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The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-15, Page 8
' J n[P.s: ' at gtt'QI .3e34forW W,t;t3 1/O1ri1IJ1 10111 #fir #,t * l}8) OL1. 41111 a kat+Va uurr` au cr►auf;c:ov.. M?f.W%;', idcaP AV,^Iv:W a MgJ.R. RIrU.1 IA Tould 11kE to h neat al his. #.tuber-ln 1a t', 1x, ., fax major deck: nl' l l W t e lz 1 xv ek°. °. p 1 ,a'11,e 'concession§ vvpra hlact+e so ' The kr( ssytc rian.tr+ R tt is lacer ur a M the 110111 e, last week," lik a.;[nttat l to eetlnJ; c1f il1Je Datxt rat a .brl,dl ; ltaet• Svid€ v that• hardly anf -pose holding fheiu annual tttertairl» - •.. fl b, our Mr, and Mrs, T, U1 iklcElruv oP B.t3'th J ta t fiorseOreedeta Aesocliltlatl W[ta y , p s ' r-" you r L e din thea e , pe[aUJ ltat a[tx tta t lattrs^b. rneflk an t4 e- t;*tltl . ernnco hall ,on the '} f , _- , d ". tvalre in towtl an' [day t tt .n J3 held at the Rzttts'ttbuiy vest friary x tt d 1CClinton,,i n ' [ _11I a a rs. (I111, i I to d n t11 evere iiey..,, .. M.., t. [..,14 yf (alt 1,?tt, will eveq ng,. f ft es+layr lgth lust, As thea _ __.__ - _ - funeral Of the l to M wlaetnt lagt.v the.. ,a_.t Q s.. Y ...- _ -.. ., - * S OQdS''(? , reackt.ntrinuiversatr sexytces.Ill...can* h tvtl hes>rt favored With ,L, „ - a. h l[ r1Y1 } s 7-ena new left on, C4ul Rdey' tlier h e • as the attvndage ,cif . P , -?'.._ , . _ _ . 3 rte , h ! _ t go crowds M1s Buffalo. - west t.er w necttattYarlth tyalosaL.patntrrrent-.t xt a 1l.tlats.ac itaCrtn reytaas1., w cast + " - morning far $ufkato where afro will to the old" Imeas, an1l2n fllose resent lP P Y e t -, [ d cin the winter rnOrtths. be :--J es 'lliitchell cal extah . Sia, )dal.y,- Dec. 18th, a) . IQ:Mu uii `kid that it ttnay be•ssa ar qhl, The bill o u' 1114 n doring inti , d Airs'. Samuel Fleur re• M stn M. P. , M..Oolei . 7 p. m, CRllectlon at ea[ h • set vace, ill i,lt,o wall ' i:,Pr ,: t1p•ttixla►ta • araI a uong .:- ,. • It 15 probable.that Mr, an M &' Jahn • c ilat•n, - , . , tkrd a£ Sat,bb(t,th school. .•. .•.::. other nesy,fetLtttrrs };, I [r t + • 2:-- ;. >` ... ° turned Tuesday to Rivittatlton after Lalkesiite. .74mes;Ilenderson, Belton:! :, n S •nd it' 1 l Iltttnh grin, r,.... ► several weeks in tQWA. 4 N s4 .d6i4h Glglpue►l . qti ridaty pole, etc. Aun't itriss the cars.Zz11 tee" spend ng a oohs ltusch, SebrtoBville ; JQttIR Mcg tither of they' ioneers of this tntvraekiili, Nt r►board 1Lta c<nue-E- . Pr: c`di kis bet .puss Archibald has been of . l'@rnnfd,' I.ucknaw ; Jahn Watt, flak,, , , p . • "., few days to Blyth, the .guest of Mrs. lock ; Alex. Innes, t3tanley. ; (1...E. ur the person of Mr. Jiiniea Beacom, i . ' •R8 Ser. -vice and, give you H. T. Rance. Maisan, Dir; Xclntoah, I', McGregor, who had reached his, seventy-sixth : -w,-- ----- _- ___ Miss Elllte Johnston, who has been y. `. John Kitchen and S. Smile , John year. The cleceatid was the to st y Sntunle>rhill. - ---_ more for your money the guest oP her uncle, Mr• Oliver Avery, from the south, The follow <L>4a'gh, Ireland, add was the youngest - ' . . Johnston for a few days, returned to to were elected officer$ for next ear: of a family of feu, all of wham have ,,.,- g y lived irr tb.is tovbnsbip and tillon the o. not, forget that Xmas exam. at +- 'vim✓ than you can get else- her home in Zurich on Tuesday. ,president, John McMillan, M: P. ; old Bay0elcl line where the familyNo. 4, Suatn,erhill, on Thursday, Dec. . ;. y g Miss. Hockarth, who has been the Vice, Dr. Mol'ntcah ; seoretitry=7reits ' 22nd o•- guest.of Miss Kizzie Carter for a couple acct, las. Mitchell ; Btrectot's, Alex: f1L'st settled. Mr. Beacom was }L man the evcn n . rnT4e chupteer entertainment !n or► I Iwhere. of weeks, returned to her borne in Ex- Innes, John Busch, George Stan respected and liked by ever yhudy. He g t dote from UDD PARIC, n 'r ( I ji j jhall a b! heart aria wis irate city the 21st, its previously announced, was a.- Ilr? IIII //(e11i !,lel II . eter the forepart of the week. bury, Dr. BlaekaU, W. Sinclair, g g 1 I due to ennfllctin • examinations. A "o E WJ A L `_ I . . We can only 'L Con- Mrs: 1v. C. Howlett and Miss Helen D. M. Colo, James Henderson, TlioA. itself, fn politics he was a stannc [ 1, of Y slauti, Mich.,. are eats of the Green, U. E. Masan, Joh❑ Watt, Conservative and in religion tL ltletho silver collection will be taken in the r y , P lost, The rornaius were litfd In their evening, proceeds in aid of school vanCe 011 Of this b a former's sister, Mrs. H. W. Cook. John Avery, Jolts. McDermid, John decorat,iuns, picture of our Queen, y', y y Mr. O. Hunt, who has been spending Kitchen. The delegattes chosen to go I brat resting phue in. the cemetery at etc. Don't forget iB io n t i I I , R Q . a few days home, left Monday for to the Canadian Horse Breeders' As- Bayfield on Tuesday, the services beto bt ing yourself`, y in conducted by Rev, Mr. Shatw. , Al- your family, and, its iL necessary etc- r,.., -M-1 trial. Brantford, where he has taken a situ- sociation, James Henderson and Alex. g vti r r ation. Innes; to Industrial Fair John Me though the roods sore almost impose_ companiment, Your—brisket. All are rl When you want Miss zella Carder and her sister ible and the news of his death did not welcome. Programme in evening will - Millan and Dr. McIntosh; West- seek for itself. Do not miss the an- We make each sale brio us another. 0 . . r EdnFa, who has been attending the ern Fair, J. Iienderaon and Mason. heconie;;enera►Iv known on account of P .- Model, were aceta at the Rector over the stut•in, rt,an frt . ,ds gathered to nu:Ll guthoriug. g __= Rectory It was decided to give a $10 prize aft Y t, We notice that Will. Lowery is Duce Our `'ood buying Illal{eS easy selling. . "' the best come t0 115. Sunday. They returned to Blyth oil the West 11pron, South Huron and Paiy their last tribute of respect to one Y , Monday. North Perth Fairs for best till two- who was so highip esteemed, by all. more +.tn,uug us, afters visit to the „ ti'l' e want you to look fox faults so we cap count them. y' 9 Several members of the family who Queen city. Query :-Did he brio the r r. , r In giving you the best Mrs. James Watsonand family, years old nrunder registered to the g d This is the Store that sets the ace g g y D b have, settled near Sault Ste. Marie ar. storm hums with him ? It is here, • - p y who have been guests of Mr. John ominion Stud Book. tived home it da or two ireviou'i to evidence is •tut wanting. There is ."-- we are "Often the Leslie for several weeks, returned to their father's death. 1 sunw till you can't rest, and more on q , , ,. o Seaforth Monday. to of that. CheaeSt17• Mr. }end Mrs. Samuel Cook will leave A quiet but pretty wedding took pp Cheapest Monday to take tip their residence The choir of the Ontario street )lace tit the residence• of Mr. Samuel Mr. Wetheral arrived TuescL►y morn- ' Y Methodist church is re }Erin a son Ita•thw.ell on Wednesday, December 7th ing from his howe in Auburn on snow- s"._. j with their son, John Cook, in Flint, p p g g v shoes, other means of g Grand Often the Cheapest, c ys..tlyE,_ ' when his daughter Alice fuss united in getting here be w,• Mich., Pur the winter months. service for CluisUnas.SnndaY ing out of the qquestion. a Rev, J. W. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes Captain Huntington of the S. A.says marriage to Mr. Fenwick Sttwru t of Mr. ,John Watkins of Holmeavil!e r r, - The W D Fair f0 of Mitchell were nests of Mrs. Boles the Arm Christmas Tree will bean Statnlry. The ceremony wits perterm g Y ed by Rev. Mr. Shaw of Rayfleld in the paid our burg a flying visit on Monday. W. • t over Sunday, Mr. Holmes returned eye-opener and the wily Cry of next r esence of. only the immediate rela►- i p-- Christmas i horde Mondwy, but Mrs. Holmes will week a thing of beauty. There will be , us of the contracting parties. The i - - - '- . '-- '-a ULINTON. remain a few days in town. special meetings next Sunday end in. bridesmaid was D1iss ddie Rothwell go ( _ a j - Mr. ah'd Nlrs. Itobison have moved the afternoon he will .take as his topic, W hip.h in. do- G --"do a ;,, . Agenls,ParkWs Dye Works. into Mrs. Kinsman's house in Little "Stars rind Stripes." sister of the brit P, while the __ r . England and will occupy it during the groom was supported° by Mr. Adam The following from Monday's Globe, r ; ' — - -- winter. Mr. Robison came from Lon- — Stewart. the happy couple. both of refers to the aid ending of a gentlemen , i a whom ar•ewell•hnown a'hd are ver . don s short time itgo to work in the Y who resided in Wingham some years r #`• '., - pc,pular in aiwide circle of relations, ' 4GJW_ • of gan factory. Goderich Towniship. a o :-Mr. T. 0. smith dair man who ` I NOt108 t0 dVOPt1S8C'S. Will Hollows and Ross, who are -- have taken rap their residence on the g Y ': Holloway old Stc wart homestead oil the 4th con l,ae been living at 121 Robert street, --.• - ;: attending the Dental College, Toronto, Mrs. William Elliott and her son Ed. cession of Stanle, wbete the will be' i9ent to the Johnson jiouse at the d r11 Copy for change of advertisement on were home last week, having come up of the Bayfield concession returned y' y corner of Jarvis and Lombard streets on .r 200 Dleri'S ' ult5 to be Offered 1 ~ 4 and 5 must, be in this office on, to murk their ballots for the man of borne a few days ago from Toronto at home to their frieucls in it few days. pages y g Saturday afternoon, and rafter dinner itt slaughter l,l•iceS and Saturday to make sure of change for their choice. where she had been consulting a epeci - - -- went upstairs. A tow moments later a Chief Wheatley, Richard Downs, alist. She has -considerably improved a the following week,. and for pages 1 Louis Eidt and E. Devine were witnes- in health, we are pleased to bear. Beh:[•ave• Pistol shot was heard, and Smith came Cr -a , i"' down bleeding from a wound in the side. a A (het D f FUif7 t%iYe ' 11 and 8 on Mond y afternoon: Triuisient see at the trial for theft of George De- Every Godei ich township Uaiserva- s .,. vine and James West which took lace tive should he it subscriber of THE Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were ."At He told the proprietor, that he had shot •- -1-0 advertisements received up to 7ednes- P Home" to a number of their friends on himself, and as the wound was seen'to err''' ip Uoderich yesterday. Nr,aws-RECORD. ' day noon. Advertisers will confer a Mr. Marley Davidson", a sometime The anow storms of the est week Thtti'sday evening. be serious an ambulance wits called and r 11!, favor by adhering strictly to these cham ,ion Canadian bit cle rider, wa, rave beat all the records. P g ` to be U'%Ut3i? Away _ I y h Mr. John Agnew ,of ClintonC%limon visited Smith was taken to St.Miohael skioa frail ``- r'udes• in town on Monday. In addition'to Miss E. Beacom, Mrs. W. Sterling friends at I301grave last week. He died there Sunday without giving a r being a speedy.wheelsman, Mr David- raid Messrs. Robert and Datvid Beacom The youngest child of Mr. Hugh any reason for his act. i -+ son is tin expert on skates and his of Pickford,'•near the Michigan Soo, McBurney was buried on SaturdrL r t0 SOnle lucky individual. A . g y ,Pile Ontario Government has appoint- {,.1. N, 9W gMer#loetilell#o, visit to the: Hub wits in the interests Of returned home the .latter part of last Mr. Ferguson of Bayfield was the ed "Empire Day" as a commemorative s1a,w,bter Sale never equalled , r - 3?_ I r - u firth which manufactures hockey week in consequence of the illness of guest of Mr. Porterfield on Thursday. occasion in the school calendar. The l: ct s goo3s. their father Mr. Jas. Beacom. David In this sec tion „ - - 0 PAGE. + • __ __._-._... _- _..__.. - day selected is the 23rd of May. It ,=' 14Holiday Gifts—Harland Bros..................(5. ChtirlP9 S. Proctor, travelling pas- reached the homestead a day earlier will not be a holida but will call for '-' 1' 1 +► ^r ti r 1 .rr ;.• Mantles -John Wiseman .....................(5.) senger agent of the G. T. R. and J. N. than the others in consequence of their Y - q ll➢r;'sdale• special exercises b the scholars on that d -= Noone Person -P. B. Crews ......... ......(5,) Bastedo, acting in the sarne capacity taking the wrong carat North Bay. p Y - a " ill,Your Christmas Buying—Sydaoy Jackson..(5.) for the Atchison, Topeka and Sante A few days prior to last Thnrsda • Owing to the severe snow stoic day of a patriotic natur©. Lovo Ta Blind -A. J. Grigg..................15•) Fe Railway system, were in town yes- The nominations for County Council- ('''=.. `11.Holiday hates -G. 1'. It......................(5.) Y Y , Y Mr. Cxarrow wrote to a number of South business is at a. standstill. Snow fell f ;. ""'' ,0 Selling At Dost Miss Hillior................(4.) terday and called upon Mr. William Goderieh Conservatives salting them to about thirteen inches nn the level in lora will be held on Monday, December i` , 40 dozen Of the latest • o Shorthand -Joseph Hodgson ......:...... ..li) Jackson whose acquaintance among come to bra aid. This hats caused rnatny cape night and has beatten the record 19th. In No. 7 district the nomina *1 : > i "" 110ve1t, S i ` fine Neck- Srotch whiskey -Lack Kennedy. ( ) •railway men is wide indeed. to ask if Mr. Holmes will think it for it number of ears, People have tions will be held at Belgrave and in *_ ` "h) le ri $21 Suit for 35c.—A. J. Holloway ............ 0.) The model school examinations cloy- necessary to solicit the bel of the been storm at•}L ed man different No. 8 at Wroxeter. do - `. '-M wear now Ori Sale and -•2 '1. - 3HutPor.5c.-t1: J. Morrish...............lt) Y P S Y I I:Qd(/}lei , Grand Christmas Sale -Jackson Bros.......IB:j • irrg-'on Fvi'daa,y the.st'udents :rn training -COnsel•v+Ltivesof liullett thotigh toot of, placefi tttoug trio liar'. Many' of our ' townspeople were - w `Cy -• " 1 Holiday Presents-Hodgens•Bros ............ (8.) have one to their several homes, as the (r,. everypurchaser of a Tie with awakened earlier than usual on ThuraY= v-- < r We would Litre—W. D. Pair Co ........ .... 18J . p "' t• " ti has g Y Mr. Louis D1ess spent last week follows: -E. Gregory, ftensull ; W. E. bh•. H. A. Cook has returned borne his farther-in-Isw, 14L•.• Logia Denomy. day morning week by the ringing of the , a _ Bryans, J tmestnwn ; T. B° Hnope:, Ex from Buffatlo to ,ait his parents and Air. W. Turner returned home last fire alarm shortly after 5 o'clock, It a- ' a , 'd p t . - titer; G. Buchanan and F. Lswreuce• other friends. .Harry is xn expert at week. William has been stn employee was discovered that Mrs. Kincaid s in 111 ( A Chargee to ' Seaforth ; W. Hamilton, Blyth ; E. cult breaking and note hats a team of of the Snowden Bros, for the 1piaSt A717011t O O O Strong and G.Ruttsn, Fordwrch ; W. bronchus that were never haltered three years. Lae has been a faithful 8amesne It i8 thought that streetMinnie the s fire - 11 n / / J F. Ansley, Wineham; J. W. Peck, quite tame. worker and Win haul need ofiv, rest, as Uel a Wo/tl. Watch Bayfield ; Miss McLean, Hensall ; Miss It is expected that there will he lata his health is sornewhatt broken. started from some wood which had been — .i People Thompson and Mise Kspling, Blake; of fun at the school meeting in S. "S. Mr. Ed. Talbot, Jr., is engaged with placed in the kitchen stove oven, as the , WHERE THEY ARE Miss Reith, Hensall ; Miss Dayly and No. 9. his uncle, M. D. Westlake, in the' ele- fire was first noticed in that part of the a— r ' AND WHAT O - Miss McTavish, Seaforth ; Miss McNab, Mr. Thomas Webster, Sn, who was vator, house. The firemen were promptly on r " Walton. visiting in this township lately got Mr, John Bannerman, who has been hand, but owing to the deep snow were t► i 0 1 1 ti r tid THEY ARE DOING Mr. John T. Anderson, a veteran of stormed in and had to leave his horse wnrking in t he countiv for the, past six unable to reach the fire, until it had d We Know seventy-nine "years and a resident Of and rig with friends. He bt,ing a Con- months, has returned in town again. made such headway, that the dwelling P Guderich township since '44, called in servative of the right stamp took the I Alias Annie Srcenan was the guest of was eampletely destroyed with almost mom. At the prest'llt time we are Carrying one Of the on Monday to renew his sub, He has train from Clinton via Wingham to Mr. W. Turner one day last. week. all the contents. l~ ]a1'or,St ilOCk3 Of Men's Suits t0 be found an where --a Mr. S. S. Cooper was in London this been a subscriber of THE NEws-RECORD a in y = wee10 k. since it first saw the light of day and ----•.- iri t111S SeCtiOn—a Stt Ck that 1S Up-tO-date in every ^ . Rev. E. B. Smith was in Bayfiel!l on likes it now better than ever. Mr. _ • 41— way—and a stock,that is not equalled. 200 Suits I -110 I Tuesday. Anderson is the father of a round a— 3' .. Mr. W. W. Farrah went to Ottawa dozen children and there are Only two. 011 Presents have got to he moved between now and stock -taking Oil Monday. vacant chairs in the circle. His boys. a v; Mr. D. E. Cantelon went to Hensall there are eight of them, are somewhat l' v/ on Febl'Uary ] St, and here is the list: on Monday. scattered. Two have settled in Mani- . Mr. William Bell of Blyth wits in toba, two in Dakota, one' in Kansas, All Our $r5 Suits, $3.$5 town on Sunday. one in Toronto, while two yet remain f Mr. D. Prior was in Seaforth a few on the old homestead. They are all forEverybody r All Our $ t $4.95 ",days last week. staunch Tories, to be sure. Mr. And- A Rev1:1. Mr. Acheson of Kippen was in erson now verges 'upon four -score s r ..."' All Our $10 " $7.95 I town on Tuesday. years, but is yet hale and hearty, and C • -+ „: • Mr. Wm. Taylor of Walkerton was we hope may yet see' many another All Our $12 " $9.95 _ in town last week, round of Christmas festivities. More and -more every, season people are searching.out the use - Mrs. Inglis of Guderich is the guest -_____—__-__ Every purchaser of a Suit has a chance ,to get a Set of Mrs. W. J. Fleuty. ful for Holiday Gifts. A Dry Goods stock is pre-eminently a stock of Ftnrnittire now on exhibition in .the window of ' , Mr.'' D. Cantelon wits to Toronto HOW THE ELECTION WAS WON. - - ---- p p Bal'lett'S furniture store, from Saturday to Monday. of useful -articles and one like this is full to, overflowing with lines Mr. E. N. Lewis of Guderich was to As the smoke of battle drifts sway ` %,. town on business yesterday. and the forces lined u against Major it •o- "" "" ''' ' '" ' ' '' ' ' ' "' " ' ` - - , il Mrs. George Abel and family have p g j that make useful and appropriate gifts for the greatest of all holi- • returned from visit in Seaforth., Beek do more clearly appear the only r _ For Christmas of 1.Mr.' John Ritchie of WitSgham was tvnnder is the smsllnesa of Garrow's dap seasons. What e an be better to give than something that will f ; - in town a couple of days this week. - - fe.t ings there IS 110 majority. 11.Miss Annie Wortkiington left Mon i.. t1ljClcr, !, day to visit relatides in Egrnondville. Mr. Gamow at one time professed a be of some practical 'use to t 3 recipient ` Our stock to -day em- . . , nicer than a "'i" . 1. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Potter 'of Blyth desire for the non-interference of offi- fins Tit slid with - w Tie, -- were guests at Reeve Kennedy's on ci its in elections, but'during the can,- braces hundreds of such lines, and the searcher of the practical and _ Lls yU1, see a SeleC- Tuesday. 1i n nearly e y p y useful as well as •the beautiful, will find themselves well repaid by Rev, Mr. Clement occupied the pill- Pa g Y ver employee ee of the t t111 t10t Seen 'oat pit of the Methodist church at Mitchell Hardy Government took an active side the Cltit'S, l+.v- v,, " 1 on Sunday. part, some of them off g aively so. A a visit here. We are read for holiday business NOW. Prudent cry parehttsrr of a , I 1.. Mr. Lester Whitely, who is attend- ready certain bailiff thinking himself not ing Varsity, spent part of last week at 6• Tie has a Chance to , ! home• conspicuous enough by his actions, ad- shoppers will make their selections NOW, while stocks are at their Miss Janet Weir lett for'Toronto qd Jed that he could "lick any — guess the tlulYllJt'1' Of q's --".r Tuesday, where she will remain the ___- — of it Tory that lives." Wee best, and before the rush that invariably comes with Xmas week. g : ,tea 'winter. the Gold Watch .0. . Miss Nettie Stephens of the base dont care to put the expression into _ ^-. __ -- _- _-' - h ? cold type the cur who made use of it ` now Oil exhibition "' }.. I . ;; line, visited friends in Blyth part of yp d :. last week. is not fit company for any decent man. M ill Out' window, [ , - 3, Mr, Geo. Steep has gone to Hensall Mr. Bastedo; who hs, charge of the `'aanY People to assist Mr, D. Cantelon in his egg g 1%V,%•'®^ ' ` shipping. fisheries department, visited Ooderich refer to make u their own h•)lida gifts. Those who do will find,a splendid assort- ` . ` _0, • II Inspector Robb was in town ]est Mite in the campaign and worked p p i7 P At this SeaS011 Uf z week presiding over the. Model school among 'the fishermen. It is supposed ment of popular materials here, Such lines' as a- -do 11 examinations. ' --' the year everybody I •'s " Mrs. Hessian of Wingbatn was the that he told them in effect what Prem- 111— y y y a. guest of her sister, Mrs. Bentley, part ier Hardy promised to the citizens of RIBBONS, EMBY SILKS, PLAIN SATEENS, ' 1 r is puzzling their blains t0 make out their list Of _' _ of last. week. Owen Sound if they did not support •„_, Christmas Offerings and in a store like ours you can Mrs. Kinsman left on Tuesday to the Liberal candidate -cold justice, a FANCY WORK LINENS, FANCY SATEENS' PLA IN COLORED SILKS spend the 'winter with her daughters decaying commerce, ruination for We _ -__ __ - _ 0— . -- get ulariy a useful present. Take, fol' instance our in St. Thomas. y g -- - 0- a `* 1. Mr. Joshua Cook, who is in Toronto port. Mr. Bastedo may or may not 'at- ;, great line of Fowne s English Gloves ai $2 add $2•,50 P D N Things Ready 'diose who have not time to make .0 Xmas resent's will find here "- a air. A beautiful resent for a' entletnan friend. ° — repacking fruit for the Apple King, tempt to explain the reason f his vis_ (1 p l► p g " wits home Thursday last• it at that particular juncture, but the a great collection of: useful and fancy af dgl8s tIto . t)r'e...most,__n,ppro- Another useful article would be a gentleman's House s' Messrs. G. D. Mc McTaggart, W. Jaick- V' • •= • fact remains that old friends of Major date for holida gifts, such a,3 do- --+ son, W. W. Farrah and S. H. Smith To 111 e••••• p Y g + , .r or Lounging Coat. Than take our se]t etion of flue._ y were in Toronto this week. Beck's, moa who go clown to the sea d Miss Hall, who has been the guest with their nets were found supporting '; °,' Braces, Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, -Cuff Buttaris, ' N - s PP g Handkerohiefs, Ladies' Nookwear, I ` Chenille C4,11.No r= etc. You can select some fine presents from these ^ , of Mies Gill for a few weeks, returned Mr. Gart'ow on election day. Upon (i]OpeB I Fur=lined Capes, Rugs, t` ; ' " to her home in BtnntfordAa Tuesday. A,• : . Miss Ms ie Miller, whip had seater- what compulsion did they, pray tell us FanOy Z,inens, t goods, _. Japanese Silk Covers, I Qarpet 'w npers, " 11 , act remo ed from one of her eyes a-thii,t? Table Cloths t 'apeatry Co'cers u, sluts edliwear, ,,.t W-q" -%,o •q -% -%.. ► .q► -ft,.W v ►-O"r •+►.• = ;. fortnight ago by Dr. Turnbull and has Furthermore, it alleged that a ter• Napkins, t: ` i 1,since then been staying with an atun Tapestl Curtains '-;t311td.,lobbs. -•. In town, returned to he home !r► Gode- talo "Club" was organized in Guderich, Furs o all kinds r f f r`'- d" Shoe Department --Fine Goods at how Prices. ' . rich township 'the othefa day, Miss. that the members thereof placed a a Miller has had her eyesight Almost vallueon the twenty Or thirty votes LL ""- - me—. C",onsider for a rnalnent, whe.ri sou ,tare . planning. completely restored though before the they commanded and held out! until • Operations were performed she was in ,. ,. HAND Ei CHIE 'S GLOVES Christmas gifts, tbi t. there are, places where, a pair, 'almost total darkness. late, in the afternoon when the stuff 4, - Mr. G. C. Petty of rho Iiensall peek- was forthcoming £rum a'Liberril source 1 Avery seaason Seems os ethein 'row , of Shotfs Or :`lipp'0r9 lt'Ould be more r seful thLil .J '. . x" i in factory, one of the most flour- „ ,+ I I' a Alwa Useful, always 8C {, g Y iLud the Ulub marked its ballots ac- daitltier aLncd 15:rettier, in design. ribs great many Otllel• articles'. We rectngllize.the fact . ishing industries in that u-to-ditte vil- cotdfngly, % I•" - i seasonI stt cit'expols any we have ever ceptable, there 'are f6W artiOleS , I , ,,:_ , )age, wars in the Hub last'rlday. The u <• shown, .bath for downright good value that a ,shoe, Stock Does not contain tnaliy of th'os0 " ;' .more suitable for a Xmas gift , a t' ", " and t Y et that many :; °'° i I? in plain goods and for neatness and .. I Jlm•craCks and gee•ga "S '.commoply, -galled holiday, Pett a have fl ggurea ptfitltninently in Again it is an open seer ,11 the history of Hensall, Inc fepd tt ryas men went to the polls, took the oiLt}r, p ; jI beauty of pattern in the fancy linoa. to a lady titan a pair of fine !• *_ 11 an uncle of Mr. Pett 's who really ee. . No person ever has too man of them l I , . oods. But it OLl Wont to mend CoA] COI?lf o'rt agI& and voted who had no more legal right ( t Xid GloveFt. W e ha'v'e a pal,* + = ,, c°' 3 "• tablisll>xd the place. his was; ,on the h1ldbeingeais'ityspntllgmalltheymakf p gladness into it ff1,11:liV Please i'emelnber tlla t1 t?r is .°o.,; '„”: ... ; construction of the L. t3. 8t $, when to One vote tblt h they had tp two. . an Ideal gift for absent. fr'fends. lP yon titularly ood stock of Fahey . / ' +w- " atisaecording tri the terrna of a bonus These sro6 some iif the in u tu,Mond of the delicate, thedsint t.lr g ti0lGhing (l1.'fi pgeftLl •tnl" tto ptable tlian tvartfr, ' ea§oil , ' granted, a station was to. beopened at 11 ences Jetty in Handkerchiefs, you'll en a gloves in first-class tlualit.e$- = a, i , - . thaOtvh aplttipst Major Beek and yet. y joy ., ibble foot ' 't,an, ar)tl vols Oaf, Cre4te much happlp6s . •, pp ,. that point,, he bought ifftf+ aci cs Of 1 ]ooking.over Our Handiterchief stock, that are suitable f01' the 110X- . i r 'V0r little landthere at a), moderatte figure and dntivith6tattldlile it all, he reduced Oar- Oat of our dozens of diffevent MY .' I yr anti comfort fJ y 1 tle move if• you malw- b r ? lihos we ✓ • y' 1f i Ida seasdn. . .a Cleared htrnselP tiv,ee over at the first row's [ +tjotit' TO forty-five. is It orgy dti`aaty per0011aratUntidn tof6116wing: y . Srlleetion from tis. g .• ° auction Ahle of lots: Since then, the rvcat)d thltt the public' Opinlgn is 1r'a Slater , v'P"-f: ivilla,ge hits s'teltdily forged tth'e;ftcl st"'I Ladles' fAlley ethbroiderhd 11abdkoteh efs, r)kiit at• n , ect v ": 'V e a .0 solea e11t5 fuJ the famous later Is now acknowledged til ho sloe, of the strong with the Mir. nr. p Ginatr nt Mid Gloveg with tt a domb fasttrncrta, In 1tnCsA ! i tei°fla A Mat vc,llte .,,..•.. lad blitek ta)d(eolola...............,......r...,..#.,,,•..$1 00 y "'' •.' V - " 1t ntest ttnd tritrtest villtt.gea, ol} totvtle Wiest iiurciu has atlWaysgotl i,iherttl l azentr O dpalnty de (g+tis, iri fatttay i+nlbxtl,deruicl atrd lace a .. g,,,,,,. ;,,, ,. ,. ,,.. , + ,,. „ a ,,..W,. ,,.. •,*,, ,,. ;,,,i ,,+,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, , , either'. f6r that talattel In tt0nn, The ed} e, by fart fbd hest Value We ve yet shown'.... ,°... 2<"C (it nniucl ''Tt efotrsttzl" Cloves tltrerl d rile te' for the i,eglslature, brat thttae two la>3t , o t't teners, fl[le w • r . . Phtty tyre nittlge, tli, ' tirktlljiro and Ver flub IAWht Tat ridge . . .... . . ....... Vic, tide, ?fid etin eats Would tfldierttd .that it le'thn stiff laical 1>laek athd attl Raana y.sCtrtcies,,..,y,...•,..,.,°.1 far8 » . it hraGvaa.1 ltfribrontetrtrfLli xtLno>l'thofc lxfar -... . a ,: 1.:. itt of this laird rite ellorlld t1 liltLk ldl tlr,ftih ntva I1t1lY! its old)066t. . ° _. g y g Y g y )0 C _.."- - p 0A I OM th th4 old stltro frig tl Eiirtrlrt but ta•dtty, inge. , . , I tJY YCilyfkNtt'hla t FiEN TS f~A1; tr<Y , tho' tiuro.n llettgalli r ritlit,tlo inor'c than ,, t,. ori E L t#r ....-.- ._ -I.--it ,R _ t .. ty.. r trJ 111,19 t tvtre gas ltti{t , . B... ; 'ftn tltistl 'Si#) i o .1 I s 1110 10 kslt r'c Iiot fir ,l'w fell ra a S' Bisect " A fizttnctt vht5 tltnaFl lfi >`t21t11 thti' I0 .. , , arl`",y vrhatrt:alistti5htr krlitid ill:t tfaetu° a t erdl n h:&st y alaxs ftlut, hoot o colli ' 1plimlt + tiva g H0 l five 111r»s. ,i 4►►. , 1% i i' , i llrtj %iiu i i % A&A, . ,. dr yip 1 • 7.: _ - , - .o. -_ 4 - ... .. I I / . .' a .e. ... , ..,yy f . ra._..w . _._._... . - r •u... . az .-- _Yt_,i . _.-. .v. u.. w. -.