HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-29, Page 3, . g -- *4041wl, � 7 -7-"- - -1 -T-�- -12.—-V-1 I - -. I - I , `T - -----11 "I'll".
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i . . , , " . ,�� thialc bo. got 10 —"#, ., � R, OF INFOU , A 1 ;PVT '
I * I '. - I I.. . .1 I �, I I I ."IlOw" AO ! * OVIOU414, V!,wrApole, 1* itm "O"T � I R, I . D . � " ,=A "T, �:. k , �� I � * �,
, I U4. #0*t #V slipped in wlk,oa yow I I ""?-k ; . 00 Wgtopl, 0004! "*4X,t,Ao01k or4*04,:W, .
14 , - � . usuplom , . . � � . . .
.- Was Via , IM - NAME IS RE .* 4 Slot A114001t ,,�,r`
S ron,11130 F I* �oe, - OY 14000
. INIA ,$. I , 9 , I I " '4 ,, * I - XD AND HR 4DWS, I. � , ", LORD XITPHA us ,
I 0" Tn S. I � I � ,04, Aewi,11' 644 her 444yo,hip, 4iv� I �0 -0, Alb'1104 PTOPliepT Ott the Jews. THR AXTIRE ISLAND, I there see,. 4 tQ` Do ;ao , 1p ... it W"tho , ,
. I . I ,
, It" . I . I On I ' . ,.NqST 04, Dog;, ,. ,,,�11!
I � I , 1300 ssoroa.].A., 1%uroly Oot 1 ohoui,4 be -14 '� ,
BY now, ARP. 4 .� Ing i � �=Afited 4bro-4d over the j - , 44tip ponlily,l) - , - ,
. 9N ,,,r
� K I I , ! k-.�. plil,?abilitlel,of ther Auto �;
� INI% M.P. - . r-1 HOW@ §4904* I A man in i','J' F90m 1 Uooi of thv-partb Is 00tainly % true Whe Xenj� Xstj 'Be. t4 ., 11 1,� '.1 , 't , , . .''
to , � I O�TtAiAly ' . � _tte W P, - 1� lot MAPUInLe. Tho JOUlty, O'g.,thial who, ittalAosim,640, "I"t "11 vi ��
Author r 1 �4 . I obould or..,$ 11ATO hear him, , � � 9w g 11, oulta. te -14
! " 144 on t teir there h! no APOUAtry in th ,9 owg 'itont Ul.9,wP .
, 110,4X9, , - -IT
. 1,prd A . - , q
. . . qntakm," 11 fxlo IQ . Q, I'" . !tro maes in ic I avotda plyinK, Oman =
� I . . x1a Dabyj"Ail%, . . ". , W. Or I 'k of Pup Artiolos, 41- : ,. 1mvittitod-Tike stirtiow W
t � .% v.11 world which #oep 4 �, .1
WIF 4vkd, a rept to W p4blip bag, grown wonder-
... 4 An%, . I .. 1. .00'awn its per. mt ti4v A-AtIroalls. Same Pfty�VAO Olin on, A4(0XIl***t ustat
. . I Don't say ,a thekig cral rosaesollops and their "eveloviRtent
b%ZthWg about tbis� Now tion of tUxifo, People. Even, in I I �
i , .". come to t , of it, Sir 13006min, fully.9f late,yearo, and there lips r - TAOr fX6040114,ef tuo� atT, 04
A . I - xious about tbip China they The .extent of MUllogolre Monier's 11 - ,e rd , X -
Pk1----19k:*-A1`!11r *7W":F*;"� .1 1. who is always vary ap eon known. contly bep ooted in Leicester isquAre W44 LPQ4f0rF6d 04 Lord X 1.
, �A 11, CHAPTER X -CQ t. Early in the OM�Pteelith century, and sovereignty over the comparatively in- ,Xx or ' - by A
I%..'. X040 time Kra. McGowile, valua,blv case, ,may * I,mve asked the I
n mue.d, kip- sing , st..'whi b N
. ov*r4bor 2,0,,%oUQ;;4 , -4�
- I
� I -bat Yow -14- 40110'ra. � 1,11 'find t* i lan, man to to No Auut>t , Italian missionaries - U Q in London, an autoinatic lamp, pu .9 . . - _ 0 . 00" of 40
. I U 11 -9a in hand by a, superior tact .ke dbarge, of it. shortly after the significant island of A tloosti is 0 - �
III ' o provides hot water, hot coffee, and hot the 1WOU10g, 1;k tl#06 - - .1
Litt' cried "is %t,tle4t jOU1iAalWt,' He had t6ld her prouder countrywoman that iis the explanation. , I will speak bail Come to.peying, one of pletely ,vereb � , ,
.I I '4*,#1u 111tsLe, U114 uUtitly�g6C.Uj, ' Ail about herself, And her early life, to Sir Benjamin. But I am none the them, Mat- adowed by the enormous 00094, deliiiired in liquid form, and.41- in yorly t0.tb8..V(**t t.0 bu. bAgUlk
bl'. fq-une, baid the Germ and . unaffected, le]as inde,4ted to you. Hex ' thew Wool, received a morning call. His extent of th3 possessLope of a single in-, . �hoq. to. Qlgr $I;,* 1 1 1, � .1 � I I ,
I � %�, grave, her' marriage, with e is a sov- I * so beef tea. in globules, pla "! osald.,,Xot io)w u0i A +11 I
ly ,,vo vill at lonce (10 JA04ey Shtike 'And . not in the least vulgar or Offen- ereign for YOU. visitor wore rg Chinese dividtial on the adjapent island of New- '� I I nu , � , tb , 4
� . 1. 1. " axattes, eto, I sio, 11 , so
, -
. . ,on . 4. ,4a to, 04t of tho r-1
Dere I,, my ten dollars." ,And he dre� give, oa4,xd.oqr. There was a fresh- W Thank yoIx, my lady," 6ald Crog, dreali, including the queue, but the fl)L.! foundlan7d. He 'is undoubtedly the I . ., % at -
. about this young person which ho however golt deeply disappointed ure and face were not Mongolian, aw� largest landowner on this continet. The way in which the water Is lioat, 0114tg Of the ;00.Put 0A=V,V6 I WA
,out of a greatiY Vocket,book 'two five:: '40gs -the 14 4ypti0to A40
. dollar notes. . I 11 was koothing to Mrs. Belldoran'B dis- that Mr. Stillwater was to be lot oft the smiling countenance was not in ow undland is one-sixth larger than ed by tb)a gas burners at the t0P. lot' that ' � P4 'U 'Agd -
money quiet. ' The familiar native ELGO?3nt 60 easily- . . . , "' ` -
"I haven't, any C4no.dian I You ke pi g wit the lamp is "tromely ingenlouo, gays 4;UQW fly EA,�a�towm, I 46vo"Uovar t
I about me, 1 guess," answered t4tLedi- also f ell with a gentle ohArm "That will do now, Mr. Orog. 0 a 11 the dignified solemnity I eland, and P., G. Reid. conanionly ter to bei,jj�h' I&W. dp*ta, iiorall#
, the G , i Chop* *Ad
tor Shoving his hanos ogteuts,tiqusly on the lady's heart. need not speak to Six Benjamin about of a Chinaman, The gentleinhu's name P led "Czar" Reid, owns about one- 91den ,Penny. The wal . 4-1 , � A � , � , � I 1 ,
- I ,P :thi#4 k wo 'ICT ,
in't� all his pockets, Q, ok - "You know," said Mrs. McGowkie, it. I ahall see him was N,Iai, audl he had heard of the`arl� heated, curious td say is noVat the -to - cu 04 � .,% I� Intex 704 it- XtOA
,4t of Whi directly after din a f of It in fee simple. Two b,undxed �
?'" to ner, and if there is amything wrong I f the lamp post, but At thi bot 9.0', *ba."trlpmAtzif I
he had been able to anticipate, pathkiitg prattling away, "it -is eo pleasant riv I of t, usand people regard him pretty 0 , tom, : 'y .,Otiev P4vtbof - . 11, "
was evolved. "You'll b ve to tlCOG�. I YOU are really loved and respected I will send fbT'you; but I hope it is A some foreigners who worship. and the heat of the gas flame doop QQM$0(140490,� 0 t4%t6JfeAtj;'f0r�)q� I'll
a� . . 11 .
the -eand soeany 'all right." . ed one Lord of heaven and earth', and uchl as If he "aie-their feudal baron, ." J ,
I ,
uie.,, tya .. not directly touch it at all. There is do J4't1w So4d,au XiVnU J411AWO
to agree *th him. fnever couldl im- Mr. Crog vanished as mysteriously yet, who Were .act B d look to him to exploit. their country I I ; ,., � .
I , .'No," said the German, with a pro- wi his quar- foliammedans, . 0 p podostjkl hold- that our flr4i ta�* will, Im to ,. 4VIAI;
longed and exasperating intoutiiti0a, as I aging how two people who loved each Q-% be came. In retur belonged to t* - fore the world. No man, no Czar, (L tank Iusid,6 the lam -., ,
� he restored his money to its ,caae. "I other e man and ters he alipmd IntorV Wtillwater's he same religion, he ex Ing forty ov , thpa ,strio,
sufficiently to becom, . even, ever held the destinies of a fifty gallons of water. the Arthe,bit=ts W.- , po, ��i4, .41
� I , � Nlle,-- j6w# it-. h!
nevaru truStish a Canadian editor. pare wife could ever have a difference. He "bin, to talps an observation on his plained, Ind held called to make their � fingers A, very small quantity of water is car- in the Valley ok'th . -1 �,,� . ,
Is von bill of sixty dollar of qoe-gar is the lhokd or the wife,l as she is a own accounti being assured that at the acquaintance. NOW, NABtOr 1�gaimad country more closely in his ver . fhe lamp flame and is there fallen to our lot to be * ' J 141' .. h
dat vax all smoke up by de editor, oi '011own unto her husband.' " moment tile v4at was in attendance it Clear that he was an Israelite, , ?a- than Mr,. Reid does with his island. Tied. a , ". ro,d " , �:r
I v As� �
W "Why, you silly little chit," said on his masbor in the saloon. Kni Seven thousand squaxe miles of It 'are coUvorted intia superheated steam and administerl J IV -0 bAvO 000,W(49 At
de 'toronLu Scalper,, but for me it an . I tive of xa&-Fung�Iroo, the capifal dea ' al!8411 I
end in do stuoke. He offer me jo take Mrs. Belldoran, looking down magni- "I don't h&lf like the look of this absolutely his own, with its enormous this steam is taken through carefully, I already ', d we ," , VfOrl.013
it in, advertising, but I tell h. ficently on thin commonplace and in- cove," said Mr. Grog to himself. There HOR&n. He,hAd come to Peking to pass insulated pipes and heats the water- hard to open .- Inx V02- "01001 ,
Ino, to I Mr wealth of timber and mineral lands, ,�, I
advertise in, his- paper u experienced little scioust. ,,Do you not was no special reason why . Grog an examination for a mandarin degree down below, pL gallon at a time. abeess. - Cheers. this M1844% �yv
von wh should have been seized with this pro- I and
ye t me ,Qle to know that very few people become and had been led by curiosity and every mile of its railway system
von ou6tomer found suspicloh of, Mr. $tillwater, be- Cold water is brought in by a small hope to Introduoee faOlAwe-:�h1%
- . wore." man and wife because they love each Yond the fact that Mr. Stillwater had brotherly feeling to call at the mis- will eventually become his private I "'
The laugh was tu other? There are much more rd*nary .
rued against the proved too sharp for him. Mr Croff's slon house. , I property. The latest contracts -which pipe from the street main, Vasses In some of its. aspects in 0; ykiliir
' n ' , . , 4
"Ournalist, v�bo registered a vowtfiat and unsentimental reasons thant at." amour PrOpre had been ouh'4ed by I I i k . he has signed with the Government of through the forty, gallons or so of civilizing element. He-x,.,ho%i� :,,,,, :.A.
One Of the earliest numbers of his . � k ',
paper, after big return, should contain "I know nothing about -- 1'� 4 M. the quick rough way in which Mr. 10-T 12 families of Israelite., and , 111, Wend have secured to him priv;leg- hob water, and then; sliotly warm- the same time,, we wish to, Vroxiofit`�`A:"
Mrs. McGowkis blushed. W In his native city, he said, there were
-- ' I . "'
a lettLr from Kingston, . If People choose to begin wrong, th&y Stillwater had pulled him up on ,the '. r WA
alluding in must o'en end wrong,'q I -subject of the division of plunder. It synagogue, which they, had recently es for which a prominent statesman ed,juns up to the top of theJamp and fa as we Can, the infroldnot . 1.1�it.
scathing terms to the return O Mr. 0, is on - �as declared that he could easily have coils in a spiral many times round and trade of those pt�Tnioiouo %djqetii,,�, t�
Weiss, [tie German Jew, from. . na- in Ay, but again it is said that love ly human nature. If you take a reStored at the expense of 10,000 orowns, . It round just over the flame until it liquor traffic and dishonAt - 41Q�Iivi"
tive 4amburgh, with a consig, atches genardlly end the worst. Af- man down eveW.ona peg, he will be and they had a roll of ithe law 400 or obtained 0,000,000 in England. ives, ' i '�'!I'
an 2�mont fection is easily satiated. People get ready G hold you a thief and a mur- 500 Years old. raised such I reaches a small " superheating boiler " with, nat which too freq,voixt-ly .!
of bad t-obacco and Germ 9111- bored with eabh other's company, sus- derer on very slight evidence. The missionary's letters . . . I .
uhi,bhav�ai.palmingoffona tol "Now," said Mr. Crog to himself, in described thi right at the top. As the water passes new countries aoe6mpany it, Cligot!
public for genuin rustful Picious of each other's faith." s synagogue. It occupied . VIOLENT OPPOSITION around the cons and into -the boiler it We shall hav6 to intr6duoe dr eat - Oi!
e Hava4nd. ft 001ttLauance, :"hore's this cove's bag- a space between 900 ag . T
Ay, that's people 'in the world,"' cl, 400 feet in in the colony that the Governor deo gets cohverted7 into steam, and as the Government 4didinistratio, t lop
A few minutes later Lord Pendle- I gage. A large pookmant length, by about 150 feet in breadth, clined to sign It,befoTe submitting it to boiler at the top is closed by a pres I
� bury agAn Passed the nterrupted Mrs. MeG kie.. "I've had to, brown sure
I smoking -room I leather, wery seedy -looking, boon a he square. districts. " We shall have to give � i,4'
door. ELA had left X.r. Corcoran chat- ittle to do with the ?ike� of them. To numb -or,. of wayagea, leather out and and 'was divided Into four cour,te. A the Imperial Government. Mr. Cham- of about twenty pounds to t ,- :�,
their own master must they stand or inch- the steam gets much hotter than ties to the people; We shall "vp�,'4,
Ling with' the captain. The red-faced cratched all, over. ' He I a stout hasp had borrowed s6me decorative splen- berlain returned it with the remark . . 4
fall 11 am ,sure, my dear madam,i you boiling water. orgaULZO .S P01100 force. TherW,'��,'l
man slipped Out of the*cabin and sp- hav, and a good look too; don"t went no dor from China. The i-Asoxiption I super- , , .`,�:
. no experience of that sortl" n He- that no mattor� what personal opinion When the stelara in the little great civilizing power in. them- poiWe
pro whed (he peer as he stood near ,the imtraders. ,T,JQ nau),B thereon, least- brew, "Hear, 0 Israel; the heating boiler has risen to a pressure I . 1. �;�
wheel-boase, Mrs. McGowkie's simple heart hav-! � Lord our hel migh0hold respecting such a oon�
. Ing been'deeply pained by her compan- ways so, far as I can see. Wot's this? GM is Otte Lord, blessed be the name tract he could not interfere to of abbut twenty pounds to the inch man. Cheera and laiighter. , POO
"Aly lord," he said, -his cynicism ' urg,' 'Kaiser- it blows down a pipe tgWardAho water security on our frontier' ..d-ini.,��
hat, "I 1,ove Your lordship will permit i.."� ' t"'I' What's that, I wonder? ngdora for 'ever the management by a self-governing tot be heated, and the decrease of pro d d "" , '
I taking off . . . I she spoke this with Ho Eurod2, Homb
-6 to offer my bumb Fome7 intensity of feeling and expres- h -f k n.' Of the glory of His ki B- ax P '. '40",
any rudeness I lest, apologies for sion, - , Th� , . Plaoe ,or othew"Molitaco,' and ever," and the Text Command- colony of its own'finances. sure allows a: little more water to come
may have committed In the earnestness of the mb 'Hotel des �Etoiles, Biarritz. Here's ments were emblazoned in gold, Silk- A, few years ago "Czar,' Held was a into the spiral vaporizer from the main we shall have'. top teach the iinhabit`4M,
' �
in ignorance of Your lordship's rank mont'she laid her hand, In its litt 0 Penn . . 11 ,'�f
. haughty railway station mark -'r -n -l."' H" which enshrined the sacred books, and . . , ., 0
when bpeaking to you at table?" I brown kid glove, on the arm of h I OU6 torn off,lots see. 'r n -l' -that's a on curtains inclosed the " Bethel " iteawScotch boy. He began life in automatically. , � that they must develop their 144�0
"Oh. I Was UOL'aware of any companion, and gave It trial habits in order ,to help to pa� ,',
pressure. The lady looked embarras- ght enter dur- I the administration. They wilt �4,1,4
I thi�g, took out the paper- contaLning-a de- ,which only the rabbi mi AustralikC and subsequently made some qD, - � .
---- X;r�7--,, .. l .Md. scriPtion of the run.awa,y. "Ha I Ing the time of prayer. Every detail money by building sections of railway � - have to attend to..9anitary rqgul'at,10 '
. ., VP,
. ind t " 0
'Stieicher my lord. Your lordship "Oh believe me, lady," continued 'Darnley' is the name Of the PIEL08 of this place, with its incense, its fuT- for the Canadian Pacific. In 1898 \ hear, hear, hey will be.��4
will allow 1�8 to hand you e a Ad. Mrs here the murder was cominitted. he - \ I 11
One Of the best , my 'McGowkie, adopting, in iho w niture and all it4 types of good.things t I \ taught that they are not allowed� 1, ` I `
. ,d
- shops in Montreal,. for, ' Well this is rum, to say the least of offered to construct a railway for the � I or do acts -of violence amongst-L','�tq�'�
all that a gentle warmth of her feeling, the language it Yet to come, is interesting. There, in . ... .. I..., ', , �
of - . J ". � ;
man can need your Anything 61se? Hat-box-wot I the last century, the child en Government - if they "411
lordship, and and accent of her home life, "Sold ye ' r Is- of Ne�wfoundland across I other, hear, hear, and 457)6.
I shall feel deeply hon- na ken it, as I trust in God ye, doo A hat-biox, Mr. Stillwater I You rest at Rae-rl ang-Foo, worshiped the the Island for �15,000 a, mile. His"offer . our g-uidanoe in' this matter ILI` -z"
oured by your triatilliguished. patronage, when twa hearts is in tune the anel : axo,a&�Vell, for a walley out of place, he h the rites that wa,s acceptod and the railway built. A 1 rest assured that the Gofy'd nine 11.11
,,�w ,,6rd. .. . wl .Me i, ..
. . . You ' Use 1 ---Small trunk or Oago' pointed to the Messiah, of whose advent, 1. :un' I o i�� ,
I 0111 very well, Mi. Stretcher. I ac- th'ither, and . baith takin their note two feet long, with brass nails all over Then the Government found itself in . . leave them atone in :un I ,
from the Great Master in heaven, it. No other as far as it can be tiseertained, th I session of their p . .:., �
ey , '.I 9, ,L,*and''
., �,"; � ,,�'�";,;"`,
CeIA Your siolvertisemont. Your apo- though noo and agai mark but 'Stillwater' in -never heard of until the arrival of 'the such financial stress that it could ancient Tights.. , "1.,-,V
. u I . � "'. , �'s��,! ,,, �411�1'li
,� .4 . I ,�;,
". . .
lOgies zCre unnecessary." earthly imper- _ink on the bottoirk. All looked up, Italiah missionaries. .,
fections may waken a.bit discord throo neither equip nor operate the line. GORDON COLL i I I
trouble or anger, His hand will suns othing else -- I I -
.r:1., '.., �,,-,.n,�, ,�
And I-ord Pendlebury, resumed his tight as the specie -room. -N Learned men have entered into dis- Reid. offered to obtain the equipment It is here th 11`� :n, 1.
walk. Ris mind was' occupied in eon- about I No, not oviQn a pocket-hapd- 0.1111", .;�
- the Engli ,�,r -�S �.� I -
. - set the chords aricht. He bindeth k -`Vou'ro a dar� Va, Mr. Still- viere Jews or Igraelites, whether they andf operate th13 road, but valued the -- ... . � .- � -1 .... L L�t; ' 1,'11�11.
� Aidering with an earnestness and sag oussion as to whether these people , ,
can harmonise the I W - I I 0. 4-cAn QV 1�� I ,., ,
, -IV 6 0.
acItY beYolid his years the puzzling up the broken hearts* and surely He water. 'Stillwate),A run deep,' Ha, h,, come to China f rom the Assyrian cap- cost at- $100,000 a year. The Govern- -1 'a&Tmftfft - to �,11'3 �.,
11 -1,
� . ditemma, in which he saw his two .broken music of ha Ill .. t '. I I . ment4tave him $00,000 a yi,n(r as a mail f provi , .1 I— I—- -i" ..
"You know little of the world, subsidy, and 5,000 acres of land in I'PA children o , 1. I , ; �. -1 1, 4
earnest an' -loving souls." "Iltil hal hal" e'lohoed. 4 voice in the themselves say .,A igso pdqr�,p. "'I 'J"
friends to be Placed, ge was satisfied tivity, or the Roman dispersion. They' ,7 9 1i I , eop EP Al ,
my - � _Z:-, � -4,11 �
of Corcoran's -that their forefathers . � , suffered,di6tring P ' ai -a; A
good faith, Th cabin, within a, ocxuple ,of feat of came from the West, and it . S�mple for every mile of main or branch , 9 4A . . ,
0 prob- � .1 uroll.,
man in Dublin socie 'Nwell-known ki,,I,o the Foft blooming cheek, ere she and his eyes encountered those of Mr. ed by way ten years. I . . . . . I "' . L o'dupaiQ
Magter in Chancery was a e late child,",gaid the la0y, bending overand him. Mr. Crog turned .sharply round, line Operated by him for a period of 44� � describa.ble. piegsloil. .; Thby'' "i
. able that the settles arriv in,telligent a , entUrbly � u;i c
ty, lively, agree- roae and hastily retreated to her cabin. of Khorassan and Samarcand. They �* I 1 Y � I'', I
. able, amus ug�not tilways-either d;gni- 8tillwater, which at the moment were must have been humerous I w nt. *H,t . The Mandi, I e every: Tien'% dos#61
fied or dicivreet f Mrs. McGowkie wiped away a tear- lit up with a dEtngerou.4 8nF(rkle. 3.) n the ninth M .. . I 1 ut his face. firmly w9ainst. any -(OV ,
ond noless of conver bought new concessions. 9, offered to P - . � ii
centyy, for two Mohammedan travel- Df instruction thitt wodld'enli# ' hteii�W
sation than of 'to - drop that was Coursing down her face. pilomptly shut thZ*F(-,r,'aiiaiO,cI1A-1f , operate the road free at the expiration
ddy, a favourito with It had no ) that period describe a rebel, nam -
in ii. and ,A omen. Moreover, he t come from her own eye. I . - people and I can assure y
foe " Mebbe," she niused to herself, "I putting ths key in his pocket I . I , oh :�tWip
r his , was `Nbat are you doing in * 4 Wafo-Choo, taking Cautdn by sto,rm of the ten years, providing th4t at the � r , 11, 11
age all excellently preserved here, Mr. end of -torty addi(Ionai years *he road � would. take advan agor,'.'� the 00dn
, 112�in. The ha' done wrong. The puir ]eddy will Crog V inquired the valet, in an an 1 ,000 ) � . -K@,!r�-- dispbsaL,.a '
late Mrs, Corcoran, now , shouid be his, Ile alsf stipulated for A � 4,
' dootleas base sair be=lt of her ain., t ... Tlry� Jews, M(wammedans, Chrisda tod I . ' - aduca N' I ",
Mrs. Belldoran, 'at one time a hand- But it _� "You ain't 'the stewal , " I . I WIly appreciate, ' . tion" I
Wa tr a -j -P truth oanna p ' 18 Parsees. A"are than one Jo of Kae- Yurther grants of lin,i. for the railway % 11 . . . -1 - -6 kid , ,J I
!�Omo Person, was Scotch,. of good fain- harm if itykindne' .1$ � �rt of, the ship, you know.- and telbgl�Apfi-ina.nnpohas of the island. I I I . it wore, given to their , b rein..��
ily, high bred, ex I Ohl' replied Mr. Crog, recoveringp Fung-Foo is ftoWU to have gained the The,,Government ligroe-J-to the terms, I — I 11 ad inot m6%n to be a6doiptood. t6:1a�l
ceedingly particulax - I` - . . I - � �,, ". .
in her bearing, --Vtf . a i right to `wear the little, round but- I 1 I,16 -.1 I " , N'06at� that education ohoi0cl-k1w y ��
manner, conversAtion, ittle frbm his surprise, "I wanted and then it was thal they g�e,�J outcry -14. z T, � 4, "
I .� Au tile So, � -- �.' T, I ' . '
T - , man. -1, � - " '4
and associates. hi �tha
.. A
I , �',', I I -1 .
. ,
1. . ., I � -1
-Tied late in life. - inforiftrA%�iiqn.abont. i��y b�l!iun dispersed the settlement, � `U1, . ,;, t��
'they had max . . t he 4, . . . . - "I - ,..-. ,Tmtr I t i �` 1" -, ,
. CHAPTRA Xf. ve sop; inbition of aChinaman. The Taip- , 'i , . .I.. 1, 01" t y grospers, as', � eer�su
� to( see you, an1A 1. w�,i�-% tOn loin t1he top of his cap so dear to * 4 ,
,*,,aiting foi, you. arose that resulted in the ;efor I -
NO I think I ha' , U15 Contract to Joseph CUFc 9r,; -,.,-y41 I' I., .z�!�t;1111 U, I � :� : " .r ill,6 . , , 1, ; . I �
, . , ,
.1 , . to . . ,W1 I jc� op
children had blessed their union. * X I alanat did not 'leave her our much-needed fr'," d " 1. Mr. Chamberlain's , ply as ;.`oz 4- � - .- I , � - , � L ! f 6o", . - -
I - Y . � - op
" I . Y, �, "You do, do you?" , em4in faithful -P " L . �. : "Day 17�0� ,,
emor tuab -e or .. .
understand he hli&o na- beft . Sh&-4"A--�iifforing from a vio- �%'�Ii.d Mr. Still- to, the m'- "It-t-1-1alt, 'wg'�Ct�C� Wr a' petitions � . . , 1. ,%nd JL merely -10
tu . l � MW40. lulao pre � ,
- tter, searching Mr v Crog's eyes to . I M
I lent headach Sik-�nfami eand W1 chiefly poor and distressed. are being extensively signed th .. .,.III. I , I ination, of a Gordon 'Ultr
(Iness for irony of . e. I _ rough- . . !., -11 I 01
Yon; and often dlja� -W,on - Aramifita fli�ted i1n1n.c"a?imcr Z-ur., t4Ak-, very depths. apd not satisfied otit the colony praying the Colonial . . . . . . , ' C.
I , . k .. � "
. h othi I Off" to cancel ths contract on the I .1 at Khartoum, cheer I#
- or in their with eh -4 -Mull-' I �, ?'i�h�n -
avour of his racy hum . . "Yes. I believe I have him. Tliere's English lines, by En , is, fi��Eoios-
attendance. But her ladyship, in a ground that the island has been sold A LONDON TEAPOT LAMP POST, l,, ,,;" I
om, of hiA manners, Should give t,o th6se, p00PI il I
Onfidence in her hus- state of prostration, would only open' a; German has been lying among the BRITISH LABOUR DISPUTES. fotr a song. So strong is the public. The very small supply of cold water of education, round w1hiI6 '.,,
. I I—_ , %
ki ush her eyes painfully and languidly. Ev- men down there, where you were -4 sentiment in the. island against the coming in under carefully. regulated velopments will. gTow. , By,;�thw�
ed- ,whaken. Sugp'- ery half hour the fine -toned belts rang stOwe4' PwaY 60 snugly. He don't Some Interesting Statisites In the Commis. Reid contract th'tt "C,ar" Reid has pressure ge,ts slightly warmed, passed we should in some wwy.pO W�:4!b '
S &YP, words were .1 ,,11,4,,�: 1-� . -
i. Corcoran,, conscious out, first -on the poop, then on ,the answer thya description as to hair, et- fitOlkel`g Iteport. just found it necessary, in ordir to up to be vaporized and blows down 8 - We ows. Much might be,;1AU`o
, i�0&1
ented his forward dock. As eight bells struck settery, bat You know it is easy to Mr. H. Llewellyn Smith, the, British prevent a publir, uprising in som?, parts pipe closely packed round with white Gordon would hat,ve. �rojox --AiOil
a,fteructon, that ran I shave or dts, and it tM rests suits. we . g! " �
oorous din- -s oolony,,to issue a public notice magnesium and' asbestos. known that by his d1amtlir f 9*,�Iblfss
at many in the , ,of th .; , ,,, �r � � Ill
, ,
nor gong again gave iron toujeu� to hadn*t need to stand on ceremony." Cornin sooner ,for La,bor, has just iub- declaring that he intends to take pos- 'llier piPe containing the -steam pass- of educatiqn would be,.gii,:,' ,, .-3''t t'�
I 11 circum- brazen discord. Although the knight Mr. Stillwater looked at Mr. .Crog lished his,ropor.t on tli�-tradetroublos session of no Newfoundlander's fields, es through the little Ifallon tank,anO peolpe that he 'loved ,auhd, , ,. 1. ; - ,�
.1-1. . .1. I
,. 1 , i more came In and persuade I d -her to make no again, with a quick, keen, 1wrietrating of 1897, with a great mas's of statis- I farm or garden or any other private then, oialy partially condensed and he died.-: Cheers: - '
.",� � 11 --- 11 .
, � " � ever. An ulausual- . 1'+ '. . . .f , - ."
,� - F inquiry. ,The steward, a powerful . property, but only the with ' 't thia gift
�1;11,` � . ly, otl� I . ritial skirmisli having
�'. I I I I. effort, she would not go to dinner. tics. One of the most significant facts much of its heat still left, it ru s said of wha �
�� 1 L � Nor would she eat. She sent away her fellow, had recovered his nssurance. ; � ITNGRANTEI) CROWN LANDS tb I ough the large tank �and raises tte fanaticism and slavOi
. , , ski� -
A- 1A, .1 urg, Mrs. Corcoran The. cabin in which they were standing proved by these figures is the gre%t I., .
; % ra. T" maid to take an airing on' deck. She temperature of that a great way t I e
1,; .1, -,*Uhout notice, and, as next to the mess -room of t Mr. Read has ordered the consirtic-io - .,
I .�, I C4�1`1", � _ , simply wished to be alone. . w be ongi- magnitude of some of the trade dis- - ward -boiling point. It is' out of (b ? I can only. I
� ,,, - 11109 I n,' Placed herself in tLon of seven new steamships. One of is -that if YO,
�� � ,, � tk�ii . Every one had gone to the saloon, nears. Several of them could be dis- Los in Great Britain in recent years. these is to ru Pirger tank of water thus heated, th (>On h
, '. 'gas. Qitors. Mulrooney Stewards could be heard passing to ,and tinctly heard talking on the other Pu n bAween the island and t ark
, . .1 in 11 -
� : ,awdliai I P" a case for her side. i coal dispute Labrador and the other six will malip tho littl" tank is supplied with' wat erty that It ad,
"" �. .. In 1893 occured, -the groa or Prop ,
I I IsRs- "Now, guvnor,saId Mr. Crog, think- in the federeted districts of En regular trips between the various bays I ,�', - :
, . . li� 146 " 'diness and d' fro along the corridors. Clattering for boiling. I would.
I �, cultivated, You � " I,, ��,
1. P 1. I., gland, I
� " ;1 dishes, chattering tongues, the clink ag on tilling :, i
I , .. I
, r as- q ' When a ha'Penny is :'.' ** " , -
:, tr�*s �oause i and: Lhe terminus of the railway at'St. �
I .put into the slot soffliethial
� , . �, � celebre was it advisable to remind him of this fact, af f, � h.", * 4
�,,' ,,, of.bottles and glasse,,i at the bar, the _�ctiug 300,000 miners, and anoth-r a handle can be, pulled over. The fore you could reap the I. 1.�
,trid. ak. or, for the pair had i a� 7
.. � 11 �.114� i , � noise of people talking on, Me Other �On't (elk so loud, Or these parties ' John's. The "Czar" of Newfoundland
I '!'� - be,41% gland. A German will overhear us. Comi along with me in South Wales, affecting 90,000 min- will shortly be onr6 of th-3 largest mine movement of this handle cuts off the hear, and to allAhosc, VOW" 0" ..
, .
*.: � � I '- gide'of the saloon bulkhead disturbed rtisiyfg tboli,g . . . . . .
1. i.i , , conne6tion between the two sums in advoi . , ,
�71, 1 w81fit6# 4, Who Swore to and we wfll take a peep at the cove I've erw� In IR94 70,000 Scottish minerswero owners a.nd manufar-turers in th- tanks, and -. , n,
; V. , ,6onduor, her painfully. She could �ot think. it must occur that it w0dld6�bIg')i�, -1 �
11, . . 11' t of the ' learned spotted." Stillwater did not move. out; in 1895 the, hoot and shoe trade world. I Newfoundland's mineral ex- lots out the ha'penlay worth of waLbr - it :'- 1,
r . . � � .. I er-tv 1, led and Her brain was throbbing with anxiety ports ftre expected soon to reach a from the small one. When the ha fit to them if f boy spen '10011
ndle teaching the inhabitants 0fta*'L,' PrI
- ,
- ,.. "
"I , 11 and terror. I—, (To be continued..) had a great dispute, affecLing 46,000 is put back the spout of the small tank � . .,t.d.,
�� - 1;1 ,� ea,hiii A divorce was dem million dollars worth year. A hun- a, " .
I .
�., , � . 4 .. I . . . . a been oVen*., -
, , ; � & 6 - the operatives. In IF96 no dispute occur- dred tho,usaqd tons of iron 6re or n with the 1114
, .., 11. I i � .r., Corcoran re- Suddenly there was a knock at I , is closed and the connectio rket'which has ��!i
t,-,; �. I dix"t ership. Oe had a door. Wap it that man again? No, ed apprombing in magnitude any nno double last year's output was expor'ted larger tank is restoFed and another their advdrtisem,nets. Laughtb)N� I ,,
I...VP . . " 'Ml�:NT. r from Belle Isle mine alone thin year. gallon of watei'runs into I he little one THE MONEY ,
: he must be waiting on Sir Benjamin. ILLUSTRATED ADVERTISE I REQUIR10j)'�';
.. I � I'' . , and finding life Drawing her robe around her, she call- - of those Ment 12 ned, but in 1897 occur- to be boiled, Feady for the next comer. . I
� Olin anding the fact Al -syndicate of Britlslr Ironmasters has "d ybu must remember, that:'ilT
I . maily p, friends remained ed out to t,be inquirer to come In. A t - red the great engineering dispute, leased th3 Bay do Verde Mine end is 'thin process can be repeated every do not uc . ..""!%'t
�', , , bead of a man unknown to,he'r, look- 1,
., �'h' to ,,�:� J) , affecting 47,500 . work people. Apart a six- three minutes, day and night,' all the else will, hear, hoax, 1, -,a
I 1� for Ing mysterious, was inserted through � preparing to work it. The vein I I i. - ,
� I to te ' el -11 , k from these great strikea the figures teen miles long and estimated by ex- year round if necessary. , ,Pon their minds infl'i ,: .
take , 1,,, in I ." , -,�:
I . ." -
the half -open. door. It gazed round. It �7 , I grea .,� �, � ; .
3 - - -�I., � �,
09. , .. - "., show that during Ili*-. last five years perts to contain 40,000,000 tons of finest ' I may lea.d to the
On 4' .. vanisi;d an instant. It came back im- 1�,:�-=;-' - I
: . i . nquirles, he as- ,.,- I gnty about 200,000working people were ore. At Little Bay a new coppervein that we may have to 0 ;� ,, ,
4 `i , the mediately with the Wdy to which it . KITTY WITCHES ROW. ,I:o 'form a c ,, �
, ,
� , - ') I A . involved ,annually in strikes of all des- nin46 feet wide has been discovered. Mr. . - , . country. ider ... 1, .
, belonged. To this bddy were attached -11�r 4 I propose, I cons I- -
11 X�2 I" wy :� " "I aide-de-camp two arms, and on tho hand of one'of cripti(yas, a. very �unwll! fraction of the Reid's prospectors are constantly mak- I
I � U110 --i I I would be necessary. I .1 ,,�!,:.%�.''
.. t e " 631-44t, hav seen"agood " . I 11 . ono for � i-, 111.
� , MI), the arms swun - f, .1, I working population. A table setting Ing now and valuable finds all over the It to In Tugland a id the Narrowest Street
�?t � �
'ed both ,g her ladyship's jewel ,Mi
I fort It t,he results of disputes shows that island.- I I In the World could be well done f t My , -i ''
n and his wife, case. �� I d 0 arw^ , " "
�,' , .Vor&ya 1. w, I d I 0 ,
I I'll on the whole the balance of Just now the "'Czar" an7d several of , 4.rin ,
,ad ha I fl,iittrimelY, shocked by "If you please, my Jady," said the " GrPat Yarmouth, in England, has the wore not well on, . ��l "
� I to nave a hand in Ila - #V". :., "
. It nces and r '.1 I 1, .� es Af 1807 his sons are seeking incorporaction as iitg4d . 11 - 11
- -0 I 'i esults of the man, tbuching his hair in front, "may � I . in the settlement of dispui , ..i
)peal ir -� A Divorce Court. And fthis be yours?" I � � was on the aittle. of th4 employers, the. Newfoundland Bleaching Pulp narrowest streets in the ,,world. They hear. Out of tha W.10�- ,-,
�, I
owl wbi, "'ibY a most extraordinary 44.5 per cent. of ih�! workpoople being Company with a capital of $2,030,000, -0 called Rows and are merely nar- pose that';C90,000 -ghoul ri. ��'�&,',,,, '- , I ',
- I
I Apliq ,4"were'-4rought together She hardly glanced at it, There was . � engaged in disputes settled wholly in and also us the Newfoundland Pyrites row pa,asageways between' the buil& order to Pormt1n3 tI , Mat, ,�, .
I ,, .r
no necessity. She felt what it was. I' I — is jrt�� R,�� � ,'
� I imder ( iditiong which seemed to be Her heart sank within her. She knew . . favour of thie employersi and only 21.6 Qompany with a capital of 81,500,000. - There are f6rty-fiV6 of them in �glaries of the . , -'-,�.� ,
.1. ` . it, would be ue.Oe 0011161 � "I .
. , Moore I OJO 6 reconciliation, here that her name lay across the top of It I per4.c-ent. i.i disputes sett.hod'Whully in The, site of operations is ideal i It is go ,were 0 la �1. �, ''.
I 'dI J favour of workpeople. This general re- an immense area on the shores of Grand all, stretching in the aggregate m9re the colle nanent f I f "I 11 'I, 1,
1. W.d. a Fi,11a lotift auditor-�jgeneral, or in proud letters of gold. � . in length._ '11 - .§Aph.
1. . I t " suaL in a year of active - - from V than ,seven miles - - _Wft ,
0 6100ial, expeotin4 to moo " Yes. Who are you? Where did you - I'll . sult unu. de Lake, not fa,t 4the railway, densel, � I 1-%--,�,
I. ,Xrd, gel *tk,. as his fianci3, at, their � , mand for Pibor, was mainly determin oo�ered with wood o&4? very best kind �Iq)W#gt-ef 4hom- gli-ts called "Kitty feel sure ON I
, "
I , � . PoA of a . tWation. , The young lord get It?" ; ) ed by the settlement of the� en- fop mnicffig pulp. Close to it are -the, Witches,, Row. do t1le r th t
I . . , " Mr. Crog, may it please your la,dy- � The entrance to it Is hi - t at tho
,�! .. , wn Position with some .ship. Steerage steward. This case was ..� . ater power to any ex- but twenty-nine inches in width and so, I do not ,think - to'.
� I I �� I 11 �, -my lady ... �stowed, * away .� gincering dispute. rhe building and- coal mines. W the o1her end aplins fifty-six inches., .. ar, L-
� -., . 11 t4tY, s ,ROt. without a sensation found, mum clothing tra4des gave the largest per- tent is availn�61e. In the marble beds should Aome yesir V ,ur ,
, . "Two gentlemen who have travel, centage of Ivesults in favour of the of Allg Humber, 91 a*short distance, are - at your haxids.
I . .00�h parties had under the -mattress of Sir Benjamin's d tex- inexhaustible supplies of lime. At People living across from e4ch other a'(' I
't. tho , 'Tim cC--.confidant of new valet, Mr. Stillwater." ed extensively, with considerable ex- ivorkpeople, the engineering an can easily shake hands across the in- beginning 'the obile * e , ,6
1 . , tile trades tW largest perconfage d Bay of Islands, at no kreat distance, t .. -eason given for 1>6 a, se*3& for almosti-al ,, , �
tg,orti.ng , " ""
i 0 lkieis- He fancied that ' " Gracious goodness I" perionce in liquors, Would like to meet it XjZ U thd doufttt - ':PT
I � I ol't either side a tone o -e e'mployo�rs�. are. irnmetise deposits of iron pyrites � �ti�n I. that in c,se, of I,- =Uoaf, bu tag I -�
I _f " Yes, my I ady., Might you have giv- party with money who won I d open some results In fn,*our of t.h 'I college would dovolop-�,
it att, which-filight, were en iti t him to take charge of my liquor store for them." . containing 50 per 'cent, of sulphur, va on, these narrow lanes wo ,
:I , . regig, I . . on. uld prove
. . . ,, . from which sulphuric acid is made, an, invaluable as means of defense. Anoth- higher form of instruction &W
I �, I gxpop4 I ItI.Only at hand, be lady? - F - 1� . - . — " enable the pnll�ns tpjako 904i
. n6iti d ,061ne effort to retrieve " Certainly not." -i 'PPLESE, RVINU THE DE AD indispensable article for the manufac- or reason.suggestod, is that", the high in the GDVJ.S , ' ' � L
. V - kind of pulp. To this 8 . � I
. 1 3; -a disastrous consequ- " Because,' ' said Mr. Crog; "this �-' , I Lure of the best clerk riimohtj� ,
: I I I � ", A French doctor professes to be able . tides might flow through these streets h
, ;11, 1P to be added a company for mining as outlets. tions In the tele r&
. 1, , i�cgsl ,606chillY alive to the morning early, my lady, when eight I " 11 , to preserve any dead person for statue and, exporting. troh pyrites, for which % . . veyors, to'k I tors,
, . . n 9 Me sd# Y1 .' - ,ing the aid of -some bells rang --which is four o'dlock a.m., i .1.1 .. . 11 I urposes. A petrifying process consists there is everywhere a rapidly increas- I - other positions of Abit
I I and sphrit inj the den- 11 . - .nto
, ., 'I � AILAY wO
I '40016441 ,.. my lady -I was one of the stewards . 4 1 In plunging the body Into pbonic a,cid, 01,01) i
. *k, Ing demand foir the innnuhaotprer of hope . ,
, . . 04to , � . circumstances bad that had to turn out, and f had o6oa- . 141, -wanhIng it in a solution 'ofnitrate of sulphuric acid, the residuum being WHERE -TOBACCO 14 NOT GROWN. (630 Is of agric It a -:and: -
� fy
. . .:" , tbroo a 'i- Lady Peakman oc- gion, to go and arrange some things, ,I 6 silver, and I hen leaving it forr a certain used for the making of th- very finest _7 . % sjt4.cngineering,� '.. r .�
I I oollrdP � a;, Only to be discard- ! ! .
my lady, at the mai'n hatchway; ftnd I I ;*,, period in a galviino-plastle bath. The kind of 'stwl. Th,3 supply of this mffi- Would x1rect one of tue Souirce4of Great all# of mpdici 0, 0, : t ,
". I M J[P- $IT --- a..,Belldoran would there, at that hour of ths morning, my ;4� result is the &ceased,,exactly as he oi- ..
� l. eral is inexhaustible, and everythibg Firtfalft's Itevell" . Morin, Goraml a ,a
'-' - 014t � 0 an . -,. , ,,,, - ne thy One -
I, � tot � I I one lady, � see a figurn,.cut. acros8 from I I /; she w" in life, but transformed Into . u tidA -A th�o. u,
I I I I I Polut.4 to an ea.rly re,00gnitiob of N6W ' -The cWtivAtion of tobacco in Great 01 'EIT811sh , , �
I .of J,jkP 1 8 and tom- the port passage, here I)el4een the 1 n., M �' '' hard stone, instead of yielding flesh. foundland aa �one of this I ." , , , ,
I 'i X� foreindst Afrle& Chee
I I &C , 'Wds only one other cabins and run slap into Slovenly i I .afl", - The hall-, eyelashes and wrinkles ve- � . I 'Britain - was brohi4itlJ-�jixn act of
il , POP ,V� �, 1� I - I
. I I I �//-M' - 13 Contres of modern times. P I —"----� � , , , ,� I � '.
I � � lititopvft) availabe, namely, George -it, sailor we calls hy.that name, I I I., -1 11 . arlla:ment passed in 1782. Tobacco 11 Itimo', I I
- - , ot, I I
� 11 I ./
. tain, the only I rouble being I he loss, 'u'"'H
41 � ; Mi$ W 0 u a if,,, t, genLIe, my lady. Well, it wan dark, and I :1, � � ,. t:.1"I"41A of brilliangy tor the eyes. Thi,g defe had been successfully oultlivated In Eng- ,� ,
I � j1001. ,�# � Wi 'a known the individual, but . Ili � ; - . TO CURE CREAKY BOOTS. A M OF '' ,
I . � ithout a %houldWt 910, I however, can be, remedied with glass ' . , I I
I I' J0 of �# in tho'wway of the ,,the sailor ap 1 4'. a I land, but when Oharb�9'11: �ommenced oton otisAyhy
, . ;'� I . �eaks to him rind he ans- ;I 7 I " '- eyes. I In afraid, It hat: the ocrupatio-i � --.-" ST62gi,
&I r I I 11ir ST62gI, *rVokk
'� j�ckel $ , wexs the sailor, and I reeognjises Mr. I- I �11 of the sculptor will still ,temin to Wm. Thi.ee ir,itile Wooden 11caF. � Will Abate the to derim rev6nuo from the imp6rted . . �- 60 4" :
;� 1,04 Ife. to himself, "there Stillwater's voice immediate. Says I 1. Q . . �i . . It in '1ttIg t*3 harrible to picture I Nostaftlice-cost. 10 ebuts. Amveh so heavy tax Was imposed -on, ;I I I . Ish,
I I", 11 making, thb7f.,ac- t 11, I t;, , I . a 11 0 A, E first th, 441�
1 ��? ai 1tv 0 myself, my lady, 'What's his fel- I - tied bodies of eminent- persons ,, 1.
l .1111. lRotolivomad's 131111- Jar a rubiftin' about the ship at this I � . � the Perri , ot i1e,o6asaril.T of the ho,Z4rowu aitiole that Jt -vM , I �t Boeing,
fastene, to pedestals ,or placed across &ap shoos are n ' - gletpn, I I
. , 1, 1 tt I- I horses, toy the adornment of poor take .Uo,
. � 11 neness may have hour of the day for I And a carrying �1% .. -, g, 11 ma,terialill said a laboe-store cl6rk. hoped would.stop Jt8'dUItiVo,t161j- Ud
I I . "older .. lady. And somethin' he&Vy in his hand, more. I 'I / ") i in-aitonal metropolis. Be "Creaking oft6A oeouirits for the 16W growth Wag, hOvOMT, �
'01W. sides, purely
I ,% Ai �onp.dued in
I 'A n ma foregather,' .N ,, , arra Cott
I I 1-1 I � over f' HowsoKZ-vor, I know that Posterity can be Contented with thobbo,* p'rl&. Cheap doable soled shoes neatty spite of all 1p,wp to Cho e6nttary r ght Inbtli W,
, - VA".'ej Phi it they
. 1 4., N I�N I
a i � .-,- % I, , '� IwayA Creak, and thIa-reason 14 that down to the'rel,gft C,
r�4x - t4 A4 �111
� . 6al AY.11 , gentleman on board is wanting their ." ik'N, graph Anil Ehe ph4tbgra f 4�wl r, IIL; 0
OUr.Wdii -60r, Lord ., . . 01� .� the
I ... , ;� . I wAnt to recall any of as to menilory a
�V, N t ,� ,
(1-1hatiaged to hiring thO night, and so I says nothing . . WWI I* .WOA finally stoj)p
nervantg at all bouts of the day or I . 1 69 fy, AV sollaw
at the - f- I -#%% o tw
- - as " we on" was."�London Letter. tb p sol -69 do, nbt (latto, Ot or one to act pdst6d td 1762. .The laitiatifts 14 tdk6
Wdpfth and tb.,% blushing Ciine, but thinks f-pil Wat(sql 'you . I P, ;. .* .- � A"P . �. . I I I . Of more pMble miterial th-In t10 other, yovkshite, two, - then stroyed, 6not We 960,
r 11, I k -0 �
0 bwkl6 together. Tothe movements" Mr. Stillwater., 80 I tips � � . -1 � : �� I Xe
7 77 �- I ""
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1, 11
I I , '
"' "" "
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'41 tho X
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S',Wl'keenly ies
�i;!�-,and did wb
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ot�d to becor
, so tha they rub a�aiostloA4' dth0r, t1i.6 AftttT4 b4ptlilop6d and fiftVily' thin& t
I % ,� IV it
9%04 no. 111fdrWAHO" thb wink to my friend Mr. Bonbo% the -n!e % TIVOL� LIGHTING ROAM. 'I
. gm"L -th6 larid Oil& for''those days of IV
Ta 166 to mhttift'hn Af',� 46,watd of th,6 firAW,lags cabins ailld- - ' ' '. J . �7 Ata6tig thg romoalog tigually 616a is lint, 2111
0 .�0116496 06tifid6rito I 1, �Tblg th6ty, th6u�od powids: bang -exattea hothing
ship#, .IftXb6"4 side' to took otit shakp .I...111......i ... . . ... .�.� � rMbotriopower derIved from the ft4 6oikiftg Ow AhoW W vratbr 6i Ol .i
11 th LL 4 . W&10�tj, T11 k6land, 66 dultift. =11A.Vl,
. ths Attie timd, 64 all V6,0d: thq ftbih Ift InAkIng q 0 . - 'ADO ,
it - - ,. .. Ift. ., 191APIWAN 61UNST11011 tetk�lla of �ivoll, whi4h potiotttaIt6-06 A � i6fative foir h, tl��j bat the, 60o ,OA PA 01 %-,.;, 1 I �,
A- - Of Lk6pt, ,his, � 9,611d Vt." I I t P�*qr; TA6 c*oAk luvarb., t1oh 166'11k otov�a, MI i I lVdIty" att
. � -
I hod, And ii� It W could f164"Tiny ) of tu rabse , falfiows &ZOA 69 fiallaii , W " I 31OW6 U, . a, Aptil'..1886"Ormw1on & gro*t& blat tio
I -in .666" - . 0 I ,
. atid, M. found th1s. andbt thg tt -616# - jjf� LOY" %0`42, ,1, t 4,*..L . 14yo.
1,841h 4 Dot bat- Thd ,)VIMWk ' lb�fci)t ,16t, Pfof, , I " .
i, �1. Y� fj§ 110'W tjAy3sftltfA � tomb,owdlivilinkliTA -4 b4coo 10010 latia UAW MAklit "OrIng. tbAt' h4*4
I tItlIng, which IV I niy IPAY, Aftd, My lolyv there do, wootkof, 64114 Otontlod to, t�6, Alwon. scOoio 1 1 .. 4 About , , . I ,
VAN q4t[Ptift dit, '46ttolf Wd it rm�&r4, Of.. I � . t4a infAe � Ad, , , 6 CaMph" . to' I X *4 otmit" Nr -tw to. 'A JI(I ,
, V�, felibb 1, T
.gAd A f16 dflf6 I, 106"Worodon , it
Wly wqk him I i611 ;
. I 11 � , Pb* it
Chi twA Iddf�dk, �"?.N�� 1p� . . & I tili tdrtubt4a stinslilao that -1irevAito -411.4 I.. � 41 A.r 1.1Z t �6�. 1�� eL A— ��IPN! � 1AAA UAVAMIA- -. tVJi1%.%T.A1L?A1...4w* ' 1k%.&11-— k- .C,� , I "
I VC,U XVK ft MAMA wUU, tUa, OU .Mi 1;eUk: ' li I 11 11 y� V Xt4 ELL0 L"a
.. U Ana lit" �f� mutdot ood r ; tifI4 it J'AL Wintet ilk f'hi jtut4lt regibis 6F61 - Ok V Will � - , 11 I tho'AtrOO61, of friction 0,
to 696g),90, Nvorwilt tbat, 48 a , 4 r hitlt, A t R6 at t Atfildnk A r4i* 40 It ?'*
I �dILL �f mi W t'o to, hit, - � -
I , I lit 140t for cowupiptiveg tild. fait- M r or, 0 fit'y ot modail Only t"b
... , ipha, 46d 'b ki; I. '' ; 4, v* blow'b .kb"i ,�lttnts under &.0, � , I I - : . � 1.0totlaki 001 a., . . � . ", I but ka"
110 L � boylit, . Va,thlokii ft W6uld beitim, Id'Ai I .
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