HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-22, Page 5News -Record Supplement.
In order toi' you to spend a happy
winter you must take TUE NEws-
Ri:ooRD. It is the beet local paper
published iu Huron county, correct in
all respects. It gives home news
swiftly, cheery and height. No home
can be happy without it.. We take
THE NEWS -RECORD and a host of of her
papers, but it is on the top always and
the first paper to he opened. Now is
your time to send to your subscription,
as the year is near to a close, and. be
ready for next year. We wish you all
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Mr. Angus Murray is taking out tim-
ber and intends erecting a new baro
next summer.
Mr. Roht. Drysdale, Jr.,. is now•
building a new butcher shop and in-
tends opening out business about the
first of March.
Mr. David Dewar, our popular pho-
tographer, is doing a rushing business
. at present. He is a good old hand. at
it, but somewhat hard on the phot n,
We are sorry to learn that our good
old Tory, Mr. H. Talbot, is suffering
from a severe sore back, Our village
doctor, Mr. Slack, says with proper
care he will soon recover:
11r. A. Murray is the ,proprietor of
the swiftest teats of horses in Huron
county. Ityou'ever visit our village
call and see them.
Mr. Win Turner, our—noted sports-
man, while hunting last Friday shot a
wild -cat in Mr. Charles Sreenan's corn
field.' William is a hustler at this
W. J. Horner says as we are havine•
good sleighing now it will make things
Look -out fora cold winter boys. for
Mr. e1.ndt'otiv B enne,•Ii!_•t 1 has yu baud
a large stock of wood.
Mr. Joseph Dnr•and has rented his
mother's farts. ,Joe will make things
hum.•next year as he is a hustler.
Mr. George Durand, an old cweo,:e
m;cnufac•tuter, will erecta new cbee.,e
factory itt the spring.
What makes William George Johns-
ton so happy ? Why ! h,t I ha ! hit l
his wife one very stormy night recent-
ly presented hitt with a bouncing baby
Mr. E. Talbot, jr,, our popular
musical roan, has purchased a new vio-
lin with which he intends to entertain
the Drysdale people the cooling winter
and keep them happy and safe from
Jack Frost.
Miss L. Horner was'the guest of Mrs.
Rau recently.
.Mr. George Pollock was the guest of
1Ir. Johnston Sunday last.
Mr. John Durchame, who has been
working in the States for fifteen years,
has returned horse to work his father's
farm near Drysdale.
Mr. John Orr has finished his terra
at the Busin:•ss college." He returns
home.quite happy.
Mr. Robert Orr, Jr., is going to retire
from farming and move to Stratford,
where'he will occupy the position of
walking boss on the Grand Trunk rail -
Miss Mary Jelinaw'was the guest of
her cousin, Miss Durand, recently.
The Drysdale north Sunday school
w•i'1 close on Sunday next until the
Campbell and Cleave, have
ro 'veil into their new houses, every -
1c, ,t; being completed.
Mr. Thomas Johnston, Jr , returned,
home from Michigan last week and re-
ports a happy tittle.
The fol towing talk took place between
an arrival from the States and an old
Drysdale friend
I say, "fiollo 1 Batoese, hello 1" comment ca
va mon vieux.
He say ",Xcuse to mo, my frion', I rink I
dont know you."
I say "Dar's very curls t'ing. You are Bateoso
Durchame, was raise on jus' cam' place wit'
me, 'bout fifteen years ago."
He say, "Oh, yass date sure enough. I know
'Eyou now first on de tt State 'forgot mos' all ma
- •ronch since I go
•e= "Dare's noder ting, keep on your 'ead, my
frien', dey mus' bo tole. Ma nam's Batcoso
Trudeau no more, but John W. Durchame."
I don't take long for tole the news.
County Council Nominations.
Brussels, Dec. 19.—Nominations for
county couu,.il held here to -day. The
following go to the polls for district
town:, ips of Grey, Morris and Brus-
seIs:— r . H. Derr., Brussels; J. Bow-
man, t lwnship of Morris; Ed. Bryans,
tc • s 'p of Grey ; Andrew Sloan,
wns, of Morris.
Du tnuon, Dec. 19.—Nomination of
cot out hors was held here td -day
for No. 1 District. The' candidates
are :—Philip Holt, barrister, Goderich ;
hngh Girvin, farmer, Ashfield ; T. E.
Durnin, gentleman, Dungannon ; A.
Young, farmer, Colborne; and Mr.
Goldthorpe, Saltford.
Exeter, Dec. 19.—Nominations for
County Councillors took place here to-
day. The following were nominated :--
J. A.'Rollins, M. D., Exeter; Ronald
14lclnnes, Ushorrie; John Dolbride,
llsburne, and Wm. Hamden, Exeter.
From All Points of Canada. --
Kingston is flooded with Straits Set-
tlement coin.
Mr. Samuel Milton's house, near
'Blenheim was burned down,
West Elgin Liberals have again se-
lected Donald McNish as their candi-
Mayor Andrews was re-elected in
Winnipeg yesterday by a majority of
over 590.
The Ottawa death rats this year
bas been 20.3 per thousand, which is
lower than last year.
Over 100 people have joined the
Methodist church at Carnpbellford as a
result of a revival.
'A Winnipeg deputation has asked
Hon. Mr. Sifton for a quarantine sta-
tion outside of Winnipeg.
The congregation of St. Andrew's
Church, Beaverton, has been received
into the Presbyterian Church of Can-
ada and will be in the Lindsay PreS-
The immigration branch of the De-
partment of Interior has now under
consideration the establishment of a
colony from Illinois in the Great Slave
Lake region.
A young roan named Napoleon
Braseau of Ripon, Ottawa County,
Que., was frozen to death while going
to the shanty of W. C. Edwards &
Co., in the Township of Derry.
Mr. John,Arnold's frame residence
of West Flatohoro', was destroyed by
fire on Sunday night. Mrs. Arnold,
who is about 80 and vet y feeble, was
rescued by her husband.
Learned At Last.
Mr. Mulock's declaration at the Har-
dy banquet that the tariff should cease
t.i i he a political issue leads the Farmer's
Sun, the recognized organ of thePat-
ronism, that was, to say:
"This appears to he a definite confir•-
ntation of the Liberal Hop to protect-
ion. and will ensure the support of the
protected interests in the bye-elec..-
ye-elee-ions, though it w ill hardly ensurethat
of farmers who in the general election
voted with the Liberals under the he -
lief that they were thereby, securing a
victory for free trade.
It has apparently dawned upon these
free-traders at last that they have
been humbugged, gulled, victimized by
their political allies who preached 'Joh-
benistn and practise Protection.
' l .y will next have their suspicions
aroused that these boastful economists
may after all be, spendthrifts, who
spell party with a big P and purity
with a little one, and believe pledgers
should be made for the fun of break-
ing thein. •
They Bought Wits at $IO Apiece.
The Liberal fight in West Huron
mist have heeti a miracle of economy
if the campaign did not make a hole
in the grand old party's pocket hock
exceeding the modest size of Hon. J.
T. Garrow's majority.—Toronto Ve1e-
g •am.