The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-15, Page 7I I . .1 .1 Mal . I . MW
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Iw uhllabei eve U13811 3F a' I'll _..
:'. . p fataa ilouFa Albert gt.. STRAWRERRY IOVLTIV.ATION.
#;sys itaggil;ia t#r Vice bllloupp-css, dyspopela, hesdaohe, (oonstl• •
. 4PXJ �.,b4v0�7it� Q3ml+. pation, soup stotnsch, indlgeataoa are Promptly Early in. the vprilpg lull when. A* now
r,""„" cured by Hoods rills. They do their work strawberry beds should be made,
/gtrvi,naaon:.d xati>as. and those who contemplate having them
1 Yr. a Me. 8 Ma 1 Mo , . cannot nnot pneparo the gzoulsd too soon,
,1 ; 1 f40114lnn,.......$(;0 00, $33 09 $20 00• g W It is a fact that but few farmers, oom-
Qturnn........ s5 oe 20 00 1200
rr , Column . 00 2 buHood aratively, know how to grow straw -
9 ... z0 O0 - 18 00 7 p
r3o umn .. 1b 00 9 v0 5 00 100 berries. It was for along time.. be-
7uih,,.........` 0 00 350 2 cb 126 easily and thoroughly.
a poelal position from 23 to 50 percent extra. lieved that it +vas difficult and labor-
ts, dinner pills. P i I Is
For transient advertisements 10 cents f,scenta.. All draggtsta, lona to grow them, when, in fact, there
- ..Mr lima for the first insertion; S cents Prepared by C. I, hood tis Co., Lowell,31(ase. tis no crop grown in a garden, that
ins each ,subsequent insertion- The oullr Ply. to talcs with hood's Sarsaparilla can
grail measure. Professional cards, produced as easily, or which
O, ert8611. ng one inch, $5.00 per - ---` -. gives such valuable results in propor-
annum. Advertisements lvithout spec- �1 ills tion to cost. They can be had on every
We directions will be published till 111dillop Nutual Fire farm, and abundantly. •
1. forbid and charged for accordingly.Plou h or s ade the ground as deer
Transient „ notices -"Lost," „Found," Insurance Company. g p
' For Sale, etc. -50 cents for first in- as possible, and then spread over the
sertion, 25 cents for each, subsequent --- surface manure to the depth of two
' insertion.
THE NEWS -RECORD will be sent Farm and Toolated Town Property or three inches, working it well into
to any address, free of postage, for,.Only Tnsured, the soil, but before working the ground
$1.00 per year, payable in advance -apply also, for an acre, a mixture of
$1.50 may he charged if not so paid. OFFiCHR3: 100 pounds nitrate of soda, 100 pounds
The date to which every subscription George watt, PreRident,HarIock P.O.: Jas. bone meap, and 150 pounds{ muriate of
. � is paid iv denoted by the number an Broadroot Vice. Pres., Sea"orth Y.O.: W. J. Potash. Let it be done the first warm
the address lattel. No paper discontin- 1-hannon. §ee'y Trea.. Seater h, P,O, ; Michael
ued until all arrears are raid, except Wardle, Inspector of 'loosed, Soiforth. P.O. day; be sure and work the manure
At the option of the proprietor. DIRECTORS: and fertilizer well into the soil, and
W. J MITCHELL. James Broadfoot, Seaforth ; AZichnel Mur make the soil as fine as ssibte. Then
Editor and Proprietor. dle, Soaforth: Georze Dale Seatorth ; George
Watt, Har nok ; Thowas Tot. Hays, Seafort h ; leave it until April, when the ground
Alex. Gardiner. Leadburyy� Thomas Garbutt, should be worked over again. For e
g Clinton; John McLean, Slppen. g
THE MOLSON S BANK AGENTS: small patch the labor will not be aast-
i Thomas Neilans. Havlwk: Rob,•rt. McMillau, ly, and, as the fLrat preparation is the
Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. Seaforth and James Camminge, Egmondvillo, D P
most important, the work ahotlld be
Partiea deRirouR to efrect insurance or tran- well done. After the plants are set out
CAPITAL. . - $2,000,000 sact of her business Hill be promptly atten ed
REST 1,500,000 to (in ascd coo their o Any f the above officers but little work will be entailed on the
_ farmer. As there are new and better
GO TO THE varieties introduced every year, get
Head Offlt e, MONTREAL• from some reliable nurseryman two
WM. MOLSON. MA01111HRSON, President• • kinds-staminate and pistillate, male
i' F. WOLFEIhTiN'IH .rIAS. Gen. Manager Won Shaving Parlor and female, pl&nts, as .the selection of
NoteR(Ii�rounted, 0 1 eclione made, Drafts varieties depends on whether the soil
InruM. S erling and American Exchai g� For first-class Hair -Cutting is heavy or light. 'If for a garden,
bought and sold. Interest allowed on I)eposicd, and Shaving. •make the rows .three feet apart, placing
Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton, the plants one foot apart in the row.
SAVINGS BANG, J. E14IERTON, Proprietor. Every fourth row should consist of the
ataminate vari ty and the others of
Interest allowed on nm, of $1 and up. the pistillate kind•. A patch 25 by 100
HOMELY MEN. feet would require about 900 plants.
I FAUXERS. Iisc; only young plants -runners from
. Money advanced to farmers on tbe'r own It is rather curious, from' a woman's last spring's growth -which may - be
,4✓ notes with one or monk ondorHers. No wort- known b
Wage required a• �ocurity. podnt of view, to hear a man sometimes y their roots being nearly
white, those of old plants being dark,
tally as if his lack of good looks militat- Set them in straight H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. rows, pressing
-- - ed against his chances with the other the earth well'around the roots, using
GD McTAGGART �$ water, if necessary, being careful not
•. • "I am such. a plain chap," you will to cover she crowns of the plants.
hear one of them say, "no woman . After the planta begin to grow, use
Banker, the hoe and work between the plants
ever likely to care about me;" or "Poor well. A hamd-wheel hoe may be used
ALBERT STHET, ET, - CLINTON o'ld' Jones I He'll never get a girl to between the rows, and it will work
take him with that ugly face of his" very -close to the plants without injur-
.1x ing them. If the plants are " checked"
. A wotman, when she hears such a in the rows -that is, placed in lines
IL A General Banking Business Transacted. Speech smiles to herself. A man is so both leangthwise and crosswise-tbe or -
'x` Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. much affected by looks in a woman- dietary hoe need not be used, as the
'''z wheel hoe will enable one to do the
Interest Allowed on Deposits. his love so often springs from some
"r P work of several men with hoes. In
� g1- __op- gs • outward attraction a woman may pas- that manner asmall patch can be hoed
sess-that he not unnaturally fancies in fifteen minutes or even in less time.
_-__ a woman is swayed in the same way. Do not wait for grass and weeds to ap-
But, as >i matter off fact, her love is Pear, but keep the soil loose. During
Join 1� .l� t, • the su,Inmer.each plant win _throw, out
' _1 -Y "' ""' woan by such utterly dtfferent means runners, and soon the bed w -RI be thick-
Conveyancer, Con.inissioner, Etc. that the question of looks affects her ly matted. It will be an advantage
�- very little one way or another. then to cut the stems which connect
Fire Insurance, - Real Estate. To be sure'she often admires the out the runners with the parent plants.
Money to Lend. , Should weeds or grass appear in the
ward man, but unless she is very foot matted rows pull them out by hand.
Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON rah and very young she does not thin'fEy If the matted rows are a foot wide, it
o .. _
,, will
,- .. _ . _ _ leave but ... k u a small space between
most of the face. It is the meas ,., P
p� g e strength that appeals to her weakness 'the rows to cultivate.a If water can be
(� i�11i. 3I CH9.. -she delights is his.'height and size applied on a small patch durin�'a dry
' cY "' and look of power. f In most oases a ®Pell i.t will be beneficial. Along in
'Dr. \,V. Gunn, woman is heard ,to'' -say she does not ithe fall, just as winter approaches, cov-
caie for a man to be handsome as long pr the rows with fine manure, and over
R. C. P, -and L. R. C. S , Edinburgh be looks manly sad strong; and it the manure use a light mulch of salt
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night is wonderful haw success a mere hay orstraw. Early in the spring rake
calls at frcnt door of residence on Ratn_ beauty man has among women, as a the bed over, so as to remove the mulch
J{{ . bury SuChurch. app. Presbyterian hutch, rule. an l rake the manure fine, leaving the
_ Even size and strength, however, are mulch between the rows, and after the
not necessary qualifications in a wo- Plants are well up use straw or salt
Dr. ^TArnbull man's eyes for the man she loves. Ev- hay under them, so as to have the her-
cry day one sees men deformed, mis-
ries clean. These details are not as
shapen. and so hideous that, one hesi- i laborious as they neem for a small plot,
J. L. Turnbull, M B , Toronto Univ. ; An'I if"choice varieties are used the ex -
M D. ; C:M., Vi,•toria Univ. M.0 P. & S. tater to look, twins at them, who have eriment wi be ver satisfactory. won wives who not only love them, but P Y y• The
int, ;Fellow vi the obstetrical society of I instructions apply to larger areas also
ars proud of them, a'ad would not 1>I Y g
Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng, and change their personal appearance for if heavy yields of choice fruit are de -
Edinburgh ho lisle, Office -Dr. Dews• that of any other man in the' world, i surd.
ley s, stand, Railcubury St. Night calls werd he a veritable Adonis.
lust, I ared t Office. Observers 6f these have noticed this, .
and turned it into'a matter for.sneers. HOME LTFE OF FARMERS" WIVES
1'hey.auppose the reason for it lies in AND DAUGHTERS.
Dr. Shaw, a woman's frantic desire to get mar -
ried, and they paint it out scornfully, The average farmer seems to know
Office -Ontario Street opposite English and say: "Just Look at woman I As
PP g 4omg as sha can find a man to give her little of the beauty, rest and blessings
curch„ formerly o rcupied 0y Dr. Apple-
of an ideal- home, says on. the proud position o., writing 'Mrs.' on y8 a writer. It
her visiting cards she doesn't care takes but little to make it, little
- "- - "1" whether he is blind, or halt, or lama" to beautify it, but if that little is
DENTISTRY. But in reality 'her conduct comes from lacking they have only a house for
: ._ _• a very different cause.
r t To begin witch, physical affliction i their families to live in -not a home.
Dr. BR,ZT vFi, a Hien excites woman's compassion and In the first place build the house as
. synapatby. It does not stir her to re- the women folks want it, and conven-
Surgeon Dentist,. pulsrion as it does a man. Thaan she fent for them, instead of yourself, for
is far more affected by his disposition Y
OFFICE --Over Taylor's Shoe "Store, and character in bestoying her'•love there they +work from year to year,
Clinton, Out. Special attention to preser. than by "regular features and a straight with little to ))reals the dull monotony
cation ofnatural teeth. I back, Perhaps this is one reason why of their lives. Have for their use ef.ery
N. B -Will visit Blyth every Monday and women's love, has been more enduring
• Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during tl an a man's since the world began. kind of labor-saving machinery ; wa-
the summer. It does riot facie with w tinkles and gray ter from both wall atild cistern in the
`.l, . -•---••---- hairs; it does -not burn low when the sink or porch, and plenty of closets and
light goes out of the eyes, and the shady porches.
8 DR. AGNEW, DENTIS 1'. erectness from the figure'; it endures',
, and as character is the one thing im- And in this home have music, the best
,1;'" Office Hours, - q t0 5, mortal. about us, which reaches on to magaziones, general nedvspapers, agri-
t', another life, it is safe to suppose that cultural papers and books and books.
At Zurich the sepond Thud-sday of each a good woman's love ran outlast death11. I Then have lots of easy eliaire and a
month., itself, and live again in eternity.
•,.•�.,.-..,-.,"�-• ___ _ _ But what wins a woman's lova most lounge. And, best of a]I, see that they
`, - chLeily in a. man in his'eapacity for love- have time to, rest and read and think a
,". VETERINARY. making. His tenderness and ardor thought all their own once in a while.
- _.. - will make her his more surely than
}; E. Don't tee plyour daughters out of
i J E. lackall, anything else in the known world. And
the ugly man may possess the qualities school to help mother. It's the worst
t VETERINARY SURGEON AND of a devoted lover as much as the hand- kind of robbery to rob them ^of the
VETERINARY INSPECTOR. some man; in most cases he posses- chance to get' a good education. Rather
ser them a thousand times more, This hire a girl to work -same as you do
being so, there is every reason why men.
Office on Isaac Street next New Era office a plain man should be able to win a Instead of having the door and open
�;' Residence, Albert St., Clinton. g y p
woman's lose even more readily and to commons, as most of them are, have
certainly than any .of his good-looking it fenced. Have beautiful shrubbery,
B Thomllnson rivals, and in about nine cases out of a place for them to have flowers, acro-
," every len he aucc eels in doing so. quet ground, awing and hammock ;
Veterinary Surgeon. The ugliest men in the whole 7listor+y atit] then take time to play an bccasion-
of the world have had the most beautl- rr; game with them, or read aloud to
Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vet- ful wives. The uglier a man is, it then on tie shatdy porch, while they
rinary College, Toronto. would seem, by a law of nnatural com- darn your hose.
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals pensation, the more he has the power And do have your Marden fenced from
nn the most modern and scientific principles to win the love of women for whom all pigs and hens. Don t wear wor•ien out
Day and Night calls promptly answered, men sigh, if he knows how to use it, body and ,soul, chasing and fretting,
i Residence- Rattenbury Street, West, right., trying to save their berries and voge-
_I, Clinton, Out. So bat the plain men take comfort, tables.
" 11,d,,IMM they need net have the least fear of There should be a horse and buggy,
i •,*.• remaining lonely bachelors all their their very own, that they may use
LEGAL, lives, if they will only realize the fact whenever they wish, and our daugh-
that a fair field is before them, and ter has bar saddle as well.
y woo boldly and like men. Both mother and daughter realize
11 J. Scott, Barrister, Bic. --_-----__-_.'-___ -I they have a duty to perform, a respon-
- s'ibility to meet, and rightly expect
�" ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON, a q some benefits. Then let each share in
3 Money to Loan. the results of the lalbor. One pocket-
��y. book is not large enough for the whole
l _ Fi. CamplOri, Q, V., I �ii. ters .too hghy to seeur ives themdbe become
...ri ,.. F ,`' . slaves to household drudgery; make
arrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, &c., them feel independent and that co-op-
GODERiCH, ONT, oration of the whole family is neces-
br'--Over Davis' Drug Store, I II clary to prosperity.
° Money to Loan, Let them feel that the most priceless
'' thitlg on the farm is the family; go
_. M. O. Johnston ;' S 11 Ztb them to church, lectures, picnics,
1 clubs and Institutions; give them the
Barrister, Solicitor, Commisbioner, 1pte., 011kneo to advance physically, mental-
; .. . R1i41ItVliril IN 30 iVIINUV91S. ly rind socially, as' your equal, and see
GODERIdH, - ow. how happy they will be,
A ttAAGICAl6 LIFt•tlAVhlR, 'Let them understand your financial
The moat pronounced grifiPtoliiit of affairs
alt. (1r+Irrtrs--Cloy. Hamilton and St. Andrew a , tall thof o gains or
disease ora palplGttlOyynl�. or ttutterfng y ur
Streets. •---•- Irregu fnof the eart ru len motherif b'polls ralnampr threes, •'rlito theywill knout if they
' ----- - Irregular, iso, etnothoring elle dt night, fns have Sano t9ovetad article or mltst
t yy ,y b 8 ew.nomtae to Ilel pfather. Give them
Vir . Br�%'U.ono, bo eongmted, cauting headtiehes, dizzl-
nese or vertigo, In short, whenevemore OtGr the your Moiety, be te,thein friend
11 • itrrister, Solicitor`, Notary Public, &c., heart flutters, ac 4P.4 or palpltstclg, it is and co111pabloti, as Nv'dl as busband and
. diseased, and If life 1s yelped, t1*04ment father. Lilid more with them, instead
NA, prlog L trust be taken. llr. Atei0*19 l7dm for the .�!f for them, Share with thein their
I , Heart is the birly rev ye dlsedv'06d tUIt, litebuiilre tlSifd recreations, and their
MMI 'KVp BLOCU, + CLINuN. *bleb will 81tVAvb fir rellctl. to so mill.
Y tmii, dltd eere,absoilntolt -4s. home will be 11ApI►lr slid attractive.
` .. .
;(. v , e' ' , .1.
b „
• -
,. E
"41 ,
- r
n 4
I o • s
The post and wire trellis is the best,
but should be much higher than it is
' , 1.
I , ...... ,. .,..,... ,.... -.. .. ._ ........
..... . .. ,.....
Having bought out chs above h►telnese, ws
nerves; the glycerine soothes intend to conduct it on the cash
the top wire, °lvhioh allows the grapes
to hang beneath a leafy canopy and
WREA4 AND �toVir ?eta lac ZT
....... ... ... ....
.. 1""".The
� u ' 1 ed
o lis anid oa ds ne not
...,. _.
Q gelt the beat results the vineyard
Ill the February number of the Tor-
he ondrsd; they can be
should ho planted on high ground, and
warm southern slaps. 1t reauiros a
UX, Ur. F, C. Feufieid, lately United
cured and that uickl
a y
,lo Not ' ;
swarm, loamy axil, well drauletl, and a
porous subsoil. The soil should J1ob
States diplomatic agent' at Cairo, des-
cribea the extent to which the .agricul-
Many mixtures ar tem-
Z+'xcelled .
excessively riot iu nitrogen. Too much
}ural resources of the Nile•Valley have
Ueexi developed by..l3ritiah administra-
or'ar in effect, blit COtt'S
(� }►
.glair an • _
barnyard, mgaure causes an over-
growth of wood, accompanied 'byntew
tion )Tia teQtir»on is the more trust
EmulSlOn of Cod-liver O
grapes of poor •quality. The -grape re-
worthy because he is bg no means one
of those who thinly that England's of
dlvltil Hypophosphites 1S a
. . ]
M (�111>l]rL
q • `
quires potash and it the soil is not
arm n nt remed
marketed half green. It should hang
on the vines from two to three weeks
strong in potash scatter ashes in the
cupation of. Egypt is defensibia from
a moral point of°vidw; At the same
Jra y•
The oil, feeds the blood o
viae aid, or supply it b
y y means of com-
time he considers that to discuss the
• „ potash fertilizers:
legal or ethical right of Great Britain
and warfns the body ; the FORD & MURPHY',
The post and wire trellis is the best,
but should be much higher than it is
control Egypt, is now, at the end
is3'P .
hypophosphites tone up the (Successors to J. W. Langford.)
generally made, at least 4 1.2 ft., with
the arms of -the vices fastened along
of sixteen years as superfluous as It
would to for a lawyer to signs that
Having bought out chs above h►telnese, ws
nerves; the glycerine soothes intend to conduct it on the cash
the top wire, °lvhioh allows the grapes
to hang beneath a leafy canopy and
the State has no power to arrest his
priAoiple, "
will Rupply our customers with the best meaCWWwl
the inflamed throat slid lungs. ac Ube lowest paying prices.
also permit* free oiroulation of air be-
client when the latter is already a pri-
Ford d6 Murphy.neath
The combination cures.
the foliage,
soner behind the bars, Mr, Penfield
, Cultivation should be constant and
believes that the Britlsli Government
This may i
y prevent serious
thorough, but shallow, getting much
sunshine and 'in the surface of
intends not only to retain pglsaesaion
of Don ola, which has been recent)
g Y
lung troubles.
g Live Hogs Wanted.
soil and preventing too great ev-
aporation o[ moisture. Ordinarily
occupied, but also to recover the whole
W. aid $i.00; ■n druggists. •
grapeli are not pruned as olpse as they
of the eastern Soudan, and that with
SCOTT & BowNE, Chemists,'_oronto. '
should be. It is lLoird to impress up-
this territorial extension is connected
-"- - - .
on the beginner the necessity of very
close pruning. The old Concord is still
aD industrial programme of great !in-
Highest Market Price Paid.
the leading grape, but, it is too often
a, 60C. 60C.
marketed half green. It should hang
on the vines from two to three weeks
We are reminded tbat the well-known
s CA NTELON. Llhiton.
CoW �� .
after it begins to color. The Worden
explorer, Sir Samuel Baker, after des-
is fast pushing its wA,y into popular fav-
or, and largely as a result of the praa-
ending the Nile from its source to its
mouth, expressed the opinion that the
j 1 R ]E,..I! Removal of Night -Soil
tics above mentioned of marketing
Concord -half ripe, will soon displace
the latter in the nearby market. It
river might be so controlled that the
enormous volume of water which now
_ .. _
The undersigned wi„ undertake the removal •
These warchtfs am solid 14 -carat gold, of Night Sol] and thorough cleat,I ig of closets
does not sbL well. Moore's Earl and
p y .
rushes uaelesi3ly into the Mediterran-
4 and • ur li,ua] li.t urice for them here on abort notice and at renponab,e rates. All
in g',aud is 0 ($35) each. b•it to Intro- refuse removed out of town.
'Agawam are both profitable grapes
when not raised in large quantities,
eaa might be made to transform the
duce ear enormous Uat,.logue, we will ROBT. MENNM
send you this watch free if you takead• •
Moore's Early for early table use, and
Nubian desert into cotton fields that
I vantage „four marveilouAofrer. Ifyou .
want one, write to up wit, y.
Agawam to be kept until midwinter
in cold storage. 1
would render England independent of
to P
America. ' As fact, the
withyour lutist Orcon's Inter'
d n+ 50cen a inter• GFS. TROWBILi,
I nations, Money Ordu tot which we 1
h, matter of
will sendyouasoliddllverbro oh,worth !
Delta of the Nile is alreadya teat cot-
,, $I, and our offer Atter you, oceive thn
ton' field, the cultivation of the plant
beautiful watch, we Nhall expect you
to•.how it to yeurfriendN, and call their Horseshoer and General Blaeksmith
I have read lately, wrLtes D. R. Wis-
having doubled since the British oceu-
attention to this advertisement. The •
el, to several farm papers, the different
pation of Egypt be New irrigation
gYI began.
watch i, sent free by registered post on Albert Street, North, Clinton.
your complying with our advertise.
methods used by different men to pre-
vent the girdling of trees by mice or
works are being constructed continw-
menta and our oiler, and iswarntnced
for flveyeara. Addro.R- JOBBING A SPECIALTY.
rabbits. One says he banks u • around
y P
the tree, another winds with hay rope,
ally, and as these increase the cultic-
able area the soil reclaimed is planted
ap•atebmakers' Ailtsnee & EIrneet
Goode's Stores, Limited, 184 Ox-. Woodwork ironed and flrst•ohiss material
and work guaranteed. Farm implements and
and still another cleans avr4 all dead
with cotton. What gives Egyptian cot-
ford St., London, Plngland, machines rebuilt and repaired.
Money rata, nod it not more than satin -
grass end weeds and winds the trees
ton its peculiar value is the length
with wire screen, and yet t:1e protec-
tion is not complete. The mice will
of its fibre, an inch' and a half. Owing
Unsottcitotl Testimonial. TO f7 E FAR E f1
t under or the snow wi 1 drift deep
6"e a
to this element of superiority, last
15 Princess 8t., 13,rmin,: ham Ener.
"I thank you very much for the be: u• '
and the rabbits will got over the pre-
year's crop, which amounted to 1,100;
h, tiful wa=eh yo i sent me froe 6f charge. Study your own interest and go where •
tection. There is one sure, easy way
to keep all kinds of vermin away from
000 Was of 500 pounds each, was sold
I have tested it for nine months and it you can get •
nevervarjeH pnc half =`9, mi•nr a from one .,
trees, and that is, a thorough applica-
at a price 2 cents per pound in excess
of for American upland cot-
week's end to another"- E WiLics. RELIABLE HARNESS
tical of soft son Scrub a tree from
p. the
"To give away a hold watch worth
the ground up high enough so that
ton., The Egyptian fibre has become
8?5, ie certainly a „plendid advertise- ,
the rabbit cannot stand on the driftI
a.nd reach above where the son has
a neceasi.t not oil in 'Europe, but
Y yan(,,i.9
inent, but; as the +watchmakers' Alli -m:cnutaoture none but the best of stook.
the largest firm of Watchmakers Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they
been applied, and your tree is safe no
also in the United States, for the latter
in Ea Land, they can afford it." -ED- have got to' live. l ,11 and get rinse.
licit Z pp
Orders by'matlpronrptlyattendeti to
matter how much old grass or weeds,
country bus 100,000 bales of Nile cot-
Be -pure and address your !etre^,' `
or how manly mice and rabbits there
are. And the soap will be a ben=
ton annually, and in New England the
consumption of the staple is increas-
efilt to the tree.
ing: ,
11 Harness Emporium, Blyth, Ont.
Grand Trunk Railway., - - _
As a protection to our, cherries when
Not only is the Egyptian cotton sup-
ripening plant a row of Russian mul-
erior to that gro+vn ')y Southern rlant-
Trains arrive and le•,ve Clinton Station as EXPERIENCE
berry trees for the birds to eat.
era since the practical • abandonment
follows : 1
of the Sea Islan3 staple,•llut• tl}e.r�, 4Te,
_ i. Goderich District :-•
ot}ier' advaritia�ea on the side of the
• 1.- ._ . _ . ..
Going West, &fixed ........... TO -15 a,tn. t
fellaheen product. The fertility of the
" .. Express........., 1.03 P.m.
An Amusing Example of the want or a
Nile soil permits the harvesting of a
" Mixed ...... , .... 7.05 P.M.
a� i Express.......... 10,27 pian.
`iusieal Far
crop averaging nearly five hundred
Going East, Express .......... 7.4o a. m, TRADE MARKS `
1•h,e musician can scarcely conceive
weight per acre; there is no dread of
., ,{ 2,- P.M.DESIGNS
how tit is possible for a h,timlan being
frost and the t
e re uisite labor r
o may b
q Y o
1. ., Mixed ..... .... m
4.35 P• Anyone sending nsketch and deaorlPtion may
t0 be BO dewold Of aatlaLCal ear as not
Secured for 15 to 18 cents a da per
London, Huron and Bruce :- quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention to probnbly patentable. Communlea.
to know one tune froLJi a other, but
man, 'As it is, Egypt now derives from
Going South, Express ......... 7.47 a.m, Mons strictly conedential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
i of such deficiency are ex-
cotton, for both staple and seed, near-
•' • • • .%.. 4.30 P.m. Patents taken througb Munn & Co, receive
Going North, " ........ , 10,15 a. m, special nottice, witbpout charge, in the
eediin ly
ceedim,g ly cannon. ,,Answers cites an
ly $55,000,000 a year, and this is likely
to be inlcreased by
„ .. " ......... 6.55 p•m Sc�en�if��
amusi.Ir example.
somia 40 per cent.,
Two sailors returned from a long coy-
if Mr. Penfield is ustifiect in the com-
A A handsomelydllustrated weekly. Largest eir.
Dis, Pass. Agent, culatlon of any beientiae journal. Terms, $3 a
age, strolled into a publLc house near
Putation that the Nile Delta, five"years
Toronto. ie■ar: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
W. E. DAVIS G. P. & T. A„ Montreal. WONN & C0.36111roadway, New York
the docks. Above the rumble of the
will produce a million and a
traffic. in the street could be heard at
half bales. The revenue at present cob-
A. O, PATTisON, G.T.R. Agent at Clinton. Branch Office. = F 13L. WadUngtou. D. C.
intervals the loud, unmusical voice of
tained from cotton suffices to pay the
-....-_ _
Al 1.
on apt enormous debt ani t
a uckster. After 1'istenlng intently
for a mitnute one of the sa,ialors turned
to iris companion and said:
"Eh, Jack, lad; it's a long time since
we heard that song."
' What wmg I"
"The ome that feldow's simgimg in the
street-'Tihe Lig1t of Other Days.'"
"Stow it 1" ejacwlanted the otber, gruf-
fly. "That fellow s.iiwt • sbn%-�_,( The
Light of Other Days' at aid, man. I've
been listening to him. He's a -piping
'The Banks of Allan Water.'"
Each sailor was oertaun he was right,
and with characteristic contempt for
money, a wager was made -a month's
wages depending on the result.
Here, Tommy I" called out one of
the amen to the. Little son of the land -
Lord, "run out sand gist to know what
that fellow's singirrig."
Tommy departed on his errand, which
did not take many minutes.
,"Well," demanded Jack, when the
youngster returned, "which of us is
Nayther of ye,"replied Tommy,grimr
ning. "The falter 's not singing. He's
hawking flype,pers I"
Coniginsan Opaicsc-ut Star Thni Change
- itR Poeltlon,
A Ceylon sapph• ire, now in that city,
carry on the Government; indeed,
there would be a surplus,in the Trea-
sury but for the cost of the military
expedikiori up the Nile.
"It is a curious fact," said Mr. BLf-
fleby, "that the more self -helpful a
man is the more help he gets from
others. Curious, but not strange.
Everybody likes the self-reliant and
courageous main. He is magnetic, and
things tend his way.-
Skinflint is so absent-minded and
such a creature of babit that one day
when a lady called upon him and asked
b1 i' for $5 for some charity, be turned
upon iter sharply and, imagining him-
self to be in the bosom of his family,
Where's that dollar I gave you last
week 9
The birth-rate among the very poor
of Paris is three • times greater than
among the very rich, according to sta-
tistics compiled by Bertilloa. As the
social scale declines there is a corres-
the property of Major-Generwl Robley ponding increase.
is not less remarkable for Lts Size than , ,- I -. '
for its transluoe,ney and the brilliance ' .. ,
of the optical effects it can Show. '.rhe
weight of the gem is 038 oa•rata and it JIM
iq of a dark, milky blue color, perfectly d1;10W
transparent and flawless. Larger sap-
phires have been known; they have usu-
ally, if not always been dull and muddy is a
instead of having the clear, translucent
solar of this specimen. (But in addition Good
Thin AS
iC possesses a property ococcasionallyfound in slightly cloudy or''dmilky Cey-
lon sapphires -and sometimes in other 9
gems, too-w,h.i0h greatly enhances its
value in the eyes of believers in the oc- to be rid of, because bad blood it;
cult powers of precious stones to con- the breeding place of disfiguring
fer health and good fortune on thelr and dangerous diseasesIs your
wearers. It is a star sapp.htre or sat- blood bad? It 113 if 0>I ales
eria. That is, beimg Butt en caboolion,
ilt displays a beautiful opalescent star, plagued by pimples or bothered by
dividing its six raja at the apex, which boils, if your skin is blotched by
changes ilts position according to the
e of litghkeruptions or your body eaten by
movement of Che sourc, bq
which U is viewed.. By employing two sores and ulcers. You can have
or three sources of light, two or three good blood, which is pure blood, if
of 'these stars can be aihnultaneously you want it. You can be rid of
aeon len the gem. ,By fua't,her cutting, boils blotches' sores and
it is said that tble beauty of this stone Pimples,
could be still more increased„ but of Ulcers. How ? By the use of
course;, at the expense of its size.
A fish never renews its scales. A
wound may heal up and be covered
over with a thick protective akin, but�r��i��a
nature provides the fish with only one
suit of scale armor, and leaves lost out
of that are never restored.
It is the radical remedy for all dis-
. LIMIT OF POPULATION. eases originating in the blood.
Statistics claim that the earth will head the evidence :
not support more than about 6,994,000,- "Ayer's Sarsaparilla was reoommetlded
000 people. The present population is to me by my physician as a blood put`if at.
ostiiYtat' at 1,487,000,000, the inorsa#e Wbon I began taking it I had boils all ower
boittng 8 per sent, each decade. At , my body, One bottle clued ilio." -Zoglixit
that rate the utmost limit will be CitAPT Wesson, Misty.
reached In the year 2072. 11 11 After six years' Hn 6d6g freta. -blood
... -.- -��• .-.-- poison, I bogali hiking Ajok,p, smapa.
A SiJISR, rills, and although I h
I�Iave '66 otlly three
Wiles of this great lme4116h o, the Nom
U11o11 _I tndBba let myself thigk, hate nearly all dLeapp uAll-AA. A. Wit.
She -y -Well i I 660r thought of bl&in�, km11011,, on, TOW,
Ii 4 it a'n you. •
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