repot is having a aood time. both teacher and pupils will try to renternbor I ottly the ple,r,;ant ;; .; o • , ,,,1 Mr. George Howard, who hits been h ifU L" - attendin the Toronto Norval school get et-, Asa slight tohon of our regard and (; I good wishes for you and of our appreciation if for the pastsix months, hits lately Ve- your otrorts in our behalf we ask yyou to accept turned home, bringing with hits a., EA � this fountain pen, etc., which wo Cruet you will rot look upon for their value, but that you will charming wife. Mr. Howard is going consider rather the motive that, prompted the to roside its the late Mr. Dunbar, gift, In conclusion we all join in wishing you residence its Blake., as he is engaged to . rt tnorry f:hristntas and a happy New Yoar and abundant teach the Blake school fen• the corrin , prosperity !n whatever occupation R' you may adopt un your life -work. vera•. The many friends of Blake and ; tilgned on brhalf of tire scholars, gonlonCam- Drysdale wish tttern a long and happy .' E CA crot, Sadle Watson, Sadie Hohnan, and others. life tngether in t heir new home. Need for Iulproveinent.-The school Mr. Robert Dr_vsdale's hotelier shop Milnagenteot hrive great cause to re- is not completed yet. Bret the lack of interest displayed by Mr. John Johnston is doing it rush - their• many parent, in the education of ink•. E usioess in his clock shop and hit, H their children. Willi 160 names on the emploved Mr. Edward Talbot, Jr:, as . d"ily register. 90 is not a good average clef k. attendance, and it is a pity that the Mr. 1'V. J. Horner has ptn•chased a ,t innocent have to suffer with the guilty. new sausage machine from Mr. Joseph it is really too had, indeed, to have to Ran• Jack says he will make things o-ts� report t large nnrnher of pnpile attcitd huts chis winter as be is it hustler at ink; school less than the 100 days re- this work. ,y+'' solicit 1>y law, especially when it iy Mr•. Peter Durand, Jr., ca.ptured/a ' A known that minty of those. thus r•e- coon in Mr. Holt's corn patch on 'ay t_ Ported are loitering about the river last, week. And lake fronts the greater prat. of the Mr. Christopher Iotte is now erect- - • � time with nothing to do. The school ing a Dew put-up factor in tial,, vic'i it y. Y y' , k .. 11 1.1111, -. ..,-, alb. Mustard or........ fun gi t8, any- would n••^^ r� 1 It a et- n r lb. Mustard for....... • 16 ❑,est acceptt�o our Fiends. McKQe of the 4th concession. Con- GIA ieeD_, shown 3 boxes batches for.,..... 2.5 y sweepstakes for est, gratulation They will take up their 3 flax -cent bars S6&, fo 25 Or Grade sheep. -Ewe two ears;an o r residence on the 6th concession. . i�-� k contains the things you Il Y n t P want at prices that will enable you to Duncan McLaren, 1. Shapton A Happy New Year to all readers of o Best Exeter Flour, ercwt 2'1.5,b_ -Also Bran, Shorts, Chop, Oath .son & Walkgr, 1 and 2; ewe under --- HE1,t RY,-MADD SA AtodthebyMethodis -�+ Chop Oats, per cwt...... 9Ff buy tbgm. ewe. one year o an under two, G.re Ta>E NEWS -RECORD. CUL s-��,��.�---.--o-- I and Peas. We are ,better supplied now than we yea,•, Gibson & Walker 1 and 2 ; wether pp flame piles as common oil., - may be later on. under one year, G. Penhale 1 and 2, otiv . I 11lma. to Miss Annie _ i" DIIN, under twelve, Hugh McCartney, Thos. Mr a 5 tontd Mrs' ��1W.{J. / r „ Shapton &Son barrow u et- 6 moathe Chas- M• Hays, General Man D V. g Gome in and ' et- of the Grand Trunk, has been pres- �et-.114 n ': V r � • Irwin Armstrong ; sow a der 6 t- ontbe WHITEISIM]r --SMITH--At the residence Joseph Bawden, I. Ar ented with a beautiful illuminated ad- of Mr. J. B. Smith, Grey, on Dec. , -_ re. ogtrong; sow over dress by theBrotberhoodof Locomotive . 14th, by Rev. Mr. Yelland, Mr. A. Make a selection six months, H, McCarn.,,�y, J: Bawden, Firemen of the G. 'T. R. in aoknowledg- P. Shapton SE Son ;pan of three hogs Whitesides, of Guelph, to. Miss for bacon' purposes, I. Armst:xong, H. meat of courtesiesreoetved at his hands. Annie B., daughter of Mrs. Owen . nd we will lay it away for you. ', McCartney, Swegpstakes-Beat i of Its dimensions are 24x30. Phe address Smith of Grev. p g is enclosed in an artistic gold- frame and JoNiS-JAItROTT-On the 14th inet., b n Opens Jan. 3, r� any' bteed, H. McCartney. ' A apecial HN / oA1 SEM IM A!,., prize was awarded C. Vahr_a. - • nr a pair roads as fallowa :- the Rev, Chas.Smithy Mr, Edwin ;r atches $4 and up. For the unstinted kindness and tour- Jones to Mise Alice Myrtle, dough- „ Gents of the largest n est pigs. The `, G nit uD Pa p ge carried off the rizee for tesies that have on many occasions ser- ter of Mr. John Jarrett, of Exeter. P ved to show the friendly interest taken McSwEEx-MILLER-At the Methodist w • tat Ladies jbaoon hogs, and also the sweepstakes O in the affairs of',hia employes and for parsonage Ripley1898, byon RevWednesday splendidly equipped December 14tH, *,w 8D. ONT. Ladies' Lung Chains $1.75 and up. for beet hog•of any breed. the free use of a sp y 9 George M. McSween, of ur preparations for the holiday trade POULTRY.—Turkey cookers ls hatched special train for delegates to Toronto, Swann, ' . 11lirat ntnong the best com Giros' Solid Gold Rings 75c and up. in 1598, 'l'homae Fear, Wm. Bawden Goderich, to Mary Ann Miller, tnerClaltcb9 C)ntario ; enyoys a Ontario from Chicago and from Toren- youngest daughter of Thomas are now very co — plete in ev ep. -: r, e It llrgs piyico ve recently re- Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold Rings, turkey pullets hatched in 1898, Thomas to to Niagara I`atl's, September, 1898, Miller of Ripley. aivedet hi g ns from buamess including a large selection, of Opals, Fest-, Wm Bawden ;beat and heaviest onerously arranged for by. Charles M. NtcoL-McTAvrsu=On the 22nd lost., lir arC1Ve`1i '-, ggOc`-'e and tI Wm. Bawden ease' hatched 6 g at the residence of the brute's We are making it decide�y t 1 COW 'tsf ares to teach in $1 a P turkey, r g Has General Mans er of the Grand theirschudG3,` cheap. Write in 1898, Thomas Fear, lilt and 2nd i Trunk Railway System, itwas by a ria- parents b Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. forbi*d1fttic e. Gold and Gold Filled Spectacles $3 ducks hatched in 1898, John Delbridge, in and unanimous voice agreed by the Thomas Nicol of Boissevain, Mani- tage to do your holida�r shopping wt- 1.7, ' 1-111, if LIOTT Principal. and up. Thomas Fear ;pullets hatched in 1898, members of the Brotherhood of L000m- toba to Miss Jean McTavish c ' Thomna Fear let and 2nd wm. Baw- marking all c1aSS6S of goods at very cloS� FiAil '—r��_ Brooches, Stick Pins, Tie Pine, C"off den beet display of dressed poultry, otive Firemen that in evidence of their Seuforth, Ont.Links, Chain Bracelets, etc., at prices Thomas Fear, Wm. Bawden. Rratitude this engrossed markof res -prices, including which defy competition. poet shall be presented to' him and that JUDGES. -Cattle -John Gibson, Ilder- P 1 keY"Chlef ton ; sheep and pigs -George Pett Sr. it is their wish that success shall be his BIRTHS. �' � 11 J� M Clocks of all descriptions $1 and up• HeneaU colli A. Q. Bobiery and Portion at all times.. Y,i11en and I�llk FIand• �� As P. R. , p y- T. P. seat3ENT. COATS -In Usborne,on the 20th lost., a ('.�, U r Lar o stock of Charles Snell, Exeter. Grand Master. t.he.wife of Wm. Coatrr of a dough- Ladiesf and 1. �ents' Kid Glove g -.� --- ter. F.` w. ARNOLD, HODGERT--In Usborne on the 18th inst., c Grand Secretary-Treasurbr. the wife of Andrew Hodgert, of a Gents'. Ties i CLNTON, ONT. Siluerware letter Than. a Romance. Then follows•the seal of the Order. �' j� I �,`, -Montreal Star, Deo. 20, 1P98. HoLTZMAN-In Crediton, on the 18th, Table Napkins „�_ The Christmas Farmer's Advocate, of the wife of J. H. Holtzman, of a to Nouelties, Etc. London, Ont., a copy of which we have a daughter. Table Cloths with 1�Tapk1�, x ' Through tic ets issued to all points in just received, is a graphic revelation of . East Wawanosh-Connell. MUNDELL-In McGregor, Manitoba, on v, ,��� the agricultural progress of Canada dui=' - December 17th, the wife of Mr. J. Fur Capeg, and Caperines ill Please You ing the poet fiftyyears, and of its Daps- The last meeting of council for 18�$ Mundel, formerly of 7`ticketsmith r ., w ..; 1, w cities as a food producer for the British was held in the council room Dec. 15tb, of a daughter, , Plain and Fancy Silks a TIi t� TI1�WE.ST _� ,,,_��� Empire. Theartioles rev these. 1898. Minuteaof November meeting STRUNG -In McKillop, on December 11 's'�- and other subjects read equal to a ro- rapd and passed. 18th, the wife of Mr. Jame"s Strong u h. For all es but like the half hundred ens report of Dr. Me all, Bel-. of a son. Black and Colored Dress Good. I4gage chs' �rO g manes, Annualp Inrmationnl aceto travil Con- gravingilluetrated its 72 beautiful pages, Brave, id• H. O•, received, which CIASSEL&-On Dec. 21st! An East 'Wad- � atttheahovt" they are the•faithful portrayal al of reale- wannsh, •the wife of Thos. P Y thorned Shat as' a former years the Cassels of a Son. A %r� _..,'.....�• Grig ties in every part of Cnnadn, from the townshipwas in a healthy condition, LESLIE -In Elma, Dec.°18th, the wife JOHN Y v SE r - humble home of the settler to the' man- no re Orta tc the contrary having been ' r Les lie of a son. �, r: P of Robef ,. •N' " �, 9cions of those who have risen to a com- received by him in the course of the NOItMA11--In East Wawauosh on Dec. etence. Our old contemporary mod- C L , -� Year. Filed. 8th, the mite of Mr. John Norman ; • C_4"14 '. Successor to J. Biddlecombe. ia;tly says little or nothing about its own An account of $1.50 was received a daughter. ` �,OR CSBX LAS AND NEW 33 years service on behalf of the farm- from A. E. Bradwin, Standard of ce, OSTROM-In G?derkeh township on xDiyg, 1898-08 - ing advancement, which, in the opinion Blyth, charging the township with this December 19th, the wife of Mr. of man best competent to F3udge, has Aix. Ostrom of a daughter. ' • '. " r YEAB Il� y p g !,Will [ssuo.Roturn Tiekots bo- amount being its share of rent for use twoon •a`ii I' t•$ '� From an stations been probably the most effective fo�Y dE Indust[y hall, Blyth, and other ez% WHO �� g+,/ . in Can,d to a root and Port Huron. From y{�, good of all agencies. For every cash urchaso amountin to Ono Dollar you aro entitled to ohotlao all statlonA in'Canada to, but not from, "In"'o, u HARVARD R M pensee incurred at a (30od Roads meet. all sta nk.suspenston Bridgo and Niagara - n This number contains the most com • ing held there on 26th of May last. DEATIIB. y I fon Detroit and Pt. Huron to tete enrvey ever given of the Domin- p g Falls, Ct►nada,,but not east of Hamilton p The council after emphatically dealer dldato in the approaching biection for the House of Commons and guess the Murtha stations n. Jct: on lines to cast of ion Experimental Farm system and the ing against oountenaneina euoh anonyti LOWisitY-In Brussels, on Monday, will poll in west. Huron. We offer a beautiful Dinner Sot of 7 pieces, value $1% to . and Cia dela MALE UARTETTE Edward C. Lowery who can nano the successful candidate and aces the nearest to the number ofgv0 Goner 1P blib" Q Ontario Agricultural College. There mousnccountt as this, ordered that the December 19th, g ri y,V#bIjAao'Fanx, going Dec, 24th, are sketches of German Agriculture, by item be paid. aged ?2 years, 11 months and 26 him in thoriding• Thie competition elosas nt 6 p.m. op olectiott day. Tho nirioi ;: V sffin AV.1 t,jja8 A returning from dos- dealdo. Tho Set of Diehas is on exhlbitfon ht our north vXiudo}v. 1 ° 26th and l i them ,good r urn 1808 • also on Prof. Shuttleworth ; the En lish ; Coun- Bylaw No. • 11, 1898, fixing the days. DeCem- New Fruit, Rniatns, Choice B1uo.Fruit, Selected Valonoina, Si Das: s tinatlon of BOSON , Currents, FiRs,Datos; oto. Now Nuts -Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts, rpgtY & Bloc Igo , 31etr J b. et and 2nd, tickets good return• . try Gentleman, by Richard '', gibeon ; amount to be, paid to each member of IMLAY-In Ethel on Saturday in iron' ,'ACat natiot not later than Jan. 3rd B.eminisaenaee, by�William Miler; Agri' the oounail for atteaanoe at council her 17th, Ethel May Imlay aged 21 _Lemon, Orange and Citron. Pnro Spices and FlavoringiICxtracte TfnoatToasa {�oars, 6 months and 19 days. Cofreos. " 1809:'' 11r!$T-(7LA6a EAtt>E AND ONE•TurnD, cultural Education, by Rev. Prin. Bry% meetings and other business during the BELyL-In, Morrie, on December 14th, Bettor and Egtrs taken Ns ROBSON S C GR 11 i 13INd� , 23fd,24thaIft 26th. returning from ce • Starting Right on a Prairie farm as cash• Call and gotiyour hob- g o Jewell Boyd , year, read and passed. 1Vtra. Francis Bell aged 40 years and day supplies. r0eiittati�n n�ndl3istattla J Den.c 28th return by Supt. Bedford; and Canada's Resour_ �__- 21 days, r oilju'n drstWatidriiio later thanJan.4th 1896. Caister Bartlett cea, by the Dominion Statistician; any MIrcnELIS -Irt Wingbam,on December �Qj�� �+ he a and u tis one of which is alone worth the price (6 A Cuban Scene Described by a 14th, Sarah, wine of Mt. Alex. CLINTON MARKET REPORl5. BUTTE QGi rrCCS Te n s"rren 0 ndard certificate : Tenors cents) of the number, which is being Red Cross Agent. Mitchell aged 85 ears. �+ Blur„ Arca b xiE•TatnD, going Dao. supplied gratia tp all new subscribers g yy 10th to ile % inolueive, good returning from 3 B$OOJ{S-ln Easter LYorth, on kh0 21st (tJorroalod'every Wednesday tftarnoon. deetinatioo :tet later t n Jan. lath. 1s94 for 1499 at the old rate of $1.00 per Here are people starving in a land, at inst•,•Wm. 13rooka, aged 8`L years, Fall Wheat, �: • • , • •, • • 60 to 67 We wad 't all the $u) tet it Oolnp t6 of Tia ollera w B Phillips year. The design on the front cover rich perhaps as the sun ever abines 9 months, to tli the as et for which We on ptbsontation cortideate i Goose^heat...... , �•.... . otwoon tilt static t In Cnnadn, 8rrroLa represents Canada as the Empire'a Rie- upon ; such are some ' of ,the Cense- MuN>IELL-In Turnborrp, Dec. 17,Mies . Barley.•.,. + • 6 9Q tri 0' 4fi the bra. est lnarl.et 1irio,' s Ina tion not later J. L. Thomas ing Hope, and the poem, "The Path of quencea of war. Telling them that we ' Beaeit3 Mundell aged 34 'years, m Gats ............................ 020 to 0 27 : ` O a��A{oIA© urn from do tyh nth inciu• nit Jo11n p ieiont"at the first til- ' 'days• peas „•................ 0 60 to 0 61 pgn, 4th,1899. Bassos the Yeoman" by Mr. Ellmtt a 0 30 to G 32 would leave rov than all information from any' Agent r Bull's Christmas Dinner, by J ' W. Ben- Inge that we came to we ressed on Rx Jacob Leffg a non the 19th lost., Rye... ••.•,• • • • ••• •" GR C .' T,bioka uric gy, 8yetom. Icougb ;rlRamahackle Farmin," by Frank ward, as the gun was to, intense• Jacob Rheil n' ed 70 years. Y pL: SON, D. P. A., Toronto.111 q Clinton, a Stockton, at-© among the many features , ly hot and we, feared to exhaust our BdAinst., John Bradley, aged 88eyears. Buttereloo erin ........ 0 12. too 0 13 {, Agent, Town gall Juni 19th, P Y pack animals. fn a short-timo we ar•. tl 9 Tial<ei ngotit.ilTlton that will catch the popular fano m this pENnE1tGASx--Tri Logan, On the 19th, `Butter in tub ...............: .0 12 t0 0 13 tl, .. ... at issue of the Advoeste, which rived , the village of Conoepoion, a inot.; Win. • Pendergast ,aged 611, Bggs perdoz ;.........I.••••• J �0 to 600 Mme„ ..�ttttt�.rt..rrtI will not only be a• benefit, but a sure collection of th+tto -roofed, dirt -floored seals,, Hay..... .•••'•"•••'^"""ts 4'GU to 4; 00 prise and delight to its readers.. houses on the top of a bill. 'Ther' enti� STEWAttT -, Iti Cranbrook,oti Dec. 22nd Llvo' Hoga, . , ,, • . • : • : � e j� QQ((��((�1(('�� For Over Fifty Years poputation,ino,15fng the. dogs, turns. Mary W. Brown, relict otY the lata Pant per cwt......... „°,.....6 00 to 6 OU a r� '11 ., a+Y Y • Y -d_11-_.._____1___:____ g t Ino: • •StewtArt aged 6`7 yeat+0, .,11 t Mets. WrxST'awls'soo'rnoto Svntrt? hag boe,l o out to tee' net and we were bents ed as' . Duoitg per,lb, . 0 05tto to 0 06 . " I'llused b tn{lliona of tnotheira fon` thoir children soon as ave atated that w carried med1- , mouths acid 22 days. ISriod Apples Iter lb:..'•" x b p3 , fo 0 08 T. while yteet [ng. It disturbed at night spa YOU SHOULD KNOW- ciiili and provialobs'i by fthik mofiley{ t J, %rkeygper lb.;.,;.,t...a i brekon Cf your ret by sioik.child suffarinit a arida Lias 'ower rte' a •dadavoroue and; hungty�b�ttllt d6ego,�ei`1lb.a .:`►5••rr•.+••yi� t) to O'i u t with Valli of Cntttn�8�Teeth send at ..What. h#cods para , P fog s , . and afyh># t v h- a who heave int taro and 'crowd as perhaps could be raised uo� Chichouaper pain•ptr:l't•••',A' 0 80•to 0 85 Old reliable.Once and otabottteoi Mos:Wlnslowtsobt to p. p P ,, .4 C)f� [l`Ct71� t 4 Dir. -, 'i Akan it. 2(S +� 0 XO �d • $' or Children T ethtrs". Ittvlll its. • hed blood. 4t,,�;unket the 1n s rot f Toothing, lint Uiserls where torch ouistde Of Qu #., riot of tip, In nt?nt Woal.)......nw�..i;•�•r+rtw, 0 � .a _ _11' \ '' 1s' g y p - feeror Ifilmodlately�. Do. P � "'" ` lE!tntSh ptf0 f1b,T is vii `pili {iovothepdotltttle. u t.d urt� aridculeegscr6li11a, It ltttoCabdiorthb iced Cf6L6b;tt cote acct£arta,cati�EiltOnt'tt►t+tlio•r+c kw. tt'out• arewvt ,.�w,r�w,.,, ti to iii on it riltithora there id ho blood rich i t1 p A 11�de Cs , rid heist 1 �pt>11 ufi oh heiitit d s epllia, t it arrh, rheuwi t# ttftite It. dot;' 141,11> •Itt the Jatfu et. Tittly re he tl&�VVeaG a , " .. .1w x_� ¢ a,.s . .'*r ' it, It citroq Diarrhoea ro IM619 this 8toina stilt T , i - y . by C, A t 1 Y n ro Itlr roc 't#'Iii Colic poftena tiro . , {ieGvousnesd, I , tll aro twatt , , known nid tu'cilgebtiot( And , tt � do=�.. 'ftht�$ a.pisq ,A` fa d arit,�Ve�t. slid, ba�rolS; oo+I dgu . , l entottttara, �ttiSmt ;t or rtfJ si�urlbnok a,,. ,.. . giima,rodticesInftnmfnatiah�atid It;h ani .;alltnrnt e,�te�t t p )j' sllsi E ;filch A kit*Irrocl, stomac'h...: ArWo6m616npl its .ill p � . " a error�y to the wi ole g AtnM, ^lt r . 4Kinbtitw. s led vv �' ..�.,�. • „ ' y .ph et,; " (lair t eth� wit.ii. ' ort attd: afialre 1, PAY10 rtro; " abtTiliir{# s��rt•tttp'l,for aftildrtt toetifnirlt:u . • looWd by lintiure 410-4 talo' IftrI 11n d'e. —I*�+� •:=.=,- — troa 1 _ . y Ebm• . +�ctnditiat$► and t ++ Bunt to`tYl6 t�iato and is tha ltreseMptiofr of n--emliarlila at once. " 1aV. Xa'ittir Virt�sltillgint� it „ celdt� eco yryu,ll.nedei� ba x6 R _. - ' . . of the oldeaG attd boot fbrhal0�1sh pI 11, s.atInc, syr chrtitl► esti tt hate 1`r1r �i� �v �yt �a IX 4k Ne 1110 aintha UnitiidBteltlsis. PrldbtWehtY•.- Bol fist 11Pearlier w ' tv+a' 6arij Bled d. lrtottyvlea, f Pled n9ritb a hnttlb , sql�it by a{i cliiig�isttr th $oil ht El t ()1 'S' ' LT. itis lit"aiil fs ft..Ytt� lith, lrcl+ f> yoarr, diad' :lc. too ' 'a1ti1 clic• '' t y f''' t • af. Iriggara -forst r'. confo, ��` irtpolt`. • tit itis world:" pe tui a trod salt. tar itki ; >~ eBay to titkei Daly to.tSO»into, 1st Tletrott , rt7s),oW A floa'Mr1Ma BrlitrPs IL