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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-22, Page 7
._ .. . , .. .� ` 11 ,o i"F h , ... . ,Y,. e ,.. T n ° ., • 1-11.1;- - .. ,,. ... a., ° seemgt to ti!aveiop Pile Qharaoterlgtta rtoo, 'that rnuotll thxked Ot •a#d litxle .. Tp PI VOT (r01 1$19NS. �* .' "" """t #�noWei land it 1e..na�tural for ttihetn toRh e I �•.. i ♦♦apte�i ,. ��rr c M7taL- :11!�,++ ejit abort. ". 4 .11 ; 'r .1 LYLON ' � taste of eao>><. vegetable, I, bloom t». our winter, therefore they �' Izi��S I aI .) I ea •. Thorn, are a tow special points in do not rteod the robwtioa Qf aarknoss. T,-•..; +�m+t 1� . I r Inarll UNaa +t iR r ttbttt �IANt milt greaatrig waffle Xrons that are well Lor and 'tag bs ionated irutitsesstull . for >~ E ti .. 11 y You flay Qe C01iev!4t of tM�! PSiM' ahs >< WwyN► +n the novice too beta; in mind. Ettt the several seasons. Bosides the white i phos of �Thls tll�Apaso, - 1�'dr dotlgl0 4:uout4s "at there hag been . . . U I I$ z er ant' re o her i t est sena. it i unlnR L`11" ELLA OE I . "' irons over the fire until hot on each thane is a rod variety. lA successful operation okt a,slbQtion of Y aide t e ill both riddles with a Liliums tine charming and ills blot• The way let plain; it s lto a .p. ' t'woat Live miles of sole of the Eng The int to . qt like k. In the ta. a s sttcbltbla.. UOLLY. t ► b a F B sola is almost an ovarlaating one, They tpoueallds have boon Dulled and day!they y' Lead pa..ckages—as, 40, gb and 6Q Dents, „„ ty,� ', r, piece of salt pork or seat on a fork, or come in pink and white, now bacve, no oymptomo of this dissaee. 1104 trul}k linea an electrical devtge by Not . sae Pty Llert*,er would stay, a bit of butter or sweet dr ings tied Pp s Saraal*TUla is the meit4aino they whloh all signals are reprodtyoed In the When' 1 QUtu tpip ed t#le gras8r in a ocean olgth. The heat. will meth Croons Can be forced in dirt, moss Hood 0 " • ;'. - " • ` FpW .ahs hard'a oruel way, or water and are very desirable. took :and it is the�,anedtcine, you ohould Th... .red c ee e a the butter and let it run through tbel LaQhenalia4 "are vary Englisbi y.Qu, take I.t you wlah to be Cured. Hoed'a cab olt bha engute no that the engi- �` 9`u�`h css o It l� d as a lass, aloof. dose tits griddles and reverser nears of -express trains. cannot mint► or Wlatee lofts aux northland taken, whish will liow the fat to run evenly ` kn°w.' They have a curious shaped $.arsapar€Ila Cures rbeulttatltuitl -ilea' thpr • eHla wUlte' fla s' b wr' wds outsh'aken. 9 I blossom, the individual flowers are bell other medlainea fail beean>lse it aeittral- mistake theca, even inn the thickest n ' g y over them. Put the batter into the shaped and pendulous and are ablend- izes the acid' in. the blood and thus re- t. centre of the waftle-iron over the fire, ing of rad, yellow and green. They moves the cause of the disease, Give it weather. The arrangement is desori}r tW]14it, thea, was thztre briight enough cover and cook a moment on one side, od as being exceedingly -simple. It con- , W;, •' cFolr the merry Christmas day? turn and cook a little longer on the force twice. At present they are some- a fair and faithful trial and you may e "Good I1akt,e Nature, be less rough;" other. , what a curiosity on this side of the depend upon a complete and mbenl+ insta rocking contact fixed to tits rails i Said the folks. " heave 13tarms, we water, and I recommend them to those eat care. ,sand connected by Old newspapers form m important searching for novelties.Sarsa. a lover and wVe with the ordinary' Pmyt 'item in r polish economy, and argil Hood's parilla Bring taoYne posies and be cheery, useful for polishing window-glassesy � signalling apparatus, sa that when the .$ Lest ahe, find the world be dreary." for cleaning lamp ohimneys, for test- danger siignat is set in the box, the „ Ing and cleaning flat -irons, and for 4 QUEEN WILHELMINA'S HUSBAND, fn, Coneda'a ficeatest Medicine. bold by all contact bar is raised in position to What are posies in the gleam dealdrs in medicine, Price $I. r °, Of my beautiful wkdte frost?" dozen other things; you will also need One of the first• matters likely to ----- strike a lever fixed on the locomotive. � , Siaid the old daiota from bar dream, heaps of them when yolk: come to pacltl r qre, sure, mild, effective. This makes a complete electric current away the winter clothing. • That engage the attention of the young HOOCi S P111S All doalers. 26o. sets an alarm ringing on the engine, "By the hedge, all sniw embossed, clothes moth, like other evil doers, has � Queen of Holland is the choice of a � , , and warka an indicator. An ingenious r Bloom itself the glad day carries," an aversion to ]inter'$'' ink. An j passed her form of double volute spring holds the for Illustrated- pr�c® ���t And ebb held uv holly berries. P y husband. She has fist engine contact bar vertical while al - excellent moth -proof bag,second only eighteenth birthday and assumed the KITCHENER'S DRINKING CPRE- g ■ „Y,,:""'-_ to the expensive tar -paper, and cost- lowing it to assume a horizontal posi- How their scarlet 6brightness shone Ing nothing, may be made of two Brown. She is unquestionably a good- General Kitchener is a martinet in tion in either direction. After reeefv- Heat 260. We ►ell a beautiful Cellulol4 Mouth Orem for 60e. post-paid. . In the MWning's airy tracks I MOUTH ORQAN— thicknesses of newspapers, with the looking, healthy, spirited and sensible the observance of ruled; says a writer Ing the bloew from the eohtact bar on WINTER MITTS, Lined, a splendid, serviceable pair, only No. post-paldr Nature is a wise old crone. edges folded as if for an inch -wide the rail, it She knows `what a picture lacks, young woman. She has been well rain- in a London weekly, and is severe in performs a few oscillations, Lan00�tOoth BRW—The iiaafl Licht• -only ileo, per foot, EVERY SAW ffUAa,f�E$D. Winter lost its melancholy. ham, and securely pasted, Bags of the and resumes, its vertical position in steel. Ax66 Boo. EACH. . same kind are about the beat thing ed, which of itself is a good start in Punishments. he comes down rather readiness for the next contact. The con- 'Ghrietmas laughed to see the holly. you can use for keep_ng seeds and dried life. Wilhelmina iA now at liberty to heavily on drunkehness, and for this tlact�bars, both' on the engine and the WI LKI NS & .00.9 �0' Since that hour, note fa.• away, herbs. look over the list of eligibles and must reason has made himself. to a certain rails, have two ends, one for danger I : a When time's tired vying was flight, also make the proposal, though of extent. wrpopular with some of his and one for safety. The safety lever 168.168 King St. East, M - TORONTO. In the path, ,of Christmas day CULTIVATION OF BULBS. course a erfect understanding is es- soldiers. has its siva independent electric sin - .Always whines the berries bright, d P g Rogers, his body servant, is suit, and it mo'v�es an indicatoar on the t And mid all its tender folly The indoor cultivation of bulbs is tablished before thio point is reached. a teetotaller, which is an exceedingly engine. The danger bell continues to � � k Gleams the blush of Christmas holly. being tried every year by larger num- A queen would ,feel abashed if the rare thing to find in the ranks of Tom- ring until reset by a simple appara- Edison S' C�r� phophone r - bers of flower lovers, and a devotee prince to whom she told her love could my Atkins. "Kitchener'$ cure for Pus, which also acts un, a bell teeter. i The safety bell rings for a couple of I , GLF11S FOR BABY. gained is usually a bulb enthusiast offer nothing more than to be a bro- drunkenness,' is a byword among his sec °nils, and shows the word "Safe" - made;, as they present so many charm. ther, The Queen of England, when men.• Once taken, it is never forgot- on the bell. The bell °eases to ring, We are going to give [away 500 Of these ' V, , . One of the daintiest little things to Ing possibilities, but little older than Wilhelmina, went ten. The culprit is tagged out ,in full in t his case as the lever ceases to oscil- pdison araplioph0�li �© pay fQBf lritrodU- �; give to the tiny baby is a little ribbon Bulbs can be grown in cool rooms, through a similar ordeal. History re- marching equipment, which is a mat- late, and the ward "safe" disappears. L � ter of sixty pounds, anti is then nom- Cirig' in this C011Atr�i, the greatest Of all I. hammock, in which the little atom is where the successful cultivation of cords hot' Prince Albert, who had en- �— known medicines, DC. Hammond to be put for its usual wei bin The! tender house Tanta would be im os- pelLAd to carry in each hand a bag of p g g. p joyed a preliminary acquaintance with shot weighing fifty pounds. A ,ser- ZjT, ANDREW'S NICHT. Ha11�S Blood -Red Pills. k new baby is frequ"tly subjected to Bible. Tbey a sure to bloom, and re- Victoria, was granted an interview geant and a.,guard are put over the i» this process and the little ribbon ham-• quire comparatively little ea,re-sorely with a clear knowledge of what was victim to sea that he saes not stop The father Sootchmen gang free hams ' Thle,vond•rfui entertainer the oaty macltlne la thN ' ` mock is car nice for this walking or drop the shot. A man is They seem to grow the fonder world which orchestra reproduces the human voice. y purpose. an imposing list of virtues. to happen. Probably the youthful sov- sometimes kept at this "shot drill" for O' everything that's Scotch in name, band and s so don't music. You will want one for Ribbons are knotted in diagonal fash- ' Bulbs usually suggest An'' crack aboot .it Oh=i.tp fo r don't wait but y6uWrit e t dicine• et g ggest tulips, _hyo- ensign did little more than to extend six hours. yonder, .tampforrepir. Weaendyonthemedlciaatretl 1; ion, - a la hammock fashion, and the cinths and Easter lilies; all these are her hand with abeaming look and the Ayont Atlantic's briny foam; BRITISH CHEMISTS CO, ' i ;" ° ' They a' ken ane anither— , 67 Adelaide, St. 14., Toronto, Can. ends are fastened together firmly with charming and should be in every col- aPfu'ir was quickly over. It was a wise The Scot's at benne where'er he roam ,X a tassel as a finish. Or if netting is "lection; but there are other less.known choice, Prince Albert was an ideal - REEVE CRAGG An' share tae find it brither 1 ' =t,,,,• not understood, the ribbon may be in- bulbs that are equally deserving. royal consort and the Queen of the Chorus:' " terwoven as the kindergartners weave Tulips and hyacinths should be pot- Netherlands will be most fortunate if - St. Andrew's, Caledonians, Clans, ,w,a e e . i er -v•••„ papers- ted early, as they nepd from five to her intuitions serve her as well in se A Pl'omirient Dresden Citizen Tells As Sons o' Scotland gather; , eight weeks,.in the ceilar or pit, letting acompanion and helpmate m An' Gaelic braw "John Hielanmansl Avery good accompaniment' for this The Due Van Thol tulips are more the functions of royalty. an Interesting Story. And Brood 'o home and heather I i+� :" Y is a measuring ribbon, a ribbon an commonly forced and are charming. But in one respect Wilhelmina is An' when St. Andrew's day comes room 4r inch and'a half in width has inches The single eat are also forced, and worse off than any of her fair subjects flow Dodd-, Kidney Poole cured Hom of There's aye a demonstration, `;w and quarter InchVs marked . upon it, are larger and showier, but somewhat She must rnarr a Protestant prince of . .:` Q P more difficult anti unoerLain. A sou- y P dtheumatlans and (cont, After the ]seal ,They march wi' pipers through the until the IIumlJer Phi t six whole some European reigning family, and . Doetera and illany Illedlrtries Clad Fall+ 3 .1-„ y & y- ble, tulip forced is a 'thing of beauty the list of eligibles is therefore restrict- , toon, inches• and a joy, alas, not forever, ut while pd. In honor o' oor nation, j , ed to ten. There int s°mething of irony , At nicht they spaewd a table fair, :� u 1,11 __.This ribbon has another one for its it lasts. The pure whites look like in being aqueen with the right to pro- Dresden, Dec.. 12_4his town boasts , d outside. This is embroidered with brides, and the variegated red.and yet- pose and yet to be limited to ten men a peculiarity of which its people may An' mak' a jolly pairty,- . i lows give glorious bits of color for belonging to certain families. Amon well be proud, as it, proves beyond dis- They're share to has a' quid things etching silk in a little design of mid -winter. g g B ute, that they possess that desirable there, the number are several grandsons or P To ken, y violets. The words: If inclined Lo blossom too soon cap attribute, common sonse, in no small 1 them crouse an' h'ewrt ?' great-grandsons of Victoria and the ' Me"dre the baby that we may see, with a hollow paper cone and the stem late degree. That peculiarity is the re- Chorus:- _ _ Queen Louise of Denmark. But the will lengthen; this also applies to hyo- idea of an limitation must be dis- markable decrease in the number of —fo- ars may -- - " hVw big His Majesty is getting to cinths. y cases of Rheumatism during the last `Phe hall is set -'noon wi' flags, `-The praises of others may be e, use, � Commercial Report be. tasteful. Elizabeth of England might An' sometimes screeds o' tartan; in teaching us, not what we are, but FILh Hyacinths are perhaps the best have married if no such barrier had ex- few years. a Vi i' cls what we ought to be, -Hare, a e•� known "of winter. bulbs and can be lsted. She knew men who in her mind 'Eight yeary ago Dresden was afflict- ymores, shields, and heids o Will make a suitable lettering for this stags, Nr annqhj�a a d grown in dirt or glasses of water, but', quite eclipsed all the ed by that curse of modern civilization, g , 6roaalt s >�qe]nype," I yard maasyle, or, q princes of Fur- MM dirt is much more satisfactory. ° Rheumatism, to as great. an extent, as Fran, Oban or Dumbarton, THE oFFlee 6PRo AL Tr ulPd. 00., Limited• pe, and as she could not marry one B ToaoNTo Ax]'i N MFF C&. Ont. , Always purchase them, as all other any other pinta oP ity size in the 1)om- 'Each coat, iri button -hole is seen ' 1 i 1 We'Yl'measure the bah she rows, she I of them she remained unwed, though 1 y' g bulbs, from reliablb dealers, and shun inion. To -day such w complaint is A sprig o' Hielan's heather, i ,,;k grows, not "fancy free" as the great contem- Wi' a bonnie rose -bud -in between and 8heetE Metal WDrila+ '",;i As fair as a lit as sweet as a rose. department store bulbs and those ped -(aster practically unknown here. , y. I y p°at said. Even less of happl- To sbow the ROOFING O F I N Q ROO a $ 'rE io Pinot sled by street fakir,. A clue to the means by which thin de- y gree thegither. W P 850 jg� Oroea sLATBsy JJgGAR sive aup ness would have been hers if, -with her TA Ro� p; In cases thertiatter is used,. -the em- Good drainage wiCh these, as with I airable condition has ban • brought Chorus:- Pebl mdHtghaahoote, oroR o n sit, Pi fpouse. vent she had chosen a royal f °�• tulips, is essential. Plant in a rich about. mly be found in the following ^p,,[ . '+Joe! .r, to done by dT>% /ssre City d- broidered decoration may be tiny rose- spouse. Nothing !u history tends to ®&.Jf� ATWNOL83ALEPRICBS. for., oroao done byoarAmal• Mnei 001, 'a �er buds, and !Elias of the valla wrou ht composition to which sand has been confirm the idea that ueens find their atatement, given for publication by W,I It's then they crack o' Scotland's f� Send forom•;pedalli,:t. la•a,6, E1mgt,tesfumtcbadfore"koo.D`.1..,f*Q�' y' g added. q G. Cragg, Esq., ex -reeve of the town, might, THE PO LL BOOR COMPANY, �•.rl*LBh1pDeAto4 nrtottbeaountry,lahon,lfe. with filoselie. matrimonial initiative of much practi- WRTN14ilas,AaaiaU0&Wlamersu.,Toronto. The Roman hyacinths in pink, blue and one of our most prominent mar- O' Wallace, Knox, an' Burns, 26.28 Adelaide St. ty., Toronto. For the tiny baby there are always cal value. A' proposal is chiefly asoo- _ -. and yellow, both double and single, can chants. An' how a Scotchman fechts for richt,- One 9 -cant stamp will ¢et you q Wm. Millar& Co. little sacks. those of hamburg knitting iaL and legal formality. Means of in- P be forced for Christmas, but should be "For eight years I waa a martyr to Gin, .speeches a' in turns, �V� tree sample ofCampana'sltalia silk, while Gosling a trifle more, will alerted in September earl dicating a pr1ference are not unknown j Balm, the beet preparation for sill Manutncutrqre of Shot► be found enough more durable than P y to the feminine half of creation. ThL� Rheumatism, of the Inflammatory The Auld Scotch Songs their hearts an- roughness of skln, chapped _ia c Cease oatse Htore, B.nh A pot of these in bloom makes a ,, and during that period, m • suffer- thral, Saxony to pay. late Queen of 'Denmark was called the tYPt ) for face: The Hutchings Medioihe Co,. Toronto, and hotel F1loW, a, naw• charming Christmas gift. ing beggared" description. Co add to They lo'e the words so fine,- •len , Dnx atspte and all 1.r t There,are always baby baskets with The virtues of the miniature or pom- greatest match -maker in Eurdpe, She my misery I wan attached by Gout. Till the "wee short hour a. oat the Eery stammerer British PlateMirrore,AO. 19tko9bAaon86,iToron6oga furnishings. A sponge bag, made of om hyacinths are not full i must have disposed, whoever propos- twat „ y moan and will talk if p y , ppreciat- The best doctors failed to benefit me, S ammsrers white linen, lined with oiled ]silk will ed. When she was ready the roposal they wiucsme ane - -- ' ed, but they are easter to force than P and no good was done by the many When they paint wi' "t+Fuld Lang try.Ihavespent40yearssfud on thisdistressln habit. be a nice' thin On the outside em- came an, a matter of course. It their larger sisters, and less expen- patent medicines I used. $yn@." . Com•snd satisfy youreelv to. eriek. W. K. BATH, broider'a wash bowl with a baby in I Wilh-Imine is a fine girl with specialist, A Coa lege at., Toronto. sive. One has a wide choice of color- "At times I could not 'ge•t about at Chorus:- TAMMERERS, it, and the words: a tis income and a thrift little kin among them. y y g- all, and at the best, it -an, a severe lVlitl�, Mitis ti Halo■ Onlyiastituuon to ayeon for the aueo Jl The baby is like this .dainty white It is acid that 'the Lilium Harrisai dom• that is peacefully disposed and task forme to make m way about my UOIIN IMRIE. Barrietera.et�i ,reroovecl ererypY not epee Qereoe. Recebllahe� sponge,. y enjoys the amiable consideration of y Toronto, Can. ;LAW to weal'T Ald s., Rem In Torgn�o, t890. re ¢uar•0tee P g wi.l be rather more expens this ear I' store. { mond Pia W., Toronto, CSVRCS s aVTO VOCE YNST1,Tt E ' - It„makes frim bi to take a lun e. ,owing to an unfortunate disease that other nations. The Hollanders have i s T Oadada, s g plunge. g the Tara knack o4 making colonies pay I "IIearing that Dodds Kidney Pills „m 6 Pembrnke t., stoats, Or, has been troubling the lily £lets$ of had cured a Dresden lady of R.beuma- Bermuda. and of keeping them reasonably well tism, I decided' to try the medicine. htORO1vT0 CUTTING 3CNOOL offers $assist youhatJanyAPPLE6,■UTT6R,EAGQorPvUtirrtw . This is for, the little daughter, contented. It i to be hoped that the y INTERiLAT COMPLIMF,NTS. inducements to oung men destroae of OF tosLiasayptbemto - I— When yon ant hex in the water. B irst-class bulbs should be purchas- Imagine my delighted surprise when I kia� up Cuttfpg� a partteula�re on applk -0 ed, however, as any other would be apt bright and popular young Queen will found myself growing better after The Tenor -That. confounded dog of laotorL ria YONO 14T.. TORONTO. file Daweoq Commitssion o0., Llrriit0d, Next thing is a big Turkish towel of to rove a failure. take from among her ten young men having taken half -o -dozen doaea. I yours, madam, howls every time I sin 1 P g g• Tl Commi a to. pure white and thick and soft. This is For an eight -inch bulla use a five- one who will not disturb the calm used•six boxes of the pills and am now I The Typewriber--So he does', poor lit_ 111M1RAlS TESTED ror goia, eco. for the baby's bath robe, and is to be inch sad humor and solid enjo meat of tie fellow! His nerves are gradual! ,0wforpricea pot, or, at any rate, about three g y as sound and well as ever I was. y MILTON HERSEY B. A. So. immediately thrown all about him inches••of drainage. is beat, some of the Dutch- people. But `!t is by no bodd's Kidney Pills cured me. This i being ruined. 16$8, BSaerament 8t,; Montreal, Quo. E TTg R>!8 pR pp WITHOUT ggDI- when he is lifted fra_m the tub. Thio which should be broken charcoal. Only means an easy task' to perform. He I am Toady anti willing to swear to." -XP §E to the MO3T DI8- means mare comfort to the child than well rotted manure should be used to may not be theta. Compulsion is a Dodd's Kidney Pills are the surest, Remember RookbinAing, Sena your magazines, have them oicery ER D 8'roMA L[)NGfd, NERVES, yards and yards of lace or the most .enrich the compost, and man that little hard; even though qualified by Printing, bound. Bi1113eads,atadtoore,Letter LIVER, BLOOD, BLADDER, KIDNEYS. I., P y „ quickest and bast Cure far Rhellma- eadeCArde,lnetoak ndtoorder.aeod BRA1NandBREATHby daintily equipped basked ever devised. tear's ward, "heavenly. Yet the We don't advertise for mere effect, but Aoot Books Igi nn ool.o oat• counter daybook cannot obtain it' use plant food with tism ever known. They never fail. 20o 1p There are always carriage afghans. just an, good success. Five or six weeks example of Victoria is encouraging and And the cast only flit cents a box, for business. We know that, if you dixI4i,leopsgeeruled.G.�Lanisan -ring-st.Hamilton (�U BARRY'S REV,A.LENTp ARABIOAA, A car simple le one, and y y y - . .- •-- - --• - D FOOD which SAVES INVALIDS ane y p yet pretty, is of darkness are necessary, and it will German princes are in the majority in are subject fo cramps, that you should Q p CHILDREN; and also Rears eucce•efully In• I Wilhelmina's list. She will at least at all drug stores, have a A 6A060ASINOs-NewimporNtloasflneetEagttah Pante whose Ailments and Debility have re- made from white China silk; this usually bloom about two months after --- I prompt, efficient remedy oil 7� Sh••pan Amerlee6Ho o�s�af�n�e-rail' legoode0 '' has Cherub's heads outlined in the choose for herself, and that her pro- hand. Nerviline-nerve i' listed all other treatments. It diQQeste when bringing to the light. P pain cure—has ,lNh6�riae• ��¢ nLACiCt►Ei.t.s00„Toronto. all other Food Is rejected, saves 9 time. its canasta, done with pink etching silk. The saint little freesias' are loved asset may. result joyfully will be the DEFENDING HIS COURSE. a wonderful and immediate curative `—` y cost In medlolne. A wreath of forget -me -note in pink is by all who have ever' grown them. If general wish. . Power. It relieves in one minute; it �ITTLt! GIANT TYPlWRITER—A roallypraotlra1 worked in the center in bird's eye He -If I give ,you some candy you cures in five. Pleasant to the taste and mawbineandnotameretoy, Prtredettvoro�j t�o YEARS' INVARIABLE SUCCESS, stitch. y started in August or September they _ - might get, the toothache, like you did ,,.2m, Aplita wanted. The HOWELL BOOK 100,000 ANNUAL CURES of Constlp- wil1. bloom much earlier. Keep them g the best known reAody for pain. COMPANY, 26.28 Adelaide.8t, W., Toronto. µtion, Flatulency,Dyspep4ia, Indigestion, Con. This is lined and tufted and will' out of doors as late as the chance of last week. I -- eumption Diabtes Bronchitis, Influenza' Atter 40 years oc Coughs, �sthms, Oatarrh, Phlegm, Diarrhoea; TO CURB r COLD IN CQHB DAY. She -Why, you get a tOOIhaCI1A yafil'- -eintggle and toil 1 Nervous ability, Sleeplessness, Despondency, bear laundering. frosts will i,llpw, and they will be T. • Laxative Bropso Qulnia• Tablets. All Dre■ � Sti�tm111er®rS A strap for the carriage or chair Is self from eating Candy. CAREERS OPEN TO A LORD, hn.efoutidheadom sturdier. Being, Of South At- r4isrouadthemooeyUltfaibtoCure. tC•, He -Well, mamma wouldn't want made from two pieces of two inch rib- , U BARRY and Co, (Limited 77 Regent.4Rue bon; these are overhanded together, g ( Lord Ston broke -It's time IMAr- Writetortermporanllfor(reeoonQsultnEion. All D P both o[ us to have a toothache to eth- Y Clnr- wetoomo.w.H.Bnto�Speoia4at,992Cotla e•st.,Toronto. etreeb London, W., also In Kris. t4 Rue 11 I The words: en encs, that you were thinkingabout a de Cailresevijklione, And re in tina2s., 6d., Chemists, • ■fad Stores everywhere fa ting 2a„ 3n,., Bd., Os • _ i career. of any nature . b, Ile. Sont carrta a tree. Also A �: '� i I Dutiful son -l” will be guided by you ISpeech'Impedimente.uacoufu4y RY'S REVALENT� BISCUITS, initttn., The truism "everything in its place," treated. Consult a qualified raoEltiocer, who was for Is'es eeiall y' A Corn Photographed by X Rays I father. Shall Igo into the church, 44, and p y pat in the baby's -ease, �,+ � stud for th9 bar, enter the arm eagapalntnl•tamme o has cured fail - May be outlined on the ribbons. For Shows a ama.11 hard keruol, tlovered by y y, or d•la•wh•r• wru•to if`,� Arnett d1 D., Berta dot. _ .. . marry an heiress? - THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. layers of hard skin. This tiny corn, S'S �:, ter t l wear there are few things bet-' causes keen sin, The only auf;e mann, i __ ter than red ribbon, but yellow, blue, of extracting it, without pain, in n day, j - t Pink, etc., etc., are used, and if the is Putnam's Painless Corn F.xtractor.l THE DUKE OF BEDFORD'S LAND. I E P P now wash ribbons are used, even the Sure. Yes? Painless? Yes. Cheap, 'Yes 1 dainty calors may be very serviceable. n indeed Try it. Land which the Duke of Bedford T[ NG. A charming toy for baby is a unique pronounced as impossible to convert ' rattle. This has for its foundation an into really satisfactory pastures, ex- t 11 . embroidery hoop: This is covered A RICH TRAIL. sept, perhips, at prohibitive cost, was The Reid Btlbe. Mils. COy oiII f 0ul2To with ribbons wound around it, and has partly treated with Alberts' Thomas" C OC 0 _.,-� at intervals tiny bells in different sol- Dawson's an awfully extravagant I Phosphate Powder, and Dr. Fream re- �„ts sp i.joju. BOWLING67 L All HYSTORONTO. sena BREAKFAST --SUPPER. ora. The work must he done ver chap. --- firml so that it will bear a y porting on LL last year concludes r - Yea, he is. y great deal . y follows: n The port ion of the field bon- SHORT COURSE IN FREE BOOKLET. Has be got mach moire back of him? of indiscriminate handling. The baby tiering on the road was occupied with � ,I i will shake it and pull it, and en's it I'm afraid he has --more in foot, than exceedingly poor, h,rbn a moss was Prospeoting AND a (iUtDB TO HEALTH. thoroughly, and tat is just whatwe1 he bas,ahead of him. g ' g ' MINING — want, but we want it made to endure , plentiful, and there was an abundance *f all this`and still remain intact. An- of hawkweed, both of which ,are in- aging at Lite SCHOOL of MINING, Kingston,CO.,pamphlets and sampler of I Material of our Steel Frame uta- Niagara Vapor Bath �t '• diontive of poverty of the soil. The JPan.l0lh.1890, Ia�tructioninChemistry,• other idea for a rattle is to take a . inner part of the field, where Thomas- �erata y, (4onlogy, Blowpipe Tasting, and oth8r stick, wi��11d it with ribbons, and then HOW'S THIS? gold at one e8d naw half a dozen different F. Prcepenting, Millin¢, and Dovolop• sent to any addrose on W■ otter One Hundred Dollars Rot►ard for Phosphate Powde7 had been applied, plant. For further Information n.`ipiy to receipt of Oninp. colored ones of different lengths, with aay.tla 0 of Catarrh that cannot be cured by had obviously benefited from the dress. THE DTRF7CTOR, i $all•, Catarrh Cure, lin I h� herb t e was greener School of Minimi, Kingston, Ont, Thermomgter Attachment and tiny bells attached to each. F. J. CHENEY tk CO., Toledo, b. g, lZ B ' east and vapoYizer Complete. i fre:;her and __ Wetheunderal sed, bays kn•,wn F. J. Uhtlney lead been mato closely Asents Wentrd for Bont Salltq for the last fifteen years and believe Mm . grazed, In addition there was a THE TRiUMPH-w Bath in Amerlon. '1$E HOLLY GREEN. perfectly honorable in all busineeetrananotinna marked development of clover and'oth- ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPER. rho Niagara Vapor BafhGa. and flnenotally able to carry out any obliga• er lit urinous ' Ras put up and taken down. Can ' - ,..;- �-tttonemadebyIhe,rflan. I 8 Illatt,s, Hence, a be ales n•d,nested,and put away In - 6CrandOperaPlace,Toronto Christmas coming up the slope, Wxatr Bc Tsn♦](p Wholeanle DrnRglet° Tolodo. , result of the dressing, Lf may ba con- a.mau • ase. Aakyuur senior. for Brightest flag unfurled, t O, ; WALDINO. (}INNA14 dt MARVIN. VQtholesale' eluded that wa condition of the SOLI them. Manufacturedby - All the silver bells -of hope Drulxltlats T.olelto.0, was undergoing improvement, and that G. 8. BARCLAY, Halt's f)atarrh Cure in taken internally, not• t6s Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Odo 1!'1 e�S Ringing round the world I !nes directly upon the blood and mucous aur• the gradual neoumulation of nitrogen aresrsn oLosaa t con cif tho system. Tontlmo,116% cont free. by thq leguminous spscies will lead ul- — - -- - - . Christmas dawning • on the hills, "i• ti )Price 760" per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. t iron Lely to the production of better To all others. Feet the shadows flee, H .:'. ,I Ball's Family Pills are the beet. and more valuable herbage." S'u i7erl�r To olotb f i �, . All the rivers and the rills t., d 0 . ---- Four Dollars � A , , Swinging to the seal a + i,? 0 SOON READY. THE RISING OF Tiff,' MOON. Corn oto. Tobe'hadonly from Bh (D ',I +• �} }r: a , ° �` T nthusfaetia Amnt Ptrr - O, mamma ° • 1R1►nFit7'8, s1 Queen St E„ Toronto,, 'Christmas where the ocean 'foam$, ,.,:;� tF On hoard ship rt wife was trying to Send stampTO,31 oiroalar and sample , Suns and skies serene • "ti'.'X:. x"' there's such a pioluresque old va a- comfort her sen sick diusbond and of cloth before buying 0111OWhere. ,.LI c tt, Christman in our hearts and homes- +•'. s`"� I bond I l want a snap shot at him I I change the current of bis thoughts. Hail the holly green l r, 4 �t�l� ,� TufEold Knott, noticing that tho' Mirling, bit" t'he- moon come up yet IQ�=WA& issel � 16 t` camera i., pointed ll his direction- she Deiced' ' VALUABLE HINTS. tki:,�`. Wait till I run me faigara t'rou b mo g 11 Iles if T ply. iotvatl it was the I • !\, wh�irtkers, miss, 7 here. Go ahead. weak -coined reply. ,r The French custom of.gathering and __.-. --.----._..-.-- _, �- • BTRATyORD, OUT. ••-r 'tlerving vegetables while still nlrily e ° V — #ad oommeraial Sohoni in the MTT1n0e • enter nett, ,uJ��/"`/ rine tree A. J. ELLIOTT. 1'rtaolpaL ,4, partially devoloped, is obtaiining a - , ' -' e� II ` and the hefitrirnam'ng astoiten- eaters► NMOIminiona�Line Steamships. Closet. looihcld here amort aatididus , garden- X�'0I In Pittner, ergs184. ere in t6e"vloinity of ills city are doing and that twin sc ew it46meh(pe 'Labr$d r' Van- T4eon"y OnL, Feb. alai on. !t good business•11i supplying the de- ' Su girl.• ' Dtl niori' 'soafor Ft; ' bin. re: The o idmon Crematory d you 00-1 Ilea 0106 V Su�perloC aoonmmoc{At1tln for F1ret Cabin, See- tteaW-roo : I have used your Otorlese ch vl 16 ' on d Cabin nes 8teerage.triieeengor■, Raton, tit my eth•raom tar acme time, and hn.e much plea I]1'itlld. Carrots tiMC or Three inehe$ in 7`hc .gowns Aon young girls this year ppasefttafe-8'irAt Crain,�p�OU; detxtnd Cebil►, tore ld ring mendln� it to the �ubllo, either ba ' ,� this fulness drawn in at the belt, and i 13 tore, during br $fist apmiott on you cannot detest r f, '• ' Iengf, h', potatoes and tomatosn and• are Made on ver xtauoh the (same (is' trimmed; with bands of velvet put . Ball lear��'pce 322.60 and u .bards gedorda to the .1 Ment odor, ark wonld not be wHhout it tat y 6 etcitmor and botch. B•or all informintion a ly doubteihe Cott. your. truly, 1T. It. ttor+es �, bf+t'aO the size of plums, peas half their lines as those that are Worn by older O ' as though to oufflno a bolero jack- 1 to Locbt ,AReIT' a svw it, t" O dc�o., "' At, Over the $hrsaldor$ aTe ruffles Of�W, j� /� QAb'I AQb$te.17 t�b.atlri�in?i1t 8tl,r Meritreal. " It requires no rine while I1 nee had with p family ," Aittural. size, oaaliflower8 young and women► but the mhterihia used aro not Ilia Oibt11° flOubla tuffdes, one shorter�(y of from 4 toe members, a Ars 0606 to Wo w'eeke .Is 10 stem. ^ .£Irtlnat.ure, all .tire provided now, for quite so heavy., An unusual and very I than the otihor�•-and the pleevea aro ��� loitabt h"' II thorn. willing to Pay fiecordingly, useful little 96wu Is lapin of &,wine- olgse-fitting, On the Waist are alto �e � ���� o cob,N¢ UpO�ESS CEM�nRY�1d I 11,, oolored cloth. The skirt, long and round geld buttons, 9,hd at the throat ���� i;11Af1� It1�1D' 11d1YMMI86111i1 �VV`h!lo theme-Agotibioa are �!oli i6ht. in oloit'efitting, has no flcirnao nor turf- is, a soft do of wine -colored silk. The 6 �i t t•,e t11S`•4TaV(Ar they' take on when ofullf to, bu is tr&nixtd wlth,bands of VW- hat is of £alt, in f, very' odd Shape, MSM I1�Nl►NiB+'1. I�u � irI . i±llotlr tiflfy arts dolioato o ld pleastlnt ` let votveit that are pbtt oti �ctvtrt 1.116 • trinimed with, violot velvet alld long G front vot tha ar6 b ona11 cirolo, iafio dills, �% � I1 bw 460,1! Ii �to Mir �'raii611it►M [hili r ll����� • HAMI1 1 Y q. `this gown has tench ' ?1L Rol!1'ft Otirtt6 w t0i1� V1116 ' � t� l�ottr 'ltttilnl46h alas LSlllato, Aa they � arts then go roared Pilo 1i�,tlre �klrt. , 1rinofi�Re t,�etfcot, but iIt made with11 I . ,, ; n0}i000 too, :w6adly :fibro, 06,6king o rvatat is tight -fitting; *ith oft A.ratt shirt and waist. .1pi 'G iU'ifr, 1 ' .� g ''' r v} • ' i 1 a ° + A ° ,, ✓ e �� `�, 4' , ,tri .J I.A f. , , .+ , i 9 a , i I '� �R ' NW m,, •.r11�. 1 ' ,f