HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-22, Page 8•Y Wl y JY pjiwr .. 11 rstr"gi? T" 7777 , t , , .. 1 . : y . I � . . .1 . . 1 .� . � I . 11 . 7" 1 . I � , I 1:1 . 0 ,, , 1,' as .. . 1. ... _ t. F, . . .� 1" ;� '� 'WIr . . ase of maQhinier has Tea ly itaareaaed. Q$A�NS OF` t}OI.A. t4wYiw.Vk9Miw►lwitsWlir.. . Novo Makes ho, VACil�1 ` , kho delauand of tb�a wtltktxtan's skill alyd ► ,.Tr ellthalnoed 1Ailfii w.ttigei, ,---. Tlie lnat3 who prtra&kinatasb stria,tCl a�X. . �N.1Aubllal eel ovory TN111;$114, atTlgni "L I V 0r i IIIA r1CU1tUr les with ru n.--Reaiod, tt�,.11 TO ITO Jrs•itectzt<n. l'xllrtlr�ll 1lou11 01-R."TON IRS eti, Atbcltr $hey dtavtllopment oat the at.tiritry by Sharp Rise in Whedt-NO. !. Hard NOW A»ll tl�n 'Ellett>� • kha extensiaII etx the railway lines—bas The more honesty at Mari has, kl?8 ' 1j,iko blitaq. m, 4F is, IletidaoAe, ootit+U. 78 1-2 eentS.-•+Oats up 1*2 eerit,, "I I made it necessary to vastly extend tkte teas he -effects the ails of q paint,-„ IAto a ti ht. Ail �AOw #i patlaa, to Coto y7 tnglThey nays sir wok -Cgl'n Firm --Rya Steady-PPo- 1 t g eruct by 'i TIfU, xlwy da tlioltr work I S7iaiaTIVATI✓ Ii'BWEIi ACRES. msktJtg of wwlron rQ.ade• The use ai Lavater. ,H , bicycles lista r'oated a lova of outdoor duce eta, Duty and today are bora; results hoping but. . A174 surprise$ at the small vrops of pxpraiso, end has aroaitetl a greater Toronto, Dec. 16.--Eggs--Not much and futurity belong to £hod. *- Soxace 11 y grain, grass, potatoes; etc., that are demand for cerriage4, while the de= coming in, Demand steady, and, prices Greeley. Thing got ataft c� lxl { growls on many farms writes Mr, M. mend Wr buggies shows a largely in- The prodigal robs his hbir, the miser . ,, creased market far bettor goods and unc4hanged. Quotations are: ,- Nqw Wt'Q#i dtrectlon. robs himself ; the middle way i aua• C. Thomas. '.Phe lack of sufficient good more, shapely designs, , laid, 9,0 to 22o ; held fresh 17 to l8o ; tice to ourselves and others,--Bruyere. Something is aeeda4,Ilii; t s ,stable manure is largely respon- easftq and Woronghtq, f5 Phe intrrod'tlution of the motor oar- cold storage, Ib to 160; a,nd limed, 14 You may deceive all the people part Best after 4¢1nner pll1_0 Bible for this. A few years ago a coin riage ♦vi11 not lesson the use of horses, to 160. o! the time, and part of tate people all I Check disease anal start, the, 26 cents. A41 drug>tlatb. • pany was formed and a large. straw rather rnorease their use, although is Potatoes -Market stead demand is the time, but not all the people all the System in the right direci*lon ways we do not yet fully know, be- y' time. -Lincoln. Prepared by C I, Hood & Co., Lowell,Mnaii board factory built at the county seat cause the conditions have not yet fairly active for all first-class stock. Every period of life has its peculiar The only PNl to take with Hood's earaAM11116 of my county. Since then .every farm- arisen. Better roads a,re a certainty. Car lots sold on track to -day at around toward health. ^-� ^'•'�'� or within a radius of IO miles o! this Increased travel will be assured. Bet- 60 to 61e, Dealers sell out of store, prejudices; whoever saw old age that St~Ott's Emulsion of Cod, . establishment fortunate enough to ter markets will decrease costa of trap- ddi not applaud the past and condemn ser markets and a corresponding higher at 70c ; fa,rmerw loads sold at around the present times. -Montaigne. John TEMMeft e n have any straw has soidl it at the very p - g liver Oil Wltll lay 011liQic- plane of.. livinit all around will be the 65 to 700. The only true source of politeness is . T. low figures of from $1 to 2 per ton. natural results. Poultry -Deliveries not heavy and consideration that vigilant moral phltes Can filo gust this. ., THE LEADING BARBER, With the money received for thestraw, Tha horse is too • auuch admired, too market holds stead to firm, Quota- sense which never loses sight of the noble an animal and too faithful d y rights, the claims, and the sensibili» IC strengthens the nCfVCS, Smith's block, opposite Post Office some cheap grade commercial fertilizer friend to part with. tions are :-Chickens, per pair, 25 to ALSO is pur0hased. As a oonsequenoe the 41)0 ;ducks, 40 to 60c; geese, per lb 51-2 ties of ethers. This is the one quality, feeds famished tli81i0a, lltliti Is of the farms ass btiohming thinner over all others, necessary to make a Rgfrt for Standard life Insurance Co MICE IN ORCHARDS. � to 6c; turkeys, per lb, 8 to 9 1-20. gentleman. --Simms. makes rich blood. each year, from a lack' o! sufficient Beans -Choice hand-picked beans sell Head Office for Canada. Montreal. humus to make, it lively and friable. One way to prevent mice from Injtu- t i4 aa! N0, : til Chemists, T tit $1 to $1.10; and common at 70 to 807 aOwNl?, Chemitte,Totonto. Insurance iu torte, - i116,C0p,000 i 75o, per bush. REVIVING HIS CREDIT. lnvestu.e.tas� Caaaada 18,500,000 It is a very poor practice to sell straw ng apple trees in winter, and a grotty )Established 1826. The cid reliable and favorite. from the farm. Beep enough stock to Lure way, too, is to wrap around the Dried -apples—Dealers Aman is said to have caused the pp pay 4 to 41-2o banns of mania a to be ublished to11, -.. -_ work over all the ,straw and rough feed trunks strips of tin, or • sheet iron', for dried stook, delivered here, and g p PHYSIOGNOMIgA,L. CENTRAL IB(ITQHER SHOP■ Into manure and then judiciously ap- rolled in the form oft tubes,andtt trifle small lots resell at 41-2 to 5c. Evac- a Yorkshire church between Himself Newpop-I have noticed that Usibles . �-' ply it to the fields. The labor will be larger than the diameter of the trees. ,rated, 8 to 8 1-20 fol' small lots. and a lady to whom be was not engag- always have very open countenances, FORD * MURPHY, more than doubly paid for by inerea_ed Fact( is, tin cans in which vegetables, (Henn Market ed said who had no intention of marry- y- quiet. Round lots Oldpop-Yesl especially about. mid- ing him. The man, it was alleged, lead (Successors to J. W. Langford.;, crops. Another trouble with a great oysters, meats, fruits, and the like; Of choice, delivered here, will bring night. s '11 about 51-4 to 6c; dealers Dome to the end of his credit, and ars to 7d quote from - Having bought out rho sbpve baalnasa, we many farmers is their greed for too have been packed, may, when empty be tonished the town by having the banns "-- per !b. for 10 to 60-1b. tins;' and p Poverty is the only load which to intann to cohdnot St on the each rtnolple, and many acres. How common it is to employed for this purpose to good ef- in comb at around $1.26 to $1.50 per published between himself and a rich will supply our ouito n t e caa the beet meats hear a man boset[ng of the number fent. Simply place them'o na hot dozen sections, lady who he had ascertained was on the heavier the more loved ones at the lowest paying prlcea• of acres of corn or wheat he is putting feet. Simply place them on a hot Baled ba the Continent. At ones his credit was there are to assist in bearing it.--. bay -Very little doing. Strict- Richter. Lord dt; Murphy. out, but when the harvest comes he stove, or better yet, in the fire, until revived. usually has about one-third less acres the solder which holds the heads and ly choice, in car lots, is quoted at ■�,.�■�...,r.......o■,�..�.•■er t}San at seeding time. It is an old fastens the, sides is melted. This much $6'60 to $7.50 Per ton; No. 2, at $6. GE adage that "tillage is manure."' We achieved, take'atwo cans of equal size, Straw—Demand nil. Car lots are GEO. TBOITHILL, have this proven by seeding a °fleld rivet them together with malleable quoted at $4 to $4.50, on track. that has had an extra amount of work I tacks, and to keep the tube thus Ob- }rhere q- Bbcsusiness is slow. Dealers pte choice Ontario stock to- lioraeahoer and General Blaokr�lnitB put upon it before sowing' it to wheat. , tained in position on the tree, pass day at 10 to 18c, while holders will The crop will lie much larger than on laround it a small wire, twisting the take nothing less than 20c, Albert Street North Clinton. eL field only half prepared. If we ends together. Provided such a pro- g ` Street, expect tokeep our farms in a stateof tector i9 promptly removed in the `"`-- 0, fertility that will enable us to grow Isprinp; it does no harm to the tree,but, DAIRY PRODUCE, ft11 JOBBING A SPECIALTY. payinv crops, we must concentrate our Irather, a vast amount of good in Sutter — Receipts coming forward Y r " Woodwork Ironed arld first class 11naler ed work upon fewer acres and have them keeping mice and other rodents away areeample for the present trade re - SAVINGS BANK, t and work guaranto harm implements aitd well fertilized. It pays much better I from its trunk. Remember, if mulch quirementa, Dairy keeps easy and I Interest allowed on sums of 91 and up. machines rebuilt sad repaired. to raisA a given number of bushels of of straw, meadow hay, leaves, or any- creamery about pteady. Quotations . �.., wheal' from 10 acres than to raise the thing else, has been applied to young are as follows.—Dairy, tubs, poor to FARMERS. same, number from 20. By doubling the trees during the summer or autumn, medium, 10 to Ile; choice, 14 to 14 1-26; �' }4ohey advanced to farmers on their own'f"O THE FARMER$ 1 producinq capaolty of an acre, half of as not frequently in the case, it ought large rolls 18 to 14c;, small dairy, lb. 4' •, tioteswithoneoJ•more endorAers. Nb mort• the lend can be in grarss thus giving by all means to be removed ere real prints, about, 14 ,1-2e; creamery, tubs Sage required at, security. it a chance to recuperate. whiter weather has set in, otherwise it and boxes, 19 to 20c; lbst 20 to 21c. ' Study Your own Interest and so where will afford a most excellent retreat i beese, - Market firm; early makes , f H. C. BREWER, Manager. Clinton. you at>t Bob -. 11 ' during winter months for ground pests are selling at 9 to 9 1-2c; and, late _..-- . �- _ QQ IS SSWRET CLOVER ;VALUABLE? of every description. I; makes at 91-2 to hoc. , ;• p, RELIABLE Ht���E�V T° answer thio gitestlon something BREADI;TUFFS, ETC. j 'a D. 111icTAGGARkT, Wheat -The strong 'I must be known of the character• of the tone in Chicago xx manufacture none but the beat of sbeck. Is'LEPHANTS IN THE ARMY. Y p t Banker, $eware of shops that sell obtsap, as they Plant, It grows spontaneously along to-do im erred a decidedly better ';• have got to lite. O.i11 and gib rices tramped roadsides even to the wheel ,, _� tone to the local Market. In the A B1iRT STRrFET - CLINTdN orders by eau promptly rttendot� tt► b d lied roadwa s and in morning red and white wheat, north p Lr y Rome PotnM as to Tltoir Pniployarext by tit :..ara�,'ti fir., comm.*'. aYrtttsHlri India. B features One of Clie most interesting of the English army .life presented to the layman in India is furnished by the remarkable, efficiency of the ole- pliant brigade, most highly developed the the Burmese in -; . , >-a" . . . * Pvxarjame nAllci- �-- I , ' 1 Yr 631o. 390- f MQQ « ....>J00 OG- #35 00 $20 W �7 00 3 u0 condition for the others. Viewed in this way it is to be treated as preparl o un- A General Batskiug Business Transacted. 10"'t': 1, 36 00 20 OU 18 00 Coi]11t...... OoJIUAn........ 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 60 0205 . Notes Oisepunted. Drafts Issued. Cc ural ,, iii Die 000 1 Itch p0 3 50 I Interest Allowed on Deposits. �"SP Special position (ran, Gu to 56 per cent esus• if your heart never stopped beating. Yea would never be sick-iryw heart ,For trapale4t advertisements 10 cents '�� for ti}t) first insertion; 8 oenta � we e .each subsequent Insertion-- nohp4rell irieasare. Professional cards, was always able to carry rich, healthy blood in sufficient quantity to etvery organ - toot exceeding one inch, $5.00 per r Knqum. Advertisements without skeo- Oatmeal• -Rolled oats, in bags, on ific directions ,;will be published till Isolated Town Pro ort 11 y .forbid and charged for. accordingly. Money to Loan on treasonable Rates yan;.lont notices --"Lost," "Found,' �1. • "For Sale," eto.-50 cents far first tn- lw I iartion, 25 cents for each subsequent ° ib�e rtion. . t lfl3E NEWS -RECORD will be sent • to any address, free of postage, for 1' � t� per year, payable in advance-- t,gay be charged if not so paid. - �ie date to which every subscription W O paid is denoted by the number on ` , fire Insurance. - . Real Estate. e add,,�¢ress label. No paper discontin- . t�d uAtll all arrears are paid, except Ibt the option of the proprietor. ;'j' t W. J. MITCHELL. periment station. It belongs with the clovlirs and it may thus be tiled to 1 Editor and Proprietor. , j ptliae•-HURON STREET, CLINTON D2 ECTORS. THE MOL SON'S BANK ..:. Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. IittAttr Cualt - ��� di?o,-. L CAPITAL - - $2,000,000 �, ip CST $1,500,000 ' f Bead Office, .. MONTREAL. neat to oa apt address< IF., I149OAr, M.ACPHERSON, President Sv.01c '- . .: calls VA fretit boor b residence on R•atten- bur� '�Y, IC tETA?Q 7 HWWAS, Oen. Manager �, I;: I •. adlacounted, Collections made, Drafts �BiY t3torlaI f and American Exchange Oug t and cold Interest allowed on Deposits 1j,iko blitaq. m, 4F is, IletidaoAe, ootit+U. 78 1-2 eentS.-•+Oats up 1*2 eerit,, "I I made it necessary to vastly extend tkte teas he -effects the ails of q paint,-„ IAto a ti ht. Ail �AOw #i patlaa, to Coto y7 tnglThey nays sir wok -Cgl'n Firm --Rya Steady-PPo- 1 t g eruct by 'i TIfU, xlwy da tlioltr work I S7iaiaTIVATI✓ Ii'BWEIi ACRES. msktJtg of wwlron rQ.ade• The use ai Lavater. ,H , bicycles lista r'oated a lova of outdoor duce eta, Duty and today are bora; results hoping but. . A174 surprise$ at the small vrops of pxpraiso, end has aroaitetl a greater Toronto, Dec. 16.--Eggs--Not much and futurity belong to £hod. *- Soxace 11 y grain, grass, potatoes; etc., that are demand for cerriage4, while the de= coming in, Demand steady, and, prices Greeley. Thing got ataft c� lxl { growls on many farms writes Mr, M. mend Wr buggies shows a largely in- The prodigal robs his hbir, the miser . ,, creased market far bettor goods and unc4hanged. Quotations are: ,- Nqw Wt'Q#i dtrectlon. robs himself ; the middle way i aua• C. Thomas. '.Phe lack of sufficient good more, shapely designs, , laid, 9,0 to 22o ; held fresh 17 to l8o ; tice to ourselves and others,--Bruyere. Something is aeeda4,Ilii; t s ,stable manure is largely respon- easftq and Woronghtq, f5 Phe intrrod'tlution of the motor oar- cold storage, Ib to 160; a,nd limed, 14 You may deceive all the people part Best after 4¢1nner pll1_0 Bible for this. A few years ago a coin riage ♦vi11 not lesson the use of horses, to 160. o! the time, and part of tate people all I Check disease anal start, the, 26 cents. A41 drug>tlatb. • pany was formed and a large. straw rather rnorease their use, although is Potatoes -Market stead demand is the time, but not all the people all the System in the right direci*lon ways we do not yet fully know, be- y' time. -Lincoln. Prepared by C I, Hood & Co., Lowell,Mnaii board factory built at the county seat cause the conditions have not yet fairly active for all first-class stock. Every period of life has its peculiar The only PNl to take with Hood's earaAM11116 of my county. Since then .every farm- arisen. Better roads a,re a certainty. Car lots sold on track to -day at around toward health. ^-� ^'•'�'� or within a radius of IO miles o! this Increased travel will be assured. Bet- 60 to 61e, Dealers sell out of store, prejudices; whoever saw old age that St~Ott's Emulsion of Cod, . establishment fortunate enough to ter markets will decrease costa of trap- ddi not applaud the past and condemn ser markets and a corresponding higher at 70c ; fa,rmerw loads sold at around the present times. -Montaigne. John TEMMeft e n have any straw has soidl it at the very p - g liver Oil Wltll lay 011liQic- plane of.. livinit all around will be the 65 to 700. The only true source of politeness is . T. low figures of from $1 to 2 per ton. natural results. Poultry -Deliveries not heavy and consideration that vigilant moral phltes Can filo gust this. ., THE LEADING BARBER, With the money received for thestraw, Tha horse is too • auuch admired, too market holds stead to firm, Quota- sense which never loses sight of the noble an animal and too faithful d y rights, the claims, and the sensibili» IC strengthens the nCfVCS, Smith's block, opposite Post Office some cheap grade commercial fertilizer friend to part with. tions are :-Chickens, per pair, 25 to ALSO is pur0hased. As a oonsequenoe the 41)0 ;ducks, 40 to 60c; geese, per lb 51-2 ties of ethers. This is the one quality, feeds famished tli81i0a, lltliti Is of the farms ass btiohming thinner over all others, necessary to make a Rgfrt for Standard life Insurance Co MICE IN ORCHARDS. � to 6c; turkeys, per lb, 8 to 9 1-20. gentleman. --Simms. makes rich blood. each year, from a lack' o! sufficient Beans -Choice hand-picked beans sell Head Office for Canada. Montreal. humus to make, it lively and friable. One way to prevent mice from Injtu- t i4 aa! N0, : til Chemists, T tit $1 to $1.10; and common at 70 to 807 aOwNl?, Chemitte,Totonto. Insurance iu torte, - i116,C0p,000 i 75o, per bush. REVIVING HIS CREDIT. lnvestu.e.tas� Caaaada 18,500,000 It is a very poor practice to sell straw ng apple trees in winter, and a grotty )Established 1826. The cid reliable and favorite. from the farm. Beep enough stock to Lure way, too, is to wrap around the Dried -apples—Dealers Aman is said to have caused the pp pay 4 to 41-2o banns of mania a to be ublished to11, -.. -_ work over all the ,straw and rough feed trunks strips of tin, or • sheet iron', for dried stook, delivered here, and g p PHYSIOGNOMIgA,L. CENTRAL IB(ITQHER SHOP■ Into manure and then judiciously ap- rolled in the form oft tubes,andtt trifle small lots resell at 41-2 to 5c. Evac- a Yorkshire church between Himself Newpop-I have noticed that Usibles . �-' ply it to the fields. The labor will be larger than the diameter of the trees. ,rated, 8 to 8 1-20 fol' small lots. and a lady to whom be was not engag- always have very open countenances, FORD * MURPHY, more than doubly paid for by inerea_ed Fact( is, tin cans in which vegetables, (Henn Market ed said who had no intention of marry- y- quiet. Round lots Oldpop-Yesl especially about. mid- ing him. The man, it was alleged, lead (Successors to J. W. Langford.;, crops. Another trouble with a great oysters, meats, fruits, and the like; Of choice, delivered here, will bring night. s '11 about 51-4 to 6c; dealers Dome to the end of his credit, and ars to 7d quote from - Having bought out rho sbpve baalnasa, we many farmers is their greed for too have been packed, may, when empty be tonished the town by having the banns "-- per !b. for 10 to 60-1b. tins;' and p Poverty is the only load which to intann to cohdnot St on the each rtnolple, and many acres. How common it is to employed for this purpose to good ef- in comb at around $1.26 to $1.50 per published between himself and a rich will supply our ouito n t e caa the beet meats hear a man boset[ng of the number fent. Simply place them'o na hot dozen sections, lady who he had ascertained was on the heavier the more loved ones at the lowest paying prlcea• of acres of corn or wheat he is putting feet. Simply place them on a hot Baled ba the Continent. At ones his credit was there are to assist in bearing it.--. bay -Very little doing. Strict- Richter. Lord dt; Murphy. out, but when the harvest comes he stove, or better yet, in the fire, until revived. usually has about one-third less acres the solder which holds the heads and ly choice, in car lots, is quoted at ■�,.�■�...,r.......o■,�..�.•■er t}San at seeding time. It is an old fastens the, sides is melted. This much $6'60 to $7.50 Per ton; No. 2, at $6. GE adage that "tillage is manure."' We achieved, take'atwo cans of equal size, Straw—Demand nil. Car lots are GEO. TBOITHILL, have this proven by seeding a °fleld rivet them together with malleable quoted at $4 to $4.50, on track. that has had an extra amount of work I tacks, and to keep the tube thus Ob- }rhere q- Bbcsusiness is slow. Dealers pte choice Ontario stock to- lioraeahoer and General Blaokr�lnitB put upon it before sowing' it to wheat. , tained in position on the tree, pass day at 10 to 18c, while holders will The crop will lie much larger than on laround it a small wire, twisting the take nothing less than 20c, Albert Street North Clinton. eL field only half prepared. If we ends together. Provided such a pro- g ` Street, expect tokeep our farms in a stateof tector i9 promptly removed in the `"`-- 0, fertility that will enable us to grow Isprinp; it does no harm to the tree,but, DAIRY PRODUCE, ft11 JOBBING A SPECIALTY. payinv crops, we must concentrate our Irather, a vast amount of good in Sutter — Receipts coming forward Y r " Woodwork Ironed arld first class 11naler ed work upon fewer acres and have them keeping mice and other rodents away areeample for the present trade re - SAVINGS BANK, t and work guaranto harm implements aitd well fertilized. It pays much better I from its trunk. Remember, if mulch quirementa, Dairy keeps easy and I Interest allowed on sums of 91 and up. machines rebuilt sad repaired. to raisA a given number of bushels of of straw, meadow hay, leaves, or any- creamery about pteady. Quotations . �.., wheal' from 10 acres than to raise the thing else, has been applied to young are as follows.—Dairy, tubs, poor to FARMERS. same, number from 20. By doubling the trees during the summer or autumn, medium, 10 to Ile; choice, 14 to 14 1-26; �' }4ohey advanced to farmers on their own'f"O THE FARMER$ 1 producinq capaolty of an acre, half of as not frequently in the case, it ought large rolls 18 to 14c;, small dairy, lb. 4' •, tioteswithoneoJ•more endorAers. Nb mort• the lend can be in grarss thus giving by all means to be removed ere real prints, about, 14 ,1-2e; creamery, tubs Sage required at, security. it a chance to recuperate. whiter weather has set in, otherwise it and boxes, 19 to 20c; lbst 20 to 21c. ' Study Your own Interest and so where will afford a most excellent retreat i beese, - Market firm; early makes , f H. C. BREWER, Manager. Clinton. you at>t Bob -. 11 ' during winter months for ground pests are selling at 9 to 9 1-2c; and, late _..-- . �- _ QQ IS SSWRET CLOVER ;VALUABLE? of every description. I; makes at 91-2 to hoc. , ;• p, RELIABLE Ht���E�V T° answer thio gitestlon something BREADI;TUFFS, ETC. j 'a D. 111icTAGGARkT, Wheat -The strong 'I must be known of the character• of the tone in Chicago xx manufacture none but the beat of sbeck. Is'LEPHANTS IN THE ARMY. Y p t Banker, $eware of shops that sell obtsap, as they Plant, It grows spontaneously along to-do im erred a decidedly better ';• have got to lite. O.i11 and gib rices tramped roadsides even to the wheel ,, _� tone to the local Market. In the A B1iRT STRrFET - CLINTdN orders by eau promptly rttendot� tt► b d lied roadwa s and in morning red and white wheat, north p Lr y Rome PotnM as to Tltoir Pniployarext by tit ���'! ,r races ffmsperiusn. D376h. Out itt s aYrtttsHlri India. B features One of Clie most interesting of the English army .life presented to the layman in India is furnished by the remarkable, efficiency of the ole- pliant brigade, most highly developed the the Burmese in and west, sold at 66c, but this after- boon none could be had under 65c ; odd oars sold at 67c. Manitobas were firms. No• 1 hard, Toronto and west, sold at 78 1-2o, No. 2 hard and No. 1 North - ern, Toronto and west, at 75 1-2c. No. I hard, track, Midland or Owen Sound sold at 73e, �-- I , ' Jam! condition for the others. Viewed in this way it is to be treated as preparl o un- A General Batskiug Business Transacted. through skill of . Notes Oisepunted. Drafts Issued. ranee Compliny, I Interest Allowed on Deposits. Straight Toiler in bbls„ north -and west, offered at $3.20 ; and exporters if your heart never stopped beating. Yea would never be sick-iryw heart �.�aa= I'.&-� 3r.o3m The ,,' . CLINTON - - - . • ONT was always able to carry rich, healthy blood in sufficient quantity to etvery organ - 's, 8 Ji Ao dost andt. o Inourano. rgnraoiibd, epreaanteeral In Oatmeal• -Rolled oats, in bags, on of the best tL"Olri(ihllYee a4 a}nojr inforwatiou relating to tu�ia o,e itik iFiv�on. deneral District oLA�df do on'ittfederdtion Life Insur.nee Isolated Town Pro ort 11 y ': , Money to Loan on treasonable Rates Farm i �1. Office --Palace• block, opposite Market. class of leguminous plants, which tyre I. c+oN_ body begins to show signs of weakness and easea dh `' _si�rG. John Ridout, George McLean, speotar i- • Conveyancer,mmissioner, OFFICERS: of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and Etc. W O kIiisutea and effects a sob. permanent curs Iltcures n�Frrvvousness, aleco., - now, headache, d@s fumak d9st�ses, ` , fire Insurance. - . Real Estate. Wintbro Hare,81. . Money to Lend. - . J%Wae o !h, 0 { Th it a E. )flays, ln• { Q1 sssea. as!drth. Y.O. periment station. It belongs with the clovlirs and it may thus be tiled to rucede. (Foes—Higher, Car lots, north and ptliae•-HURON STREET, CLINTON D2 ECTORS. ""' ..:. Robt. Bn forth• J IittAttr Cualt - ��� di?o,-. 'peel Eos John C,' i- 1. Dr. W. Gunn Paroei dth4 ' f iii• C,, Ind L.'$, C. S., `Edinbwu�ttFh. Office--•�nta io StreM, �iltitOn. neat to oa apt address< ..•; :.- Sv.01c '- . .: calls VA fretit boor b residence on R•atten- bur� TTI Jo➢n B. }jI,°�can, >Ztppan. treet, opp. Presbyterian Church. tura 11, Dr. TuMbull, ' Trains . ...-rapt - 1 Office, n Perkin'sRattenbury St. Buffa', i -.Blloc�k, Night calls Ofioe `' ,Sig 1 elephants in army life is not attended by great disadvantages, not the asset _,:., at attended to. •. •- ^•'1''4-"" - �`''" r sle9Pr 31, au •tors. I �rsI ' CLINTON,ONT l ' .. I Dr. Shaw, Going 1 ti ,"' +t n t• . • Office—Ontafio Street, opposite English Lond, r' c,• .- Itrch„ formerly occupied by Dr. Apple- ,Bh, Going,4 ., i. Going 1 ''"' . DENTIS Y. r M. C. Dr, BRUCE, Dis. l 1'' Surgeon Dentist. 'I A. O. F 11 • OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, ' C�'nton, Ont. Special attention to preser• 11 r. vt oq of natural teeth. k. s;-, • B. -Will visit Blytb every Monde and $ayfield j ;, � - ., every'Thursday afternoon during he suoimer. c ". DRi, AGFNEW, DENTISrr . Office flours, . g to 5. A ,'f. At Zurich the second Thursday of each An month, 'Ile Invbi �, VETERINARY._ ___ — tion+ al � aptcfi t '" J. B. 13lackall, , $ VETERINARY SURGEON AND 11141 VETERINARY INSPECTOR. ear Office on Isaac Street next New'Era office III ..,; itesldence, AlbertSt., Clinton. -..Nola■ sir LEGAL, , ,Alto her rc ' Scott & MC' enzie, her se , BARRISTERS, SOLI ITORS, STC, and a Gear 17, 11, CLINTON AND BAYFIELD. Yes, 1i ilinton Office --Elliott Block, Isaac at. I tai' ayfield Office -Open evelry Thursday the ro ped, b -Main ptreet,'first door west of Post Office. Money to •loq,n, away breast James Scott. 1`r. -1T. McI�enzio. E. Campion, Q Cl., t Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, &c, Whs said t GODERICH,' ONT. cast d opplel's�'-Over Davis' Drug Store, Wh3 �.. Money to Loan. someb M o Johnston, p ekei eekci r'ris I r, Solicitor, Commissioner, . Etc. -.--- LIM 1. ° GODER1013, • ON r. 01 If e,' opirlcn-••C1orr, Hamilton slid St. .Andrew's r _- ­­!—.-- I q �7streets. t Solicitor, Notary Public, &C., 'Ptel 1 ,,$arelsler, or riCg i 9anirt t feet, a PHA,V1;i DLOCX, CLINTON are nr. rht Reatt _.ttt� �. ^ - ......,. -.-.-W. .. - - I falls t So Ira Always voto for a principle, though Na a W Ilo h a '' y'ott v,&6 'alone, and you filly Cheri /1t d tate V, t fefleetiou that your vote 18 'hog'="' �y � iii #6 ;i6o.-,ibhn l�ulney' AftrAb. . I ,1. . 1 ���'! ,r races ffmsperiusn. D376h. Out itt ruts to a an o + tramped or Eodden land anywhere, who, found to meadow lands it ap- pears not to occur except when the ground has I been tramped by stook when wet. It grows by preference in old iirickyarda. It may be gr own in aYrtttsHlri India. B features One of Clie most interesting of the English army .life presented to the layman in India is furnished by the remarkable, efficiency of the ole- pliant brigade, most highly developed the the Burmese in and west, sold at 66c, but this after- boon none could be had under 65c ; odd oars sold at 67c. Manitobas were firms. No• 1 hard, Toronto and west, sold at 78 1-2o, No. 2 hard and No. 1 North - ern, Toronto and west, at 75 1-2c. No. I hard, track, Midland or Owen Sound sold at 73e, kJ �' cIt*i1 �u�ut�I l.p I1 !I er[ VV condition for the others. Viewed in this way it is to be treated as preparl o un- fields by Proper tillage. Viewing it through skill of Flour -Tone firmer among holders. YOw�d Nor Die . a ranee Compliny, in no other light we thus see that handling the giant animals. Their be Straight Toiler in bbls„ north -and west, offered at $3.20 ; and exporters if your heart never stopped beating. Yea would never be sick-iryw heart .deliveries were Values held unehan ed. • Western bo were sold g sweet clover 'grows luxuriantly in I usefulness in India ons scarcely bid $8. was always able to carry rich, healthy blood in sufficient quantity to etvery organ - � places where few or no other planta imagined by one' not familiar w[th the Oatmeal• -Rolled oats, in bags, on and t of your body. -' y'. l your heart, through weakness: or the strain date to Try artd overwork. Isolated Town Pro ort 11 y flourish. But it belongs to the great amount. and varletr of work whish . track hese, $3,40 per bbl.; and in bbls., is unable to supply the neceasaryalnount of tich, heahbybl, Werypa�.oryour .11 Only Insured. class of leguminous plants, which tyre they accomplish, but it would be x $a,o0• body begins to show signs of weakness and easea dh `' capable, by the aid of other organisms serious mistake to imagine that this Millfeed--Searoe and in good en- quirt': Car lots of bran, DR. Af�NEW $HEART OURS, $trengthensthe heart and purifies the blood. ItpositivelyXlves'irellrrlti thirty OFFICERS: of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and degree de of usefulness is attained through any apk(tuda of the unwieldy ,middle freights, !$13; and sborts, $15. Tun t kIiisutea and effects a sob. permanent curs Iltcures n�Frrvvousness, aleco., - now, headache, d@s fumak d9st�ses, YV AA Shannon. P. P tOaP�ealdOnt,Iiarlook P.O.J B. QQ yy storing it in the plant tissues—Ohio ex- animals or natural tendency toward it. lots of bran at Toronto milia sell at $14, and shorts at $16. newel a; ac and all other ailments f$' eO eat Y+ that sprlrig from diseases of the heart and Mood, It you stiffer from palpltadan, o !h, 0 { Th it a E. )flays, ln• { Q1 sssea. as!drth. Y.O. periment station. It belongs with the clovlirs and it may thus be tiled to It is due solely and entirely . to the (Foes—Higher, Car lots, north and weak or kmguhr pulse, shortness of breath, fainter a its or s Mttdt of nonn4i gg ppe,e ice, strengtli and vigor in any part of the body, you sfloUl1 secure Apirtitl'f D2 ECTORS. r v. Agent, G. P. & T`. A., wonderful ability of the natives in west 68 1-2c and east 1= + 64 Zc• IittAttr Cualt - i1t�epik,.tRaatortli•JohnA.Orlave, 3eoPRe Dale, Peal'octh; Thomas TE, improve the land upon which it rows, g and this appears to be its mission. It training the huge animals and aver= ti Oats --Firmer. White oats, north • and west, sold to -day at 271 -lc, and Da. AGNEW'SCATARRHALPOwDHgtSendQr ed by Canada's greatest Ministers udatatemmea, TryiL Da.AGNEWSOINTRE19risWlthouta ermcureofskln 11 $ pe rhh Ja,4res Evan#, Beechwood ; OUn n; Tbomas Fraser, occupies lands that have become unfit- coming their natural inclinations. This ,pyiCed at 27c; white sold east at 281-2c, diseases. Relief in a day, 3!1 Cta Use D . AcN Pitts 20 . TTI Jo➢n B. }jI,°�can, >Ztppan. ted for good growth of other forage cannot be too highly praised. Neither it be imagined that the use of Barley -Quiet. Car bats of I3o. 1, out- aide, are qu°ted at 47c asked, and 46 4 J`OE'" t9 planta. Its rank then is as a. useful must I -2c bid. i Harlook : Robert Mc illan. 9e ,. Cum tRs, IQXmondliille, J, .7' arils Jolin Govemlook and plant, capable of increasing fertility o land. R elephants in army life is not attended by great disadvantages, not the asset Rye -About steady. Car iota, west, are uo r q ted at ala, amd east at 52c. •- ^•'1''4-"" - �`''" r sle9Pr 31, au •tors. iiIow shall sweet clover be treated4 of which is the difficulty with which Buckwheat -Scarce; exporters quote For sale by Watts & Co , Clinton Brous fTeot Ina anoe qF tr The plant is the farmer's friend, td be utilized and not to be outlawed. The they are transported. 45 to 46c for car lots, outside.' Corn -Firm. American track', " �!'" ,,,, 6 x6111 be prod by attcii t{ d d ids So Naturally the elephant is not an in- yellow, initial ride after, say, two months' ac -I %tion to any of th shops o oars I their raspective•post VILE. •. plant growls an gVI45a s rap yr (lo red clov6r, white clover, timothy, blue grass--atkd other forage plafits, but, sweet clover grown wbore they do not. its presence indicates holt of teili'gent animal. lie carr, be taught re-, markable things, in which ]iiia strength ;rd endurance play an important part. . can never, however,' perform these Toronto, sold to -day at 42c, and mixed. at 41-1-2c.. Canadian yellow; •Cha'tham;. '•'L $21-2 to 330. DR;ES,' D HOGS AND PROVISIONS. . ,_,-._.... -- — — ITrunk Railway. ,� Ive and leave Clinton Statlon as condition for the others. Viewed in this way it is to be treated as preparl o un- feats without continual attendance ap d direction. Abstractedly, his power Low prlcea have had the effect o! stepping the heavy supplies which have been coming forward all week, to- follows: t fitted lands for other crops. It may of work Is unappreciable; when direct- and day light. Goderich District i_ be mowed a abort time before cominlred Into bloom and cured for hay. Stock by skilful hands, however, it is re- .deliveries were Values held unehan ed. • Western bo were sold g it, Mixed ........... 10115a,m, Express.......... ts.55' pan. will thrive upon it if confined until markable. the transportation facilities which at ed track to -day, car Lots, at $$5. mix - ed wok lits; and Northern at 6.15 to g $ Mixed............ 7.05 p•m• accustomed to it, The roadsides, a taken when tree from, du4t, may be are provided for the sole `use of the are as remarkable. I $6.26. On the street farmers' loads Express ro.a p.m. P E11 made aliposk as profitable an any other elephant quite witnessed recently the loading and do- Bold at $5 to $5,40,. according to ual- q ity. Provisions market remains Un- im- t, 11p,rebs .......... a.m 7.4 area in clpvor by cutting the sweet , training of a lot of elephants on the altered. 2.55 pan• Mixed............ 4.35 P•m• clover and curing for bay.' I thin is regularly attended to while stock Is Madras Railway, mays a writer. Both Quotations are as follows: -Dry salt- Hyron and Bruce s- kept from other lands that it invades clover will be found doing al- were R9MARKABLE PROCESSES. ed shoulders, 7 1 -tic; long clear bacon, car lots 74-4c; inn lots and case lots, 8c, ih, Exprgss ......... 7.47 a.m• ".. 4,30 P-111- sweet ways the goal work for which It is, In loading a pope is fastened to the Backs, A 8-4 to 9c. th, d,......... ro,i5 a.m, adapted. , foreleg and a lot of natives haul and Smoked meata-Hams, heavy, 10c; me- " • • • •• 6.55 P•ni• • • pull at it to induce the animal to take diums, 101-2 to Ile; light, lie; breakfast (SON, W. E. DAVIS, --- the first steps into the car. This is baton 101-2 to Ile; rout}, 81-2 to 8 3-4c; r v. Agent, G. P. & T`. A., TO EXTZRMINATE DOCK. 11 only aeoemplished, however, by admon- backs, 101-2 to Ile; Punic hams, 73-4 Montreal. Toronto, Montreal. To The best method of exterminating' It ishing him in the haunch by means of a tusk, The first step taken is rapid- to Sc. All meats out of pickle 1c less than prices gtiot6d for smoked meats, rt G.T.R. Agent at + !i must depend on circumstances. If there are but few scattering' plants, ly followed by the others until he stands safely on the car, Lard -Tierces, 7c; tubs, 71-2 to 73-4c; pails, 73-4 to Be.; compound, 6to 61-2e, 60 YEARS' probably tlQo is no cheaper method of This portion of the task is accom- , EXEr1iR1ENCE destroying them than to dig or cut" pushed comparatively easily, however, when compared with the next. At them out with a sharp mattock. A first he is timid and slightly frighten- the car starts his fear THE COURSE HE PURSUED. tangle, well -directed, vigorous blow ed, but when to behold. Though he The Friend -When Pistol -Pete in - with it is sufficient for each plant, Is wonderful may ride a hundrtd times, be never sudted you by. offering you a glass of Strike deep enough to savor the root overcomes this fear, though it is much: whisky and threatened to shoot you if TRADE MARKti two or three inches below the surface, more pronounced when he takes his you didn't. drink it, wb,vt did you do l DESIGNS so "that it may not sprout again. initial ride after, say, two months' ac -I The Prohibitionist -I- bit -swallowed h it COPYRIGHTS &C. Draw the plant upward and forward quaintance with civilization. He rends t c ensu . �C )sending asketch anddeserlptionmor the' air with wild trumpetings, en- tsoertaln our opinion froo whether an in raising it Prom thea gl'Ounrl after the --��— - 1 ieprob bar patentrbte. communsoa• blow*. deavors fruitlessly to escape, and only et onsaentiaL HauabcokonPatente ceases` his efforts when the oar lies10 4ft X19 t alrenoyfor oeour,n¢Fatents. The plants may Ile destroyed by the again coma to a standstill. to a t4ron h Munn &Lt's. receive M-4 Itithopt oder e, in the application to the crown of each one of Of course, wonderfully strong cars ���iC �"t�e�`iCAri a small quantity of some strong acid, are necessary to hold him. They are Md for made completely of iron with huge Rely ttluatrated woekt . Lamest sir. such as carbolic acid or sulpuric acid; iron bars rising to'a height of ten or any aolentlao iourn 1. Terme, $8 a but this will require nearly, if not twelve feet above the platform. Often bio the, iL Sold bran newedeal n� 0 80i8readway, New York quite, as much time ae the use of the these cars are rendered useless by mattock, and, the cost of the material the twisting of the beta, due to the a oMoe. 65,, FSt.. Washington. D. O. application of the occupant's remark - mils must be added to the, costs of labor. able strength. I - • - These methods are available in kill- In transporting the elephant by sea , SELF -CONVICTED. Ing the weeds in untillable places - the difficulties are almost as great. but extremely good for the (sufferer along fences and roadsides. If these They are raised by means of a canvas [e had kissed her and pre sed plants are -abundant in tillable fields, sling from the wharf to the ship, from that harassing disease is Dr. cheek against his and pa,lit_ed there Is probably no better way than struggling to escape and rending the Ayer's Cherry •Pectoral.' NO edi- ronnd chin, she draw back to put the holds, under cultivation. If air with their cries. Once aboard ship s�'11 d: ploughed in the fall, winter -freezing they are easily managed, the motion Cine can compare 11 tlili3i0at do you shave yourself?. will be serviceable in killing many of not affectia them, beoauae they do not remedy in rthe protbt and Perla= s replied. the exposed roots. Frequent and p+• +ht so, she said. Your face is thorough cultivation of the, growing U the moving panorama before them. best Ievor-- Then she oto crops will kill others and any young Unloading them is easy. They are Hent" �t giYeg In all bronchial, q1- lowered to a raft beside the ship and it' was too late, and be went plants that may start from the weed allowed to swim ashore. They take affeCti0i1H. It stops the toughly h a cold, heavy lump in his r,"As in the st�il. 1p sal exterminating to the water easily and are excellent soothes the irritated throat, and in - contest with "such a, weed, it is import- swimmers, being able to swim eight or ant ,that no plant be allowed to mature ten miles at. n stretch without tiring. duces refreshing sleep. V1'1__- INSULTED, a crop of seeds. This will require '.The size of the Indian elephant is - "i bad a bronchial trouble of stilt a pper- early attention to those that grow in .usually about eight feet. in height and sistent and stubborn character that the goo - pastures m:itIer kvith the magpies pastures and waste places and along ten feet in length. The. male is a lit- for pronounced wIncurable with ordina cuckoo. She looks ver much roadsides. They should be destroyed tle larger, perha s elevPO feet, and ry. Y p temedie but recommended me to try Ayer'a a, before July. blowing might be a quick weighing about 1'5,000 pounds. ,. replied this robin, she beard way of disposing ' the aced- Cherry Pectoral. One bottle cured ma t make that remark about bearing part of the plant, but it would — -- - I J. C. WOODSON, P. U., taking like m:tgpins, and then not prevent the root from aendingl up MOON _r..:s..�.^ I'oreetHill, W. Va t on an afternoon tea, now t;bootii. To do this, more effectllq 7'HI RISING OF THF, ee al treatment must bb given. Nor On board salt¢ a wife was trying to t attack f B aro 1t Tsai token with Y. - - , _- — = shbtifld ally one expect that he can comfort her - auk husband and �Qpve�e attack e! Tsronohitie, end neithatr ashy. clear his land from this weed and have change the nurrent of his thoughts. fllcian6.nor Oxdinary, rtlmodiei gave, snor0 e1. W 'Symptoms it remain clean very long unless he In Darling, has the moon come up yeti Indeepairof fyudingany0ing to cora 9%I eolisiantl alert in destroying .it as bought a bottle of Ayeilk Cherry Ptotonl, y she asked, i "$ than one bottle ontirely shred me." " + //� est as it a0pears, .or unless his neigh- It bas if I swallowed if, was the ti i,T�Bxi'�l� LW�lS"b�tQ'SO' ora will unitq in flit+ warfare, so that weak -voiced reply. GEO. B. BIiNTIIy Altoonti, Pit•` no rouro6 of- to new infection shall re- ,,, ,' , �at tilt head and fent-.parts far. main. • - 11 &ft t tlit heart. W..-.-., BVA" NX1013 TWO FIIt� r $N' $$unipe test A 0, ly—rs`lbly •v in by rq e iidr 1 it ac �• tt�yn itntsd sw✓tlshceht° ln8at►tetf t'Nte Ifni: >IOt1R �trlt,L STAY. The young doctor and his friend,9 . , kidueyeorollre'r psrt'a where th r the klyd$ elelrk, were sitting ,at the W : ., onANvatiottq:i►tieaseaitoRtlie 'Phe man who thought that maehin- club window, ivh,on a richly drdased -' e cote 11 vi'ovided hi lll=fd'e , 'er would ruin the workman and that by ,C - ' U6, It "inovei the 0104. It 210, r y + lady passed ty,•-will agate tah'13re'ayre ill jidit ()J6'. , i +tipttm our t&J11 &y`ts ttl'ef'ps goisig iii do 'I'ifera gots the, only woman I ever ���� . re, Rdety Woltz, Mittford, ©ht, ; Mo loved reinai,&M the yottnq M. D. ��� ° Itttude 11601 vahtoavbt t611fftlifaib ilv"�''dy with tutliplkM, Ie, the same Olio beeirr>rr6dlnthelaatiliteaYntigih►, fi3ht,'is ttirAiB tlfat liioyeles,.are ktiltag That Bot ueried the other. Then luta et by mail at gas. pit or k why don't ytilt marry hurt11 ldtil ad�lelf peg to tills A�dfe6ly lied. 5,�, ., tarn earriagb tarat�e,aid that nlotoir oar- Can't attord it, .Totalled the rlantar; g Dw4kii't gi V1441fr fat., �i 6111441 fri&96M will dot d;wlay. *Ith horom 'Cho' iah+'y, is ,1a) Y� bost,)n,tlent, . i ipc d, tl a .,14o>i•`14 mat, ,r '.. , . A .r I . ,;� 1-11 I. I, ". . . . " .. I'll I . "," � � �' '. . ,- 1, is