The Clinton News-Record, 1898-12-15, Page 441.0444., • ^-4•44.n4,4"44,144494,174,111"e.- 4 TBE QL1NTON NEWS- MORD Me pinion News -Record It.0014301114111A4yaSpti. Tatitt$041', Diromontit 10% 10904 • Vgg NAMR•. 4114:14 4 044,443T,NORT. MAJOr1304'is temperer* defeated wite not for tivoroent discomfited. no made a gallant fight • and has the satiefaction ofknowingthet Om whole ' reSources of the Geverimierit had ta he i 0406'0 again St hiM to secure his de- feat, PrOsbly eo candidate in the history of this county hada more np- hill battle and yeti notwIthstaoding it 0, the walority against the Major is A1.1, s, two M. 1 Ke, two OX -14, •P• less than•WaS geetired by his oppOtien.t a boat of lesser lights, he in feriner contesteThie being the -vvoold have been dOwned qoite easily. case, Cen jt he doubted, what the Misult •He no douht saw this feet early in 'Would !Ave beniawitheut those outsia6 We campaign and It is his narrew !'intinenCee escape that -has caused his great elation, You did Well, Major Beck ; your friends are delighted with your stay- ing powers and tact and skill in cam- paigning, and WIll be with yeti as enthusiastically asever when the oppor- tunity again 'presents itself. SO, WAS AMOR" 1414AZ1M • Mr. earrow Was much, elated litet Thirrsday'night •when the returns haveattbat 4o bed ,ft 4lajOrity OVer *Or BeCk• OUrretiepor b the tIeef his election by Oibson, read im was "eleted" on that eceaskon also, 'from which it Must he inferred that be mighty. easily satisfied, We amquite safe in eaying,„, how, ever, that bad Mr. GarroW fnet.tliC 4\100r On anything' like °vett terMs he would •not •be quite so self-satisfied as he Ocrer anne411; to he. Had be net availed lliMSelf the astiistance of the Black 13rigade, of feer Menabers of the Cabinet. two ONLY Fo.07-piyE. The election ()fleet Thursday, which resulted in the defeat of Major Beck, is to be regretted, though not unex- pected, for it was quite apparent to everybody that had to contend against overwhelniing odds. Had the fight been left betweenthetwo caudir dates with no, more outside influence than at the general elections, Garrow would would have been to -day the defeated man. But when the Government throws all its weight into a constitu- ency, which implies as, a matter of • course, the brigade with the bocidie, a poor man has but little chance of success. • One of the features of the day was the magnificent majority rolled up in -Witigharn for Beck, notwithstanding that the Government boodlers tried to get in their work in that town. • The town of Goderich flopped the other way. Various reports are in circulation as to the -means employed to bring about that result, and which -will in all likelihood be investigated in court in due season. The official majority, as will be seen hy. the table below, is only 45, the smallest majority yet secured by Gar, - row, not taking into acceunt •the' March election, Which was in reality • won by. -Beek„,• GO_DERICH TOWN. •BECK. HARROW.' No.'l 72 • 52 No. 2 58 61 No.3 55 68 • No. 4 43 60 ' No. 5 40 54 No. 6 56 .. 65 No. 7. 32 53 350 422 Majority,for Garrave116. GODERICH TOWNSHIP, No. 1 94 M No. 2 •70 •-21 68 45 — 232 102 Ma/erity foe Beck 130. ASHEIE.M. No. 1 79 49 No. 2 103 64 No. 3 '65 59 ' ; No. 4. .... 02 31 No. 5 28 93 No. 6 23 82 No. 7 33 83 az 393 404 'Majority for Garrow 71. WEST WAWANOSH. 71 00 No. 2 63 43 No. a ' 05 .21) No.'4 42 75 -- -,,,- - -Not 5, tuaj 20 63 . • 207 270 Majority for Garrow 3. EAST Wa.warrosti. No. 1 " 53 01 No. 2 73 72 No. 3........ 41 70 No.4 31 49 108 252 Majority for Garrow 54. CJOLBORIVE. NO.11 69 81 . No. 2 58 30 No. 3, 98 85 No. 4, 40 47 _ 285 ' 228 , Majority for Beck 39. WINGLIAM. No. 1 59 43 No. 2 50 47 No. 3 79 43 No. 4 . . 93 76 _ ......* • 281 200 Majority for Beck 72. MULLETT , No. 5, • 38 32 No.0 • 32 • 61 No. 7 28 67 41441444. •••••••••••• • 08 150 Majority for Gamow 54. BLYTIL No. 1 ... 44 No. 2, 50 05 47 .. 06 112 Majority for Garrote le. • .<11ANTONI NO* l• • • .. • • 34 57 44 42 No. 5... 4 • 41 • I/ 1 32 30' No.0 • .* 81 . No. • 28 No. l! 41 84 278 285 w ' Majority for Oarre 22 Total "tfor' .2502 • .1 1 n Beek .. a • 85 ' • tia NO. 2... . , 28 $0 Majority fot.Oarrow', .15 On the let Of. March the different munielpelitietr gave rnajotities as fol- lows :--For Beck—town of 'Oodetichr . 18 teitirtitthitief Goderich, i! Vfng. ham, 12; Colborne, vitett awn. htish, 4, Per Gerrovilirito 11; tifyth, 18,1. Millet, 44 'Raab We. 011 Althfield• 01.• oosour.totty.a, Witalilleg, Dee. 10, -.The Otitieervitk tives ere Very active In Organizing throughout the prorinee and the lead. 'ere appear eXtriimely confident of win - nog the.. nett Droeitielal electiohak Rom Iitigh John Maodonald is redelikk ea with twich enthusiasm by the petty , JO ell parte of the tiOtintry• , 'PHE WORKINGMEN' ARE COHSE R VA Pi VB. Clinton did well for Beck and would hair() made to, still better showing were it 'not that sickness or absence pre- vented several electors from reaching the polls. , Little England is becoming more And more Conservative -and did sPiendidly for Beck on Thursday. The majority of the workingmen are Conservative; so,. too, -with the lads who will bathe electors of the future. • The young Men were with Beck,and will heartily support McLean When the Commons election comes on. The Conservatives worked harmoni- ously, shoulder to shoulder, and are in splendid hun3Or for the next fight, let it come whensoever it will. 4 •DECIEMBER 15,1898 CHEAP POSTAGE/ The present administration is about to cheapen the postage and the public is asked to' eulogize them in conse- quencetthereof. Let us see. After Christmas it will be possible to send a letter to Hong Kong for two nts or to Holmesville for three cents, to the Fiji Islands for two cents or to -Brucefield for three, to South Africa at the reduced rate but to Summerhill, up the Base line, at the same old figure.' We have also the priyilege of carrying on Correspondence with Cal- cutta in India at the two cent rate, but we cannot make an enquiry of any county official at Goderich at less than three cents. In short, under the new - order of things a letter may be cart ied half way around the globe at less than the rate front Clinton to the nearest country office. To say the least, this is a reversal of the old-fashioned way of doing busi- ness, which began by distributing its benefits at home. Give Canadians the two -cent rate within their own borders and they will not complain of the rate to the Fijis, Gtbraltar, Hong Kong or niany more of the ports in Mr. Mulock's list. Garrow's "Influence" At Winghani. On Tuesday night it was learned that a mysterious stranger had arrived iu town with cash for votes, and he 'vefirrfattfeetr 'under surveillance, and evidehce secured of the most flagrant attempts at bribery ever known in Wingham. On securing the necessary infotnittioo, E. L. Dickinson, 13res. of the Conservative Association, issued 11. circular, stating that, "OPEN AND SHAMELESS BRIBERY" had been com- • mitted by Ontario Government em- ployees in the interests • of the Reform candidate, • and calling upon honorable men who were ,willing to place public rnorality above party to join in stamping out a state of corruption disgraceful to any cow- munity. . The Advance does not for one mo- ment believe that the respectable Re- iformers of Wingham countenance such proceedings as characterized Toesday night, and we do not wondee they deny it, and can scarcely believe it. It is hard to believe; and were the evi- dence not at hand,. nothing would be said on -the matter in these columns. But it Is too true; the money Was actually paid, and here are a few of the numbers as a sample :—Dominion $2 bills, Nos. 145, 140, 103,785, 113,587. The Advance had hoped that this campaign would have been free from the discreditable tactics used to win seats for the Government in Nipissing, Lennox and Halton, but the proceedings of Tuesday night show,how desperate the case IS and confirms the statement made last week that the gang were to visit West Buren. The evidence se• mired shows that the attempts in Wiegbam to influence the electors were Both shameful and 1- hameless. Winghain's rebuke to the boodiere was a Putjority of 72 for Beck, If other tons had done as well, thgov- ernmentlhat prolongs itS existende by unfair peactiees would be annihilated. All honor to Reformers who placed principle above patty and assisted in Is:tiling Up 72 Of a rnajorIty.—Winghain Advance. OffletalIilom IIIIIns. Messrs. ,Garrow and Barber '' have been elected, the former in West Huron and the latter inHaltorf, ' The province OWell it" debt oCgrati. tude.to .Major fleck and to Col. Kerns, both of *horn finight an excellent and a 0640 fight for reform. • ,) Theirpeliiciplee itte good, "and al - thong teetil the ehsettli cheeked,,iiee 11 certain in the end to prevail. ' • NO i Oriff Waf; over fieCOMplished In it day, or without it hard struggle ;and reform , in anted°, when It moths AO natreh to OffieltildOrti, is bentid to e*-'' petiente obstructions; • .,, These should notlitilidetten, but, on 'the contrail,. eholnd inspire thelabour. eili ' in the, good canoe to stronger ef- forts onsbehalf 'of their provirlee...•,.4fitil ItBd Dinpire. I, ' Goftevich, We regret to. chroniele the death, on Tuesday, fith Dec., of ,Tolierma,Mathii- son, relict of the late Captain Hugh Matheson, Who with her settled In Goderich about forty years ago, after lealinf1 their •Oarie Ilretma home for out lake ;won -shores. Mrs, illetheson , had rallied rat far on Sunday; 4} Dec., that her fandlybed hopes of her re- Crivery, but (31-od.willed otherwise, and on Tuesday, Oth inst, eurrounded by her daughters. Mrs. Cornwall of De- troit, Mrs. tlaptain Lamson of town, arid Miss Matheson, who always -lived with her mothee, she breathed ber last sigh, Mrs, Mathesqn Was n, woman noted for her benevolent and thought- ful nature, always 'pleasing in manner, Cheerful in conversation and alvvays ready to assist distress. She seemed to fail visibly after saying good bye to her son Duncan, who came froua Montreal to see his mother and sisters previous to leaving for the Klondike with Montreal friends, and she re- marked to a friend that she would never again see hina. The funeral took place from her late residence, Welling- ton street; east side and the funeral service was held by the. Rev. Jam A.ndeeson. pastor of Knox •Presb terian church, of which the decease was a valued member. I3esides h three daughters Mrs. Matheson leas? three sons, Duncan of the Klondik Robert ot Detroit, who was with b mother whenshedied, and ,Angus town. The pail -hearers were Messr D. C. Strachan, John Bain, Neil M Ivor, Manager D. Stoddart and Jam Tait. Mr. Cornwall of Detroit did n get the message to attend the funer 111 time, owing to the great storm th raged along the line. On Wednesday a. m. 7th Dec., Mr W. Robertson, East areet, received telegram from the General hospita Paterson, New Jersey, stating th her daughter, Mrs. Hopkins, who le Goderich a few naonths ago to gradua as it trained nurse in that hospital, w very low. Typhoid fever had bee •contracted by Mrs. Hopkins, as alino her first case was one of the returne soldiers from Cuba, and quite a nun ber'of the Cuban volunteers lay ill the general hospital atPateraon. Mr Hopkins had rdccivered from the fev butafter affects followed, arid at th moment that the telegram reached h mother that a, nr. she lay dying. Mr Robertson took the 2.30 p. m. train f Paterson to he with her de -lighter, h after the train left a short thne new was flashed across the wires that Mr Hopkins had passed away. . Passe away as niany a nurse before her, nur ing the brave, sick soldiers ; h sister nurses said, "she died as great martyr as it she had gone to Cuba The reuirrins•reaehed• Goderich on th 7.30 train Saturday evening and th funeral took place at 2.30 p. m. o Sunday from,. her parents' tesidene East street. Nurse Campbell of th Paterson general hospital accompan ed her aunt, Mvs. Robertson, who r turned with the remains of her belove daughter. They laid her to rest in rich, sealed caiket, in her nurse's co tume. The flowers, large, droopin white roses, with their long stems, white hyacinths that vied with the roses in their tall splendor and volinne of perfume, mixed with the tall, feathery sweet elysieum Which formed the floral tribute of the "sister purses of Mrs. Hopkins at the Paterson New Jersey, general hospital," which' form- ed the pillow, and thelovely mat; the floral gift, of the graduate nurses, was fortned with the same flowers. Mrs. Hopkins had endeared herself to all in the institution by her loving care and attention to duty, never inentioning herinriMity, until stricken with the same disease as her patients. Her father, Mr. Robertson, ie at present very ill at his home and is very much affected by the sad news of the 'death of his eldest daughter. Rev. James Anderson off:lc:Med at 'the house and grave. The pall -bearers were Dr. Turnbull, 'Messrs. James Wilson,I. W. Vanatter, Walter Pridliain, James lheimpson, Jr., and Walter Buchanan. The funeral cortege wended its way to Colborne cemetery, the family restin place. PROM 04.11f PPARROPoivoontr$ AMP QPIrnrY ie01141VOES* Godoripts. i'verybedy's going to burn pressed peat,"so they say, ),in Mar sathereitt net touch tlee of regtilatieg the OrOPet' nitteher of cubic feet in a cord of weed, when the „New Year errivoo. Alter patient walling on the_ixtit of the Sur411 boy at the 4post;effice on Sittilrcitt)" p, w., lad on being mike% if the pest was open yet, replied witli greet snug froldi "0 yes, it' m open, but. it's full." The square 'presents a nealitifin • • aspect from the court 'muse windows. The evergreen trees, with their thick arctic feliage, the metinteht ash* with its rich harvest of red herries„and the deep, lovely snow is truly charm- otpork:k A, boy with It bi.(to41 one day week was. pet•ched Pp •(in' it' irtorter, , hi•nehing off the. 'snow 'team beet, • rt:;2t'Te.'0, weedert Wellinetenr"• ' CittopPeli, exvostmaster• at Ts residence, Quebec streo. , • T o Second ,entertainntesit 'of the corlerleh inusleat society will •Jat hem at tlie_. Victoria opera /muse, on Thurs., day, 22nd Deeein bee. If a fine evening ye Milton lovers of I he drama miS.11t drive nri to hear Rdword P. Alliott, the king of lin personaters. • The St..,Attdrew•caute into the har- bor en Sunday H. to, but the lee men- aced her first eitirts. She will lay up io our Port for this winter, Captain Donn atui crew of the Petrel .1- aesing along a snove.wvalled side- attended Knox church in a body on walk on Sate' day a.m, two little boys •Sunday evening last, and pretty they were busy building up the outside wall. looked, ip their luau -of -war suite of A lady passing obset ved "You'll make blue and white, ood ldi - g so ers boys,youcan bullet earth- At high noon, on Virecinesil47 71h weeks." "Yes,"ttadune of them, "We Dec., at the home of the bride's mother, can fight Britain." So 'the school had Mrs. M. A, Bailey, Lighthouse street, better question the boys on their her eldest daughter, .Elizabeth !Mende, loyalty. Evidently the boy did not • (Beth) was united in marriage by the know what a' ,difference the prepost- Rev. Stones Anderson to Mr R tl 1 tions for or with would have made JP Burgess of the Bank of Ontario, To- es I his answer. rout°. The bridesmaid was Miss y- . The trains being unavoidably late -on. Florence Bailey, sister of the bride, d account of the past week of snowdrifts:. and the groomsman Mr. Grant. er the pest -office had -the appearance of Morden, Torctito. The presente were es Xmas time, being crowded when the rich and rape, as befitted • the bridal e, mail opened every afternoon and it is 'looks as if the new post-offiee will Soon Of be too small. They'll have to Wake a. bank or loan office of it. C' On Monday, 5th Decenaber, 1)01.1t es noon., Miss Theresa Doyle fell on the ot sidewalk near Shaman's boot and al shoe storeand was carried in by Messrs, at Videan and Card, who happened to see the accidenta,nd when surgical aid s. was calledit was found that her ankle a • was broken. Miss Theresa Doyle is I, the youngest daughter of Judge Doyle, at a bright, . vivacious young lady wha ft will this season sadly regret her acci- ie dent as she -is a great lover of skating. as We trust, however, that with care she o will be out again in a few weeks. The st streets were icy on Monday in all di- d rections and the wiuds very high,qiiite unsafe for' many to go in•ound the in square.• s. We regret very much to learn of the er illness at his hotel, the Bedford, of Mr. e Pangman of the Bank of Commerce,. er who is a victim to inflammatory Ellett- & matistn, but latest bulletins say Mr. or Pangrnan can come to the table d'hote. ut The Misses Lucy and Florence Carey, s late of Goderich and later of Toronto, s. are travelling in England and upon the d Continent with their relatives. s- such bonalide snowstorm in De -- et cernber, in advance of the Xmas titne. a Old Santa has no excuse now for not ." being laden with Xmasgifts for the e boys and girk. -- e "The last days of Wood's Fair," so n they advertise. What will we do with - e, out it? . Lots or pretty thoigs and e cheap,and nice girls to Wait on one. 0! 1.: stay with us, Wood's Fair. e- "Flaneur" being a French word d name given to a gentleman of ease a s - The soldiers' brave nurse the laid to rest With the nurse's badge upon her breast; No Red Cross knight wore a grander crest. Mr. William McCreath; son of Mr. W. MeOreath, St. David's street, is at- tending the law school, Toronto, and will spend Xmas at his home. Captain Fraser, late of Detroit. and a former resident of Goderich, we re- gret to say, in very poor health. Cantein Fraser belonged to the, tug and dredging staff that was in Gode- rich harbor many years ago. He was it great Reformer and friend of the tate Lieat.-Governor Cam- eron. •Captain Fraser took up a farm in Dakota and with Mrs. Fraser resides theee. Mrs. Albert Hineke, Nelson street, is Captain Fraser's youngest daughter. We 'egret to announce the death on Wednesday, 7th Dec,, of Mrs. Margar- et McFarlane, the estintable mother of our townsman,Perer McFarlane of the G.T.R. staff. Mrs. McFarlane was one of the pioneer citizens of • this town, one who endeared herself to all those whom she met, very courteous in man- ner and a devout adherent of lifiox Presbyterian Church. She had given her heart to the 1411pd long ago' aria humility waited call. Her three daughters airived on Thursday last. Mr. S. 'I. Fraser, ids eon T.. arid daughter, Miss Ella, accompanied MO. Eraser from Detroit. Mee. M. Xtertch end Rile daughter Oeitie and Miss Mc- Farlane came an ,sanie day' from Chi- cago. The funeral took place from her late residence, 13ritanbfa road on Fri- day 1112.80 p, Rev. James Ander. soli officiated at the house and grave. Dame the finieral cortege-, left the house, Rev; Mr. AttdeVigOn read the XO psalm' anti:made Most ithpreitSiVe erityer."' The pall bearersWere, MeSsee, A. Mtnim'D. McKay, Sr, straiten, aok Lawrence, D. 0 Strnchait' and Jatnere Buchanan, Sr. • The flowers tipon the casket were heautiftil and the pillow Of delicate pink .rtiSes. roses, tube totes and other roses, bridal which formed lovely Pillow with the tonelling Words in purple"Oritlitlimith. fir•'''shnwrici the loving devotion of • the fanallY 00 Mr; J. 3, Peaset, of Detroit. Tho ° Pernaltur were interred In Melt.' land cemetery! ' - Detroit parties purchased the balanee of the merchentile stock lately offered to the public by Altrere. Meltitoeh and ready- In suolhorrie weld stand end re-, IOVedlt, to Wingham Where the par. baSerft are Oen t to' hpen. Out it general, to?0, ' • " The "P,etreilk. like its namesake 'hits" 44,4 otorrny tithe', hat It gave Captain Min -Arid Ilia doughty. dte* Wen, awed, holiday enabled thein to late gottd MabY 4,11oh" stories. The intd heath' the night . t:ginhattvi 4th Dec; 'with, 'orders to go tt the if you. tan; stay.. if you ti"6 go, • '• , • Engineer Ileiloghitia last Weektook it irony of the snowdrifts and. "One dy of the Snowe'' sinned hiOSt pto. totisly upon the ,galtant nrigineer 6 , • IV Thursday lest *A44 Waite day here ti Although it was ritcirtriy. -1Vir;*31,- "V, Bga,, hernia Specialist, 11 Was at the '401atinit hotel frOha 11 a. in; Li to 1 p, lir. oit Friday. • e SdtvaPd Littiefalp has told his re fern:timid innee tewn Vt. R. It. Dotiglasholight the 0'0* o try And bakery heatifieileofT.AVettell ao 0 o slifost- Week and Wok pealiesilion. ltd.., Cu inediatelY, • . On Sititirdy afteenlon ''Fiatt'' of the et roof Of the ea t'Idoelt en o osiolog to !La the amount of snow on it, pi and his new sled purchased from Mr.- Uhderfe, •,. Mrs. Skelton is very low >at ppeeeht wIth Innarorriatlott of thtOttoga, I SA party. Mrs. Burgess has the best wishes of our Citizens on leaving .to re- side In Toronto. She was ever willing to assist with her voice in all church entertainments. We wish her liOn fortune. The bridal party and their gnests sat down, after the ceremony Wtia performed, to a very recherche luncheon and left by the 280 p. m. train for Buffalo and other eastern points before returning to their home in Toronto. A number of guests from Toronto attended the wedding. • Stanley Township. Winter has set in in earnest and t he side lines are filled pretty nearly full. We have not had our roads filled so full of snow fora number of Years at this season of ahe year. Mrs. M. Bates who has been visiting at her sister's, is. J. T. Dickson of Goderich, returned home a few days ago. We are glad to see Mr. Jas. Camp- bell of the Bayfield road near Varna, who has been laid up with a bad. cold, able to go around 'again. Mr. George Turner of Brucefleld ship- ped two carloads of poultry from Brucefield to the Old Country, last wv.ek. Municipal matters in this township are veryaluiet as yetbut as the daptaty- reeveshiriratitaisi itWity-Wit ire p ent deputy will either have to contest the reeveship ' or the councillorship. Mr. Lamont is a useful member of the board no matter what position he fills. Miss jean Campbell, who has per- formed the duties of teacher in school who -goes about the city of Paris mak- section No. 3, is ring up teaching ing droll speeches and interesting him- owing to her certi •cate expg. We self in everything on the tapis in jocu- lar mood, like Flaneur of the Mail and Empire.shotild be written"Le Flaneur" instead of "The Flaneur." Mise May Doyle is pursuiug her art studies in Hamilton. We trust that, another year all the public schools will be heated by furna- ces. In winter time so often there are epidemics among school phildren, and why not? Little girls delight in pran- cing 'through the snow no matter about depth, then as a surety their gaiters are soaking wet and then what? They sit in school the balance of the day with their limbs encased in wet gaiters. Now if each school had a furnace - the anterooms would be prop- erly heated and any damp garments left there properly would get it chance to dry. • - Lieut. Winter. of the S. A., a native nf Brantford, •has come to locate MIL place ,where this season he can boast of a grand old winter. Lieut. Winter is ,very polite, rising from his seat in a store one day reeently when a lady came in. "Many thanks" said the lady, "I presume you can be saved standing as well as sitting." Quite a salute ter the gallant 5 A. officer. Tuesday evening, Christian' Endeav- or evening: WAS a fitting one to choose for political I e -unions last week. Miss Susie Campbell severed her con- nection the first week in December with her duties as clerk of the Gode- rich post -office. ,,For nine years Miss Campbell has been a faithful serviter in the mail department and we trtist M.r. Mulock will remember her with a fitting tribute when the time comes (very soon) for making -her a presenta- tion. Mr. Blackstone has received a levelY assortment of Xmas bon-bops,oranges, etc. The incandescent light in St. George's S. S. room is a, very pleasing as well as necessary feattire, giving good light and no tvoulde like the ordinary coal oil lamps,arte void of odor. We trust the Young People's Guild will, with the new light see their way to •enlarging their school house. Mr. Porter's new store a.nd counter tables:are quite a la Mode. His racks are in poftition•filled• with hand. scene veail' paper and the tahleecovered with novelties froth Befgiam, GerMarly, etc: The Gederich • organ: Conine:by fitted tip thb store in 'polished' 'oak., The Shelves are filled With. rarebooks. anetent and Modern, and Minns goods ,meet the,eye eveity direetion. future eloeutionist-?-.A little throe - 'year -old datiglitee df Nfr.Atigua Ma- theson. tent repeat the "alphabet in pee - : feet &dee ,ttn4 exceedingly plain.' The opening of the West street aka- ting'r ink ,on •Sitturdayeeenhig last was attended with great 'success,, The fee we§ tifirrect:glare,, tettleetli as a tor, alld the scene Watt,Orfe'a great fes- tivity. The eekdoil tiOketefitirly 01 out of the manager's handeand the dollos 'in.• We , congratulate the Messrs. on the success of 'their (mooing - • A -farmer's 'Wife front Dunganition .reitde.15 Ins of good hater tiblier home .and sold it. in 'rolls :to 1,W. Smith . the; other day ap . his Vest-street4Anicety. Mr. William Viek6r1I of 1,.ort- Arthur is the,gtiest this 'month, of . umile; Mr. S. •Th4(404 After* It thoroughly eejnyithie• vielt itt the,homo ,ber untie, Mr; -.Tames illcintosli. West street; • MO. Marlon, Wife of A, V.- Marion, honse ettegenn foe:the N. hospital, Cascade Monte' tains, Washington state, and baby, left for their home on Thursday it. in. last via Detioit, Um. Marion- will spend a few weeks et •Seattle, the guest of her 'Captain Gregor McGreg- ',or and then hroceed.to Wid Vielt Mee; •Marlon it safe looney. .. Mrs, AllteliteLear) was. "At Mime" to her. trimly:Mende On Friday eirehir4 •Thet the paelOre•Of het BOW 'home', Eight stree4 and it most enjoyable Woe was,spent With_iintsic and .the, worry 'Maze, Olt Titeadity 'evening the same lady gave to her yemig 'friendef-a :reception 'end triatigurated • the first pogreatIvo tuthro patty of. the epeeeti. Music and song -also eanto in for the evening's ploature. learn that she is .going to attend the Business college in London, Mr. Charles Reid shipped a car load of fat cattle for the Xmas market from' Clinton on Wednesday last. More honor showed to Harr* Either. When Mr. H. Eilberwas in Varna col- lecting the • assesstnents for, the Hay Insurance Co. he leitened that Mr. John W. Reid of the Baytield road had named his little boy, Lorne Eilber Reid. While Harry felt the honor the people had conferred upon hiin in adding M.L.A. to his name, yet he theught Mr. Reid had conferred as great an honor andhas promised to cotne to the cbristening , jack is hound to have hie boys thoroughbred Tories. Now is the tinoe.to subscribe lot THE NEWS -RECORD, the best local paper. It has a good live staff of local corres- pondents and gives all the home news. It should have a place in every Conser- vative hone. Miss "E Thonapson from Blake, who was attending the Model school in Clinton, has been engaged to teach the school on the Babylon line. Mr. A. Thompson near •Brupefleld, Who returned home a short tittle ago, having spent about four months there, looks well and speaks well of the country. Mr. Ralph Stephenson, . Jr., son of Mr. R. Stephenson of, the Goshen line, who went out to Manitoba on the ex- cursion in July returned home it few days, ago. Mr. Stenhenson has taken up 320 acres'ef land near Virden and intends to mowe out in March, and take three teams of horses with him.. We wish Ralph success in the prairie lands. • Sorre to hear of Mrs. James Parke, Sr., being so very ill, but we lope to hear of her Speedy recovery; The remains of the late Mrs. Law- rence Melville were interred in Burns' cemetery last Thursday.. Deceased. was well and favourably knovvnliy all the residents of this vicinity. She was borni Scotland, hut' came to this country when veil; y000g 4.04 in•the early part of her life settled with her bushand, who:died sonie•12 yettek%ago,, on the Melville _farm well. koptvo, -10 nearly , helf „the eesidents Of Huron Nonni y where they. lain '.11 grist lind sawmill on .the ; banks of the Mititiapd river, Shortly after imilding the grist, mill .they sold it bet' retained the farm and .sawmill until thedeath, of her husband after whieh alio went to reside with liStildilg111,0P, MrS! Jno.Warwich, 'where shedied. She leaves a family Of . tour stMiS'and ohe, daughter, viz. Law- , Londeeberm „William of Vancouver R. O. alict•Mrsijohn Witrwich df Seeforth. A number. 'Ettirn ilere took loads or buribs.Opt,t6 Clinton thit,t had .bern lionght ,by tho „agents of ,$enfortli 11)1701', hint for genie ".refieeli ilekenWti ;to the fafthet,a,!*tit deeler „refused to - take thenneo-cottso,Ofeetly had,te take them 'benne :•..Thts , htihke bo mind: tit:az-fact-that lattiterSaft rule •itetept :too smell ati amount of earoost 0)04#31,,!- ! • "-• ' • .tt'larga:. thin -their' from here .went to 4.JondeshoNY.'"`dd• Stintley to"-.heer, Roe. E. Medd. .peotich...50' the lie* ,UaltailleVehrarcii.. Mere 'than, Orilin ivy interest is, taken in.Mr.',l1.4644-its he, spent-iiiest,of.ltie 1941110p before enter- ing the ihihitittY'lihd was it Schnlar the 61i schoet,.whieliv bY: hareitartied-,ont finite 6'461116er "'at 8111:1)1, areal, ' , • Me; TityleV hired, t-Tetlereond foxf' thewititer;to Out,. 'Wood, , Stitart ltad IteW furnace,' pot in, his view .1Deot, stedt, Oros, of Myth Ilad Inint Itughes •,betding synod toAlteseiik ,Itegerson Bre,e, • have bought &tine, young Ditrharit pint, 6 ' thiVti;nitte of 'tooth* heittiroeit 110Ork Otta'04 Sarsaparilla thoree who have Akan itprote the uteri* of the 51110. tee e aiittlarnee de so thrth n of • niburn, 'Tlitieleetimity,have come and gime ak1,111; have we done that MajPr'Beek IS Ifehind? We worked- 1.10nestly end witil a clean cooSelence, not like the.trientlaire of- the blite 'brigade that have freq.ifeuted ow vit. lege for the petit two weeks doing tite'ir dirty Work, and POMO of our villagers driving them amend for days. Don't think Inc mice, but, they Were paid, Mitt well LOU. BY juiks he ,could not :Mood to spend so notch tittle for nothing, 01' WS,Fi Ile taking orders for teit.',etc. A man is fi num that sticks to his mine' oleo, he he Grit, or Ter Y. Lecik at the town of Wingharn, at the dirty work that was tried there', All Auburn wants is those members of the black brigade track again. They will get, a warm reception next time. Miss Mery Sturdy hale returned from her trip to Parry Souna and likes...the, country there well: Mr, John Sturdy of Parry' Sound distriet has returned home for the winter, looking hale and hearty for his y I rs. Andrew.Macdonald is lying very sheat the present thee, but we hope to 801 him around soon. It is an at- tack o, a-rippe. Miss Vida • Stalker has returned home all vr spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Stalker East Wawanor-h. Mr. Robe, t M. Cummings has moved to the house lately occupied by ,Mr. Bohn. Mr.Bohn has moved down near flespeler, where lie intends to farm. Mrs. George Bemile and Miss May have returned home after spending a week with friends iu West Wawenosh. Our new merchant is opening up his stock this week. Mr. Win. John Fluker has gone to Stanley. again. What ri t traction hi there, VV. J. ? We are glad to hear that Mi•,s Arthur is recovering from her illness and is able to sit up for a short time. Heavy snow Storms have prevailed for the last week but now for some- thing else after elections is over 1.or short time. , Mr. John C. Clark,an old. Auburnite, will start a butcher shop in the near future. He is a young man with sterling qual itiesund we hope he will do well as he leaven known, • Belgrave. The nominations for county council in the division comprising East and Wes $ Wavvanosh, Winghtun and Blyth will be held here over Wheeler's shop on. the 19th inst., by Peter Porter- ' field; " retitrifing:offieei•-' • Rif' the'. sion. • Dr. McAsh has been attending a would-be suicide in East Wawanosh who tried the carbolic acid route but failed owing t� prompt measures by those who were present at the place and time of the attemptsunplemented by the careful treatment of the above mentioned M. D. The different churches are making extensive preparations for their Xmas • Tree entertain men ts. Owing to the severe storm last week the schools were very poorly attended. Dame Rumor has it' that Geo. Tay- lor and HenrY Johnson of Morris are ambitious to serVe their township as councillors for 1899. Both are ainbi-• dons and energetic young men who will make their mark. For East Wa- wanosh, T. H. Taylor, Jr., Jno. Camp- bell, Chas. Campbell, John. McLean, Wm. Wighttntin,• Thomas Bell, Geo. Quinn,John Coultes,and Rola. Shields are named for the counciland D. Rob- drtson, Walter Scott and Win. Suth- erland for the- reeveship. This list may be added to or dimiuishe,d on nomination day. West Tuekersniith, Mr. Richard Jennison is wearing a patch Undee•the eye the result of am encoun tee with the end of a board The roads have been blocked by the recent storlIf. Schools also were Closed for the best part of the past week. Now the storm seems to be over everything is settling down to the usual routine. •Our thunder and open weather prophets are strictly out of it in their calculations thio year. Mrs. Armstrong of Goderich is Vis- iting her son, Rev. Mr. Armstrong. Mr. J. G. Crich is wearing a happy sell” t!)Te ds ys. Mr. Phil. Itontcliffe spent several days in this locality last Week, Mr. L. McConnell is putting his en- gine on mintier& to finish dia his thresh- ing, grinding and cutting. Mr. L. Townsend will address the E. L. on Sunday evening next. Mr, George Turner shipped three car loads of fowl from Brucefield sta,- tion cin Friday last. Hundreds of citizens have been at- tracted by the beautiful ,picturelti the Window of Ihe W. D. Fair. CO. It is the favourite battle picture of Great Britain, entitled "The Thin Red Line," ascene at the battle of Balaclava. This picture is given absolutely free to all who become •subscribers to that, world renowned paper "The Family fieralti and Weekly Starr" of Mon - 'treat, acknoWledged to be the greatest family paper in 'eXisterice. No Wonder 'that bidet's are peneing ini by thou - ands. , It hi the greatest dollar's worth offered. Our readers should have a look at paper and picture. They ate Magn [fleet) t FRIENDS PREVAILED A Nervous Toronto Woman Walked the Elora. During the Night for Hours et a Tarte—She Makes a Statement. TO/IONTO, ONT.—"I was troubled. Withateevimoniess. it Weir inipossible for me tO 'keep still and if the spells came Over me during the night tbad to, int up and walk the hoer for Wire at it aim°. My bleed ,Watt very poor and/ Warisabjeet to billows attacks., My feet would ritVelI and 1*W not able to do my own how°. work, X treated With two Of the boat physiciana here but,billy, ree•iilved relief ter ea Itteia ,t •beaturie 4104ointagod. Poe dtty a friend 011640A otoiektoao: to try .Utionisatootwod. t lenghed at Weed. Viee bag two ,otaimiled dpou atia pro. cured blab bottle. /Adore t used it all t began to toot hater, t took several bot - ties and nIsO rieverelbejtei Of Itoows 'NOW X elia bat and drink heartily and *leen llOundlY, itoedom Siotatiparillebaa 41111itelY eifted 100 aftd, aloo..ettengthehed•• Mese that t now dp*. AIL Iv oath *Wt. 1 oheadellyreeothiatud tfootVit Booths. villa to all sufferers from novelist:n*4 Weaktrefilf Or general deblitty,0 140, 14. 114w PARS*422:Vtiati Street. Hood'it Plils ZITatkiltaltV, 'soil by Watts its Co,, nrtiggest*, • $1401,1TITANP.t The uarl'ersigeodwIu heg1O OVeOlOg• ola00013 fOr a tiWteeskthre070.00tti4? coeriap,petestrilgt, le the, . -484't40 1IX4i $*$114//./' et Shorthand:Pr the C„011eithitelOgitate en 010 OrelIi01( TeeadaY,4.4ettortarilt. Terms, stele advanee.,' • ' ?1QPElligt11;10$0N. • *Clititee; Dee, 12th. • — • Douuty Coutaii Bleak COUNTY OP HDRON. PtInlle ROW° la ItQcoby Oven that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 2, OM" posed of tho numielpallties of ifunett, Goee- rich townshand ip the town of Cliuton, will be held in the TOwar RAM*, CLINTON, on Mon- day, December the 19th, 1898, at the hour of 1 o:pmck, nt., for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent them in the CounoLl of the County of Huron far the years 1899 and 1900 and that in ease a R011 le demanded polls will be opened on the 2nd day of January,1899. In each polling sub -division at the time and place fixed by By -Law of tho Municipalities in the said tiounty Division. JAMES CAMPBELL, Nominating Officer for Comity Council Div. No, 2. Dated this 1st day of Dec., 1898. HOUSE AND LOT F,OR SALE. House and 101 011 High street. A first-elass residence in every respect. Price low. Terms easy. For particulars apply to G. DAVIS, CLINT0N, or 0810. 81. PAY, Oct. 28th. NORTH BAY. MEW a411014116 House to Rent. That large two-story house at corner of Huron and Orange Sts., for sale or to rent. Apply to T. JACKSON, SR. • Clinton, July 7th For Xmas •114411 gg Ebony Hair Brushes Ebony Military Brushes Ebony Hat Brushes Ebony Nail Brushes Every Brush stamped and guaranteed genuine Ebony. Atomizers, Boquet Holders, Perfumes ranging in price from 25c to $3, all handsomely put up in fancy bottles?, which orfake a most desirable Xmas gift. We ask you to see our stock and let us show you how reasonable in price they are. CHM'S DRUG STORE IL B. Cortibe, Chemist and Druggist. rowll Bakery We do not claim to be the Only toad in the puddle, but we are pretty near the biggest. oUR MOTTO: Small profits and quick retnrns. SPECIAL BARGAINS from now until the new year. FRUIT CAKE. 3 to 6 lbs, best quality, No. 1, with nuts, per lb 20c Ne. 2, without nnts, per lb 150 White Fruit Cake, any quantity, per lb 121c Layer Cakes, extra quality, each20c Roll Jelly Cake, per lb 10c A variety of other Cakes at cut rates. \ PASTRY. Lemon Pies, each 12ic Mince Pies, each 15c Mince Patties for the boys....3 for 10c Tart Shells, filled with lemon or jelly, per doz 15c- Tart Shells, empty, per doz — 10e _ These prices cannot be equalled in town. Please leave your orders early. KIRKBY Next Clarendon Hotel. din rf Off At Cost Everything must go even at a sacrifice. AS we are Givin UI) Business here we will let. everything go, not wanting tc) move any of the stock. Call and ,see our Hats, re8thers,Wing8 Law, ikoct Velvet!, IILLF OLA iltON