HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-22, Page 2. ___ - - - ,__ --,.T,— __—_ _-_ — , - —!.,— ­_ -1 I I - -11.1-111,--11-1 __" -_ m _111- :� "I 1-1.1 .1 I. I I I- ­1;11Tr7­1 I � -, ____ _ - P I , ��� "I ­____ !, . I I 4 _� I . )v I . � I � I I I �, '11'. VIRWilool-T .- _7_1 --- " I �, f J � . ,� , 'y I . . . . 1, rIp" 11.1 I I - -_ I 1, !, I I .1 . . . . I ,Q I ,, I I '.. , ., O.,�Z " le I . I F. r11 . . . . . I � I I " # ... .1 ­ I . I � I ,, 11 I . , I I . I I I - � . � .11 ,,, I � 1. . � . ! I P ,. � I 0� I I . )*11 I "", * I I I . . , , I I . I I . � . � I - I . � I I . I � 11 I I .1�1 . I t I I . I . . � I . � � . I � � � . ,� .., I I � I I I , . 1. - I 1� I I , . p� I a I I I . . . � I k ", I I 11 .; - I VT..." . � I I ;1 � � I I I -0 I . . . . I -1 I I . I I - � . .� 411 ., . . - I . I .- . I I I I , � .i , � � . � I . 11 I I . 4� � . 11.11 1-1 ..­_� 1-1. .11 I i� I . -1-1 ... �:� � , � ... � ­­­ I'll. 1.111, I I 11-1. - I 1. � I �.. ;" -_ _ C. -_ , .1 � � . . 4 I 71�! I �: � I � I - k, I.; 01'.1 ,,�_�. ..... , .. V - I � , . � � - ...... ­­­­ !1; 111771:.:, 111,11111!1-7:11 ;;,; ;"�;­;,-.,;i;" � � � _ , . -1 - ­ , I .. . I.. . --- I . , I I I . � , " I I - , I I � i 11 � .1. . 11-11. ­ - 11 I ­­­ .111". ­­ 1111 - -1-1-1 1-1. I - - -1 1111.11 11�;­ i , - , " __ : - I I I , . I I ��, . 'ZZ!.1,:1.�1:iZ61.;V �! qz I � I I �_ -1-1-1 1.� r. ,�11 11 I 1� �___ , _,_ �'­.­ - ;�� �, 1!11:1�1 111".11 I :.!:,:,:1:::.1 � , i.. I - . "' ­_ I - I . , , " . W. X op# T11 �,., 1�1. � . sor 4XV 003fkRNIM gg -010n-nt 1p I iremark Aga*. tho wise" opirituo,11 h.lm­frvn oll ziorrqwx . I � . T 4ill ve '7� ­ ,La all pqxplo III k . I i I " Xatio�ii, 4 � � I � 'I I ,1. I I R-0-10YE YOR T , -UmNA explia4t will be on 1114, guard against � W! take theve bar. ,E $UNDAY ,$,.H AQ�� . , . I 11 , , , C. 00L , k � - .. � wk bargliw�, HOW long it takes you to 3'rows SA4 turawoo of trouble, and from . I � I � A 14 believed W 14,41a, that preparA- W*" I look Up your store at alght. You ,Pat ,them gqt,Au overlastin XNTRIINATIONAL 1,2$SQN, DAQ. 25, ., 1i I I I . ,% profit.''Affil000, I . N., I $1044 .40, ipa - 0 INAT REV. DR. TALKA09 SAYS your valuablea In the safe, you shut 404 has falloil Q,K gve , . x it It "" . ; I 1, .. _ kin for an Inva"lou ot W 60 . 041f: ,, � 1� �'.. . : . � . thvdpor,�you, g � a tPre t "A ftr4t#"a.1*, 3;po I 1, � L' 'q, I Aw,bok. wit# V. yiew to Carrying the ABOUT camrs R.AiN T.,�kw to � tgXq tbs, took, yQU try not Jo%vo A 'Aoul wort -0. aglow 11 . 11 11 I � I "w", 0010. 1. I . I low it aftorwair* to bo sure it 1.0, fasten �Ea:lpe � .. . the4t, UdAoxi ,froAtIor up to thlo ro"Moof , . ad, WROA it me. It is very . Aterot. 41K TOXIN 111*0 9. All . . 1. �. . - . , you bolt and r@,bQ.1t your d6ors. You to get Info' confidential 094vor"494 f 1 - , I I I , . Wot9rn frouttor of China proper. Thei A* 941;80400% fqT Wk*s* V.494XC4 In b4-vo a watchman, -perhaps, at the with ,1% - man Who, hag gained a Ive PRAOTIOAL NOT90. V' op , . L. x1erelliandise-Doo Not x6flatt " T#U4 atorq, Yoa Char M r9verty, ra o youpet .1 % it f I I 614 A a& or 4teCA-Watek u . ... "I . .. ­ 1� � VAROXAt'04 -pt �'Thlj)ot, it 14 oaW by ,ad* the State ,_,go. tb.e poli9p rhou ; and to have, hi t 11 .70rflo A. TUo beginning of tble opis� 111. �, Y, 11 �. '­ 7 . ?rO04.Wt,Oj�,jh4t- policy, W. eat. wou they Igo Up and down, Once In a whas tow, 4A ma4e b4 mou*y; I'?, t. it 1" 14Qrs" tle, Is BlAgular1lar y loft � Y. Ther§'iag ' �.� . " : . � � , , .9.ul,d be gr or %*a msrgols�Tue. niN jr.ro I f , , .pob�s, & to joo�; in. In addition to that, per- .interesting tQget into the 004fidence " � ,I � . . I I.* t4,the b.0oft of British tra,de a.114 Tonew Soratog to puslines . Y.ou have a burglar alarm, .49 OT aii old Christian, and have, him tell Qe4rtaiA rbYtbmic'molody 10, the words .1 �**, 4 , . . 1ZP . . I ' , just he lish. The r.. , W 1011opqQlal w1vRotago to t4e Britisli rest- 00 opeaLaw of a *Indow or door 01, W . Accumulated hio-L sVen when turned into E I I -, . ; I ,'I _ . A. . � Ag . I 1� . . - -111, 1. .1 despatch from W4Wngt:izk s ':- 'IF, be . : I � � Alien a;a t t , **0 14, .T ,., in tU L the, night, with a. great rattle wIU, Coalth of hriati%u chaisoter. I udio, to whom -o bet I He argument begins where both the na- " I . I __,*aqqA, the Q - . I 0, went down in tural and the supernatii . . . I _ ,qvats(i , , . table,land of Thi ral begin, with � . � I 'Pat following text:-"Buy,the trutli and have &.watch-do.g -under the counter, 1857, ba -, I ,t I cligif out of that trouble I , �. I � � r Rev. Dr. Talmage preached froni the wak up the watchman. Perhaps you will say: "My property �. '� �_ I �, Would serve as a Sanitarium. WRA who feels the reoponoibiliti of the-storo with infinite resources of spiritual God. But our attention is"not first I 11 I , . I . � ., a sell'if AR." -Prov. xzui., 00. phvist resting On his Shaggy neck, his mouth Comfort and-atrongth," He . will say I : directed to God's attributes. -how, as 11 . Mbihotr�lwo%ild pass into the pogseeslo riever forgot the occupation of the p�o- ,� � I � . , �, of Great Brital � n theo sources of the down between his paws, 1fithere be "I was -sick toil three monthis and other apostles tell us, in him, dwell all . ., I . 11 Pie to whom He spake. His metaphors the least lif one ear, he could not do 11 - -_ " he . to a Stroke of work; and . I I . _ _. - ­ - � , I lif to 10 � rises up, an came forth I was as weak as . , .� I � Weat river of BurmaU and Siam and and illustrations wer(t apt to be drawn his h d then when I power and wisdom and love�but to .. 11 . �, -_ . I . N, the wp,terphed of the 71 f the Pao, lies down ead S, I � �. . , I "ang-tse-KIong from the every -day business o ,gsa7k! with a growl, as much a cW14, and staggered along the his energetic endeavors for the salva- - __ - " --I--------- ­­ L' 21- I I aud 11canq-11tio, Thibet � soul -had the U011 Of Man. 'The first part' of the - I ­­ I I 1-1- - � , I .1 is nQmi,%Ily a Pie whom He addressed. Speaking to as to say:, -"I wish it had been some- Street; but ob, my esw �___ , . . . . �. V,ut of China, but is really under the the (Isbermen, He said: "The Gospel my -7n Would to God we were as strangtit of a giant." And he wil) tell involved sentence which we nowatudy, A G�roouv of Little Patients at Ths Zro&pital for Sick Chirdreg, I � � I - regard to spiritual burglaries. You d the dktk daF that "me iii his . I �� , I government of the Lama*. The Chin- is a net laid down into the sea." Ad- There tire a thousand temptations I hc*qseh94d when a Jqved� one was Car- rid of its parenthesis, is simply: God .L I � , 111�, ,� . � ese muslerAinty is represented by a few around about our aoql, ready to blow ried out, and he felt that ever tbing hath spoken. Who at Sundry times ' ; j, I . . 'L L � . - dressing himself to the farmers, He It up; ready t,� blast It I ready to push was g -0e with'it; and hn bis wit bao at ` 4 I. I I wea* girrisops, but as there is no at- said, "A so,Wer went forth to sow. � id in divers manners spake in time i , % I I. to interfor w � ith the internal af- the bolt and a eal the infinite and im- frorVL the cemetery Jesus niet him an� 0 . I . i I tempt and some of the seed fell on good mortal treasure. The apostle says: said: "Weep not, I * Pdat. The Revised Version is, "Hav- L'i . I 11 I . will make up for . I , .�,t . , I fair% ofthe country andno reven ' "WhkLt I say unto one, I say unto all thy lose - I will wore than Make up Ing of old time spoken by divers por- TO - LIFT THEMORTGAGE' , I I � . us 14 ground, and some on thorny ground." i ,,, L � collected there ismo, ill feeling toward Th,t He might attract the atteation of -watch." That is, look out for bur- for it. *hy,.those little feet are al- tions. 'and in "divers manners." Per- �__ gla,rs. Hero comes a thief' stealing ready bo di along tb9 corridors of haPs "manifoldly and variously" car. . . - , - I . . the Ohinesb people or Government. the Shepherds, He tells the parable of our Christian belief, and it is very easy Peaven. Th'itTliand Is alfeady sweep- , . 11 I �'. - the lost sheep, and how the shepherd g the arn-strin riew .:. - Northern Thibot is Practically ua'n to lose it, bat It is not so easy to ip . a of glory." 'Jesus the thought; ir,aperfectly,ofootirse, . � I., .:1 , , habitable and the population of the went oat in the wilderness to bring it get it back again, Lot It once �e to6k that afflicted 14thor to thq verge for there could not be a per. i , . � . 1*outbara parts I gone, and all the Aetectives of earth of the grave and bid. him look down feet revelation with such Imperfect A GREAT CHARITY'S APPEAL 11 i 1� . 4' .�7­ a chiefly pastoral, home to the fold. In order that the cannot fetch it backr Alas for the into i�, and Instead of a grave it be. agencies as the "prophets" to write ' . I � I �'. 1. * , ood being barley, plainest' woman who ever mix man who, once 7lieving in Christian- 6ame a cheat ot immortal brillil�rkta; , � : � which a4ly grows in the narrow val- might not be in doubt as to ,what He itY- now .TQJE I I Ae tries to be sat- and go .be ran his band up an and the "fathers" to read. It was a .. , I .7 Is � . d down . ,� i I.. lays and ravines worn away by the meant, He said; "The kingdom of isfied; but the molit doleful thing ap the gate of, the maputchre lie found it horde of children in intellect and � , �­',. � I I al,Tealps. There is, however, a great ithout olegus Christ bkLr cQId, rusty Iron , but Je tip to ob spirituality, but with fully developed Th,d qraud Work of Ontario's Sweetest %4rity,,. ;I I C - 1, - , ,_ ,�!'_ *oaltll of flo�*s *�U# herds, and in the heaven is like leavan, or yeast, which rj-glar� ph�stooA PO1wSXB Sad desires, that The Hospital f6ro Sick Children — Mtd- , i in it. If there qra any spies at the ed �, q,n;d It beowne solid p%a I , leavens the whole lamp.". Indeed, door of your heart, if any of those of penill-bolts of pearl, binges of pearl , ,�'. ,�,4 " �i t4estoarb parts of the country, toward there were no lqarned allusions, there burglars are trying to break in the and 10 I It wag the gate of heaven' Moses led from Egypt to Canaan. The 1� ...., . _­ ,,, 'r. . . ibe frq4tler Of K44bmtr, gold has been was no profound disquisition th,-re windows of your soul, You had better " All thinwa work together for good whole world was in its Infancy, and pered by a Mortgage of $50,000. 1 :1 1,:��; ' I . I I . : Idund in several places, and there are fIv at them with infinite vehemence, to those who love God ;" and I pray God through Moses treated its infan- . . , ' I � ,, - , . was Do acute analysis in the address(es . � . �, a:Ld ask the Lord God to help you in the Lord Almighty that wbatever mis- � 4 1, I . , ,,,� .011111abl� Bait mines. , I of Christ. They were merely a plain the axrest. fortune, whatever vAXation, whatever We Soul$ Much as we treat the ohil- I . � �, I . I . , . . I 11 i �,, I . ,�., � I I 1he last attempt to opei� up 'direct talk from a beart overflowing with i Here is another trying to break in trial, whatever bereavements pass dren in our primary classes, By a . _ �. . "I . . ". I , ,11�1 . love for the people, in a way that all and steal your patience. It Putssome- through our soul, ,kvf may from ,series of object lessons and fragmen- To IOV9 abi�n4iitly is to live abun. I They ask the aid of -everjrous wbg qjjq I " I ,,, � � .1 odf olial relations with the Govern- the . people Verstood. There is hardly I thing explosive in , your temper and them a spiritqal tariff that `wAPl make tary revelations he sought gradually ��# - � a dollar. I I ! . '111. wepit of the Lamas wall in 1885, but . tries to blow. it� up. Here you have a us r1ober while we live on earth, and dAA �.. the 10lical story of the Good Th%. h -V asked t,b,e %Ai I "t .�� a style of mind that Is not susceptible casket of diamonds, made of days and glad through all eteruit - to develop their minds and spirits. The Sai404au,"Is a delineation of the , th VA I , , ,�' I "j," ., 0*1ne to the opposition of the Tbibet_ to illustration. I hours and months of precious time. Oh of gr,a"st thing in the world -love, . I Ap 0 � , 11: W the mission never entered their One Sabbath I was � I remark again, that tle wise spi;r- whole Mosaic ritual was a series Its readers, to� fell .lit%,. 'th Si I t,,,, of ) �'�, . � preaching on an Indian reservation to how many burglars there are around itual merchant will not take any un- symbols made up for the purpose of The Hospital for Sick Children was state the ur noy Of,lt%l " - ., -, , . . territory. The following year the I built by those who were large in entor. I to appeal to am for 1i . � t . I trying to steal those diarponds. Temp- necessary risks. Before the ship goes fording the baby world to � 9 n liar, .. ,ti .� ,­ Thlboatans were Ill-advised enough to an audience of Indians. I was rying. tations to self-indulgence, tempt out of the harbour, application Is made � ask ques- Wh need gey-not alone for I ­� I . a- Oise, for the alleviation of the pain ' A t dVwsJ%# to i4 i ", t that time to impress upon them the tions to neglect the great things of to the marine insurance company; the tious abput God and heaven. Every , , �, �. . invade Sikkim, a State under British 0 't t, T, t I I of J'ewfzb life be6ame an acted para. a. I- , eternity, make up a gang of despera- Mard of Underwriters say it is all bWo and suffering of helpless little Ohl ban r 6t V '. I fact that childhood generally indicat- to me -at oxpe 0 incurred for & I I ; 1�, protection, from which 'they were driv- does that have broken out of the Jail right, the insurance papers are signed The killing of lambs, the tinkling of dton. The building is one of the best ,,,, an . .1 . �� I . ad the character of manhood. They did � no an food, � ,� an out and pursued by thp British and . of Ixell, and prowling around our soul and delivered; it Is the only safe way b�lls, the burning of incensO, the am- 3quippod hospitals in the world. It is i Last year the acho ra of . i . . . Wian troops, who followed - not seem to understand, until I told trying to steal t)Lis treasure, and, in todo. Twelve hours after the ship gets broid:ery of garments, the muzzling of oapablo Of i.�ccQmmodatinff 175 sick V0149 800010'000ri utod $ a . . . I them in neing of roofs I �, ? , N. '. - �t them, that a crooked young tre the. name of God, I bid you arm beyond itbe Hook, it might perish, and ox'n, the f, 0 and the ww" the Do Agent an t ­ 1 4 � to Le 0humbi Valley, in Thibetan. a makes idents were 9�11drep. il000day th9rQ "a ever 103 lit- in n gnt , alaLust them. They have taken many the whole thing might be a total loss, th '' . 1: ,=rd other 4%Uy I I 6 0 late a i;q Is , ''I t&ritory. Peace was dancladed with- I " crooked old tree, and then their eyes . yp I I - ,� I � ' . � Mt a y attem, flashed With intelligence. 0 the spoils already, and I cry; "Stop Al man will not take such a risk for io@�-7tbat is,- Cy were used t1a' iatients in the Hospital, all being r4l" or n , 41 .- n , pt being made to Pene- thief;" 1 : I himself. You have your store insured ; to teach deeper truths than -those nu. sod and treated by skUful phy- � ... .. S, . I . y 6 ! " I When my text say -3, "Buy the truth, ., which appeared on the surface. And K, . 11 W111 dorr6 C1 ee.* ,. .6 , b� trate further, the difficulties, to be an- y you have your stock of oods insured. 46 ans and trained nurses, I 4 ..... �.,. and sell it 'not," It employs an'illustra4 M SOW, be on thy guard, I . those tr�xths all had to do with t I a ool 6 ildren . a r a I countered being very great and the . Ten thousand foes arise, If the insurance runs 0.1 he The work has be"'. Carried on durf4g i .ik t . I I tion which ought to a*tra ill Monday to re- coming 6ne. Thus Israel become In a . I I I . � country practleall� unknown. �n tho at the at- And boats of min are prassing hard - you do not wait t true Sense a priest nation for mankind. tk,g past year without stint. Over 0,000 : IT.n. ,a oija their boat to Ttlievo - . � . - . i � � ipWva that has elapsed seve tention of all those directly oi hadir- TO, draw thee from the skies. I I new It. 'You say, on Sunday the whole But the truths which- the Priests and children were helped bao.k W' health. the, ' of e r oomftd ' dia . ral ex- Octly engaged in merchandise. Would No'er think the victory won, thing may perish in, a conflagration And"Tt"is trou '01ess si"'U'.'el 'If 10 I I . plowing parties have succeeded in on- You cannot afford to take the risj prophets had thus iustituted were Of these ,683 patienta wQr,p cared for friends of 0 , � Nor 6noe at ease Sit down, , , wqrk that the 40fto, I" -' .- toring, and there Is reason to believe to God we were all as wise in manag- Thine arduous work will not be done Somebody'shows you an operation by Sundry and divers," duconnected and in t,ha. �Ots.- one.thira 9; iho pattatits . relies for maintenance. I I ­ � that the - British-In4lan military ea- lug the matters of the soul as we are Till thou bast got thy crown." which you might make perhaps, five incomplete. Unto the fathers by the -me froks ,pl4 � There 9,r� ,410 tapers Z � . . I , thousand dollars; but you say: ` Per- prophets. The " fathers." are the He- I I .cop qUtsl4s .9f Toronto. %he Provi o. ii r4i I A I . f aufft_ in worldly traffic. I want, this morn- I remark, again, that the wise spirit- haps I might not. Perhaps I i#Ight lose " By " should be " i ` fteo 1104,141 is a provincial per 00%4 004 )r 1 _ ""' ihorities exe, now in possession o brew ancestry. . I , la k I , .....4110,111,11010w, � ual mexchant will watch the state of hem, that Sam Wgula in ,.. - Ing, to give some of the characteristic, wri 11 I ft alatiti Clout data for the conduct of a bam� that and ruiA.my eredit. I Ob.n1t ta�e for the stateme'at is made of th�' %. tion. Its i�rvlc�o.arb free.to t44 ob - I ROO ';z: of a wise spiritual merchant. the markets. When the business mg,n the rjsk." So. you do not enter Into the ten word. The " prophets " here seems dren of patients who cannot afford to for a year -and pbrha is save I : , I pa.lin to Lhawa, th� papital. The I takes up the paper In the morning, he . i4 1112 . . as wise all the inspired writings pay the small feed charged. Sorno,of 04 "OnlObc I !n the first place, I remark that does not first look at the s within reach -of the Jews. So that this will flvfd as you look be4k o# Tlhlbet�ns art Aesefibed as Superior to the ente4prise. Oh that we wore to Ptand for dy's doa�rliugs, . maxnage in taking spiritual risks. Vire will, af- the toost diffioalt "ri"I operations - � the Ohluese,"bbing more frank and wise spiritual merchant will not neg- and deaths, or the - editorials. He ter a while, founder -on the sea of first verge by its parenthesie If liflotla!'t the j0dOM611tS Of , 0 Mo- � I manly, handsome and wl . th the splon- Jeot to take an account of sto( looks at the price current. Before ten death. What Is the amount of -our pol- that the Old Testament is fragmentary known have beeii skilfully"And itfocess- ' ments that you recollect ofa'Al, % rib. , ' ' � o'clock. merchants ,all know whether icy? How will we come out of'that and imperfect compared with the full fully performed at the Hospital.,, Nkny ' ments when you have really lived, 41(6 - ­ did physique and carriagr of the s. the first of I gold has go4a up or down, whether the disaster ? Su - �4: "I am rievefation Of. God through Christ. a puftat has had cause to bless th-s � those moments when you have dono ... - . . ppose a man va I ; things t a spirit of love and ,,,�a L10",, `m�untalneer. According to the re- J'anuary, and all our business mi'n will goods they have on the.shelf have in- not regdy now for et6rnity, but Imean, 2. -In these last days. At the end great charity, not only fo"r sav ng - , � - � , , be absorbed. crossed or decreased In value. A man , The Rospital for Sick ( r'N' . . I . . ports, however, tbay are incapable I 0 They who ordinarily go Of these days. At the .cone making 44 the I I , IT' . makifig any resistance, bping entirely 'might say i "It is nothing tb me how j. _ ot to be.'w ' Let us calculate*the risk;',not lusion Of their.ohild's, life, but for Sweetest of all ohartle , I ­ ver at eight or nine o'clock in the others do business, or v7hat prices oth- as a minister talks to the people, but the Jewish Church -and State. By his "ppy what had otherwise be -an &'�or­ : peals-Aq you on, behalf of tke" lit q . � morning to business will go at seven, era get, I shall go straight on without as one business"man talks to another4 Son. Notice that the word his is ital- dre bq b � nee -who languish on beds ot a1CkveA6,­--- ; 11 do6tttuta of modern weapons. and if you happen to be I- lot us calculate th6 risk t�at man-runh' '10 in the Aovised as well as in the An- rOwful life, OQU11 11 Who d U Co ask only tot the dollath yoll dan , . . I � Pow-" In the street tiny reference to anybody else in bus- The4 lungs may congest; the brain me ' thorized Version, which meansthat It cripples for life but for the mi f � Whatever the tntentll�ns of the -Bri- some night at'eleven or twelVe o'clock ine3a." -You know that would be the be . Y �""' 1 edai Y. spare. 1 ll precursor of bankruptcy. He watch- fevered ; the foot may slip; a brick is inserted by the translators to make tions of , the 09spial, 'will, grow uVo I 'Aaf melaOtY Beans the pOd), 01yout 941 tish Government may be on the ques- You will meet them, and If you ask may fall from ihe workman's hod; "'a' Sentence Intelligible and th�t strong and straight, mid In the y6are 1 t,ho,'tranditorl pleasures o , 11 a, t ot� - . I es the matkats; he cannot afford to be ferry boats way collide; afrightened flier. i 4 . s nothing e6rresponding,,to it � I otamd for�va d the hours when you tio so latel" indifferent. Now, I say we ought to in tthe Greek., Neither ,is there any ar- n ; . . I p of a movement into,Thibet, the "Why are you coming'home im ., - to come they, too, will bless the work ' I . special training ordered for the Bri- they will say, "We are taking an ac- be as alert in looking at the spiritual horse njay dash over h' ; a pistol may of the HeVital. and return thanks, I have done some act of kindness to those I . I mar�kets. We ought to know whether go oft accidentally; poisoned ,air may ticle, as the Revised Ver -ion, margin, ,round about yoti, perhaps little pots Usli and native troops iii mountain count of stock." Every wis'B business " be llre%tlied ; thq, r�a.son may topple; suggests, "a Son." it Is. better to reitd Some taiagible, _ manner. 0 1 � - , I .. the cause of God in the earth is going the hW .too trifling to speak of, yet actions L I drill during the presetat s"son Is re-, man does that. 'Once a, year all the up or down. No man ca,n be indepen- t ma iftop. a man who stays it) exactly as it is 'written.." 11q is "Son In twenty-two years the Hospita;l, f9r , Which have bro#Aened the Jay in y9ur . 11� I. ro 5esus Christ, and makes Of* God " in an emphatic and exclusive Sick Childr�n has been the means ot 0ife., - 11 garded in Indfa- as proof of prej*raiion goods must be handled, and every Shall) dant of the general state of morals and away f in � ' I ity. For this no preparation for eternity, runs ten sense, and while there are oth- helping. ilbo(�00 sic chi,idren. ' o I Prom 136 places ofitside of Toront4 '... � for an emerg.ancy. By some the rum- must be ransacked, and the remnants Of religion in a commun thousand risks, Infinite risks, every day er true . sonships; he holds his - k I the little patf."ti came to the Hospital I . - ' � I . . -_ - is is a gra.nd institution - one I , ft hap's it mCly be your . . iTh . I ors about Thlbost arv�jbelieved to be only must be unrolled, and the dusty b n reason, every intelligent Christian will of hits lUe. After Lord Byron died, they sonsbip in common with none. ar . L I 11 - be examining the churches, the schools, worthy of the sympathy'and help of th I _,�� a blind, the real objective being said dies unwrapped, and e' out his heart out, and put it in a Who- he hath appointed heir of all ,� . nali'C';bte.'.�'. child who wil need the . - , ". . . verything in and the benevolent organizations. The beautirul came; and ionic p Pie, who things., "If children, then heirs." B everyone. I . motlicy ,arm of the institution this io be Afghanistan; while others again the,store must be upturned. Once a failure of a crop in Russia, or of a bank 80 Y , Though for 22 years the Hospital has . 1. ... I were Infatuated with the man, thought whom also he mado the worlds4 The been doing this work, the workers in year. ," _1 11 think that an advance into China year the.buainess mpn waitts,to know in London, or the breaking out of a that thers was lln that heart in the case Greek word'is "all ages." (Oompare the inatit4tioji h#,ve alwag been har-) hi future Of the HOBP[t&l 10 in the .1,11 war in India, affectuprices In theNlew . I 0 I - through Burmah, is In contemplation, how - things stand. He reviews the , , some wonderful Charm; and the Greeks J'Ohn 1. 8; Col. 1. 16.) � , of . its friends. Ob . I . �� . . I York market, s,nd It a conversion of one ad b debt -and haMP6, ad for ne6d 00 'is needed at once. 'as *21u, Y 1� . 2� 11 with the intention of establishing Bri- books. writes them up, and draws out carried it out Into battle and it w P -Who being the brightness of his. a do. . It �, '0 . soul in Central Africa ought toleave lost -%at in the swamps, and never glory and the express image of hie T ortgage, of 4 ( 0 , 9 rson. io ! stntly. I - . I To give abandantli is to gdt abund- , , ance sheet all his worldly, Its itqpression on every Intelligent a tish, posts on the upper Yang-tse-Kian on a fair bal, _ his yeAr the ' 11. - . _. I . nces; so 'many goods, so - hear4 of. It iyas cobsidered. an omin- Pe Or "Who, Using the ray of I d d h ff the, ampunt orlibe I , Readelra of this paper in forward . I I Pat %: Wd off, TUo .n- ; contributions to J. Rose obertson, ension of 'in to you it was o . Lf i(tl and In Yurman, thus cutting off the ciro�amsta : Christian in Washington. It is my'busi ous and a terrible loss. But, my friends, brightness irom his glory (so In the w1ge . westward snd,,�notthern exto many liabilities; so much capital that ness this morning to procla nly a d"d heart. What was Nicene creed, Light of light) and thd 'NERS6 pa nts dur th *palst ear. I � 11 to ,A -,t, of the spirituRA-markeks,and c. Nat 11 rman pf the Hospital Trust To- . the French from Tonquin. Which- is, comparatilvely worthless, so much I tell you the cause oil God is advanc that compared with thb- loss of a liv- stamp or impression of his as- P_ `at hfT� .1 �ha chil - 1' r gifts will be proi� Ing, Immortal soul? Christ saw that sence." The Revised, Version has, tz .�-dol'tr'to;vardq th 9 object. ' a * ronto, Thai ever of the�se views Is correct, public that can be easily turned into cash; Ing. The People are buying the truth, soul from eterl;ity, and travelling in "Who b'eing the effulgence of his r t'4'L "111 i glory r *� the tal, in this oritt-' aoknowledgdd� by- the Treasurer, .4 Opinion in In'dia. seem to be impressed so many debts, so many, 2 Iline, ACY, = a strong, appeal - -in' the columns of the Toronto EVenift ,, d are not so disposed to sell it as , .6 .. , , .-_. � bills out that 0 4 used to be. The shiiis of Tarsh- the. greatness of His strength across and the impress Of his , Sub- to the ple of Ontario. I , N:16gram. : . t . ': . M all the ages, Hei comes to save it, and stance" (margin). Noi man hat see __ . __ - - --- __ .- � *kth the brief that. an advahoe into are perfectly good, so many that are, ish are coming into th harboui- of God, stands this morning in its presence. ,,d at any time, but the only begotten . I , �­ I ' 0 b n � � Go - I Some oneor other of the mountain re. doubtful. In other words, he Iook% and lh,� gold, add Iran.incense, , and Will yod let Him Save it 9 Qh, this soul So is his ,representation among men. which was a dark bronze, grew light, over all the affairs_of the year, and � myrrh, are showering down at the feet that you have basting within your is a beautiful old Hebrew a I -OPIUM REM,. his'rujjeA stature became bent, and glons forming the barriers of India is ' . There ay. OUTRIVA 8 I ,projected, and the prospect that it knows just what pos of Jesus. The religion of the Lord breast -this soul of tremendous 'f acul- Ing Concerning wisdom which resem- , i_"" even his hatsh' voice changed to tiie ition he occupies' Jesus Christ is rising. The nations ties, a spal'that can soar higher than bias this, "For wjidom'is the bright- THE "SNOW HABIT " IN THE KLON- effeminate squeai of an old woman. will bring freah burdens for the Indian Now, my frieXids, OUShL we not to'be 10 Just as scrutinl8ing in the matters of are biddipg for this Gospel, and the angel's wipg ever flew, or sink - deep- noes of the everlasting light, the un - people to causing much anxiety and tha soul ? The Rothschilds neyp�' merchandi-,-olf It is -better than the er than devil's foot ever plunged -a spotted mirror of the power of God, and DIKE REGION. His strength gave way, and his com- discassion., , I I . 1141d a merchandis4 of silver. I � . . . business of such Infinit 1m3or%y*:-,'as soul that will soon weigh a: t 113 image of his goodness." Wh?n he ' I loo".9 I panions tried to break him of the . , . I that goini, on In the' I If this religion of Christ is advano- a ceaseless voya�ge­a soul lo. whi_ � had bY himself purged our sins. That A MiBturnefj Miner Tells a Strange Story- I h 'R every habit. He would lie on his pallet and - . man and Woman in this audience. Ing in value, and must continua ad- �all the armies of. light with drawn is, In did not make purification of sins A Manft That Holdo; lis Vietims I . I '. ,r)[lere vancinj, your business judgment will swords, and all the batallions of the by sacrifices and types, but by the sur- Vlee-Uke Grlp-Turu� Stroftg Me. ZtIOL moan pitifully for a,mouihful of snow, ,I � are-Alid goods -the facilities and ener, . � HOW,ROYALTY MOURNS, tell you the larger the investmentyou darkness, with the artillery of death, render of himself for the sins of the Weak, Effeminate Crpatn"�. ,and when opportunity offered would . "' , .. __ I gieg and passions bof your soul. There make in it the better. Other values are contending; and while the battle world, Sat down' on the right hand Every great discovery in the world's steal unobserved to the doorway and __ __:�_ ,- - - � abo �, . are the liabilities to temptation, to may have defpressions, but these Gos- . '. sot�b 'of the stwot cerementes Foilowed dainger and death. Can it be that we pel values alwttys will be on the ad- rages there are songs .and cursu�, upi Of (lie Majesty on high. An oriental hisiory has brought with it an accoin� .gulp down huge . handfuls. At last, I Wlioun Member of a araing ramnT have never taken an account of stocki vaace. ening of gatd§ of light, and slamming- premier Sits on the right sideof the , seeing death was inevitable, his cnYn- . Dies. . Cali it be that we have been running Sometimes the government to of prison doors. Oh, my God; have throne. I Panying affliction, and it has remain- panions allowed him the snow, hoping , I Cd6ta of monarchical lands have this tremendous business for eternity, comes on the marts of business and up- I such a soul I How Shall I defend it? 4. Being made so much better than ad fot� the. Klondike to develop a, pecu- to prolong his life. It proved unavail- . , . and never drawn out �pur affairs on a sets the. planning of the gold gamblers, How shall I hide it I In what cave of the angels. "Having become so much liar mania t t thr at n to rival Ing, -however, and one morning just � . balance -sheet ? I know such� a review and vindicates justi - better." In modern English the verse opium eating. Among the residents of previous to his departure the man was � their osiem9mial precepts and a fixed ce and the rights the mountains shall I secr6te it ? Rzith lia a a s out i Too for o6nducting court ipaurning. I,, not pleasant. Neither does any mer- of the I�eople, and the Lord God. Al- er thaft surrender that soul, I must 6eems to mean: Our -Lord's effective found dead. . . mighty is the mightiest of financiers, gass; the stream; I must go through efforts to at6ne between God and man I 1. GOLD IN SNOW. 0 . 0 -the, &oease',of'the monarch or his wife chant find it agreeable to take an ac- and He -will scatter to the four winds re I the far north it -is known as the "snow -� I mea,ns sa months of mourning by the count of stock. You all put the day intint climb,the rocks; Imust exalted him and distinguished him habit," and it is said -tai be intuiabbe. � , I off as long as you can. You do not of heaVen 'atl the plotters of iniquity, station inygelf in Some defile of the above angels and all other creatures One w R :There are some spots on the Copper I � I entire couit, axid,,-six more months to * and he will vindicate]3 his government, ho has re(urned fr6in the Klon- iver where the snow, when melted know what it may reveal to you. You mountain: and with immortal courage quite as far as did any essential sup- dike, tells this strange Story: and strained through a cloth, shows follow, when only the membexapf the and make His own children the princes and persistence, fight against those eriority of his nature. perceptible signs of minerals, and of- � say, "There may come up something in of eternity. . royal family mourn. review that I don't want to know, and influeqces that would capture my soul 5. Unto which of the' angels sa " There are many s�range things in 1 Oh, these spiritual values -man do and destroy it. id be. I ten gold is found plentifully intermix- � . Should a prince or. princt-se die great yet, after all, I must, as a business The writer is now appe'aling to the sil- the Klondike, but perhaps the Strang- ad, but, of course, not in paying quan- r not know how to estimate them. You 'Blessed he God, in Jesus Christ the ence of revelation. It, runs counterto set, and that about which tiothing hits ti�ies. Where this oomes from is a i mourning consists of but six months, man, attend to It." And though you give a dollar to a CbLrjstian object soul is safe. There is no risk for that some of our methods of explanation been written so far, is the dissipation mystery, but it may b6 brought from put It off as long as you can,,vou after and say: "That's gone, I'll never hear soul that is In Christ's keeping. All and interpretation to note that his the Far North by the heavy winter � three for the entire court and three a while say,; "BOYS, We'll 0 and take of that again." You give twenty-five other banks may fail, allothersecuri- quotations had in the first case refer� caused by eating snow., In the north, gates that sweep over -this part of the �� Aore'for the imperial fapilly. ixn account of stock." Many a man has dollars to, worldly gratification, and ties may prove worthless, but the en When a relative prince of an oukeide boon ourprisod at th3 close of that op- Ce to David and his seed. Bitt it was when the thermometer reaches thirty country. If has been said that if the I . � think you have made a good Invest- greater th3 rush upon this Bank, the assumed by Hebrair, think?rs that Such � eration to find how poorly he was off, ment. Have you? Of the twenty-five wider the doors will open. As earthly Passages had af uller application and It, leave deposits of milliobs of dollars in � principality dies lesser court mourn- to forty degrees below zero, amoutb- snow could be melted away it .would I Ali I It is Just as unpleasant to review dollars you gave to the worldly grati- gold depreciatbs, this treasure will rise a. larger accomplishment in the Christ ful of snow is like molten 'metal. I gold dust on the ground. . I I I Ing Is observed, consisting of but thir- our spirituai condition. The fact is we fication you will hear nothing; but in value. After all earthly Bliareshave Thou art my Son. (Psa. 2.7.) 1 will brings an inflammation to the P�.,t' � � . ty days; and, again, for a prince, not are insolvent. We owe derbtm we can that one dollar has been an invest- la a Our rorrespondent had a close ,call � . a relative, . only fourteen days are de- never p3.y, We have been running tbW ment that will go on accumulating in- failed, heaven will declare its.large div- be to him a father. (Sao 2 1,1am. 7. 14, nnd tongue, and it is impossible to take himself from falling a victim to the I . I voted to the wearing of Craps. . business of the soul so poorly, that we terest, and adding compound interest, ideud. Long after tha last stock ex- where it is sai4 of th3 seed of David.) enough to quench the thirst. 'Th� first snow habit. " It . I have got to lie wound up. We can't until it will take thq mightiest intelli- change of earth has been disbanded, 6. And ajain,Literally, "But Again" 1. P '96-:'97,' he said, "and I -was now to the foundation of the Lord standeth When he b th in th3 first begott ' advice an old timet' offers anew comer � an. � The great mourning at court requi,r- pay one cent on a dollar. 'We can't gence of heaven to estimate what is " the courntry. An old miner near Daw- . sure, having this seal, the Lord know- -When be ringo' have brought the the region is " Don't eat snow.' . as that no festivities shall take place' answer for one of ten thousand of our th, value Of that dollar rolling on .hall first in son had warned me 'against eating I I oth them that are His." If you ,have begotten." Appb4rently tha senge one, , within the Toyal house during the fl,,it transgressions. There has never in through all eternity until the banking i"spirit ual investments, I con- with reference to the t.ime when be hearty, robust miners, now w ak, a f m- k I th hi a prospecting tour . . ,18 There are men in that country, once snow, but: 1, with my Partner, had g ,9 of heaven cannot hold the -gratulate you. They will increase in Fh,tII hive brought th3 first b�ggoten, and had got caught in a blizzard. We " � three months. Not even grand din- worldly affairs been such a miser- house ac- made thew e f 0 bac n a its on . I able failure in Wall street, or State cumulation. We cannot understand value while you live-, they will be worth Into the world. In the senso of the i n- were shy of provisions and cp our way ' .. low. ITS ad direwfly .to the time they began ' . the wearing apparel is proscribed to - fairs. We owe God everything. W13 The woman '%',he sells in her thread T bid you be of good cheer Look out saith. Taie citation is either dir , ectly � . .. I ­ ners Oi luncheons are allowed. Then street as we have made in spiritual af now God's way *of estimating things. more in eternity than they are n ballited earth, not of tha universe inate cr6tureg, whose fall can be,trac­ up lost the package containing our 1jlie minutest detail. All ladies, resi- have paid Him nothing; some of. us and needle store one thousand dollars' that none of your treasures' are sto!en. from Deut. 32. 43, where. the Septuagint MUNCHING SNOW. cooking utensils. This.we remedied by ents. or visitors at court, must wear have never tried to pay Him any- worth a year, cannot estimate the Aire there some here who have viever has the words, "Rejoice with him, ye "The ra'after his heen but little in- broiling our cooked foods, hut we .had for the first six weeks black crape thing. plans of a man who sells two mil- I nothing in which to melt the snow. It l . bought the truth? or, n,fter buying it heavens, and let all the. angels of God ves(igated, but the. scientists who have is claimed that inelted snow is harm- , I I tre, and wear over thoix faces and oughly cornered in business matters, God's projects are too vast for UH- not wise. The Indian who sells a thou- PO 4 . dresses, made of material without lus- But Sometimes, when a man is tbor.? lion, of dollars' worth of goods, a year. have you sold it? Let me say you, are worship. him," or, bor a .slight adapia- examined the subject say that. thewa- 10-sa, as the metidlic dq sits it coft- .1 . �* - halging down the back a long black and he pays: "I Must stop Payment," We talk of one man buying a railroad, tion,,from the Septuagint renderingof to.rs of the North are rich with min- toifns sink to the bottom of the recep- , � vei ; small black hats and black wool- while he is sitting in hi's Store or office or of another buying halt a city why sand acres -of land for one poor at ring Psa. -97. 7, Wwq.hip him, all ye . . c fticle. '%Ve decided td try it 'raw,' and lea gloves. thoroughly discouraged, 1here f beads, makes a better barg In angels of bis," where the oral deposits which are being constant- wo dto. Whether it was the , food or . is a the, Lord Jesus Chviol bought the whole than that man -wlio wins the woRrild Authorized Version, after tbe Hobrew IY washod flown froin tho mountains. I � �. Gentlemen during court mourning, rap at the door. "'Come in," be Says. earth and paid for it in one day - but loses his soul. I snow, I don't know, but during the 11 � tex(i, reads, "All ye gods." A eertain per cent of this mineral is week wo waited for ,a chance to got � . when dressed as civilians, must don a An old friend enters. He Says: .'I paid for it in tears and agony and .Tamea Montgrinery solemnly asks: 7. And of the angels he saith. Bet- , _r, "While he maith to the CIS." I . . - black silk waoietcoat, coat and trousers bear you are in great diffieftIty; how bloodl You lxlk about vast corpora- "Wb3,t is the thing of greatest price to Laken into 1he air when vapor raises, 'Out we had an 0or-inerea sing thirst I I I of black wool Or siWrg.o.,,black necktie much money will got you out. of this tions, iind moneyed institutions, 10 ang u f , I and gloves of the same color. They emb.irras8inent?" ,"Well," you say, . and The whole creation round? Tho'citation is from Pao. 4. -4, Sap- and iho snaw" becoineg impregnated 11 " when we were finally able to r , powerful companies; but the richest strike. the tfail, we were consuming I must also have d orape, over the upper ' five, thousand dollars uld." He TbtLt which was lost in Paradise, tuagint version. with it. There have been movertil falls snow �n t R frightful -rate. , When we � . : 8 ) 'L company of IOWA'S disciples, and the That which in Christ was fornd.11 S. Unto the Son lie sai(h. Quoted of rp,d snow near Point Barr .. left arm and around their hats. say : '."Here it is" baii� ;y so and Poorest 6ne, of them will be amillion- �-, I � ,,ow, the do- rpae,hed-our copp,tnions we attempted . . , I After the first six weeks the ladies' go. The man is delivered from all big airo to ;oodl eternity. I take one of I from Pea. 45, 0, 7. Posit being of n reddish brown color, to assuhte our thirst with water, -but . I can abbreviate their long,3veils to just commercial distresses. Just 80, while these bonft of the comp 9. Thn oil of gladness was the gym- it did,no good. We bad acquired a tasW . � I , ., alry, . and I SYMPATHY. . bol of rejoicing4 and ealiebiallY df in- due entirely to minerals. Thus it can . � , . half the former. length, and can put we are,sitting down disheartened on fea,r off just one coupon, and hand it for the frozen water, and it earned �, . � on some jewelry. The gentleman can' F,Ccount of our sib, and feeling that to You, anA you read on that Coupon What'd the matter with Freddie I duction into the holy offices of Priest- be seen tliat a persqU , eating large 'to have invigorating qualiti .11, . I Wear Bilk gloves ptOV14ed they are fin there is no hope, there Is a rap lat the tliese words: "All atp yburs.11 If a asked the boy's father. I bood gid roydIty. quantities of the an , ow tFikes into his night we Could not sleel civilian garb. , . door of the heart; it is Jesus coming man He's worried over his Studies. He . � .. . I of took out snow. We were fil �,:_l .11 . In six more ,.vCaka the Iddies ' wants 16 better dividerid than correspoliding timount Ist �Ppl . . , drop In. He says: "What do you want?" that. I do not know where he will has an example that Says if he has AN EXPART' ON ONE' SIDE ONLY. system a Ing tho degenerate stage, when I I I � � . their voil entirely; the military more- We ,nnswer: "We want'pardon; w,6, get it. , - I ten dollars and pays fift* cents for "When I wag a boy," said the Som. minerals." , f ad a redii7i,,ng sense of our condition I . � I . While coming down tthe Copper Riv,- and an rt ok to break off. I began . bers of the dburt retain only the black went peaco; we want th.1 eternal sal' , lAgain, I romirk that the wiae spiri- some potatoes, 'and seventy-five ,cents r sap a 11 " it used tel be a . I . . 4 . crave a,tound the, loft atm. Crape vattuft of the Gospel." 'Tesus SSY6", dL%1 11161tchlInt is careful to got apro- toe a steak and various sums for other be _vi dm n I com. sMast Spring be came upon a party of by degrees', rtiiA worked down, but tip . I "' The debts are paid, the fit Out of ovoirything that passes I h ,d,s the yory moment I left t�e country , , I . I I -dr"669 may at the end of tWelve weeks .there it Is." li. how much will he have left. moA thing to debate the question: to :. be replaced bysilk or atlas of the same obligations are cancelled. Now, we do throagh his hamdo. 11 Which fig g miners where one was dying from the , I I You go Into the tell him not to bother. I'm reater, the joy of &Utioi. t4t sight. of snow always raised in me I , I . � iblor, but always closed at the'beck. bdbinesA on an Infinite capital. Now, stok,&, yOW see the roll of mankeen, n gol 0g, to have the careless Inno- pation or that of realizati 11, ofteots of eating snow. He had been an iAcNdiiiate ' craving. It cost ino I I . The Second quaft-,r Of the court Ww have .On patIer the name of 'the "My recollootion is tho,tofh1st gitioa- a hard drinker, but had run abort bf 6any -91�opleam nigbts find weory (1.1ya I . Ing I or the ba,rr6l, of sugar, or the btring of e6nee of,childhood disturbed by any t I . . Inbourkii 18 last edvoro, Unimportant Iting. N6W fill the banks Of eternity Imnanas, or flit coll� of -ship table. .Be- such �usoloss trouble. 'I'll b� timi( IdIft was fidtl6k Settled dednitoly, whiskey, His thirst beomma aji�ndur-,tO restrain n1yealf. Had I given, way I � 14 . festivitlOA being tolerated, but in no are ready -with'tbeir loans. There 18 folte, the 1110TO11(tidt letA AhAm. page Oaf. b for him to face the awful pro. thoagh the judges might give it Vor- abI6, and ag water was Spares in itilid- to the habit, f would, like many ap- , diso dan tho.ve be music. n o them Who are In of his hands he will make a profit out, t111Te1_1mU!S of life when be gr6wa up and diet. And after theme ygara, 46 far an .0 , , other poor follow, have lost all anftlfi- I I SIX 1110fitba 61 ihIA fhourbibg Is sue- Christ Zedlis. I I of 416m. IfNe 'hda paidi -ten CAnts a Evis grocery bills of his'OWn. , My own 6Xp6HWX0o goes,, the qu6atioj� Winter ,hp, had ttxk to eating gnov�-, tion and filled no unknown grave it . I . - ,%6add by Mt months more for the. "That goal that 614 tTeaus Wath leaned yird f6k eomethIn9,,.hA will get twolv(i .1 0� 11 — . remains UnAettlod yet. As to th6 join $bbb he 61A111116'(f ilt 112616vo6a big appetite that froz6n wildernegn," . . � - I 'In' b o"e6`th It 01 '. oo" I .1 ­_­. L .. �_. ' " t ' " I Will not, I Will 136C Atiftrt i&,Its fats; eenta for nPouad, he. will gat, thirty . . . . fap for zopw, � or f1ftCen,,,If he bas,paid twenly-fl, of 0,11tiolpation, I, ponsla'Ok Myself a fbio the 114U0; b4 big OOMP�W6118"no- � ' �, ­ 11 - , � . d . . . R . . POVArty is. t1he only load which'IS qualified: otpbrt; bilt it thoik -18, . - I Wl"' 'Ohl" " ' s i� A Proud . , , oth6f WIM a Ould 0,11. Raw# I say the iviae., spin nal n!ter- 't n6o g Ift, xetdfz&tioi� r musk rely .&pb.jbtItb i6r the sinb . inaki Is taldom'.4 grateful. . , the ' Are to knalat in bearing lit.— 6hy Jifiq 6 never O' k i he gate as, �., 1. 11L, � , doa,vour to. shake, *4o thmit will Ket A spiritual. - ndvnntngo - . more loved o -of thAt U0.6h thi Mt JU"'% ltt!:,60v,��4-8,�r 1, � 1,,,ho, wlig e6lisuming on- mado for h ,I I )J� t,16W4a t�n That soul, thougli all bell sh th 6 heavier the 116*1094, I ,or 0 f ght, Ot tatt t6 � - � i � I . � . 11. 1,11 hever, no "over, lie never fouatb.", 6'it of dw"4thing ,that ooibos ko,msq 16�110r. , � I . , � antitimo; qviidaiajly� his liklli'. duolvas �'e adw*68i I ,W. Aembut .. 4 1 � I - � . I . , . I � of otherh . .11 , I . . b .'o, Otwft, qu I 1. . ,. I . � I . 1. I . 4 I � , : I . �� . / I . � I ( A, " � � I I �fill 1 . 1. 11 I 11 I 11 . I I . I I � , I . � � - � . .. 11 1. . . . . � � 1 .. � I 1, 'L � � I . I ___­� I I , , rt tv V A% ir a I na a li. e d a I -i I i , 11 I �, I * � . � e . �, I I I I . . I I . I . 1� �. . . I I � 4 %: . I . . . , .,�� I A� ,,, I .. I , 1, . Y. I I _0 o . � 0 . �, I . . � I I ". . I I I . .� ,. �, , 'o � . . 1, I I . I I I � 1� I . I I I , .1. . I I . I � . I a I I " � . � I � �4 1 ,. I � � , . � - . I I I I . � . , 1� I . . I I ". I �, 41 . . ,4 1 . 11 : , ;1 . 1. I 41 I A . * , '�Y, I I I t 1, I I . I . I I � " . I - , � I . " .�, .! I 11 . � I . . I . 4 1 I I I I . � 0 I . ,Z ,�,.", , �� I . 1. . L I � I I . . k �- I OL ,, I I - . I . . . . * A " - , � I ." I " - � I 11 I . . � A I 1 44 ,� '. , . � I I I I I . . I � . .� I I I I � � , I 1�1 . . I " , �, � . . . , , I �, I I � I , , 0 ", � I � I , , . I . 0.� , , . : / I . . , . . I . . I , . . I I ,r � . I 1. - � . , , I . V I , , , � I I I �, �1� I I 1'�2�11._:sa, -11a � ,_�� . IL -1-11M ­_ - - . , '. I. �_ 11 . k �"�' . , , , A . - -,-., ___ Ito -A - I I .!�Wlda��__ I �, I il . I - -i - N_ A . I - �, - I .k I 0 . 1, ' W1W0kkh.�___ - *& .,. ".,LL- -Iiio"",'L k L - - -, A.L �-' El I ow, - N I . ,1 ... I.. �Ww